Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 21, 1903, Image 2
I ; I' ' ! < § > THE VALENTINE DEMOCRA1 r M. RICB , 1'uljtlsher. YALE-NTINB , NEBRASKA. ii , Any fish will bite"if you have the right bait A cigar in the pocket is worth a box ful In the store. It Is always safer to tell the truth if you are sure you can whip the other fellow. Sir Tommy believes But haven't we heard something to that effect be fore ? It would take a man all his life to learn the names of the different kinds of cloth women wear. The American people drank more than $70,000,000 worth of coffee last : year , but slept fairly well in spite of it If Miss Pauline Astor winds up by marrying a man without a title it will probably be over the dead body of her father. The Polish who refused to sell'his title for $100,000 was as idiotic as the perverted American who attempted to "buy it. Lucky Kentucky ! The United States has paid its war claim amounting to $1,400,000 , and its bonded debt is only $1,000,000. Even wireless telegraphy has its drawbacks. It is being employed in chess matches between vessels many miles apart The name of the new British minis ter to Venezuela is Heiiry-Outrain Bax- Ironside. Probably this is intended as an offset to Uribe-Uribe. The South American republics pro pose to have a Monroe doctrine of their own. But there is none genuine without Uncle Sam's name blown in the bottle. A novelist is to go on the stage to learn how to write plays. Now if some players would go some place to learn llow to write novels the proper balance might be preserved. T hree hours from proposal to wed ding is the record of a Chicago couple. rThe success of the experiment will de pend on the length of acquaintance before the proposal. A Moscow hustler who spelt only four hours out of the twenty-four left 8100,000,000. Then there is hope for our baby.1 He is satisfied with four hours in the daytime. Tlie German Emperor has ordered that fire engines need not stop on their way to a fire , even though they delay his progress. And yet there are people ple who contend that the world doesn't move. i - \ It seems a great pity that many of the things that are the tutti-frutti of gilt-edged perfection in theory often turn out to be the cold pancakes of stern reality when the attempt is made to put them into practice. A physician has come forward with the startling statement that grip vic tims must not kiss one another. This prohibition seems to be wholly unnec- jessary , however , as most grip victims are sick enough without kissing. According to vital statistics , the baby born in 3903 has three times as good s chance of living as it would have had jf born fifty years ago. However , the : fi baby born fifty years ago. if still alive , i will probabljr be satisfied with the t Chance that came his way. o Ttl So far the discussions of the race tl problem have contributed somewhat to TKd the public understanding of its serious TKh ness and In lesser degree to locating h the responsibility. But in the main tiP' matter of finding a solution for the P'di problem the field is still clear. diCJ CJ In view of the establishment of the CJd Department of Commerce and Labor , d It may be interesting to note that the te internal commerce of the United ir States last year has been estimated by the government statistician at twenty billion dollars. Fifty years ago it was only two billion dollars. The manufac hr tures of the United States are nearly ci double those of Great Britain and Ire- tr hand , and about equal to those of ot [ France , Germany and Russia com or bined. rrf. fcm Lord Cromer , speaking at Khartum te tof the needs of the country , recently said , "Except sand , crocodiles and hip to popotami , of all of which there appears ei ( to be a somewhat superabundant sup- ha foly , there is not enough of anything of Sn the Sudan. " If the region could a ( exchange its hippopotami , crocodiles ing end sand for railways , educated na- eq jtives and "dust" to use a colloquial tli ism for money it would be reason CO ably happy and prosperous. This is the sh [ problem of commerce the world over of to exchange what one does not want 'tor what one needs. / For at least two thousand years the U act of fighting against one's fellow ou 'countrymen has been called treason. yoga ; The word the Romans used for traitor ( meant one who took up arms against ! the State. The law in force in En- ' < jgland' , which was passed in 1352 , in Itho reign of Edward III. , specifies gan . many offenses as constituting the crime g'J of treason. Among them is this : "To r 'levy ' war against our lord the king in * for his realm , or to be adherent to the king's enemies in his realm , giving them-aid and comfort In the realm or elsewhere. " The Constitution defines treason in the United States as "levyj ing war against them or in adhering to their enemies , giving them aid and eomfort" Statesmen have held that such laws are necessaty. They