TUE VALENTINE DEMOOTA1 Z. ML JUJCM. IHBBBASKA Counterfeiters are not very particu lar about their work. Tbey are satis fled if it is passable. .Trouble like cayenne pepper , is no ' very agreeable in itself , but it give ; zest to otber things. 'Kipling has such a dashing and tak Ing -way about him that the westerr piipers say he is the "real poet lariat. ' That terrific creature , the Britisl lion , is , in the Venezuelan instance , bu1 too plainly become the German tame eat. Wherever she is the great American girl be she three or three-and-twentj is accustomed to hold the center of /b.e stage. Who say agriculture cannot thrive on the rocky" fields of New England irhen they yield balls in § 100,000 bams fn .Vermont ? It is no longer necessary to have teTHplefi o'f faule. If a man achieves gFCafMsS the doctors will issue bulle- * 1SS Tl'fceft Tie is ill. Those who are familiar with Mr. ftockefeller's circumstances are of the opinion that the assessment of his per sonal property at $2,500,000 is entirely tvithin bounds. A Chicago woman declares that "women are not altogether economic dependents. They depend upon man for bread and butter , and have to be good to get it. " But not very good. Sweden has two crematories , but the average of cremations in that country Is less than one per annum. The janl- torship of a Swedish crematory would seem to come under the head of light , easy jobs. Walter Wellman says he will tell any benevolent gentleman with a bank ac- sount how to reach the pole. That's easy. Take a ship as far as the Arctic , and then walk. P. S. The walking is Dot very good. A French scientist has invented fresh air tablets which give out oxy gen in closed rooms , submarine boats , etc. It is now in order for somebody to invent a clean towel tablet for our boarding house. Mr. Kipling has got into deep trou ble at last. The German poets are be ginning to fire adjectives in nineteen syllables at him in retaliation for "The ; -Rowers , " and he doesn't understand enough German to get back at them. The great need of this country is .the stern and universal lesson that the law Is'supreme over all. The only way to teach it is to make it curb the rich and powerful as well as the obscure and ignorant. When it is shown that the offenses of the great will be overtaken by swift and sure punishment , it will be much easier to make the masses re spect the law. If one-half of the stories told about the depredations of the cattlemen upon lands that belong to the Government ind consequently to all the people are true , vigorous legal measures should be instituted against them , and such teems to be the intention of the offi- tials of the Interior Department. The irea of land unlawfully fenced is not Definitely known , but amounts to many millions of acres. It is wonderful how much an effort to bring out one's language in clear and crisp form assists one's mind in shaping the thoughts to be clothed with that language. It is in that re spect like the calm demeanor and slow speech of the old-fashioned friends which helped them to success in busi ness because it compelled them to avoid haste and keep clear of impul sive follies. Let the educators ham- Tner on this nail till they drive it home. The buffaloes of the West have been treated almost as wantonly as the for- ssts of the East. Of course , it was nec essary that both should be thinned out considerably to make room for an ad- rancing civilization , but it was not nec tary nor was it wise that either ihould be brought so near the point of innihilation. The contempt for and hos tility to the sublime primitiveness of this country that have marked an ad- rance more resistless than any of the pld buffalo migrations have been pain ful and unpraiseworthy features of our last century development. We would like to have the good old times. We would not object if our na tional security could be made depend ent upon our national isolation. We Would rejoice If slow trips to Europe torere advertised at a premium. We trould not even care indeed we might prefer should people sit down to din- her in the front of the evening and not in the shank of the night. Did our chil- Iren go to bed at 9 o'clock and get up * t 6 , despair would not ensue and health might be subserved. Were preachers to outrank organists in churches and should sermons outclass kinging , life would not become unendur- tble , and reverence and worship and tooral stimulant * might be more than they are now. The Detroit Tribune invited its read ers to send in reasons why boys leave * 'farms , or how tokeep boys 'on the farm. We have read the variety ol answers , and strikes us that few get at the real facts. It is not unusual foi the farm home to have several boys , TliesK are educated in the district schools , and are a part of the family usually till they are "of age. " And when the oldest is 21 , he cannot as sume charge of the farm. The father- is strong and