Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 30, 1903, Image 7

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M. C. Gee , of San francisco , Says ,
"Pe-ru-na is of Especial Bene
fit to Women. "
Robert R. Roberts , M. D. , Waah-
; ; ington , D. C. , writes :
"Through my own experience
as well as that of many of my
friends and . acquaintances who
have been cured or relieved of ca
tarrh by the use of Hsrtman's
Peruna , I can confidently rec
ommend It to those suffering from
such disorders , and have no best *
tatioti in prescribing it to my pa *
< tients. " Robert R. Roberts.
CONSTANTLY increasing num
A ber of physicians prescribe Pe
runa in their regular practice. It
Ihas proven its merits so thoroughly that
ven the doctors have overcome their
'prejudice against so-called patent medi
cines and recommend it to their patients.
r Peruna" occupies a unique position in
'medical ' science. It is the only internal
systemic catarrh remedy known to the
medical profession to-day. Catarrh , as
every one will admit , is the cause of one-
half the diseases which afflict mankind.
Catarrh and catarrhal diseases afflict
We-half of the people of > United States.
F. H. Brand , M. D. , of Mokena , 111. ,
uses Peruna in his practice. The follow-
'ing case is an example of the success he
las through thu use of Peruna for ca
, Dr. Brand says : "Mrs. 'G. . ' age 2S ,
had been a sufferer from catarrh for the
past seven years ; could not hear plain
'and had watery eyes. She came to me
almost a physical wreck. She had tried
the Copeland cures and various other
BO-called .specialists , and had derived no
benefit from them. She told me she did
How easy it is to "forgive an enemy
atfes he is dead.
It IB placed into the nostrils ,
preads over the membrane
and is absorbed. Kelicf is im
mediate. It is not drying , does
not produce sneezing.
Drnggiste , 50 cts. or by mail.
KLYBROB..K Warren St. , N.Y.
tire to Make S2O Per Week
eason Now at Its BEST
end for Terms.
Weuwatosa , WIs.
N.N.U. 769-18. YORK , NEB.
not want to spend any more money on
medicines unless I could assure her
"I put her on Pe
runa and told her
to come back in
two weeks. The
effects were won
derful. The cast-
down look she had
when I first saw
her had left her
and a smile adorn
ed her face. She
told me she felt a
different woman ,
her hearing was
improved and her-
F. H. Brand , M. IX. eyes -did not trou
ble her any more.
"This is only'one case of the many I
have treated with your valuable med
icine. ' ' ! H. Brand , M. D.
Catarrh may invade any organ of the
body ; may destroy any function of the
body. It most commonly attacks the
head , nose and throat , but thousands
upon thousands of cases of catarrh of
Lovers , like armies , get along well
enough till the engagement begins.
Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ?
Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot-
Base , a powder for the feet. It makes
tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures
Corns. Bunions , Swollen , Hot and
Sweating Feet At all Druggists and
Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE.
Address Allen S. Olmsted. LeRoy , N. Y.
The bunion's progress is painfully
interesting to the pilgrim.
You ran do your dyeing in half an
hour with Putnam Fadeless Dyes.
Mm. window's SOOTHING SYRUP f > r child
ren teething , softens the Rums , reduces imfla-
mation allays pain cures colic. Price 25c bottle
When anything in this world is as
bum as gooseberry pie , it ouglit to
be abolished.
An agnostic is a man who believes
in nothing and isn't quite sure of
the lungs , stomach , kidneys , bladder
and other pelvic organs have been cure.d
by Peruna.
Peruna is able to cure catarrh wher
ever it may be located by its direct
action upon the mucous membranes.
Catarrh means inflamed mucous mem
branes. Peruna acts at once to cleanse
and invigorate the catarrhal condition
of the mucous membrane no matter
where it may occur in the body. Its
action is the same on the mucous lining
of th"e nose as on the mucous lining of
the bowels. It cures the catarrhal in
flammation wherever it may occur.
