Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, May 07, 1903, Image 7

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    "PE = RU = NA SAVED MY LIFE , "
. . .
Writes Mrs. W. McPnherts.
Women Made Strong and Happy
Catarrh of the Pelvic Organs Is a Fre
quent Cause of Barrenness.
Pe-ru-na Eradicates Catarrh From the
the woman of ancient Israel not
TO become a mother was regarded
as the greatest of earthly calamities.
[ To become a mother more especially
the mother of a strong , healthy boy
was the height of glory for the faithful
woman of the good old Bible days.
Even now , when maternity is not es-
leemcd as of yore , the mother of healthy
fchildrcn is an object of admiration , and
sometimes envy , by her neighbors. As
Compared with ancient peoples , the
Average American woman has a low ap-
hreciatian of motherhood. There are ,
liowever , a great many exceptions to
this statement.
The accompanying letters from grate
ful women who have been made strong ,
healthy and happy mothers nci'd no add
ed words of ours to make them con
vincing. Catarrh had weakened and
Impaired their entire systems. Peruna
bade thorn .sfiund and well.
Mrs. I , . M. Grilllth , Arco , Idaho ,
writes :
"Your medicine did me a wonderful
amount of good. It cured me of barren-
bers. I am 30 years old and never had
any children ; but since beginning your
"Where our Cure is used and directions fol
lowed , -we guarantee a cure , No nauseous drugs
ssed , but pleasant , harmless herbs. P\ill par
ticulars upon receipt of two cent stamp.
| f afflicted with '
[ Thompson'sEye Water
sore eyes , g e
Mrs. W. McRobcrts , writes to Dr. Hartman from Delano , Miss. , the
< following :
Delano , Miss.
Doctor S. B. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio :
Dear Sir : " I feel perfectly well of catarrh. I did as you directed mete
to and took Peruna and Alaitnlin. The third of March I gave birth to a
10-pound baby girl and we are both well and happy. I am very thankful
to you , and Peruna saved my life. I recommend it to everyone and can't
praise it enough.
"I send you my own and my baby's picture. She is so sweet and
good , she is a Peruna baby. I have such good health now. I do all my '
own housework and take care of my baby , and fesl so good.
"There are three or four of my neighbors using Peruna now , since it
did me so much good. They were just run down , and they think it is , '
fine. It is so good to give strength.Airs. . W. McRoberts.
medicine I gave birth to a 10-pound
baby pirl. She is now six months old
and weighs 25 pounds. My friends were
nil surprised. Some would not believe
It until they came to see me.
"My husband says he never saw such
t change in any one as there was in me
lifter I had taken three or four bottles of
Feruna. I am stronger than I have
been since I was quite young. God
bless you and your medicine forever. I
cannot tell you all. My letter is too
long already ; but I will say Peruna
tured me. I never saw or heard of
anything half so good. I can never
[ hank you enough for your kindness.
In cases of la grippe it works like a
tharm. It cured my baby when other
tnedicines failed. She was real bad with
la grippe. " Mrs. L. M. Griffith.
Mrs. E. E. Thomas , Alpha , ' Mo. ,
rrites :
"I have used your Peruna and Mana-
lin. I had been doctoring for several
years , but kept getting worse. One day
a neighbor woman brought me your
book , the 'Ills of Life , ' aiftl wanted mete
to take your medicine. I told her that
I had given up all hope of ever getting
well. I had tried so much medicine.
My neighbors thought I was nearly
dead with consumption.
"Finally I concluded that I would
make a last trial. So my husband
got me a bottle of Peruna and Manalin.
I commenced taking them according to
directions. That was two years ago. A
year ago last November I gave birth tea
a 10-pound baby boy , who is well and
hearty ; and I am doing my own housef f
work. I can never give Peruna too
great praise I think it is the best med
icine I ever heard of. " Mrs. E. E.
Thomas. |
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
To prove the healing and
cleansing power of Pax-
tiue Toilet Antiseptic
we will mail a large trial
package with book of instructions -
structions absolutely
free. This is not a tiny
sample , but alarge package ,
enough to convince anyone
of its value. Women all
over the country are prais
ing Paxtine for what it has done in local
treatment of female ills , curing all Inflam
mation and discharges , wonderful as a cleans
ing vaginal douche , for sore throat , nasal ca
tarrh , as a mouth wash , and to remove tartar
and whiten the teeth. Send to-day ; a postal
card will do.
Sold by rtrnRfflsU or ent pottpftld by ni , &
eontu , I r c box. Satisfaction guaranteed.
R. PAXTUH CO. , 216 Columbus Ave .Boston , Mast.
'All you people of this congrega
tion , " said the self-willed mniister
"are entirely too stubborn. You're
regular mules. "
"Ah , yes. " replied the mild member ,
"now I understand why you always
address us as Dear Brethren. Phila
delphia Press _ .
