Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, March 05, 1903, Image 3

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    Switzerland has 5,000 different fac
Germany's vineyards aggregate 238-
025 acres.
"All' the carriage and wagon shops in
Albany , N. Y. , now employ union men.
A new union of steel and iron work
ers has been formed in Southington ,
Conn. ,
All the machine shops in Denver ,
Colo. , are .unionized with a nine-hour
work day.
San Francisco's cooks and waiters *
union has signed a year's agreement
with the employers.
There are 525 labor unions in Chicago
cage , with an estimated membership
"of " more than 300,000.
Wages of the employes on the Wei-
land Canal have been increased by the
til Canadian government.
Farm hands in Iowa get better pay
than the average wages for teachers
In the common schools.
Hongkong , China , professional rat
catchers have formed a union and
have struck for higher pay.
Employers in Chatham , Canada ,
have signed the new scale of prices as
adopted by the union printers.
Paris , France , waiters have revolted
f against the tip system and have made
a union demand for regular wages.
The average wage for months past of
many London dock yard employes has
not exceeded 4 or 5 shillings a week.
Within the past five years the labor
organizations of New York State have
increased in membership 75 per cent.
Minnesota has 28,338 members con
nected with labor organizations , an in
crease of 12,958 in the last two years.
The Central Labor Union , of Canton ,
Ohio , has inaugurated a fight against
convict goods. The merchants are with
them. '
Agitation for better pay for common
school teachers still goes on in Iowa ,
but as yet the pay is no better than
it was.
Photo-engravers at Boston , Mass. ,
have struck to enforce a demand for an
eight-hour day and recognition of the
Recent figures on the cost of farm
I labor in Germany show that hand
L work costs less than the use of ma
It Is estimated that 90 per cent of
the employes of the cigar trust are
females , and the great majority are
Shipping clerks in Chicago depart
ment stores have been granted the ad
vance demanded , a minimum scale of
a week.
By 59 votes to 5 the Northumberland ,
England , miners' delegates have re
fused to adopt a scheme to reduce the
coal output.
Native laborers employed at the diamond
mend mines of lhe De Beers Company
at Kimberl y. South Africa , are paid
$1.25 a day.
In the past five years the Amalga
mated Street Railway Employes' Asso
ciation has grown from S.OOO to GO-
000 In membership.
There is a general movement on foot
among the chorus girls of the theatri
cal profession to become organized for
the purpose of obtaining higher sal
Japanese have been employed as sec
tion hands by the Burlington Road on
its lines in Nebraska owing to a scarci
ty of white labor. They will be paid
$1.25 a day.
Indianapolis is now the headquarters
of the United Mine Workers , Brother
hood of Carpenters and Joiners of
* America , and the International Typo
graphical Union , embracing nearly
half a million workers.
Loss in Coining Gold.
A strange thing about our coining
system , the Draftsman says , is that the
government loses money in coining
gold , but makes a big profit in coining
pennies. For instance , in a $10 gold
piece there Is exactly $10 worth of gold
and 10 per cent of copper put in to
harden the precious metal , besides the
cost of minting. A silver piece of mon
ey is about half profit , but the penny
pays Uncle Sam best of all , as the
blanks are purchased at the rate of
$7,300 per million. That Is , the United
States Government obtains for 73-10
cents the copper blanks which by the
process of stamping are transformed
Into $1 worth of pennies.
All ofa Size.
"I see it is stated that each passen
ger on a crowded New York street car
is-supposed to fill twentj'-one inches of
seat space. * '
"I suppose rilling over the line twice
a day will finally reduce a man to the
required proiioitkms. " Cleveland
Plain Dealer.
Gr.ivc Irreverence. I
At Alzeu , in Hesse , the other day a
prominent tradesmen was sentenced to
twenty-four hours' imprisonment for
the "grave irreverence" of reading a
newspaper m courr while a case was
under trial.
AVise Man.
