I THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR t MO Par in HUBLIbMED KVEHY THUKSDA * . at ttie Post-office at Valentine , Cherry county. Nebrailca. as Second-class matter. SOCIETIES , K. of l . CHERRY LODGE NO. 109 , meete let and 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30. C. M , JfuMEU , C. d. GOULD. C.C. KofK. & . S. . O.F Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS RAMJALL , J , T. KKKLEV , W , G. Sec'y. JIISIX'JKCJIADUZA JLO1 > GE A. fr\ & A. M. ffO. 1 2. Meets 1st Tiusday on or be. fore the full of the moon each month. T. C , HOUNBV , W , W , THOMPSON , W. M. Sec'y. AO. . U. W. A'O.7O. Meets 1st and 3rd Mon day 01 each mouth. W. A , PKTTYCIiEW , U. G , DtJNN , M. W. RecordCL. : IIOAIOIC SO. HO.Meets 2ud and 4th Monday each month , l&TAliKow > , IAEZ , PJSTTVCKEW , C. of II. Kecorder. M. W. A. Meets Ibt and 3rd Wednesdays each mouth. M. V. .NICHOLSON , W. E , HALEY , V.o , Cleik FKA.TJBKNALI IJMO.V NO , 508-Meets I every fcaluicaj ulgh J. A.HORNIIACK , E. D , GLAUK , ! ' F , M. Sec'y. .3 KOYALc NElttHBOftS. Meets 2nd and . 4th Wednesdays each month. BlAKY QUIGLEY , MINNIE DANIEl , Oracle. Kec and Danghtt-rs of Protection Lodge Xo. G. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each month. HKNKY GKAHAM , Mrs. JENNIE LEWIS , IVes. Sec'y Koyal flichlandcrs , Devon Castle Xo. 21)1. Meets 2nd Friday eacn mouth. ED CLAUIC , . E. HALEY , L P. Sec'y. The Loop Valley Hereford Ranch Brownlee t Prince Boabrtel It 131093 and Clt ly Coat H22Clat head Itj of herd The blood j of Fowler Auxie o. \ViltouauuSir Gladstone predomi nates ID my herd. . . . , . Ranch four miles .01 a .cat | > .fsnt. north-west of Brownie e , Nebr | HENEY AUGUSTON Blacksmitli Brownlee , Kebr. ' Does general blacksmithiugathard times prices for cash. r * PAT HETT Valentine , 3ebr. ? Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CRAMER , City Deliveryman , Trunks , valises and packages buuled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Hair Tonic , Herpicide aud Coke's Dandruff Cure. ] Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEKOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentine \\oociiake GKMiKAi. wo K PROMPTLY ATTKMJEI > TO. JOHN POKATH ! Itiege , Tubular wells and wind mi 11s. j A. M. MOEKISSEY Attorney at Law Valentine , X 'br. A. N. COMPTON j I Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigle } & Chapman's UriigStoru. Ni htiTh - oher tesideuce , Lherry Edward S Furay Physician ann Surgeon Office Fratemal Hall or El- liott's Drug Store. IU11I ! , sci F. M. WALCOTT t ATTORNEY ABSTRAGTER , A Valentine , Kebr. a ( PracticcsIn _ PJsttlct nourt and U S. Land bi ( pee. Iteal Ertat and { ancb Pioperty rifinjfrt Rtftl alia. BWrtrflancb THE NORTH-WESTERN 'LINE Only Double Track Kallro nl between Jfllxnoitrl JUlver ana Ciiiv.auo. Direct line to 8t Paitl-JIinneaji- OliH. OliH.Direct Direct line to Slack Hills. Apply to nearest agent /or rates map * and time car tin. TABLE WEST BOUND No. 27 Frt. Dally 233 P. BI. No. 23 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Passenger Daily 12:49A. : M. EAST BOUXD No. 23 Frt. Daily 6:50 A. M. No , 2P " except Sunday 5:00 P. M. NO. 4Passenger Daily 4:47A.M. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , iruu , bulk 75 per cwt $14.00 ton hurts bulk 85 per cwt $16.00 too screenings 70c " $13.00 " 'hop Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.00 " Cora t.95 ' $18.00" Chop corn 1.00 $19.00" Oats 1.20 $2300" John Nicholson , Dentist. , Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve ' your work for him. Office at Donoher ' Bouse. ETTA BROWN SUPF. