Historical Society
! i
I *
I :
to figure with us on
shelf and heavy hard
ware. We carry a new
V and complete line of
- s everything- that be
longs to the hardware
business. T\re \ make
quality a specialty/
talk for. themselves.
We also carry a complete line of E- ]
liott's celebrated anti-rust Tinware ,
each and every piece guaranteed never
| j to rust. Also Simmon's "VanDyke" En-
aineled Ware. These are sold only by j *
Headquarters for Busby Gloves , Stetson
Hats , California Pants and Suits.
Tailoring in
illeck Springs -DEALER IX- Big Muddy
o o I
Stoves and Ranges Iron Beds , Springs
Tinware and Enand Mattresses
amel Ware Furniture
Prussian Stock and Poultry Food
All kinds of seeds Alfalfa Seed !
SP Sole Agents for
Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER
Choicest Wines and Cigars ,
l-First-class' line of Steaks , Roasts
Dry Salt Meats , Smoked
Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank
June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 ,
Valentine , Nebraska.
( Successor to )
CAPITAL , PAID IK A General Banking
t . and
* a Is * * Exchange
Collection Business.
C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President.
M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. - COBA L. _ WAT.TERS , Assistant Cashier.
Local Weather Record
LT. S. Department of Agriculture
Wesither Bureau j
Valentine. Nebraska , week ending G a. m. .
April 22 , 1933 ,
Maximum temperature G7 degrees on the 17th
Minimum temperature , 32 decrees on the loth
Mean temperature. C0.5 degrees , which is 2. < ;
degree above the normal.
Total precipitation , 112 inch , which is 0 42 incl :
above the normal.
H. Her , BALDWIN ,
Official in Charge ,
Col. Chas. P. Jordan , one of the
Rosebud -merchants , was in our
city the latter part of last week.
Dr. DeBell came down last week
to meet his wife and da lighter who
were returning from Hot Springs ,
S. D.
This office turned out some fine
printing of cards with stock brands
on the past week for J. W. Stetter
and Peeler JDhorsen.
We are in receipt of a pamphlet
from Dr. Seymour giving cuts of
his office in Chicago and of him
self and wife at home.
The morning subject at the M.
E. church next Sunday will be ,
Hindered in the Christian Life , "
and in the evening , "Secret of
Power in a Great Life. "
Born last Sunday evening to Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Yeach a 12 pound
boy at the home of Mrs. Veach's
parents , E. H. Wilson in this city.
Dr. ' Compton was the attending
* >
Some one of our single wrapper
subscribers last week got a paper
of April -9th instead of April 1G.
If the party will notify us we will
send him a copy of the 16th and
, , Louie.Bordeaux was iiiv townl
Monday on his way down East to
see about that land left him by the
death of a daughter some -years
ago. The land will probably be '
sold and will bring nearly § 1,000.
John Britt and Mr. Eyschon
called on us Monday while in town
and spent a pleasant hour in social
conversation. Mr. Britt pro
nounced our Missouri smoking to
bacco the finest he had ever
Peder Thorsen , of Irwin , was in
our city Tuesday and called at our
office for a visit and to have some '
printing done. Mr. Thorsen owns
a good ranch 5 miles south of Irwin
and his brand is T H connected on
right hip.
1. C. Stotts was at
Tuesday , on business. He bought
the interests of the Stetter Bros.
in the White Elephant Saloon at
Cody and will conduct the place in
his own name in the future , and
we understand they will as soon as
possible , settle up their other
partnership business in stock and
lands. Cody Cow Boy.
E. M. Ball , a Rushvill surveyor ,
has been doing surveying for Max
E. Yiertcl for a fish pond at Crooks-
ton and for A. M. Morrissey near
there. He was in our city last
Thursday and made us a pleasant
call. He informs us that' he is
going into the ranch business in
the southeast part of the county
soon in partnership with -another
man and will be a resident of our
Sing a song of penitence , a fel
low full of rye ; four and twenty.
serpents dancing in his eye ; when
his eyes were opened he shouted [
for his life : wasn't he a pret
ty chump to go before his wife ?
His hat was in the parlor under
neath a chair , his boots were in
the hallway , his coat was on a chair ,
his trousers in the kitchen , his col- '
lar on the shelf ; when the morn
was breaking : someone heard him j
call his head was on the ice box , '
which was the best of all. Ex. j
B. F. Carter was in our city from
Ainsworth last week.
There came near being a fighi
on the street Monday evening and
a large crowd gathered to sec what
was the excitement. It proved tc
be , however , only a skirmish. Bet
ter a good run than a bad stand.
The old county jail is being torn
down and from this date it will be
no more. It was built in the early
days when the county was new and
was composed of 2x4s nailed to
gether fdr sides , ends and floor and
made a strong building that might
have done good service in Noah's
flood , and did serve the purpose of
a county jail for several years in
the early days. It was standing
near the Bower's & Parry livery
stable and at the present time owned
by Mrs. Bennett , who is having it
torn down to build a larger house.
