Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 30, 1903, Image 4

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Thursday , April 3O , 1903
Subscription $1.00 per year in advano1 : Sl.EO
When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertising 1 Inch single column I5c
per issue or § 0.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
and Socials lor Revenue Be per line per Issue.
Brands. 1M Irenes S4.00 per year In advance
additional space § 3-00 per inch per year jengruved
blocks extra ; $1.00 each.
TartiCB living outside Cherry county not per-
wnally known are requested to pay In advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over C
aiouths in arrears.
Notices ol losses of stock free to brand adver
Three years ago today THE VAL
ENTINE DEMOCRAT started under
the present management and got
out its first issue with I. M. Rice ,
as proprietor. We were then in
experienced with a newspaper of
fice and didn't know hard it was to
run a newspaper. We had per
severance and lots of friends to of
fer advice and we prospered. "We
make some new improvements
each year and the office now lias
more capital to back it than it has
ever before had. . "NVe wish to
thank our numerous friends for
their part in this work , for their
encouragement and patronage.
"We hope to give you as good a
paper as in the past and add new
features as we find it possible to
do so.
E. 11. Bohlc has a new National
cash register.
Robert Quisenbery was in from
his ranch this week.
Alva "Woodruff has been quite
sick at the Valentine house but is
some better.
"Wcs Harden has been very sick
the past week but is thought to be
some better.
A surprise farewell party was
given the Misses Holsclaw at the
home of Mrs. Moor , Monday night.
Misses Nellie and Mary Hols-
claw started this morning for Spo
kane , "Wash. , where they expect
to make their future home.
Miss Evelyn Hannaof Lincoln ,
is HOW in the First National bank to
take the place of Miss "Waters who
resigned a couple of weeks ago.
Today is a beautiful warm spring
day and the snow has mostly dis
appeared. Vegetation and fruit
blossoms were probably badly
Gco. Tracewell tells us that the
Heine-Calkins sale of stock was a
success and that it amounted to all
that the owners had anticipated ,
bringing a total of $4590. They
sold 30 coming yearling mules at
$ iO a head , so mules will probably
graze more numerously on Cherry
county prairies aftqr this. Geo.
Tracewell is a good auctioneer and
gives satisfaction wherever he
cries a sale.
Lina Lennier , the soldier who
shot Sert. ; Robert Yours , had his
preliminary yesterday afternoon
before U. S. Com. Heath , of Cody ,
who came down and heard the testi
mony at the Donoher hotel. Len
nier was bound over to the Grand
Jury , of Douglas county and U.
S. Deputy Marshal , J. O. Moore ,
took charge of the prisoner and
started for the Douglas county
jail this morning with him.
M. P. Brosias Dead.
M. P. Brosius died at his home
a few miles northwest of town ,
yesterday afternoon at three o'clock
from another stroke of paralysis ,
which came upon him Tuesday
evening while at supper. Dr.
Compton was called Tuesday night
and stayed with him until morn
ing but nothing could be done for
the afflicted man , beyond what was
done to make his last hours as
peaceful as possible , J. C. Petti-
john and J. P. Gallaway went up
yesterday representing the A. O.
U. WM of which he was a member
and were present at the time of his
death. Abo'ut a year ago Mr.
Bro'sius had a stroke of paralysis
fhxni which ho had lost the use of
Dr. Lauren Jones is in town to
day at the Donoher hotel.
Dr. Dailey is expecting his wife
from Chicago this week.
Perry Veach this week becomes-
a reader of the DEMOCRAT.
Paul Didier and-Frank Janis are
if from the Reservation this week.
Mas. Lizzie Harris will be in
Valentine with millinery goods the
first of May. 15
Miss Bakei ; , of Dubuque , la. ,
has been visiting her aunt , Mrs. J.
B. Hull , for the past few weeks.
"W. A. Denny dropped off the
passenger this morning and stopped
in town until the morning freight
went west.
Louie Girouex , a step son of
Steve Estes , and his son-in-law ,
John Burnette were in town several
days this week buying supplies for
their ranches on Big White River.