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each mouth and Friday preceding. * ALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. G. Hornby's store. Will be in Rosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 1901. Moses & Hoffacker. ' _ _ _ Simeon , Nfcpr _ Vijsrl W on right or left f O shoulder ot hors-1 \ . J A I f- O ou left jaw. IK on left side. II on left thigh S. N. Moses . x = X rft side ' X right shoulder > and hip. The Commoner , Air. Bryan's paper will he especially inteiestiug nud in b structive during the present session of congress. "The action of this congress will probably determine the issues upon - on which the next presidential campaign - paign will be fought. The Commoner proposes to carry on a campaign of ed uoation mid organization to the end thrii iiemouratic principles may triuinpn. la addition to the editorial depart inent , which receives Mr Bryan's per- soual attention , the Commoner contains - i tains a Current Topic department , uheiem a non partisan discussion of topics of timely interest and other val uable information will ue found. The Home Department is conducted by an experienced woman who is widely buo n as a writer of household topics and \\lio is an auihont ) on the art of cooking in all that the term implies. This department at-xn is worth the subscription pi ice. The other depart- uieutb oi this paper are all interesting and abl } conducted , among which is a summary ot ihe world's news told in uaiiativc stvie. and Air. Mmipin's de part m nt Whether Common or Not contains original anecdotes aud wit , ' moral IesM > ns in home ! } phrase and ' . and appeals to old and young Xt The Commoner as a whole is clean , entertaining aud instinctive , aud its tupiu ineiea e in circulation now amounting to 140 000 ih proof of the j wi paper's stit-ngih and influence. I Arrangeuientb have beeu made with Mr liijan when-by The Commoner v can supplied at a ver\ low rate with i Ini5 VALENTINE UKMOCUAT. both pa ' ptMs foi .me 3 ear for $1 (55 ( This offer 9t applies to both now ami renewal sub- ipiKUis , aud should be taken advatit ht t ageof wiihontdelav. All orders should j - sent to . M _ li IOK , Valentiue , Nebr ' MOST JLEBJURAJL OFFER. All our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we this year make , which to includes with this paper The Home- stead , its Special Farmers' Institute Editions and The Poultry Farmer j These three publications are the best of their class and should be in every farm home. To them we add , for lo cal , county and general news , our own paper , and make the price of the four one year -.IJJl.QS. . Never be fore was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of moneys The three papers named which we club with our own , are well known throughout the West , and commend themselves to the reader's attention upon mere mention. The Home stead is the great agricultural and live stock paper of the West. The Poultry Farmer la the most prac tical poultry paper for the farmer , while the.Speciai Farmers' Institute Editions are the most practical publi cations for the promotion of good farming ever published Take ad vantage of this great offer , as it will hold good for a short time only. Samples of these papers may be ex amined by calling at this office , The Greatest of its Kind. The excellent record of the"Mer- cantile"is attracting mucb attent ion. It now has in Nebraska over 1CS seven ( thousand policy holders - andover over six million dollars of insur- oe ence : in force. It has annually for five years on an average declared to its policy holders a div idend of 15 to 20 per cent ; that is , , it has saved in cost to its policy holders that much. There is no man but what would like to be in a business that would yield him 20 per cent profit. The Mutual Insurance - PSI surance Journal. The Mutual Insurance people of the state can be proud of the fact that Nebraska has within its board ers some of the very strongest Mutual companies in the world , Many both farm and city whose poli cies are as good as gold anywhere and the reputation of which goes unquestioned. ] Among the number none are better than the Farmers m1'J Mutual Insurance Company and The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company , both of Lin coln , and the Trans-Missi&sippi Mutual Fire Association of Oma ha ! , and our readers should carry in these companies all of the insur ance they can place with tliem up to the full amount desired. No person , claims but that in case of a