Hereafter , the regular sessions
of Minnechaduza Lodge Xo. 192 ,
will be on the first Tuesday on or
before the full moon of each month ,
instead of the second Tuesday as
heretofore. The next regular ses
sion of the lodge will be on the first
Tuesday in May , at which time the
annual election of officers , work in
the third degree and other import
ant business to be transacted at
that time. All members and all
Master Masons in1 good standing
are cordially invited to be present.
TT. "W. THOMPSON , Secretary.
4 T. C. HORXBT , TT. M.
'The cattle men , who went from
here to Eapid City last week , got
back last Thursday morning and
"aye glowjng . accounts . of the Stock . . - .
. _ , , , .
jJ - - - * 4 < ' -w.VO' t 'MV e > s * * > * ri i v
Association. J.V. . Stetter was
re-elected as a member of the ex
ecutive committee. The capture
of the train of wagons by the Incl-
dians , the burning of a couple of
wagons , the prairie on fire and the
recapture of the train by the cow
boys and the scenes connected with
them were very interesting to vis
itors. Also the holding up of the
stage , the roping of wild steers and
riding bucking bronchoes won the
admiration of everyone.
We are pleased to hear that E.
EL Bohlc has decided to remain in
Vralentine and will put in a com
plete line of confectionery , canned
oods , lunch counter goods , sum
mer drinks , ice cream and every
thing which belongs to a first class
up-to-cktc confectionery store.
During the past year he has built
up a good trade , showing that our
people appreciate his efforts to ca
ter to the wants of the public. Mr.
Bohle has decided to discontinue
serving meals and will devote his
energies exclusively to serving the
people with first class confection-
cry , ice cream and soft drinks.
Educational Department.
rhe man Mint n.iHi no music in hiiittdf
N'or is not aio\v < \vilh l conro-tl hi s-.v.-f r bounds ,
Is fit lor tri-UMHiS , siniti Ljiaiir 'i sp rts.
-Su vKhspKAUK. .Melt-hunt of Veiii e.
The school yard is being im
proved by a number of trees. '
The Toenlcr Holtz Machine is
the topic of interest to the Physics
slass this week.
Lena McCrca is on the sick list
"or the present. We hope our bell
irl will get well as she is sadly !
Mr. Xewton , the humorist , en-
jertained the high school and gram
mar department with an account
} f his visit to Austral Asia. In
the years to come we expect to j
know more about this country and '
ire glad to have7 been able to listen
to a talk concerning it.
- Dwa > *
This season's styles are dainty , useful , essentially
feminine , Something to delight the heart
every trtK woman , We invite the ladies to come S
and inspect our stock. C C ZZfo
Ladies' Corset Covers
. Hemstitched with embroidery beading and info
sertion , 50c to $1,00 , 2i jJ |
Hemstitched with lace insertion and edging , 60c JJ
75c , 85c , $1,00 to $2sOO * C C
Tight fitting waists , 25c to 50c -T
Ladies * Night Gowns
gg Trimmed with embroidery and insertion , good
* I lengths an d full widths , 75c to $2,00 C C
4nfj Ladies' Drawers and Skirts
Correctly cut and shaped , full proportioned ,
daintily trimmed , 40c to $2 , 50 X 5i $
< ? Davenport & Thacher a *
Spring Goods
are now in and we arc prepared to figure with you in any
thing you may need in our lines.Vc sell everything
kept in a first-class General Store at prices which arc
right. If you are in need of any -
Farming Implements
let us figure with you.
3fG&BGtBmffiXMlS '
V We carry two of the
I R at ] Dest lines in the city.
I Flour and Feeds of all kinds.
M Fresh Fruit every day.
At the same old stand. You arc invited to call and see us.
W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise.
i ig , . _ _
e ,
c' * > , ' M
9to LUbV&i LUB I
o )
* i
e ? In addition to a complete line of
° J
tf ( Lumber , Liinc , Cement and
® r
e ;
1 also handle a full assortment of the celebrated M
< c- * , DBBEB farming implements
c > I *
e a ? ? and the old reliable t-o
? /
° ( -'o
< V
\'e also carry in stock f
akes , Sweeps , May presses , Wind Mills , ! ;
Barb "Wire , Wagons , Buggies %
and in fact all tools used on the ranch $
$ &
Q\ \ or farm. Call an'd see us andlet us
Q3 quote you prices. E
L. G. Manager. |
fr\un" : Si-Aiiits , Cashier i !
J.V STFTITKR , Vli-e I're.'i. CJ-AKA WAISO : % Asaistxi t Cashier
terest paul on ti
Surplu.-'S .OGO
OIlJcc If ours
Oji.I. . to 4 P.M.
Persons seeking a place of safety for their
rnpncy , will profit by investigating
- . methods em ployed in-our .business.