HOW A BEAUTIFUL WOMAN ESCAPED SPRING CATARRH BY USE OF PE-RU-NA , % _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Nothing Robs One of Strength Like Spring Catarrh- Spring Fever is Spring Catarrh , c y * o w v v v v w v MISS HELEN WHITMAN. Miss Helen Whitman , 308 % Grand avenue , Milwaukee , Wis. , writes : " There is nothing like Peruna for that tired feeling , which gives you no ambition for work or play. After a prolonged illness , about a year ago I felt unable to regain my health , but four bottles o/Pe- runa made a wonderful change and restored me to perfect health. As long as you keep your blood in good condition you are all right , and Peruna seems to fill the veins with pure , healthful blood. I thoroughly endorse it. ' Have you got nerves ? Well , you ought to have uerves. But they oupht to be strong nerves , good nerves. Does -your hand tremble ? You are living too fast. Does your heart flutter at times ? ( You had better call a halt. Americans live too fast. They crowd too much into a single day. They have too little 'ei- ure. The hospitals and insane asylums are filling up. The quiet , pastoral scenes ol yore are becoming rare. It's time that we quit this sort of business. The flying frog is found in Borneo. He uses an expansive membrane on each of his feet in sailing from tree to tree. The web enables him to do this in the same way as the wings of .our modern flying machines enable their inventors to remain lor maite in the air. t The farmers of India , when fuel is scarce , cook an egg without fire. The egg is placed in a sling and whirled .around for about five minutes , until the heat generated by the motion has cooked it. MISS HELEN WHITMAN. How to Get Strong Nerves. First , repair the iujury already done to your nerves. The way to do this is to do exactly as did Mattie B. Curtis. Sec retary of Legion of Loyal Women , Hotel Salein , Boston , Mass. She said in a re cent letter : " 1 suffered for over a year with general weakness and debility man ifested in severe headache and backache , I took four bottles of Peruna , and- for two months have been entirely free from these maladies. " Despite the handicap of having to speak from a wheel chair , having been stricken witti paralysis some time ago , Dr. Daniel Shephardsom is conducting a series of revival meet ings in Spokane , Wash , Dr. Shep- hardson is of the Baptist persuasion. His meetings are attended Vjy large crowds every afternoon and evening. Elower trmiming is conspicuous on the smart hats for winter A variey of blossoms are employed in this way with most aristic results , dahlias and fuchsias being the latest additions to the list. Nervous Prostration. Thousands of cases might be quoted in which Peruna has been used to rescue people from the perdition of deranged nerves , and put them on the good , solid foundation of health. The County Au ditor of Erie County , New York , Hon. John W. Neff. in a recent letter written at Buffalo , Isew York , stated : "I was persuaded by a friend to try a bottle of your great nerve tonic , Peruna , and the results were so gratifying that I am more than pleased to recommend it. " A Spring Tonic. Almost everybody needs a tonic in the spring. Something to brace the nerves , invigorate the brain and cleanse the blood. That Peruna will do this is be yond all question. Everyone who has tried it has had the same experience as Mrs. D. W. Timberlake , of Lynchburg , Va. , who , in a recent letter , made use of the following words : "I always take a dose of Peruna after business hours , as it is .a great thing for the nerves. There is no better spring tonic , and I have used about all of them. " Catarrh In. Spring. The spring is the best time to treat catarrh. Nature renews herself every spring. The system is rejuvenated by spring weather. This renders medicines more effective. A short course of Pe- runa , assisted by the balmy air of spring , will cure old , stubborn cases of catarrh that have resisted treatment for years. Everybody should have a copy of Dr. Hartmnn's latest book on catarrh. Ad dress The Peruna Medicine Co. . Colum bus , Ohio. Mrs. Xiulu Larrner , Stoughton , Wis. , says : "For two years I suffered with nerv ous trouble ant ] stomach disorders until it seemed that there was nothing to me but a bundle , of nerves. I was very irritable , could not sleep , rest or compose myself , and was- certainly unfit to take care of a household. I took nerve tonics and Mrs. Lulu Larmer. pills without bene fit. When I began taking Peruna I grew steadily better , my nerves grew stronger , uiy rest was no longer fitful , and to-day I consider my self in perfect health and strength. My. recovery was slow Tjut sure , but I persevered and was rewarded by perfect health. " Mrs. Lulu Larmer. