Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 26, 1903, Image 5

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\t \ >
JM.OO Per Yeur in Advance
1 !
at ttoe Postrofflce at Valentine. Cherry
> mntv. Nebraska , as 8econdla88 matter.
K. of I * . Ci.EKKY LODGE NO. 1C9 meet * let
and 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30.
i 0. M. HUNTEB , C.vd. . GOULD.
C. 0. K , of B. & . S.
V ACEST1KB LODGE XO. 205 1. 0. 0. F
Meets Thursday night eacJi week ,
W , G. Sec'y-
A M. KO 192.- Meets 1st Tuesday on or be.
fore the full of the moon each month.
T. C , HoKNy , W , W , TUOMI-SON ,
tv' W. M. c'y.
* fo AO. . U. W. WO.7O. Meets 1st and 3rd Mun
day 01 fcztch month.
vv. A. PETTVCKKW , U. G , DUNN ,
M. W. Recorder.
2nd and 4th Mondaj each mouth.
C. of H. Keconter.
- M.V. . A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each
V.O.- Clerk
PiiATEKXAL LMO * NO , 50H-Meets
every futun j nigh
J. A.riOBNBACK , ' E. D.l'LAKK ,
K. M. S TV
KUYAl * NEHxIIBOllM.- 2nd'uitl
4th Wednesday * each mouth.
Oracle. * Kec.
8 < tn and Daughters of IToiccilon
Lodge * O.-Meeta 2nd and 4th Fridays each
Ties. Sec'y
Keyal HlKhlanderB , Devon Cnsile Mo.
291. Meets 2nd Friday eaca month.
i. p. 8ec'y-
Charles El. Faulhaber
Breeder ol
Bes'st'd Herelords
Hyam , No. 74,538.
at head of herd.
Young bulls from 6
TO 18 monlhs old
for sale
Brownlee Nebr.
- ,
\ in r r-- <
' ibes ) general black'smithing at hard
times prices for cash.
? * >
Valentine , Nebr.
# *
Good , Hard Rock for sale iu any
City Deliveryman.
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to nnd
from the depot and all parts of the City.
First-clam Shop iu Ever ) Respect
E u de Quinine Hair Tonic , Goldeu Star hair
Tonic. Herpicide and Cokt-'s Daudiuff ( 'um
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
. . . . i . .
* . . Xebr.
Tubular wellb and windmills.
A.ttorney at Law
Valentine , X rbr.
Physician and Surgeon
Office at Qnigley & Chapman's
Drugstore. Nights The. Doii-
oher residence , Ciherry Street
Edward S. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
OJflee Fraternal Hall or El
liott's Drug Store. 19UU2
Valentine , Nebr.
Practices In District Court and U. S. Land
Office. Eeal Estate and Sanch Property
bought and sold. Bonded AlAiraoter.
[ p. E.AH. V.B.B.
' No. 27 Fft. Dally " 2-33 P. M.
No. 25 " except Sunday 9:40 A. M
No. 3 Passenger Baily 12:49 A. M.
No , 28 Frt. Daily 0:60 A. M.
No , 2P " except Hunday 5:00 P.M.
NO. 4 Passenger Dali > 4:47 A. M.
" , rn oulk 75 per cwi | 14UU ton
hi.rta hulk . . . .85 per cwt $16.00 ton
creonrngs 70c " $13.00"
Chop Feed . . . .1.05 " $20.00"
Corn./ 95 $18.00"
Chop corn 1.00 " $19.00
1.20 $2300"
John Nicholson ,
, Dentist.
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. Reserve
your work for him. Office at Donoher
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding
& Huff acker.
\ mi right or leu
O HMO nlrtpr ot hors
Q oiilfftjaw. 11 on left tide. H on left thigh
8. N. Moses.
x = xleft side
W right shoulder
O as d hip.
The Commoner , Mr. Bryan's paper
will be especially interesting and in
structive during the present session of
congress. The action of this congress
will probably determine the issues up
on which the next presidential cam
paign will be fought. The Commoner
propose * to carry on a campaign of ed
urntibn and organization to the end
that democratic principles may
la addition to the editorial depart
ruent , which receives Mr. Bryan's per
sonal attention , the Commoner con
tains a Current Topic department ,
wherein a nou-partisan discussion of
topics of timely interest , ' and other val
uable information will ue found. The
Home Department is conducted by an
experienced 'woman who is widely
known as M writer of household topics
and who is an mnhoriu on the art of
cooking in all that the term implies.
