Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 05, 1903, Image 4

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Thursday , March 5 , 1903
Subscription-51.00 per year in advance ; S1.60
When not paid in advance , Single copies 5c.
Display advertising 1 Inch single column I5c
per issue or § 0.00 a year.
Local Notices , Obituaries , Lodge Resolution-
and Socials lor Revenue 5c per line per Issue
Brands. 1H Irrlies $4.00 per j ear I advance
additional 3'00perincuperyearenjraved ;
blocks extra ; $ i < 0facn.
Parties living - > utslde Cherry county not per
sonally known -.c requested to pay In advance
10 per cent additional to above rates If over 6
ioutlis la arrears.
Notices otlosses of stock free to brand adver *
Some rulers rule with a high hand
and wear themselves out in time.
Others arc so blame full of schemes
that the Devil wouldn't trust them
fo'r a minute.
The Farmers' Institute will be
postponed until some time the lat
ter part of March or the first of
April on the account of Dr. Peters
not being able to be here at the
date formerly advertised for the
meeting. Watch for future an
It makes a diifcrcncc as to who
wants favors. Some will ask them
for their friends. Others arc
cheeky enough to ask for them
selves. Others like Johnny , who
wanted the teacher to lick Jim be
cause Jim had eaten a piece of pie
that Johnny wanted to eat.
it will pay the people of every
community to look out for high
handed schemes during the de
velopment oftheir" resources.
There's alwa"ys a chance to shut
off a deal that.would be detriment
al to the best interests of the com-
munity'if you'll work at the prop
er time.
.The selfishness of humanity is
clearly manifested where" dollar
squeezers try to rope in IFncle
. ' Sam's' .employees to fight mercan-
' tiie battles ostensibly and in reality
arc-employees of the element they
assist. Broad minded -nicn who
imagine the'Post Check Currency
System will be'favored because it
. furnishes -an--easy way p- send
money do not look at the Mail Or
der houses' wno hope to thrive by
the Post Check and by the assist
ance of Uncle Sam's clerks' .
s The Kural free delivery system
upon which Uncle Sam has spent
thousands of dollars has been a
success in some ways. Thousands
of people have been benefitted and
and" there arc abuses which are
cropping out here and there which
in -measure counteract the good
results. " Tliere a'retpeople in this
world who try to imagine that the
world jwags for them alone and
that everything is being done for
them alone. The Mail Order
Houses now pushing the Post
Check Currency System expect to
use the Kural Delivery mail routes
to further their interests , act as
their agents and conduct their
stores with the assistance af Uncle
Sam's clerks. . „ .
Miss "Wren Donoher is clerking
fo ? T. C. Hornby.
Jos. Spirk and wife , of Neligh ,
are visiting in the city.- i
Mrs. Hett , mother of Pat Hctt ,
died at her home .west of this city
last Sunday.
A. M. Morrissey was given a
pleasant surprise Tuesday night
in honor of his birthday.
4 >
4Mrs. . Wni. Steele and children
went up to Gordon Sunday night
to visit with her father and mother.
I f
Mrs. Lillie wits found guilty of
murdering her husband at David
City. The jury recommended a
life sentence. d
W. H. Wilkinson , of Kennedy , Ci
came into town the first of the \
week and called to visit with the tl ;
editor. Ho icHs us that there will CJ
be a public dance at the home of tl
3. S. Grange , near Oasis , on Mch.
. . . ' . Mi
Will Shelbourn brought a load
of onions in from his place on the
Snake river Tuesday and sold to
our business men.
The ladies of the Christian En
deavor will give a dime social in
Davenport's hall , Friday evening ,
March 6 , at 7:30. All arc cordial
ly invited.
Miss Pease , a sister to Mrs. M.
E. Harden , assisted us last week
on press day < to get out the DEMO
CRAT. Miss Pease has worked in
the office of her brother on the
Charles Mix New Era , of South
The DEMOCRAT comes out a day
late this week caused by the roller
carriage of our press breaking
while printing the first side of the
paper. We promptly sent Law
rence , the younger" manager in
chief over for blacksmith Breuk-
lander who came in and began
cleaning up the'wreck. . The press
is again in good running order as
you can see by. this paper.
