Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 23, 1903, Image 7
FASTEN AGE MARKS. felck Kidneys make people look older than they are ; hasten the evening Idays of life ; fasten the marks of premature old age. The world over Dean's Kidney Pills is the recognized Kidney Specific. | Aching backs arc cased. Hip , back , and 'Join ' pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. ; They correct urine -with brick dust sedi ment , high colored , excessive pain in pass ing , dribbling , frequency , bed -wetting. toan's ) Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel Relieve heart palpita tion , sleeplessness , headache , nervousness. . SALEM , MASS. , March 31,1903. I received the sample of Doan'6 Kidney Pills , and with the use of one more box from my druggist I am entirely cured of a very lame hack. W. A. CLEVELAND. GALESBUKG , ILL. , March 30,1903. The sam ple of Doau's Kidney Pills came to hand. I also cot one 50-cent box from our druggist , and lam thankful to say the pain across the small of my back disappeared like a snow bank in hot sun. Doan's Pills reach the spot. LMEB WAIIFEL. ' HOSE GLEN , PA. , March 29.1903. The free trial of Doan's Kidney Pills have been of great benefit to me. Since using them I have no oc- 'casiontoget up so often at night. My com plaint affected the bladder more when catching 'cold. JOSEPH LEITEKAL. CAMBRIA , WTOMIKO. Previous to taking the sample of Doan's Kidney Pills I could scarcely hold my urine. Now I can sleep all night and rarely have to get up , and that &cll ing across my back a little above my hips L gone. IEAAO W. STEPHENS , Cambria , "Wyo. FREE TO BETTER KIDNEY HEALTH. Fosrm-HiLBDRK Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. Please send me by mail , without charge , trial box Doan's Kidney Pills. Name - . Post-office I ( Cut oat coupon on dotted lines and mail to I KoHtcr-JIilburn Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. ) 1 Medical Advice Free Strictly Confidential. IS WHAT ? A natural , rock base composition for walls and ceilings to be nsd in white or any number of beautiful tints , in powder form , to be mixed with cold water , making a durable , sanitary and cleanly home. Any one can brush it on. ARE WHAT ? Unnatural glue and whiting decompositions for walls and ceilings'that stick only until the glue by exposure decays , when they rub and scale off , spoiling walls and rendering them unsanitary and the rooms almost uninhab itable. itable.Alabastine Alabastine possesses merit while the only merit hot or cold water kalsomines possess is that your dealer can buy them cheap. There are many reasons why you should not use poisonous wall paper and unsanitary kalsomines. Buy Alabastine in 5 lb. ' packages only and properly labeled. Please write us for Suggestions from our Artists in Decorating Your Rooms with ALABASTINE. ALABASTINE COMPANY' New toric Office , 105 Water St. Office and Factory , GRAND RAPIDS , MICH. Experience Is a keen knife that hurts , while it extracts the catacrat ' .that binds -De Finod. To forgive a fault in another is I more sublime than to be faultless j one's self George Sand. In blouse and sliirt waist suits nun's veiling is especially smart for girls' wear. J- Catarrh and Hay Fever. Liquid Cream Balm is becoming quite as popular in many localities as Ely's I Cream Balm solid. It is prepared for use in atomizers , and is highly prized by ( those who have been accustomed ty call , upon physicians for' such a treatment. Many physicians are using and prescrib- ling it All the medicinal properties of /the celebrated Cream Balm are contained Jin the Liquid form , which is 75 cts. , in- eluding a spraying tube. All druggists , or hy mail. Ely Brothers , 5G Warren j street , New York , j Messrs. ELY BROS. : I sold your Liquid Cream Balm to Mr. Win. Lamber- ! tou. 1415 Delachaise street. New Or leans ; he has used two bottles , giving him most satisfactory results. GEO. W7. M'DUFF , Pharmacist. ' .If afflicted with : ' , sore eves , rise ( TtaDson'sSyelater Open work braids in Mexican drawn work designs are among the newest tiimmiugs , -The separate waist of voile is the favorite of thehourand is far smart er than the one of silk. Chinese effects are the very latest among the new oriental band trim- mings. The man who most frequently