Thih department alonn is worth the
subscription price. The other depart
ments oi tin- , paper .tre all interesting
and ably conducted , among which is a
MimuiHrv of 'he world's news told in
narrative stIe , and Mr Mntipm's de
partimnt Whether Common or Not
( ' ( luUiiiBoritftnul anecdotes aud wit ,
moral les-on * m bomel } phrase and
vere and appeals to old and \oung
Tin1'nmnioner * s M whole is clean ,
entertaining aud instructive , and its
rapid increase in circulation now
amounting to 140 000 is proof of the
paper's strength and influence.
Arrangemeiitj < bav been made with
t *
Mr Mr \ uii whereby The Commoner
cwii be. supplied at a very low rate with
pers for one jear for $1 65 This offer
applies to both nevv ami renewal sub
sorjptious. and should be taken advant
as'of iihontdelat. All urdertshould
UP seni to M HIDE , Valentine , Nebr
Alt our tarmer readers should take
advantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make , which
includes with this paper The Home
stead , its Special Farmers' Institute
Editions and The Poultry Farmer.
These three publications are the best
, of their class and should be in every
! farm home. To them we add , for lo
cal , county and general news , our own
paper , and make the price of the four
one year only : $1. 25 > Never be
fore was so much superior reading
matter offered for so small an a mount
of'money. The three papers named ,
which we club with our own , are well
known throughout the West , aud
commend themselves to the reader's
: attention upon mere mention. The
Home stead is the great agricultural I
and live stock paper of the West.
The Poultry Farmer is the most prac
tical poultry paper for the farmer ,
while the Special Farmers' Institute
Editions are .the most practical publi
cations for the promotion of good 1
farming ever published Take ad
vantage of this great offer , a. & it will
hold gobd for a short time only.
Samples of these papers may he ex
amined by calling- this , office ,
The Greatest of its Kind.
The excellent record of the' 'Mer
cantile' 'is attracting much attent
ion. It now has in Nebraska over
seven thousand policy holders and
over six million dollars of insur-
ence in force. It has annually for
five years on an average declared
to its policy holders a div
idend of 15 to 20 per cent ; that is ,
it has saved in cost * to its policy
holders that much. There is no
man but what would like to be in
a business that would yield him 20
per cent profit. The Mutual In
surance Journal.
The Mutual Insurance people of
the state can be proud of the fact
that Nebraska has within its board
ers some of the yery strongest
Mutual companies in the world ,
Many both farm and city whose poli
cies are as good as gold anywhere
and the reputation of which goes
unquestioned. Among the number
none are better than the Farmers
Mutual Insurance Company ad
The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual
Insurance Company , both of Lin
coln , and the Trans-Missi&sippi
Mutual Fire Association of Oma
ha , and our readers should carry
in these companies all of the insur
ance they can place with them up
to the full amount desired. No
person claims but that in case of
loss they are fairly treated and
when the amount is agreed upon ,
paid promptly. The Mutual - Insurance
surance Journal.
These companies are represent
ed by I. M. Eice of Valentine. In
these companies together with the
German Mutual of Omaha he has
written thousands of dollars of in
surance for people in Valentine ,
Crookston , Cody , Merriman ,
Gordon , "Wooklake and through
out Cherry Co. There has never
been a question as to the reliability
of these mutual companies and
those holding policies in them can
testify to the saving in cost of in
surance. There should be no dis
crimination against them because
they have saved thousands of dollars
lars to policy holders , and insur
ance rates have been lowered 25
per cent by virtue-of the existence
of these companies , in which even
those opposed to mutual insurance
have profited. They insure city
and farm property , school houses
and churches.
Running Water.
C. C. Thompson was over to Julius
Shrums Sunday bujing cattle.
Rene Canet was up the river Sun
day riding a bronki
Old Grandpa Heth died last Thurs-
dav night at his daughter , Mrs Wil
son , iu Valentine.
Frank and George Sed'acek ' just re
turned from the dance.
Charlie Ballard went to town Sat
urday and returned Sunday.
