Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 02, 1903, Image 5
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT 1. M RICE tDITOR 6. n iMTWShAY u.mntv. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. SOCIETIES , EL of P. ChKRRY LODGE NO. 1C9 , meet * let and 3rd Friday ol each month at 8:30. C. M , JfUNTEU , C. 5. GOULD. C.C. K.oflt. & . S. VALKST1X K L.OD K KO,2051.0. O. F Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS KANIM.LL , " J. T. KKKLEY , AM. . A'O. l S.-Meets 1st Tuesday on or be fore tbe full of the moon each month. T. C. HOUNJIY , W , W , THOMPSON , W.M. , Sec'y- A. O. U. W. IUO.7O. Meets 1staiidOrdiMuu day oi each month. W. A , PBTTYCUKW , U. G , DUNN , M. W. Recordei. . , J > K < ; KKI ; OJB IIOKOK so. no.-Meets | 2nd and 4th Monday each month. ETTA BKOWN , I > 'EZ , PBTTYCKEW , C. of H. Recorder. M. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each month. * M. V. NICHOLSON , - W. E , HALEY , 'v.O. Clerk. FIlATEltflJAl. UA'IOJl NO , 508-Meets every hatunaj i > lth J.A.EIOHNBACK , E. D , GLAUK , . V , M. riec'i'- lUilt'AJLi X El II 15OIt . Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays each mouth. MAEY QUIGLEY , - MINNIK DANIEL , Oracle. Kec- onn and Oaasht rai of I'roiectloii Lodcc Xo. G.-Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each month. HKKUY GRAHAM , Mrs. JENNIE LEWIS , Pies. Sec'y Royal Ilishlanders , Devon CantleXo. 2Ol."Meets 2nd Friday eaca month. ED CLABK , HALEY , I. P. Sec > > ' - Charles H. Faulhaber Brownie- Breeder ol Itec'st'd liereiords o Hyam , No. 74,538. at bead of herd. Young bulls from G to 18 montlis old for sale HENRY AUGUSTON Blacksmith Brownlee , > Tcbr. ? Des general blucksmitliingathard times prices for cash. PAT HETT Valentine , Nebr. Good , Hard-Rock for sale in any quantity. H.M-CKAMEE , Oity Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect E tu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star hair j Tonic , Herpicide and Coke's Dandruff Cure. j Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream t LEROY LEACH . County Surveyor Valentine or WoodlaUe WOWK PltOMPTl.y ATTEHDED TO. JOHN FOEATH Riege , K < Tubular wells uud wind mi Us. A. M. MOEitlSSEY I- ' Attorney at Law Valentine , Sj'-br. A. N. COMPToS Physician and Surgeon Offii-c at Quiglu , ) Cliapiniiu'b lmg Store. Night- Tin l > on- - oliei icsidence , Mierr ire 't. Edwrd iS Furay Physician an * Surgeon Office Fratemal Hall or El liott's Drug Store Hun. . ' . . \\ALf.OTT " ' * r / * i i ij > .t L i ' IK * ' U' -i * i ui-i inn soid Bonrlcil . E.-fcM. V.B. R. TlfflK TABUS U JCHi MM DM * No. 27 Fn. Dilly 2-33 P. M. No. 23 " except Sunrtny 9:40 A. M No , 3 t'isseMi ; jr Mail ) 12:49A. M. KAST No 28 Kn lull ) 0:50 A. M \o , y i-xcepl Sunday 5:00 P. M. NO 4 Passenger Dam 4:47 A. M. MILL PRICES FOR FEED , Bran , bulk . 75 per cwt $14.00 ton John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. x ETTA BROWN 8UPT. PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each mouth and Friday preceding. VALENTINE NEBRASKA H. DAILEY , Dentist. Office over the grocery deparment of T. C. Hornby's store. Will be in Kosebud agency July 3rd , Oct. 2nd and Jan. 1 , 190 ± . Moses & Hoffacker. Simeon , Nebr X on r fght or > elt > ehou Ider of liors- os O on li-ft jaw. II on left side. H onleft thigh S. N. Moses SJ right shoulder O andblp. The Commoner , Mr. Bryan's paper \vil ! he especially'interesting and in structive during the present session of congress. The action of this congress will probably determine the isstins up on which the next presidential cam paign will be fought. The Commonei proposes to carry on a campaign of ed ucation and organization to the end that democratic principles may triumph. la addition to the editorial depart rncnt , which receives Mr Bryan's per sonal attention , the Commoner con tains a Current Topic department , wherein a nou partisan discussion of topics of timely interest and other val uable information will i.e found. The Home Department is conducted ban experienced woman who is idely kno * u as H writer of household topics and who is an authority on the art of cooking in all that the term implies. This department alone is worth the subscription price. The other dep.'irt- mentsot thih paper are all interesting and all > conducted , among which is a .summar } of 'he ' world's news told m narrative sty ie , and Mr. Maupm's de partment Whether Common or Not contains original anecdotes and wit , moral lessons m homely