THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT t. M RICE tDITCR JPcr in JfUBLlBIiKD EVERY nujred at the Postolllce at Valentine. Cherry county. Nebraska , as Second-class rnutu-r. SOCIETIES , K.of P. OBERRY LODGE NO. 1C9 , meet ? 1ft and 3rd Friday or each month at 8:20. C. Bl , UuNTistt , C. S. GOULD. C. C. K. of R. & . S. VALEKTIXH LODGE XO , 2O5 1. 0. O. P Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS RANDALL , J. T. KKKLEV , N , G. Sec'y. A. JK. A. 31. A' . ioa.-Meets 1st Tuesday on or be fore the full of the moon each month. T. C , flOBNBV , * WV , THOMPSON , \V. M. Sec'y , vl A. O. W. W. NO.yo. Meets 1st and 3rd Lion | k day ol each mouth. \V. A , PtfTTYCKEW , U. G , DUNJC , M. W. Ltecordei. . noxot xo. no.Meets 2nd and 4th Monday each mouth , ETTA BKOWN , IMCPKTTYCREW , C. of II. _ Recorder. 31. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month. M. V. NICHOLSON , W. E , HALEY , V.O. Clerk. FRATERNAL VXIOX NO , 308-Meets every Saturday night. J. A.HORJOJACK , E. D , CLARK , F , M. - Sec'y. ROYAL XKltiHBORS.-Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each month. MARY QUIGLEY , MINNIE DANIELS , Oracle. Rec. Song and Daughters of .Protection JLodge Xo. G. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each month. HKNRY GRAHAM , Mrs. JENNIE LEWIS , Pies. Sec'y Jloyul Highlanders , Devon Castle A'o. 201. Meets 2nd Friday eaca month. ED CLARK , , E. HALEY , I. P. Sec'y. The Loup Valley Hereford Kanch. Brownlee , Nebr , Prince Boabdel 131603 and Curly Coat 1122Ulat head of herd The blood of Fowler. Anxiety. Lord \Yilton and Sir Gladstone predomi nates in my herd. .Nu stork tor s.ile at present. Ranch four miles north-west of Browiilee , Nebr. C.H. FAULIIAIJER , HENKY AUGUSTON \ Blacksmith * Brownlee , Kebr. Does general blacksmithing at hard times prices for cash. PAT HETT * * VI Valentine , Kcbr. ft Good , flard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CRAMEB , City Deliverymam Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Eespect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Iiair Fi Tonic , Herpicide and Coko's Dandruff Cure. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEACH C LEKOY sc scF County Surveyor le F Valentine or Woodlake GEMCRAl. WOUK 1'HOMl'Tl.y ATTENDED TO. M JOHN PORATH H iege , Nei > r- Cl Tubular wells and windmills. A. M. MOKRISSEY U Attorney at Law U Valentine , X br. U f- A. N. COMPTON U Physician and Surgeon E Office at Quigley & Chapman's C Drug Store , lights The Don- I > oher residence , Cherry Street. S JSdward S. Furay I Physician and Surgeon I Office Fraternal Hall or El- i ot * , - liott's'Drug Store. F. M. WALCOTT ATTORNEY A-vAB8TBAGT R TaZcjiime , Nebr , Practices in District Comt and U. S. I.and OfQqeItual Eetatf and ianch Pioi errj' Bought ami aoJd. Bunded THE 1RTH-WESTERN IK Only Double Track Ilailroatt between Jltttsourl Itlver and Chivayo. Direct line to St I'tnil-JHinneap- oils. / Direct line to Black. Hills. Apply to nearest agent for rates maps ami time cards. TIME TABLE K3tK0W94 E3Q ULyM WKSTNo. . 27 Frt. Daily 2:33 : P. M. No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49 A. M EAST BOUND No. 23 Frt. Dally C:50 A. M No , 2P " except Sunday 5:00 P. M. NO. 4Passenger Daiij 4:47A.M. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , i , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 tou shorts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 toi. Screenings ' 70c " $13.00 " OhopFeed . . . .1.05 " $20.00 r Corn. 95 " $18.00" Uhopcorn 1.00 " $19.00" Oats 1.20 " $23.00' * John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each , month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ETTA BROWN SUPT , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and F-riday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will bo in Eosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1904. DE. LAUKEN JONES , OSTEOPATH. Graduate ot the American School under the Founder of the science , treats both acute and cbrcniu diseases In Valentine on Tuesdays and Saturdays of each week. Ollice over T. C. Hornby's store by tlie south stairway. Consultation Free. Moses & Hoffacker. Simeon , Nebr A on right or left. O shoulder of hors es O on left jaw. U on left side. Jl'on left/thigh Real Lstate Transfers JtfayG. 