vigorous , and a bevy of sturdy sons are coming along to help In the work. There is not land enough to divide up and the boy at 21 has nothing but his farm education and a suit of clothes for his capital. Ho cannot for his own good be permitted to loaf around home , and there is no need of his services .78 a hired man. He must go out into the world of labor and do something. If lie has been giv en a good education , he may t < ee his way to entering a profession , or a trade , or he may find employment somewhere in an industry. It may be that he is content to become a farm hand , work summers for small wages , and do chores for his board in winter. But the average boy soon understands that he must take care of himself. With no capital with which to buy land , he naturally turns to some place where he can sell his labor. ITeuC'Llfi turns liis back on the farm , not bu- CQUC JlG regards it as an inferior call ing , but simply because there is no chance for him. It is seldoin that an only son of a farmer refuses to stnT U tlie farm , and this is due more to the opportunity given liim for a col lege education than "because he re gards farming as lacking in dignity or merit. In a recent issue of the Indepeudeu there was a novel bit of criticism that makes interesting reading. An Amer ican machinist who lives in England was invited to criticize freely and hon estly the Londoners and a Londoner was given space to tell the worst he knew about America. Virgil E. Stack- house , American , dipped his pen in vitriol and declared that the average Londoner is a pitiful type of mankind. He is densely Ignorant , and knows lit tle else , than to say "God save the King" in season and out. His life is monotony intensified and education is mostly gained in the public houses which are frequented by women and children. Mr. Stackhouse sees nothing but mental and moral decay for the average Londoner , who is pronounced " " . Horwill who "stupid. Herbert W. , loves a king like a child loves its mother's milk , and is British to the core , slobbered some when he tried to find the great American fault. He says we feel too big and haven't a proper sense of the fitness of things ; that we don't realize how inharmo nious we are. This may mean a good deal or it may mean nothing , but as examples he found fault with the spread of Christian Science and the decorations at the funeral of Wm. Me- Kinley. He also asserts that "When discipline becomes less abhorrent to the American mind , American life , so cial and intellectual , will become les afilicted by the spirit of jerkiness. " In other words we are condemned for being natural. We keep our feet on the ground and our hearts in the right place. Few of us wear a society mask and if we arc raw and crude , we arc at least human. Mr. Horwill did poor job at criticizing. If the worst that the world can find to say of America cuts no deeper than a sugges tion that we don't know how to weai our clothes or act when company comes , there is still hope for the land of the free. Much has been heard of the life in surance policy holder who dies unex pectedly after paying a premium or two , thereby netting to his family many thousands of dollars in return for only a hundred or two paid in. He is a perennial figure and a rather fas cinating one , for human nature is such that the pleasure of possibly getting back ? 10 for every one paid out is held to be almost quite worth dying for. In all seriousness , however , it is one of the most powerful arguments in fa vor of insurance that the chance of sud den death is robbed of some of its ter rors in the knowledge that the home has been protected at a relatively small outlay against penury. But there is now a later boast in connection with life insurance in the person of the aged policy holder , who has been insured for half a century or so , is glad to con tinue paying premiums and finds com pensation for the fact that he has not gotten the best of the company in that he is still on deck and that his pay ments have gone to help in the families of his many fellow members who have passed away. One of these persons brags justifiably in a communication to thepublicaud poin-ts to the fact that h'e has "paid premiums for fifty-two years , and hopes to live to pay several more. " Other wheel horses of policy holders only a little behind him in the number of premiums turned in are watching his ninety years of life in the possible hope that he may be called to a better world in time to let some one of them claim the honor of being the oldest liv ing life insurant. Of course there can not be many life policy holders who will tarry on earth long enough to pay more in than their families will receive but it is interesting to note , as in the cases cited , that when they do survive for years beyond their "expectation of life" they seem to be just as happy over It as if they had come to die early and knew they were going