Dr. R. Robbins , Muskogce , I. T. ,
writes :
"Peruna is the best medicine I know
of for cough and to strengthen a weak
stomach and to give appetite. Beside
prescribing it for catarrh , I have ordered
it for weak and debilitated people , and
have not had a patient but said it helped
him. It is an excellent medicine and
it fits so many cases.
"I have a large practice , and have a
chance to prescribe your Peruna. I
hope you may live long to do good to
the sick and suffering. "
We say Peruua cures catarrh. The
people say Peruna cures Catarrh. Promi
nent men and women all over the
United States from Maine to California
do not hesitate to come out in public
print to say that Peruna is what it is
recommended to bo , an internal , sys
temic catarrh remedy that cures catarrh
wherever it may be located.
Dr. M. C. Gee's Experience.
Dr. M. C. Gee is one of the physicians
who endorse Peruna. In a letter written
from 513 Jones street. San Francisco.
Gal. , he says :
"There is a general objection on the
part of the practicing physician to ad-
vacate patent medicines. But when
any one medicine cures hundreds oi
people , it demonstrates its own value
and does not need the endorsement of
the profession.
"Peruna has performed so many
wonderful cures in San Francisco that
I am convinced that it is a valuable
remedy. I have frequently advised its
use for women , as I find it insures
regular and painless menstruation ,
cures leucorrhoea and ovarian troubles ,
and builds up the entire system , f a/so
consider it one of the finest catarrh
remedies I know of. I heartily endorse
your medicine. " M. C. Gee. M. D.
Women are especially liableto , pelvic
catarrh , female weakness as it is com
monly called. Especially in the first
few weeks of warm weather do the dis
agreeable symptoms of female weakness
make themselves apparent. In crisp ,
cold weather chronic sufferers with pelvic
catarrh do not feel so persistently the
debilitating effects of the drain uponi
the system , but at the approach of' '
summer with its lassitude and tired
feelings , the sufferer with pelvic catarrh
feels the need of a strengthening tonic.
Peruna is not only the best spring
tonic for such cases , but if persisted in
will effect a complete cure. Write for a
copy of "Health and Beauty , " written
especially for women by Dr. Hartman.
[ f you want to read of some cures also ,
write for a copy of "Facts and Faces. "
That will surely convince you that our
claims are valid.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a
rail statement of your case , and he will
3e pleased to give yoii his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
Phf Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus.
Eat plenty of asparagus ; it cleanses
the blood better than strong medi
Nothing' seems more edifying to
some people than to see a bow-legged
man chasing his hat in a windstorm.
Cupid probably confines his opera
tions to the parlor in winter owing
to his scanty wardiobo. Ex.
A lot of trouble is stirred up by
people who insist on saying things
when they have nothing to say.
Chicago News. -
Next to knowing when to grasp an
opportunity the most imporant thing
is to know when to let go of it Chicago
cage News.
A New York woman is suing her
husband for divorce on the ground'
that he is a fool. He says the mere
fact that be married her prevents ,
him from setting up any defense.
gj $ ! " r'
iV > * *
f'u _ 4dH |
OASOABETS Candy Cathartic are always put up in bine metal box , our trade-marked ,
long-tailed O on the cover tablet octagonal , stamped COO. Never sold in bulk 1 Imitations
and substitutes are sometimes offered by unscrupulous dealers who try to palm off fakes when
GASCABETS are called for , because the fake pays a little more profit. Get the genuine OAS
OABETS and with it satisfaction or your money refunded under iron-clad guarantee. 1OOOOOOO
boxes a year , that's the sale of CASOABBTS today , and merit did it. They are a perfect cure
for Constipation , Appendicitis , Biliousness , Sour Stomach , Sick Headache , Bad Breath , Bad
Blood , Pimples , Piles , "Worms and all Bowel Diseases. All druggists , lOo , 25o , GOc Sample and
o booklet free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co. , Chicago or New York. yg
Georjje Gould's Ability Shown in Man-
nn * rT the Vast Kstnte.
But two of the late Jay Gould's four
sons were in business when he died
In 1802. They were the two elder sons ,
George .7. and Kdwin , says the Kansas
City Journal.
pcorge Gould took to bus'noss early.
