Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 19, 1903, Image 5
lt ' THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT KVIiKi T sutured attbe Post-ofllceat Vaieutme. Uherry # mmv. Nfthraika. as Second-class matter. I K. . of l . C * EKHY I.ODCE NO. 1G9 inert * 1ft : iu < i 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30. C. vj , jluM'Kii , C. S. GOULD. C. C. K , of II. & . S. VAI-KMTIXK LODG XO. 203 I. O. O. F Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS KANIJALL , J. T. KKELEV , W , G. Sec'y. 3Il.\XEtJHADUZA LOWfeE A. F. & A M. A'O li 3.- Meets 1st Tuesday on or be. fore the full of the moon each month. T. C , HOKNUY , WV , THOMPSON , \V. 11. Sec'y. A. O. U. W. IMO. 7O.- Meets 1st and 3rd Mun day oi each month. W. A , PKTTVCUEW , U. G , DUNN , II. W. ttecordei. . K IIOA'OK AO. ilO.Meets 2ud and 4th Monday each month , ETTA BUOWN , INKPirrxyciiEw , C. of II. Itecorder. 31. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each mouth. M. V. .NICHOLSON , W. K , HALEY , V.O. Clerk FlIATEUKAlj UX10X NO. 5G8-Meets every f-atun a ulgh J. A.IioRNBACK , E. D , CLAUK , F , M. Sec'y. 1(1 ( + JtOYAIj K El II BOKS. Meets 2nd and 4th Weduesdaya each month. MARY QUIGLEY , _ MINNIE DANIELS , Uraclc. Kcc. Son * and Daua liters of Protection Led eo. . 6. Meets 2nd and 4th Fridays each month. HKNHY GUAIIAM , Mrs. JENNIE LKWIS , Royal HishlanderH , Devon CastlcXo. 2 l. Meets 2nd Friday eaca month. EDCLARIC , - .E. HALEY. I. P. , Charles U. Faulhaber Brownler Breeder ul lle 'st-'d Heretord-i o liyam , No. 74,538. at head ol herd. Young bulls from 6 to Id months old for sale HENRY ATJGUSTON Blacksmith Brown lee , Kebr. r JDoes general blacksmithingathard times prices for cash. \ PAT HETT Valentine , Kebr. Good , Hard Rock for sale in any quantity. H. M. CKAMER , CityDeliveryman. . Trunks , valises and packages hs-.uled to and from the depot and all parts of the City. W. A. KIMBELL Barber First-class Shop in Every Respect Euu de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star hair Tonic. Herpicide and Ooktj's Dandruff Cure , j Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEEOY LEACH County Surveyor Valentino or WoudUike UKMKKAL , VTOHK pKoMrxw ATTENDED TO. JOHN POiiATH KKioge , Xebr. Tubular wells and windmills. A. M. MOERISSEY Attorney at Law , Valentine , X * br. [ A. N. COMPTON 1 Physician and Surgeon Office at Quigley & Chapman's 1 1'f Drugstore. Nights Th- Don 'f- oher residence , < IUMTVtrui't Edward S Furay Physician ami Surgeon Office Fraternal Hall or El liott's Drug Store. V , M.-WALCOTT YAN. fBS.AGTtR I Vateiitiiic , Kebr. in District ' 'oiirl ami I1 S Uuid < > nii ( ' - Ueul hbUiteandCauvh Property Bought and sold. Dou'ded Al/airacter F. B. A Iff V.K. R. A I * Hi. U > .No.27 Fil Daily 2 33 P. M No. 25 " . except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 Pass ? 'in r Maily 12:49 : A. M No. 28 Frt. Daily . 6:50A.M. No , 2P ' except Sunday 5:00 P.M. NO. 4 Passenger Dalij 4:47 A. M. MILL PRICES FOF FEED , ir-tii on Ik 75 per cwt | 14UUton . . . .85 PHI $16.00 tun 7oc * .3.00 " KHed . . . .1.05 " $20.00 " Corn , .95 " $18.00" Chop corn 1.00 " $19.00" Oat * i.20 $2300 " John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ETTA BROWN SUPf , PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of eacli month and Friday preceding. * ALENTNE NEBRASKA & Hoffacker. Simeon , Nebr S on right or left O shoulder of hors es O onleltjsiw. II on left fide , II on left thigh S. S. Moses x = xleft side X right shoulder O Hud hip. The Commoner , Mr. Bryan's paper will be especial I v interesting and in structive during the present session of congress. The action of this congress will probably determine the issues up on which the next presidential cam paign will be fought. The Commoner proposes to carry on a campaign of ed ucation and organization to the end that democratic principles may triumph. la addition to the editorial depart meut , which receives Mr. Bryan's per sonal attention , the Commoner con tains a Current Topic department , wherein a non partisan discussion of topics of timely interest and other val a uable information will , e found. The Home Department is concluded by an experienced woman who is widely known as a writer of household topics and \\ho is an authority ou the art of cooking in all that the term implies. This department alone is worth the subscription price. The other depart ments