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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (April 23, 1903)
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M. RICE EDITOR ' "Mutual companies pay losses in full. N"o discount I. M. KICE , Agent. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to RNotlco Is hereby given 'that I have filed with the Clerk o f the Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that I be granted a license to sell malt , spirituous - uous and vinous liquors In said .Village of Val entine , Cherry county. Nebraska , for the year ending May 1T 1904. GEORGE N. HERSUEY , Dated this 2nd day of April. 1903. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby given that we have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a petition 5 accompanied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that we bergranted a license to sell malt , spirit- nous and vinous liquors in said Village of Val entine , Cherry .county , Nebraska , for the year ending May 1.19C4. T. A. 1'EARiNSIIAW , J AS. B.HULL. Dated this 2nd day of April , 1903. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby giAt-n that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board or.Tnistees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a petition accompanied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that I be granted a [ license to sell malt , spirit uous and vinous liquors in said Village of Val entine , Cherry county , Nebraska , for the year ending May 1,1004. HARRT HILSfA'GER , Dated this 2nd day of April , 1903. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby given [ that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of frusteesof the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a. petition accompanied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that I be granted a license to sell malt , spirit uous and vinous honors in said Village of Val entine. Cherry county , Nebraska , for the year ending May 1,1904. WILLIAM R. McG EER. Dated this 2nd day of April , 1903. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby given that I have filed with the Clerk of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a petition accompanied hy a bond duly attested , said petitions praying that I be granted a . .licens-- [ sell Jmalt , spirit , uous and vinous-liquors 111 said Village of Val entine , Clierryj comity. Nebraska , for the year ending May l , 1004. WALTHER F. A. MELTKNDOKFF. Dated this 2nd day of April , 1903. JEstrajNotice. . Taken up : March 17,1903 , at my place 6 miles east and 3 miles north of Fort Niobrara by the undersigned , the following described estrays towit : One red cow G or7 years old , Branded right side and blotted or blurred brand left side. Also one rpd roan steer coming two years old branded fS'ffJon left hip. . FOSTKR , Valentine , Nebr. SO YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c , Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an invention is probaWy patentablc. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken throucb. Munn & Co. receive special notice , without charge , in the Scientific A handsomely illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any scientlOc Journal. Terms , $3 a year : four months , $ L Sold by all newsdealers. MUNN & Co.361Braadwa * Naw York Branch Office. 625 F \7ashincton. . D. C. ii THE OLD RELIABLE ' POWDI \ : Absolutely Pup © THERE IS NO SUBSTITUTE Job Work at the . " elt "DEMOCRAT , vi C F COOPER PostofDce address Odsls , Nsbr Brand registered 2005 Cattle branded on left side same as cut Horses branded on left hip Also some cattle branded ; Range South and west of Ha lct > errv and Ducir Lake ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On left 0&5& & side. Hor-SCi ses left Kggsai shoulder. Range north of Cutcomb Lake U. G. Criger. Merrlman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. Brand eas cut on si AlSu left hip Range 10 miles south f Merrl man on the Nio brara. John Gresh. Merrlman , Neb. On both sides ; some ou right side and hip. Horses same with out bar , left thigh. Jtange.Lake Creek and Little \Vhite River. D. Eray Roseoud S D Cattle branded on left thigh or hip same as cue Horse brand same on the left shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle 01 right side Ranee 16 miles ! north of Hjannis J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses CC on AGO left thigh. Range Head Pass Creek , S. D Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Ranse Lake Creek and Little White River. D. A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. or Simeon. Nebraska Cattle branded or left h'lia > < ! > " > false also 1(5 ou lutt with on left hip of some cattle ; also 346 on right side. Horse braud , rake and 16 on left shoulder or hipHome Home ranch ou Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east efFort Fort Niobrara ; all iu Cherry Couuty. Nebraska. A. Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. Range North of Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. Fostofflce address. Oasis , Nebr. G. K. Sawyer has charge of these cattle ss tle Horses I > S on sss left shoulder , * " < y stoct B83 tet side same left tsiigh. Range on Snake rivei EG C'lias. Y/ingst. Arabia Nebr. Brand registered No. mo Cattle branded on left side as in cut. Jlorsn.s same oa .left shoulder. _ _ , iaSg } Range on Ever i ifc * > iJ ji rtfi mmrira j green creek 5 miles nortluvest of Arabia. J. W. Stetter , Valentine , Nebr. Olhorbrands : Horses branded : Ej < orf on thoulder ; 9 O left thicili. Range on aiij GordoUi Suoku and Sand Creek. MILLS BROS , Merrlman , Kebr. Cattle and horses ses branded on left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register ed 1091. Range 12 mUes southwest of Merriman on the Niobrara nver. H A BUCK PostotCce addre Eyannis , Neb Branded on lelt side Range eighteen miles north of Hvanuis Korin Brothers Woodlake Neb John Roan's pi ivtae mark , slit m left ear D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Ruslmlle , Neb On left hip ; also 5OO on left side ; Horses sliould- Ran co-Cedar Lake Saxidy Williams Merriman , Nebr. Mostly on left side. Some on right side. Horses same ou left shoulder. Range Lake Creek , S , D. J A SAULTS Cattle on lef * hip. Horses on left shoulder. Some stock yet bearing my former brand as shown be'ow. ' Postofllce address Gregory , Net On left side or hip horses same ou left shoulder Range-Arkansas Vailey and Suake A'len ' & Sons Ft Niobrara. Brand registered No 870 Horses branded on left hip Range. Niobrara river 12 miles east of Valentine G.H. Seager Postofflce address Cody , Neoraska Cattle branded as on out on left side , hip and houlder ; horses .ame Range , Snake Creek J. B. Lord Simeon Neb Stock branded same as out back of right shoulder and ou right hip Range ou the Niobrara F.V. . Jersig Valentine. Nebr brands as follows go left side , loin wworhip leftthijrh. AJSjLeft or eith er side Also the following brands. 2eft ! side Range between the Gordon and Snake south of the Niobrara river J B Wallingford Kennedy.Neb. Cattle branded same as cut ; also mc branded j on loftlup. P S ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb fJW" W5 i-i < * * .a-ZS * * * ! n nsame same on left hip.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder. Jorjlior WorO'VL ' 8J2 $ &aorO or pz. Also the-following. the first one being on side ana hip 2063 . F. Schmidt Rosebud S D Same as cuter or with bar under S ; right ear slit and dulapped nor es branded left bin or Garner Brothers. Cody , Nebr. Anywhere on cat tle. Horses on left shoulder. Range- North EH. F. T. Brackett Riege , Nebr. Brand Registered . < jo 1499 Brand right side Drhip Horses same ou right shoulder Range , Niobrara B miles south of Kilgore F. M Walcott. Valentine , Nobr. Cattle branded on left hip. \ G. W. Bennett Simeon Neb LJStock Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and on the Niobrara river FrauK T. Lee. Brownlee , Neb. Cattle on left side ; horses same on left shoulder. Range Four miles northeast of Browulee. Char ] es Richards. Merrlmau. N Robert Emery Rosebud , , 'SD. . " \ Cattle branded on both sides. Horses , on left thigh. Range on Cut Meat creek. D. M. Sears. Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded as 011 cut.left side Some ou left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WILSON Postpllice address Kilgore Nebr Two half circles of left hip and left side of neck Horses same on left shoulder Some cattle branded reaper hook on left hip H V DOWNING Postoffice addreas Gregory. Neb On leftside ; also C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range in Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore C. II. Little. Merriman , Nebr. On cither side Horses same on hip. Also Q > of er Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded same as cut on left side. Horses ou left shoulder. Range 6 miles south of Irwln. JULIUS PETEP.SON Postoilice address Gregory/Neb Branded HS ou cut Range two miles north of Gregory F. C. & AJ. O. Metzger. Meirimau Nebraska. Cattle branded on leftside ; Horses branded on left on left si f. Range He Sriake 35 miles so itli of MeTiinan. Others nriittj Hvnlrmftft i/f ML'rrlimtn , James Goodfellow. Cody , Nebr. Cattle branded on left side. Horses J3 on left jaw. Range Between the Niobrara and Medicine Lake. N. S. Eowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. , Same as cut on left 1 side and hip , and on left shoulder of her ses. AlsogJSSJ ou left bide gjtKVfand hip. Iliuij 3 on right hip and p + on left side. < &Ssaats g8 " " "Q" on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and left shoulder of horses , HIQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis & Co. PostoQlce address Valentine or Kennedy. Some brnnrt1' ! 