THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. M RICE EDITOR ' UBLIbHED EVKBY THUKSDAV. * ut red at the Post-office at Valentine , Cherry frtuntv. Nebraska , as Second-class matter. Lit SOCIETIES , K. . of P. CbERRY LODGE NO. 1C9 meet * 1ft ami 3rd Friday ol eaeli mouth at 8:30. C. M , HUNTEK , C. S. GOULD. C.C. K.ofK.fc. S. Meets Thursday night each week , AMOS ItANUALL , J , T. K.KKLEY , N , U. Sec'y. A. 31. X O JLOsS.- Meek Sat Tu-.sday each month T. C , HOKNBY , W , W , THOMPSON , W. SI. Sec'y. A. O. U. W. KO.7O.-Meets 1st and 3rd Mun day oi each mouth. . A , PKTTYCKEW , U. G , DUNN , M. W. Kecordei. I DfcUKUKOtt 11O\OR AO. 110. Meets 2nd and 4tn Moudaj each month. N ETTA BKOWN , INEZ , PETTYCIIEW , C. of H. Recorder. M. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each mouth. ii. V. JSicuoLSON , W. E , HALEY , V.n. - Clerk. PBATJBKXAL. UA'IOX NO , 508-Meets every baturtai ulgh J. A.UOKNBACK , fi. D , CLAUK , F , M. Sec'j. BOlCAli NE1 HBOJC . Meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdayo each mouth. MAUY QUIGLEY , MINNIE DANIEL , _ . Oracle. llec. Senn and Daughters of Protection JLodco A'o. G. Meets 2nd and 4tb Fridays eauh month. HKNIIY GKAHAM , Mrs. JENNIE LKWIS , PLQB. Sec'y lloyal HiKhtanderH , Devon n tle.\o. 2O1. Meets 3nd Friday eaea mouth. KDCLAHK , .E.HALEY. i I. P , Sec'y. ( Charles II. Faulhahyr t'd Hereionls o tlyaiti. No. 74i s. atht-ad ol herd. Young buil * from f. to 18 month * Ui for HENRY AUGUSTON - Blacksmith Brown ! * < , X Does general blHcksmithingat IIHP times prirea for cash. PAT HETT riioil. Hard Km-k for ali'in anv H.M CRAMER , hi City Deliveryman. Trunks , valises and packages hauled to Hurt troiu the d poi aud all p < irts of tlie City ! it W. A. KTMBELL . Barber First-class Shop in Ever } Ltespuct Euii de Qnliiiiif Hair Tonic , .oMeu Star iiair Tonic. Ut-rpicidf and ( 'ok ! s D.tiiliuir < ' 1un5. Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream LEEOY LEACH Coiiiuy Surveyor or UKNKICAI uo K ruojii ri.AITK CKIm JOHiN i'ORAIH Tubular \vcll > anil \ \ iiidinillb. A. M. MORKIbSEY ' . Attorney at Law it A. iX. COMi'TOiN Physician and Surgeon 'Otfirt'dt < qJui ri - \ A : Cl I 'i ii i > tt > rt Nijrliii * Tlil l > ii- nhfi ii'si leiice , i lit-rn ire < -i - .Kdwurd S Fwray Physician ann Surgeon Office Fmtenial Hall or El liot t't > Drug Store liluitl ! F. M. WALCOTT / Pra.'rt . . in I Istiict < * onri .nut I H l uid "flirt lf a ! . - ( * ' : 'i * F. E. AM. V.B.R. TIME TABLE U RMBBtf MMHPBMVt WEST No. 27 Fit. Dally 2-33 P. fit. No. 25 * * except Sunday 9:40 A. M No. 3 FassenKer Bally 12:49 A. M. EABT BOUND No. 28 Frt. Dally C:50 A. M. NoZf " exceptSuuday 5:00P.M. NO. 4Passenger Dali > 4:47A.M. MILL PRICES FOB FEED. Bran , hulk 75 psr cwt $14.00 ton Shorts bulk 85 per cwt , $16.00 ton Screenings 70c " $13.00 " Chop Feed . . . . 1.05 $20.00 Corn 95 $18.00" Chopoorn . .1.00 - $19.00 " . . .1.20 $23.00" John Nicholson , Dentist. Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22 and 23rd of each month. Reserve your work for him. Office at Donoher House. ET1A BROWN SUP , . PUBLIC INSTRUCTION Examination Third Saturday of each month and Friday preceding. * ALENTJNE NEBRASKA Moses & Hoffacker. Simeon , : ebr 3 on right or loft O shoulder of hors es O on left Jaw. H on left side. It on left thigh i. N. Moses yy left side t W r'shr shoulder O hip. The Commoner , Mr. Bryan's paper will be especially interesting and in structive during the present session of congress. The action of this congress will probably determine the issues up on wliich the next presidential cam paign will be fought. The Commoner proposes to carry on a campaign of ed ucation and organization to the end tha * democratic principles may triumpn In addition to the editorial depart ment , which comes Mr Bryan's per sonal attention , the ' 'ominoner eon tains a Current Topic department , wherein a uon partisan difecu.