Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 09, 1903, Image 1
\ THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. APRIL 9,1903. NUMBER 12 ! i IT COSTS YOU NOTHING to figure with us on shelf and heavy hard ware. We carry a new and complete line of everything that belongs - . longs to the hardware business. We make quality a specialty. GOOD GOODS will talk for themselves. ow We also carry a complete line of E- ] $ J * liott's celebrated anti-rust Tinware , jj * each and every piece guaranteed never j * to rust. Also Simmon's "VanDyke" Enameled - $ ameled Ware. These are sold only by jj Red Front Mercantile Go , * WE ARE Headquarters for Busby Gloves , Stetson Hats , California Pants and Suits. Tailoring in all Branches . 8 11N A K U. AND CLOTHIER. COAL FRANZ FISCHER f , COAL i Kock Springs -DEALER IN- Big Muddy GENERAL HARDWARE ft Stoves and Ranges Iron Beds , Springs Tinware and Enand Mattresses amel Ware Furniture Prussian Stock and Poultry Food All kinds of seeds Alfalfa Seed WINDMILLS , PUMPS PLANO MOWEES T. YEARNSHAW HE OWL SALOON rf JAMES B- HULL B Q C' * ' Cf $ Sole Agents for HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE A ; NEBRASKA CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAME IN THEIR SEASON First class line of Steaks , Roasts Drj Salt Meats , Smoked Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank Jun- , 1884. August 12. 1902 , Th" FIRST NATIONAL BANK j ' . 1 ' Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID iN A Generfll Bnnking S25 000. Exchange and j 1 * Collection Business. < "C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. I M * V ) NICHOLSON ) Cashier. COEA L * WATTEB Assistant Cashier * TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture ( Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a' , m. , April 8.1903. Maximum temperature 74 degrees on the 1st. Minimum Temperature. 24 degrees on the 7ih. Mean temperature. 44.4 degrees , which is 0 4 degree a hove the normal. Total precipitation , a trace , which is059lnh below the normal. H. McP , BALDWIN , Official in Charge. Yank O'Brien , of the reserva tion , was doing business in town last Saturday. Dr. C. V. Holsclaw , of Merri- man , came down Monday afternoon - noon to spend a couple of days in this city and to visit with old time friends. James McClain , of the Rosebud reservation , spent a couple of day in this city last week , doing some trading and shaking hands with old time friends. Ed Blakey and Wm. Ballard Jr. remained in Ainsworth several days the past week combining business with pleasure. Ains worth Star Journal. Walther Meltendorff was down one day this week ffoni Valentine and secured the required number of signers to entitle him to a per mit to run a saloon if the election wills. Star Journal. A Missouri newspaper has found a record-breaker , a farmer having advertised as follows : For Sale a full-blooded Jersey cow , giving twelve quarts of milk a day , three tons of hay , a wagon , and a kitchen stove. Ex. Monthly report of school district $ fo. 49 for month beginning Feb. 23 and ending March 20 , 1908. Number of pupils enrolled , 14 ; av erage daily attendance , 12 ; those not absent nor tardy were : Ada , Alice , William and Lyle Steele , May , Luie , Roy and William Starr. Visitors : FredWinslow. ALTA STARR , Teacher. Morning subject at the M. E. church next Sunday , "Heathenism versus Christianity. " Evening , Members of the Sunday school will render a very helpful and in teresting program , commemorat ing the Easter time. Bring your friends and come early and enjoy this service. Wm. Klingaman , of Woodlakc , was a pleasant caller at this office last Saturday. He is an old time democrat and is a firm believer in the principles as set forth by W. J. Bryan. We admire men of strong convictions for the right and one who does not have to wait for the national convention to take a stand before he is sure that he is right. He didn't have a dollar , he didn't have a dime. His clothes and shoes were looking just as though they'd served their time. He didn't try to kill himself to dodge misfort une's whacks. Instead he got some ashes and he filled five dozen sacks. In the paper in the morn he advertised tin polish that would put the world to scorn. He kept on advertising and now , suffice to say , he's out in California at his cottage on the bay. " Ex. There will be a meeting of Col. Wood Post , No. 208 , G. A. R. , at the County Judge's office in Val entine on Saturday , April , IS , at 2 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of maki ng arrangements for Memorial service , May 24th and 30th. All members of the Post and all sold iers of the Civil war are requested to be present at that time , so that \re will have ample time to make the necessary arrangement for dec orating the graves of our deceased comrades. W. W. THOJIVSON , Oo , Poefrjfo. 906.