phrase and yerse , and appeals to old and young alike. The Commoner as a whole is clean. entertaining and instructive , aud its rapid increase in circulation now amounting to 140 000 is proof of the paper's strength and influence. Arrangements havn been made with Mr Bnjau whereby The Commoner can be supplied at a ven low rate with THE VALENTINE DKMOCUAT , both pa per > foi one } ear for $1 65 This offer applie > to both new an J renewal sub sciiplions. and nhould lie taken advant age of without delaAll ordiM- should bp sent to M HIUE , Valentine. Nebr 1 A HOST LI.i * < ft ALi All our tarmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club- i bi rig offer we. this \ ar make , which , j includes with his- paper Ttie Home- ' I stead , its Special Farmers' Institute Editions and The ljoultrj Farmer. Tliee three pun ications are the best nt their clrff ! * and should he in every farm home To them we add , lor lo cal , count\ and general news , our own paper , and make the price of the four one year on ! } S&3L.QSNever , bt- fo e a& &o much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. The thn-e papers nMm d , M.lCll | | iVr-riUl \l' l i > Ur iw , rll < ' 'HI . . . n tti 'UiM. ; ui l Ue V\ . L , and c < it ii. i" * ' ' in < rilv.r- in t h > r .idir"-i , , itr.v . - . c ( t--'t r < UK uiiun ' 1 .c ti LUc is tae great agriculturn' nd li've otorl' ? p-p-i ni i The Poultry Farmer Is the mostiprac- tical poultry paper for the farmer , while tbe Special Farmers' Institute Editions are the most practical publl cations ' for the promotion of good farminef ever published Take ad vantage of this great offer , as it will bold good for a short time only. Samples of these papers may be ex amined by calling at this office , The Greatest oi its The excellent record of the"Her- cantile"is attracting much attent ion. It now has in Nebraska over seven thousand policy holders and over six million dollars of insur- ence in force. It has annually for five years on an average declared to its policy holders a div idend of 15 to 20 per cent ; that is , it has saved in cost to its policy holders that much. There is no man but what would like to be in a business that would yield him 20 per cent profit. The Mutual In surance Journal. The Mutual Insurance people of the state can be proud of the fact that Nebraska has within its board ers some of the very strongest Mutual companies in the world , Many both farm and city whose poli cies are as good as gold anywhere and the reputation of which goes unquestioned. Among the number none are better than the Farmers Mutual ulnsuranco Company and The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company , both of Lin coln , and the Trans-Mississippi Mutual Fire Association of Oma ha , and our readers should carry in these companies all of the insur ance they can place with them up to the full amount desired. No person claims but that in case of loss they are fairly treated and when the amount is agreed upon , paid promptly. The Mutual In surance Journal. These companies are represent ed by I. M. Eice of Valentine. In these companies together with the German Mutual of Omaha he has written thousands of dollars of in surance for people in Valentine , Crookston , CodyMerriman , Gordon , "Wboklake and throughout - ' out Cherry Co. There has never been a question as to the reliability of these mutual companies and those holding policies in them can testify to the saving in cost of in surance. There should be no dis crimination against them because they have saved thousands of dollars lars to policy holders , and insur ance rates have been lowered 25 per cent by virtue of the existence of these companies , in which even those opposed to mutual insurance have profited. They insure city and farm property , school houses and churches. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby # iveii that I intve filed with ihu Clerk uf the Board of Trustees ol the Village of Vaientu e Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a boiid duly attested , said petition praying that I be granted u , license to sell malt , spirit uous and vinous liquors iu saia Village ol Val- ennne. Cherry county. Kebia&ka , for tite year endiutfMay 1,1001. GEOUGE N. I1EHSIIEY , Dated this 2nd day ot April , 1903. Notice of Application for a Lic- Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby given that we have filed with the Clerk of the noapd of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a petition accompanied by a bond duly attested , said petition praying that we be granted a license to sell malt , spiiit- imua and vinous liquors in said Village of Val entine , Cherry county , rsebraska. for tbe } ear ending M * y 1 19W. T. A. i' JAS H. J1ULT. . Dated this 2nd day of April. 