-siou of topics of timelv inteiesi and other val uable information will i e found. The Home Department is conducted ty an experienced woman who is widely kno 'ii us a writer of household topics and who is an auihoriton the art of cooking in all that the. term implies This department alon is worth ihe subscription price The other depart ments of ihi * paper are all interesting and abl > conducted , among which is a Mini man ol < hi' wotld'h ne s told in narrative stx le. and Air M.npins de- partui > nt Wh ther Common or Not contains original anecdote * and uit , moral les-ons in homeh phrase and Verse , and appeals to old amiouiii : alike. The Commoner s .1 whole is clean , entertaining and instructive , and its rapid increase in circulation now amounting 140 000 is proof of the paper's stn nu'h ami influence. . Arrai geme ts bav * been made with Mr Kigali \vherebv The Commoner can OH supplied at a ven low rate with THE VALENTINE MEMOCICAT iioih pap pr foi one . \ ear for 51 65 1 his offei applie > - to ' > oth new aii < J reiiHwul sub Sfiipiion- , anilhoiild lie take advant age of wiihout lea ! . All ord M . should besentiol HICK. Valentine. Nebr L ; J AL. OF FEB. Ah our tanner readers should take advantage ot the unprecedented cluh- biny offer wt- this > ear make , which includes with i hi- pipr The lionit- slead , its . - > peciFarmers' Institute Ktli'ions .intl Thr oultrx Fcirmer. Ttiese three publications are tne ie."t of their clat-s md should h * . m every farm home To tnem we add , lor lo cal , count } .md t'rneral news , our paper , and nMk.tut - price ot the four one year only SJ53L.2S. Never bi- fore v\as t-o inucii &np < rior reading tuatier olft-red lor so MIJ.III an , imount of uioney. Tne tliree papers named , xvbich we club A-ith our own , are well known ihroujihout the West , and commend Hiem-elve to thr reader's .itu ntion upon mere nn ntion The Home stvad i- the yrerii agricultural ind .ive - lock p.ipr ot the West PuPoulirx Farmer is the most prac tical poultrv paper for the farmer , xvhile the Special Harm.-rs' lustiiute ' Editions arc tiu inot t pr.iciicai publi cations tor the piouioiion ot good farminu ever published Take - advantage vantage of thir. tin-at offer , as it will ' hold jiood for a short Lime oni > e papers twj\ hrx 4t I The Greatest of its Kind. The excellent record of the"Mer- cantile"is attracting much attent ion. It now has in Nebraska over seven thousand policy holders and over six million dollars of insur- ence in force. It has annually for five years on an average declared to its policy holders a div idend of 15 to 20 per cent ; that is , it has saved in cost to its policy holders that much. There is no man but what would like to be in a business that would yield him 20 per cent profit. The Mutual In surance Journal. The Mutual Insurance people of the state can be proud of the fact that Nebraska has within its board ers some of the very strongest Mutual companies in the world , Many both farm and city whose poli cies are as good as gold anywhere and the reputation of which goes unquestioned. Among the number none are better than the Farmers Mutual Insurance Company and The Nebraska Mercantile Mutual Insurance Company , both of Lin coln , and the Trans-Missi&sippi Mutual Fire Association of Oma ha , and our readers should carry in these companies all of the insur ance they can place with them up to the full amount desired. No person claims but that in case of loss they are fairly treated and when the amount is agreed upon , paid promptly. The Mutual In surance Journal. These companies are represent ed by I. M. Rice of Valentine. In these companies together with the German Mutual of Omaha he has written thousands of dollars of in surance for people in Valentine , Crookston , Cody , Merriman , Gordon , Wooklake and through out Cherry Co. There has never been a question as to the reliability of .these mutual companies and those holding policies in them can testify to t'he saving in cost of in surance. There should be no dis crimination against them because they have saved thousands of dollars lars to policy holders , and insur ance rates have been lowered 