"What's become of that struggling
author friend of yours , Cumso ? " asked
* Oh , he's given up the struggle and
gone to work. " Detroit Free Press.
How many people are familiar with
Ananias !
Mrs. Lillie was Accused of Coaching-
Runyan , a Broker
Grain Broker is Told to be Careful
of His Testimony
Mrs. Lillie Very Handy with Revolver
-Shows Her Skill
.Made Light of Murder Case of State
Soon to be1 Finished |
David City , Neb. , Feb. 24. The
third week of the Lillie murder trial
began Monday morning. When court
adjourned Saturday evening the state
had introduced twenty-five witnesses
of the forty-six endorsed on the in-J
formation. It is generally under
stood that some of the witnesses for f
the state will not be called until the
testimony of the defense is in , when
the state will introduce evidence in
rebuttal. Counsellor the state think
they will conclude the examination
of witnesses by tomorrow evening.
Mrs. Lillie is showing the effects of
the trying ordeal. She is pale and
presents a care-worn , tired appear
ance , but seems to take great interest
In the case by watching every word
of the testimony as given by the wit
nesses on the stand. Occasionally
she speaks to her counsel , presumably
In reference to the evidence adduced
by the witnesses on the stand. Con
sidering the gravity of the crime with
which she is charged and the fact
that she is not a person of more than
average physique she is standing
the trying ordeal with remarkable
The jury , being all farmers , do not
altogether relish the close confine
ment which they are required to en
dure. They are given out door exer
cise every day , but this is not suffi
cient to fully satisfy them. How
ever , they are submitting to their
condition cheerfully. Yesterday the
Jury , accompanied by Deputy Sheriff
Varin and Bailiff Hackworth , attend
ed the Congregational church and
listened to a sermon delivered by
Rev. Edwin Booth as attentively as
they listened to the eloquence of the
attorneys in the court room.
When court convened this morning
there were very few spectators in the
court room. Edward L. Hunyon was
the first witness. He said in part : I
' 'I am engaged in the broker busi
ness , working for Shuman. The na
ture of the business is buying and
selling options on the Chicago board
of trade. Mrs. Lillie traded with me
in my line of business from August
7 , 1902 , to the time of Mr. Lillie's
death. She would either order grain
bought or sold and put up the mar
gins. This was done mostly over the
telephone , but on one or two occa
sions I saw her personally. Tne
margins were most always , with one
er two exceptions , sent to me through
the postoffice. She paid me in money.
From the 7th day of August , 1902 , to ]
th > time of Mr. Lillie's death she |
paid me S515 , and she had a credit on
the 7th day of August of $510. Her
losses were $1,025.00.
"On the 23rd day of October , 1902 , w
she gave me an order to sell ten thous
and bushels of corn. She gave me
this order some time in the forenoon [ j
by telephone , but as the market was ti
going up I did not place the order.
' She called me two or three times
about the matter and I told her the , .
margin would be $200 and if the mar
ket still went up it would be more ,
and she said she would get the mon-
ney to me that night or the next
morning. "
"Two or three days after this Mrs.
Warren brought a note to me , and on
the 28th of October I received anoth
er communication from Mrs. Lillie.
Some times she would pay me the
margins on the day they were called
and sometimes I would not get it till
the next morning.
"On the afternoon of October 23 I
had a conversation with Mrs. Lillie
over the telephone , and she asked me
if I had seen Harvey , and I told her a
had not. She said , 'If he comes as
and asks you anything you know what
Editor Stabbed by Negro.
St Joseph , Mo. , Feb. 24. . Paul Grin-
stead , editor of the Times , was fatal to
ly stabbed by a drunken negro named
Frank Warner , at Wathena , Kas. ,
Sunday , and excitement is running
high in Wathena and in Troy , where
the negro is in jail.
Talk of lynching in case Grinstead
dies , is heard.