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna , write at once to Dr. Harturan , giving a full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give you his -valuable ad- Address Dr. Hartman , President of The Hartman Sanitarium , " -Columbus , O , vice gratis. At a medical college some students were being questioned in anatomy , and one of them was asked : "What muscles- have their origin in the pop liteal space ? ' The bright student promptly replied : "Well , there's that DEC with the durned long name , and I don't rezaember.the : other two. " A popular dining saloon in the British metropolis has a sign outside the door conveying information of an alarming character : "This is the best ( restaurant in .London. Our fish cannot be approached ' ' m One of the essentials of the happy homes of to-day is a fund of information as to right living and the best methods of promoting health and happiness. With proper knowledge , each hour of recreation , of enjoyment and of effort may be made to contribute to that end and are of not less value than the using of the most wholesome foods and the selecting of the best medicinal agents when needed. With the well-informed , medicinal agents are used only when nature needs assistance and while the importance of cleansing the system effectually , when bilious or constipated , haa long been known , yet until within recent years it v/as necessary to resort to oils , salts , extracts of roots , barks and other cathartics which were found to be objectionable and to call for constantly increased quantities. Then physicians having learned that the most excellent laxative end carminative principles were to be found in certain plants , principally in the leaves , the California Fig Syrup Co. discovered a method of obtaining such principles in their purest condition and of presenting them with pleasant and refreshing liquids in the form most acceptable to.the system and the remedy became known as Syrup of Figs as figs were used , with the plants , in making it , because of their agreeable taste. This excellent remedy is now rapidly coming into universal use a the best of family laxatives , because it is simple and wholesome and cleanses and sweetens the system effectually without disturbing the natural to functions and without unpleasant after effects and its use may be discon too tinued when it is no longer required. o All who would enjoy good health and its blessings should remember that It is the one remedy which physicians and parents wen-informed approve and recommend and use and which they and their little ones alike enjoy , because of its pleasant flavor , its gentle action and its beneficial eSects. * - Syrup of Figs is for sale by all reliable druggists , at the regular price of fifty cents per bottle , in original packages only , having the name of the remedy Syrup of Figs and the full name of the Company California Fig Syrup Co. printed on the front of every package. San C l. New 7orfc , N. Y. - , REAL JOY OF LIVING. Philosophy of Living for Somethiag Higher and Better than Self. Those of us who are plodding along through life in a unrriw , and , there fore , selfish , , way , would do well to look ourselves over every now and then und question whether fhere is as great satisfaction in living only for ourselves : is there might be in taking others into our lives. Each of us owes something to those near and dear to us , and to the world. There is a com munity of interest between all man kind that no one of us can ignore and end' our days in satisfaction. No man who lived solely for himself ever went to his grave feeling that he would be lonelier confined in that liar- row strip of earth than he had been while above it. If the fundamentals of bis character were human , he looked back on his past with keenest regret that he could not live it over again and be of the world : if they were not if he was without that "one touch of nature that makes the whoie world kin" he lucked the capacity to realize what he had missed in isolat ing himself from the friendships , the handgrasps and the love that inak < . life worth living. lie knew that ho bad missed something that had round ed out other lives better than his , but he did uot know just what it was. Fortunately few men are of that type ; Most of us have a sunny , jroiiial side to our nature , even though it is often concealed or roughened by th" cares of business or the sorrows of al'- lliction. Yet if we would only stop to think how much we might help othfn-fc to bear their burden by brightening up ourselves , by inspiring others with good cheer and cordial feelings , it is certain that each of us In his way could contribute more than we do to ward the happiness and contentim-nt of all. It should be left to selfish men to hoard all the sunshine as a miser does his gold and to live long enough to know the bitter disappointments that come to those who have made their own way in the world regardless of others. We should realize , before it is too late , what an invaluable posses sion a host of friendships are grow ing more precious with each year. They cannot be formed at the close of life. The day to make them is not after the cares of life are over , but while we arc in the midst of the struggle , when the seed o'f good fel lowship sinks deep and takes root in fertile , earthy ground , then it is that we can prepare the harvest of price less recollections we are to reap in later life "Did anyone ever call him Tom ? " asked a philosopher The other day , speaking of a man of great wealth. "No no one ever knew him well enough for that , " was the reply. "Then I'm sorry for him. He'll be n lonely man when 'he most 'needs com pany , " so it will be for those of us who think we must trudge along through the world by ourselves that the path isn't wide enough for com pany by our side , to share the jc-ys of comradeship. SOVEREIGN WITH WEAK IHEAD. Graphic Pen Picture of William IV. 