25 per cent by virtue of the existence of these companies , in which even those opposed to mutual insurance have profited. They insure city and farm property , school houses and churches. " row ! - J Thompson and family 'have moved 10 Grand Island J R Lee retuined from Omaha just ttter the storm John Dedleisen broke an axle on his way to Thediord Saturda > with a load ot coal Our enterprising Julius Heckman returned ounday irom aisit to Grand Island and vicinity Mrs C. J. Palmer , ot Thedford , ior- inerlv a teacher here , was visiting his niee 1 lends the tirst oi the week. Most ol the stocic here went thro trie recent storm in jjood shape How ever eight head belonging to Frank Lee drilled iuto the Loup and died. UBSEUVER. Googiu < * rumblings w r yuesa ifjat is about time lor It arm up. V A. " iibUM v\eiu out aid .helped Mr Bracken , uutcher. Ouve ana Eva oodrulf cauie in aim spent oundctv at A O. Colman a il . - \ L\uns , went to Lroonctou last . -laiuru.i uiorniufi and returned oun Ua > night. Fieii Elliott ua& moved in LOV n Irom jr KutnieUtuer's raucu Monday < inU Bet u moved on jar. ) * . uiiionw anu JS'oia % v eintcu ; \'ere in town aaiurua and auuda > iniung at cue noine oi U A. Wilson. K v L. < ms was in and gave iue -o.ioui a ver. ) nice taik and U will lieip all -ic pupu u me. ) nl but utfiQ it vlr. vuUeiaOii ua uiouyilL aio uryan i'u vti iur me protracied i Ue scholars arc glad ol u lor 11 u us in uur singing. vX e ait uegliining lo tuliiKiLii.ti 1 i- , Lime lot tne Groryia pupils to wake up ud iVc ail eatci tainuii nt anil t > .o > v tne tiuOhc what tncj aic made ol Report of school district No. 50 of Arabia , Nebr. , for month end ing Feb. 25,1903. Number of pupils - . pils enrolled , IT ; average daily at tendance , 1-L Report of school district No. 49 for the month beginning Jan. 12th and ending Feb. 16. Number of pupils enrolled , 14 ; average daity attendance , 12 ; visitors : Mr. and Mrs. Poland , Ira Steele and Com fort Starr. ALTA STARR , Teacher. Cur ions Bill For Repairs. The authorities of an'old church in Belgium recently decided to make some repairs to its in terior furnishings , and employed an artist to touch up a very large painting. When the artist presented his bill the committee in charge re fused lo pay it unless the .details were specified- The next day the bill was handed in intemized as follows : fr. c. To correcting the Ten Commandments , em bcllisbing Pontius Pilate and putting new ribbons on his bonnet 8 50 Putting tail on rooster of St. Peter and mending bis comb 4 00 Replumiug and gilding left wing of the Guardian Angel G 25 Washing the servant ol the High Priest , and putting carmine on his cheeks 5 00 Renewing beayen , adjusting the stars , and cleaning up the moon 7 00 Touching up purgatory and restoring lost eouls , 8 75 Brigbtning up the flames of Hell , putting new tail on the devil , mending bis hoof and doing sever ? ! odd jobbs for the damned..12 00 Kebordering the robes of Herod and adjust ing his wig 5 00 Taking the spots off the son of Tobias 4 'M Cleaning Balaam's ass , and putting one shoe on bun I 70 Putting errings in Sarah's ears 1 75 Putting a new stone in Davids sling , enlarg ing the head of tioliath , and extending Saul's leas 600 Decorating Noah's ark and partially dress- ingham 400 Mending the shirt of the Prodigal son and cleaning his left ear . .3 00 TJtal 74 05 jfoie < Ureek. Report of school district No. 19 for month beginning Feb. 2 , and ending Feb. 27. Number of days taught 20 ; number of pupils en rolled , 2i ; average daily attend ance , 22 ; those being neither ab sent nor tardy were : Mary and Edward Tice , Herman and Fred Tirnm , Floyd , Olaf . and Leila Al exander , Joel Waddill , Blanche , Earl and Florence Parker , Mabel Fairhead , and Edith Haslow. New school seats and desks have / been added to the school room this month. It not only improves the appearance of the school room , but adds greatly to the comfort of the pupils. JENNIE VANBUSKIRK , Teacker. BE -oe TJided Hi- r- . rti < - , tieo O : . the Honor * ' < ft t\\ \ i r : ntvns a great iuii"- : uf rolwiJC'l I liouias Ochiltree ' 'iicl i. . . . niaii.of . the men of Gah'cstou a ! jealous. As a result they once plnnm ' an Incident whereby they would I' . miliate Ochiltree. Grant was to * . % at Galvestou after his trip to S ' . . Anierioa. and the committee did Uo , put ( k-Liltw's name on the list of dis tiniiuisbed nen to meet him. Ochiltree bided his time , as he wa > never known to complain , and did not go to the ship to welcome General Grant. He t ok a vantage point in tli crowd that tilled the streets in front the Treuiotit House. Fie was beh.r'i two rows of celebrities who were d < u- : guard duty along the edges of a ci-'n son carpet which ran from the lie. steps to the curb. The reception coi ; mittce. or part of it. was standing \ - the hotel d " . waiting to give the gou eral the glad. onu1 hand. Ochiltree watched until the genera i and Mrs. Grant had strpp-d from th carnage , and then he nulled throuj'i- the line. He rushed do'n the crinu-oi ! carpet , shook heartilj th < ' hand of hi * old friend and. offering his arm t Mrs. Grant , marched proudly through the rank and tile of the leading citizen * : into the h : > t 1 The i.ob outside de uiandrd a speech from the general and. roii'-titinnji1. If'iiself a conmiittw of one. f'olOchilir'e ! appeared with him in rlu > hotel balcony and intro duce I Gr. . as on > of his best , truest uid i/rave ' : ' ' ! - This was the last time the r.uu in Gaheston tried to snub bun at a social function. ft Made tllstory. Such ; : si 'u circnrnstance as a glass cf Avin .1 : ; < ? ! the history of Franc" fnu ; , 'ity years Louis Phi lip ; * * ! ; * ; . f lb. French , had a son. tin : . . n ? Orl a us ? , and Ir.'ir to the thror.e v. n. always drank only a cer tain numiKT of glasses of wine , be cars. ' even : < more made him tipsy On a in nn . morning he forgot to count HiMi.iUT ; of his glasses and tic * i. . m than usual. When en ter . . , Itis ca.r.age. he stumbled , fright ening th ; > horses and causing them to run In attempting to leap from the carriage his ! : ad struck the paw'inent. and he soon/fliPd. " That glass of wine overt hr . % Orleans rule , confiscated thr ; piviri > f I'LMHHUHM ) and sent the v/h , le f.i-ly into exile. Mi7Vh i * . tin- matter dear ? Clara 1" < 'airement with Charley is broken May List 1 thought you intended to break it ? Tiara -So I did. but the wretch went .1 J i rokc it himself. It doesn't cost accent to be a gentle man , butvit may cost you your life to COAL AND THE TARIFF Congress Could Give Relief , but It Will Not. WHAT EEPUBLIOAK LEADEES PEAB Compliance Wltk the Preildemt' * Recommendation Wovld Open , tke Qvection * f Protection to Traits and Force the Cowards to Meet the Dreaded Iiane. The president. In his message to con gress , recommended that the duty on anthracite coal be abolished. One or more bills to amend the Dingley tariff bill have been introduced in congress to that end , but the committee -which they have been referred has taken no action. It is stated , semiofficially , that the Republicans in congress have deter mined not to report any bill that will "meddle with the tariff , " as even sucb an innpcer.t bill as one to remove the duty on anthracite coal would if re ported be open to amendment and thus start up the whole question of reformIng - Ing the protective tariff. A vote upon an amendment to such a bill would put all the members of con gress on record , and most of the Re publicans do not care to be recorded as being opposed to taking off the duty on trust products that are being sold to foreigners cheaper than to the American people. A great many Re publican congressmen would be be tween the devil and the deep sea if they were compelled to record them selves on this issue. Some of them , perhaps enough to carry an amend ment , might vote with the Democrats. To have a number of Republicans vote to place trust products on the free list would be disastrous to that partjas it would show