Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 26, 1903, Image 6

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    ! THE DAY OR
E room , was quite dark. There
Is "never much light at 7 o'clock
on a December morning , and the
thick curtains shut out any faint
streaks of dawn that might have been
outside. But neither light nor dark
ness mattered to one of the occupants
of the room. lie sat up in bed ; for
one moment he rubbed his fingers in
his sleepy eyes to make sure he was
quife awake , and then he proceeded
to arouse the other person in the room ,
who was still peacefully sleeping.
"Mother , mother , wake up ! It's my
birthday , and the day of my party. "
"Philip , " she said , "it is not time
to get up yet. Go back to your own
bed like a good little boy and go to
sleep again. The party is not till 4
o'clock , and there is plenty of time.
The party , which was partly for
Philip's birthday and partly for
Christmas , was to be very small and
of the simplest description , for Mrs.
Dairy mple was a widow and very
poor. Indeed , simp'le as the entertain
ment was to be only tea and a tiny
Christmas tree it is doubtful if she
would have consented to giving it had
not Martha joined her entreaties to
Philip's and promised to help with all
the preparations. Martha thought
there was no woman in London to
compare with her mistress , and no
child in the entire universe worthy to
be spoken of in the same breath as
Philip , for whom indeed she had an
adoration bordering on idolatry.
Martha entirely managed the little
house in Stoketon Road. She had
lived with her mistress as maid in the
days before her marriage when she
had known all the luxury that money
can provide. She had accompanied
her , when , in direct opposition to the
plans and wishes of her worldly wise
mother , she had left-home secretly to
marry the poor artist whom she loved ,
preferring poverty with him to riches
with the suitor favored by her mother
a rich man with nothing but his
wealth to recommend him. It was
Martha , too , who comforted the girl
when her mother refused to have any
thing more to do with her , sending
back her letters unopened and turn
ing a deaf ear to her entreaties for
Perhaps if Violet Mitchell had real
ized how absolute was the poverty in
which her marriage would plunge her
she might have paused. But she never
believed that * her mother would really
carry out the threat of considering her
daughter dead on the day she changed
her name ; and , too , she had unlimited
faith in her husband's talents win
ning him a name and fortune. But
she was mistaken in her expectations.
Her mother carried out her threat to
the lotter. Her husband might perhaps -
haps have justified her faith in htej
had not death intervened. He caught
a fever and died two years after their
marriage. The widow with her tiny
baby and the faithful Martha.left the
little Italian town where they had
been living , and came to London. A
little house in a dreary suburban road
was taken , and here Violet Dalrymple
eked out her minute income by giving a
music lessons. She had given up all P
hope of her mother's forgiveness. S
Philip lay contentedly by his moth he
er's side and counted on his fingers hP
the delightful things he had seen be P
ing prepared. u
"Cakies ; chocky ; flags ; crackers ! " tlm
he murmured delightfully. Then he m
stopped suddenly , and a puzzled look t
replaced the smile on his face. si
"Mother , " he said , "why can't I
have a granny to come to my party ? " p
Mrs. Dalrymple hesitated. How 111w
could she tell this baby of the years 111D
of stubborn unforgiveness and hard D
ness of heart that had denied him a hi
granny ; how explain to him the rea
son for his granny , though living , be saP
ing as dead to him ? P
What a morning of delight Philip tlS
had on that day of the party. He S
helped Martha to set the table for tea P
in the little dining room , for on this in
marvelous day mother and Philsey b
must dine in the kitchen. And in the
drawing the Christmas di
room was tree ,
wonderful even now before the can to
dles were lighted. He helped mother ai
to stick the little labels on each pros- te
.en. He filled the little muslin bags to
with sweets , taking frequent toll while sim
so doing : ; he arranged the crackers in m
fantastic designs of bis own. But oc aim
casionally in the midst of these de m
lightful preparations the thought came
to him"How nice It would be if 1 pi
could have a granny tt my party to tr
see all these beauties. " Then the idea ai
began to slowly possess him that per gi
haps mother had , made a little mis giui
take , or had forgotten , and that Father ui
ther Christmas did sometimes bring w
grannies. That one had not arrived V (
on Christmas Day , the proper day ,
mattered little. Since he had once at
been too busy to bring Philsey him
self till the day after , might not the to
same tiling happen again ? ly
"Mother , " he said in a hushed voice. di
"Do you think Father Christmas si
meant to bring me a granny for in
Christmas , like he brought me to be se
your little Philsey , and he was very w
busy like then , and had to wait till je
the next day ? Because If he brings jeof
there is no off
the granny to-day present
ent for her on the tree. " Pi
Suddenly a resolution seized him.