Grinstead is the editor who served
nearly a year in jail in 1900 for libel
and edited bis paper * from his cell.
r to say to him. ' Sometime before this
| she had told me not to say anything
tc Harvey or anyone else about this
business with me. The communica
tion that was delivered to me by Mrs.
Warren I burned up as soon as I read
it . The substance of it was about
Itt trade of ten thousand bushels of
corn and for me to keep it good ; that
she had been before the coroner's jury
and Dr. Sample had tried to tangle
her up and if they tried that on mete
to be careful and not let them do so.
"On October 28 , 1902 , Miss Anna
G-raham , assistant postmistress , de
livered a letter to me. This was
about two o'clock in the afternoon.
The letter was written by Mrs. Lillie.
I also received letters from Mrs.
Lillie before the death of Mr. Lillie.
Witness here identified the letter
delivered October 26.
"The letters I burned up were in
reference to the trades that she had
made with me. "
The letter delivered to Mr. Runyon
was admitted in evidence and reads
"Mr : Runyon : I have just learned
ti Guy Walling has circulated the
re around town that I had lost
$1,300 on the board. "You know that
it is not so , and I wish you to brand
it as false. Stick to what I ask of
you and nothing else , as the gossips
of this town say some of the most ,
ridiculous things anyone ever heard ,
of. I don't know how I will ever en
dure all I have to go through.
"That little trade I had there , I
suppose you took care of itand I will
make it all right some day. I think
it is going to make me some money
soon. They have no way of knowing
anything only through you , and I beg
of you to be careful. You understand ,
be careful what you say. I told them
that you never received any margin
only through the mail and that the
amount was merely inclosed in an en
velope vand sent. How they know
anything is what I can't see but they
don't know much , and if you want-
to ask me anything , you can through
the mail , and it will be safe. "
"Since the death of Mr. Lillie I
have also received other communica
tions from -Mrs. Lilllie which I have
not destroyed. One of these I re t
ceived about the time of the prelimi
nary tearing by Martin Hill. ' '
Mr. Hill is a brother of Mrs. Lillie.
This letter was identified by the wit
ness and admitted in evidence and
read to the jury.
The next letter I received through
the postoflice , either December 9 or
The letter was admitted in evidence.
"I was at the home of Mrs. Lillie
one Sunday afternoon after the death
of Mr. Lillie. going there at the re
quest of M s Lillie. I think it was
about two u eeks after the murder.
had a conversation with her at this
time. In substance she wanted to
know what condition her business [
with me was in saying she had kept
no books and she wanted to know
something about it. I told her the
last trade she ordered had not been
placed. I do not remember that she
said anything in answar to this. to
"I had another conversation with
Mrs. Lillie at her home about three
weeks ago , about S or 9 o'clock in the
evening. I am n M positive what was
.said , but I think we talked about
the preliminary hearing. We talked
about what my testimony would be
in court. J told her my testimony
would be given from my books and
asked her if'she had a record of her
trades , and she said she had not. She
asked me if my books would be
brought into court. I told her I
thought not , that I had a statement
from my books and thought that
would be enough.
"We talked about Harvey coming
tc my ofiice and looking at the mar It
kets ( and she said Harvey knew about to
her trades. I had another conversa
tion with her at my house one even Mr.
ing. This was si nee the arrest. Sam in
Lillie was present. She asked me
why I picked out part of her trades
and showed them up. She asked rue th
to give all the trades she had'made. " the
The last two letters referred to
are as follows : i
"Mr. Runyon : When they call you saw
a state witness remember what was
you are to do- give a four years' re out
port as you said you would , and do to
not allow them to work on what Sam
pie tried to work before the coroner's was
jury. We have not established any
thing at all yet only that Dvaid City
has a poor telephone system , and I
will count on you staying by me as and
you should and you must , as they are
going to try to make your book a I
strong point against me. Don't let
them do it. . They have not a single
thing against me , and so far they
have not been able to dig up any
thing , so do not be the means of such nno
thing yourself. I will count on you
a friend to do the right thing by
me. L. M. Lillie. "
Were Not the Men Sought.
St. Louis , Mo. , Feb. 24. A special .
the Republic from Nashville , 111. ,
says : The two armed men who by t
their threatening demands for food a
have terrified the inhabitants of this
vicinity and led to the belief that The
they were William Rudolph and Fred
Lewis , charged with the recent rob
bery of the hank at Union , Mo. , have tion in
been found by a posse to be only wan
dering hunters seeking notoriety.
State Contest to Rest in Lll it Murder Trial
Strong Chain of bvidence.
David City , Neb. , Feb. 25. Vfti
more than two weeks occupi d a
wholly in the introduction of testi
mony , the state Tuesday rested in the
prosei 11 m of L na M. Lillie , charg :
ed with Lh maid r of her husband.
From the standpoint of the prosecu
tion it has been well handled and a
remarkably strong chain of circum
stantial evidence established. It is
hardly thought the defense will re
quire the time occupied by the prose
At this time the state rested its
case , and the defense began calling
Mrs .Georgie Leper was the first
witness for the defense. She said in
part : "On the morning of October
24 , 1902,1 was at the Lillie home and
saw Mrs. Lillie. 1 went from there
to the hospital. Mrs. Lillie was
there , and she told me that in the
morning she was woke up by a shot ,
a d saw a man standing at the head
of the bed pointing a revolver at her.
She was crying all the time , saying
she wished it could have been her in
stead of her husband ; that Edna
thought so much ol him. She was
continually asking how Harvey was ,
and wanted to go upstairs where Mr.
Lillie was. She was weak and faint.
\Ve \ took her out of doors and one of
bhe ladies got some camphor. After
this they took her upstairs. Ed Hall'l
and I went up with and assisted her.
When she arrived in the room she
dropped down into a chair , laid her'
head on the bed and kept saying'Oh ,
flear , oh dear , why couldn't it have
been me instead of Harvey. ' Mr. '
Elall and I helped her down stairs.
Mrs. Lillie was not dressed warm
enough. Mrs. Woodward got some '
other clothing and I assisted in put
ting them on her. Mrs. Lillie was j '
crying and asking how Harvey was i
all this time. In a-sisting in dress-.a
ing Mrs. Lillie I noticed there were j 1
DO pockets in her clothing. Mrs.c'
Lillie went homo about 9 o'clock. I
tvent over there soon after she got
home and took her back to the hospital -
pital with my horse and buggy. On
the way to the hospital Mrs. Lillie
tvas crying and feeling very badly , i
After we arrived at the hospital she
isked Ed Hall how Harvey was , and
tie fiid he was about the same. Mrs.
Lillie went home a little after 12
5'clock , ate her dinner with the rest. j
could not say whether she ate
heartily or not. She was feeling
badly and her actions were not natur- '
il. She went back to the hospital
ifter dinner. Hewitt and Ed Hall i
Id vised her not to go to the room
tvhere Harvey was , as she could do
him no good. She remained there
antil Mr. Lillie died.
"I have been in the home of Mr.
md Mrs. Lillie and they got along
rery nicely. I never saw a cross look
Irom either one of them. I have seen
them at lodge. They were ve y
affectionate. ' '
Gross-examination : "I do notki o
fvhat their conduct was when Iws
aot there. It has been about two
rears since J saw them at lodge. I 1
have passed the house frequently and
have seen them sitting on the porch.
do not remember any particular
time that I saw thorn together on
bhe street. "
When court convened this afternoon
the cross-examination of Mrs. Leper
continued. She said :
"The sec9nd time Mrs. Lillie went j
the hospital she did not go iutj
the room where Mr. Lillie was. " '
Mrs. Bell Benton said : "I am a
cousin of Harvey Lillie. Since they
tnoyed to David City I have been at
their house two or three times. Mr.
ind Mrs. Lillio. were always kind and .
affectionate toward one another.