loss they are fairly treated and when the amount is agreed upon , paid promptly. The Mutual In surance Journal. These companies arc represent ed by I. M. Kice of Valentine. In these : companies together with the German Mutual of Omaha he has written thousands of dollars of in surance for people in Valentine , siC Crookston , Cody , Merriman , Gordon , " \Vooklake and through out Cherry Co. There has never been a question as to the reliability of these mutual companies and those holding policies in them can testify to the saving in cost of in surance. There should be no dis crimination against them because they have saved thousands of dollars lars to policy holders , and insur ance rates have been lowered 25 per cent by virtue of the existence of these companies , in which even those opposed to mutual insurance have profited. They insure city and farm property , school houses n and churches. Mrs C. J. Callen is now visiting at n Sparks with her eon. A large crowd attended the Easter services at the M E. church. The decorations were oeautiful , consist" , J of an arch of roses and lilies. The new organ has arrived for the church. I tra I ba Mr. anr1 Mrs. Charlie H udbon spent Easter with Mrs. Hudson's sister , Mrs. Perry. The birthday surprise party at Mr Tom Hudson's Tuesday evening was' well attended and all enjoyed a good time. ah Miss Delia Osbourn is now staying ' with Mrs G. Bristol , attending tne , ° Bristo1 school. I I Q mi ; Mr. and Mrs. Hulliugsworth went to j Ou Valentine Saturday. sa Mrs. C. F. Callen has ordered a new ve stock of millinery goods. Pl 31iss Gertie Allen is visiting with her sister , Mrs. A. Haley. ter , Mr. and Mrs. John Hudson were out | Qn driving Sunday. ho Mr. and Mrs. Graham pastor from he Norden dined with Mrs. Callen Sat. Jrs JEtua Brechbill and his aunt went' ' Valentine Monday. 'ffll McCann Items. P. C. Galloway and wife left for the county seat last Saturday Mrs. L. A. Thompson moved from the Niobrara river to Kilgore last Tues- dy. The box social at the McCann school house last Friday night was quite a sue cess. Everybody reports a good time. C. A Schowidersky is building a house on his ranch and improving his property. D. Hendershot is improving his ranch by building a fine corral on his place. August Erickson , Valentine , was vis iting with Miss Mina Wurtz last Sat. Precinct. Bun is putting do wn a well for Lar , son Bros. Geo. Heckel has returned from the eastern part ot the state. Andrew Dahlgren has gone over to the churn ranch to work. Jensen Bros , were on the river last week. School closed in district No. 55 last Friday with a dinner and exercises. Mrs. Kittie Crowe was the teacher and is one of the best in the county. The program she prepared for the last day of school and rendered by the pu pils would do credit to schools of twice the size. The bridge across the Niobrara riv- known as the Crane bridge needs re pairing. The approach to the north end of the bridge is about one-third gone. The commissioners or some one ought to see that it is fixed and that at once , or the county may have to pay some damages. SANDY. Bailey Briefs. ' Wm. German \vas in Bailey the 10th looking for something fat. Fred walker went to Cody the 9th to meet George. L , Hauver aud family. Lulu Sellers went up the river on the 9th to Mrs. Crowe's last day of school- | G. W. Seager is fixing a supply tank in the upper part of his drug store. Fred [ Walker is going west soon to In rd sheep. Chas. Sellers went to Cody on the 10 ; o make final proof on his homestead. Wm. Alder , from Merriman , will build a house on his place iu Bailey iu few days. , Wm Finlason was at the churn ranch ast week O'i business. We hear much about borrowing trou ble , but who loans it ? An exchange says , trusts are breath ng easy again. When did they breathe otherwise ? Lon Heath is in Cody plastering the Murphy building. Wm Finlason will start for Alberta Canada on the 13th W H Sellers was in Merriman the 8th doing some trading. after pork and poultry. | To be kind even to animals is to be wise. If the trusts can bp ivgnlated by com pelling them to reveal their methods , he wolf problem can be solved by mak- ng the brute show its teeth GUESS Wnol AM T biii Screenings. Everybody and every thing is measly j to this neighborhood this spring.Mr. . Krevcick's family has been sick for . . peeks. 