1933. a Wm Story Jr. to 15 A Fee , C Assignment § 150 lots 2-3 30 35 So c Frank Fischer to George Young and wf Marginal rel s ne n se 13 31 29 other land May 8,1903. Catherine : J Cnllen.viil , et al to frank E Thomp son , W D con § 700 lot 13 blk 5 Valentine FranK E Thompson and \vf to Catherine J Cal len , Mtg con SCOO lei 13 blk 2 Valentine May 9,1903. Margaret T , No\vau and hus t George Sisler , v vA \V D con § 400 Jot 7 se s\v 6 34 29 other Und A fler&eH ; L.UI-Z anilvf to C A Johnson , n Mtg con Q40Q S2 14 31 2 , C Charles L Xicklia to Gustave Gunderson. Mtg Con § 1000 sie ss\v 1 31 34 May 11,1903. United States to Leu Is N Carter , Fdt let 3 sec 5 23 23 _ United States to James Ledwich , assingnee Pat nw se se se G 20 33 United States to Lorenzo Barnes , 0 Pat lots 3-4 esw 183333 United States to James F Prentiss , R K con § 200 e lie 12 e se l 30 29 S J McLaiighlin ID Sariih J McLaughllu , Power or attorney Charles H Cornell and wf to Francis C Taylor , W D con § 230 lors 3-4-5 blk 6 Valentine Lorenzo H Barnes to Wasmer & Tunberp , W D con § 200 lots 3-4 e sw 18 33 33 , J Stella S Bnllard. s , to Henry Hooker , W D con § 500 lots 1-2 s ne G 30 25 N Layport , sheriff to M Katie Noble , S D con § l35ses\vswse 28 e mv 33 31 25 Heiirj nook-r and wf to F M Walcolt and A M Morrksey , Mtg con § 250 lots 1-2 s ne c 30 25 May 10.1903. Fred Uoyt , s. to Joel M Barton and Oliver Barlo Q C D con § 200 s\v ne se mv 7 32 33 other land Niobrara Land & Sheep Co to Joel Barto , W D con § 12.000 lots2-3 19 32 3S other land United States to Edward Pool , Pat e mv ecswswso 33 31 25 Joel M Barto and Eltie Barto and Oliver Barto to Miobrani Land & Sheep { * o. illy con $7CW luis 2 313 32 33 oilier iuuJ.j -j t Snicide in Kentucky. A Kentucky judge holds that a man who takes his gun , goes after trouble and gets shot , commits sui cide. Being a Kentuckian , how ever , he does not say that if the man shoots the other fellow he commits murder. Is There a Difference ? On April 26th a negro was hanged by a mob at Chrthagc , Texas , for criminally assaulting a 4 year old white'girl ; and on the same day at Santa Fe in Illinois a negro was hanged for attempted assault upon a 10 year old white girl. There don't appear to be much difference between Democratic Texas and Eepublican Illinois , when the crime is assault and the criminal a negro ; and yet there are some people who appear to think that lynch law in the South is a 1 crime ; but a highly moral and com mendable performance in theNorth. -Ex. Resolutions of Respect. Hope Lodge No. 110 , Degree of' Honor. Whereas , the Creator , in his in- i * finite wisdom has seen fit to remove from our midst our brother , Miftlin P , Brosius , be it RESOLVED , that we extend to the S wife and children of our deceased brother our deepest sympathy in this their hour of sorrow , that our charter be draped in mourning for a period of 30 days , that a copy of these resolutions be spread upon the minutes of the lodge , that a copy be sent to the bereaved wife and that they be published in the Valentine papers. MRS. JENNIE PETTIJOIIN , Miss ADA STINARD , w Miss MARGARET ROBINSON , Committee. p S MEMORIAL BAY. ft In compliance with orders from tt tth leadquartcrs , Gr. H. R. , Memorial h day will be observed May 24-30 , by Col. Wood Post No. 208 , G. A. d EL , at Valentine and Ft. Mobrara , la h Sfebr. ' , as follows : Post will assemble tl semble the Co. office at Judges at la 10:30 : a. m. on the 24th of May and laT march in a body to the M. E. church where Rev. Charles W. Kay will preach the Memorial ser mon , after which the Post will be dismissed to meet again at the M. m 3. church at 10 o'clock a. m. May 30th , form a procession and march : clown Main street to the R. R. de- S1 pot where transportation will con vey us to Mount Hope cemetery and decorate graves. At the close in of the Or. A. R. service t he Rev. ev S. : W. Holsclaw will deliver a short address. After the benediction m the Post will be dismissed to reassemble nc ncA semble at the church at 1:30 : p. m. , A where transportation will convey us to Ft. Niobrara cemetery where dr [ > we will decorate graves