ot this paper are all interesting and ably conducted , among which is a summary of the world's news told in narrative style , and Mr Maupm's de partment Whether Commoner Not contnins original anecdotes and wit , moral lessons in homely phrase and yersp. and appeals to old and young I The Commoner MS a whole is clean. entertaining and instructive , and its rapid increase in circulation now amounting to 140 000 is proof of the pnper's strenirih ami ii.flueuce. - Arrangements hav been made with Mr Hr an whereby The Commoner can be supplied at a very low rate with THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT , both pa pei > for one > ear for $1 65 This oiler , applies to doth new and renewal sub scriptions , and should be taken advant ageof wiihotildelav. All orders should 0 be sent to . M . RICE , Valentine , Nebr t A MOST LIBERAL. OFFER. Alt our farmer readers should take advantage of the unprecedented club bing offer we this year make , which includes with thw priprr The biotne- stead , its Special Farmers' Institute Editions and The Poultry Farmer. These three publications are the best of their class and should be in e\ery farm home. To them we add , for lo cal , county and general news , our own 1 paper , and make the price of the four I one year only :251.25Never | bt- / fore was M > much supr-rior readiny m.iiTcr off red tur I an amount ol money. The three papers named , which we club with well our own , are a known throughout , the West , and cuuinifmJ Uiern .elvt > to I he reader's attention upon mere mention .The - * Home stead the yreat agricultural t and live stock paper of the West a The Poultrv Farmer us the most prac tical poulti \ | iijjrr tor the farmir , while the Special Farmers' Institute r Editions are the most practical publi cations tor the promotion of good g tarimuir ever published Take ad-j ( vantage of this great offer , as it will hold good for .1 short time only. Samples o/ these papers may be ex- amiifttl by Culling at th& oSfctj The Greatest ! * ! its' Kisid. The excellent record of the' 'Mer cantile''is attracting much attent ion. It now has in Nebraska over seven thousand policy holders and over six million dollars of insur- ence in force. It has annually for five years on an average declared to its policy holders a div idend of 15 to 20 per cent ; that is , it has saved in cost to its policyholders - holders that much. There is no man but what would like to be in a business that would yield him 20 per cent profit. The Mutual In surance Journal. ' The Mutual Insurance people of the state can be proud of the fact that Nebraska has within its board ers some of the very strongest Mutual companies in the world , Many both farm and city whose poli cies are as good as gold anywhere and the reputation of which goes unquestioned. Among the number none are better than the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company and The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company , both of Lin coln , and the Trans-Mississippi Mutual Fire Association of Oma ha , and our readers should carry in these companies all of the insurance - ance they can place with them up to the full amount desired. No person claims but that in case of loss they are fairly treated and when the amount is agreed upon , paid promptly. The Mutual In surance Journal. These companies are represent ed by I. M. Kice of Valentine. In these companies together with the German Mutual of Omaha he has written thousands of dollars of insurance - f surance for people in Valentine , Crookston , Cody , Merriman , Gordon , Wooklake and through out Cherry Co. There has never been a question as to the reliability of these mutual companies and those holding policies in them can testify to the saving in cost of in surance. There should be no dis crimination against them because they have saved thousands of dollars lars to policy holders , and insur ance rates have been lowered 25 per cent by virtue of the existence of these companies , in which even those opposed to mutual insurance have profited. They insure city and farm property , school houses t and churches. Bailey Lee Sellers is home at this writ- mg. A Anna Dart was visiting on the g Snake last Sunday. Flint Yuong is buying- bunch of cattle now and then. F Ira Gooclin got home f roln the ir reservation last week. Al Cass will move to Lou Dahl- grens place in a few clays , Lon