'lfcl ' Ducks are very scarce this spring proportion to past seasons but there ire plenty of geese around trying to dll them. A nice rain fell last Thursday night vhich is sure to bring the green gi ass On the 25th ult the Arabia orches at furnished music fora masquarade ball at Longpine and when thev re turned they looked like pmoked herring ring- . They attributed it to travelling and lo = s of sleep but we believe they enjoyed too good a time , don't you ? Allen Benson arrived from Fremont about ten davs ago and we ? re right glad ' to see him again. He savs he is greatlv pleased with the Normal school ] and does not hesitate to recom mend it to any person desiring a thorough - r ough education in any line nd he also savs that if nothing happens to prehe | vent he will return next fall to com plete < the course. Leonard McNamee. who has been working for A. Benson the past win , went down to Johnstown last week the pretense of holding down a homestead , but we are compelled to believe there were some stronger at- Jractions such as a sweetheart you know. ' How many eggs did you eat Easter mornitrg ? The past winter was one of the most severe and lasting known to these parts but still all stock with the ex ception of a very fexv , are coming out very nicely. That goes to show the advantage of good sheds and plenty of hay. Arabia is prospering so rapidly and the young people are so anxious to dance , why don.'t they appropriate funds and build a dance hall ? J. P. Kreycikhas commenced assess ing this precinct so I suppose nobody will be found at home for the next 20 days. A dance was given in'the school I house of Hull's district on Sat. , the 4tb. We haven't seen any of those who attended but we are safe in say ing that the attendance was not very . great. ' We learned that an anti-fence law has been passed and we believe it will work a great hardship on many of the ranchmen" who have thousands of acres of land under a fence with a a . , few acres of undceded sand hillson | Much of the deeded land is good for nothing but range but how are they ! to use it for that purpose without the aid of fences ? MAUDE. Table Xot'es. J ' Green grass and budding trees are the sure signs of spring. Some of the farmers are busy putting j in small grain. The surprise party on Anna Gaskill last Saturday eve was a complete suc cess. Twenty-two young people were present and enjoyed themselves hugely. Anna was the recipient of several use ful presents. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Austin made a trip to town last Tuesday to attend the farmer's institute. Geo. Gaskill purchased an Empire Cream Separator last week and is pre paring to ship cream. Daniel Hubbard is at present making his home with his daughter , Mrs. W. H Hooper. J. J. Jackson has purchased the J. Gaskill place across the road from his and is now busy remodelling the house which already contains four rooms and is putting on two more , preparatory to moving his family in the near future. Henry Becker , W. II. Hooper and T. W. Cramer have each put a fresh coat of paint on their houses , addiug much to their appearances. The Fairview teacher and pupils are of busy preparing * 'The bouse without a man , " to render at their school house next Fridaevening. . C. W. Cramer took two hogs to mark et last Monday that netted him over forty dollars. The Dry Creek school closes Friday. A largenumber of friends and neigh bors paid their respect to Mr. and Mrs.ll Segar and daughter last Friday by in gathering at their home for the funeral services of Mr. Segar's mother. A [ number of the friends went with the bereaved family to Valentine from . on where the remains were taken to Cole rado for interment THE LOST ONE. 12 Porcupine Quill * . Duty before pleasure. H. M. Burse went to S. D. last week W. C. Graddy took in the dance at Tom Hudson's. Better slip with foot than with tongue. Wm. Swain was through this local ity recently. Idleness is the root of all evil. Henry Grooms is erecting some of stables. . Better an open enemy than false friend. Miss Alice Tillson was out to church Sparks Sunday. I Truth crushed to earth shall rise and again. 