in the same th manner as at Mount Hope ceme to tery. Services will close there hu with a short address by F. M. ar Walcott , after which will be dismissed weSt ; missed to re-assemble at the M. E. church at 7:30 : p. m. at Valentine , Oi where the closing services will be to held , which will include songs , ne recitations and an oration by Rev. T. G. Stewart , Chaplain of the 25th infantry. All soldiers of the Civil War , whether member of G. A. R. nc or not , are cordially invited to join with in this that Wl us duty we owe to our deceased comrades. A.ny society wishing to join with us will th please notify me on the 25th of May , so that provision can be made for them. All the children and all others wishing to aid us in this St Memorial service are requested to gather flowers in the afternoon of tc the 29th ; those in Valentine to bring their flowers to the church 01 before 10 o'clock on the 30th , and those at the Port , ' to the cemetery St by 2 o'clock p. m. All persons ft ars requested to display their flags at half mast in the morning and * ; allow them to remain at half mast until after the services in the after OJ noon. W. W. THOMPSON , Commander Col. Wood Post. J. Atchison Globe Sights. lsro man ever loved a woman he was afraid of. William Randolph Hearst and God still reign. A young woman seems to get as much comfort out of a love letter as an older woman finds in a cup of tea. An Atchison girl has such a good time single , that no one can ex plain why she intends to get mar ried. ried.An An Atcliison girl who has never been fifty miles from home , tries to create the impression that she has been to England by calling an ele vator a "lift. " Five minutes -after a man starts for ( his room to retire , the noise is heard all over the house of his shoes dropping , and that means that he is all in for twelve hours. This Freedom that we hear so much about ; there's mighty little of it in the country. Think it ovt 0e er ; how much Freedom have you ? Isn't there some one standing over you with a club night and day. A description of the ideal mod ern wife in a woman's magazine says that "when the children get ! sick , she must pack them off to the hospital , and not worry over them , and lose her good looks. " There seems ( to be a domestic anarchist who has received so much en couragement that she is expound ing dangerous theories. Table Stems. Patsy Mcllhon was on the sick list last week. Listing corn is the occupation of the neighborhood this week. Mrs. Ed Pike's mother and little brother from the East are visiting with her this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Gaskill- spent "a part ; of last week with their brother , 3. Gaskill , down the river. W. H. Hooper has erected a new Frame blacksmith shop , 14x28 , to take bhe place of the old sod one in which lie formerly worked. The social at Harmony last Satur day night was poorly attended. The ladies who conducted it had worked hard ; and had very nice plans laid if there had been a number sufficiently large present to carrv them out. rheir labors wece certainly deserving oJ better returns. THE LOST ONE. Cody News. Rae's building is completed and he noved into the same May 4tb. Some one helped themselves to po- atoes in both Reminsnyder's and Stewarts cellars recently. Barton Nicklin's residence was re- ieved of about $50 worth of valuables short order by a sneak thief the ivening of May 4th. Si SiS Hendrick's "Dew Drop" has been S noved from the west end of Cody and P lOvv greets its customers' just west of Anderson's : livery stable. Cole & Cutcomb have had a well rilled at the store. It is 140 ft. deep lenty of water and we are glad to hink that the people that come to 1 own to trade can have water without h lunting aroum1 frr it. Wasmer. Stewoi trt and Mogle think they can put a > veil down quicker than any ouitit in he county. Several more of the town leople are going to give them a trial. ur town has not been exactly a dry own , , but most certain it is that we leed more good wells. tl Itenas. Round ups seems to be in order just low. of N. Elliott went to Cody one day last T tveek. Cattle are doing fine in this part of the countv. Mrs. Geo. Hendershot went to Kil- jore last