Heath and his mother took in ] the show at Cody last week. B. F. Nelson and wife were call ers at W. H. Sellers on thc6. Jerry and Myra Cass were vis iting at the 0 S ranch recently. Alma TVeede has been staying w at the orphans home last week. Now if trusts will only begin to bust they will be freely forgiven. W. H. Sellers bought all the hay on the Fred Walker place at § 5 a ton. ton.W. W. H. Carter moved his cattle from the Gunderson ranch last ( week. Cattle are doing well. They are W combing their hair with their tongues- . n- Wm. Fennelson and wife went nsi south last week to buy some ranch property. Lee and Lulu Sellars and Cora Gunderson were guests at John Bishops last Sunday. Now good trusts you may sob and we'll not rue it. Since yoii now must telltis jusjihowyoudo it. ' Pharasites there are , dark and bright ; tick and louse , scale , mite and ilca ; but none should man so il stoutly fight , as that worst of all- monopoly. The writer thinks we will have an early spring "We heard thun der On the 15th. An early spring will suit the stockmen as hay is getting scarce. Arabia Screenings. Our citizens have been enjoying the fine weathei after such a storm as we had. had.A A dance was held at Welkers , two miles east of Arabia. Geo. Veach furnished the music and a good time was reported to have been had by all present. J. P. Heelan.returned from Omaha some time ago. He seems to be much improved in bealth and also in spirits and is no longer a bachelor. He con cluded he was tired of bachelorhood and brought back a frow with him. Mr. Heelan is one of Arabia's best citizens and a hustling ranchman. We wish him a long life of happiness and contentment of which he is well deserved. THE BLACK KNIGHT. Bivczes Miss Danielson , of Davey , Nebr. , is visiting at J. R. Lee's Last week James McClain was the one to break an axle to his freight wagon. Miss Anderson finished her term of school last Friday and has returned to her Omaha home. Rev. Johnson preached last Sunday evening a thoughtful and instructive sermon on amusements. Mrs. Bennett , a sister of Wm. Shep herd , returned to Fairbury last Tues day to-attend to some legal business. John Anderson having disposed of his big corn crop , has bought the blacksmith shop of Henrv Auguston. Peter Rousche and Tom Shanley went to Woodlake Saturday to look af ter a bunch of cattle being wintered there. When Frank Lee came to haul out of the river , the cattle lost in the re cent storm he found 25 head instead of eight reported last week. There have beena few other losses reported from the storm but cattle generaly are looking well. OBSERVER. Sparks. Harvey Johnson was seen on our streets Sunday.- We expect meetings to begin in the near future. The entertainment at Sparks was a grand success. Mr. Haley's have now become resi dents of Sparks. Mr. Callen tells us that business is rushing this week. T Mr. Roby's family have been very . sick but are improving. School opeaed Monday with a good attendance and Miss Stella Crowe as beacher. ( Miss Delia Osborn will stay with Mrs. Gee Bristol and attend the Bristol tel school. Sparks ought to be greatly enlight ened now days , since three teachers start ] from that point every morning for their schools. There will be a box social given Friday evening , March 20. AU are invited to attend. The proceeds to be added to the organ fund. Wm. Ogle may be seen on our streets any time now adays for as teen spring opens he has the decoratin of Mr Haley's and Mr Callen's dwelling bouses to do. NIGHTENGALE. Stasis liuttcrflv The dance at Simeon was a success. Mr. Davis , a traveling merchant , was at Oasis yesterday. The two Mrs Harris were pleasant visitors at Mrs Payton's. Mrs. C. Stead man is visiting her daughters in Valentine. Spring has come at la'st. Black birds and geese are already here. Earnest Wilkinson and John Beckley - ley were in our neighborhood Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs Carl Wilbur were vis iting at Richards and Ganows last iveek. 