to hit the companies the hardest kind of a "fa cer. " Power from an Artesian "Well. At St. Augustine , Fla. , is the only mill In the world that gets Its power direct from an artesian well. Oyster patties , eaten at night , will make the average man dream that he1 is fighting a bulldog. w. . . „ „ . - For SnjrR ngrDoors. . Obtain a wheel ( one from an old ma chine will answer ) and , after cutting' a nofch in the bottom of the door for the wheel , attach the latter to the door by means of an iron bar. This bar should be round and of a diameter that will work easily in the hole of the wheel. Have a blacksmith flatten the rod at either end , twist it to fit the door frame and make two or three holes in each end , so that it may be screwed to the door as shown. A large flat stone should be placed close to the door sill on which the wheel will rest when the door is closed. If the ground over which the door will swing is kept level and built up to the proper height the TO PREVENT SAGGING. attachment of this device to the door will absolutely prevent its sagging. It may be readily attached to an old door after first placing the door in the proper position , adding new hinges if neces sary. Indianapolis News. Cruelty to Cows. Men may regard cattle as mere ma chines , but the fact remains that they are of a sensitive organization , capa ble of suffering and enjoyment , and that to a degree too often lost sight of. The idea that it is just as well for a cow , either in point of comforter or health , to be tied up six months with no exercise , is contrary to all physiological teaching ; and that nutri tious food , light and exercise are nec essary to the maintenance of health and a full development. Give cows chance to go out in the sunlight of the warm days in the winter and see 'how quickly they go and see the real en joyment depicted on their expressive faces. Even though the milk flow , may be somewhat lessened , will not what is lost In quantity be made up in qual ity ? At any rate , I am sure I would much rather eat dairy products of strong , healthy cows than that of those weakened and enervated by close confinement and unnatural food , such as would be an exclusive diet of corn meal. It is not necessary , in or der to give them a little exercise and sunlight to range over an extensive area. Let them out in an ordinary sized yard and thej * will not do trav eling sufficient to waste any great amount of energj * . Farm , Stock and Home. Simple Mouse Trap. A strip of sheet metal , or wooden splint , three-quarters of an inch wide and six inches long , is bent into an oval loop. The ends project somewhat , and a wire is insert ed to hold the bait. A bowl or small tin basin is inverted on a board and the loon BOWL TRAP. inserted as shown in cut. Too many homes are pestered , with mice , and the winter is a good time to clean them out. E. Hallenbeck , in Farm and Home. Value of Ground Grains. In feeding grain to stock of any kind , there is no doubt but what the best re sults will come from feeding whole grain part of the time and ground grain on alternate clays. It is known that feeders in some sections object to the feeding of ground products , but usual ly because of the supposed expense of grinding. True , this is considerable it' one has to pay for grinding , but in a neighborhood where considerable stock is kept it will pay farmers to own a machine in common , buying one with a belt attachment so that an engine may be used. Usually any man owning tin engine will do the work for twenty- five cents an hour , and a hundred bush els rnay be ground at small expense. In the feeding of this ground product , one must be guided by experience , but mix tures of corn an oats are generally de sirable , while to still further vary the ration , these grains may be fed separ ately. This sort of feeding always gives the bast results and at a cost compara tively small. St. Paul Dispatch. The Seed Supply. No seedsman can guarantee an even quality of all his seeds every year. In some , unfavorable growing seasons oc cur ; in others insects and fungus dis eases assail the crops ; in fact , there is not often a season when all seed crops are both large and of prime quality. Those who are interested in cucumber growing will be surprised at the high price they will have to pay for cucum ber seed this year ; in Nebraska last season , where immense crops of su perior seed are now annually raised , the crop was an entire failure and thq crops elsewhere were variable. Of lat < years Michigan has become one of thfl largest producers of seed peas , but thfl crop there last season was very short , so that the cost of seed will be greater , if anything , than in 1902. Some beans , too , are scarce , the wax varieties par ticularly. There was only a moderate crop of reliable seed of some sorts ol squash , that of the Hubbard being lesq than moderate. The price of onion seed will be about the