20i M. Adair was at the oftlce Saturday rai evening. can Dick Ogle was home Sunday. is sta Wm. Grooms bought a nice horse from Mr. Graddy. fai Hope and strive is the way to strive. I so rai Henry Grooms made seventeen i trades last week. buy FranK Lewis its holding down his homestead. ' , Mr. Land , of Norden , was -through Penbrook Saturday. . . city Dick Burdick was out airing him- self Saturday. The noblest vengeance is to forgiye ] for Mr. Callen-the Sparks merchant , the was at Pen brook one day recently. W. Cyder is fencing his meadow. Mrs. Swain and 'daughter , tfent tb Valentine Ja f Sin has many tools but a lie is the handle that fits them all. Miss Randall went down to Norden Saturdav. Open confession is good for the soul. Miss Lillie Grooms , of Valentine , visited several days with her cousins at Penbrook. Never trouble trouble until trouble troubles you. We ft J sorrow for our editor that somebody should make a mistake about him. Dave Owens was in Sparks neigh borhood Sunday. Hey Burdicic is rushing the season by scouring his lister so as to be in the rush. Charity ( begins at home. John Owens says the only way to satisfy his appetite is to ina"ke a good horse trade. Patience is the cheapest law. John Grooms' Jr. children have been on the sick list but are improving. Dave Hackler was out to Penbrook last Saturday. Cherry county was well represented at Norden Monday in the hog business Onoe more we feel our oats ; we raise good corn to feed our shoats ; we eat light sleep tight , end practice economy. Through some mistake last week we misssed our blum budding. Some people keep hounds to kill coyotes with but up west they keep them to kill their neighbors dogs with. PORCUPINE. Report of school district Xo. 32 for month ending April 10. jS"tnn- ber of days taught , 20 ; number of pupils enrolled , 11 ; average at tendance , 9 ; those not absent dur- the month : Grace and Gertie Lip- trap. E\DIA : MILLER , Teacher. t Business Notices. Notices uiider this heading 5 cents per line each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10 cents per Hue each insertion. All kinds of heavy hardware and wagon wood stock at E. Bf euklanders. 20-tf Ranch for Sale or Lease ! ! 16 quarter sections , goooT range , hay water and timber. Will run 800 head stock. For information address , box no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf Dr. "W. I. Seymour is coming. FOR SALE : Four year old. dark bay stallion ; weighs about 1200 pounds ; good , limbs and welt built. For further information inquire < at this office. 10 i LOST ! One gray mare branded left hip. Also one horsej colt branded same as marc. D. STIXAIJD , Valentine , Xebr. Dr. "VV. I. Seymour will be in Valentine Saturday May 9th at Donoher hotel. 10 2 Xotice. I have fourteen of fifteen regis tered Hereford Bulls , from one to three years old , for sale or trade. Also three full blood Galoway Bulls at my ranch 25 miles south Valentine and 20 miles west of Woodlake. W. G. BALLAP.D , 7 tf Woodlake , Nebr. RANCH FOR SALE. 4 quarter sections of Deeded land some school land. Range for head of stock and is the best range now vacant. 200 tons of hay be cut on this ranch and there a ? good house , corrals , cattle sheds stable , two windmills with never failing wells and stock tanks. Al open water on a part of the range the year round. § 'JOOOwill it. Call at this office or write I. M. RICE , Valentine , Nebr. Dr. Seymour is able to visit our only twice a year ; but his patients and friends are glad to wait his coming. They feel it is an opportunity to receive positively best service obtainable. - Doirt forget to see about your eyes while Dr. Barnes is at the