Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, April 02, 1903, Image 4

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Thnrmlay. April 2 , 1UU3
rtatiscription 00 per > eir : in tidvKuecn ; :
When not pil : < l in advance , Sinjile copies 5c.
Di ptj * ! * d\ * ir , < : IK : - \ iruli - 'uijrlc'luhi'i ifx-
per teMi * or iO.OO a y r.
1/v-al Votio " , oi i'i.i.-i - I * " JZ uti > n
and SiviHls Mr ( I * v tin r * i > r > > it ' ii.-e
I'n.r.414 , jji ir 'ht.vc4.ooi eritar in advance
additional space v-3-go per inch per year jeugraved
blocks extra ; § 1 ( each.
1'artiea living itside Cherry county not per
sonally known i * o requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over C
ffiomhs in arrears.
.Notices ol losses of stock'free to brand adver
We are encouraged to believe
that the proposition for the pur
chase and sale of real estate by
the city will be voted down. Our
people should own this land for
the benefit of the city and feel that
they should first be given the opp
ortunity of saying whether or not
we shall buy the land for the city's
use. The land is worth the pur
chase price and many times over.
It is of value and is valuable to the
city in numerous ways.
We understand [ that one of the
men who expects the people to vote
for him next Tuesday is not a resi
dent of our town by virtue of a
certain homestead which claims him
as a resident. Will this man per
mit his name to be .used and will
he go to the polls and vote illegal
ly oiwill he take this gentle re
minder that there are people who
know that he is not entitled either
to hold a city office nor to vote
here while he claims his residence
to be out in the hay Hats ?
C. H. Cornell called on us yes
terday with a proposition to cither
sell shares in his purchase of real
estate from the city up to 6 p. m.
next Monday evening or to donate
§ 100 to the city to buy the land ,
provided others will coneribute
the remaining $1320. Several
others signified their willingness
to contribute a hundred dollars
each for the pvrchase of the land.
It is now evident that the amount
can be raised to purchase the land
for the city and all we want is time
to put this before the people in
the best proposition for the city's
best interest. The people need
have no hesitancy in voting against
the proposition now before them
and proceed to call a meeting to
give every one a chance to express
their views as to the best way of
securing all of the 720 acres for
the city. We understand that S.
F. Gilman and several others have
good propositions to make the city
'and that there need be no haste to
accept a proposition at this elec
The Ticket by Petition.
There was considerable xcom- :
plaint made in the way the caucus
was conducted , and taking a fair ;
view of the matter it looked like a ,
stuffed caucus for the support of
the Cornell Land Proposition
though the majority of the voters
who voted for the citizens ticket a , dreamed that their support ii
was tjeing securedf or that purpose.
/'A-'iickefr-was ( thus nominated
favorable to the land deal and shut al
ting 6ut all who might have a choice
qther than that proposition. w
There was no inducement nor
r (
encouragement for those opposed d <
to the candidates nominated i at dto )
that caucus to look forward to the toP
P <
election excepjting to defeat the
land deal and in order that a full
vote and expression be secured a
ticket was put up by petition so m
tliat' people might express a choice
of'candidates as well as on the land
deal. We would urge every one
who is a legal voter in Valentine an
to 15e at the polls early next Tues
day to vote. There should be no hi ]
illegal voting and if any should
-vote illegally such person or per
sons should be prosecuted and will ed l
be if there is evidence to convict fn
them. Schemes and trade dent go ou
- in honesty , and no law abiding cit- in
izen will vote illegally nor permit wi
others to , with their consent or wi
approval. Let us have a fair is :
count and do not forget the first of
and main object of the. right of
franchise , hi * s
, tbfc Cornell Land Prop-
oiion flown.
Several of our townsmen have
stated that they would give the city
§ 1440 for just 40 acres of the land
which is under consideration.
Another has said that he would
be one of 15 men , each to give the
city § 100 for an acre. That is 15
men will join together and pay the
city o500 for the1 15 acres to en
able the city to pay for this land
and own the remainder. J. TT.
Stetter offers to give the city § 100
towards paying for the land , if do
nations will be received for the
purchase of the land , and asks
nothing in return. The land to be
the property of the city and to be
used and disposed of , only by a
vote of the people. With such
propositions as these before the
people as well as that of Geo. H.
Hornby's published last week in
the Republican , it is evident that
onr people are not willing that this
land should go to one man. It
does indicate that there are men
enough in Valentine to donate the
required purchase money for the
whole tract and never ask for an
acre of it and the land to be owned
and controlled by our city and for
such needs and benefits as will
best suit all of our people as de
cided by their vote from time to
time. There is another way
the city can purchase the tract of
land by voting bonds or by levy
ing a tax. There are public spirit
ed and generous people in Valen
tine and it will not be necessary
to hunt for them in making ar
rangements to purchase this land.
They will make some provision
to own it for the city.
H. B. Clapp , of Simeon , called
last Saturday and paid another §
in advance.
Morning subject at the M. E.
church next Sunday , "Giving
What We have. " Evening , "The
Cost of a Perverted Life. "
Mrs. M. R. Harden served lunch
to a large number of people at her
home Wednesday evening , the pro
ceeds of same to go to the ladies'
aid society.