same , and cab bage seed will be lower. No grower should plant corn this year , at least without first carefully testing it. In many of the seed-growing sections the crop had not time to mature promptly , and there will probably be consider able unfit corn for sale. Country Gen tleman. Weed Seeds in Grain. Several hundred samples of timothy alsike and red clover on sale by local dealers in different provinces have bpeu analyzed at Ottawa , Ont. In spine 10 to 30 per cent by weight of saud was found ; 03 per cent of the samples contained over two thousand weed seeds per pound , 44 per cent ovei five thousand and 25 per cent over teq thousand. Not more than 2 per cent of the samples were found free from weed seeds. These facts are in li with a recent complaint from a Massa chusetts farmer in regard to the rapid spread on his farm of a "new weed With white blossom and a hot , bitter taste. " Investigation showed the pres" ence of wild carrot , that pest of the hay field In so many localities. The weed had first appeared in quantity along the borders of a field of oats Better for the farmer to have paid double price all his life for the best grade of seed oats from a i liable deal er than to have introduced such a weed in cheap grain seed. It costs more to raise' pedigree seed and to raise it on clean land , but the result is worth the difference. Better raise one's own seed grain on the farm than % to buj' hap-hazard at the store. Mas sachusetts Ploughman. Difference in Cows. In a herd of twelve cows , tested foi three years in connection with the Wis cousin dairy school , the milk of one cow was worth $110 more than the feed she ate , while that of five othei cows added together only amounted to $114 more than their feed. One cow produced nearly as much profit as fiv cows in the same herd. The feed and labor cost about the same for a poor cow as for a good one , but what a dif ference in the net results. The results of actual weighing and tests of farm herds in various dairy sections of the country Indicate that few herds exisl in which at least one cow in ten does not fail to pay expenses when feed is reckoned at market value. Often il happens that a cow , sxipposed by t owner to be fairly good , has proved the poorest of the herd when her 'milb is weighed and tested for a year. American Cultivator. Advertise Your Good Things. Study the pedigrees and breed Intt popular lines as your experience hi breeding : and management improves , and a demand is developed for yoin stock by judicious advertising. Some men pay big prices for breeding stocl ; ! iiiI never advertise , says the Lfolstein Friesian Register. They sacrifice their stock rather than pay out money for advertising , while others with plainei bred stock and liberal advertising ? et far better prices and greater de mands. Dairy Notes. Milk of different temperatures should never be mixed. With cows long in milk , the butter will come slowly. A little too much churning injures the butter by destroying the grain. Any impurities in the drinking water are readily absorbed by the milk. In profitable buttermaking it is all important to suit your customers. A little feed will often save a good deal of time in milking a restless cow. The growth of the heifer is so much deducted from what should go to milk production. A great point of value in a dairy cow is to have the milking habit firmly es tablished. Dairy farming , if rightly managed , may be the means of greatly improv ing the land. It is useless to expect a great flow ol milk from a cow that has only enough feed to live upon. Care should be taken never to over work butter , so that the grain and tex ture may be preserved. The fact that a cow gives a large mess of milk need not interfere with lier bringing a good calf. The colder butter can be churned the better , and the better it will stand ifter it has been churned. A good dairy cow should always iiave her good qualities perpetuated bj raising her heifer calves.- A stunted heifer will never make a jreeder of thrifty , quick-maturing stock and will prove a failure. The churn should never be filled more than half full , and then if the temperature is right the butter will Stone or cement troughs are bettei than wooden ones for setting the mill } ; ans in because they are easily kepi ; lean. Churning at too high a temperature jr churning too long will produce jreasy butter in which the grain is in jured. When cows have been long in milk. churning is difficult , because the mills has become glutinous and the fat glob lies will not adhere. Vegetable Preparationfor As similating UieFoodandBeg ufa- ling the Stomachs andBowels of Promotes Digeslion.Cheerfur- ness andRest.Contains neither OpiumMorphine nor iiiieral. OTIC. ClanfieA Sugar . WhCuy/ven. Flora : Aperfecl Remedy forConslipa- fion , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions .Feverish- ness and Loss OF SLEEP. mm mm mmm W Pac Simile Signature oF f NEW EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. M AGENTS WAN ! CUte & coantrr.to.ell i i m mm mmmmmm OUT MedlClnCS. ToJ- let Preparations and Flavoring Extracts. Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. IjIB- ERAt , COMMISSIONS. Fair dealing. Writ ? tonce. _ LEWIS. IVIX8 i CO. , Dept.MBT . low * . THE CATARRH CTLEANSIKG AND HEAIJ3fG CUKE JFOK CATARRH Ely's Cream Balm Easy and pleasant to r.s . Contains no in jurious drug. It is quickly absorbed. Gives Kelief at once. It and Cleanses . . Opens LJfTAPt A | n the Nasal Passages. COLD ' H EAD UWlA * * * " * Allays Inflammation. I"rir Heals and Protects the Membrane. Bestorea the ° enses of Taste and Smell. Large Size. 50 cento at Unu'ficts or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mail. ELY BROTHERS , 56 Warren Street. New York. CASTORIA . For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA . . THE CCNT UH COMPANY. NEW YORK CITY. Never Healed a Wound Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as sist her in doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off r diseases. Nine-tentbs of the diseases of man and beast have their origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run and multiply form complications. The reason that Liquid Koal prevents all : germs dleases and cures them , un'ess fermentation and inflamma tion have too far developed , is that it contains every antiseptic and germicida known to science. All germ diseases such as hog cholera , swine plague , corn stalk diseasestubercolosis. blackleg and numerous others can ba prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink ing water , because they are germ diseases and no germ can live where LiQnid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected Dy the gastric juices of the stomach , passes through the intestines and from there into the circulation , oermeating the whole system and still retains all its germicial properties. Diluted with water , in the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the best lice killer known. Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follows : ONE QUART CAN - S1.0O TEN GAL. KEG , $2.5O PER GAL ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BEL , , $2.25 GAL GALLONS , $2.75 PER GAU 5O GAL. ONE BBL. , $2,00 GAL i DECEMBER 2J , 1900. We. theundjrsignea stock raisers of Madiioa County , Nebraska. ra sing from 300 to 200 head of ho-jseach yetr have , aftora fair an 1 uup rlial trinl of Liquid Koal manufactured by the National Medical Compviy. of Sheldon. Iowa , and YorJc , Ne braska , toutid it to I > B the Best Disinfectant , uerm De-troyer and Appetizer tha- has b en our pleasure to use , and -\ve joi itly think th it ma i is standing in his own lipht who does not try it. When their agent calls we advise any stock raiser to buy and u e Liq.iid Koal. Gbas. Lodge , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P Wade , Battle Crrek Nebr. J E. Melntosh , Emerick. Nebr. Wm. IIawkin > , Meadow Grove , Nebr. M. T. Homan , Emerick , Nebr. F. f. Human , Xewman Grove , Nebr. DECEMBER , 1902. W.e , the undersigned stock raiser * and farmers gladly testify to the merits of Liquid Koal manufactured by the National Medical Co. , of Sheldon , Iowa , and York , Nebraska , We have used this product with gratifying success and advise all to give it a trial. It should be on every farm in Nebraska. .Rufas Feary , Bee , Nebr Chris. Schall , Staplchnrst , Nebr. J. H. Feary. Bee. Nebr. F. C. Meyer , Staplehurst , Neor. Geo. MillF , Bee , Nebr. Geo. Ring berger , Seward , Nebr. Wm. Piughaupt , fctaplehurst , Nebr. J. Ringeberger , Sr. , Germantown , Nebr If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. A 32-page book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap plication to the National Medical Company , York , JSebr. , and Sheldon , Iowa. National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment of iVTange , Texas Itch and Scab in Sheep. ID forms a nerfecD emulsion with water and is harmless to the membranes of ih eye. 1 * your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information sent free. NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY YORK , NEBRASKA. SHELDON , IOWA WITH NERVES UNSTRUNG AND HEADS THAT ACHE WISE WOMEN BROMO - SELTZER TAKE TRIAL BOTTLE 1O CENTS. TO WOMEN To prove the healing & cleansing power ox PAXTINE TOILET ANTISEPTIC we will mail large trial treatment with book of instructions absolutely free. This is not a tiny sample , but a large package , enough to 'convince anyone that it is the most successful prepara tion known to medicine as a cleansing Taginal douche and for the local treat * ment of woman's special ills , curing discharges and all inflamation , also to cleanse the teeth , mouth , and curt catarrh. Send to-day ; a postal will do. 1 ° AXTOH CO , . 216 CoIunbusAva. . lotto * . Mm. If afflicted with \ Tlompson'sEye Water N. N. U. NO. S82-11 YORK , WEB