I Miss Rose Peterson , Secretary Park- dale Tennis Club from , Chicago , experi ence advises all young girls who have pains and sickness peculiar to their sex , to rely on Lydia E * Pinldiam's Vegetable Compound * How many beautiful young1 girls develop into worn , listless and hopeless women , simply because sufficient attention has not been paid to their physical development. No woman is exempt from physical weakness and periodic pain , and young girls /just budding- into womanhood should be carefully guided physically as well as morally. If you know of any youncr lady who is side , and needs motherly advice , ask her to write to Mrs. Pinkliaia at liyiin , Mass. , who will give lier advice free , from a source of knowledge winch is uii- equaled in the country. Do not hesitate about stating- details which one may not like to talk about , and wkiclit are essential for a full understanding- the case. fliss Hannah E. flershon , Collings- wood , N. J. , says : "I thought I would , write and tell you that , by following your kind advice , I feel like a new person. I was always thin and delicate , and so weak that I could hardly do anything. Menstruation was irregular. "I tried a bottle of your Vegetable Com pound and began to feel better right away. I con tinued its use , and am now well and strong1 , and menstruate regularly. I cannot say enough for what your medicine did for me. " How firs. Pinkham Helped Fannie Kumpe. Mus. PINKHAM : I feel it is my duty to Tmte and tell you of the benefit I have derived from your advice and the use of Iiydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound. The pains in my back and womb have all left me , and my menstrual trouble is corrected. I am very thankful for the good advice you gave me , and I shall recommend your medicine to all who suffer from female weakness. " Miss FANXIE KUMPE , 1022 Chester St. , Little Rock , Ark. ( Dec. 16,1900. ) .Lydia E. Pinkhain's Vegetable Compound will cure any \voman in the land who suffers from womb troubles , inflamma tion of the ovaries , kidney troubles , nervous itability , nervous prostration * and all forms of woman's special ilifa. Beware of the man with a grievance. He may make good. Industry is something the lazy man idmires in the other fellow. Even the comparatively sober have DO objection to the gold cure. ; The bitterest controversies are osually based on trifles. About all that is necessary is to be ible to rise to the occasion. Ills a fact that S.ilzer'8 seed Bare found to moro gardens and on morefarms than any other In America. There Is tf reason for this. We own and op- crate over 5000 acres for the produc tion of onr choice seed a. In order to I ' Induce-yon to try them TTCmake the following unprecedented oft or : P FOP 1G Cents Postpaid K 25 lorti wonderful onlonc , 25 ort elrpnnt cablxpc , 16 tori * cngnintrnteirroU , 5 peering letlnee Tarittie * ! 5 rare Inseloos radl > h , SO tpIendlJ brtl torn , 76 gloriously bracUCul Bowci In all dO Uinds positively f omishinR baslielsof cliamiing flowers and lots and lots of choice vejrtables , togeth er witli our nreat catalogue telling all abont Macaroni Wheat , Itilllun ol. , lor Grn. s , Teoslnte , Bromns , Ppeltz , etc. , all for only ice. Initampsand "Us notice. ' Oulon need at bnt COe. m peond. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. , La Crosse , Wis. J99 The Genuine TOWER5 HAS BEEN ADVERTISED AND 3OLD FOR A QUARTER OP A CENTURY. LIKE ALL & CLOIHG. It is made of the best natersaJs. in black or yellow. fully ouirante ; d. and sold by relnble dealers everjwhere. 5TICK TO THE JSIGN OP THE FISH. ELT'S U Q CCO CREAM Bsla is prepared for sufferers from rasal catarrh who use an atomizer Jn spraying thedis eased membranes. All th healing and soothing proper ties of Cream Balm are retain ed in the new preparation. It does not dry up the secretions j prioe.includlnR sprayincr tub * TOR. AtdrupRists or Ely Bros. . 