'Butterfly feels kinds of sore as I had my wings frost bitten in the last storm Robert Howard is getting tired of batching and I think he would line to Qud an assistant. Homer is stepping as high as a blind horse now adays from the effects of a new pair of high heel boots. W R Grange was visiting Henry Earris last Sunday. Talk nice Henry ind you will come out all right. Hosa Husted was shampooing W. G. Ballard's cattle. They have the itch and he thought that was the pro per thing to do. George Sedlacek was in our neigh borhood last Friday with a fine team and buggy and attended the dance at Mr. Grange's. Oh my ! George did look fatniling. F. Kime passed through Oasis en- route for Valentine and returned of last week- , conveying his lady relatives in an automobile and stopped at Ed Harris' over night. Sait did look real funny to see an automobile in the sand hills. The blacksmith's eyes bulged out thinking too much opposition and no more horse shoeing. BUTTERFLY. Dr. Withers , the Omaha pain less dentist , will be in Valentine March 81. One day only. Rocky Corner. John Ormeshcr went down the river to town the other day. C. C. Thompson was out airing his hounds one day last week. John Sedlacek caught two co yotes last week with his dogs. He has some fine dogs. By the way , Porcupine , come ahead and as we don't talk from experience perhaps you wont run up against the person you arc ex pecting to. George and Frank Sedlacek went over to Oasis to a hop March 17. The boys are building a house on Frank's claim that he recently homesteaded. Evidently someone is laboring under a delusion. There is cert ainly more than one person in the world that can carry on a news paper correspondence. "WEAKYVILLIK. \ . Kiobrara Falls. Mrs. Adamson is on the sick list. Mrs. Lucy Parker is visiting at Mr. Parker's parents up in South Dakota. Lon Moshcr has been helping John Ormeshcr for a few days. Johnnie is building an addition to his house. After silence for some time we will try and clear up some of the mysteries and case Niobrara Bill's conscience. John Adamson , J. Sedlacek and R. Grooms have recently vacci nated their calves , thus guarding against the blackleg. Mrs. Alice Metzgar , of Toledo , Ohio , arrived at her -sisters , Mrs. Adamson last week. Mrs. Metz- gar's health is very poor at pres ent but her many friends hope to see her improve in this climate. Last week we happened to spy the following article in Isio. B's items : "The teacher of district Kb. 100 was sick and went to visit her step-mother. " Most assured ly true , but how abrupt ! How in sinuating ! "Would it not have been better for N. B. to have said the teacher visited her parents , and waited developments of some thing further ? She visited her parents in the first place because a sick child always goes to its moth er ; in the second place to be able to consult her medical adviser , Dr. Lewis ; and in the third place because it was nobody's business but her own and that of her fam ily. Now N. B. if there is any more curiosity in your poky nose come up and I can tell you in a short time everything you want to know and then some. THAT TEACHER. In n Critical Attitude. Some people to bo born iu nn unhappy frame of mind. They cmuiut admire excellency without mnUin : : some comment on deficiencies. With them the "times are always out of joint. " They arc simply in a critical attitude , and nothing except grumbling will satisfy their morbid condition , says the Pittsburg Tress. They remind one very strikingly of the old lady who , when she was asked how she felt , re plied that she felt better , but that when she felt better she always felt worse , ns she knew if she felt better she was going to have a worse spell again. . The Curate's Compliment. Ill a west end church on a recent Sun day the junior curate was preaching on reasons lor coming to church. "Some people. " he remarked , "come to church for no better reason than to show off their best clothes. " Then he paused and gl.aiced thoughtfully over his audience , "i am thankful to see , dear friends , " he .idded. "that none of you has come here for that reason. " London Tele graph. _ Penalty o * Laziness. IIend of Department What's this ly ing on my. Ui'sl : V The last .dunning let ter received from my tailor , duly ini tialed by all m ; . clerks ! Oh. dear , what 1mVP I dor.o ? Actually sent it round tel l e duy ! noted without taking flip trou ble to look at it ! Fllegende Blatter. 1 Bill to AIlo- Cattle Barcr.3 I- ' Leai Government La ; : : ! . SETTL1 DrfT . . T i lo Colonel Tojtliy. "W.'io V.'un ZnvuKtl.Tn'j Inp : ( hr.Hatter. . Itn.V Ccen Hoc llcc'uI7i ? Vvn * Lerjrni.j.7 To I 3IucIi ' . lie AilniiniMiratlou I rvor.1 ] tlie Ilt.