- Miss Orvilla Carey and Mrs. McLaughlin wentup to Crookston last week to spend a couple of days with friends. John Zaiser called at our office last week to get a copy of the DEM OCRAT and get acquainted. He has lately come to our country from the East. Mrs. Viola Cook returned Sun day from an extended visit with friends at Fairbury , Nebr. , looking real well and says she has enjoyed a good visit. Attorney A. M. Morrissey , of Valentine , was in the city Sunday circulating with friends. He had business in Rushville Saturday and thought it a good time Saturday night to run up here and see his old time friends. ChadronJour nal. Report of school district No. 46 for the month beginning March S , and ending April 3,1903. Num ber of days taught , 20 ; number of pupils enrolled , 5 ; neither absent nor tardy ; Francis , Louis , Roy and Ethel Hook , and Alice John son ; number of visitors , 6. Woodlake school report for month ending April 3 , 1903 : Grammar Dept. Number enrolled , 30 ; average daily attendance , 23 ; neither absent nor tardy : Marion King , Mattie Parks , Vivian Young , Eoy and Miller Wagner. LILLIAN HEDRICK , Prin. Primary Department. Numben of days taught , 17 ; num ber enrolled , 49 ; average daily at tendance , 39 ; neither absent nor tardy : Clint Day , Dor win Mc- Namee , Eva Richardson , Floyd and Samuel Wagner. LAURA TILLSON , Teacher. Attorneys Harrington and Mul len filed a suit in the district court last Tuesday for Michael P. Jordon , of Rock county , against the Fre mont , Elkhorn and Missouri Val ley railroad , in which Jordon sues the above company for $40,000 damages on account of injuries al leged to have been received while on a train operated on defendant's road in July , 1901. Plaintiff al leges that he was a passenger on defendant's road and when the train arrived at Newport , the des tination of plaintiff , he got of his seat and walked to the door. About the time he reached the door the train stopped suddenly and plaintiff was thrown backwards and injured his wrist , side and head in said fall and that said injuries seriously im paired the health of the plaintiff. The case will probably come up at the next term of the district court. O'neill Frontier. * c * Educational Department. BY A SENIOR We live in deeds , not in years ; in thots not breaths , In feelings , not in figures on a dial. We should eojnt time by heart throbs. He must lives , who thinks most , feels the noblest lest , acts the best. Leona , Tethcrow , of Mrs. Vaughn's room , is ill this week. Miss Kief began a spring term of school in the Doty district this week. Mrs. Bretiklander and Mrs. Mc- Quade visited the grammar and intermediate rooms. Veni and Sylvia Safranek , of Ft. Niobrara , and Verna Carson , re-entered school last \vefek. Miss Kief * Miss Thorn , Ada Stinard and Nby Ashburn wore visitors of the high school last week. I Easter Lingerie 49 49 49 This season's styles are dainty , useful , essentially JJ 49 feminine , Something to delight the heart ofi > 49 49 every true woman , We invite the ladies to come 49 and inspect our stock. 3 5C ? o > 49 Ladies' Corset Covers 49 49 Hemstitched with embroidery beading and iiv 49 49 sei tion. 50c to $1.00. 2 2 3C 49 49 Hemstitched with lace insertion and edging , 60c 49 75c , 85c , $1.00 to $2:00 : X X X 49 49 Tight fitting'waists , 25c to 50c ? ? Z 49 Ladies Night Gowns 49 49 Trimmed with embroidery and insertion , good 49 1 engths and full widths , 75c to $2,00 X X J * 49 or $ Ladies' Drawers and Skirts 4 ? Correctly cut and shaped , full proportioned , daintily trimmed , 40c to $2 , 50 A : A : 49 &fr Davenport & Thacher jj 4 ? GENERAL MERCHANTS i > clean up WINTER GOODS we will sell for the next two weeks All Wool and Cotton Blankets , Outing Flannels , Underwear , Shirts , Duck Coats , Sweaters and Overshoes at COST. Remember tlie winter is not over and these goods are all new and uptodate. . Groceries at Bottom Figures. MAX E. VIERTBL NEBRASKA CROOKSTON WE HAVE Toilet Soaps that will not chap the face or hands , Haar- mans Gherkins and bottled pickles , Pickled Pearl Onions Stuffed Olives , Ketchup Chow Chow , Can ned Goods , Jellies , Preserves , Candied Pine apples , Potted Ham and Lunch goods. Everything to tempt the Appetite. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. THE LUDWIG LUMBER YARD In addition to a complete line of Lumber , Lime , Cement and BUILDEES HARDWABE also handle a full assortment of the celebrated JOHN DEERE farming implements and the old reliable "We also carry in stock Rakes , Sweeps , Hay presses , Wind Mills , Barb Wire , Wagons , Buggies and in fact all tools used on the rancher or farm. Call and see us and let us quote you prices. L. C. SPARKS , Manager. * rrrrrrri rrrrrrrr4Tvr rrrri FKED WHITTEMOUE. President CHAUI.ES SHARKS , Gabbier J. W STKTTEK , Vice President CLAICA WATSOX , AssibtantCaslrier Interest paid ou time deposits. VALENTINE STATE BANK Capital , S25.0OO VALENTINE , NEBIiASK Surplus , 81,004) Persons seeking a place of safety for their Office Hours money , will profit by investigating the ' 0 A. M. to 4 P. M. methods employed in pur business.