VOLUME XVHI VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , MAY 14,1903. NUMBER , 17 4 ? ftft 4 ? ftft : % ftft Undertaking Supplies ftft ftft ftft 49 ft ftft 4 ? ft ftft 49 ft ftft 49 ft ftft "We the newest and most Undertaking ft carry up-to-date line of ftft 4 ? ftft * ? taking goods and funeral supplies in the city. Are ftft 49 ft ftft > s 4 ? also .able to furuish any kind of a casket desired , ftft 49 ft 49 from the smallest to the largest cfnd the cheap- ftft ftft 49 ft 49 to the most expensive. We also' have ftft ftft 49 with us , Mr. J. W. Bullis , a licensed ftft 49 ftft 49 Embalmer who will attend all calls ftft 49 ft 49 in a very careful and satisfactory man- ftft ftft 49 ft 49 ner. .He may be found at any time at our ftft ftft .49 store or at the home of C. H. Bullis at night. ftft ftft 49 "We guarantee satisfaction , both in the quality of ftft 49 ft 49 our , goods and all other work done in this line. ftft ftft 49 ft ftft ' 49 ftft 49 ftft 49 ft Red Front Mercantile Co , ftft 49 ft ftft 49 ftft 49 ft WE ARE . Headquarters for Busby Gloves , Stetson Hats , California Pants and Suits. * Tailoring in all Branches TAILOR AND CLOTHIEE. i- COAL FRANK FISCHER , COAL , Keck Springs -DEALERIN ig Muddy GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Ranges Iron Beds , Springs Tinware and Enand Mattresses amel Ware Furniture Prussian Stock and Poultry Food' All kinds of seeds Alfalfa Seed WINDMILLS , PUMPS PLANO MO WEES T. YEARNSHAW HE OWL SALl JAMES B- HULL Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars. VALENTINE 3C NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP if FRESH FRUIT AMD GAKiE , IN THEIR SEASON E | np ; First class line of Steaks , Roasts S Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , The FIRST NATIONAL BAN = A & & * lbJ A AD AA Hi AvU A&i&a & ? * * & ! Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) ] lOftialaL \7"alJ2.tiT10. . ( i - CAPITAL PAID nr A General Banking 000 Exchange and , UUU. . Collection Business. C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. ] M. Y , NICHOLSON , Cashier. \ ww wwvw wwwv wywwwvw wwvwwvwwvs TALK OF THE TOWN A UWWWW1A < W AA WWWVAAAAA < W AA/KWWW * J , A AAAAAXAA ayywWWW AA < WV < UVA A < UWfc lS LocalWeather Record TJ. S. Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau j Valentino. Nebraska , week ending C a , m , , . May 13,1903 , Maximum temperature 77 degrees on the 8th Minimum temperature , 36 degrees on the 12th. Mean temperature. 52. degrees , which is 2.9 degree below the normal. . Total precipitation , .79 inch , which Is 0 1C inch below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge , Gus Gunderson was down from Cody last Saturday. Joe Jennette spenl several days in town the past week. E. M. Fuller , the Mferriman banker , was in town Sunday. Mrs. F. A. Baldwin , of Ains- worth , was in our city last Friday. If you , want a good drink call at the Valentine Bottling Works. 17 Mrs. E. McDonald was down from Crookston the first of the week. James. F. Cross , of Eosebud , was a visitor' to our city the past week. T. A. Wittstruck , of Alliance , was registered at the Donoher , Monday. S. S. McGlean , of Brownlee , was transacting business in pur city last Saturday. James S. Lawrie , of Merriman , was a Valentine visitor one. day this w6ek. Miss Edith Pettycrew visited with her cousin , Miss Inez Petty- crew , Tuesday. Col. Jordan , the pioneer mer chant of Eosebud , spent sevetal days in our town this week. 'V.f . Miss Laura Nichols , of Ains- worth , came up last week and is doing dressmaking in the city. Otto F. Tappert , the genial trav elling salesman for the Standard Oil Co. , was in our city last week. Geo. B. Zarr was down from the Mission School on the Eosebud reservation last Saturday and Sun day. day.C. C. J. O'Connor and son were in from the ranch several days the past week. C. J. Sr. is staying at the ranch for a few weeks now. A village bond of § 1000 has re cently been paid and puts our city in better financial standing. The total indebteness is now § 7,400. Max E. Viertcl , John Duffy , of Crookston , and B. Humansderfer , of the St. Francis Mission , were doing business in the city Monday. FOUND : A 1- inch solid rubber ball in the street in front of W. E. Haley's residence. Owner may have same by calling at THE DEM- OGKAT office. F , M. Harvey , representing the Marshall Paper Co. , of Omaha , Sundayed in our city. We enjoyed several games of chess with Mr. Harvey during his visit in our city. James H. Lawless came up from Sparks Monday and next day went to Cody to look after a homestead south of town. "We enjoyed a pleas ant visit from him Monday evening. Eeport of school district Xo. 71 for month beginning April 5th and ending May 1st. Number of pu pils enrolled , 10 ; average attend ance , 9. Those present every day were Etta Hudson , Floyd Haley , Ethel and Anna Hudson ; the first two not being tardy. STELLA CKOWE , Teacher. John Duffy called on us Monday while in town on business and handed us a $ for another 52 weeks of THE VALENTINE DEMOCKAT. Mr. Duffy has sold his. improve ments on his homestead to the St. Francis IVlissiou and relinquishes his right. He thinks he will go west , but hasn't decided yet where. The Valentino Bottling "Works puts up eleven different kinds of drinks. 