Miss Elizabeth Bush was visiting at
Miss Slvyia Heth Sunday.
Charlie and Lou Mosher were down
the river last week ,
Mr. Lord weut to town the first of
week ,
The geese are coming and Rene
Canet was the first to get one.
Well teadber , we didn't mean to in
sult you when we said you went to vis
it your stepmother and we will call as
you said to come up and you would
tell us all we wanted to know and then
some. And about oirt pokv nose I do'nt
know that it is any more poky than
any other writer's.
McCann Items.
Dance at W. W. Whites next Fri
day * night.
Gertrude and Jean Richardson were
at Cody to attend the poverty social.
J. T. Galloway and Gus Er ckson
are at McCann improving their ranch
by buildingji big barn.
We understand that S. F. Thompson
is going out west the 1st of May.
Lee Hand and family and his bro
ther-in-law. Dice Elliott , expect soon
to return home from Cripple Creek ,
Colo. , where they were working in the.
gold mines
Harry Guilders is making prepara
tion to start for Gold Hill , Ore in the
near future.
Remember the box social on the
evening of the 10th of April at the
McCann school house.
Niobrara Falls.
Mrs. Adamson has recovered from
her recent illnessC
Mrs. Hannah Heth and babe are on
the sick list.
John Sedlacek IB having a time with
his windmill and pump at this writing.
Mr. Adamson is < again at work on
his new house and hopes to have it
finished soon.
Alvin Maddox came out Thursday
to announce be sad news the Grand
father Heth had passed away some
time the night before. He had retir
ed as usual and in the morning was
found dead. , Mr. Heth had been a
sufferer for many years and although
his death was not a surprise to any
one it is none the less sad. M. Heth
was a good Christian man and has
been missed by the writer and family
since his removal from this neighbor
hood. He leaves several children , all
of whom are grown up , to mourn their
loss which is his gain.
Quietly he crossed to the other side
Of the dark river ot death ,
To joyfully meet those gone before
And to wait for those he has left.
Oasis * Butterfly
The ducks have begun to come at
There is a party of hunters camped
at Hackberry lake waiting the arrival
of game. I suppose Robert Howard
is not quite so lonesome as the hunt
ers stop with him.
The dance at W. G. Ballards was a
grand success. C. F. Cooper and Gee ,
Rowley and wife furnished the music
which is the best in this part of the
country. A delicious supper was
served at 12 o'clock by the two Mrs.
Ballards and the dance went on until
after daylight , then after having re
freshments they all went home rejoic
ing over the good time. We hope this
will net be the last dance Mr. Ballard
will give.
Ed Harris and wife stopping in Val
entine a few days.
Frank and George Sedlacek were
been in this neighborhood again last
The Oasis cattle are looking better
since their treatmeut.
Homer Harris is tatting J. Kline's
place while he is in the city on busi
Mrs. Oarrie Bachelor is living on
her claim on Dewey lake.
Henry His yery busy nowada ) s
running a delivery.
t / Coily Items.
The whole county seems to be rep
resented in the DEMOCRAT excepting
Cody alone , but we are all busy in
Cody nevertheless , too busy it seems
to even write for the paper ; for want
of better will you accept these poorly
written ones.
The hammers are still ringing which
means our village ie still improving
its residences and steadily increasing
their number.
The drug store has changed hands
and we are glad as we HKC the owners
of our business places to be residents
also We extend to Mr. and Mrs.
vlunn a hearty welcome.
Another Dr. * has anrived in Cody so
we are not afraid of la grippe , if one
can not cure perhaps the other can.
The Methodist social was a success
last Friday night but we think it rath
er hard on the bald headed men to be
obliged to pay a fine. Perhaps that
was to help out our new druggist , if
so all right. Clare Cole was fined for
not bringing a partner. He declares
that it was not his fault but we are of
the opinion that it was as we know of
several young ladies that did not re
ceive an invitation to accompany him
to the said social.
We are to have * a new one thousand
dollar church in the near future. It
is to be erected in the center of the
town on the hill near the Postoffice ,
and the lumber will be on the ground
ready for work May 1st.
In spite of the seveiecold and heavy
snows , the loss of stock in this part of
the county so far has been small but
we hope for sunshine and an early
We are to have a new coal house
and the lumber has arrived to com
mence its erection.