66 Warren 8t , N. Y. , maU ii What 10 Learn. Learn to laugh. A good laugh is better than medicine. Learn to attend strictly to your own business a very iuiporant point. Learn to tell a story. A well told story is as welcome as a sunbeam in a sick room. Learn the art of saying kind and encouraging things , especially to the young. Learn to avoid all ill-natured re marks , and everything calculated to create friction. Learn to k"eep j'our troubles to your self. The world is too busy to care for your ills and sorrows. Learn to stop croaking. If you cannot see any good in this world , keep the bad to yourself. Learn to hide your aches and pains under a pleasant smile. ! No one cares whether you have the earache , head ache or rheumatism. Learn to greet your friends with a smile. They carry too many frowns hi their own hearts to be bothered with any of yours. Christian Life. Honors For Colonial Mayors. King Edward has conferred the title of lord mayor on the mayors of Melbourne and Sydney in Australia. The turn of the mayors of Montreal and Quebec and Toronto should come next year , Kmjr Udwnrd a Linguist. King Edward is able to speak Hin dustani , and during the coronation he addressed the Indians in their na tive language when they were review ed at Buckingham palace. A Four Cornerea JFiglit. Jim and Lou Sraizer , of near Paris , killed a bald eaule under unusual cir cumstances a few days a jo. It at tacked a Mg turkey. "While it and the turkey were fighting , some crows at tacked the eagle. Theeajile clung to the turkey with its talons while it beat off the crows with its hack and winqs. The contest was getting in teresting when one of the Smizers fired into the fluttering hunch and killed the eagle. It measured seven ty-eight inches from tip to tip. Kan sas City Journal. . Cliicken onp. After plucking a foul carefully , clean the skin with a wet cloth , remove the pin-feathers and singe off the hairs ; then wipe the bird with a wet cloth , and cut the flesh in small pieces , sep arating the bones , but not breaking them so fine as to endanger their re maining in the soup after straining it. Che head and feet are to be skinned and scalded after cutting off the beak and claws , and the heart , liver and gizzard properly cleaned and put into the soup. Allow a quart and a pint of water to each pound of chicken , si ml season rather below the taste , be cause the quantity of soup will be less ened by boiling. Cover the soup ket tie , place it at one side of the lire where it will boil gently for several hours until the meat falls apart ; UK- soup will then be ready to strain , re moving the bones , and finish for the table by the addition of some delicate dumplings , such as batter-flakes or egg-barley dumplings. Floor Stain. Floors that are stained and oiled are easily kept clean. The material costs very little , and any one can apply it. For an oak stain , take raw sienna , adil i little umber to it , and mix half a pirn af linseed oil and one quart of turpeu tine. A tablespoonful of Japan dryei put into the turpentine will make n iry quickly. A cheap dark brown stain , which is better for old floors than : i lighter color , is made by mixing om- fourth of a pound of permanganate of potash in one quart of water. Apply with an old paint brush , and give the Boor two coats if one does'not make it iark enough. After the floor is stained give it a coat of boiled linseed oil. 11 the oiling is repeated every spring ui fall , your floor will always look well. Whole-Wheat Ureatl. Dissolve a cake of compressed yeast In a gill of lukewarm water. Pour into a bowl a pint of milk and stir into tlm i pint of boiling water , add a teaspoon ful each of salt and sugar , and when the mixture is bloodwarm add the dis solved yeast. Stir in a quart of whole wheat flour or enough to make a bat ter. Beat for ten minutes , adding to ward the last enough whole-wheat flour to make a dough that can be kneaded. Turn upon a floured board and knead for ten minutes and set to rise with a towel over it. At the end of three hours knead for five minutes , make into loaves , knead each of these for two -minutes and set to rise for about an hour before baking in a steady Dven. C re of Lamps. Buy the best oil. Fill the lamps by daylight. Lamps should be kept well filled. Never attempt to light a lamp that is only partly filled. Keep the oil can closed and in a cool olace. Lamps to be carried should be of aietal and have handles. See that any hanging lamps you may nave are securely hung. When buying lamps select those in which the end of the burner is consid erably elevated above the body of