-ui.x Anulnst the Settle. * . The cattle barons appear to 1 * . friends at court who are hewing theul to perpetuate their monopoly of , h l government lands in tlo wesierns : ia.s | A special tlL'patch from Omha to Lt Washington Test says : "The laud leasing bill , as uow < structed , was introilr.ced into tlii ate and house at the last session of con-j grcss. Its advui.t created : t f : r * > [ indignation in the wester : : staus. mull its effect on the approaching cl t\ ; isl was- the cause of tie layi : : asltiv i C iliel measure. Opponents oi' the i. denounce it as a glaring attt.jjt toj crectc a land monopoly in the ' , vcj trnj states. "It is proposed to for a i not exceeding ; twenty years any j. AUJ- | mcnt land remaining uipk.l : : ! i" ntj the rule of from 1 to i ; rt' . . . > pir acre per annum. The pivosiion ; ; yn ' i.i"i means the : : c < fairing o ! " a revi u. liy the government from lamb , no. . * o ; : - piecl and seemingly wortliie.-s. T. ; : . . ! - it.v. it is claimed.'will be an i- . " . : * S r.uiual draft ci the . v < lrra ! t/ . . .y for costs of colk'ctiri : . tlst * o .ic.1 - nient of tl large number oi' new fa * of- flccs. the control of inimyiisf . . ' of western land and the cosstvtii i.t : . ( - vention of settlement by iui ! sir.oi-j in dividuals by a few j-rirat oatlk1 . .ml sheep raising corporations : : iul the con sequent absolute control of pricey of meats by the hind monopoly. " The dispatch furtlic-r adds. "i'oloifl Mosbj * wss : rapidly informij ; tl.v > pub lic of the1 actual facts wlt'-n ho wa. ; re called. " As Colonel Mo.-sljy : s the spe cial of the hind . - - ! . 't a sent dop.-- : ; * * i : : vrashington and had leen - ; ' : or-lirs to remove the wire fcnci-.s Uu cattle barons had erected , his recall mu t mean that I bo adiii&istraii-jn has fI en up its f'mht Ji-'afnst the ciittk-mtn. The Iniui 1'rtsing hill wi.s ] : thH' ' ( l in tlif to.U' ; hy Senator Mllnl ; i Xe- liraska : : i : < l in the house Ly Ci i , re - man BowrJNcrk < , f ! : : : : : s ; > i\ I It passed 1 y cungressvlil : Iv IKV- petunte thf hold ti e cilllo : Jjro- : h-.o on tlie covrrninent lands of the west tn their c\vn Uns. : The fanners of every st : > - Ii 'lie Union are directly iitervtd : in o * > j M < = - injr ie hills : > ov.S'.pfcri ? fvivfcr they cannot compete with in- price at \vh'"h 1'eef t-.tih1. sheipin1 vo 1 cn be produced In l.-ir.w hen- ! ; . : i 1.7nl for vrhi < 'h nn r"rt ur iiir resl ' . < p i d and upon \vliich i.o taxes : ire : I > CSM n l'i the pasi tiif fn-e rangf fur cr/Uo on the public hind- \vs : prti- : : r : inl in by all droves , great orsall. : 5-it in tlic l-t : few years the Ji'rircittlf cfin- panics have fenonl in v:1.ira ' < -h > of the public land , anil have tlu-n'fcie i lonop- olized its use. The honu'stcasucker ! has during this tiie IKCU gr.ulu.illy encroaching more : t" l i : : > r i on xh's public ( loiaii that th catt1baro'u have cciiic' to look : : pr.i as : I\r ov.-n. and the result is U.t' ' < : : ! lIt-t ! iio.y Ic- * fore the publicantl congress. ? The leasing of tln-se i ul > lli * ! : ri ls at the rate of from 1 to < ct' : * s : : n acre , or RI average of . ' 5 ci'nts. 5 > ; out of all po- pcrtion to their val : . . : : id tlie collec tion will cost ic v than the govorn- mcirc will receive. Then * will be no protection for the homestead- ! th" cattle barons would lease all i' lands adjoiiig his hoiuestt-ad and s"it him off from free range for his cattle , ami perhaps access to the streams , which are few and fr : apart on the plains. The policy of tlie government from the first has been to reserve the piblic lands for those who wish to make homes upon them , and its reversal by the present administration in the inter est of the cattle barons should b" de nounced by all. Senators and congress men should be written to demanding that the honest settler be protected and the cattle barons' fences be removed , so that all can have free access to the public domain. Under Anxpices of the Ct ± . I The Duty 0:1 AitJirsc tc- Sor.ntor Plait < _ f ( 'onnii'-tieut hear or mul the president's message tu congress ? if so , lw\v did be hnr tli ' temci-rty to say. "There is no duty ou eoal. " in view of the exnlieit statemci c ir.d recommendation of'the pvesid'ut. "In my judgment the tarlH OD autLu.i- "Ite coal shiuld Le" removed and an- /nraclte put aerially where it 'omisally..on tj fre.elist ; The coun- ry i. watchiaj ? to see what answer oiuTOF ! * will make to this a Xew 1'orLVcrld. .