School will not close until the last
of May and the children are becom
ing restless.
John Newbury is going to move into
town the first of April.
I. C. Stotts has gone to Missouri
with a car load of horaes.
There will be a rag-time dance and
rag-time music too at the Woodman
hail the evening of April 1. A gener
al invitation is extended to all.
Win. Wasmer is going to move back
to his ranch on the Niobrara the first
of next month.
Some mischief maker has been try
ing his 22 rille on Hugh Sears' horses
Some of them ai * ruined.
Mrs. Moan has been confined to the
house for some time with rheumatism
but we are glad to hear that she is
rapidly recovering.
A telephone line is being construct
ed south from Cody , connecting Cole'8
store and Frank Mogles , Armstrong
and Rollers as far as Medicine can
yon and will soon extend to the Snake
and perhaps farther on.
Arabia Screenings.
Services were held at the Arabia
school house Saturday , Mar. 21 ,
by Father Lechlctner. Ho had a
good audiance and was very much
appreciated by all. -
The McRaro district has again
reopened with Miss Forbes as tea
The measles are still lurking
about in our neighborhood.
An entertainment was given at
the Furngist school Friday Mar.
Mrs. Frank Higgins received a
very bad injury about a week ago
being the result of a horse falling
with her and breaking her collar
bone. Drs. Compton and Furray
are attending her and as yet she is
not serious.
The -Valentine Section of the
C berry Co. Teacher's Association
will meet at the high school build
ing , Sat. , April 11,1903. The fol
lowing program will be rendered
beginning at 1:30 p. m :
Instrumental Solo ,
Miss Inez Pettycrew.
Nature Study , Chap. XXI to end
of book.
Paper Developing in Children a
Taste for Good Literature ,
Miss * Edith Pettycrew.
Orignal Story , Chap. VI ,
Mrs. Cramer.
Vocal Solo. . .Mrs. Mabel Vaughn.
Paper What Busy Work May be
Given 1st and 2nd Grade Pu
pils Miss Nettie Knecland.
Paper Benefits of Physiology
Study Miss Lydia Forbes.
Boll Call Waymarks , pages 20i
to 274.
Brown lee Breezes.
Mrs. Julius Heckman has gone
to Grand Island for a visit with
and relatives.
Jim Shanley was down to Brok
en Bow last week.
J. R. Lee had a car of corn
shipped to Thcdford this week.
E. C. Harris , of Chadron , and
Mr. Porter , of Mullen , visited
their Brownlee store Saturday and
eem well pleased with conditions.
Last week a poverty social was
announced for Friday evening at
the Sand Hills commercial. Early
that evening a larg crowd gathered
and until 'the "wee pma hours" a
merry time was had , with music ,
games , songs , a literary program
and by no means least , a supper.
Twentp-six dollars was the amount
realized and the following morn
ing this was increased to thirty-
three dollars , this amount to be ap
plied on the salary of the minister.
Will McCain and family have
moved into Brownlee.
Last Saturday Mr. and Mrs.
Dave Steadman , Mrs. Calvin and
Mrs. Searson drove up to Kennedy
visiting friends there and nearby.
Mr. and Mrs. Jones from the
Pass ranch were down to the soc
Henry Faulhaber has leased his
ranch to Victor Martin and Mr.
Faulhaber and family will go to
the Pacific coast to sec if in the
land of summer they can find a
home that they like better than
Cherry Co. Their many friends
here are sorry to see them leave
but wish them every success.
There are some curious things in
English spelling and pronuncia
tion , and the knowlege of them
does not come by instinct.
If an S and I and an O and a U ,
With an X at the end spells Su ,
And E and a Y and E spell I
Pray what is a speller to do ?
Then if also an S and an I and a G
And a H E D spells cide ,
There's nothing much left for the
speller to do ,
But to go and commit Siouxeye-
sighed.Ctodi'Oj ) Jourjjal.
Noah was the first man to adver
tise. He advertised the flood and
it came all right. The fellows who
laughed at the advertising got
drowned and it served them right.
Ever since Noah's time the adver
tiser has been prospering , while
the other has been swallowed up in
the sea of disaster. Ex.
Commissioner' * Frodcedlngit
Valentine Nepr. , March 17,1003.
Board met as per adjurnment , with
the following members present : W.