the 'amp. ' Watch your wicks closely , and change iem before they become too short. If burning oil gets upon the floor , another with woolen blankets or rugs. KRSS a la Cr me. Boil twelve eggs fifteen minutes. Line a dish with very thin slices of bread and fill with layer of eggs cut in slices , strewing them with a little grated bread , pepper and salt ; rub a quarter 01 ! a pound of butter with two tablespoonfuls of flour , put it in a saucepan with a tablespoonful of chopped parsley , a little onion grated , salt , pepper and half a pint of milk or cream ; when hot pour over the eggs ; cover the lop with grated breadcrumbs and put It in the oven , let it heat thor oughly and brown. Corned Hecf Hash. Put in a large frying-pan one ounce of butter ; when hot add four ounces of potatoes and six ounces of corned beef , botii cut in three-sixteenths of , an inch squares. Season with pepper and nutmeg and fry , slowly inclining the pan so that the hash assumes the shape of an omelet. When a fine color drain off the butter , and turn it on to a long dish the same as an ome let. Choco'ate Caramels. Put together in a porcelain-lined saucepan two pounds of brown sugar , a half-pound of good chocolate broken I into bits , and a cup of cold water. Boil until a little dropped in cold wa ter hardens ; stir in two teaspoonfuls of vanilla and two tablespoonfuls of butter , turn into buttered pans and vut into squares. .Lemon Butter Fauce. Put a large tablespoonful of cornstarch - starch , two heaping tablespoonfuls of granulated sugar , a pinch of salt , the grated rind of a lemon and the juice of an ounce of butter and the yolks of two eggs in a saucepan and beat them together until smooth and light ; then add quickly a pint of boiling water ; and cook until it begins to thicken. Taffy Apples. in .Make a thick sirup of sugar and a very little water. Do not stir while ) boiling. When It threads , take off the fire and In five minutes dip the apple * In It Set on paper to drip and dry. Strikes You Any Time. Never know when or where backache pains will strike you. The Kidnej's will go wrong , and when they do , the first warning is generally through the back. Do not fail to help the K i d ne y s w hen they're sick. Neglect means many serious ills ; 'tis only a short step from common backache to Rheu matic pains , urinary disorders , Dropsy , Diabetes , Height's Disease. D o a u ' s Kidney Pills cure all ills of the kidneys and bladder. Head this testimony. It tells of a cure that lasts : Mr. A < W. Lutx , carriage wood work er , of 109 17th avenue , Sterling , 111. , says : "After procuring Doau's Kidney Pills in the month of November , 1807 , I took a course of the treatment which cured me of backache and other annoy ances due to over-excited or weakened kiduej's. During the three years which have elapsed , I have had no occasion to retract one word of my statement made at that time. I now unhesitat ingly and emphatically re-indorse the claims made for Donn's Kidney Pills. A FltEE TRIAL of this great L'id- ney medicine which cured Mr. Lutz will be mailed on application to any part of the United States. Address Foster-Milburn Co. . Buffalo , N. Y. For sale by all druggists , price 50 cents per box. Must be Healthy T < n\n. Norfolk , England , lias four centena rians two men and two women. Thousands of Americans for AVest- crii Canada. "There Avill be thousands of Ameri cans coming up here in the spring , ' ' was the remark made by a farmer from the vicinity of Langdon , North Da kota , when he arrived in Winnipeg , Manitoba , the capital of Western Can ada , a few days since , lie was the advance guard of a large body who are following him , and he has already in vested in several farming sections for himself and others and purposes to take up his permanent abode in this country. Lie went on to say : "Plun- dreds are coming from my district alone. I know this to be a fact , for many of them are neighbors of mine. The chief topic of conversation with the farmers is the coming immigra tion in the spring. " ' 'The impression general in the part of Dakota where I live that farmers can get from 10 to 15 cents more a bushel for wheat on the American side of the line than on the Canadian has not prevented people from turning