a split on an important issue and would perhaps lead to fur ther demoralization. Thus to save the Republican party from exposing its lack of unanimity even the recommendation of President Roosevelt for the removal of the duty on anthracite coal remains unnoticed by the party leaders , and this slight re lief to the people is denied. If the president had also included bituminous conl in his recommendation , his case would have been much stron ger , for free soft coal would give great er relief to the coal consumers than free hard coal. There have been some- importations of what is called Scotch and Welsh anthracite co : ; ! under the stress of tlie present coal famine , but as it ranks but little better than the good qualities of bituminous coal It is not very salable at the price which is demanded for it , nor would it be if the dujy of 67 cents per ton was not added to its cost. On the other hand , frn bituminous coal would greatly relieve the distress now prevailing at th. eoa- board cities , for the Nova Scotia coal would compete at New York and Bos ton , and every ton imported woU re duce the demand for anthracite by one- half or two-thirds , the relative valu of the coals varying somewhat fc- hcating purposes. The importation of Nova Scotia conl. free of duty , would therefore relieve the situation and help to regulate the price and keep it within the bounds of reason. It would allow more coil : to be shipped from the mines to the western states by reducing the quantity needed at the seaboard. It would also relieve the railroads of that much freight and allow thrin to hurry forward the much needed conl. 'which they now say they are unable tn carry in sufficient quantities to supply half the demand. Free coal , both anthracite and bitu minous , Is therefore an immediate ne cessity to every one. aid yet congress delays to pass this most necessary leg islation. For partisan reasons the Re publicans have decided that the tariff issue must not be opened for discus sion. This may be "letting well enough alone" from the standpoint of Senator Hauna.who is a mine owner and who is piling up riches by charging exor bitant prices for his ccal. but it is cruel and inhuman to the suffering poir and is robbery of those in better circum stances. The political necessities of the lie- publican party are so interwoven with the trusts , it so relies upon the trusts for campaign funds , that the leaders who dominate congress will not allow any bill changing the present tariff law to come up for consideration. The Democrats would have the right to of fer amendments to such a bill when it reached the stage of committee of the whole , and if a bill was reported to place anthracite coal on the free list the Democrats would propose to in clude all coal. Amendments would also be offered to put trust products on the free list , and that is what the Re publican leaders fear. Thus the ab ject misery that comes from lack of fuel is intensified by the grasping par tisans wlio control the congress of the United States. The trust mother , the tariff , must not be touched even to a hair of her head to prevent the suffer ing and loss of life that are sure to fol low if free trade in coal is not at once provided for. The Tariff on Conl. "What has become of the president's recommendation that the "tariff on an thracite coal should be removed and anthracite put actually where it now Is nominally , on the free list ? " This was the one recommendation of his message that met with universal approval among the common people , who wish that he bad gone further and asked for the removal of the tariff oti all coal. But congrus * . seems no more disposed to give the'jtople partial than com plete relief from the oppression of the ppal * _ luoncocly . - * urnier . * > tlie tariff. Chica- THE TARIFF SPLIT. Evidence That the "Iowa Idea" Is Not Dead. LEADER UPHOLDS IT EDITORIALLY Tlie IlOi > ; : blIcau Congrrein Kefnacs tr > Act Tli Democratic Party tke Only C..c Honently F Trorlnij Tariff Refer : . ; People