Mother would not mind , he thought ,
but perhaps it would be safer not to
ask her. He would go out and buy a
present for the granny in case she
came. He hurried into the kitchen.
"Martha , " he said coaxingly , "I dose
so wish Philsey could have a penny. "
Martha was extremely busy , and it
did not occur to her to wonder why a
penny was so much desired at this
particular moment.
"There's a penny on the dresser you
may take , Master Philsey , dear , " she
said ; "now run away , lovey , I'm very
Philip knew exactly where to go for
the granny's present. He had often
admired a gaily painted bird swing
ing on a little hoop in a toy-shop win
dow. Surely a granny would appre
ciate so lovely a thing. He put on
his hat 'and coat , seized a moment
when Martha was speaking to the
milkman , and ran out. It was the first
time he had ever been out alone , and
the feeling of Importance was very
He had wandered into a more
crowded neighborhood , and several
people looked curiously at the little
boy who , with a small parcel clasped
tightly in his hand , ran , on and on as
if pursued. At last a woman , feeling
sure he was lost and wanting to help
him , tried to take hold of his hand.
By this time , however , Philip was in
a perfect frenzy of terror. He broke |
from her kindly hand and darted
across the road to 'escape from her.
The next moment he gave a piercing
scream and lay motionless in the mid
dle of the road , while a horrified
crowd gathered round him. A car
riage drawn by a pair of horses , and
going at a great speed , had knocked
him down. A young man , who was
1c doctor , elbowed his way to the front
of the crowd. He fully expected that
the child was -seriously hurt if not
killed , but when he picked him up
Philip opened his eyes and said :
"Philsey was frightened and ran
very quickly , and the horse knocked
him down. "
is "I will take him home with me , "
said the old la'dy , "and on the way
we will call at the police station and
give information ; his parents are sure
fcL fct apply there as soon as they missl
him. My horses were within an inch
of killing him , and I can 'do no less
than take charge of him now. "
"Are you the granny ? " he asked
suddenly. And when the old lady
asked what he meant , he told her all
about the party ) and how much he
wanted'a granny , and how he had
gone out to buy a present for her in
case Father Christmas brought her
that ) day. He explained , too , how
Father Christmas had brought him
once to be mother's little boy , and
how he had no daddy. He showed her
the bird he had bought for the granny.
tlb "Are you the granny to any little
boy ? " he asked finally , and he could
not understand why tears ran down
the old lady's cheeks , and what she
answered : , for she spoke in a low whis
per , just as if she were talking to her
self ( , and he could only hear a word
here , and there. "My folly and wickedness -
edness < , " "years of loneliness , " "im
possible < to find them now , " and other
unmeaning phrases. But he felt sure
the old lady was unhappy , for when
mother was unhappy she often had
tears on her cheeks , so he tried the
same remedy that always cured her.
"This is writing mother put in my
pocket < for if I got lost , " he said , con
fidentially , and held out a. card on
which was written "Philip Stewart
Dalrymple , 8 Stoketon Road , Clap-
ham. "
When the old lady read this , she
said , "Thank God ! " and she kissed
Philip again and again , and told him
that she was his very own granny.
She ] gave no explanations , nor did
Philip "demand them , for never had he
imagined , that a granny could be so
beautiful. (
The old lady told the coachman to
drive as quidkly as possible to Stoke- ;
ton Iload , and just as Mrs. Dalrymple
and Martha had become aware of the
terrible fact that Philip was nowhere
be found , the carriage drew up out
side the shabby little house. The foot
man gave a thundering knock , and in
another instant Philip was in his
mother's arms.
"Mother , mother , I went to buy the
present for the granny to put on the
tree and the horse knocked me down ,
and Father Christmas has sent a
graany in time for the party. " *
And behind him was a stately figure - '
ure , whose proud face was quivering
with emotion , whose somawhat stern
voice was trembling as it said :
" Violet , my child , I have found you
last. Can you forgive me ? "
Things were almost too wonderful
be true , Philip thought , but it real
was true. He was washed and of
dressed in time for the party , and
such a party never had been known
that street before. Mrs. Mitchell
sent the carriage back to her house
with a note to the housekeeper , and .
jellies , and toys of every description.