There was a juvenile scrap on
the street Monday evening between
Lee Bennett and Sam Charbonneau ,
boys about ten years old , which at
tracted quite a crowd. At first it
was about a stand off but finally
Bennett got on top and when they
separated , Charbonneau's nose was
bleeding and it looked like a bloody
battle. It tf as only a good natured
scrap and the boys were just as
good friends as before.
A case of much interest to stock
men has just been I decided by the
United States Circuit Court of Ap
peals at St. Louis. This is the
case of U. G. Mason , of Marshal ,
Mo. against R. M. Faddis , of this
county. In 1899 , Mason bought a
herd of cattle from Faddis and
made an advance payment of two
thousand dollars. The cattle were
to be delivered in different deliver
ies and about six hundred head
were delivered and fully paid for ,
leaving the § 2,000 still in the hands
of Mr. Faddis. The contract did not
set a definate time for the delivery
of the balance , but Faddis claimed
that Mason fixed a time and that
he had the cattle ready for delivery
at the time and place fixed and that
Mason failed to call for them.
Later Mason made a demand for
the cattle , but Faddis said they
had shrunk in weight and he would
neb deliver unless Mason would
accept them at the weights at the
time he said Mason had agreed to
accept them. Mason then brought
suit to recover the money advanced
and for damages. The case was
tried in the United States Circuit
Court at Omaha last spring. The
trial judge instructed the jury to re
turn a verdict for Mason. He held
that the money advanced was not
a forfeit and that Mason had the
right to demand the cattle and if
Faddis failed to deliver , Mason
could recover back the money and
damage. The case was taken to
the Circuit Court of Appeals which
lias reversed the decision of the
Circuit Court and remanded the
case for a new trial. This is a
great victory for Mr. Faddis and
for his attorney , A. M. Morrissey ,
who tried the case. This suit has
attracted much attention from stock
men throughout the state because
of the wide acquaintance of the
parties and because the questions
involved arc of importance to every
man who makes a contract for the
purchase or sale of live stock.
.1. F. Jotter Dead.
Last Friday morning J. F. Jot-
; er , a teamster at the Post and for
merly proprietor of the Union heel -
; el in this city for several months
ast summer , arose , went to the
cupboard to take a drink from what
le thought to be his whiskey flask
> ut proved to be a bottle of carbolic
acid which was setting beside it. He
wok a big swallow before he real-
zed what he had done , and then
finding the other bottle proceeded
; o empty its contents to counteract
he deadly poision. He died in
about 15 minutes. The Odd Fel
lows conducted the funeral services
at the Post cemetery , Sunday af
ternoon. Mr. Jotter leaves a wife
and two children to mourn his un
timely death. THE DEMOCRAT ex
tends sympathy to the bereaved
in behalf of Valentine citizens and
Report of school district No. 10
for month ending April 2-L Num
ber * of pupils enrolled , 11 ; number
of days taught , 20 ; number of days
all pupils attended , ISO ; average
daily attendance , 9 ; those neither
absent nor tardy : Tommy Duffy ,
Roy Story. Tardy but not absent
Lawnie Beed.
Pole Creek.
Monthly report of school district
No. 19 , Cherry county , for month
ending /April 24,1903. number of
clays'taught , 20 ; number of pupils
enrolled , 13 ; average daily attend
ance , 12 ; Tin > sc being neither ab
sent nor tardy during the month
were : Mary Tice , Editli Haslaw ,
Cora Eaton , Mabel Fairhead , Olaf
Alexander and John Haslow.
: Water.
John Daniels went out home
Sam Hctli and wife were visiting
at Thompsons.
Mr. Thompson and daughters
were in town last week.
Kenc Canet and Harry Heth
were up the river Sunday.
Charlie Mosher and Mrs. Reece
went to town the first of the week.
J. W. Stcttcr's man went out to
Bob Gillaspie's with a herd af ani
Marks Bros , and families arc
living on landlord Groom's place
on the river.