used to believe that the punishment of traitors should include torture. Even when they did not advocate boiling in oil , or some other horrible penalty , they in sisted that the punishment should be made as disgraceful as possible. But the enforcement of the death penalty has not been common in recent years. The last traitors hanged in England were the Cato street conspirators , who plotted the assassination of the mem bers of the cabinet in 1820. Although' the youth who fired at Queen Victoria in 1842 was sentenced to death , he was only Imprisoned and later released. As there is no death penalty in Italy , the anarchist who killed King Humbert was imprisoned. These facts are interesting - esting because of their bearing on the recent conviction for treason of Arthur Alfred Lynch , a British subject , whor ! fought against his .country in South Africa , who was elected to parliament from Galway while still in the enemy's service. It is generally believed that if he had not returned to England to take his seat in the House of Commons his conduct would have been overlooked. Although the law provides the death ' penalty and sentence of death -was passed upon him , that sentence has been commuted to penal servitude for life. A centry ago he w"ould have been1 hanged without question. The temper ' of the times has changed , and govern ments which rest upon the popular wil $ seldom find it necessary to enforce the ) laws made when loyalty and treasoii was directed toward an individual ruler rather than toward the people at large. ' The student of biology hears much of "adaptation to the environment" crj The phrase is useful not onlj7 in de scribing the process by which the lower species develops into the higher. ; 1i but in Hi.iracteming men and women in i the process of getting used to inodr ern conditions. Two generations ago a woman's social duties were confined rather strictly to her own town. Her sympathies were called upon by the poor and suffering of her own church. ] Their sole extension was to the un known i < person , for whom she packed a missionary box of books or barrel of clothing , and into those packets she poured a wealth of imagination in the | effort to picture circumstances which she was never likely to see. As her children grew up and married , she made visits to their homes , where the daily routine was but a slight modifi cation of that to which they had been j t change has been wrought The morning - ' ing paper brings to the breakfast table ; iia ' iia famine in India , Armenian atrocities , a patriotic speech in Manila , or a fresh , revolutionary outbreak in South Ainer0 ica. i < The telephone , with its message from a distant friend , crowds upon the : newspaper. Even the remote ranch attaches its instruments to the barbed wire fence , and brings its sixty-miles- ' away neighbors within speaking dis tance. : All these and other things cause the demands of modern philanthropy - . ct thropy : to multiply daily , particularly in cities where the conditions of life iit to < many of the inhabitants become more and more cruel. The activities i of the church reach from the service I of the altar to the care for the foun dling and the criminal. The home it self is more exacting than ever , for Sitl the newly discovered laws of sanitation - tlti tion demand that the housemother. shall : know every crack and crevice | il o ta for < some injury to her children. Final ? ly , the stay-at-home has given place to "the glo'be-trotter. " So life rushes on. : Thus far the greater number of women have kept the pace set for them with a courage and persistence A wonderful to see. How long they can do > so is another question. Nature often helps silently in the process of adapta da tion , but in this case nature seems a powerless ' to interfere. Women must ail do for" themselves by selection and by cr care whatever is to be done. Evi Its dently they may all join in Mr. Mere teas dith's cry , despairing of any less as tent remedy : "More brain , O Lord ) i > more brain ! " ta th For Peace Only. an It is well known that the Frienda CO have always been devoted to the prin aa ciples of peace. As they had a com foi trolling influence in the public affairs all Nantucket there was no military ch organization on that island for several vo generations. How the matter waa voW managed is told by the author of "Sep tember Days on Nantucket" { po Whenever military companies camel pa the island for a holiday , young womjl Is ] thronged the windows and waved : bo handkerchiefs , but there was no rise "a military ambition in the town. Once1 Ini coterie of young men formed a trainGr ] company , and sent to Boston foq'thJ equipments ; but their elders compelled ! BOI them to make the first article of theiij ca constitution read : "This company' the shall be disbanded immediately in case. boy war. " tui : Both Were Defective. Th She You make love like a novice. ch Then we're both defective , ij of