And when the presents were taken
the tree and distributed , who so
proud as Pfclllp ? for his very pwnjr | <
beautiful granny drew him to her and
kissed him and said :
' I shall always love the bird. Phi !
sey , darling , because If you had not
gone out to buy it , i might never have
found my little grandson. "
But Philip knew it was all through
Father Christmas. New York News.
Few Understa-d the Art and Manj
Are Injured in Consequence.
{ All over the country the traction coia-
. panics are being mulcted in heavy
I damages for personal injuries sustained
} i by passengers who are thrown to the
ground on alighting , before the cars
have fully stopped. The verdicts are
exemplary in many instances , especial
ly if the plaintiffs are women. The jur
ors rarely seem to concern themselves
over the question whether the injured
passengers of the precious sex get off
with their faces or their back-hair
turned toward the front of the compass
which claims the attention of the masg
culine creature at the wheel. It is the
proud privilege of the. better half of
humanity to descend from a car of any
sort in just the way she prefers , witL
eyes to the front or retroactive vision
and footsteps , and our transportation
companies must revise their rules in
accordance with feminine capriceand
fancies. <
Otherwise juries will deal unkindly
with the owners of the trolley lines ,
whether their power is overhead or un
derground. The matron or maid wha
is interfered with in her choice of grace
fully alighting from a car platform
backward or frontward or in any othei
way evidently has a sufficient basis
for litigation if she suffers injury and
the car is put in motion before she has
taken her way in unruflied security. So
the juries seem to think. The harassed
and unfortunate male nonentities oq
the front or rear platforms th $ cara
who are distraught already over
uncertainty , "whether lovely women will
make j her exit without harm have even.
worse troubles ahead than any whicl1
have j hitherto afflicted them.
Jefferson and Florence Criticising
Their Own Performance.
One night , some years ago , as I en
tered Dorlon's oyster house on Wes
Twenty-third street , writes E. H. Seth <
ern in Leslie's Monthly , I saw Joseph
Jefferson and W. J. Florence sitting a
a table near the door. Jefferson'wa
talking earnestly to Florence , who wa
looking very much ashamed of himself ,
with eyes cast down and fiddling witii
his oyster fork. Glancing up he saw
me , and , as if glad to escape from
scolding , he cried , "Come over here and
sit down with us. "
"How do you do , " said Jefferson
Pardon me a moment. I am telling
Billy . about a point he spoiled this even-
ing. " They were playing "The Rivals'
at the Garden Theater.
"Well , I was thinking of something
else , " said Florence.
"Ah , that's it , " said Jefferson , "bu
you 'missed the point , and let me tel
you that you would have got a round ,
of applause there" naming some other
portion of the scene "if you had made
the pause in the right place. "
"Look here , " said Florence , suddenly
osing his remorseful expression , "you
dlled your own effect by speaking too df
quickly on that line , " and he instanced
one of Bob Acres' best moments.
Jefferson's face fell. "That's
so , Billy , ta
that's so ; I spoiled that line. I wa ?
thinking how well I was playing , too ce
and I forgot my look before I spoke. " be
Florence became quite cheerful again , ae
"He's been giving me fits , " said he ,
"for the last ten minutes. He wasn't
so devilish good himself to-night. "
To see those two veterans polishing on
their work , to find them in their hour is
of recreation gilding refined gold wag WJ
an object lesson of some value. th
Sympathy Was Powerless. kn
To exercise a general supervisioi
over lost children and stray pets la "d
characteristic of a kind-hearted resident
dent of South Paris , Me. , who is rep *
resented by the Lewiston Journal as th
ready to sympathize with every child he
ish troubje. He was walking along
the street recently , when he noticed ,
a little boy on the sidewalk , evidently wl
in the deepest trouble. His chubby
fists burrowed into his fat little face.
Great round drops of misery rolled foi
down his cheeks and fell on his little
"Did ye get hurt , sonny ? " asked the
kind-hearted man. Sc
"No ! " howled the boy. wi
"Lost ? " be
"No , " with a wilder burst of ser
row. Gr
"Where do you live ? " Ki
The boy pointed. se
"Waiting for your dad ? " Ai
"No. Boohoo ! "
"Well , then , what is the trouble ? " Vemi
The boy sobbed bitterly , and answer * mi
ed in tones of anguish : er
"I've got the tummie-ache. " Sn
Larger Quantities.