Despite his father's 111 treaties , he
would not take a college course , pre
ferring to go into a nollice. His fa
ther , therefore , secured for him u
junior partnership in the brokerage
firm of Connor & Co. . at the head of
which was Jay Gould's old broker and
intimate friend , Washington Connor.
George's extreme economies , it 5-J
said , led to disagreements , and the
partnership -was dissolved. The voting
man had been apt and industrious ,
however , and so his father took him
into his own office and gave him an
opportunity to become familiar with
tie details of the great business.
George was a studious young man
and stuck closely to business. He rap
idly mastered the details of depart
ments , and soon was taking inspection
work and other responsible duties off
his father's shoulders.
At the time of hs father's dt-a h
George Gould was his chief adviser
and was practically at the head of .the
railroad end of the business , for wliii-h
he has always shown a preference.
He was able to take full charge of
the business in 1802 , and the various
enterprises have prospered immensely
under his management. The Missouri
Pacific and kindred interests hav
been his especial care , and until the
recent transfer of Manhattan Elevated
interests to August Belmont he was
president of that company.
George Gould is estimated to be
worth about $80,000,000.
All four of the Gould boys are mem
bers of the Stock Exchange , George
having entered it in 1890. He is , how
ever , rarely , if ever , seen on the floor.
The stick insect of Borneo is the
largest insect known. Specimens , thir
teen inches in length , have been cap
tured. " The stick insect exactly rr-
senibles a piece of rough stick.
No comet is likely to Jnjuvc . o
earth even if it does strike it , for . ' -
fessor Babenet has lately calcula < I
that the substance of which cc : . ;
are made is several million times .1 , . -
er than air.
A complete circle with a radr > - ! '
five hundred miles can be drawn > . "i
St. Louis as a center ; it will contain
about thirty-five million inhabitants ;
the semicircle that can be drawn
around New York with the same ra
dius it is a little more than a semi
circle really contains about thirty-
three million persons.
By a law recently enacted in Rus
sia , any university or high-school stu
dent who creates or causes disorder
shall be drafted into the army for a
'period of from one to three years.
This is to curb the rashness and fond
ness for mischief of college students ,
.who imagine they have the privilege
to annoy all creation.
Bachelors are heavilj- taxed in one
.of the provinces of the Argent ii ° R
ipublic. Between the ages of ' _ ' < ' ) . : > ; !
30 he must pay $5 a month ; after th
'age of 30 , $10 ; when he is betwoin :
and 50 , $20 ; between 50 and 7. > . : { ) .
When a widower has been three y.ars
wifeless , he must remarry or pay the
tax. If he can prove that he has been
thrice refused as a husband within
ionc year , he is not taxable.
The best sailing vessel flying the
American flag is the steel four-master
Atlas , which arrived at Baltimore a
few days ago after a run of 15,300
jmiles from Hong Kong in ninety-two
days. The Atlas averaged 172 miles a
day , and 7 % knots an hour. Her best
day's run was 312 miles , at the rate
jOf 12y2 knots an hour. This breaks all
authentic records , except that of the
bark Amy Turner , which made the
run from Hong Kong to the Virginia
coast in eighty-seven days. The At
las beat out of sight the British bark
[ Kelat , which cleared for New York
eleven days ahead of the Atlas. The
English captain boasted the sailing
qualities of his vessel , but at the time
the Atlas reached Baltimore had not
arrived in New York.
Not Attending to Business.
The shrewdness of one of the foun
ders of a famous estate in Maine gave
rise to many amusing stories , one of
which has recently been retold.
One day the man , who was a large
lumber operator , was superintending a
crew which was breaking up a Jog jam
In the river. Suddenly the spruce on
which he was standing slipped. The
lumberman dropped out of signl in the
water , and the logs closed over him.
The nearest Frenchman saw the ac
cident. Hopping briskly over the slip
pery logs , he helped the "boss" Lo land.
Nothing was said about the accident.