The editor was surprised this
week by receiving a-box by ex
press from Lees Summit , Mo. ,
which upon opening we found to
be a box of the popular Missouri
smoking tobacco which was.raised
on the farm of our uncle , Frank
M. , Alley who lives two miles north
* * / r *
of Cpckrelt , Mo. , Last July while
visiting him we saw the tobacco
growing and walked up and down
the rows of the "long gre'on" which
now through the generosity of that
good old -Missouri farmer we
are permitted to again puff .the
smoke of the natural leaf which
is more appreciated than a clear
Hayana. _ "Mayhelive long and
prosper" is the wish of his nephew , ,
who will never forget' the pleasant
hours passed in his company. We
hope to again visit with the whole
souled , ' good people of Jackson
countyMo. . , and spend more time
with them on another visit.
* *
The DEMOCRAT is not in favor of
the Town Board . allowing a . citizen
_ _ - , <
to use" its name for the purpose of
securing from the -government , a.
tract of land that was' ordered sold
to the city for a park in a special-
bill in congress which citi
zens and residents of this cifcy re
quested in a petition to that honorable -
* *
orable body. We think that the
land which is mentioned in that
bill , amounting to 720 acres , is
worth more money to our city
than the money required to pay for
it , which by congress was fixed at
§ 2-00 per acre. Our town can pay
the money required for the pur
chase of the land and it will be a
good investment. If the town
should go before congress , however -
or with a second petition to co
gress to cede the land to the citj
for the bencfit'of a sta'te norma
school which is to be located here
by our legislature , or for the use
of-our city , I believe that our town
can have and own the whole tracj
of 720 acres as , provided in the bil
without the payment of a dollar.
Much greater gifts have been made
for. less worthy objects by con
.From The iin worth Herald
Mrs. Minnie Brayton , of Valen
tine , visited .with her parents at
this place this week.
Will Steele was down from Val
entine Monday looking after his
farm south .of town and visiting
old-friends here.
Daniel S. Narber , late of Sheri
dan county , Kansas , last Saturday
bought the Val Nicholson farm
south of town , near the James
Briggs farm. He will build a new
house at onne and become a citizen
of Brown county. We welcome
Iiirn to the best -county in the best
state in the union.
Village Nominations.
The electors of Hhc Village of
Valentine are called to meet in the
district court room of the county
ourt house , at S o'clock p. m. ,
Wednesday , March 11 , 1903 , for
he purpose of nominating three
candidates for Village Trustees on
lie Citizens Ticket. - , '
. .C. H. CORNELL , n
I A Few of His Difficulties.
An Indian Territory editor has
this to say of his work :
' "Editing a newspaper is a pleasant
ant- business if you can stand it.
"If it contains many advertise
ments a subscriber complains that
they take up too much space. If
there is a lack of advertising it is
unpopular and the people won't
have it.
"If we attend church regular
they say we go for effect. If we
stay away from churcli. they , say
we are monstrously heathenish.
" "If we accept an invitation to a
wedding they say that we were
only invited to write it up.
"If we go to the opera house
they say we go on free tickets. If
we arc seen upon the streets too
often they say we neglect our
business. If we- avoid going on
the street they say we don't hustle
around after the news.
"If we publish a man who has
brought disgrace upon his family ,
the friends of the family never
forgive us. If we , out of goodness
of heart , decline to say anything
on the subject , the man's enemies
are disappointed and we are brand
ed as white livered cowards. "
From The Cody Cow Hey
Andrew Steele and wife return
ed Monday morning from their
Canadian visit , having spent five ;
weeks viewing old home scenes
and mingling -with relatives andf
old friends. Mrs.Steele visited 'a
sister whom she had not seen for1
32 years. While they enjoyed
their visit immensely , they are glad *
to get back to Cherry county.
One of the changes made by the-
F. E. & M.'V. , is thex discharge of
all stock solicitors. This relieves
"Stock Agents B. F. Carter and
Mr. Leaver. The company proposes -
poses to take care of what business ,
that comes to it unsolicited , and al-'i
low its heretofore solicitors to hunt ,
another ( job , and this seems to us * , a.
sensible move in the' interestsof ,
economy. Other campanies have !
adopted'the same plan and it isfce-i
.lj&.tf < jd that the business will now go'
where it naturally belongs , with ,
no expense to the companies to se
cure it.