Miss Gabble And she accused me ol
retailing gossip about the neighbor suUi
hood. Ui
Miss Sharpe The idea ! fa
Miss Gabbie Positively insulting ,
isn't she ?
Miss Sharpe Yes , for you're really a date
wholesaler. Philadelphia Press. toBr
Convict Competition in Austria.
To rid themselves of the competition ,
the cheap products of prison labor I
Austrian manufacturers want their ha
government to transport convicts beyond - ' , !
yond the sea. ol
It is said that the Lord tempers the
wind to the shorn lamb , but this does ne :
not cut any ice.
at ;
One thing a physician geta with a I
good practice is criticism. hei
* *
Stole from Fisherman , but Was Caught
Andy Fitzgerald , a fisherman of this
"icinity , says the Del Mar correspond
ent of the Cincinnati Enquirer , had a
unique experience and made some , easy
money whiUj fishing off the banks
about five mU * 3 from this place one
day this week. He anchored at the
banks and was fishing for sanddabs
with a hand line , when he noticed a
large seal hovering about the spot
where his line lay. By and by he
pulled up with a 'sanddab ' on his hook
and began to haul in the line , but be
fore he could land the fish the seal had
grabbed it and eaten it. Two or three
limes the seal thus forestalled him , and
then Fitzgerald put out a line on the
other side of the boat , leaving the other
line out for the entertainment of the
seal. While the animal was watching
that line Fitzgerald took in about a
dozen fish with the other , and was con
gratulating himself upon outwitting
the animal , when he heard a noise be
hind him , and , turning , beheld the seal
In the boat in the act of devouring the
lish he had so recently caught.
When the seal had finished his meal
he crawled up the little deck over an
apartment in the prow t of the boat ,
and , stretching' himself at full length
in the sun , 'proceeded to take a nap.
When he had become oblivious of his
surroundings Fitzgerald crept forward
with a rope in which he had prepared a
slipping noose , and , sliding it over the
seal until it was back of the flippers , h6
drew it taut , and then with a sudden
lurch pulled * the surprised prisoner ta
the open hatch and rolled him in and
shut down the hatch.
Upon his return to this port he dis
posed < of his prisoner to a Georgia visi
tor for ? 23 , to be taken to that Southern - j i
ern ] State ? and the re placed in a little
[ lake on the purchaser's estate.
Eicht-Year-Oljl Colored Child Sur
prises Ministers.
Lonnie Lawrence Dennis , a colored
boy , aged 8 jrears , is creating much in
terest in Burlington church circles by
his talks on biblical subjects. He has
been holding evangelical services in
the African Methodist Church. It is
said he has never attended school a
lay in his life , but has been educate y
iy his mother.
Several Burlington ministers hav
aken a lively interest in the boy , and f
aving put numerous questions con
erniug the scripture to him , hav tt
een surprised by the straightforward , in
ess and intelligence of his answers. le
One of the Signs. scB
The member of Congress was a nev. a
ne in Washington. After he had fin C3
hed ! his dinner at the restaurant th ? cc
alter brought him pie for dessert , an < j b
tiere was a knife with it. The new ec
lember looked at the pie and at th iy
nife. ht
'Major , " he saio ? to his companion si
do you think that waiter suspects
m a Western Congressman ? "
'Hardly. How should he know any
aing about it ? You were never ii
' *
ere before , were you ? "
" "
"Then how in thunder does he kmrn m
" * "
'ho you are ?
I don't know. But if he doesn't what l ift
id he bring _ that knife with the pi
r ? " New York Times.
Hia Awful Predicament. CO
First ] Russian Nobleman "Greai it
cottovich ! What is the matterskofl Pi
rith the archbishopski ? He seems t (
having a fitovich ! " efl
Second J Russian Nobleman "Oh , th ( in
rand Dukeski Ivan Alexandervicl w'
lutmynoseoff is' about to marry tht m
jcond < daughter of the Grand Duehesi of
ndabulosla of the Schkinkenburg in
latzenblatter , the Duchess Anastasi * de
enna Pauline Celesta ; and the clergy sa
tan has several of the names stud
osswiseovich in his throatski. "
mart Set.