Mrs. C. C. Thompson and daugh
ter , Rita , were visiting last Sunday
at John Sccllacck's.
Frank Sedlacek is going over on
White river to work this summer ,
and brother George is going to stay
at home and take care of their
A stitch in time saves nine. .
Dave Owens was in Sparks Sun
F. Grooms was on the river Sun
Doc. Grooms is working for Mr.
Jim Hughes lost a fine cow sev
eral days ago.
* i
Will Seman is working for Mr.
Kittle , the P. M.
Mrs. Clara Hutchison went to
Valentine recently.
Temper is such a good thing that
we should never lose it.
Mr. Tillson lost a fine shoat re
cently , lost , strayed or stolen.
R. Grooms , of Valentine , was in
this neck of the woods recently.
John Grooms will run a herd.
He commenced planting corn Sat
Ethel Grooms , of Valentine , is
staying with her grandma at. Pen-
Miss Wilson , of Norden , was
thrown from a horse Saturday and
badly bruised.
Train up a child in the way it
should go , and when it becomes
older it will not depart from it.
JlcCuun Item * .
Mrs. Geo. Hcndershot is sick
with the rheumatism.
Mrs. W. Danofsky is visiting
with her mother , Mrs. John Shultz ,
this week.
D. Hendershot went to the coun
ty seat last Monday to work at his
trade carpentering. ,
Cattle are doing nicely in this
part of the county , only the green
grass is rather short at the present.
W. Ammon has started spring
work by listing corn this week. It t
looks to us rather early to plant
corn. " i !
We did not send in sny items l
last week for the reason that we
did not get homein time from Steer
Creek *
He : ' , 3 Cost
has better strength and
flavor than many so-call
ed "fancy" brands.
Bulk coffee at the same
price is not to be com
pared with Lion in quality.
In I Jb. air tight ,
sealed packages.
The McCann school closed last
Friday. Miss Mina Wurtz , the
teacher , departed for Hay Springs
G. W. Monnicr is improving the
old Gus Davis tree claim by put
ting down a well and erecting a
Found about one mile west of
McCann , a coffee pot. Owner can
have same by proving property.
Inquire of Guy Stillwcll or John
P. Wilson at McCann.
Ordinance yo. 95 ,
An oirtinance levying a license tax upon certain
businesses ami occupations carried on within tne
Village oi Valentine. Nebraska. Providing lor
the collection of siioli lax to raise a revenue
thereby , and providing a penalty tjr the viola
tion ot this ordinance , and repealing Oruinance
< NO 03 , ot the Village o Valentine , .Nebraska ,
providing tor the levying and collecting ) t H lic
ense tax passed and approved on the 7h : da > ot
May , Ib95.
He U ortlamed by the Chairman and Board ot
Trustees ot the Village of Valentine :
See. 1. That there is hereby levied a license
tax on each and every occupation and ud mess
within tne limits ot tne Village ot Valentine ,
eurdska , in this section ennniuraud , to raise u
revenue thereby in me Several dilfereut sums on
cue several iiillerent businesses and occupations ,
respectively , as lollows :
Tne .sum 01 three hundred dollars per year on
each saluon selling iiitoxicutiLg liquors wnoiher
svnoleaale or retail , including the puvilegeot
maintaining pool and billiard tables.
The sum ot . ? U.OO per day ou eacn shooting gal-
ine sum of ? 2.0l ) per day on every occupation
cariieu ou in tne streets of me Village of Vuleii-
J'he sum "f § 2 00 per day upon each cune rack.
Kiiile board , striKing maenme other device ol
iiKc nature used lor similar purposes.
JL'ae amu oi 2.UJ per day on each mtrry-go
1'ne sir u of § 25 00 per day upon each circus ,
menatrerie or similar show.
Ihe"sumoi5.oo per day upon each side show
run m conuection witii a eirjus , menagerie or
similar show.
the sum ol 510.00 per year or three dollars per
month on eacn bowimg t iiey.
