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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (March 26, 1903)
I THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. 51 RICE , Pub Micr. ' TALENT1NE , - NEBRASKA The man "thai beat the rtisslan corK trust was a corker. .At last accounts Mr. Rockefeller worrying along -with the same poor old stomach. When a man is complimented he thinks others are beginning to see him as he sees himself. The suggestion that the cigar trust will be beaten by refusal of the public to buy cigars sounds suspiciously like a pipe dream. v Herr Behel says that the United States is destined to outstrip all Eu rope in the size of its * armaments. Heaven forbid ! Lieutenant Peary also believes that life began at the north pole , and if any one will put up the money he will try to find the proofs. A Southern railroad has decided that hereafter it will employ married men only. Anxious and yearning Yankee spinsters are consulting time-tables. Admiral Dewey believes that the American navy was never so ably pre pared for war as at the present. This being the case , there is no reason why we should not have peace. The beef eater is the world con queror. Do we discern in this horse meat factory project from Germany a plot of the Kaiser's to undermine the foundations of our national greatness ? The Mayor of San Juan , Porto Rico , has been arrested for malfeasance. Was this something carried over from the Spanish regime , or is it the result of an indiscreet application of American municipal "politics ? " The army of the Sultan of Morocco is armed with flintlocks and muzzle loaders , and his people believe that the devil invented the cannon. How can "civilization be expected to flourish in such a pitiful country as that ? A Yale professor claims to have dis covered that all life originated at the north pole and that man came from the primates through fire. This of course happened long before the coal combinations got to doing business. Kipling is reported as saying that the reason he does not visit the United States is that some of his wife's rela tives are still living here. This remark , if true , would stamp him not only as the poet of force , but as the possessor of .an immense and most unpleasant grouch. Proof' is again afforded of the benefi cent -wisdom of nature. * A professor in the University of Michigan has discov ered that the hearing of 'girls is more acute than that of boys. This greater sensitiveness doubtless exists that the faintest whisper of the fateful question may not escape the listening ear. : One hundred and fifty busts of Washington were put in the public schools of New York City last year by a citizen who believed that the pa triotism of the children would be fostered - tered by a daily reminder of the ex ample of the first President. A simi lar number of busts of Lincoln are to be put in fhe same schools this year , to show the youth that patriotism did not die with Washington. There may be some schools In other parts of the country which could not accommodate a sculptured bust , but there is none so small that it may not find a place for pictures of Lincoln and Washington. Farming is much like any other business. Success in it depends chief ly on the man. There are a great many farms within a hundred miles of New York City owners of which would be glad to turn their backs on themtand live in the town ; but the owner of one farm of eighty acres at the eastern end of Long Island is con tent , 'lie raises more than twenty thousand dollars' worth of vegetables every year , at a cost of about ten thousand dollars for labor and fertil izers , leaving a good balance to pay for his own supervision. This is an- exceptional case , but it is interesting , , because what one man''can do a hun dred miles away from his chief mar ket can be done by others. Julia Ward Howe admits , in re sponse to a question , that gaming for money has increased in high society , especially among American women. Were a question about drinking to ex cess added to that about playing cards for gain Mrs. Howe would have to ac knowledge that intemperance is in creasing in the plane where there is least conceivable excuse for it. It were deplorable fpr the future of womankind if with rapidly enlarging vistas of education and possible achievement the women of the United States should fail to resist vulgar and debasing temptations. To poor effect are women's schools all over the lan'd doing their liberal and progressive work if women aid In introducing into this country the brutal'pastimes which made English courts of former times spectacles of ignorance , 'scandalous revels and unblushing indecorum of every species. The woman who be- comesa drunkard and a gamester rare ly fails 4o fail at last'io the bottom -of the pit whence men easily recover -themselves but where a. w man , onee P