A Conciliatorr Measure. pu
"I see , " said Mr.Bobbett , "the Gen sii
is Bureau has located the center o. lo-
hited States' population in an Indian ? pr
irmer's : barnyard. " cu
"I'm glad of it , " his wife answered self
With butter and eggs going up everi M
iiy , it's high time to do soniethinj TlWJ
conciliate the cows and hens. " WJ
rooklyn Eagle. ho
a i
A Literary Man. tifl
Mrs. Casey I hear your son Mikt a
as gone into literature. on
Mrs. Clancy So he has. He's got J do
as janitor in a library. Judge. er ;
Any woman who speaks ill of he .
iighbors gives them license to get bad tnj
- ire
It is easy to gauge a man's emptj inj
he is fulL i Ms
Not Always the Most Attractive.
While it is true that the accomplish
ed young woman undoubtedly gets a
good deal out of life which her less
embellished sister misses , that fact
does not by any means prove that the
fluent linguist , Ideal waltzer , excellent
musician and artist , fearless horse
woman or expert golfer inevitably
proves more attractive than the girl
who has no special accomplishments.
It has been observed that the worst
of an accomplished girl Is the Involun
tary note of assertiveness which so
frequently creeps into her sayings and
arguings. No doubt it is difficult for
her to avoid this when she feels the
capability to skillfully discuss many
subjects which her women friends per
force remain silent owing to entire
lack of even slight technical knowl
edge. She should remember that
though shejnay know and be able to
do a good deal more than many , there
are another "many" who know and
can do a very great deal more than
she !
The girl whose attainments are aver
age , or even a little below It , frequent
ly possesses provided that she be
blessed with tact the very valuable
power of making a man feel inordi
nately pleased with himself. She lis
tens admiringly without desiring to
Interrupt ; she agrees easily , not hav
ing the knowledge to differ ; she ac-
cepts all that is told her , responds
sympathetically and questions deferen
tially , because she realizes the intel
lectual merits of her companion , as i
contrasted with her own , to be worthy
of such flattering treatment
Such is not always the case with the
super-accomplished girl whose grip of
many matters makes It Impossible for
her to adopt an unquestioning Desde-
mona-like attitude of admiring creduli
ty ; she has been educated to have opin
ions , and her accomplishments confer
the right to very definitely express
them , thus giving her companion the
uncomfortable feeling that unless he
wants'to be caught tripping over some
artistic1 simile or criticism he had best
be silent and this attitude is not one
which entirely appeals to a masculine
enthusiast i
Successful Wotnnn I.awver.
-That a woman may be successful in
the legal profession even in a section j
where there is so much conservatism
in matters of this
sort as in the far
South has been
amply demonstra
ted in the case of
Miss Rosa C. '
Falls , who for
four years past
has been a mem
ber of a law firm
in New Orleans
and has enjoyed a
large and lucra-
practiCe. It
ig , in fact , stated that during these
years < Miss Falls has never lost a case
Ol a client , a record which few of the
sterner sex engaged in the same pro
fession can equal and none surpass
Miss Falls is a daughter of Judge I
W. Falls , for many years a magistrate
one of the city courts of New Or
leans , and heredity may therefore have
something to do with her liking for
Blackstone and Kent and her choice of
life calling. She had an extended
experience , however , as a newspaper
correspondent and reporter before she
began the study of law , and the knowl
edge gained thereby has been extreme
valuable to her. Miss Falls received
her legal education at Tulane Univer
sity and was admitted to the bar in c
Kentucky in 1898. ci
Rain-Proof Suits.
Rain-proof materials come in several
tailor that It is ! tl
a styles , so quite possible
for a woman who doesn't find ready &ict
made Just the garment she desires to ct
have one built to suit her , says the ctgi
Washington Times. This arrangement gi
affords an opportunity for more variety Itbi
than would otherwise be the case , so bi
that instead of seeing a hundred rain
coats all made after the same fashion ,
is seldom that one comes across du
plicates. m
For ordinary street wear the rough tii
effects are considered the correct thing tiim
dress , zibeline being In the lead ,
while a new , rough-finished vicuna Is ci
making : a strong bid for favor. The use ciVI
plaits has brought about a change In
the style'bf suits , for naturally these
designs could no't be treated hi the
same manner as the plainer cloths.
To Sign One's Name Correctly.