The sum ot * 12.oO per year on each billiard
or pee 1 hall , iritiu a saloon.
liieauinoigl.uoperday upon each Ir-iwker ,
and upon each peddier vt goous at. retail ,
jihe sum ol ? * 00 per day upon each stand or
bootn used outside ot building ,
'Ihe sum ol &MX ) per day in > on each auctioneer
selling merchauuise nptm streets ,
The sum ci .J.Ou PIT day upon e 'tch theater or
other entt-itainmeut given in a buiidin , lor the
ilrst da > , ami one uollar a day lor eacn Miccetd-
mg day , provided tn.s sir-ill in no way apply 10
iucal ur home tnium enteitainnieiits.
j heurn ol10.00 per day upon each theater or
similar entertainment given m lent.
i'he sum 01 o5 00 per uay on each itinerant
The sum of ? 5 00 per day upon each street faker
Sec ' . On ail occupations and businesses on
which said tax i levied at ayearlj rale , Jheyear
lor such tax shall be deein.d to begin on the
hrsi day ol May ot each > ear , and snail end at
midnijilit ou me 30th day of April ot the jear
following , and saia tax tor that year shull be due
and pajaoie ii ; advance on the lirstday of May.
On ail occupations and businesses oil which said
tax is levied , at a , daily or nuuuhly rate , such tax
shall be deemed payable in advance Immediate
ly before the business begins for the whole of days or month j. as the case may be ,
lurwnicuthe occupation or business is to be
carried onvnhin the taxing year.
8ec. . ' { . The individuals composing any ( inn.
company or corporation shall not be liable under
the provisions uereot. when such firm , company
or corporation shasl have paid th- tax hereby
imposed upon the business or occupation in
wbich such individuals are engaged as members
of any such linn , company or corporation.
Sec. 4. It is hebeby1 made the duty of every
person , partnership , linn or cdrpor.ttion engage-i
in canyn g on any business or occupation with
in the limits of this Village on which a license
tax is levied b\ this ordinance to pay said tax at
ihe time provld dlor its payment in section 2 of
tins ordinance , aod any person violating any of
the provisions of tins ordinance or transacting
anv of the busines-herein taxed without Hist
having obtained a license therefor , us herein
provided , shaJ be deemed gmltj of a misdemeanor
meaner , and upon conviction i hereof , shall be
lined in any sum not It-ss than § 5.00 nor more
than S100.00. or may be imprisoned not more
than thirty days
MCC 5. The tax hereby levied shall be paid to
the TP usurer ot ihis Villagewho upon tne pay
ment thereof by anv person , shall give a receipt
properly dated and specifying tin ; person paving
the same , and tun person paying siicli tax shall
ia e the receipt so received irom the Village
Treasurer and surrender ihe same to the Vil
lage ClerK , wlu tliall then issue in due form ,
tinder tic ! seal of eaid Village , a license to the
party paying said tax.
dec. G Upon the failure of any person , part
nership , company or corporation to pay any tax-
by this ordinance levied at the time the same is
due anrt payable , aim which it is , under this ordi
nance the duty ot" such person , partnership , com
pany or corporation to pay , the Treasurer of this
Village.after making the demand lor the.saiii- .
upon the non-compliauco of such demand is re
quired immediately to collect the same by dis
tress and sale ot personal property belonging' to
anv such person , partnership , coaipuny or cot-
poration m the manner provided lor levy and
sale oiifX"eution issued byajusiiccotthepeace ;
this ordinan.-e shall be a warrant an d autnonty
of the ues'surerot th is village for making such
distress and sale ; anil ihe Treasurer shall be en-
tit led to such lees out ol the property distress
and sola , lor maning distress and sale as con
stables receive tor making levy and bale under
execution the costs of distress ami sab to be
paid tint of the property distressed.