ought to make love like an expert , and I ought not to know the difference. ' PO ] Life. " / "A GUI ; People and Acres of Greece. I ! cai : Greece has as may people as Michi bei and as many acres as West Vir- . the gmia. : o The most natural thing in ihe world mo a woman to do is to soram. " faie A gentleman who was discussing < vith the late Dr. Parker the problem of a future existence exclaimed : "The fact is , sir , I am an annihilationist 1 | believe that when I die that will be the end of me. " "Thank God for that , " Dr. Parker replied , as he show ed his companion the door. In his reminiscences of George Washington , Dr. Edward Everett Hale tells * of the general's anger at Mon- niouth , when he met General Lee. . \Vashiugton askeel Lee why such a column was retiring , and Lee said that . , the American troops would not stand . . the British bayonets. Washington re plied : "You d n poltroon , you have never tried them ! " The appointment of Vice Admiral Lord Charles Beresforel to the com- inanel of the English Channel squad-1 ron has brought to light a new anec dote. It appears that he consulted Sir Frederick Treves , whom King Edward considers the best doctor in tile world. "Tell me the symptoms , " said Treves. As the admiral enumerated them the doctor became more and more inter ested. "Excellent charming , splen did , " cried Sir Frederick , as the symp toms were unfoldeel to him , and when titi the list was completed , said : "My dear fellow , let me congratulate you. You have the rarest case of the cen tury. You are the lucky dog that here tofore was thought to be extinct. " The chief wit of the laboratories of the Sheffield Scientific Schools of Yale University is a chemist who has an unconquerable affection for an ancient tan-colored "lab. " coat that , has long Ptood guard between sulphuric acul and its grateful owner ; hence it is full of holes. Being criticised in a "josh- Ing" bout on account of his "holy" coat , the reactionary butt found an opening for one of his clever remarks. "Never 3011 mind about the holes In tny coat , " said he , "these holes are all right ! and don't you make any mistake about it. They are the most useful things in a .coat If there were no tlhi holes in a coat , how the devil could you get < into it , and these holes in particu lar , they are the most useful holes in the world ; they save washing ; all you tlh have ; to do is to use 'em when you want to wipe your hands on your coat , wai and you-don't get the coat dirty. If aiv you < had holes a-plenty you wouldn't need any coat at all. " William E. Curtis says that when a certain new Senator delivered his first great speech in Congress , ami was looking around for compliments he ap- | preached Senator John P. Jones , the venerable philosopher from Nevada , . while the latter was smoking his post- luncheon cigar in the cloak-room of the Senate. "Did you hear my speech on the Philippine question ? " inquired the Senator. "I certainly did , " was the reply. "May I ask you what you thought of it ? " "D u good speech , " 'ejaculated Jones. The young Senator's face lighted up with pleasure at the compliment as he resumed in a confidential - fidential way : "Senator Jones , you are the father of the Senate , and I am the youngest child , and I should like to ask your advice. Having heard my speech , you can see what I am capa ble of , and I would be grateful if you would be good enough to tell me I * whether , in your opinion , it would be better for me to speak frequently or hole ! myself 5nx reserve ? " "Young man , " said the Senator , "you've got a n good vocabulary , and if you'll take my advice you won't make any more speeches until you have culti vated your intellect up to it" THE TUNE IS OUR OWN. Few Remarks Concernissr our Pat riotic Songs. . Many Americans in visiting England Have been surprised and flattered when British military band has played the of "America" and the English crowd has risen to its feet and d'offed hats. Similarly , English visitors this country have got up and bowed to a compliment when an American and has blared the same tune. It has taken : time in each case to convince hearer that "God Save the King" and "America" have the same air. v > j. course , the Briton has become indig nant over the theft of a national air , forgetting that the colonies , with their allegiance to a British king , had a claim to the melody and on their revolt ai volt could fairly set their own new vrords to it. | The charge of theft and of musical poverty in America has inspired a patriotic association in little Rhode Sfcl Island ) to offer a gold medal to any cla body who shall compose a new and e better" air to Dr. Smith's inspir words. Rhode Island denies that wT Sreat Britain is musical , and affirms a that our own country ( whose coon n' songs as played by Sousa's band have captured ] King and Queen , and become U' < burden of every 'whistling news- ? \ his ; , coster and clubman