Chas. Lane , of Brownlee , called
to see us last Saturday while in
town on business. Pie says that
his subscription was ordered cut
oif without his knowledge.
Miss Cora Thackrey returned
last Saturday from Manhattan ,
Kan. to resume her duties as teach
er in our schools. Her father died
very suddenly of heart failure.
Henry Carter who has been stay
ing with his daughter Mrs. Shores
luring most of the past winter
went up to Cody last Saturday to
nsit his son W. H. Carter for a .
ew days.
James Smith and daughter , Es-
her , called at our office today
vhile in town from their home
icar Crookston. A sister of Mrs.
Smith is at St. Elizabeth's hospi-
al in Lafayette , Ind. undergoing
.n operation for appendicitis , they
nformed us and wired to know
low she was.
Miss Bertha Thoim who has been
t Lower Cut Meat visiting with tlD
er brother C. V. Thorn , and wife D )
rho is a daughter of Mrs. Gallon ,
eturned to Valentine last Saturp. . .
ay and is visiting with friends in ;
wn this week. Miss Thorn ex-
ects to return to her home inLin-
sin next week. I
Prank Ecoffey , living about 25 to
dies north ; vest of Merriman on fr
fhite river , had a stroke of apo-
lexy last Wednesday evening , S.he
.e had gotten up to close the door he ;
id fell. Dr. Holsclaw , of Mer heAi
man , is attending him and left Ai
m resting easy Monday morning
ter spending the night with him. be
J. W. Whillans and family load-
their household goods en the
eight Tuesday and departed from
ir town to take up their residence
Woodlake where Mr. Whillans tei
ill engage in the livery business th :
th Jim Vincent. Mr. Whillans
a good citizen and has a number
friends here who regret his de- of "
rture. We wish him success in
new business.
Yesterday was all fools day.
The masons resumed work on
the First National Bank building
yesterday and will soon have it
completed and ready for the car
penters. '
J. W. Mann of Cody has moved
his stock of drugs into the build
ing belonging to Geo. Seager on
tiu hill west of E. L. Reed's store
and uses the second story for a
There was a delegate convention
of theM. W. A. of this county in
this city yesterday. The delegates
present were : Max E. Viertel and
John Adamson , of Crookston ; R.
M. MclSfamee and Abe Bailey , of
Woodlake ; Albert Green , P. H.
Clarke and Joseph Girard , of Mer
riman , and the members of Valen
tine 'lodge were : M. V. Nicholson ,
W. E. Haley , P. F. Simmons and
L. N. Layport. Max E. Viertel
was elected delegate to the Grand
lodge and P. H. Clarke was chos
en alternate. Valentine was sel
ected as the next place of meeting.
Mrs. C. J. Gallon enjoyed one
of the happiest days of her life last
Tuesday , asit was''her 66th birth
day , and her children had planned
and carried out so successfully such
a unique surprise for their moth
er in the form of a "birthday let
ter aniversary. " Her children had
sent out 66 invitations to friends
and relatives of the mother , to be
answered on the 31st through the
postoffice to "mother. " She tells
us that at one time 45 of them were
handed 'to her , the remainder com
ing to her a little later in the day.
These letters came from six differ
ent states. She says that they
could not have given her more joy
and happiness by deeding her a
half section of land than this little
plan of receiving loving words of
help and remembrance from so
many of her friends.
Notice is hereby given that , on
April 7 , 1903 , there will be held
an election in the Village of Val
entine , Nebraska , for the purp'q e
of electing three Village Trustees
for the term of two years each.
The polling place at said electing
will be in the District Court Room
of the Cherry County Court
House. Dated March 25 , 1903.
A. M. MORRTSSEY , Clerk.
IflcCanij ftrm.s.
Mrs .Geo. Henderahot is sick with
the rheumatism
Mr Elliott and family spent Sunday
with Mr. Wray and family.
Mrs. Gee Thompson went to Geor
gia last Wednesday and returned
The dance at W. W. Whites wa
.veil attended and everybody reports
i good time.
Gertrude and Eugene Richardson
vere compelled to stay away from
ichool two weeks because they were )
xposed to the measles.
J. T. Galloway and August Erickson ;
eturned to Valentine last Sunday.
Miss Mina Wurtz was visiting with
' . C. Golloway last Sunday.
Wood ,
Kenton McNamee has purchased
he building formerly occupied by E.
enni. , which he expects to fit up as
city tonsorial parlor. ei
.ITr Krotter , of the firm of Krotter
Hall , was in town this week.
Poles are being set for our telephone
ne from the east and same will be
impleted in a short time.
Chas. Lane , of Brownlee , was in our
wn the first of the week on his way
om the county seat.
H Chandler and wife , of Fairfax ,
\vhohavebeenvisitingrelattves ar
re , returned home a few days ago.
Mrs. A L. Johnson is visiting in
insworth this week.