A company of women were discuss a
recently the proper K.&i
public registers , those of hotels and do
similar places , and some argument fol bj
lowed in consequence. Several ex ha
pressed the belief that under no cir ha
cumstances does a woman give her for
the conventional uae of Mrs. or vaW
Miss : when inscribing her own name , W
rhe consensus of opinion , however ,
tvas against this view. A name on a hu
aotel register is not a signature , but elc
mail address for the purpose of Iden- md
iification , and should be. on the part of ±
woman , the same as that she uses sh ;
her visiting card. This , of course , isi
lees not apply to her .signature In oth-
places , at the end of letters , legal
locuments , and the like , when It is pei >
mly the baptismal name and surname ml
hat are required. Too many women wo
careless in this respecr , uftpn sljfn- "
letters Mrs. John Smith , or Alias
lary Smith. T do this 1 K. ml
breach of epistolary form. In writma
an order to a tradesman the title may
be used , but in all other correspondence -
ence if it Is to be inserted for iaenti-
ficatlon , it should be placed in brackets -
ets at the left of the name The hus-
, band's name may be included In this .
parenthesis , so that a woman signing
her name Mary L. Smith would pre
cede it. between brackets , ( Mrs. John
G ) The frequency with which this
letter writing sin is committed is the
excuse for a-reference to it here.
Harpers | Bazar.
To Make Home Happy.
Learn to say kind and pleasant
things whenever opportunity offers.
Study the characters of each , and
sympathize with all in their troubles ,
| however small.
Avoid moods and pets and fits of
Learn to deny yourself and prefer
Beware of meddlers and tale-bearers.
Never conceive a bad motive if a
good one is conceivable. *
Be gentle rfnd firm with children.
Do not allow your children to ba
away from home at ; night without
knowing where they are. -
Do not say anything in their hear
ing which you do not wish them to re
Beware of correcting them in a petu
lant or angry manner.
Learn to govern yourself and to ba
gentle and patient
Guard your tempers , especially in
seasons of ill health , irritation and
trouble J , and soften them by prayer and
a sense of your own shortcomings and
Remember that , valuable as is the
gift of speech , silence is often mora
Do not expect too much from oth
ers , but remember that we should for
bear and forgive , as we often desire
forbearance and forgiveness ourselves.
Never retort a sharp or angry word
It is the second word that makes tha
quarrel. '
Beware of the first disagreement.
Learn to speak in a gentle tone ol
voice. Jessie Shipman , in American
Health and Beauty Hints.
Cocoa butter is an excellent skin
Tight belts and tight sleeves will
often cause red hands.
* .
For profuse perspiration boracio
acid powder is helpful.
Singeing and clipping will strength
en and cause the hair to grow.
Lemon or tomato juice will usually
remove stains on the hands.
Liver spots can be entirely removed
by rubbing daily with lemon juice.
Plenty of fresh air at nights in the
sleeping apartments is a health pre
In facial massage always rub in tha
opposite direction or across the lines
to be removed.
Bicarbonate of soda added to the wa.
ter in which the hair is washed will
make the hair lighter. '
To singe the hair , take a small Zodt
at a time , twist it tightly and pass a
lighted , candle across the ends. *
Hair that is thoroughly brushed ,
every night with a clean brush does
not require shampooing so often.
Warts can be removed by binding
them in common baking soda moist
ened with water. It is also said to re
move corns.
For massaging , olive
, almond and cocoanut -
coanut oil is used. A good skin food ,
can be made from mutton tallow and
almond oil.
Beans and peas are the best substi
tutes for meat , as they contain tha
greatest quantities of albumen and
It is very beneficial for the hair to
give it a sun bath occasionally
, letting
hang loosely down the back or
brushing it in the sunlight
The Office of a Teacher.
Some one has said that the appoint
ment of a school superintendent may '
of more consequence to our na
tion's power than the promotion of a -
major general.
What can be of more importance to
civilization than the raising of human
values , the taking of crude , ignorant
lumps of human clay , and by yc rs of
patient fashioning and Intelligent
training , develop them into educated ,
cultured and strong men ?
We think it is a wonderful
thing for
sculptor to raise the value of a rough
piece of marble or granite from a few
dollars to a hundred
thousand '
dollars .5'
calling out an idea which .
have slept In the cold stone forever f
had not his
genius awakened
it. .But
a teacher's fashioning hand the
ralue of the human block of day
would have been but half what it Is
It ] Is the office of a teacher to raise
auman values ; to take the low , and
jlevate them ; to train the ignorant
leave them intelligent ; to restrain
e impetuous and
, and
hape them into
, pol-
shed , beautiful characters.
A Coincidence.
Mrs. Jansen said , to Mrs. LammU ( ba
erfect confidence ) : "Do you know
nine Is the
baby in the
vorld ? '
"Well , really , now , what a colnd-
lencel" said Hrg. Laj
ulne. "