'of England. Letters wnuen by Princess Lieveu early in the last century have been published recently. She gives the fol lowing picture of King William IV. of England : * 'In the first place , thtMv's the "king ; a quaint king Indeed , , a lion enfant with a weak head. At tiius I think .he is-likely to lose it , so jrrcat is his pleasure at being king. lie- changes everything except what he ouglit to change his ministers. He chausros the uniforms ofthe army and I of the na.vyhe ; dismisses his cooks aaul Qtis FruHch .sor-vants. ITe will have none hut lEnirlis'h. He makes ovory- bocly cut off their mustaebos : he strolls . ibout tlu'-streats and gossips with the pasHers-by. He goes to the guard room and . .showsthe officer in command his ink-stained fingers , tells him how many letters he has signed , of the au diences he is going to give ; talks about the queen , his wife , and promises to 'bring Her tothe guard room to make his acquaintance. The day before yes terday he paid a visit to Lord and Lady Holland and invited himself to dinner for next week , to the dismay of his ministers. Asked If he had given the Duke of Wellington ( the prime minister ) an audience that morn ing , he replied : 'Thank God , no , madam. I am only too happy not to see him I wish I might never see himr He display's a prodigious activ ity ; ho is delighted with court cere monies and receptions , is constantly showing himself in public , occupied all day long in trifles , eager to reform ev erything at once in a word , he is in a state of feverish excitement. The mob adores him he goes about open ly and treats everyone familiarly that is enough for John Bull. Welling ton said to me quite truly : 'This is uot a new reign ; it is a new dynasty. ' " A Wonderful Transformation. Three years ago a spot near Philadel phia was covered with cornfields ; to day a § 9,000,000 shipyard stands there. Ships are built under a huge glass and ron shed , which allows work to ba lone in all sorts of weather. Heat in Simplon Tunnel. Nearly eleven miles of the Simplon unnel have now been bored. At the unnel head the temperature is stated o have reached 136 degrees Fahren heit while the thermometers outside were registering 30 degrees of frost Power from an Artesian "Well. At St Augustine , Fla. , la the only mill n the world that gets Its power direct from an artesian well. Tor Infants and Children. Kind You Have Always Bough ! A\fcgeable ( Preparalionfcr As similating IhcFcodandRegula- ting the Stomachs andBoweis of ti Bears the i Promotes Digcslion.CheerFul- ness andTJcst.Contains neither Opium.Morphine nor Iineral. OTIC. Jeketfe afOIflArSdlfUELPITCIIER jfayxnninl - CciifinL Sugnr " . . "Muiitryreen. Flavor. Aperfecl Remedy forConsUpa- Fion , Sour Stomach' Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jcverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. Facsimile Signature of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. . . THE CCNTAUH COMPANY. NCW YORK CITY. Czar Shows Friendship. To help the starving fisberfolks of Britany the Czar has spent $5,000 "as a testimony of my sentiments of live ly and unchanging sympathy for France , my friend and ally. " London Birthplace of Y M. C. A. London is the birthplace of the Younn Men's Christian association , .sndalthuugn it celebrated some eigth years ago its semi-centennial , it has not become languid. Some people who like hops drink beer , and others eat frogs' legs. Carelessness with parlor matches causes a few fires and many divorces. There are only four letters in love , and many a man wishes they had been burned. . The ties of wedlock are the kind a man has to wear because his wife buys them. No , Maude , dear , the manufacture of baby carriages is not one of the in fant industries. A brocaded slipper to match the gown is a novelty to be worn at a lancy dress ball , and the buckle which should grace such a shoe is of old gold. A Farmer's tiooil Story. Volpen , Intl. , April 6. Win. O'B. Sullivan , a highly respected farmer of this pJare. tells a personal experience ; t-ho-w that there is still some genu- inont's * and honest worth to be met with in this age in which so many frauds a' ' ( > reported. -Y . 