Miss Tillson , primary teacher , has
en ill for a week or ten days but is
lout once more to >
- *
I have fourteen of fifteen regisinj
red Hereford Bulls , from one to
rce years old , for sale or trade. ca
Iso three full blood Galoway
alls at my ranch 25 miles south
Valentine and 20 miles west of
"oodlake.V. . G. BALLARD , *
7tf'Woodlake , Nebr.
"Hie Strength
of the coffee you buy adds to its
value in the cup.
comes to you fresh and of full
strength , always in sealed , air-tight
packages. Bulk coffees lose their
strength , deteriorate in flavor , and
also gather dirt.
Uniformity , freshness and fall strength
nro insured to uaern of Lion Coffee *
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Ranch for Sale or Incase ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
water and timber. Will run 300 head
of stock. For information address , hex
no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf
Buy your Barb Wire , Field Fen
cing and Poultry Netting from the
Red Front Mercantile Co. 10 2 '
Dr. W. I. Seymour is coming.
T am going to run the town
herd this summer and solicit your
patronage. All stock entrusted to
my care will receive careful hand
ling , ol U. BOTER.
For all kinds of repair work ,
tin work , roofing , etc. go to the
Red Front Mercantile Co. , Hard
ware Department. 10 2
Young Stallions and Bulls for
11 Valentine , Nebr.
FOR SALE : Four year old.
dark bay stallion : weighs about
1200 pounds ; good limbs and well
built. For further information
inquire at this office. 10 4 :
Dr. W. I. Seymour will be in
Valentine Saturday May 9th at
Donoher hotel. 10 2
The Red Front Mcrcentile Co. ,
carry a complete line of undertak
ing { goods and are in position to
promptly and carefully take care
of all kinds of undertaking work.
10 2
Bailey Brieis.
Lee Sellers went to Mo flats the 31
an business
G. W and John geajfer went to Cody
m the first where G. W. has some
aintiug to du on his town property.
Earnest Schaefer was in Bailey
he first of the week.
Ed Weede traded his -young" cattle
o Robert nines for black cattle.
We will have a telephone line from C
Jody as far south as G. W. Sealers
his spring.
The literary died out last Satur-
ay night
Lulu Sellers was visiting at L. Fei
n's last Sunday.
Ira Goodin is living on his home- S
tead and is making some improve- C
on his place. a
Dr. McDowell was in Bailey last a ;
eek from Merriman.
Run n Ing Water.
Well spring has opened up again
id we are glad to see it so the
reen grass will grow.
C. C. Thompson went to the
gency on business.
Mr. Rounds and wife went to
wn the first of the week. '
Mrs. Thompson has been on the - ,
ak list this week but is jmprov- ' '
g rapidly.
Mr. and Mrs. Harris and grand-
Lughter went to town this week ,
rs. Harris went to Cody.
Mr. Thompson sold his hounds
Bob Emery on the Rosebud.
Kiobrara Bill.
* m fcfcAMtfM
Meals Lunches Short Orders
Fir M ( 'i ! ) n c. . ; ; t i' ' hours ,
day and night. Oysters in
f-cn. Pics , cakes , dongh-
i nuts always on hand.
'E. D. Cohota , Prop.
s Can Satisfr You in OualiNr Price and
Valentine Nebraska
. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Comstock ,
Ellsworth. Nebr
John Bowers ,
Edward Parry. Bowers & Parry ,
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable ,
Good Rigs , Careful Drivers ,
Reasonable Prices.
The Walcott Barn , First Stable East ol Stetter's Saloon.
Hf You
Pflfyi ! ! I oi Ifso ° uwant
iiUlfllLL M ( a good one.
The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pumps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House
Highest cash price paid for Hides and Fnrs.
- - - Valentine
, Nebr
Try the O'Neill Konte to
> 20GX City ami ionx Falls.
The Great Northern Lhie ( Pacific
liort Line ) makes daily connections at
> 'Xeill with Elkhorn trains both east
nd westbound , making the shortest
nd quickest route ta Sioux City , Sioux
'alls and points past and north Buy
> cal tickets to O'Neill and get tlnough
ck'c.'ts from Great Northern Agent
icre. FKED ROGERS , '
Genl. Pass. Agt.
9 9 Sioux City , Iowa. J
irt at JVorllicrn Xiine
at O'neiil , Ncbr.
Going East , Coins West.
Ix-aves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9:50 p. m.
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
; onnections with Elkhorn trains' east and
wes-t bound from all points of U'NKlll.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Taul and all points north and west.
Buy local tickets to O'Neill.
FRKD lto < : Eiis , O. P. A
Sioux City , Iowa
Elite Festauranl
nd Chop House
jOpcn XMLY and
[ Everything the market affords.
[ Fish and game when in season
( Oysters in every style. Cakew
jand Pies of all description. Youg
set what you order
, give me a
* call and convince
r < R. BODDY . ,
I m i m i i
Smith Premier
e wr iter
" * , .
! L-,11.
Ba ! ! Bearing Carriage. Conical Bearing Type Bars. Rocking Sfcaft tn fW ,
Power from Key Stem to Type. Friction .Minimized aHrTntoSw-11 7
Wearing Qtialities and Ease of Operation Multiplied. : s Beautiful r t-vi ? * ?
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =