Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 19, 1903, Image 4
THE VALENTIN DEMW I. M. RICE EDITO Thnrnilay. tla-cii 19. li * < > TERMS Subscription 81.00 per year in advance ; Si When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c. Display advertising l inch single column 1 per issue or $0.00 a year. tx > cal Notices , Obituaries , lxdge Resolutlc and Socials lor Jtevenae 5c per line per Issue. Brands , l& h flies S4.CC tier year in advar additional spac300 per inch peryearengrav ; blocks extra ; 51rt oach. Parties llvinr "itslde Cherry county not p tonally known -.0 requested to pay in advuri 10 per cent additional to above rats if eve aionths in arrears. Notices of losses of stock free to brand advi tis rs. The village caucus resulted : -the nomination of three men who ; names were printed on ballots a tei' the old fashioned way af can paigning and voting. There wei five men nominated and ballo should have been furnished f ( people to express their choice. A it was , no blank ballots wei furnished. We are informed tin many people were permitted i vote in that caucus who were n < entitled to vote and who would lo : their homesteads if the facts wei brought up against them as clain ing their residence here. The me who thus proclaimed , by a resoli tion passed that they would ha Tie gambling in the city , assistc each other in the effort to can their choice for nomination su cessfuly through by knowing ] voting fraudently and permittii others to do so without protes simply because they were votir right. What have they accon plished ? A board has been selec ed that will be favorable to Co nell's land deal. Either nomim would have been equally ardei "for the suppression of gamblin under the new ordinance and no our city is to lose that 520 acr < of land in a gift to one citizen b < cause prejudice has swayed tli minds of our people and they loj sight of great opportunities in the zeal to punish as they think , or cla ss of our people. The one sic arrayed against the other. Or side , well known for its prejudice is worked into supporting thrc men who are called anti-saloon fc effect , and to get the support ( unsuspecting people. Our citizei will learn when it is too late the they have been robbed of privi eges which our town might hav enjoyed. ADDITIONAL LOCAL I. M. Jones has been sick th past weekXvith the grip. Wm. Bachelor , of WToodlak < spent a couple of days in town th past week. Another blizzard today - but th sun is coming out and it will see ; be spring. Mat Boltz , of Nenzcl , was on of the assessors present at the ass essors meeting Tuesday. 2r- John P. Jones handed us a dollar lar on subscription this week am said "send it along for anothe year. * . Howland Dailey moved intc rooms over T. C. Hornby's gro eery yesterday and will do dental work. Albert Pike and a brother fron Iowa , who is visiting him for the first time in the west , made us i visit recently. . C. K. Wolfenden , a son-in-law . of John D. Kimes , was in town transacting business this week , from his place near Newton. Miss Emma Ivackmeister has been quite sick with phneumonia the past weekatMrBohles. Her mother is here taking care of her. A. Morey , with pleasant coun tenance and his u-jiiai good way , handed us a dollar , this week on subscription which pays 52 weeks in advance. Judge Zarr came down yester day from the St. Mary's Mission bringing Miss Jessie Lake , who had , received a telegram from Gettysburg - / ' burg , S. come home as her mother was sick and her brother E H Bohle went down to Ain ; worth this morning on business. Wash Honey , of Woodlab made us a pleasant visit Tuesda while in our city. Ed Satterlee , the Nenzel me ; chant , was in town Tuesday an called at our office for a ficncll visit. visit.N. N. J. Underwood , representin the Canton Bridge Co. , is in th city to contract for a bridge acres the Niobrara. J. C. Webb , proprietor of th Donoher hotel , was able to get u last Tuesday and spend a part ( the day in the office. i Dr. Campbell and wife called i our'office ivhile in the city and ha some very neat cards printed f c their office at Cody. Wm. Crane , of Eli ; S. M. Wooc ward , of Irwinafid W. D. Eickett : of Merriman , were attending tli assessors meeting in the city Tue day. day.Ira Ira Johnson , of Lavaca , calle < on us for a visit while in the cit attending the assessors meetin Tuesday. He reports stock ge ting along nicely. Mrs. T. C. Hornby left ycstei day morning for Neligh , and th : morning Tom started and will joi his wife after which they willspen a couple of months touring in Ca ifornia. Chas. P. Jordan and F. P. Mui len and son came down Monda from Rosebud to take the train fc Yankton , S. D. for a short visit and witness the dedication of tli Masonic Temple. Mrs. M. Waybraght departe for her home at Plattsmouth las Sunday week after a week's visi here in caring for her brother , Jas Brantner , who is now able to be u and walking around. Barney Denair and his fathei of near Arabia , were in town thi week. Barney paid us anothe year in advance for THE DEMC CRAT and took