After an hour or so the Frenchman
began lo get anxious , because the re
ward "which he considered due him was
aot forthcoming. He approached the
lumberman , and pulling clumsily at his
: ap , stammered :
' 1 see you fall in , m'sieur , aiM I run
lueelc to pull you out 'fore you droAvn-
3d. "
"Prob'ly , " snapped the lumberman ,
'prob'ly , if you'd been 'tending to busi-
less as you'd oughter , you wouldn't
lave seen me fall in ! " Youth's Com
When some people want to praise a
baby , they say , "Why , you -wouldn't
know there was a baby In the house ! "
Hard 10 Bear.
When the back
aches and pains so
badly , can't work ,
can't rest , can't
sleep , can't eat , it's
bard to bear. Thousands of aching
backs have been relieved and cured.
People are learning that backache
pains come from disordered kidneys ,
that Doan's Kidney Tills cure every
kidney ill cure Bladder Troubles , uri
nary derangements. Dropsy , Diabetes ,
Bright's disease. Read this testimony
to the merit of the greatest of Kidney
.7. W. Walls , Superintendent of
Streets of Lebanon , Kentucky , living
on East Main street in that city , says :
"With my nightly rest broken , owing
to irregularities of the kidneys , suffer
ing intensely from severe pains in the
small of my back and through the kid-
oeys , and annoyed by painful passages
of abnormal secretions , life was any
thing but pleasant for me. No amount
of doctoring relieved this condition ,
and for the reason that nothing seem
ed to give me even temporary relief ,
I became about discouraged. One day
I noticed in the newspapers the case
of a man who was alllicfed as I was ,
and was cured by the ITSP of Doan's
Kidney Pills. IIis wo"ds of praise
for this remedy were so sincere that on
the strength of his statement I went
to the Hugh Murrey Drug Co.'s store
and got a box. I found that the tnedi-
sine was exactly as powerful a kidney
remedy as represented. I experienced
quick and lasting relief. Doan's Kid
ney Pills will prove a blessing to all
sufferers from kidney disorders who
will give them a fair trial. "
A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney
medicine which cured Mr. Walls will
be mailed to any part of the United
States on application. Address Foster-
Milbnrn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. For sale
by all druggists. Price oO cents per
"The Klean , Keel , Kitchen Kind" is
the trade mirk : on stoves which enable
you to cook in comfort in a cool kitchen.
A girl's first cake is often more or
namental than digestible
Cbildrens idea of a father is a man
who never puts gravy on their plates
when they want it Ex.
If some types of beauty were more
than eld u deep they might prove fa
tal to the possessors thereof. Ex
The fact thab virtue has its own re-
\va-d is more or less detrimental. It
should offer great inducements.
On -the Lat&n.
Libby Luncheons
We sell the product in ker-opcninjr cans.
Turn a key and yon find the meatexactly
as it left us. We put them up in this way :
Potted Ham , Beef and Tongue
Ox Tongue ( Whole ) . Veal Loaf
Deviled Ham , Brisket Beef
Sliced Smoked Beef. Etc.
All natural flavor foods- palatable and
wholesome. Your trroccr should ha vet hem
"Bow to Make Good Things to Eat" will
be sent free to any address ( or the askintr
Libby , McNeill & Libby
Chicago , Illinois
A woman may publicly declare that
she has thn best husband in the world ,
but privately she thinks be might bo
a trifle better.
Get up and swing the glittering
hoe an hour before breakfast and you
will have an appetite like an alliga
dear friend ; when a dentist ad
vertises "teeth extracted without
pain , be doesn't mean you at all. He
is thinking of bimself. .
VERY LIKELY Wife.lookiug up
from paper , What was Hobson's
choice" , anyway ? Ilusbind , Mrs.
Hobson.-I suppose.
TOWER'S garments and
hats are made of the best
materials in black or yellow
for all kinds of wet work.
SEP * " You can t-ave from S3.0O to &C.OO 3 early
-wearing W. L. . Douglas & :5.50 or SZJ Shoes.
