Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 14, 1903, Image 4

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Thursday , May 14 , 1903
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance : $1.50
When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertising I Incb/slngle column I5c
per issue or SG.OO a year.
Local Notlces.Obltuarles , lx > dge Resolution *
and Socials for Revenue 5c per line per issue.
Brands , li Jnolies-4.00 per year in advance
additional space3-00 per inch peryearengraved ;
blocks extra ; $1.00 fach.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
sonally known are.requestod to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over G
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver
Is it not time to put a stop to
these chivari parties ? They might
batter be called mobs , pirates , hold
up gangs or plunderers. The boys
never consider whether or not they
are acquainted with the parties
getting married but are willing to
chivari anyone who comes to town
to get married and hold them up
for th'c treats , which some of our
citizens are pleased to call one of
privileges of being a boy. It may
be that some of the citizens of each
town or community are interested
in everything going along harmon
iously , while one or two here and
there think that if we can't stir up
something there won't be any thing
doin' after awhile and lend their
assistance and encouragement to
create trouble by reckless and
questionable habits and privileges.
It is neither a privilege of a boy to
be boisterous nor the right of a
mob to hold up a stranger or fel
low for the treats because he gets
married. Some say it is the cus
tom all over. It is a vicious and
pernicious custom that enlighten
ed people should eradicate. There
is generally no one going to these
hold-up parties excepting a lot of
would-be . A
toughs- - toughs.
chivari as formerly practiced , was
only .engaged in by friends of the
couple who got married and was
not a general hold-up on the pirate
plan of paying tribute. Anyone
who contributes to a hold-up party
or encourages by excuses should
hereafter feel responsible , for the
boisterous conduct of the boys of
our town. You can't with one
breath say that you approve of
these hold-ups and denounce with
* the next , the participants , because
they get too loud , boisterous or
destructive. Let's have it stopped
in our city at least.
THE DEMOCRAT building is being
Born to U. Gr. McBride and wife
last Saturday evening a 9 pound
S. M. Figge , a genial travelling
man of Omaha , was in the city
Col. James of Ft. Niobraramade
us a pleasant call last Thursday
while in town.
A. H. Stees returned from his
extended visit in St. Paul Tuesday
morning and is looking fine.
D. H. Griswold , cashier of the
bank of Norden , was in our city
yerterday on business.
Mrs. Andy Folks was in town
Sunday and says' they have decided
to move from Neligh to Crawford.
J. H. Fritz , of came up Tuesday
and spent a couplel of days in our
city visiting old friends and ac-
quaintences. ;
Mrs. Frank Coates , who has
been visiting at the parental home :
for a couple of weeks returned
Monday to Chadron.
Born , Tuesday evening of last
week May 5th to Wm. LRC and
wife in this city , a girl. Dr. Compton - ;
ton was the attending physician.
Miss Nellie llochc , a niece of
Mrs. It. A. McQuade , is here from
See City visiting her. Miss Eoche si
remain here the
expects to during 2 <
summer. 2a ,
H. Todd returned from his visit 1 [
back in Kentucky Tuesday morn sin
ing. He is not looking very well , n
having recently hud an attack of o > :
Bernard Tinkham and wife were
up from Woodlake Tuesday. They
have a ranch about 15 miles south
west of Woodlakc.
Henry Murphy and daughter
are up 'from their home 12 miles
west of Brownlee. We enjoyed
a pleasant visit with Mr. Murphy
Last Thursday a 91b. boy was
born to Mr. and Mrs Chas. Anderj
son. Dr. Compton was the att-1
ending physician. Mr. Anderson
put up the cigars and looks cheer
Dr. Holsclaw was down last
week ftom Merrimen to see his
brother Lee's youngest son who
was suffering with erysipelas.
The Dr. was in the city again Tues- !
Last night Wm. E. McGeer's
saloon was opened up and dazzled
with brilliancy. It is a fine building - .
ing and nicely furnished. A. M.
Abbot is night man and John
Dambly is day man.
W. K. Fowler , Sate Supt. , was j
in our city Monday , making ar
rangements with Prof. Watson re
garding the Junior Normal school
which opens up here in June for a
ten weeks session.
S. Campbell and. wife have
moved up from Brownlee and
will make Valentine their home
for this summer possibly longer.
They are living at the East end of
Catherine St. in Uncle Paul's house
The 9th , 10th and llth grades
of the Valentine school went to the
Schlagle creek last Saturday on a
wagon with a hay rack and drawn
by four horses , and everyone en
joyed a splendid time fishing and
romping along the creek.
We hear that Grant Dunn has
sold his residence to Geo. H. Horn
by and , will soon move to Kansas.
Mr. Dunn has been suffering the
past few weeks with blood poision
from a finger which came near
causing the loss of his arm.
Mrs. Levi Anderson starts this
morning for an extended visit with
friends , and relatives in Iowa and
in Virginia , her native home. She
expects to stop in Chicago and will
probably be absent from her home
here for two months or more.