Mary Stasch , wife of Joseph
Stasch , Sr. , died ! very suddenly at
her home near Nenzel on last Wed-1
nesday , February * 1S , 1903 , aged
59 years ! Mrs. Stasch seemexl in j
usual health and was preparing to '
visit a sick neighbor. When in !
the act of putting her coat on she
fell backward on the floor , dead.
She was buried the following Fri-
'day , February 20. The deceased
was born in Germany , Feb. 14 ,
1844. She was married to Joseph
Stasch in 1864 : , and ten years later
they came to America , and April
27 , 1887 , they came from ; Wiscon-
.sin to the home in Cherry county ,
where she' died. Mrs. Stasch was
the mother of IS children , 14 of
whom are living. She was always
a kind and dutiful wife and moth
er , and an excellent neighbor.
The funeral services will be held
some time in the future. She was
a member of the Catholic church.
Onste Butterfly
Robert Boward WAS transnctinjf
business in Oasis Monday.
One of the worst storms of the sea
son was experienced last week.
Mrs. C. F. Cooper has had quite a
sick babe but is reported better now.
Butch White and twin brothers
dined at Ed Harris' Sunday enroute J
to Valentine. j
Geo. Sawyer bought W. H. Wilkin-
son's hay and is feeding a bunch of his
cattle at that place.
Mrs. Frank Kime purchased quite a
lot of 0ods at the Oasis store last
week. She has on eye to business 1
Win. Bachelor , of near Woodlake ,
and his father-in-law , Mr Newman ,
were pleasant callers at Oasis P. u.
ast week.
R. L. Quisenbery is dealing in the
poultry business He has this week
taken quite a number of fine Growers * -
and a lot of of hen fruit to market. V
Please excuse a short letter thin
week from our neighborhood ; is the [ -
Kutterflv 'was snowed under and could f (
not /jather / anything of much importA
At One
Half the Cost
has'better strength and
flavor than many so-call
ed "fancy" brands.
Bulk coffee at the same
price is not to be com
pared with Lion in quality.
In 1 Ib. air tight ,
sealed packages.
Ordinance 3o. ! 9 * .
An ordinance prohibiting gambling ; prohibit
ing the keeping of gambling flixtures , or gambl
ing devices , and providing penalties therefore.
He it ordained by the Chairman and Board of
Trustees of the ' 'illage of Valentiue. Nebraska.
Sec. 1. Every person who shall play at any
game for any sum of money or other property ,
or shall bet any money , or other property of
value , upon any gambling table , bank or device ,
or who shall bet upou any game played'at or
by means of any such gambling table.or gambling
device within the corporate limits of the village
of Valentine , Nebraska shall be deemed guilty
of a misdemeanor , and upon conviction thereof
shall be lined In any sum not less than twenty-
five dollars , and nqt exceeding one hundred dollars
lars , or be imprisoned in the jail of the county
not more than thirty days.
Sec. 2. Every perso'n who shall set up or keep
any 'gambling table , faro bauk , keno , or auy
kind of gambling tublo or gambling device or
gamiug machine or auy kind or description , un
der auy denomination or , uanie * whatsoever ,
adapted , devised , and designed for the purpose
of playing any game of chance for money or pro
perty , withiu the corporate limits of the Village
ot Valent'ne. shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor
meaner , and upon conviction thereof shall be
lined in any sum not less that twenty-live dollars
and Ufit excet ding one hundred dollars , or be
imprisoned in the jail ot the county not more
than ihirtv days ,
-And provided further that the tables , devices ,
'and machines in this section mentioned may bp
st-ized aud destroyed b'y order of the magistrate.
nec.3. It any person shall keep a room or
building to be ust tl or occupied for gambling
within the corporate limits of the village Vf Val
entine , iNtbraska , or if any oerson being the
owner of auy room or building , within the cor
porate limits of the village of Valentine , shall
reut the same to oe used or occupied for gambling - '
ling , the person ao elf ending shall be lined in any
, sum not less thitu twenty-live dollars nor more
' than one hundred dollars , or imprisoned in the
jail of the couuty not exceeding thirty days ; and
it tbe owner or occupant , or lessee , ol any room or
building shall know of any gaming tabies.or
gaming devices are kepi or used iu such roomer
or building , for gambling- ; winning , or gaining
money or.other property , and shall not forthwith
with cause complaint to be made against the
; person so keeping auy such roumor building
he shah be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor ,
and upon conviction thereof shall be lined In
any sum not less than twenty-five dollars nor
more than one. hundred dollars , or be jmprison-
ed in the jail of the county not less than ten
days nor more than thirty "days.
Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect and
be in icrcc from and after its passage , approval
and publication according to law.
Datea March 4.1903. Apprjved March J. 1003.
Attest :
" Cleik. Chairman.
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Antony reading matter , 10cents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
vvajjon wood stock at E. ' Breuklanders.
. Itamth f r ial < * or Li'a * * ! !
16 quartet sections , good range , hay
i oer wul runher. Will run 300 head
-Kifi- Ki r 111 formation address , box
no 154 , ( ionlon Nebr or I. M RICE ,
V > ilettine N'ebr. 42-tf
WANTED : One steady , good
all around farm hand. "Wages
§ 20.00 per month the year round.
JOSEPH LANGER , Nordcn , Nebr.
I am going to run the town
herd this summer and solicit your
patronage. All stock entrusted to
my care will receive careful hand
ling. 51 U. BOTEK.
Estrayed from my range 9 miles
southwest ! of Valentine on the
Niobrara river one heifer branded
lazy j ? on left hip and one heifer
branded half circle on left shoulder
and hip. JOHN SEDLACEK ,
Valentine , Neb.
I have fourteen of fifteen regis
tered Hereford Bulls , from one to
three years old , for sale or trade.
Also three full -blood Galoway
Bulls at my ranch 25 miles south j
of Valentine and 20 miles west of _
Woodlake. W. G. BALLARD , i '
T tf Woodlake , Nebr. f
ONE HORSE Dark bay or. black ,
weight about 1000 Ibs , well broken
to saddle and bridle and suitable
pr- military purposes. Single
footer and good walker desired.
Address , box No. 4 , Ft. Niobrara ,
" '
Down the River
Frank Ashburn is working , at the
Fort these days. *
Felix Nollett and family spent Sun
day at Mr. Becker's.
II was reported a few days ago that
Mrs. Clark \vas about to die. We did
not learn the particulars.
It was Lou Buck that had the hay
for sale at Mr. Polen's instead of Mr.
Brick. It was a mistake in our writ
ing ,
Miss Aice Ranee who taught the
school in iflafcricfc No. 33 , started for
her- home in Omaha last Saturday af
ter six months of absence from home.
The dance at the school house in
this locality was-not a ? reat success ,
on account of the bad weather , but
all there reported a good time.
Mr. Saurwine , of Crookston , father
of Jacob Saurwine , of this community
has been sick for the past two weeks
with pneumonia but is reported bet
ter at this writing- .
Meals Lunches Short Orders TIME TABLE
Great Northern Line
at O'neill , tfebr.
I Sr-v3 e ± rr Going East , Going West.
Leaves 10:10 a.m. . Arrives 9:50 p.m.
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
' 'onnections with Elkuoni trains east and
First class meals at all hours ,
' .
west-bound from all points west of O'Neill.
day and night. Oysters in Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
. Pies Through connections lor Sioux Falls , Minneapolis
season. , cakes , doughnuts
apolis , St , Paul and all points north and west ,
nuts always on hand. Buy local tickets to O'Neill. I
E. D. Cohota. Prop. Sioux City , Iowa
Can Safisfv You in Oualitv Price and Worlonanehio
Valentine - - Nebraska
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Yoiir Patronage Solicited.
W.e do general blacksmithing and Woodwork.
Special attention given Wagons and Buggies
to Wagon and Carriage made to order of first
work , Branding Irons class material and
and Horse Shoeing.
guaranteed to wear.
Charbonneau & . Taylor
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Comstock ,
John Bovvers.
Pirr\ Bowers & Parry. t
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable.
Rigs , ( Jaref ul. Drivers ,
Reasonable Prices. .
The "JValcott Barii. FiratStubl East of Stetter's Saloon. -
* c " C11 * ft V" \
If so you Trant
a good one.
The place to get the best Windmill , also pumps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donoher Douse
price paid for Elides a..d Furs.
MOON Valentine. Nebr
Do You Read The Democrat ?