Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 26, 1903, Image 4

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ThurMtlay , Jlai-cJi 26 , 1SIO3
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.60
Wheu not paid m advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertisinginch.sioglq column I5c
per issue or SC.OO a year.
Local Nolines. Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
and Socials for Iteveuue 6c per Hue per bstie.
Brands. 1 } < i ) hes S4.00 per j ear in advance
additional spar 3-00 per inch per year jengraved
blocks extra ; $ > J each.
JPartles livlnp mtside Cherry county not per-
conally known a e requested to pay in advance
10 per cent additional to above rates if over > , '
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adver-
There are gratifying indications
that the grip of the tax-shirking
corporations on the Nebraska legis
lature is being shaken. A week
ago it looked as though the rail
roads absolutely owned two-thirds
of both houses. Now there are
Symplons of disintegration in the
railroad column. The people are
'being heard from , and they are
speaking with.a-force and unan
mity that is likely to jar more
than' one barnacle from the cor
poration craft.
There is no lack of argument to
support the contentionvof the pee
ple. The investigations of the
Omaha committee at Falls City and
other Nebraska towns have effect
ively demolished the spurious sub
terfuge of-the railroads that an
equitable municipal taxation of
railroad property in Omaha would
reduce the revenue of other local
ities. The issue has been proved
to be more than local. Every city
and county in Nebraska is inter
ested in the execution of a law that
will paraphrase the motto of the
state into "Equality before the as
sessor. "
In Falls City , for instance , it has
been discovered that the Atchison
& Nebraska railroad pays 59.4:3
intaxes.-'The Missouri Pacific
pays $76.50. The First National
bank'of the .same city pays § 144.50
or more than both roads .combined.
Still , each of tliese. railroads has
three-quarters , of a mile of main
line in Falls City. The Atchison
- & eoraska earned § 3,074 per mile ,
net , in 1901 , but according to the
1' local assessment the 'value of it's
track in Falls City is only .83,496.
The Missouri Pacific is stocked at
882,000 a mile on the present mark
et value of its securities. Its pro
perty in Falls City is assessed at
' There can be no question of the
injustice of such taxation. The
figures show conclusively that the
business man and home owner are
paying most of the taxes to the big
corporations in addition to their
own. They have been doing it for
years and they are tired of it.
They , propose to have a new deal
and if , the present legislature will
not give them relief , they will elect
one next time that will.
TJie stock in trade arguments by
which the roads have sought to
justify their tax-shirking policy
have fallen to the -ground because
the people are beginning to think.
They will keep on thinking and
they will act in accordance with
their conclusions.
The era of tax-shirking in Neb
raska is approaching its. end. If
tlfejlegislature will deal honestly
with the people the end is not far
ofi. Omaha Daily News , ' -
T. Wm , Morrissey is 00wn * with
* the measles.
R. F. Gillespie came in from
- his ranch yesterday.
Johnnie West , of Woodlake , is
night clerk at Bohle's restaurant.
' - ' ' Miss Jessie Webb left Sunday
1 morning for Fremont , where she
will visit with relatives for several Ia
weeks. c
Holland Robinson , who for two t ; (
" or three weeks has been night
. "clerk'at the Donoher , has resigned
' - to accept a position on the train as
newsboy. Mike Clynes will again C1 >
. be the night clerk at the hotel after )
Frank Lee , Ed Reiser , and Clar
ence Danks of Brownlee were in
our city last week and made us a
pleasant visit.-
Mrs. Frank Brayton returned
Sunday night .from Ainsworth
where she had been visiting her
parents for several weeks.
Wm. Gulick and his brother ,
Isaac , from Iowa who is- visiting
him at his ranch west of Woodlake
were in our city'last Friday and
made us a nice visit.
C. P. Jordan , Frank Mullen ,
and Dr. DeBell returned from their
eastern trip last Sunday night and
Monday took the sta ge for Rose
Bud Agency.
Morning subject at the M. E.
church next Sunday , "Tho Stew
ard That -Christ Commanded. "
Evening , "Two Great Problems
Doubt and Poverty. "
Fran k Sasenbery of Gordon
came down last Saturday and pur
chased the bake oven of L. C.