recognized there , must remain. Tht law is unequal , but it is the law. Prof. Judson , the dean 6f the Chicago cage University , says "a. universal lan guage , as well as common - monetary systems and united standard ol weights and measures , is one' of the pressing needs of the world to-day. " So it is. If all men had the same lan guage , the" same standards of right and wrong , and the same intuitions and religion , the world would get along more peacefully than it does. The uses of a universal language , ought to be apparent to American manufacturers who are endeavoring to sell their goods in fgreign markets. If there were such a language it would be much easier for them to get competent agents to rep resent them abroad than it is now. If one man wishes to represent his em ployers to the best advantage In many countries he .must learn several lan guages. Americans , , says Prof. , Jud son , are not "polyglots by nature , " aa Europeans are , and hence are at a dis advantage when they traverse the earth on business errands. Latin was the universal language of scholars once and still is of the Catholic priesthood , but it will not do for business uses. Languages have been manufactured for common use. Volapuk had quite a vogue at one time. None.of the arti ficial languages has struck root. The world's need of a common tongue is unsatisfied as yet , and promises long -to remain so. It is the unspoken feel ing of Americans , a feeling which Eng lishmen shar4e , that their common lan guage ought to be and perhaps will be the universal language. The men who use it are fully convinced of its supe riority. They admit that English is not so mellifluous as Italian , and that in some respects German surpasses it , but they feel assured that , all things considered , it is the best language man has devised. It is "the speech of most of the people of this continent and of the Australians. It is to be the dom inant language of South Africa. Un questionably the rest of the world should learn English and save Ameri cans the trouble of learning an 4nnu- merable number of strange tongues. It cannot be denied that democracy is gaining ground throughout th6 earth , when while the son and the daughter of the oldest royal house in Europe are disgraced wanderers , with none to do them reverence , a woman of republican birth , the daughter of a Chicago dry goods merchant , form the center in a great pageant in th famous city of Delhi that beggan even Oriental splendors of the past Important a personage in the grea durbar as the viceroy is , he is still out shone by his lady , who not so very long ago was plain Mary Leiter , ex traordinary rich , but not particularly remarkable for accomplishments graces , or beauty. The people of thi country need not judge the royal per sonality through Prince Henry o Prussia , the crown princess of Siam and other royal dignitaries , who visi this , country on dress parades , but we may judge at closer range through the women who have gone from among us into the royal circles. Miss Leiter was a worthy girl , but there was never anything observable abou her that should cause Jhe : people o : India to bow down before her in rev erence and awe. This country pos sesses , even in the humbler grades of life , innumerable women of better qualities than she has ever shown her self to possess. Thousands of Ameri can homes are presided over by no bler women than this one whom , the people of India look up to with super stitious awe. The close exclusiveness with which reigning royalty hedges itself about Is not without practical purpose. A close view might pene trate the thin veneer of pretense and sham that makes royalty so awe-in spiring. If the subjects had opportun ity to see how commonplace and ofteri degenerate are the little demi-gods they set upon pedestals of supersti tious reverence , , such affairs as the great durbar would immediately cease. The people of this country have better opportunities to correctly judge these royal personages , who by their shallow pretense of greatness that they are far from possessing , hold sway over millions. And the more Americans .know of royalty , the more respect they feel for themselves. Hazy About Holmes. According to a distinguished after dinner speaker who was telling stories at a dinner in Sherry's , a certain West erner who figures very largely in Wall street read in the newspapers about the appointment of Justice Holmes to a. vacancy on the bench of the United States Supreme Court. "Who is this Judge Holmes ? " in < quired the Westerner of an acquaint- ince. "Is he a son of Sherlock Holmes ? " "No , " said the acquaintance. "Don't pou know that Sherlock Holmes is not i real character ? " The Westerner was surprised , and tils companion added : "Judge Holmes is a son of Oliver fVendell Holmes. " "Who in thunder Is he ? I never heard of him before , " said the West erner. New York Times. The Way of the World. "What would you do if you were rich ? " "I'd buy what I wanted , first thing. " "No ; that's where you're wrong. ' ? ou'd buy no end of things you didn't Erant and pretend you liked them. " SVashington Times. 