their eyes to Canada' as a place to live in. They know they can get land in this country which is every bit as fertile as that in Dakota at about one-quarter the price. It is safe to say that the exodus from Dakota into Canada this year will exceed the expectations of oil Canadians. " The Government has established agencies at St. Paul , Minn. ; Onuha , Neb. : Kansas City , Mo. ; Chicago , 111. ; Indianapolis , Ind. ; Milwaukee , Wis. ; Wausau , Wis. ; Detroit , Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette , Mich. ; Toledo , Ohio ; Watertowu , S. D. ; Grand Forks , N. D. , and Great Falls , Mont , and the suggestion is made that by addressing any of these , who arc the authorized agents of the Government , it will be to the advantage of the reader , who will be given the fullest and most au thentic information regarding the re sults of mixed farming , dairying , ranching and grain-raising , and also supply information as to freight and passenger rates , etc. , etc. Town With Short Name. The shortest name possessed by any town or village in Great Britain is Oa , the name of a village in Islay. Metes Car Rnce ICourse. Berlin will shortly possess a motor car race course 938 yards long. In Honor of IVet. . One of the new engines for the Cape railway is to he christened De Wet. Denounces Christian Sci nee. Preacihng on Christian Science at Norwich , England , Dean Lefroy re ferred to its teachings as "raving nonsense. " Time .From Moon to M on. The time from new moon to new moon is twenty-nine f days , twelve hours , forty-four minutes and two and eighty-seven hundredths seconds Through and Through. New Bedford , Mass. , March 2. At G&S First street , this city , lives a very happy man. His name is Ulric Levns- seur and he certainly has good reason to feel glad and proud. Mr. Lerasseur has been sick for a long time with general weakness a'nd a sore pain in his back. At the last he got so very bad that he could not walk without great misery. Now he is well and in speaking of this wonderful change in him he says : "I believe it to be my duty to tell everybody how I was cured. I was so weak that I could not stoop , in fact , I was unable to walk without great pain. began taking Dodd's Kidney Pills and after a two months' treatment 1 am well and sound again. "Dodd's Kidney Pills are a God-sent remedy. I will always praise them for their wonderful cure of my case. They cured me through and through. I am as strong and able a man now as I ever was. " Agriculture in Gr nt Britain. The agricultural returns of Great Britain for 1902 show that the total under crops and grass was 32,387,765 acres' ' , a decrease of 29,480 compared with 1901. Many School Children Are Sickly. Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Children , used by Mother Gray , a nnrse Children's Home , New York , Break up Gelds in 24 hours , cure Constipation , Feverishnesa , Headache , Stomach Trou les. Teething Disorders , move and rej ; iilate the bowels and Destroy Worms. Sold by all druggists or by mail , 25c. Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S. Olmsted. Le Roy , N. Y. of the Skin and Blood HUMOURS , Skin Humours , Scalp Humours , Bab ) BLOOD and every kind of Humour from Pimples to Scrofula , with Premature Loss of Hair , may now be speedily , permanently and economically cured by Cuticura Resolvent , greatest of Blood and Skin Purifiers , assisted by the external use of Cuticura Ointment and Cuticura Soap. Thousands of the world's best people have found instant relief and speedy cure by the use of Cuticura Resolvent , Ointment and Soap in the most torturing and disfiguring of ITCHING , BURN ING , and SCALY HUMOURS , ECZEMAS , RASHES , ITCH- INGS and INFLAMMATIONS. Thousands of Tired , Fretted Mothers , of Skin-Tortured and Disfigured Babies , of all ages and conditions , have certified to almost miraculous cures by the Cuticura Remedies when the best medical skill has failed to relieve , much less cure. Cuticura Treatment is local and constitutional complete and perfect , pure , sweet and wholesome. Bathe the affected surfaces with Cuticura Soap and Hot Water to cleanse the skin of Crusts and Scales and So ten the Thickened Cuticle , dry without hard rubbing , and apply Cuticura Ointment freely to allay