1003. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. No'ice is hereby gi.\en that I have fil d with the ' erk of tn Board in Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska a pptition accompanied 'nyabon' ' dulv attested .said petition prajing that l be granted n license t bell malt , spinr lion- , and via -us liquor * , in s-iid Villag of Val- e'lfiiiM. Cherry conniy , Vebraska , for the year tnligMay 1,1P04 riAKBr ni Dated this 2nd day of April , 190J , Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice Is hereby given that I have filed with the 'Merk of ! he Hoard of Trustees < f the Village f Valentine Nebriska. a petition -M'comjiank'd b > .i b nd dulv attested. iid p ° ti'ion prjiylntr tli tl hpfjrnnfC't alie nsp toeeil malt , spirir- n-us-nn-- : , ' s i'niior in said Village of Val entine. Cherry county , Nebraska. f r Hi. jpnr entlnjrTnl 1104 WII LM U McG EU L aitiu lhi Sad dufQt A $ * r HTOv The Broad Brimmed White Hat. IN HONOR OF FRANK MOGLE JR , i There are many American heroes , Their deeds are recorded with national pride In the beautiful cemetery at Arlington , In their glory they sleep side by side. Around their graves twine the undoing laurel , The lilacs , the roses and lilies bloom there , And each year their glares are decorated By the good and the brave and the fair. But ah , on the broad western prairies , Full many a hero is at rest , No stone marks the place where they laid him And the cactus blooms over his breast. Comrades wrapped him close in his blanket , Left him there on the prairies so lonely and wild Just pausing to drop a tear for that mother That will mourn all her life for her child. Or perhaps there's a dear little sweetheart , Or a wife in that home far away Will be watching and waiting with sad earnest eyes For that laved one full many a day. But kind friends the dar is fast dawning When those wnom long on pride's altar have sat , Will bow with respect to the man from the west , That wear the broad brimmed white hat. His soul the production of nature Has never , no never known fear ; Many times with saddle for pillow He sleeps 'neath the moonlight so clear. . . I His heart ever open to pity - With sympathies that can infold All mankind as brothers , That is better , far better than gold. But full many a saddle and bridle Is cherished with tenderest care , And the rope and the spurs that went with them , ' Look in the parlor , you'll find them both there. A sad-hearted mother will show you The chair where her lost darling sat And while she tells the sad story Bathe with tears a broad brimmed white hat. Each year when they come from theround-up - Some fond mother's bereft , A horse they say , fell v/ith it's rider And an empty saddle is left. Then in the homes of the stockmen , That are scattered this way and that , In sad rememorance there is mourning And tears moisten the broad brimmed white hat. Mothei love , all over the Universe , Is what causes great deeds to be done , The pangs oi death are as nothing- her , To the downfall of Her son. So mothers , whose boys lell in battle , And long in mourning have sat , Bow your heads and weep with the mothers Of the boys that wear a broad brimmed white hat. On the far away iield of Santiago , Where the bullets the thickest fell , The brave deeds of - many our cow boys ' The pages of history tell. And as they rode forth to battle Their leader on his grand charger sat , His eye was the eye of an eagle ' And he waved a broad brimmed white hat. t . Those kiud-hearted western mothers Are lifting their brave manly'boys Until the good they shall do in this wide world Will bring suffering humanity joys. They are striyin g with unceasing labors , And their crown ot glory will neyer be blessed. Until around the crown ot tbe broad brimmed white hat The American laurel shall rest. Boys for the sake of those mothers Be honest and upright and true " With a strong steady hand in strife and in peace , Furl the flag of the red , white and blue. And soon o'er the laud of the eagle , A shout shall arise from this way and that , Every head will be bare , every tongue swell the sound Of God bless tue broad brimmed white hat. And when the bugle is sounded For tne last grand roand-up of life. And the brave come forth in their glory Wnen the heart no longer knows strife. There'll be joy tor those fond western mothers , With one accord they'll kneel and give thanks When a long array of broad brimmed white hats Are seen at the front of the ranks. ELLA B. MOGLE. : AT : EBR. Tuesday Apii 14 , 1903.