begs pardon cares tae least whether he gets it. Do Your Feet Ache and Burn ? Shake into your shoes Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoes feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted , Lelloy , X 1 . Men who work hard rarely find time to devote to the affairs of other men. Women wonder why men give so much and time to tobacco. "The Klean , Keel Kitchen Kind" of ; stoves make no smoke , smell , soot , ashes or excessive heat. Always look for trade ! mark. I MORGUE OF DEAD BOTTLES. Criticises People Who I * avi Medicines Uncalled For. The woman left the prescription and said she -would call for the medicine in half an hour. 'Til bet ? 5 she won't , " said the clerk. "She just looks like the kind that , gets medicine put up for the fun of the thing. " "I didn't know there was anybody foolish enough to take their fun that way , " remarked the next customer. "Oh , yes , there are such people lota of them , " said the clerk. "Seldom a week passes that we do not put up a prescription that Is never called for. Why in the world the people who thus neglect their remedies after ordering them compounded will go to the trou ble and expense of consulting a doctor Is more than I can figure out. If they don't want to take the stuff prescribed they certainly don't have to , but they might at least have the grace to come and take it home after we have gone to the trouble to prepare it , and not throw it back a dead loss on our hands. Why , I've got a regular morgue back there for the repose of uncalled-for bottles tles of medicine. I keep the stuff in definitely , hoping that in case the cus tomer has not been carried off by sud den death she will show up again some time and ask for the bottle. If I happen to know the delinquent'oss ! I send it around C. O. D. . bit jple who make a practice of ordering medicine that they never intend to take are not apt to leave their cards with the drug gist. "Most of these nuisances in the drug business are women , and many of their prescriptions have been written by out-of-town doctors several months , or , in some cases years ago. In such cases the customer probably has no in tention of coming back for tbe medi cine , but merely wishes it compounded through some freakish fancy. In order to guard against loss through such crazy whims we ought by rights to de mand a deposit on all prescriptions to be called for later on , but such an in novation would undoubtedly bring out a mighty howl , and we have never had ; he courage to suggest it. " New York Wise is the manjwho marries young , makes a hit and doesn't brag about it. Invalids often think they need more rest , when all they need is less med icine. A white leather belt is very effeo tive for a small boys' suit of fawn corduroy or velveteen. Mrs. vvinslow's SOOTHING SYRUP f r ehiM- rein teething , softens the gums , reduces imfla- mstion allays pain cures colic. Price 25c bott e Lander , the poet , says in one of hia sweet little sonnets : "We are what sunsj and winds , and waters make us ; " but unfortunately suns will scorch , winds will roughen , and waters wjll not remove the injurious effects of the other two upon the lovely complexion of the fairer sex. For ages chemists have tried to distil from herbs and minerals an elixir of beauty , but they have failed , and it was left to modem times to find a cos metic which should remove every speck and blemish , and leave a soft and pearly loveliness upon the roughest skin. Goii- raud's Oriental Cream does this , and while so perfectly harmless that spring water is uot more so , it has a magic in fluence upon the complexion which can not _ be over estimated or believed until realized. To our lady readers we simply say. would you be as lovely as kindly Nature intended ? Then use the Oriental Cream. THE MEN AND WOMEN vM . 