Sparks that was purchased by him
of L. K. Gunthorp.
It is reported that Mrs. Abba
Goodrich was married at the home
of her sister Mrs. H. B. Foerster in
this city on Sunday March 15th to
Geo. T. Smith by Rev. S. W. Hols-
There was a dance in the build
ing formally occupied by L. M.
Gunthorp , last night under the
management of Gee A Corbin. A
good attendance and a good time is
reported. r
A. M. Morrissey returned Sun
day night from Lincoln where he
appeared for the -County in case
for taxes against the Franklin
Cattle Co. which is also known as
the Slavin case.
C F Kirkwood is in town shak
ing hands with friends , We ac
knowledge a visit and a couple of
dollars on subscription for a copy
of the Democrat which goes to his.
mother at Pittsburg , Pa.
About § 16000 was taken up to
Rosebud Monday r"'purchase
money for beef- and - supplies for
the agency. A number of Indian'
police accompanied.the wagon con
taining the money which was most
ly silver and made a good load.
Perry Swearinger , of near
Sparks , came in last week and
ordered the DEMOCRAT sent to his
son , \ George , in Oregon. Perry
has another son near George and
he thinks he will now have to send
another copy to him so as to not be
T. J. Foley and W. T. Meisner
of Omaha came up Tuesday , and
yesterday morning went out witii
Wm Francke to his place near
Stillwell's , called "Boar's Nest"
to shoot ducks. Sandy Griswold
and son we hear came up Friday
and went out with Stillwell from
Wood Lake. They promised to
report at this office upon their re
turn to iown as to their success.
H. L. Heth died last Wednes
day night probably of heart disease
as he was found dead in his bed
Thursday morning. The funeral
was conducted from the M. E.
Church Friday at 2 o'clock and
the body was laid to restin Mount
Hope cemetery. The Democrat
extends sympathy to the sorrowing
relatives of the deceased.
C. W. Cramer and wife return
ed last Friday morning from a vis
it with their daughter , Mrs. Mas
on of St. Joseph , where they have
been since last Christmas. They
enjoyed good health and had a nice
visit , but Mr. Cramer says he
prefers the freedom of this coun
try to cit3r life. Mr. Cramer ord-
3rcd the DEMOCRAT sent to his
grandson , Harry Mason. " ' <
The names of L. C. Sparks , M. (
3hristenson and J. W. Stutter will J
be placed on the ballots by petition i
is candidatesfor ! the office of city
council. These men are opposed j
o the 'Cornell land deal and favor sa
lie the 720 of
city owning acres j
and which is being discus = ed. *
Ihese are good men who are interA
sted in our city more than in the
refits of one man. Give
Geo. Hershey handed us a dollar
qn subscription a few days ago.
See and hear Montaville Flowers
next Tuesday night at the M. E.
Church. The last of the "lecture
course and said to be good.
JE Thackery and family moved
up from the ranch yesterday and
will remain in town for the present
occupying rooms over the Demo
crat office.
W. F. Bailey of the Smith-Pre
mier Type writer Co. spent a cou
ple of days in the city the past
week and took our order for a No ,
4 Smith-Premier type writer which
we were best satisfied with and be-
ieve is best for g cneral use.
We arc informed that Capt.
Shattuck has estimated over 820 ,
000 for needed repairs at Fort
Niobrara this year and that the
same has been approved by Col.
Bowman. In addition to this plans
have been drawn for several new
buildings and additions which-are
necessary to accomodate the com
mand now stationed there.
Frank Coats-of Chadron , afire-
man on the North-Western , and
Miss Ada Anderson of our city
and daughter of - Jas. Anderson ,
the section foreman of this place ,
were married last Thursday , .even
ing at the home of the bride's par
ents in the south' part of 'town.
The DEMOCRAT extends .congratu
lations. ' '
Robert Ellis , of Simeon , and
Miss Flora Sagesser were recently
married at the home of the bride's
sister , Mrs. J. C. Reece , of Sim
eon. Mr. Ellis is. a brother of S.
