Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 14, 1903, Image 8
I il IJ THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT i. M. RICE EDITOR * Mutual companies pay losses in full. N"o discount I. M. RICE , Agent. THE OLD RELIABLE POWDER Absolutely Pure THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Xotlco. Notice is hereby given tl-sit on the 10th day of April , 1903 , in the District Court of Cherrj County , Nebraskathe undersigned , abonaftde resident of said county for more tnan a year last past , has lilcd a petition for change of his name from John Henry Kludsikofsky to .lohn Heurj Fisiier , said application to be heard by said court at the expiration of thirty days from the date of the publication ol this notice , or as soon thereafter as petitioner can be heard. Dated April 23 , 1003. JOIIX HENltY By Walcott and Morrissey , 14 4 His Attorneys Koticc to A'on-llesltlent Defendant Mabel C. Shaw imn-resident defendant , wil take notice that on the 23rd day of April. 1003 plaintiif herein filed his petition in the Distnc Court of Cherry f'ounty , Nebraska , the object and prayer of wnich are to obtain a divorce fron defendant from tliti bonds of matrimony for the reason that defendant. 1 as wilfully abandoned plaintiff without just cause for in re than two vears immediately pei ceding the filing of plain lift's petition. Vou are hereby required to answer said petit ion on or before the 1st day of June. 1003. Dated this 23rd dny of April , 1K)3. ! ) AMISKHSOX G , SHAW , Plaintiff. By Walcott & Morrissey. 14 4 His Attorneys. Notice to Creditors. Tn County Court , within : nd for Cherry County Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of I'hebe Cole deceased. To the Creditors of said estate : You are hereby notified , that I will sit at the county court room in Valentine in sairt county on the Gth day of June li )3 ) at in o'clock a. ni to receive and examine all claims against sale estate , with a vie\v to their adjustment and al lowance. The. time limited for the presentatioi of claims against said estate is on the Gth < ! aj of June A. D , 1903. and the time limited fo'i the payment of deots is one year Irom said lOtli day of November 1902. Witness my hand an-I the seal of siid SEAL County Court this 13th dav of Ma\ . 1903. W. K. lO'WNE , 17 4 County Judge. In the District Com-t of Chcriy Coun ty Nebraska. In the matter of the application ufl Christina Skackeltou , Guardian | of tiiH persons and property of BesOrder of sie.C. Snackeltou and Frank H. f Court Shackelton , minor heirs ft' Francis - j cis Shackelton , deceased , J And now on this 4th day of May. 1003. this matter came on to be heard befor * me , one of the Judges of the District Court of Cherry Conn- ty , Nebraska , upon the application of Christina Shackelton , as guardian , to sell the interests of Bessie C. Sbackelton and Frank H. Shackelton , minor children , in the following described real estate situated in the county of Cherry and state of Nebraska , to-wit : The Northeast Quarter of Section 25. Township 34 , Range 25 , ami it ap rearing from the petition of the said Christina Shackelton t hat it is necessary that sucli inter est in the above described real estate be sold and that the saie will be benelicial to her said wards , it is therefore , ordered ttiat the next of kin ot the 'said Bessie C. Shackelton and Frank H. Shackelton and all persons interested in their estate appear before me at the District Court room in the Court bouse in Valentine , Comity of Cherry and state of Nebraska , an the 8th day of Juu ° , 1903 , at ten o'clock a , in , and show cause , if any there be why a license to sell the * interests of said minor children in the above de Ecnbed real estate should not be granted. It is further ordered that tins notice be pub lished not less thae four consecutive weeks in the Valentine Democrat prior to said date. W.H. WKSTOVKH , Judge of the District Court. Walcott & Morrissey , ' Attorneys for the guardian , 1G 4 A Strn 7e 1VJ i American tourista abroad often com ment upon the literal translation into English of notices in foreign languages. The well meant efforts of landlords and others to convey in the language of the visitor the meaning of the native often produce laughable results. A Washington citizen found this no tice posted in his room in an Alpine hotel : "Misters , the venerable voyagers are earnestly req-uestcd not to take clothes of the bed to see the sun rise for the color changes. " Washington Star. A Rigvl Uutcli L.O.IV. More than 20u years ago the Dutch rulers of Ceylon , anxious to retain their inonopolj' of the precious spice for which that island is famous , enacted a law which made it a capital offense to buy or sell the wild jungly cinnamon , then the only sort known. The plants , wherever found , were held to be the property of the state. If a shrub chanced to spring up in a man's dooryard - yard , he could neither destroy nor use it under severe penalties. Things are happily" different now. His Maxim. "It's always well to be on the safe side , " mused the burglar , with a glow of satisfaction , as he crawled into the bank through the opening in tfce wall. New York Times. C F COOPER Postofllce address Oasis , Nebr Brand registered 2005 Cattle branded on left side same us cut ilorses branded on left hip. Also Home catUe branded ; Range Ssmth and west of Hackbemr and DUCK Lake. ALONZO HEATH PostoJIlce address Cody , Nebraska On left rag side. Hor-gg ses left shoulder. Range north of Cutcomb Lake U. G. Cdger. Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand same as cut on si oft hip , Range li > miles south of JWeirS man on the Nio brara. John Gresh. Merriman , Neb. On both sides ; some on right side and hip. Horses same with out bar , left thigh. Range.Lake Creek and Little Vhite River. D. Bray Rose oud S D Cattle branded on left thigh er hip same as cut Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postoflice address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on loft shoulder also cattle on right side Range 16 miles ; north of Hyannis J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Creek and Littfe White River. D. A. IIanc"ck Jsl.'iekbtirn. M > . - > r Simeon , ft e bras Kb Cattle branded 01 leftside as on cut ; also 16 on left side with on left hip ol some cattle ; also SJ6 on right side. Horse brand , rake and 1C on leit shoulder or hip Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; all in Cherry County. Nebraska. A. Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. I ostofflce address. Oasis , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer lias ! charge of these cat- 1 tie Horses I > § enL L left shoulder. Some [ stockjgy leftside orslMj'S same left tuigh. Range on Snakn rivei * gjg ( 'has. Yir-gst. Arabia Nebr. Brand registered No. 1130 Cattle branded on left side ; as in cut. Horses sama nn Jeft shoulder. ange n Ever - reen creek 5 miles northwest of Arabia. lloan Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's jilvtaemark , slit n left ear MILLS BPvOS. Merrlraau , Nebr. Cattle and horses ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register ed 1091. Range 12 mUes southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara river. H A BUCK Postofflce addre Hyannis , Neb Branded on leit eide Range eighteen miles north of Hvannis J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Other brands : & Horses branded : X , - < or + on leit shoulder ; E O 'e ' thiah. Range on Boartiman , Gordon , Snake and Sand Creek. D N GOURLEY Posto/iice / address Rushville , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses sboiild- Range-CcdarLake Sandy Williams Merriman. Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same on left shoulder. lianee Lake Creek , S , D. J A SAULTS Cattle on lef1 hip.Horses Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown below. Postofllce address Gregory , Wei On left side or hip horses same on left shoulder Range-Arkansas Vadey and Suake A'len & Sons Ft" Niobrara. Brand registered No 870 Horses branded on left hip Ranee. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine G.H. Seager. Postoilire address Cody , Neoraska Cattle branded as on cut on left Nside , hip and shoulder ; horses same Range , Snake Creek J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as cut back of right shoulder and on right hip Range on the Niobrara F. W. Jersig Valentine , Nebr Cattle branded as shown fin cut on left side , loin or hip. Range between the Gordon and Snake iouth of the Niobrara river J R , Wailingford Kennedy.Neb. Cattle branded ame as cut ; also ome branded J | on lefthip. P S ROUSCHE * Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Earmark - mark right ear cut ofl' ; horses branded same on left hip. Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKor'WorO'TL o or FZ. le-following , the first one being on side andhlp . F. Schmidt Rosebud S D Same as cuter or with bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped Her es branded same on left hip Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat- tie. tlorses on left shoulder. Rane- North Eli F. T. Brackett Riege. Nebr. Brand Registered 01490 Brand right side Drhip Horses same OP right shoulder Range , Niobrara 6 miles south of Kllgore F. M. Walcott. Valentine , Nobr. Cattle branded on left hip- C. W. Bennett Simeon Neb U Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river Frank T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Brownlee. FiObert Emory Rosebud , [ SD. . Cattle branded on botli sides. Horses , on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WILSON Postofllce address KilKore Nebi Two half : circles of left hip and left side of neck Horses same'on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip H V DOWNING [ 'ostoffice addreas Gregory , Neb On left side ; also C 0 L E on side Range - Stevenson Lake W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore 0. H. Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses 85-5S5 branded5 * * " on left shoulder. Range G miles south of Irwin. JULIUS PETERSON Postofllce address Gregory , Neb Branded as on cut Range two miles lorth of Gregory F. G. & M. O. Metzger. Meiriman Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left Hi n Snake 33 miles so.ith r > f Others br ; mue8 miles n .rihwe tof Merriman. IP ! ' CbarJesEicbards. aierriman. Neb James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses Jj on left Jaw. Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake. Lake.J N. S. .Rowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same as cut on left side and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsoB on left side hip. hip.S S on right hip and tfon left side. Q on left hip of horses. p on left Jaw and left shoulder of horses. LUQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis& Co. Postofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some branded jon [ left thigh on ieic Ider thigh. on right thigh or shoulder , J P GARDINER. Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On J ore side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara lver,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postoflice address KiigoreNeb. Cattle branded on side as on cut same on lnp. [ Some on left side. George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Kan ire north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr Ranee : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and south of Berry bridge the C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJ BE J J on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock > earingany of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Jordon , Nebr. Jrand registered 292. On left hip 1 cattle. Horses ameleft should- r ; also OA.n 3ft side. tange South of iHake 35 miles e of Gordon. Robert Quisenbery B Postofflce address h Simeon , Nebr. in left hip on Y cattle. e ; Horses same on right shoulder. Range on Snake River. Jos. Bristol Valentin .Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four mile : eastof Ft. Niolirara. Horses and cattle branded i > ! 5 connected on on left lnp or side as shown iu cut CO Albert Whippls & Sons Rosebud , S , D. Cattle branded SOS on left side OSO on riirhtside Some castle also have a + on neck Some with A. on left shoulder ami some branded with tv.'o baas acrrs3 hind quar- _ _ branded SOs on left hip Some cattle aniled AW bar connected on both sides and 't hir > of Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. Cal efl ncIi Ii of ! bra WILLIAM FERDON. Postofllce address Brownlee , Neb Like cut on either left si Je or hlpalso left side. Horses same as cut on left hip. S250.OO RE- WAKIMor con- convicuoaol anyone uniawf handling cattle in these brands. John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. 03 Cattle branded if on left hip. Horses same on eft shoulder. Some branded' * " ' ' on left shoulder itefome on SiP i * " * tside. u a ) miles southwest of Valentine on north side of Niobrara river. Postbfflce address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded. PE on either hip or right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range On Minne- chaduza 5 miles east of Crookston , SWEENEY BROS Postofllce address Pullman , Neb Cattle branded as on cut ; horses branded same as cattle except reversed S. See block Range Stever and StephenHon Lakes and South S300 reward will be paid to any person for In. formation leading to the arrest and conviction with the stealing cattle of any person or persons above brand FRANK MOQLE Postofllc address Cody , Nebraska On either side cattle 'herdmark ' left ear clipped and rijrht ear splithorses ; D.anded , same on left shoulder jRange on Niob ara Sand Medicine Canyon D. Stlnard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered 1554. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio brara , Land and Feeding Co. 3artlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal : also the following brands : . ' lorsea same Range between Gordon on the FE , , , , &MV..R. . R. and 3yannison B , &M.R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BAKTLETT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebraska. i Metzger Bros. , Gregory NcJ Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. f Earmark , square srop right ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gor- lon and Suake Greeks , & ? r J& * ° jMlto , Pa" * to an or G. W. BEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a iu cut , 6-inch bo ; and 2inch circle Brand registered 875. br ed , , ieft shoul-i 'der. ' ° ; inch circle , l-in mllea J ! ROSEBERRY 'ostoffice address Pullman , Neb randedonleft hio ; orses same Herd- iark-double dew-lap Range south ist of Brush Hill A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis. NPO right side and nip Also have stock branded rieht side and hip f lor ses un ri h , nn = inge-Southwestern J. A. YARYAN Pullman , Nebr * ' ! Cattle branded JY on riehtside Horses branded JY on righttfjhoulder Reasonable reward for any information leadmg to the re covery of cattle strayed from : ny range. J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. ttle branded on S side as shown tit. lange-Sfluth Sparks on NJo- ira river ,