Mrs. Hornback and daughter ,
Flora , started the first of this week
for Colorado Springs , Colo. , to
join Mr. Hornback , who proceeded
them a few weeks ago. They are
good citizens and we recommend
them to the good people of Colorado
rado Springs.
Mr. and Mrs. L. C. Sparks have
recently put down a good well 150
feet deep with 55 feet of water on
their residence property and seed
ed the yard to blue grass. They
will build a large tank and with a
windmill will pump water for their
own use in sprinkling the lawn and
for-the house.
Dr. Campbell , of Cody , was in
our town Monday , having come
down to attend the meeting of the
Cherry Co. Medical Society , but
returned on the morning freight.
Ihe doctors had a banquet at
the Donoher in the evening. Only
bhe doctors from the Post and the
resident doctors were present.
Geo. Hershey is proprietor of
bhe saloon that Mr. McGeer form
erly run and has employed Geo.
Jorbin to work as day man. Har-
y Hilsingcr is proprietor of the
Palace saloon and has Dan Handy
or night man and Ed Parry for
lay man. Lee Shepherd is tend-
ng bar at the Owl saloon nights
md Geo. Lenaugh day man.
Levi Sparks has about complet-
d his new lumber shed which is
10x150 feet with an office in the
i-out 20x20 which will be fitted up
vith good office furniture. He
ontemplates building another
hed just across the alley from this
10x125 feet which will give them
bout 550 feet of good sheds in all. :
"he " center of the yard between the )
heds is covered with cinders and
oakes a comfortable place to carry
n their rapidly increasing bussi-1 v
LOSS * . / .
A Minimum of Friction Gives the
Maximum of Life
. . . . TO THE .
, Ty p e wr it er
j Ball Bearing Carriage. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Shaft to Convey
Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine.
"Wearing Qualities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : : : Beautiful Catalogue Free.
The Smith Premier Typewriter Company.
CoxXT'tli ancl IPox-nam St. ,
Carl Leidtkd and August Epke
of Crookston were it our city the
first of the week. Mr. Epke is
getting a nice bunch of cattle started
on his ranch south of Crookston
and being a good honest worker
is deserving of success. He hand
ed us a dollar -subscription to
Thaddeus Jelly , a brother of M.
Jelly down near Sparks , recently
came out from Illinois and has pur
chased the Charles Anderson farm.
They were in town last Saturday ,
but we failed to learn whether or
not Mr. Jelly will immediately
take up his residence there.
Old Grandpa Grooms died at the
home of his son , A. W. Grooms ,
northeast of town last Sunday on
his 86th birthday. He had raised
up on the side of the bed a few
minutes before to eat his dinner
appearing as well as usual. Mr.
Grooms came to Cherry county
years ago and was well known and
highly respected by all who knew
Dan Barnes was in our city from
his home near Newton to appear
before the land office in support
of his claim to change the numbers
of his land on his homestead on
account of his lines not running
the way he supposed when he
filed on it. He brought along as
witnesses J. W. Bartley , Sam
Hines ancl W. J. Teeters. We ac
knowledge a pleasant visit.
Chas Maxwell , wife and son ,
Charley , returned Sunday morn
ing from Moscow , Idaho , and will
soon build on a lot north of his
former home , content to make Val
entine his home. He reports the
people who went from here to that
place as being well pleased with
new homes ancl enjoying good
health. Mrs. Maxwell and Char
ley had poor health there , hence
their return here.
A stereoptican show last night
at Bethel hall disgusted those who
were unfortunate enough to be in
attendance. A cheap magic lant
ern and an amateur who probably
never went through a country
school would come nearer describ
ing the outfit. The operator stood
for two hours reading in a mono
tone descriptions which were not
half understood and sometimes get
ting the wrong description- a
picture wrong side foremost. With
his broad brimmed black hat
perched on his head like a back
woods hay seed , never thinking
perhaps to take it off , he convinced
his patient audience that he was a
The chivari crowd of boys who
gathered last week to make life
hideous for the townspeople and
annoy Jesse Brosius and bride
until he put up the money for the
treats , were defeated by Brosius
having a team drive up to the
hotel and he and his wife got in
and drove away. The boj s had
procured some eggs and threw
them at the bridal couple as tkey
prepared to leave. Papers were
sworn out for the arrest of joys
so offending and Cloyd Quigley ,
Wallace McDonald , Fred Jones ,
Floyd Petty crow and Jay vMorcy
pleaded guilty and were fined one
lolkr each and costs. Bob Webb
md Harrison Davenport were also
irrested and pleaded not guilty
md will stand trial. Some of
hesc boys were not in the habit
f going to parties of this kind (
md it will Ije a lesson for them.
We do not doubt but that others a i
vere in this party and are equally
Meals Lunches Short Orders
First class meals at all hours , .
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always onlhand.
E.D.Cohota , Prop.
Woman Suffrage Conference
at the M. E. clinrch May
30 , 1903 at 2:30 p. m.
Should American Suffrage be re
stricted by :
( a ) An Educational Qualification ,
Mrs. E. N. Watson.