E. Haley , chairman ; L. Laufer.
The 'commissioners made the fol
lowing appointments : ]
Robert Ellis , assessor Cleveland Precinct.
Daniel Fowler . . Table .
A. M. Inscha . . Glllaspie
E. T. Banigan , overseer disk No. 1C.
W. T. Bullls. justicelof the peace Table I'rect.
Jacob Mogle. constable Boiling Springs
The following ofllcial bonds \vere
approved :
Robert ElUs assessor Cleveland Prect.
Daniel Fowler . . Table
A. M. Inscha . . Gillasple
E. r. Banigan , overseer district No , 10.
w. T. Bullls , justice of the peace Table precinct
Jacob Mo le. constable Boilii.g Spiiugs . . .
The board approved the petition of
Jane Howell for admission to Soldiera
Home at Grand Island , Nebr.
The petition of C. M. Bailey et a {
to incorporate Woodlake as a village ,
granted. The commissioners appoint
ed the following as trustees : W.
Honey , LeRoy Leach , A. L. Johnson ,
Robert A. McNamee.
The commissioners ordered the clerk
to put the following land on the tax
list for the years 1891-5-6 : e2 ne4 sec
H , T31R36.
The petition of Woodruff Ball et al
to employ A. M. Morrissey as special
counsel to 'represent ' Cherry county
in the case of Harris Franklin & Co. .
vs L. N. Lav port , sheriff of Cherry
Co. et al and the case of Harris Frank
lin & Co. vs J. E. Thackrey , Treas. of
Cherry county , was accepted and the
commissioners3employed the said A.
M. Morrissey as special counsel in
above case for the sum of S100.00 and
expenses. Whereupon the board ad
journed to March 18,1903.
March 18 ; 1903.
Board met as per adjournment ,
present W. E. Haley and L Laufer.
The board spent the forenoon in
viewing the proposed bridge at the
Bell crossing ,
The matter f of the application of
Arthur B. Beis for a lincence to sell
malt , spirituous and vinous liquors iu
Crookston , Minnecliaduza precinct ,
came on for hearing , and the board be
ing fully advised finds : that due and
legal notice of the filing of tne petition
has been given as required by law ; that
said petition is signed by a majority oC -
the resident free-holders of said Minne-
chadnza precinct. Said petition is
therefore granted and the county clerk
is hereby ordered to issus license to the
said applicant , to sell jnalt , spirituous
and vinous liquors , as prayed m said
petition for the period of one year com
mencing May 1 , 1903 and ending May
1,1904 , upon said applicant paying in
the office of the county treasurer of
Cherry coun'ty the license fee as re
quired by law and upon his filing with
said clerk a surety company bond issued
by the United States Fidelity & Guar
anty Co. in the amount of $3,000 as the
law requires.
The commissoners let the contract
t *
for furnishing three road plows , to Lud
wig Lumber Yard , they being the low
est bidder.
The commissioners ordered the per
sonal tax of James H Lyons for year ' 86
amounting to $6 25 refunded the same
having been erroneously assssed. Also
school tax of J. A. llornback for year
1902 amounting to $7 27 refunded , it *
having been erroneously assessed.
Report of Miss Etta Brown , county
superintendent , for moneys received
for examination of teachers during the
half year ending March 17 , 1903 , ac -
Petitioi of C. F. Callen et al to erect
an iron bridge at the old Bell site across
the Niobrara river was granted.
Road No. 79 as prayed for in petition
of Eugene E. French'etal was declared
a public road by the commissioners.
Whereupon the board adjourned to
March 19 , 1903
March 19,1903.
Board met as per adjournment , pres
ent W. E. Haley and L. Laufer.
The commissioners appointed Ira
Johnson overseer road district No. 21) .
The following amounts were deduct
ed from claims on file and applied on.
delinquent personal tax :
Dayis & Vincent § 6 00
Geo. Elliott , . . . .3 oo
Barney McN'ltt 28 oo
J.H. Sears . " 13 oo
W.E. Haley ; . oo
The following claims wore allowed as
per contract.
American Bridge Co , brid0e at Compton $ ± Mf5 25
Canton overMmne-
chtduza . , J4oo oo
do 23240
Whereupon the board adjourned sine
Attest : C. S.'Keece , . W. E. Haley ,