L. Ellis , the Simeon merchant , and
Miss Sagesser is , a daughter of F.
M. Sagesser who formerly lived in
our city and now Cham
bers , Neb. The DEMOCRAT , ex
tends best wishes.
Report of school district No.34
Cherry Co."for month 'ending
. 'March 13 , 1903. Number of-cdays
taught , 19 ; number of pupils en
rolled , 13 ; average attendance 11 ;
pupils neither tardy nor absent :
Leo Buckmfnstef , Geo. McNamee ,
Otto and Mabel Glendening , . Loy
al and Winnie . .Dahlgren.t Those
absent one day : Clay McNpmee
and Leonard Dahlgren.
D. J. Drebert , special agent for
the German Mutual Insurance Co. ,
came in yesterday morning to
spend a couple of days with the
local agent , I. M. Rice. This com
pany .writes insurance at 90 per"
cent of the present old line rate.
You can profit by placing your in
surance where money can be saved
and invested in the state and show
that you , appreciate the lowering
of the formerly unjust high rates.
The 25 per cent raise pf last year
has been cut off because -of-the
mutual companies and we owe them
a part of our business.
"Brothers and sisters began , the
parson , " I shall not choose any
particular text- this morning- but
shall preach from where I open the
book. No matter where I open it
I shall find the wicked who will -be
cut off wVen they have shuffled off
this mortal coil "Here the parson
was interrupted by the deacon who
had been asleep , and hearing the
words "open" and1 "shuffle" for
got himself and cried out , "It's
yours , what did you open on ? " The
surprise of the good old man in the
pulpit was great , but the deacon
collapsed- when tlje reply came , j
"It opened on Kings. " Ex.
The assessors meeting took place
last week and we intended to give
a report of the meeting. We give
a synopsis of the valuations agreed
upon and the flames of the assess
ors in attendance for the benefit
bf those who may be" interested.
J M Cl.fKoJohn ia"l > er. t ) i = ff A
Crane , G W Williams. W D Rickctls Mat B , itz
MBTrssell. Robert * is t > ru Vht'inl r % y.
SAI Wootlwml. Kuuene Kr u. AI IIIMJIX
Daniel Fovnrr , E mid Hem V'\Veisfl > j
Age : ( Jm l\r. 2\r 3 yr. 4yr.
Geldings S8 SIO $12 $14 § 17 $20
Mares 8 10 12 14 17 30
Stallion8 1012 21)0 300 403
Sreurs 4 6 8 la
Milch rows 10
Heifers 3 5
Bulls ' 10 15 2fi " . [
Mules 10 15 20 25. " SO '
ksses 60 - Vs. ' " " 100i
Hoga-Sl.03 jier Imudrel. . T - * -
JU8flU\-fW.5b ( { per qoartpr , _ J j , f
do you suppose dip
into that bulk coffee
before you buy it ?
' 7
/ *
comes in sealed , air
tight packages ; no
chance for handling ,
or dirt or things to
- get in.
Clean , Fresh End Fragrant ,
Montaville Flowers Tuesday
March 31st at the M E Church.
Dr. W. I. Seymour will be in
Valentine Saturday , May 9th at
Donoher hotel. 10 2
Miss Frances Harden is recov
ering from her recent illness and
is able to be up and about the
house but is forbidden by her phy
sician to go to school until warm
Thos. Clark of Emerson and L.
L. Ream of Homer , Nebr. have
purchased the cigar factory from
A. F. Webb and will continue bus
iness at the old stand. They seem
to be nice men and we welcome
them to Jour town. Mr. Webb
will assist his father in the pop
bottling works in the west part of
town. *
Notice is hereby given that , on
April 7 , 1903 , there will be held
an election in the Village of Val
entine , Nebraska , for the purpose
of electing three Village Trustees
for the term of two years each.
The polling place at said electing
will be in the District Court Koom
of the Cherry County House.
Dated March 25 , 1903.
. A. M. MORRTSSET , Clerk.