the Commoner i connection with it at 65c extra. A report from Merriman say that a fight took place last Frida , night between Godfrey , Jim Hai ris and AVillie Provost in whic the latter came out best. We di < not learn the cause of the trouble Wm. Riege , a son of Pete Riege west of town , called with hi brother this week and asked us t send him the DEMOCRAT to Shei wood , Ore. Mr. R recently re turned here from Dawson Citj Canada. W. E. Efner was hurt a coupl of weeks ago in leaning over a hug box trying to scrape up some coui The pressure of his body on one o his ribs caused a fracture. He i at his work each day but f eels pret tp sore. Raffenburg Bros , of Anita , Iowa are in town with a car load of youn coach and elraft bred stallions , on young Jack , a fine saddle stallion anel a few Short Ho'rn bulls. Cal and see them at the Valentin * House. Prices are right. 1 t Father Lechleitner returned lasi Friday evening from the St. Jos 3ph's hospital where he had beer i couple of weeks having one oJ lis eyes operated on. He toot Ed Satterlee's little daughter Fran ces down with him to have her eyes straightened and while there she ; aught the measles and was abliged o remain until her recovery. Mr. Sattcrlce contemplates going down he latter part of this week to bring icr home if she can be removed. The minstrel show that is to take > iace at the Post on the 27th and ' 8th of this month seems to be gct- ing along very nicely. Theeven- agfor Valentine people will be riclay the 27th , anel reserved scats : ill be on sale in town at Davcn- ort & Thachcr's until Thursday ic 26th. Contrary to the general un of shows of this class , the after- iece will be a good one. It is cn- tled % tDr. Hipp , the Hypnotist" ad will be given attention by the layers. The performance will be jock-full of songs that Anil please- srious as well as comi& The first irt is being rehearsed with parti" jiui- com , LOST somewhere on wage road leading from Valentine t Crookston on March 9 , 1903 , black plush cape , trimmed wit braid and beads and fur all arouc cape and collar. Finder pleas leave at this office. 9 1 The county commissioners ai now in session. J. F. Swain an Wm. Allen appeared before thei asking for a bridge at the old Be site and the strong petition pri sented seems to have had , son : weight with that honorable bed : L. K. Travis and wife , of tl : St. Mary's Mission school , calle on us while in our city Tuesday Mr. and Mr. Travis seem to I very nice people and are surel doing creditable work as superb tendents of the St. Mary's schoo They appreciate the weekly visi of the DEMOCRAT. Seventeen years ago the I/ft day of March Ed Satterlee locate in Cherry county at Nenzel an has been a faithful democrat a these years and is proud of it. E has been successful in business at though at times a streak of rnisf or tine cast a shadow on his pathwa there has been more sunshine tha clouds to brighten his life. Tl plan is , "faithful to the end , " wit men who succeed. M. P. Haley was the jollicst ma in town Tuesday unless it was PJ Fitzgerald. It does us good 1 meet and shake hands with tl good old men who can't forget nc wouldn't if they could , the 17t day of March > when all men wl : wear the green or shamrock , pi on their best suit , their oldest hi and sunniest smile. God bless tl : dear old boys. They arc the bes hearted fellows in the world. There was a meeting of tli physicians of Cherry county hcl in Dr. Furay's office last Monda for the purpose of organizing Cherry County Medical Society Those present were : Drs. T. I Campbell , of Cody ; Milt B. M < Do well , of Merriman ; Ira C Brown , of Ft. Niobrara ; Alfre Lewis , A , N. Compton and Et E Furay , of this city. Dr. Jrow was made temporary chairma ; and Dr. Furay temporary secj Permanent orginazation , Drs. Ft ray was chosen president , Camj bell vice pres. and McDowell secj rotary-treasurer ; Compton , cense for three years , McDowell 2 yrs. and Campbell for one year. Di Lewis was elected delegate to th state medical meeting in Apri" The next meeting will be held Ma , 11 at which time interesting pai : ers will be read. A suggestio : was offered that Dr. Compton a chairman of the board of healt : see the county commissioners wit ! view of getting a blank form print ed for the reporting of all contag ious diseases in the county. Down the Kiver Jacob Saurwine and wife spen Sunday at A. W. Grooms. Jesse Brosius was in this local Ity one or two days last week. Perry Swcaringer is herding his Battle in the r.anyons at this writ , Harvey Johnson is batching ihese days , but I guess he is used ; o that. We hear that Pete Roubidoti mel wife expect to leave the cotin- ry soon. Miss Anna Ashburn spent last veek with her sister , Mrs. Roby. f Sparks. Mrs. Shelbourn and children pent to Valentine Sunday to visit rith relatives. Mrs. Anna Becker has been on lie sick list the past week , but is ow improving. Martin Becker went to Valen- ine Friday. His daughter Mary 2companied him. A. W. Grooms and family and fouis Taylor anel wife visited at [ artin Becker's Sunday. Shorty