- Morning Afternoon and Euening Sessions Sorghum Poisoning in Cattle , Corn stalk Disease in Cattle/ Blackleg in Cattle , Calf Cholera Texas The Nebraska Experiment Station by DR. A. T , PETERS , The University , Soil Tillage , Forage Crops Farm Dairying by D. P , ASH BURN , Gibbon , Nebr. These Meetings are held under the Auspices of the Stale University and the local organ ization and are iree to alL mm YOUI ? FAMIU& Peiibrook Jake Heaston is on the sick list. Jim Hughes has a fine cow with a broken lejj Mr. Tills-on is doing some fencing this sprin . Mr. Tillon went to Spaiiks Stmdaj' alternoon. John Owens bought him a bran new cultivator. Geo. Bristol had quite a husking bee last week. Mr. Lewis was up at the t ofllce Sat urday evening. Lew Hutchison will give.a dance in the near future. Mrs. Grooms and family spent Sun day at Graddys Dave Owens took in the basket sup per Friday night. Miss May Graddy went to Nordon Saturday evening. John Graddy spent several days with the Grooms bos. Mr. S wain and some friends were in this locality Sunday. Wm. Grooms and Fate Graddy went to Norden Saturday. A. Haley and family spent Sunday at Richard. Osbourn's. The dance at Sparks the night of the 17th was well attended. The organ committe has about $35 on hand f or the new organ. Dock Grooms enjoyed a breeze on the Sahdley creek lately. Frank Grooms and sister went to church at Sparks Sunday. The Burdick boys went to Saprks after loads of seed wheat. March winds and April showers bringeth forth May llowers. The Burdick boys went to town with three loads of corn last week. Frank Grooms says the night after the storm he lost nis whiskers , Tom Laird , of Norden , is hauling corn from Dave Green. Mr. Gilbert went tc Valentine Sat urday with two loads of chickens. A etna Breachbill , of Sparks , and Henry Brown went to Norden Sat. Jack Owens was taking in the sights on the streets of Norden Saturday. tr Charlie Hudson and Miss Crowe * . were out for a horseback ride Sunday. Sam Grooms and wife , of Ainsworth were through this neighborhood re cently. Jim Hutchison is on the trading line nowadays. He says he makes a trade everyday. Norden seems to be taking the lead in the hog market from this end of the county , Miss Annie Tillson , of Penbrook , commenced school in district No. IT , Monday morning. Some people up the river seem to have some trouble about going tto see their relatives. Dock Grooms and Jim Hutchison won a box of cigars off Doc March , of Norden Saturday. Ray Sharp , of Shadley. was thru this neck of the woods last week en- route for Valentine. Mr. Gilbert , of Penbrook , is selling out and will go to the southern part of Mo. Mr. Gilbert is a prosperous farm cr and a good neighbor and we are sorry to see them leave. Vonce a long while ago t went into mine abble orchard to climb bear dree to get some beaches to make mine vrow a blumb mit , and ven I gits on the topermost branches I falls down from the lowermost limb mit one leg on both sides of der fence and like ter stove mine outsides in. . PORCUPINE. livoivnlee Breezes Chicken pox has made some gaps in school attendance record. Mr Schooly was over from Johns town last Sunday. Rev. Johnson is moving from Johns town to this city. Joe Rogers and Clff Burnet went to Mullen Saturday. Robert Campbell , only son of L. G. Campbell , was buried at the Brownlee * Cemetery last Saturday. Mr. Camp bell had been an invalid for some years Last Friday evening some fort7 of his neighbors , gave T. S. Rousche a com plete surprise on his birthday. The invaders brought plenty of good things with them to eat and everyone hada good time. Notice of Application for a Lic ense to Sell Liquors. Notice is hereby given 'that I have tiled with the Clerk ot the Board of Trustees of the Village of Valentine Nebraska , a petition ' accompanied y a bond duly attested , said petition , pniyini ; that I be granted a lic'ensu to "sell , malt. spirit- UdrfS atid vinous liquors In Said VlllaRn of Vaf eutim ; . Cherry , dtfunfy. Ncbjaskafor the jear ntilag May i. lOai. WALTHER F. A MELTENDOKFF. tfated th'id 2dd diy o"I April ,