1 Who Enjoy the Choicest Products T of the World's Commerce. vi m Universallu ' Js1 % V * S $ Knowledge , of What J Best More Im & \ > § 1 portant Than Wealth IVitli- out It. Accepted -'It must be apparent to eyefy Oil § that as .qualities of the highest oc6er are neces- j < . $ & jsary to enable the best qf the products of The i modern commerce to Attain permanently * % to universal acceptance. However loudly heralded , tSS Eiay not hope for worldwide Best preenrfTnehce unless they meet with the - e 5ral approval , not of individuals only , BestFamil" but of the many who have the happy Famil" faculty of selecting ; enjoying and learn ing the real worth 'of the choicest prod- uets. Their commendation , consequently , Laxative t becomes important to others , since to Laxativemf ( meet the requirements of the well in- " mf/ ' j formed of all countries the method of } manufacture must be of the most perfect & fect order and the combination the most excellent of its kind. The above Is true not of food products only , but is espe cially applicable to medicinal agents and after nearly a quarter of a century of 8YRUP OF igrowth and sreneral use the excellent remedy. of is Syrup Figs , everywhere accepted , throughout the world , as the best of family laxatives. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative and carminative Recommended bu ative principles of plants known to act most beneficially on the system and pre sented in the form of a pleasant and re freshing liquid , but also to the method of manufacture of the California Fig Manu Millions Syrup Co. , which ensures that uniformity - \m [ ty and purity essential In a remedy in- ' ' . Uncled for family use. Ask any physi of li- S V cian -who Is well informed and he will answer at once that It Is an excellent laxative. If at all eminent In his pro- The Well-informed " " - . - . T * > * * . . ifcsslon - and has made a special study of laxatives and their effects upon the sys tr tem he will tell you that it is the best & * x of family laxatives , because It Is sim Throughout the World- 1 ple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually , \vhen a laxative Is needed , without any un Manufactured by pleasant after-effects. Every well-in formed druggist of reputable standing knows that Syrup of Figs is an excel " lent laxative and Is glad to sell It , at the Tegular price of fifty cents per bottle tle , because it gives general satisfac tion , but one should remember that in order to get the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs it Is necessary to buy the genuine , which is sold in original pack ages only ; the name of the remedy- San t Cal. Syrup of Figs and also the full name of . H > . New YorR , N. Y. the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of . every package. FOR SALE B7JLLL LEADING DRUGGISTS. . PRIVE FIFJY ENTS PER XOTTL& . Tbe otlipr night an Irishman accost ed a gentleman 011 the street with request for the time. The gentleman suspecting that Pat wished to snatch Tiis watch , gave him a stinging rap on the nose , with the remark : "It ha just struck one. " "Be jabers , " re torted Pat , "Oi'm glad Oi didn't ax yees an hour ago ! " It is related that a certain promi nent politician recently left his um brclla in the stand at his hotel In Washington , D. C. , with the following inscription attached to it : "This inn brclla belongs to a man who can dea : a blow of two hundred and fifty pounds weight. I shall be back in ten minutes. " On returning to seek his property he found in its place card thus inscribed : "This card waa left by a man who can run twelve [ miles an hour. I shall not be back. " ; During an engagement in the Tran- ' jvaal war General De Wet was amused ' by a Jew who came up to a burgher nvho was lying behind a stone on a piece of ground where bowlders wore 'scarce. "Sell mo that stone for half a crown ? " whined the Jew. "Get out ! " the Boer cried ; "I want it myself. " will give you fifteen shillings , " insist ed the Jew. De Wet adds that al though the Boer had never before pus sessed anything that had risen in value with such surprising rapidity , at that [ moment he was anything but ready to 'drive a bargain with the Jew , and without any hesitation he positively declined to do business. It is said that during the civil war Wendell Phillips was spending a day at a hotel in Springfield , Mass. , when a "copperhead" guest entered into a con versation with him , not knowing who he was. After violently anathernatiz- ng all abolitionists , and especially Mr. Phillips , the gentleman added : "And , by the way , I see ( hat Wendell Phil lips' name is on the hotel register. " "Yes , " said the latter , with an air of utter unconcern ; "I wrote it there. " Mrs. Bowen , wife of