Itching , Irritation , and Inflammation , and Soothe and Heal , and lastly take Cuticura Resolvent to Cool and Cleanse the Blood , and put every function in a state of healthy activity. To those who have suffered long and hopelessly from Humours of the Blood. Skin and Scalp , and who have lost faith in doctors , medicines , and all things human , Cuticura Remedies appeal with a force hardly to be realized. Every hope , every expectation awakened by them has been more than fulfilled. More great cures of Simple , Scrofulous , and Hereditary Humours are daily made by them than by all other Blocd and Skin Remedies combined , a single set being often sufficient to cure the most distressing cases when all else fails. CUTICURA REMEDIES are sold throughout the clvllUed world. PRICES : Cuticura Resol- vert , 50c. per bottle ( in the form of Gborolate Coated Pills , 2 > . per vial of GO ) . Cuticura Ointment , 50c. per bo\ . and Cutleiira Soap , lioc. per cake- . Send for the great work. "Iluaonrs of the Blood. Skin .ind Scalp , and How to Cure Tlieui , " Ol Pages , 300 Dis eases , with Illustrations , Testimonials , and Directions in nil languages , inihiding Japanese and Chinese. Uritish Depot , 27-28 Charterhouse Scj. , London. K. C. I-'roueli Depot. 5 Rue - de la I'aix , Paris. Australian Depot. R. Towns & Co. , Sydney POTTER DRUG AND CilKUl- ICAL CORPORATION , Sole Proprietors. Huston. U. S. A 3Ia < ltm Fatti's Talio aii. " MadameePatti , it is said , preserves as a talisman the boots she wore at her debut over forty years ago. Jatr Lioo ey Socketed The human jaw is very loosely sock eted in the skull , so that it is often dislocated by the mere act of yawn ing. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between envy and emulation. WESTERN CANADA If > attracting more attention than any other district In the world "THE GRANARY OP THE WORLD. " THE LAND OF SUNSHINE. " The NATCRAL FEEDING GROUNDS for STOCK Area unu > r Crop In 1002 1,987,330 Acre * . Yield in JD03 117a3a,7i 4JJn8hel * . Abundance of Water ; Fuel , Plentiful. Cheap Bnlld * intr Muterin I ; Good Gn - 3 for j natures and Hay.n f ertili oil. a sufficient ramfall , and a climate giving a $ assured aud adequate Beacon of growth , llomexteat Lands of 1GO Acres Free , the only charpe being SU entry. Clo e to Churches , Schools , etc. ; Bailuruyg tap all se tied districts. S nd for Atlns and other literature to Superin tendent of Immierntion. Ottawa , Canada , or tc W. V. Bennett. 801 New York Life Bldg. , Oaiaha. vcK tfco authorize * ! Canadian GovbranJTt IB * " " * * * " - - - - * ii DO ST TOO Over 2,000.000 people are now buy ing goods from us at , wholesale prices savins 15 to 40 percent on every thing they use. You can do it too. "Why not &sk us to send you our 1,000- page catalogue r it tells the story. Send 15 cents for it today. CHICAGO The house that tells the truth. a Bbl. -Lnrse : t erowergof Seed Potatoe * In America. erj : zer r- \VUcon In a yield of 74Q bn. per o. Prlf e dirt cheap. Mammoth need book and ram pie of TeoMnte , Speltz. JIacnronJ Wheat , G& bu. per a. , Gluut Clover , etc..upon receipt of 10c postage. JOHN A. SALZER SEED CO. La CTOMC , Wit , Use For The first electrical fire engine rim with power secured by tupping street railway or electric light wires is in successful use in Kouen. France. ISest TJIUH to Wo k. Tolstoy believes thnt tte best time lor literary work is between 9 a. in. fc and 3 p. in. , and he seldom writes at other times. "What Luck ! " LJBBY X-tTNCHEONS made ready m a few monfents. The Wafer Sliced Smoked Beef , Pork and Beans. Veal ! Loaf , Potted Chicken , and lota of peed things to eat. Are U. S. Government Inspected Keep in the house for emergencies for suppers , for sandwiches for any time when you want something jrood and want it quick. Yon simply turn a .key and the can is open. An appetizing lunch ia ready in an instant. Libby , McNeil ! & . Libby" Chicago , III..U.S.A. "Write for cur free booklet "JIow to Make Good Things to Eat" GREGORY'S Found reliable Catalogue free. J. J. n. R rceory & So * Marblchesul , llant. oar Medicines. Tol- let Preparations and Flavoring Extracts. tmutac-ion gpnrantsed or money xefnnded , LIB- ? MIipOMMl6S10NS. Fair deal ln r. _ Write at one * . LEWIS , IVINS A CO. , De t