A man may outliv hiz capasity to
do good , but not hiz capasity to do
Promptly cures all
"I Do AH My House *
work and Take
Care of My Baby
and I Feel So
Good. "
write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus ,
Mr. John Brisben Walker is taking the
Presidency of a Company which offers un
usual features for safe and highly piofitable
investment ; namely , First Mortgage , 6-per
cent. , Real Estate bonds , accompanied by a
6o-per-cent. bonus in the Company's Pre
ferred Stock. This Company takes evermore
more than 900 acres of land within 3 % miles
of center of Denver. Berkeley Heights
is the most beautiful plateau around this
rapidly growing metropolis of the Rocky
Mountain region the most prosperous city
on the continent to-day. The property is to
be immediately developed upon an extensive
scale as a residential quarter upon modern
plans , with reservations. Mr. Walker will
hold a controlling interest in the stock , and
personally recommends the investment as
absolutely safe and likely to be extremely
profitable. For further particulars address
James Randolph Walker , Secretary , The
Berkeley Heights Investment Co. , Irving-
ton-on-the-Hudson , New York.
Money iz mosfc alwuss a grate
bother ; between the desire to git
more , and the fear ov loseing what
we hav got , men are kept all the time
in bileing-hot water.
The third excuse goes more into
details , but is none the less interest
ing ; "Mister sir , my Jason had to
be late to-day. It is his bizness to
Droll excuses are frequently written
by parents in explanation of the ab
sence of their children from school.
Here are a few specimens selected
from a number actually rereived ty
The success of some people is unac
countable , considering that they
never had a baccalaureate sermon
preached to them.
EVEBETT , MASS. I received the
sample of Doan's Pills and they stop
ped all my trouble of pain in the back ,
from which I have suffered for two
years. I am a sole-leather cutter , and
being on my feet and lifting heavy
dies all day , appreciate the help
Doan's Pills have given me. I feel
like a new man. GEO. A. BTJKGESS ,
163 Belmont Street
ST. Lours , Mo. Received sample ,
and am on my first bottle from the
druggist they helped me wonder
fully. I had a feeling of wanting to *
urinate all the time , and trouble in <
passing , burning and itching. That is <
all gone now , and I feel'thankful. <
E. K STETEHBOK , 5851 Easton Ave. ,
AfiPEK , COLO. , April 10 , 1903.
Poan's Kidney Pills accomplished
the desired result in my case relief
eame the second day after I com-
fnenced taking them. I was troubled
With retention and dribbling of the
brine. Now it is natural and free as
Iver in my life B. L. STAFFORD. I
Aching backs are eased. Hip. back , and loin pains
limb swellings and dropsy signs vanish. '
They correct urine with brick dust sediment high
colored , pain in passing , dribbling , frequency , bed
wetting. Doan's Kidney Pills remove calculi and
gravel. Relieve heart palpitation , sleeplessness
dizzinessheadache , , A A A m nervousness.
Consult our Physician by mail ; medical adrioe free.
received sample of Doan's Pills and
they are all that is claimed , they re
lieved a pain in my back , and did all
that was represented. C. C. RAT.
R. F. D. No. 1.
tell the good of Doan's Kidney Pills
until he tries them for a weak back.
I tried everything and got no relief
until I used Doan's Pills. J. N.
WESTBRANCHMICH. , April llth ,
, Many thanks for the sample of Doan's
Kidney Pills. We had tried many
remedies with little benefit but found
Doan's act promptly , and hit the case ,
which was an unusual desire to urinate
had to get up fire and six times of
a night. 1 think Diabetes was well
under way , the feet and ankles
swelled. There was an intense pain in
the back , the heat of which would
feel like putting one's hand up to a
lamp chimney. I have used the free
trial and two full boxes of Doan's Pills
with the satisfaction of feelinr that I
am cured. They are the remedy par
excellence. B. F. BALLAJLD.
Chili Con Cariil.
Two pounds of round steak , two
d peppers , one can kidney beans , one
food-sised b'nion , one large teaspoonful
tf salt.
Cut the beef Into small squares ,
Iredge well with flour , place one tuble-
Ipoonful of butter in a pan , and when
this Is hot put in the meat and cook
intil the flour adheres to it. Place in
I stewpan , cover with boiling water
Hid simmer slowly until tender , then
tdd chopped onions and beans ; cook
Sve minutes and serve either hot or
Jold. The gravy should be nearly
looked away before adding tbe beans.