in London ) he which even Germany cannot rival. Cherefore It is impatient under the charge ! of stealing the most venerated , he British melodies. ( tii It is vain , however , to hope for a ot popular acceptance of a new tune for the 'America. " The present air has been thor ung on too many glorious and signifi- thw thm ant occasion's to the words of our w leart-filling hymn to be surrendered to m British. When we were forced orT break loose from that oppressive T ] nether we retained the common law , language , t e absurd sr teni of m weights and measures and whatever ] seemed to our sires to be desirable. We retained "Yankee Doodle" and the air of "America , " putting our own words to each. More than a century and a quarter has endeared to us these tunes , and we shall keep them. When Gen eral Sherman visited Ireland he found that the melody of "Marching Through Georgia" belonged to an old Irish song , but It has been hallowed to us by the camp-fires of thousands of Grand Army posts and is ours beyond' sur render. Cultured musicians have complained of the quality of our national airs , which include "America , " "Hail Go- lumbia , " "The Star-Spangled Banner , " "Columbia , the Gem of the Ocean" ( which suggests that Columbia is an isle ) and several war songs. Still , they have not been able to produce a melody - ody of such conspicuous merit as to win instant popular admiration. It may be association alone which endears - dears "America" to us , but there is no escape from -the fact that we all love it and are stirred by it ; and we shall cling to it in spite of any coin- . , plaints from the unnatural mother country ( -which undertook to spank us without provocation and lost us in con sequence. Philadelphia Record. BEETLE DIGS GRAVES. How and "Why It 1 uries Dead Birds and Insects. The gravedigger beetle was the sub ject of an interesting experiment that a young Philadelphian , a student of the biological department of the Uni versity of Pennsylvania , recently con ducted , says the Philadelphia Record. He secured four healthy gravedigger beetles and put them in a wooden box filled with earth , along with a very small dead sparrow. The beetles no sooner perceived the bird than they began to dig alongside of it. For four hours they dug , and at the end of that time they had a hole made that was six or seven inches deep and three inches square. Now they went around to the other side of the sparrow and gave , all to gether , a good , strong push. The bird dropped into the grave nicely and the beetles covered it over with loose soil. The young experimenter kept the beetles for a month. During the mouth they buried five birds , three grasshop pers , two butterflies and a young mouse. Their box came to resemble a cemetery. < { Why are these beetles gravediggers - gers ? What is their motive ? " To this question , which was put to him by many visitors , the student would reply : "Gravedigging is their way of prop agating their species. They get hold of some little dead thing , dig a hole , . beside it , lay their eggs in its flesh and bury . it The eggs , after a time , hatch into larvae. These larvae must de- , Velop under ground , and during their development they must eat Well , thanks to their thoughtful parents , they are born in the midst of food they have on all sides of them the car rion in which , as eggs , they were laiel and buried and thus thej' feed boun tifully , and grow big and strong , so that on their emergence from the soil they are beetles to be proud of. And as soon as they emerge they become grave-diggers in their turn. in American Prose Style. t'r A number of American journalists pa have indorsed the prediction of Prof. re Brauder Matthews that American ne neG writers are destined henceforward to G set the standards of prose style for ot the English-speaking world , says the London Daily Graphic. The reason flo given that there are so many of them to cert-iinly will not bear examination. toW It might as plausibly be argued that BC'i the standard of purity for w uer ( should be set by the water of Lake Tl Superior because there is such a lot of ou it If American prose ever becomes a bo model for writers of prose , it must pa be because the best prose is written in America and that is not a state of things to which the process of literary evolution seems at present to be tend wi wini ing. For , curiously enough , American \ni \ prose has got worse pather than bet ter since - the days of Emerson and Hawthorne. Its present note , is fluen cy rather than distinction , and the voluminous sentences of such stylists as W. D. Howells and Henry James seem the work of students laboriously experimenting with the language , and not of masters of their material in stinctively molding it to its proper uses. Wise Toad of TV orcester. Among the favorite stories of Sen ator Hoar is a tale of a remarkable toad , possessed of an intuitive knowledge 1C edge of antidotes. ta.1 "I was out in my garden one day , " cor said the senior Senator from Mass.i- . places chusetts , "and noticed a toad hopping ces along ] toward the veranda. At the edge of the low flooring was a spider's gei web straight' across his path. Mr. Toad didn't observe it , and , plump , he A landed , squarely in it This unceremo fev nious ' and burglarious entrance nat Hci urally ' provoked the resident spider , feup who was strongly of the opinion that refi home his castle. was Accordingly , up proceeded to give the toad a most In vicious ] bite. Instantly the toad hopped the ; back on the lawn , found a bit of plan the ( tain leaf and chewed it. Then back bys hopped and hit the same obstruc oft tion , with the result that he got an wa : other" bite. Seren times he repeated the attempt , each time going back to tnLs plantain for an antidote for his Fsk wounds. At last he succeeded in de flen molishing the spider's web and hopped' ind L his way rejoicing. " New Yorlc lac Tribune. be bea Never draw a Bight draft on A blind [ a < man. Jret Hints for Ifomeuiqkers. "In my one-servant establishment , ' says a housekeeper , "I have discover eel by experimenting that the weekly wash is lesseneel by the use of a bare J table at breakfast and luncheon Square linen plate eloilies are at each cover , two larger ones , also square , lie diamond-wise through the center of J the table. Between their points is a smaller round or square doily upon which stands the centerpiece of ferns . or other growing plants. 'I buy the hem-stitched doilies for both the plates and 1 centerpieces , as they are much easier laundered than the fringed ones , keeping , however , one set of the latter , which are prettier , for use if a . friend spends the night or drops in to luncheon. In this way one tablecloth lasts about five days , which allows only three in two weeks to be laun- elered. The small doilies are more easi ly laundered than a tablecloth , and more satisfactorilj' turned out at the hands of the Inexperienced laundress. To protect the table I have cut from sheets of asbestos , pieces round , square or oblong , as the case may be , to fit under the various doilies. A little rub bing of the table with a flannel cloth twice a week keeps it in perfect con dition , and the arrangement is much liked by the household. A housekeep ing friend has made herself for the same use two or three sets of blue eleuini plate mats auel centerpieces. The plate mats are round and are fin ished with a white buttonholing. The centerpiece is a large enough diamond to cover the whole center , and is simi larly buttonholed arounel the edge. For the glass water pitcher a round lac quer tray which just holds it is used. Margaret Hamilton Welch in Harper's Bazar. Bridal wreaths of orange blossoms were first used by the Arabs. As the orange boars fruit and flower'at the same time It is considered to be an emblem of prosperity. A Roumanian girl on seeing the new moon invokes her thus : "New queen ! In health- thou hast found me , in health leave me. Thou hast found me , unwed , leave me with a handsome husband. " , ti In Toledo the Board of Aldermen has made a rule that henceforward women shall be debarred from em ployment as clerks or stenographers in the service of the citj' . The places are wanted for voters. The first needle used in England was made in Queen Mary's reign by a ne gro , who unfortunately died before im parting the secret to any one. In the a reign of Queen Elizabeth the art of t ueedlemakiug was rediscovereel by a t Germr < n , who imparted it to an En c glishman. Housewives in Florida scrub their floors with oranges. In almost every n town in the orange-growing district f women ( may be seen using oranges for scouring. The fruit is cut in half and at he exposed pulp is rubbed on the floor , rhe acid of the orange cleanses thor oughly and after the application the boards will be as white as the most b particular critics could desire. of ir To-Enlijjhten Chinese Girls. jc To Miss Martha Berninger , of Cata- wissa , Pa , , has fallen the honor of be ing appointed the first secretary to China by the Young ar Women's Christian Association. Her work will be prin cipally among the ne 20,000 girls employed - ed in the silk and b > e cotton mills of he } Shanghai. These W ( / girls receive 10 to 15 cents a day for their work. In one village alone there r < are 7,000 of these ] girl mill workers , na > iss BEBNI27GEB. It is planned to es- blish an association house there and OV > nduct night schools on the same pr in as that which has proved so sueste ssful in this country. Miss Bernin- r will leave for China at once. he Little Faults in Social Life. hes L fault In the young is to form some toe erish admiration for one or two par- ciri ular friends , often of a so-called age verier social standing. These are erred to constantly ; they are held E as patterns , oracles and patrons. oth private circles and public places for