Saturday. Mr. Sisler , of Crookston , was on our itreets last Monday. r Blanche Elliott is going to Kilgore make a week's v isit. l Mrs. H. Ammond , of Crookslon , is out here staying with her son , Billy. G. S. Stiliwell is getting ready to start for the Black Hills in the near future. I A. Coleman , of Kilgore , pL&sed through bere on his way to the .bay flats to take his mother home J. T. Galloway and Angust Erickson Valentine , are out here looking af ter their stock and branding horses. While branding horses last Monday T , Galloway jot in between a horse and the fence when the horse kicked him. The result is a swollen cheek and a black eye. P. C. Galloway , W. W. White , G. Hendershot and Billy Ammond drove Cornell's cattle down to Crookston last Friday to dip them , and brought them home the day after. Kennedy Items. Sunday school at the school house eyery Sunday a 10 o'clock. M. Dunham and Dan Sears have gone to Loup Co. the past week. Mrs. Hanford Dunham is teaching the school and is getting along nicely with the work. ' C. B. Ganow and wife , are visiting with her parents , Mr. and Mrs. S. Q. Spain this week. There will be a picnic on Children's day at the Gee grove. Come everyone and have a good time. i The old friends that gave the sur prise on Mr. and Mrs. S Q. Spain on" their 33rd wedding aniversary will be kindly remembered. Everyone had a good time and a splendid dinner was served. There will be exercises on Decora tion day , May 30 , at 1 o'clock at the Kennedy church. All are invited to take part. Meetings to prepare for the exercises at S. Q. Spain's May 10 , at 2 o'clock and at John Gee's May 17. Those who wish to take part are re quested to meet there. Some of the ladies have organized a Ladies' Sewing Society for the ben efit of getting money to have a minis ter at Kennedy. They have a lovely quilt ready to be sold for that pur pose. There are now H members ; Mrs. Nellie Hale , Pres. , Mrs. Carrie Gee , Sec'y. , Mrs. Chas. Pete , Treas. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per line each insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per line each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf Ranch for Sale or tease ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , hay water and timber. Will run 300 head of stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Dr. Lauren Jones , the osteopath , is in Valentine Tuesdays and Sat urdays. 16 tf Wanted to contract 1000 tons of hay cut and stacked. W. Gr. BALLAXD , 16 S "Wood Lake , Nebr. One brown yearling horse colt branded , 1859 on right hip. 12 D. STIXARD , Valentine , Xebr. Kotlcc. If my Stacker Rope is returned soon and left where you got it , will say : nothing about it , otherwise wil prosecute as we know who got it. IT 2 "W. G. BALLAHD. LOST. One daik bay horse , white star in face , white spot on nose , white hind fcot , shows white strongly in 3ne eye. Reward for information Y recovery. 16 MARK D. CYPHERS. Notice. I have fourteen of fifteen regis tered Hereford Bulls , from one to three years old , for sale or trade. . Also three full blood Galoway Bulls at my ranch 25 miles south Valentine and 20 miles west of \Voodlake. "W. G. BALLARD , 7tf Woodlake , Xebr. RANCH FOR SALE- 6 quarter sections of Deeded land and some school land. Range for 200 head of stock and is the best rangelnow vacant. 200 tons of hay can be cut on this ranch and there is a good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al so open water on a part of the range the year round. § JOOOwill buy ib. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , j Valentine , Nebr' ' Job Work at the DEMOCRAT , J. P. Slosser , of Essex , HI. , and MissLorcna McLane of Westovcr So. Dak. were married by Judge Townc Saturday evening. The Valentine State Bank is hav ing some changes made this week in Bohle'.s restaurant-building to make more room , and they arc put ting in a skylight in the hall over the bank. Merlon Holsclaw and Miss Bertha Kneeland were married Saturday eve by Sev S\V. Hols claw. THE DEMOCRAT extends hearty congratulations to all these young people and wish them pros perity and happiness. Edwin E. Jordan , son of Cole C. P. Jordan of Rosebud and Miss Winifred