3011 left thigh r * , * > * " . * -v. Horses 01 left shoulder ! or thigh Some shoufegcss ] ( ler or i thigh. Some on right thigh or shoulder. J P GARDINER Postoffice address Cody , Nebraska On 'eft ' side of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara iver,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postofflce address KilgoreNeb. Cuttle branded on side as ou cut same on Inn. | Some on left .side. . George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Ranee north and south of Cutcomb Lake in Cherry Co Pat Peiper Simeon Nebr. G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr < ts Ranse : : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and soutb of Berry bridge the C. E. Wright. Valentine Nebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand anywhere on right side. G. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horses and cattle same as cut ; also CJBE JJ on right hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers of stock bearing any of these brands. Morey & Hewett. Gordon , Nebr. Brand registered 2292. On left hip cattle. Horses same left should ; also OAO * * * * * left side. Range South of Snake 35 miles eof Gordon. Eobert Quisenbery Postofflce address Simeon , Nebr. S left hip on V cattle. Horses same on or right shoulder. erR Ranee on Snake R River. CO Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Mobrara. Horses and cattle bnmded .rsB connected on left hip or side as shown in cut Albert Wtripple & Sons PC Rosebud , P , D. Cattle brand Ca SOS on IK ? side : ut OSOonrielUside S OS Some cattle sai ' re' have af on uee v Se see Some with A on left .shonlder and some branded with two ? > ans La across hind quar- _ ggjters. Horses branded SOS on left hiu Some cattle for udeU AW bar conuected OD both aides and of ; * iW WILLIAM FERDON. Postofnce address Brownleo , Neb Like cut on either left side or faipalso - elt side. Horses jsameascut on left hip. 8250.OO REside - John Sedlacek Valentine , Nebr. CO Cattle branded oif left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Some branded- on left shoulder aud hip. i Some > .O on leftside. ° of Valentine on north side of Niobrara river. PIKE BROS BROSPostofflce Postofflce address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded PE _ , . . > . > . - - -Viy Mr- on either hip or ' " 4 > v t ? & right side. i- ; > ; . , > , ClL'/jja ; ; Horses PE on left v. v jcj a& gjg w shoulder , fit t Range-On J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on eft side as shown n cut. Range South of Sparks ou Nio brara river. FRANK MOGLE Postofflc address Cody. Nebraska On either side cattle herdmark left ear clipped and rUrht ear splithorses ; n andcd jsame on left eh oulder ( Range on Nio * o ara land Medicine f'anyon ' D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. State Brand reg istered I55i. Cattle and horses branded same as cut on left hip. Range 2 miles east of Ft. Nio brara , Nebraska Land and Feeding Co. 3arllettRii'hard * Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. Chas C Jamison Sec&Treas Cattle branded on any part of animal ; the following brands : horses branded the same Range between Gordon on the F.E , &M. V.R. R. and 3yannis on B , & M. R. R. in Northwestern Nebraska. Address , BABTLKTT RICHARDS. Ellsworth. Nebraska. Metzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. Earmark , square crop right ear T torses have same brand ou left thigh. Range on Gor don aud " Creeks , ° f * 350 wjn ° e Paid to any nrson for informalon leading to the arrest and of aQy Person or Arsons steal. oborra h a-n G. W. EEAMER. Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on left side a. iu cut , 6-inch hot and 2 4-inch circle Brand registered 875. s ffjfila inch circle , _ l-in J ! ROSEBERBY Postoffics address Pullman , Neb Branded on left hio ; horses same Herd- mark-double dew-lap Range south east of Brufib Hill A J PLUMER Postofflce address Hyannis , Neb right side au < l liip Also have biod&Bramied richt side and hip Horses un right " ; J. A. YARYAN $5 % PnHman. Nebr ' Caw * branded jy S l on nghtside Horses branded JY on right shoulder for Reasonable any information reward f leading to the re covery of cattle Mniyed from aiy SWEENEY BROS Postofflce address Pullman , Neb , battle branded as on ; horses branded same as cattle except eversed s cs w block Range Stever Stepheneor' i aud South