ir : names are loudly mentioned in of hope of and desire of impressing ofwai ; tanders. At bazars , hi the lobbies apE theaters , at railway stations , in rail- cur y carriages , and , indeed , wherever line company may be described as on ced , this distressing form of what wit mown as brag is very much in evi- his tce. The shouting of nicknames paii Christian names at moments when , und ordinary intercourse , one would not In addressing anybody , is also done waj order to advertise some small dee - you e of intimacy with the well knoira. I wht In contrast to these offenders , there i is the less aggressive t3'pe who Is her self the leader of a little knot of fol lowers who are not so accomplished , or so happily situated not so popular and less authoritative than herself. In all these cases one finds that the leader speeelily degenerates into a prig or u tyrant and the followers , from being- devotees , become , by normal stages , critics , malcontents , secret rebels , and , eventually , defiant enemies. In the- early stage of the formation of one of these social coteries , the followers sit around an idol , and giggle or stare- during her encounters with any person not of that curious circle. A wise moth er would che k the beginnings of this- practice , which can be seen even at little children's parties , where nurses , governpsses and fond elders apparently combine to distort the sweetness and the' innocense of their young charges into mincing pretentiousness. John Oliver Hobbes , in Success. To One Woman. You say that you are but a woman yorz Who are so very wonderful to me , You tell me there is little you can do , Little , indeed , that all the world can see There are not battles on the open plain. That you can fight as I , a man , can fight ; But who shall say your life is lived ia vain , If all my darkened days you have kept light ? ! * Oh , little woman-heart , be glad , be glad That you are what God made you ! Well I know j How you have- nerved me when the day was sad , And made me better yea , and kept me so ! Be very glad that you in your white- place , Your little' home , with folded hands can be A silent influence to whose source I trace The little good there ever was in me. To bo a woman ! Is there any more That you have need to be from day to day ? How wonderful to have your heart your store Of purity and goodness and to say "One that I love is nobler since I came ; One that loves me is better for my sake. " A woman ! Oh , there is no greater name Bhat ever on the mortal tongue shall wake ! Windsor Magazine. The Healthfnl Turkish Bath. Turkish baths are out of the reach of poor people , who , perhaps , need them more than their richer neighbors. Superfluous flesh can be kept down by _ a weekly Turkish bath and many af flictions like rheumatism and neural gia Avill sometimes disappear in 'its warmth and moisture. For women with weak circulation there is noth ing like it , and the feeling of lightheartedness - heartedness and renewed strength is never duplicated until after the next bath. The skin is capable of a high polish and the boast of our English sisters is the ] beauty of their skin. To secure it they ] discarded sponges and soft clothes , and substituted cocoanut fiber and rough towels. Even the flesh , brush was brought into use , or rough mittens , which forced ( the blood to the skin surface. Perhaps this could not be done alj once , because feminine bodies had been pampered and the skin was ten der. der.But But the polishing process , which wag begun with a soft towel , did the work toughening it , and then rough treat ment was all the kind that was en joyed. An Untidy Petticoat. For a petticoat that has frayed iround the bottom , cut off an inch all ound , bind with velvet binding to natch , and just above put a couple ot ows of narrow ribbon velvet of the iame color , and it will look as good aa lew. When making a petticoat , it Is a rood plan to get an extra piece that can used for a new frill to put around bottom when the petticoat Is hall vorn. Health and Beanty. A daily bath is a great protection rom infectious disease. Hartshorn will relieve Irritation or ain caused by the stings of insects. The immediate application of cold ver ( the site of a blow will lessen or revent discoloration. Raw meat aa teak , will have a similar effect In case of cuts wash the part , draw edges together and cover with ad iesive plaster. In the case of a fin-er or other part easily so treated "en- ircle it with the plaster. Then bkS - and keep the dressing on for somQ ays. Keep In"your your kitchen or In ther handy place a bottle of use in case of burns or sc equal parts of linseed ell ater , shaken together. pplied immediately the ars. Saturate a piece of ° C' nen In the lining , l the Injured part and coy * cotton wool to exclude treatment will soon to cease and If the .disturbed healing wil , soon case i of severe burns or scald ? ays send at once for , a doctor