( b ) The Pessession of Property ,
L. C. Sparks.
( c ) A Moral Qualification ,
F. M. "Walcott
( d ) Sex , Mrs. Jennie Lewis.
Address "Wimmin's "
Krghts" vs
Woman's Duty ,
Miss Laura A. Gr cgg ,
Omaha , ] Srebr.
8:00 : P. M.
Address , Miss Gail Langhlin ,
New York.
Admission free. Collection.
"The members of local suffrage
clubs have had addresses each day
of the past week by Miss Gail
Laughlin , who is one of the most
noted Women attorneys in the coun
try. She is a member of the New
York bar , and has been expert-
agent for the United States Indus
trial Commission. All of her ad
dresses were schollary and profit
able.Cincinnati ( Ohio ) Inquirer.
Born to Mark Zarr and wife a
fine boy , Thursday , May li.
Ham McCrca has built a nice
kitchen addition to his dwelling.
A. G. Shaw has built another
room to the rear of his art gallery.
Prof- Watson has completed an
addition to his house on Maconib
Fred Bovee was arrested and
brought to jail this morning by
Sheriff Layport.
A negro was shot in the leg at
one of the dives South of town
last Thursday but was not seriously
If party who borrowed or found
my tin case , with reels and fishing
tackle , will return the same to me ,
will pay liberal reward and no
questions asked. 16
Three shots rang out on the
night air about 10 o'clock last night.
What are our marshals doing ! to
stop this promiscuous shooting ?
There will be a call for a grand
jury to investigate if our town is
not kept more peaceable and quiet.
A few days ago the editor called
at the Valentine Bottling Works
for the first time since it started in
operation. We found them busy
bottling , but they had time to show
us around and explain how it was
ione. Everything was kept neat
ind clean and we feel satisfied that
i man of experience is doing the
Last week Valentine and Crooks-
ion were connected by telephone ,
ivhich was put up by Wm. Krotter.
Ehe line is being extended to Wood
Lake and in a short time will con-
icct with Ainsworth. This will
jive us a telephone connection with t
Dmaha. Why doesn't some of our i
anch men get together and put up
line from Valentine south and
vest to connect Kennedy , Chester-
j NewtOn anil Metzgar's ranch.
* *
T >
To use its columns
to advance your business interests ,
If you are looking for buyers of goods you hand
le , an "AD" in this paper will give the widest
publicity possible in newspaper advertising. THE
VALENTINE DEMOCRAT goes to more homes than
any other paper in this territory. „ There is no
denying this fact. If you are from Missouri , we
will consider it a pleasure to show up our sub
scription list to those interested. : : : : : :
W1 B
T oXr *
Valentine - - Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Yotir Patronage Solicited.
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
v alentine , T ebr.
Richards & Comstock ,
Ellsworth , Kehr.
John Bowers ,
Bowers & Parry
Ed ward Parry. ,
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable.
Good Rigs , Careful Drivers.f
Reasonable Prices.
The Walcott Barn. First Stabla East of Stetter's Saloon. .
) * *
a good one.
The'place to get the best Windmill , also pnmps and Tanks.
First door sonth of the DcTioher House
Highest cash price paid for Hides and Furs.
S.-MOON - - - Valentine , Nebr
Can Sjificfv You in Oualifv PM'C * and
< resit JNorthorn JLfne
at O'neill , Kebr.
East , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 0:50 p. ni. {
Passenger , daily except Sniiday. j
' 'onuectJons witb Elkliorn trains east and j
west-bound from all points w stof OVXeill. '
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections ftr Sioux FsiLs , Minne-
ipolis , St. Taul and all points north and west.
? uy local tickets to O'Xdll.
FKKD IIocEirs , G. P. A.
Sioux City , Iowa
pending n sketch and description may
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether aa
inrentlon Is probably pntentabla. Conw unicn- Handbook on Iicnta
sent free. Oldest nzcucy forfecurinp patt . - .
Patents taken throutrn 3Iunu & Co.
tpectal notice , xrltlioat charge , in the
A handsomely illnstrnted weekly. Larsest cir
culation of anv scientific Journal. 1'erma , 53 a
year : lour months , 51. Sold byall newsdealers.
HUNN & Go.38l3ro3d - Kew YorS
Branch Offlce. G25 F BL , TTaahincton. D. C.
I and Chop House
gOpen 3XA.Y azid
Everything the market affords.
fish and game when in season.v.
f ) ysters in every style. , Cake )
nd Pies of all description. YouS
Eget what you order , give me afc
Scall and convince yourself
, R. BODDY ,
Try ic OWelll Eouto to
Sioux City and § sonx Falls.
The Great .Northern Lne ( Pacific
Short Line ) makes daily connections at
O'Neill with Elkhorn
bcth east
and westbound , making the shortest
and quickest route to Sioux City , Sioux
Falls and points east and north Buy
local tickets to O'Neill and
get thiough-
tickets from Great Northern
Geul. PJISS. Agt.
99 Sioux City ,