'Public Ovens in Japan. In nearly every street in Japanese ilties is a public oven , where for a small fee housewives may hare theii tinners and suppers cooked for them. acncc ME : A" " , . nvention A physician of Colombia has found a ecoction of coffee husks to be effective a malaria and other diseases where , uinine had failed. Every animal is said to have its own tind of flea , sometimes several different tlnds. Many thousand specimens of these fleas have bueii gathered in the Inique museum of Charles Rothschild , kept by Dr. Jo'rdan at Tring Park , the fiant of this strange collection being a nole flea a fifth of an inch long. Living organisms have resumed their ( unctions after enduring the cold of 'iquid air for six months. It is suggest- ! d that the remarkable experiment thould be continued for years or a gen- iration , for our theories would be great ly modified by an indefinite retaining of ritality , and probability would be given Lord Kelvin's speculation that life may have reached the earth from space. The first large vapor motor applieu ! o navigation is to be placed 'on the Ishing boat of M. Eurile Altazin , not icing built at Boulogne. The vessel , .vhich is ninety feet long and is design- id to carry three hundred tons , will D provided with a two-hundred-hors power motor for operating nets. The motors will use either gasoline or alco hol , of which the tanks will contain Hght thousand' gallons. W. C. Marshall , of the Sheffield Scien tific School at Yale , has invented a pressure recorder which , when substi tuted for the ordinary rowlock at the &nd of the outriggers of a racing shell , measures and registers the pressure exerted at every stroke of the oar. The varying force of the strokes during a long race can be ascertained , and it is Intended to apply the machine in tne Selection and training of the university : rews. By the Hubon process , black pigment Is made by pumping acetylene into steel jylinders to a pressure of about two at nospheres , and then passing an electric spark through the vessels , the gas beIng - -Ing thus dissociated into its carbon and aydrogen. The hydrogen is collected for any convenient use ; the carbon is * eady for the market. Acetylene black Is free from the oily impurities of or Binary lampblack , and the demand is already so great that the first factory now running in Switzerland is like ly to be followed by others in other countries. , The claim 'of Mount McKinley , the culminating peak of the Alaskan rang , to be regarded as the loftiest point in North America , is sustained by the re port of an exploring party , made by one of its members , A. H. Brooks. The party made a journey of 800 miles on foot in Alaska during the season just passed. D. L. Reaburn , the topograph er of the expedition , believes that the measurements of mountain heights nrhich were made have a probable erroi not exceeding 100 feet. According to those measurements , Mount McKin- ley's elevation definitely exceeds 20,000 feet ; that of Mount Foraker is 17,000 feet. feet.An An Italian physicist , Signer Salvioni , has devised a microbalance of such ex treme delicacy that it clearly demon strates the loss of weight of musk by volatilization. Thus the invisible per fume floating off in the air is indirectly weighed. The essential part of the ap paratus is a very thin thread of glass , fixed at one end and extended horizon- tally. The microscopic objects to be weighed are placed upon the glass thread near its free end , and the amount of flexure produced is observed with a microscope magnifying IOC diameters. A mote weighing one-thou sandth of a milligram perceptibly bends the thread. ODD EYE-GLASSES. .I he eyeglasses herewith illustrated nre the invention of a famous French oculist Naturally all sorts of things are claimed for them , 'but "those who ought to know declare that they will really correct astigmatism. They say , too , that the reflections of objects ic the rear of the wearer , which are so annoying , are entirely done away witt by these new eyeglasses. Whether 01 not this be true , it is certain thai many manufacturers are already com ing around as close to the shape as they dare. It must be conceded thai these glasses attract attention to th wearer , and for that reason alone thej should be immensely popular with the Four Hundred. Roll Butter. The young housekeeper who told tin fishman that she wanted some eels and when he asked her how much , rev plied , "About two yards and a half , " has a. rival in a woman mentioned in the Chicago News : "I wish to get some butter , please , " she said to the