17 Drs. "W. I. Seymour and D. D. Davis were here last Saturday as per notices printed in this paper. A large number of people called on the doctors and they felt well satisfied with their days work in Valentine. Albert K. Wood , known to Rose bud people as mayor of Oak Creek , came down to our city last week on business. Mr. "Wood is kept quite busy at his store and seldom gets away , this being his first visit to Valentine fo'r nearly a year. Henry Carter came down from Cody and is spending this week visiting with his daughter , Mrs. John Shores. We enjoyed a pleas ant visit from him Tuesday after noon. Mr. Carter is now over SO years old but is still a stout healthy man for his age. / Thomas Proctor and wife left here Sunday night for lone , Ore. , for an extended visit with their daughter , Mrs. Alice M. Server , and with their son , Lyonel , T. Proctor , at View , Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Proctor are. old residents of Valentine and are most highly re spected and loved by their friends and in fact by al [ who know them. They have been staying with their daughter , Mrs. Black , on the North Table since they sold their residence property in. the city. We enjoyed a pleasant visit faom Mr. Proctor last Saturday. Max E. Viertel attended the Wo'odman State Convention afc Omaha last week and reports that most of the delegates were in favor of only a 20 per .cent raise and that the convention decided against a reserve fund. Mr. Viertel rep resented the views of every Wood man in this county fairly , and as an arnest worker for the good of the order , is entitled to credit. Mr. Viertel saw something of the strike n Omaha , being there during the most exciting time. It seems that ; he strikers are not striking for ligher wages , but for recognition. They want employers of labor and teamsters to accept the services of any man the union sends them. 31. K. Church. The third quarterly meeting will be held next Sunday. Presiding- Elder , P. H. Eighmy , will preach morning and evening ; and at the morning service he will administer the Lord's Supper. Quarterly Conference will be held Saturday evening at S o'clock. " iftr ftr frrftsr "Jf ! ! < - * - rftsrJ T- Educational Department. BY A SENIOR "Happy are they who shall learn from thy ex ampie not to despair , but shall remember that though the day is past , and their strength wast ed , there yet remains one effort to be made ; that reformation is never .hopeless , nor sincere en deavor unassisted. Du. JOHNSOX. Supt. Fowler , of Lincoln , is vis iting school this week. Supt. Gr. A. Gregory , of Crete , is to give special instruction in music and conduct a chorus class during the normal. Miss O'Sullivan , of Omaha , has been hired by State Supt. Fowler as one of the instructors in the Val entine Junior Normal. She comes highly recommended as a science instructor. Although the elements were against us , we had our annual pic nic last Saturday. Anyone desir ing to learn the mysteries of bapt ism or how much lemon juice is re quired to quench a boys thrisfe , call on the Freshies. They learned all about such things Saturday. 1 NOTIONS 49 = 49 49 49 4 ? Ladies' Embroidery Top Collars J2 Al ] the latest styles. The ones with long Bishop Tabs J 43 arc especially pretty lOc to 75c $ Ladies' Wash Veils it < 9 Pretty and serviceable 25c to 35c ft 49 Ladies' Shirt Waist Sets & 49 & 49 . Pearl buttons in all shapes , round , heart shaped and ij S diamond 25c to § 1.50 Hj j Children's Caps . &J 49 iS * 43 White Pique Automobiles. Ver.y dainty and pret ty. . 50e fo Leather Automobiles in tan , red and blue Soci > 49 Duck Automobiles in all colors 75cT 49 4 ? 4 * 49 ft 4- ] ftw 449 Davenport & Thacher * -w 49 ft 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS 49 8 Our Spring Goods are now in and we arc prepared to figure with you in any thing you may need in our lines. We sell everything kept in a first-class General Store at prices which are right. If you are in need of any Farming Implements let us figure with you. MAX E. VIBRTBL CROOKSTON NEBRASKA carry two of the best lines in the city. Flour and Feeds of all kinds. Fresh Fruit every day. At the same old stand. You are invited to call and see us. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. LUDWIC LUMBER YARD Do you know that we have the best Lumber Shed in North-west Nebraska ? Do you know that our Lumber is DRY and you do not have to freight moisture home ? \ Do you know I that we carry a Larger and Better StocK than ail the rest of the yards in Cherry county combined ? Do you know that our grade is higher and our price is lower than any of our competitors ? ' If you do not know these facts and are from Missouri , call on us and we 4'Will Show You. " L. 0. SPARKS * . . , Manager Z& Z Z&3Z 2&2Z FIJED WiiirrEMOiiK.rresident riiAui.Ks SPARKS , Cashier J. W STKTTKK , Vice President CLAKA WATSOX , Assistut : Cashier Interest psud on time - - - 7JV7TC deposits. VALBNTINB STATE BANK Capital , § 23,000 j Surplus , S1OOO Persons seeking a place of safety for their money , will profit by investigating the OlHce Hours 9 A. M. to 4 I' . M. methods employed in our business.