Souse Meat or Head Cheese. ,
One small hog's head , flve or six pig's
feet , one pepper pod , cut line ; one tablespoonful -
blespoonful of pulverized sage ; salt to
Wash , scrape and singe the bead
md feet until clean ; then put them over
the lire in hot water and cook until
the meat falls from the bones. Pick
this meat into fine bits and work In
pepper and sage with the hands , pack
In a stone jar and put in a cool place.
tVhen cold , hold the jar over hot water
for a few minutes and tbe cake will
lurn out whole. It will slice nicely.
Gluten Bread.
/ Mix together a pint of milk and one
of boiling water and stir in a tea-
tpoonful of salt and one of melted but
ter. When lukewarm add a beaten
igg and a quarter of a yeast cake that
has been dissolved in a gill of blood-
tvarm milk. Now make into a batter
fc'ith gluten flour. Set in the warm
fitchen , covered with a cloth , for six
iours , then add enough gluten flour to
pake a dough that can be-kneaded and
vfiead for ten minutes. Form Into
loaves and knead each for five minutes ,
Ihen set to rise again. Bake for an
Peanut Candy.
Boil a pint of good New Orleans
molasses until it hardens in cold wa-
ler. Stir in two teaspoonfuls of ex
tract of vanilla and a scant teaspoon
ful of baking soda. Have ready a
tiuanttiy of shelled and skinned pea
nuts. There should have been four
quarts of these freshly roasted before
Ihelling. Stir these well into the mo
lasses and turn into buttered pans ,
ress flat and smooth with a knife or
ipoon and as it begins to stiffen cut
> r mark off the candy into bars with a
Fish Hash.
Boil six good-sized potatoes and one
; upful of stripped codfish together
nnd while hot chop ttiem fine together
tvith tbree or four slices of boiled beet.
Put the mixture on the stove in a gran-
te stewpan , add a good-sized piece of
butter and beat thoroughly with a sil-
rer fork. Place on a hot platter in
any form desired , garnish with pars
ley , pieces of beet and carrot cut in
'ancy shapes , and slices of hard-boiled
Coffee Cake.
Into a cupful of bread dough that
had tbe second rising work a half-
cup of butter , melted and creamed with
a quarter cupful of sugar , a beaten
egS a quarter-teaspoonful of cinnamon
and nutmeg and a half-teaspoonful of
toda dissolved in a tablespoouful of
milk. Knead for three minutes , make
Into a long loaf and set to rise for a
ha -hour. . Now cover the top of the
oaf thickly with sugar and bake in a
jteady oven.
German Fritters.
Three eggs well beaten , one pint of
jiilk , two tablespoonfuls of sugar , one-
aalf teaspoonful of salt , one saltspoon-
Cul of cinnamon and a small pinch of
powdered rnace. Cut slices of bread in
squares or oblong pieces , soak in the
mixture until soft , and -fry a. golden
brown in butter , putting a small piece
of butter on each before turning.
Serve very hot with butter and sugar
? r maple syrup.
Plaip Canned Pumpkin Pies.
One caiiful of pumpkin , two oupfuls
pf boiled milk , three eggs , one and one-
aalf cupfuls of sugar , butter the size of
t walnut , one-half teaspoonful of salt ,
bne-half teaspoonful of cinamon. This
Will fill three pies. Molasses may be
used instead of sugar if preferred.
Short Suggestions.
After washing a saucepan dry it in
tbe fire before putting it away.
To whiten clothes put a tablespoonful -
ful of turpentine in the boiler when
they are boiled.
To clean plaster of paris ornaments ,
cover them with a thick coating of
ptarch and allow It to become perfect
ly dry. Then it may be brushed oil
and the dirt with it.
To cover jam pots easily , brush
white of egg over white kitchen paper ,
Cut into pieces of proper size and cover
tbe pots while they are hot. The paper
will stick tightly and be airproof , like
Spinach that is left from dinner may
be at once mixed with a French dressIng -
Ing , packed in small cups or molds
or In a bowl and put away. Next day
turn it out on a bed of lettuce , add
more French dressing and It is read-
for the table.
To make a cheap floor stain mix one
part of Brunswick black with seven
parts of turpentine. Apply to the
wxx > d with a flat brush. Next day
polish with beeswax and turpentine
Use more or less turpentine to make
Lighter or darker stain. N
t Tor Infants and Children ,
t The Kind You Have
Aiways Bought
Avfegetable Prcparalionfor As
similating ( UeFoodandRcg da
ting the Stomachs andBowcls of
Promotes Digeslion.Cheerful-
nessandResi.Conlains neilher
OpiumMbrpliine nor "Mineral.
KocKrllf Sallt"
sttuxc Seed +
Di CatianairSodtt *
rtanfied Jugar
Aperfccl Remedy forConstipa-
Tion , Sour StomachDiarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .lrcvonsh-
ness and Loss OF SLEEP. For Over
Pac Simile Signature of
NEW dL&ff&5& TORK. * Thirty Years
. .