They are just as peed in every way as tlinse that
f have been costing you from S-J.M ) to $ .5.00. . The
immense sale of W. 1 * . Douglas plioes proves
their superiority over all other mukc.s.
Solil by retriil fhoc dealers evcrjwhere.
s. The genuine have nun.e ami price
25 * f TRA " ' \ ' - . ' TSvStanipcd on tli hottnin Take no
, CATAI OGvFfipbr x. S.subJlit"ta1'1 ( -'dor Eyelets used.
w x jjoiiKlas S4 Gilt ilffe
jLiiie cuiiiiot be equalled
- s Sgn ii Miyoo & $ & at any price.
WS SS - xWiK : , - , - . . , . T WI LI/ <
Established 187C.
TIic Diuclai e Tet proresi of Unnlnfiliebottom * OM "W. Jj. Doutlns miVes and soils more men a
produces mor flexible nd loojtir wwirlne lf tlirp Goodyear welt ( hand-sewpd pror s efaces
thanrnr olhfrtannaee. Thr lf t hi\T * more than don- than any o her mnnufactur T * n the world.
bicd the putt fnur je r . whlrli proir * il Mtprriorllj. w''n > ) > ' lo anyone who
Made of the liest imported and Anencan
Medicine Never Healed a Wound
Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as
sist her in doing her work In healing wounds and throwing oft
diseases. Nine-tenths of the diseases of man and beast have their
origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run and multiply
form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all
germs dieases and cures them , unless fermentation and inflamma
tion have too far developed , is that it contains every antiseptic
and germicida known to science. All germ diseases such as hog
cholera , swine rlague , corn stalk diseasestubercolosis. blackleg and
numerous others can be prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink
ing water , because they are germ diseases and no germ can li e
where Liquid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected oy the
gastric juices of the stomach , passes through the intestines and
from there into the circulation , permeating the whole system and
still retains all its germiclal properties. Diluted with water. In
the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the bes ; lice killer
Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follows :
ONE GALLON - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , . S2.25 GAL
DECEMBER 24 , 1900.
We , the undersigned stock raisers of Madivon County. Nebraska , ra sine front
100 to 200 head of hos each ye-ir have , after a fair ami impartial trial of Liquid Koal
manufactured by the Nation * ! Medical Company , of Hheidon. low * , and York , Ne
braska , fonnditto be the Best Disinfecmnt. ii'crm Destroyer unit Appetizer thai hu
been our pleasure to use. and we joi-itly think that- mania stnndiuv : in his own
light who does not try it. When their , agent calls we advise any stock raiser to
buy and u < e Liquid Koal.
Chat. Lodge , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P. Wade , Battle Cirek , Neb * .
J. . Mclntosh , Emerick , Nebr. Wm. Hawkins , Me-ulow Grove , Nebr.
V. T. Homan , Emerick , Nebr. F. F. Human , Newman Grove , Nebr.
DECEMBER , 1902 ,
We , the undersigned stock raisers and farmers gladly te&tifv to the merits of
Liquid Koal manufactured by the N&tioual Medicnt Co. . of Daemon. Iowa , aatl
York , Nebraska , We have used this produce with gratifying success and advlie all
to rire It a trial. It should oe on every farm in N ; braou !
Ruin * Fearr , Bee , Nebr Chris , -hall , Staplenurat , Nebr.
J. H. Feary , Bee , Nebr. F. C. Meyer , Staplehurst , Nebr ,
Geo. Millf. Bee , Kebr. Qeo. Rmg'berger , Sew&rd. Nebr.
Wm. Ptagbaupt , Htaplehnrst , Nebr. J . Ringeberger , Sr. , German town , Nttt
If your dealer does not keep it write us direct.
A 32-page book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap
plication to the National Medical Company , York , jtfebr. , and
Sheldon , Iowa.
National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for
killing off Ticks ana Lice and the treatment of Mange , Texas Itcn
and Scab in Sheep. It forms a perfect emulsion wnu water and la
harmless to the membranes of the eye.
If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information
ent free.
V i ftA.VCV'Jt / * : T TS <