Sec. 7. Whenever the Treasurer of this Vil
lage shall deem himself unable to collect any tax
by this ordinance levied , alter the same is due
and payab.e , he shall so report'to the Village At-
io < n. y. and tinnlage .Attorney thereupon
shall , upon the order -i the Board of Trustees ,
brin r an action in tile name ot tiiis Village iu
any coun. or betore an } justice 01 me peace hav
ing jurisdiction ttiftheainouu of thcsninaougnt
to be ce < veii'd by such action , the remedies
herein prescribtd are not exclusive but cumula
Sec. 8 It is hereby made the . .my of tlu > AIu -
shaltorep irtpr miptlya ipe sons I ab e to the tax
uy tnia ordl. since evic-t to the treasurer and .s-
sisi .he treasiir-r a d village alt-ini i iiitnecoi-
lectiou ot snnl tax
Sec u All Ih-enses h-vied at a > eaily rate
iM be pal in uue pajmenttor whole jear
i.d in c "C of monthly r dany rat .each fraw-
ti .n fa month or day. as the easefnay be. sha.l
> taken to be u month or day.
Sec. 10. irdinanee Su 63 of tie ! Village of
H.eatiu . eontsKa , providing for i.iu evyi i
and c ' .leciin. ; a license tax n ure.iy rep. .t.ed.
8c U Tins ordinance sh ill rake effect and
bem l ire- after itiassagc [ , approval and puba-
eatio accordinj : to law.
PaSseu and approved Auril 23 , 1903
Atitst : A. il. ilOKKissSEV. UEO. ELLIOTT ,
Clerk. - LJiairuiau.
SICAL. _ . _
Meals Lunches Short Orders
I - 3-e = : n = -
First class meals at all hours , .
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pics , cakes , dough
nuts always onlhand.
E. D. Cohota , Prop.
Can Satisfy Yeti in Oiialitv PriW and Worlonanship
Valentine - - Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
d J.
The Wilbcr Barn
. Your Patronage Solicited.
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Comstock ,
Ellsworth. Nebr.
John Bowers Edward , Parry. Bowers & Parry ,
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable ,
Good Rigs , Careful Drivers ,
Reasonable Prices.
The Walcott Barn. First Stuuls East of Blotter's Saloon.
sfff You Havel * n
IT ni 11
B i r * 9 i D
n riLL
IT A WINDMILL ? If * so you . want
a good one.
The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pnmps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donohor House
Jligsiest cjisJj price paid for Hides and Fnrs.
S.MOON - Valentine , Nebr.
Try tlic O'Neill Kouto to
Sionx City a d SJiotax Fall * .
The Great Northern Lhie ( PaciGc
Short Line ) makes daily connections at
O'Xeill with Elkhorn trains both east
and westbound , making the shortest
and quickest route to Sioux City , Sioux
Falls and points east and north Buy j
local tickets to O Neill and jjet thiough
C * IJ
Lickt.-ts from Great Northern An '
there. FRED ROGEUS ,
Genl. Pass. A jt. .
9 9 Sioux City , Iowa. -
4 n at Norhorn Line
ntO'm-ill , Xeltr.
Going Fast. Golnjr West.
Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. ra.
Passenger , dally except Sunday.
; < > nnections vvltli lilkhorn trains east and
westbound from all points \ \ tof O'Nplll.
Shortest route to Sioux City and l > ? ynnd.
Tlfroiich connections ftr Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and nil points north and west.
Buy local tickets to O'Neill.
FBKI > Kor.Eits , G. P. A.
Sioux City , Iowa
( The Elite Pestauranl
k BB
and Chop House
Everything the market affords.
JRFish and game when in season.
gOysters in every style. Cake. ,
gand Pies of all description. YetiS
gget what you order , give me afe
Scall and convince yourself.
A Minimum of Friction Gives the
Maximum of Life
. . . . TO
Smith. Premier
Ty p e WF it er
Ball Bearing Carriage. Conical 3caring Type Bars. Rocking Shaft fo Convey
Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction Minimized as in no other Machine.
5 Wearing ; Qualities and- Ease of Operation Multiplied. : n Beautiful Catalogue Free.
[ The , Smith Premier * Typewriter Company.
Cov. IT'rli r.ncl JFai-nsim St. .
Ouialia ,
\ \