M. Bordeou , daughter ofVm. . Bordeau , also of Rosebud were married in this city by Judge Towne last Saturday , May 9 , and on Monday morning started on a wedding tour to Omaha and Chi cago. NAPOLEON'S AWFUL HAND. One Theory of the Great BIna'H Fsll- uru : it Waterloo. Napoleon , according to Alexander Dumns , lost sucli battles as lie did lose because he vrrote such : i lieuJisl : band. His generals could not read his notes and letters , typawrltinjj had not been invented , and the trembling marshals , afraid of disobeying and striving to in terpret the indecipherable commands , loitered , wandered and did not coiue up to'the scratch , or not to the right scratch . Tims Waterloo was lost. Can not you fancy rouchy handing round Napoleon's notes on that sanguinary Sunday ? "I say. " cries the marshal to "is that word Geiu- his aid-dc-camp , - bloux or V.'avre ? Is this Blucher or BulowV So probahly Grouchy tossed up for it , and the real words may have been none of these at which he offered his conjectures. Meanwhile 011 the left and center D'Erlou and. Jerome and Ney were equally puzzled and kept on soading cavalry to placon where it was very uncomfortable ( though our men seldom managed to hit any of the cav aliers , firing too high ) and did no sort of good. Napoleon may never have been apprised of these circumstances. His old writing master was not on the scene of action. Nobody dared to say , "Sire , what does this figure of a centi- ped mean , and how are wo to construe these two thick strokes flanked by blots ? " The imperial temper was pep pery ; the great man would have torn off his interrogator's epaulets and danced upon them. Did he not once draw his pistol to shdot a little dog that barked at his horse ? And when the pistol missed fire the great soldier threw it at the dog and did not hit him. The little dog retreated with the hon ors of war. Such was the temper of Napoleon , and we know what llarlborough thought of the value of an equable temper. Nobody could ask Bonaparte to write a legible hand , so his generals lived a life of conjecture as to his meaning , and Waterloo was not a suc cess , and the cinneror never knew why. Of all his seven or eight theories of his failure at Waterloo , his handwriting was not one. Yet if this explanation had occurred to him Napoleon would certainly have blamed his pens , ink and paper. Those of Nelson at Copen hagen were very bad. "If your guns are no better than your pens/ ' said a Danish officer who came in under a flag of truce before the fight and was asked to put a message into writing , "you had better retire. " Andrew Lang in Longman's Magazine. SICKROOM PHILOSOPHY. Never confine a patient to ono room if you can obtain the use of two. Never play the piano to a sick person if you can play 011 strings or sing. Never stand and fidget when a. sick person is talking to you. Sit down. Never complain that you cannot get a feeding cup if there is a teapot to he had instead. Never read fast to a sick person. The way to make a story seem short is to tell it slowly ; Never judge the condition of your' ' patient from his appearance during a conversation. See how he looks an hour afterward. Never put-a hot water bottle next to the skin. Its efficiency and the pa tient's safety are both enhanced by surrounding the bottle with llannel. Never allow the patient to talu the temperature himself. Many patients are more knowing than nurses where there is a question of temperature. Hot CroK * Zuns. In its early days , when , it is to be hoped , it was more toothsome than it is LOW , the hot cross bun played some part in converting the people of tlicse islands to Christianity. Pagan EngKiiul was in the habit of eating cakes ia honor of the goddess cf spring , and Christian missionaries foiidthat thorgh they could jlt"r tl'e views of the people in refeivi.ce to religious matters they could not induce them to withhold from the consumption of con fectionery. So they put tlie sun of the cross upon the bun of the Saoa era and launched it upon missionary enter prise' which has extended through the intervening centuries and survived till novr. Loi"lx * * T- : If it wasn't for silly hens the for would not have his reputation. Life.