1 have leon humbugged , " said Mr. Sullivan , "and when 1 was so ill with the Rheumatism , Kidney and Heart 'Trouble , 1 used a good deal of srntf that claiimxl to be remedies for tlu-st- diseases only to find them worth less. * "Kiit. us yon 'know , I did find the trrauiine remedy after all and I had not boeii taking DodcTs Kidney Tills very long before I knew that they were an hoiiest remedy that would do all and more than was rlaiined for them. Tliev cured me. made a well man of me * and I am now as sound as I ever was. "I t-an testify that Dodd's Kidney Pills are a genuine remedy for Ilheu- and Kidney Trouble. " T ° prove th ° < fc cleansing power 01 PAXTSHE TOILET ANTISEPTIC we will mail large tri al treatment with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiay sample , but a large package , enough to convince anyone that it is the most successful prepara tion known to medicine as a cleansing vaginal douche and for the local treat ment oi woman's special ills , curing discharges and all inflamation , also to cleanse the teeth , mouth , and cure catarrh. Send to-day ; a postal will do. Sold by drncgictft or ncnt postpaid by HK , SO ceata lar cboz. Sutinfactloa guaranteed. R.PAXTOH CO. . 216 Columbus Ave. . Boston. Mass. 5T-YOUR TRADE You can buy of us at whole sale prices and save money. Our 1,000-page catalogue tells the story. We will send it upon receipt of 15 cents. Your neighbors trade with us why net you ? CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. &IESMEN WANTED ureto Make S2O Per Week eason Now at Its BEST end for Terms. THE HAWKS NURSERY CO. Wauwatosa. WI . Reflect on * nf 11 Hachelor. It is when she goes en the stage that the average woman quits acting. The thing that men like about working for the government is that > they don't have to do it. A woman's idea of a good story is one that makes her laugh when shel doesn't see the p int of it. A woman always has suspicions of ] another who calls on her after hen husband has got home from his ollice. ; Ton Can Get Allen's Koot-Knse FKEE. Write to-day to Allcu S. Olmsted , Le Hey , N. Y. , for n FKEE sample of Allen's Foot- Ease , a powder to shake Into your shoes/ It cures tired , sweating , damp , swollen , nchlng feet. It uiaki-s uew or tight shoes ) easy. A certain cure for Corns and Bunions. ! All druggists nud shoe stores sell It. 25c' ' AVomlerfnl Alpin I Jail way. A wonderful mountain vrailvvay is , being constructed at present in thej Tyrol.and when completed next sum mer it will be thesteepest line in the world. The railway , which will be two and a half kilometers in length , will join the village of Kaltern to the- summit of the Col de Mendel at a. height of 2,550 feet This distance will be covered in exactly 27 minutes while by road it takes four hours to- reach the top. The force is elec tricity , and the cogg ( middle ) rail system has been employed. The max imum grade is 64 in 100 , surpassing ! that of the Stanserhorn line , which , formerly held the European record. The coaches will hold 5 persons and baggage.ancl special precautions have- been taken to enable the tourist to view the wonderful scenery through- which the line passes. Mr. Strubb , is carrying on this remarkable enter- ' Prise. The Japanese have decided to use British engines on their state rail ways. Kltchecr Learning New Tongue. ' Lord Kitchener is learning Urda , a composite tongue which makes one familiar with the sentiments of Se poys. PRIZES TO COOKS. $7,500.00 in Cash to Be Distributed. Between now and July 1st , family cooks , whether employes or the mis tress of the household , will be following' the plan laid down for improvement in cooks in a contest for 735 cash prizes ranging from $200.00 to ? ; " > .00 offered by the Postum Cereal Co. . Ltd. The winners must show improvement ' in. general cookery as clearly stated in the rules for the test. No one has to buy or pay anything whatever. It is simply an earnest effort on the part of Mr. Post to stimulate the household cook to more careful and skill ful cookery. To have light , sweet bread and cakes- instead of heavy , sour and indigestible things. To have no more greasy , burned or dried-out meats. To have properly made Coffee , Postum and tea. To have- delicate and digestible , toothsome deserts and a table , clean , tasty and a pleasure- to look upon. And so $7,500.00 in actual money will , be spent to encourage the cooks of the , country to better effort. And you housekeepers - ) keepers , please forever abandon the term "hired * girl. " Teach your cook the' dignity of her profession , c'airher the cook. If her duties include other service , well and good , but don't detract from her pro fessional title by calling her the "hired girl. " That term don't fit a good cooki A certificate bearing the large seal of the Postum Cereal Co. , Ltd. , will go to each of the 735 winners In this contest. These certificates or diplomas will be as valua ble to the holders , as a doctor's sheep skin is to him. A postal card to the Cookery Dept. No. 487 , of the big pure food factories of the Postum Cereal Co. . Ltd. , at Bat tle Creek , Mich. , will bring a sheet o | plainly printed rules for the contest.