Ilerbert W. ' Boweii , United States Minister to Ven ezuela , who is acting as Venezuelan commissioner , was , before she was married , a Gal vest on girl. Their wed ding took place in Caracas , and soon afterward , it is said , a revolutionary army and a government army met by chance on a mountain behind the Unit ed States legation , which is located in the environs of Caracas. When tin Mausers began to pop and the -flash of the rifles showed red on the verdant hillside , Mrs. Bowen rushed out to the piazza , where Mr. Bowen , long before inured to the warfare of the caliber continuously served up in Venezuela , was unconcernedly pufling a cigar. Why , what is the matter ? " she asked , and glanced apprehensively toward the sound of firing. "Oh , only a battle. " Mr. Bowen replied. "But * are we not in danger ? " Mr. Bowen assured her of the mild nature of the battles , and- , although it Avas the first time she had been "under fire , " she returned com placently to her needlework and nevef after allowed the scares about Ven ezuelan "wars" and "battles" to per turb her. What Maw Says. Maw says I'll never 'mount to much , An' { ren'rally maw's right. I never seem to git in touch With things , jest like I might. Maw says to me the other day ; ( Maw's sixty in her prime "What mnkcs you fool your time awaj Afiisliin'all the time ? " Maw siy : § to me : "U'ow old be you ? " L sorter hung my head. fYou know I'm nearly forty-two. An' Maw knows , too. She's fed 'An' clothed me now for quite a spoil. , I never earned a dime. [ A feller cnn't do nothin' well , A-fishin' all the time. Some day I'm goin' to go to work. ' An' make a lot o * money. jWell , say. you needn't smile an' smirk It ain't so gel derncd funny. Worse folks than me has made their pi/e , An' loafin'ain't no crime , An' when I'm rich I'll rest awhile , An' fish the whole derned time. Leslie's Monthly. 3Ii jht Have Been Worse. An Englishman was traveling from London to Edinburgh in a first-class compartment , which he was fortunate iu having all to himself. In the bliss .of perfect privacy he had spread his belongings out all over the carriage- bags , coat , hat , umbrella , luncheon basket occupying every inch of the sitting accommodation. Just as the train was leaving the station at New castle a big , 'broad-shouldered ' , well-to- do cattle salesman , panting hard after a race to the station , opened the car riage door and jumped in. He flopped down on the seat opposite to the Eng lishman , and immediately , feeling that there was something between him and the cushion , pulled out from under him a silk hat , crushed flat A.look of an guish was on the Englishman's face. ' ; i-m sure , " he said , "you might Uave been a little more careful ! You might have looked before you sat down. " i "Ay , I'm rale sorry , " said the buriy cattleman , "but it micht ha' been "waur ! " "How could it possibly have been worse ? " retorted the Englishman , guz- in ruefully at his headgear. "It micht ha' been ma ain hat ! " was the reply. Asked and Answered. Tramp ( at back door ) Please , ma'am , could youse gimme a bite ? Lady ( slamming the door ) Get outl I'm no dog ! "POOR ; TION , TIRED. " [ An Interesting Letter Concerning Pe-ru-na. ] Miss ELL X JANVEAU Miss Delia Janvcau , Globe Hotel , Ottawa , Ont. , is from one of the oldest and best known French Canadian families in Canada. In a recent letter to The Peruna Medicine Co. , of Columbus , Ohio , she says : "Last spring my blood seemed clogged up , my digestion poor , my head ached and I felt languid and tired all the time. My physician prescribed for me , but a friend advised me to try Peruna. I tried it and am pleased to state that I found it af wonderful cleanser and puri fier of the system. In three weeks I was like a new woman , my ap petite had increased , I felt buoyant , light and happy and without an ache or pain. Peruna is a reliable family medicine. " Adia Brittnin , of Sekitan , O. , writes : "After using your wonderful Peruna three months 1 have had great relief. 