lloblied of 9.1OO- 000,000. The "Iowa idea" that the tariff "fos ters trusts is showing sporadic activity , although It has made but little head way In our Ilepublican ruled congress. The Des Monies Leader , which is now owned by George E. Roberts , director of the mint , is prodding its Republican brethren to flee from the wrath to come and mend the tariff while it may. Among other things the Leader says : "Toda3 * one corporation in this coun try makes more steel than all England and boasts of Its ability to make It more cheaply than any foreign country. And yet -we maintain a tariff on iron and steel that during the last four years has enabled this concern and its con stituent companies to mulct the con sumers to an amount probably equal to the cost of all their plants. To defend such duties in the name of Hamilton is preposterous and to treat then : as a part of the protective system Is to dis credit and weaken it. That any news paper in a state like Iowa should seri ously defend them and attempt to read a man out of the Republican party for objecting to them shows how a party has drifted from the old , the original , the legitimate and the defensible policy of protection. " From this it may be judged that the Republican party in Iowa at least is split wide open on the tariff and trust Issues. The reform element is doomed to disappointment. The next Repub lican national convention will declare for protection , though that gathering may qualify the declaration by saying that when the time conies the p.irty of procc io'i i..ay be relied on to amend the tari.7 in the interest of that theory. But to reform the tariff 'by abolishing or reducing the dmies would put mnny of the trusts out of business , and where would i he G. O. P. be then , with their chief subser.bers to the campaign fund refusing to contribute ? The Democrats are all united on tar iff reform. They want to see trst : prod ucts placed on the free list , ( 'specially those that the combines are selling co per to foreigners tian to the home m rket. Leaving out thtse trust arti cles , there are a dozen principal prod ucts that this country now imports that produce 7o per cent of the revenue from customs duties. The remaining 23 per cent , or ; ibout $150.000,000. is surplus revenue that is piling up in the treas ury and leads only to extravagant ap propriations by congress. So that of the -1,000 articles that are now taxed by the tariff nearly all could be placed on the free list without reducing the reve nues of the government mere than they should be reduced for its economical administration. The cost to the people of the tariff tax on the 4.000 articleso/er and above the duty that the government receives is more than $300.000.000. This amount is pocketed by the trusts. Tlie Mother of the Dad Trust * . Shepnrd Quotes History. In answer to the statement so frc- qucntluinde by Republicans that free trade and adversity are synonymous and interchangeable terms Mr. Ed ward M. Shepard in bis Reform club sprceh on Dec. 19 opaned tbc pages of history and exposed the fallacy of this claim. llt said that there had been three prrlous of free trade in this coun try. all periods of prosperity. He ref - f erred to that from 1783 to 1S12 as the first and to the qne which began with the tariff of 1S4G as .the second and then for the third to the present day , "when our f ircigu trade is dwarfed by our internal trade. " "At this time , * ' he went on. "our trade with all other lands is utterly Insignificant w-hen corn- par-d with our intrst : ti ? trade , the ratio tie i-cin : ! < * or 13 to 1. ' " and "no protec tion's : can fail to ascribe the enormous pros ] ) rty < : f th ? 1 = 0:1 a try to the free -xcharjjs of commodities in the United Slates. " We should not forgot any of tlu-se facts The last one is most important of alS. It is only In recent years that our ii tnrnal trade , a.l frs.1. has 'Iwarfo.l In v lnive imiJortaice iur foreJcn : > . M3n trr- : ? Is nivr free within frce : : K o Vi'.cccsst'ufiy ju llide ex- :