"After I iras induced to try CASCA-
RKTJj , I vail never be without them in the house.
My liver tva3 in a very bad shape , and my head
iichuJ and I hail stomach trouble. Now , since tak-
ine Casrarets , I feel fine. My Trife has also used
them with benefirittl results for Four stomach.1
J05. KnEHLiNO , 1921 Congress St. , St. Louis , Mo.
Pleasant , Palatable , Potent , Taste Good , Do
Good , KeverSicken , Weaken or Gripe , We , 25c , 5Cc.
StrrllngRemcdj Conpanj , Chicago , Bontrfat , K w York. 318
H8-TO-BAC Sold and trnarantecd by all drag- '
- - Cists to CCK Tobacco Habit. >
An Atrhioson man is so well bo
hived that the only thing that can
b ? charged against him is a second
"Ifc is a great mistake , Mabel to
.trifle with the affections of a man
who loves you by encouraging some
one else. "
"V D , he's a little slow auntie. I
think he needs a pacemaker.Puck.
It is not always the brifthest boy
who turns out lo be the ablest man.
Philadelphia Bulletin.
"After all , " remarked the man who
was given to % moralizing , "experience
is the greatest of all schools. "
"That may be , " replied the grumb
ler , "but very few of us live long
enonvh to graduate. Philade'phia '
Pr , s.
This Trade Mark
appears on Cooking Stores of highest merit. The
"Kiean , Keel Kitchen Kind ? '
make no smoke , cmell , soot , dirt , asb s or ex
cessive heat. Save time , work and worry.
Economical and safe and always ready. Can bo
moved from room to room. Cooklncand baklntr
can be done on the "Klean , Keel Kitchen Kind"
as readily as on any coal Hove ; but quicker , with
more comfort and in a Kl'-an , Keel Kitchen. Bold
at good Btove stores. Atk tnsee the Trade Mark.
N.N.U. 770-19. YORK , NEB.
Medicine Never Healed a Wound
Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as
sist her in doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off
diseases. Nine-tenths of the diseases of man and beast have their
origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run and multiply
form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all
germs dieases and cures them , unless fermentation and inflamma
tion have too far developed , is that it contains every antlseptio
and germicida known to science. All germ diseases such as hog
cholera , swine plague , corn stalk diseasestubercolosis. blackleg and
numerous others can ba prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink
ing water , because they are germ diseases and no germ can live
where Liquid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected oy the
gastric juices of tbe stomach , passes through the Intestines and
from there into the circulation , permeating the whole system and
still retains all its germicial properties. Diluted with water , in
the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the best lice killer
Price of Liq'uid Koal delivered at your station is as follow * :
ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BB.0 ! 43.29 QAL
OAL if
, W , the undersigned stock raisers of Madison Connty , Nebraska , railing from
100 to 200 bead of hoes each year have , after a fair and Impartial trial oC IXcmid ivoai
nrnnnfucrared by the National Medtea.1 Company , of Sheldon , Iowa , and York , Ne-
bratka , found it to be the Best Disinfectant , Germ Destroyer find Appetizer that hu
bven ottr pleasure to nse. and we Jointly think that a man Is standing in his own
light who does not try it. When their agent calls we advise any stock raiser t *
buy-and u-e Liquid Koal.
Chaa. Lodge , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P. Wade , Battle Creek , Hete.
J. K. Mclntosh , Emerick , Nebr. Wm. Hawkins , Meadow Grove , Nebr.
V. T. Homan , Emerick , Nebr. F. P. Homan , Newman Grove , Nebr.
We. tb nnderaigned stock raimn > and fanners gladly testify to tbe merit * of
Liquid Koal manufactured by the National Medical Co. , of Sheldon , Iowa , mad
York , Nebraska , We have used thin product with gratlfylnf raoceea and advise ail
to rive it a trial. It should oe on every farm in Nebraska.
Kufos Feary , Bee , Nebr Chris. Schall , Staplehtmt , Nebr.
J. H. Feary , Bee. Nebr. F. C. Meyer , Staplehnrst , Nebr ,
Geo. Mlllt. Bee , Nebr. Geo. Ringeberger , Seward , Nebr.
Wai. Plnghaupt , HUplehnrst , Ncfcr. J. Ringeberfer.Sr. , German town , Nefc
If your dealer does not kee it write us direct.
A 32-page book on the DIseises of Animals mailed free upon ap
plication to the National Medical Company , York , Rebr. , and
Sheldon , Iowa.
National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for
killing orf Ticks and Lice and the treatment of Mange , Texas Itch ,
and Scab In Sheep. It forms a perfect emulsion with water and ia
harmless to the membranes of the eye.
If yo r dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information
sent free.