1 had continual ht'iivinoss in my stomach , was bilious , and had fainting spells , but they all have left me since using Pe runa. " Adia Brittnin. If you do not derive prompt and satisj j Too mucb pie is apt to make a man more crusty than pious. Uirt is the name of a TS'ew York dentist and of course he does. A woman with a high ambition ' to do something great has been known to reject sensible suggest'ous. The peri is a mighty enpine that sometimes runs away with the engin eer. The woman who worries over trifles has b e.i known to show sublime her oism ia moments of real trouble. factory results from the use of Peruna , write nt once to Dr. llartman , giving a full statement of your cnse and he will he pleased to give you his valuable ml- vice gratis. Address Dr. Ilnrtmnn , President of The llartman Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio. ATanv men ngard it as unmanly ta rectify a mistake. Women who are married often overdo their pity for those who are single. For the first true in 140 years \ daughter was recently born in thg family of Arthur W. Becker , of St Louis. The gradfather J. Becker , had five boys ; and his father , Jacoi Becker , four male heirs. The fathei of Jacob becker bad no sisters 2nd nc daughters , and none of his sons had any Slaughters. lM $ & 0@M& & $ &g3 icine Never Healed a Wound Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as sist her in doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off f diseases. Nine-tenths of tbe diseases of man and beast have their origin in some form of germs and if allowedto ; run and multiply form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all germs dieases and cures them , unless fermen'ation ana inflamma tion have too far developed , is th'at it contains every antiseptic and germicida known to science. All germ diseases such as hog cholera , swine plague , corn stalk diseases.tubercolosis. blackleg ana numerous others can ba prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink ing water , because they are germ diseases and no germ can live where Liquid E.oal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected Dy the gastric juices of the stomach , passes through the intestines and From there into the circulation , nermeating the whole system and still retains all its germiclal properties. Diluted with water , in the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the best lice killer known. Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follows : " ONE QUART CAN - S1.0O TEN GAL. KEG , S2.5O P8R QAL ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , , $2.25 GAL FIVE GALLONS. $2.75 PER GAL 50 GAL.-ONE BBL. . $2.00 GAL DECEMBER 24 , 1SCO. We , the undersigned stock raisers of Madison County , Nebraska , ra sing from 100 to 200 head of ho s each ye-tr have , after a fair ami impartial trial of Liquid Koal manufactured by the National Medical Company , of Sheldon. Iowa , and York , Ne braska , found it to be the Best Disinfectant , Germ Destroyer and Appetizer thai has been our pleasure to use , and we jointly think that * mania standing in his own light who does not try it. When their agent calls we advise any stock raiser to buy and u e Liquid Koal. Cha § . Lodge , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P. Wade , Battle Creek. Hebz. J. E. Mclntosh , Emerick , Nebr. Win. Hawkins , Mewlow Grove , Nebr. M. T. Homan , Emerick , Nebr. F. P. Homan , Newman Grove , Nabr. DECEMBER , 190S. We , the undersigned stock raisers and farmers gladly testify to the merit * of Liquid Koal manufactured by tbe National Medical Co. , of Sheldon , Iowa , and York , Nebraska , We have used this product with gratifying success and advUa all to give It a trial. It should be on every farm in Nebraska. Rams Feary , Bee , Nebr Chris. Schall , Sraplehnrst , Nebr. J. H. Feary , Bee , Nobr. F. C. Meyer , Stapiehnrst , Nebr , 6eo. Millr. Bee , Nebr. Geo. Ringeberger , Seward. Nebr. WER. Flngnaupt , Staplehurst , Nebr. J. Ringeberger,3r.G miantowaNeW If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. A 32-page book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap- EUcation to the National Medical Company , York , Kebr. , and heldon , Iowa. National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment of Mange , Texas Itch and Scab In Sheep. It forms a perfect emulsion with water and is harmless to the membranes of the eye. If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information tent tree. NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY YORK. NEBRASKA. SHLBON , IOWA