dealer. "Roll butter , ma'am ? " he asked , po litely. "No ; we wish to eat it on toast. We seldom have rolls. " The difficulty a man finds , in getting some one to go his bond , a woman en- : ounters when she wants some one to take" her elnb. Cynic at Work. The concierge of a very badly kept house in Pnris hung up at the foot of { he stairs a card inscribed as follows : "Please wipe your feet on the mat. " A wag wrote underneath : "As you come out" Tit-Bits. i Latest in Apartment Houses. Shrewd New York business men who are to erect a great apartment house upon a conspicuous 5th avenue corner propose to "solve the servant prob lem" by providing hot and cold "lifts" in which food and drink 'may be whlsKed from a central kitchen to the private dining rooms and separate ele vator * for'waiters to serve and "clear away" meata. Chambermaids and .cleaners will keep everything in order , ' ted even valets and ladies' maids will appear upon call for those who require CASTOR i A For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of The late Dr. Parker , of London , was arguing with a man on the prob lem of continued existence , and as Mr. Parker was at the door the friend finally declared : 'Tbe fact is , I am an annihilationist. J believe that when I die that will be the end of me " "Thank God for that ! " exclaimed % claimed the doctor , and banged the door. IN ITS ADVANCED and chronic form a cold in the head id known as Nasal Catnrrh and is the recognized source of other diseases. Having stood tht test of continued successful use , Ely's Creain Balm is recognized as a specific for m mbranal diseases in the nasal passages. It is not drying , does not produce sueuzin ? . Price 50 cents at druggists or by mail. Ely Brothers , 56 Warren street , New York. Give up prejudice and try it. Messrs. ELY BROS. : I have been afflicted with catarrh for twenty years. It made me so weak I thought I had con sumption. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balm and in three days the discharge stopped. It is the best medicine I have used for catarrh. FRANK E. KINDLESPIRE. Proberta , Gal. " A curious suit will soon be tried in Anderson , Ind. To cure her brother of a constant desire for intoxicants , Mrs. Laura G. Hosier secretly ad ministered a drug ; with the result that liquor is now disagreeable to him. He has brought sujc for $5,000 , asserting that his sister las ? robbed him of a great amount of pleasure hy destroying his thirst. Personally fitted dog blankets of sealskin can now be had for $50 each in N/ew York if made without hand kerchief pockets. ISTo , Cordelia , key rings are not made by hammering on a piano. .Heaven hasn't time to help the man who is a victim of that tired feeling. . Sentences of some orators are so carefully rounded off that they lack point. The Grand Eapids and Indiana railway recently sent a vaccination train along its line and no employe escaped it. > Jacobs Oil Is the greatest remedy in the world for all bodily Aches and Pains for which an external remedy may be used. Price , 25c. and SOc. OU CM DO IT TOO Over 2,000,000 people ara now buy ing goods from ua at wholesale prices saving 15 to 40 percent on every * thins they use. You can do It too. Why not ask ua to send you our 1,000- page cataloguer it tells the atory. Send 15 cents for it today. CHICAGO The bouse that tells.the truth. A certain Philadelphia cTergyrnan , who is very highly esteemed for bis many good qualities , is noted for preaching soporific sermons. His congregation lately gave him a new pulpit , a very ornate piece of furni ture , and it bears this motto : "He giveth his beloved sleep. " The Kansas City Journal states that "Things'seem to be sadly out of proportion in Kansas. At the idiot asylum one employee takes care of nine idiots. At the penitentiary one officers safely guards sixteen male factors. But with the Kansas State Senate it takes four gaurds or at tendants to each inmate. " * A Cure for Rheumatism. Alharnbra , 111. , March 23. Physi cians are much puzzled over the case of Mr. F. J. Oswald of this place. Mr. Oswald suffered much with Xbeama- tisrn and was treated by doctor after doctor -with the result that he got no better whatever. They seemed unable to do anything for him and he contin ued to suffer till he heard of Docld's Kidney Pills. Mr. Oswald began a treatment of this remedy which very soon did for him what the doctors had failed to do and they cannot understand it. This is the same remedy that cured Hon. Fred A. Busse , our State Treas urer , of a very severe case of Rheuma tism some years ago 'and which has since had an unbroken record of suc cess in curing all forms of Rheumatism and Kidney Trouble. There seems to be no case of these painful diseases that Dodd's Kidney Pills will not cure promptly and perma nently. Nearly 30 per cent of all flowers are white. New Zealand has an ivy tree