Mumford is going to love back pnhis place1 in this coni- itinityj after being away since' st spring tending his crop on the j.rth table. do you suppose dip into that bulk coffee before you buy it ? B ' comes in sealed , air tight packages ; no chance for handling , or dirt or things to get in. Clean , Fresh ojd Fragrant. Mr. Nollett anel Mr. Taylor wer to Valentine Saturday to get som seed wheat to sow this winter. YOUNGSTER. Items. School is progressing nicely i McCann with Miss Mina Wints E teacher. Mr. and Mrs. P. C. Grllowa were visiting- with Mr. and Mr : Danofsky on 5 Cattle arc looking good in th part of the country and stockmc are feeling good on account of tl : nice weather. O. F. Schwidersky , assessor < Sharps Ranch precinct , made trip to Valentine the 16th to atten the assessors meeting. Wm. Amend was on the rive from north Georgia and gone t work for Galloway & Erickson o their ranch at McCann. George N. Thompson came horn on a short visit and returned to hi work on the 16. He is workin for the F. E. & M. V. as carpentei Mrs. ' J. T. Galloway , of Valor tine has been visiting with rels tives at McCann and returne home on the 16. Mrs. A. E. Ga'j loway accompanied her on a shoi visit. There will be a box social at M Cann school house on the evening * of the 10th of April the proceed togo to buy a desk for the schoc house. Come out everybody am have a good time. Wm. Danofsk will entertain you with phone graph. Business Notices. Notices under this heading 5 cents per lin auh inswrtion. Among reading matter , lOcent ner line f.icli insertion. xVll kinds of heavy hardware am > vayon wood stock at K. Breuklanders 20-tf for Sale or L 16 quarter sections , good range , ba ; water and timber. Will run 300 lieai of stock. For information address , bo : no. 154 , Gordon Nohr or F. M , . RICE NTHhr. 42-tf I am going to run the towi herd this summer and solicit youi patronage. All stock entrusted te my care will receive careful hand ling. 51 U. BOYER. Estrayed from my range 9 miles southwest of Valentine on the Siobrara river one heifer branded azy ? on left hip anel one heifer ) randed half circle on left shoulder ind hip. Jonx SEDLACEK , Valentine , Neb. Notice. I have fourteen of fifteen regis- ereel Hercforel Bulls , from one to hree years old , for sale or trade. Use three full blood Galoway 5ulls at my ranch 25 miles south f Valentine anel 20 miles west of \roodlake. W. G. BALLARD , 7 tf Woodlake , Nebr. ) XE HOUSE Dark bay or black , 'eight about 1000 Ibs , well broken ) saddle and brielle anel suitable * > r military purposes. Single ) oter and good walker desired , xldress , box No. 4 , Ft. Kiobrara , ebraska. 74 > b Work ; ; * .at the ' DEMOCRAT. I Meals Lunches Short Orders First clrj-f n cals at all houis , day and night. Oysters in season. Pies , cakes , dough nuts always on hand. E.D.Cohota. Prop. GET TrarT < 7r AT THIS f YOUR PRINTING OFFICE * Can Saticfv You in Oualitv Price and CHOO14 HEADQUARTERS FOR f WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska W. T. Bishop , AD LE LE The Wilber Barn Your Patronage Solicited. " THING We do general blacksmithing and Woodwork- Special attention given to Wagon and Carriage work , Branding Irons anel Horse Shoeing. Cliarbonneau & Taylor If your CATTLE SUFFER . . . from LICE , IICHT or MANGE USE THOLE Sold by Qnigley & Chapman , Valentine , l ebr. Richards & Comstock , Ellsworth , Nehr. John Bowers , Edward Parry. Bowers & Parry , Lively , Feed and Sale Stable , Good Careful Drivers , Reasonable Prices. The Walcott Barn. First Sta'jle East of Shelter's Saloon. IT AT WITH A FINE LINE OF CANDIES. BJ5J a U U SfrilsJ n a lliOSwaliLS ( a good one. The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pnmps and Tanks. Firsfc door south of the Donoher House Highest cash price paid for Slides and Purs. S. MOON - Valentine , Nebr i Do You Read The Democrat ? ? * Try the G'SeiH Konte to Sioux City and Sitmx Falls The ( Treat Northern L'ne ( Pacific Sliort Limj ) mikes daily connections at O'Xeill with Elkhorn trains brth east aad westbound , making the shortest and quickest route to Sioux City , ? ioux Falls and points ea t and north 13ny local tickets to O'Neiti and ijt thtoujrh tic its from Un-at Northern Agent i thc0. Gen 1. 1'a.vv Agt. 9 9 Sioux ( JitIowa. . TIMETABLE 'Joiritf West. ( Joint' ' a-jt I e.\e- ! < > 10 ; i. in arr.vo U.M ) p. in. Pa . - 'iifer , daih c.vpt Sunday. rennet-lions with Klkhorn trains and west-uonntl from all points \v < " 4of O'M'Ul. Sliorte > t route to Sioux City ai-d beyond. Through connections ftr Sioux Kails , Minne apolis , St. Paul and all points north and west. Buy local tickets to 0'N H1. FRKD UOUKISS , G. P. A. Sioux City , Iowa Wagons and Buggies made to order of first class material and guaranteed to wear. x25 i l he Elite Restaurant ! \ and Chop House | pen TXAT5T and Everything the market affords. * 3 ish and game when in season.ft | Oystersm every style. Cake gand Pies of all description. You > ggdt what you order , givfe me a and fonvincb yourself. THAT'S ALL. R. BODDY , Prppr. S asa Eg ir G-A t&sr.