Business Notices.
umli'r tills hentilntr 5 cents per line
'noli insertion. Among reading matter , 10rents
i -r 'iiie c cb Insertion.
kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklandera.
f rSal or ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hav
\vnter ami timber Will run 300 head
of sronk. For information address , box
no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine. Nebr. 42-tf
Buy your Barb Wire , Field Fen-
ing and Poultry. Netting from the
Red Front Mercantile Co. 10 2
" ) ' . W. I. Seymour is coming.
I am going to run the town
herd this summer and solicit your
patronage. All stock entrusted to
my care will receive careful hand
ling. ' 51 U. BOTEH.
For all kinds of repair work ,
tin work , roofing , etc. "go to the
Red Front Mercantile Co. , Hard
ware Department. , 10 2
Dr. Withers , the Omaha pain-
= * dentist , will be in Valentine
March 31. One day only.
Sfotic * * .
I have fourteen of fifteen registered - '
tered Hereford Bulls , from one to
three years old , for sale or trade , j
Also three full .blood Galoway
Bulls at my ranch 25 miles south
of Valentine and 20 miles west of
Woodlake. W. GBALLAKD ,
7 tf. Woodlake , Nebr.
W < inteil.
ONE HORSE Dark bay or black ,
weight about 1000 Ibs , well broken c
to saddle and bridle and suitable jj
for military purposes. Single p
Footer and good walker desired , o '
A.ddress , box ! Nb.'i , Ft. Niobrara ,
Nebraska. 7 4 '
ob Work d
at the i :
' " b"
Meals Lunches Short Orders
I jSrE = - -
First c JCSF rrcals l all 1 c'uu ,
day and night. Oysters in
season. Pies , cakes , dough
nuts always on hand.
'I.D.Cohota , Prop.
'Great Northern Une
at O'neill , Nebr.
Going East , GofnjjWest.
Leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 9BO p. m.
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
Connections with Elkhorn trains east and
west-bound from all points west of O'Neill.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and all points north and jrest.
Buy local tickets to O'Neill.
Sioux City , Iowa
Can Satiafv You to OttahW Price and
Valentine Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
valentine , Nebr.
Richards &f Oomstock ,
Ellsworth. Nehr
John Bowers ,
Edward Parry. Bowers & Parry %
Livery , FeecTand Sale Stable.
Good Rigs , Careful -Driver * ,
Reasonable Prices.
The Walcott Barn. Fin > t Stable East of Blotter's Saloon.
The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pnmps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House
Highest caMh price paid for Hides and Furs.
S.Mooisr - - - Valentine , Nebr
Do You Read The Democrat PJ2T * ? . ?
Try the O'Neill Konte to
Sionx City and Sionx Falls.
The Great Northern Lne ( Pacific
Short Line ) makes daily connections at
3'Neill with Elkhorn trains both east
ind westbound , making the shortest
ind quickest route to Sionx City , Sioux
Palls and points east and north Buy
oral tickets to O'Neill and get thiaugh
ickf-'ts from Great Northern Agent
Gen I. Paj > s. Agt.
9 9 Sioux Git } , Iowa.
The Eed Front Mercentile Co. ,
arry a complete line of undertak-
ng goods and are in position to
> romptly arid carefully take care' '
'f all kinds of undertaking work.
FOR SALE : Four year old.
ark bay stallion ; weighs about
200 pounds ; good limbs and "well
uilt. For further information
at tbis office , 104 J
fThe Elite Festauranl
j j
and Chop House
lEverything the market affords.
isn and game when in season.1
Oysters in every style. Cake1
and Pies of all description. You
get what you order , give me aB
call and convince yonrself.
, R. BODDY ,
Miss Gillett will be in Valentine
at the Donoher March 30 , 31 and
and April 1st with a f uU line of
Millinery goods.
4 -
' Estrayed from my range 9 miles
southwest of 'Valentine on the
Niobrara river one heifer branded
lazy on left hip and
K one heifer
branded half circle on left shoulder
and hip. ' JOHN SEDLACEK ,