which has a thick , short trunk and heavy branches. It is not a climbing plant. The tight fitting British uniform is alleged to be the cause for much heart disease among soldiers. It is suggested that the serum of a cow suffering from vaccina be in jected into a patient afflicted with smallpox. Capsicum Vaseline Put Up In Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or anr ther pLut-r.and will not bU ter the mostdeUmte- kin. The pain allaying and curative qi | " ° f toothache ibts this article are wonderful. Itwill atop and relieve headache and sciatica. ache at once , , We recommend it as the bestanJ safest external counter-irritant km wn , also a * an external reme-- chest and stomach and aU- tj for pains in the . rheumatic , neuralgic and gouty complaints. A trial will prove what we claim for it-and H. will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say "It is the best of ail your prepa ' rations. " , Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealer * or by sending this amount to us in postage stamp * we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted fay the public on- lus the same carries our label , as otherwise it if ot genuine. : ] CHEESBBROUC'1 MANUFACTURING CO. , ' 17 " * t. street. * tw York Cltj. TO WOMEN FREE To prove the healln _ _ & cleansing power e PAXTINE TOILET ANTISEPTIC we will mail large trial treatment with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample , but a largr package , enough to convince anyone- that it is the most successful prepara tion known to medicine as a cleansing- vaginal douche and for the local treat ment off woman's special ills , curing * discharges and all inflamation , alsa to cleanse the teeth , mouth , and cure catarrh. Send to-day ; a postal will da eld fcy 4rcleU or seat poctpald by * * ferre bar. . SstltfacUoa caaraBteed. ' . ° < XTON CO , . 216 Columbus Ave. . iottan. MlM. BROMO- SELTZER CURES ALL 10 CEN1S-- EVERYWHERE Wearing pure white chiffon or tulle blouses under fur wraps and coats is one of the recent ideas. The chiffon is mounted on white silk and much tucked/bat untrimmed. i A Berlin woman bequeathed her property to a cat. Mrs. L. Goodman , the oldest living woman artist , is 90. She has painted upward of 1,200 portraits. The earth passed through' the tail of the great comet of 1861. It took four hours to cross it. By applying glucose or 'glycerine ta their roots a French scientist declare ? that he has been able to stimulate the growth of plants. * * " * " * . ' " " ' ff * * * ' , . > - ; - . ? - - . . ; < " > t T v'wrfo"- . . _ - . . . - . " * f . . . . . ' . ; ; x-vj'/ > . * -Is : * VA- < &X e w * . - . v.--t.----- . . . . - : - . r * - 'rt > ilsaaT V-"i < Rc L f - . , > - . . # ' - . " . . - . . " f t Delicately formed and gently reared , women will find , in all the seasons of their lives , as maidens , wives , or moth r ers , that the one simple , wholesome remedy which acts / $ gently and pleasantly and naturally , and which may be &f % ? used with truly beneficial effects , under any conditions , - fi vrT when the system needs a laxative , is Syrup of Figs. It is well known to be a simple combination of the laxative and carminative principles of plants with pleasant , aromatic matic liquids , which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste and acceptable to the- system when its gentle cleansing is desired. _ Many of the ills from which women suffer are of a tran sient nature and do not come from any organic trouble and it is pleasant to know that they yield so promptly to the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs , but when anything more than a laxative is needed it is best to consult the family physician and to avoid the old-time cathartics and loudly advertised nostrums of the present day. When one needs only to remove the strain , the torpor , the con gestion , or similar ills , which attend upon a constipated condition of the system , use ttye true and gentle remedy Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the depression , the aches and pains , colds and headaches , which are due to inactivity of the bowels. Only those who buy the genuine Syrup of Figs can hope to get its beneficial effects and as a guarantee , of the ex- jcellence of the remedy the full name of the company California Fig Syrup Co : is printed on the front of every package and without it any preparation offered as Syrup " of Figs is fraudulent and should be declined. To those. , ; who know the quality of this excellent laxative , the" offer of any substitute , when Syrup of Figs is called for , is always resented by a transfer of patronage to. some first-class drug establishment , where they do' not recommend , nor sell false brands , nor imitation % % remedies. The genuine article may be bought of all * & reliable druggists everywhere at 50 cents per bottle. ITAliP * , irllwl T