Their conversation was always pleasn
ant. "
On cross-examination witness said :
"I cannot recall that I have seen .
. and Mrs. Lillie together but
once. ' '
Mrs. Clara King said : "I saw Mr. a
and Mrs. Lillie quite frequently ; | i
lived on the lot adjoining the Lillie
residence. Mr. and Mrs. Lillie
seemed to be on very friendly terms , n
was Mr. and M s. Lillie's cus o ,1
stay at home nciiings. " On ere s-1 j
examination witness said. " 1 saw'T '
. and Mrs. Lillie every evening out
the back yard feeding the chick-
. "
ens. n
Mrs. Carrie Wilson said : "I was at
L Hie house on the morning of ! c.
murder. Mrs. Lillie was getting
ready to go to the hospital. She was tl
crying and wringing her hands. I f
her at the hospital , when she
walking around the room and
on the porch. She wanted to go I
the room where Harvey was. si
Some of them told her that the wound ft
not dressed yet. She was con-j I
tinuouslv , wringing h r
hands an 1 crying part of the time.n
Mrs..Lillie "went home before noon
requested me to stay , saying if
Harvey got woisj to telephone hi r. ' -
told her I would. 1 left the ho. -
pital about 11 > Yioek. " Cross-exam
ination : ' 'Mis .Lillie went up stairs
in the forenoon where Mr.v |
Lillie was. i went with her.No' '
as 'od her that 1 remember. Ii
hearu Mrs. Lillie speak about going , p
home ana taking care ol" her sewing ; , a
locking it up. "
City Safe From the Waves
Galvestop Feb. 25. The corne
stone of the $125.000 sea wall was laic
lay with iiijpoiing < ereiiK.nies and
araleof citizens and marines and in
otlirers from the UnitH States a tie-
ships at anchor in tie harbor neie.
work on the wah has progressed
satisfactorily since its beginning last
October. The wall will be three miles
length and give absolute protec
to the. city , even from a stage of
water equal to the great and disas
trous tidal wave of 1900.
Makes a Full Confession to Officers at Hamil
ton Ohio Whole Career One of Crime
Known in many Cities
Indianapolis , Ind.Feb. 28. Albert
Knapp , arrested in this city yesterday -
day , who lies in the Butler county jail
at Hamilton , self-confessed as one of
the most depraved criminals run to
earth in recent years , has the follow
' ing ] crimes laid at his door :
Emma Littleman.killed in a Cinci
nnati lumberyard iTanuary 21 , 1894.
Mary Eckert , strangled to death in
Jennie Connors Knapp , his second
wife , murdered in Cincinnati , and
thrown into the canal there August
7 , 1894.
Ida Gebard , a child , assaulted and
murdered in Indianapolis , July 19 ,
' 1895. (
Hannah Goddard Knapp , his third
wife , murdered at Hamilton , O. , and
her body thrown into the Miama
river , December 22 , 1902.
Knapp had served five prison sen
tences ' , three for larceny and two for
assault. He had served two terms
at Jeffersonville , Ind. , one at Colum
bus , 0. , one at Joliet , 111. , and one
at Michigan City , Ind. . , to which
prison he was sent from Indianapolis
'in 1896 for assault on Bessie Drapier ,
a child.
Since his return to this city in De
cember ' he has , the police feel sure ,
been guilty of two barn burnings.
When he was convicted for the Dra
pier assault he threatened to get
even with every one concerned in his
conviction. '
Ex-Sheriff Womack , then sheriff ,
gained his enmity. His barn was re
cently burned and several thousand
dollars' worth of fine horses and im
ported cattle were roasted to death.
Al Boardman was one of the jurors
who convicted him. His barn was
burned about six or seven weeks ago.
Almost every hour adds to the long
list of crimes laid to the man's door.
Anna Gamble , the fpurth wife of
Knapp , received a letter from her
husband today , evidently written af
ter < his confession to the Hamilton
authorities last night. From its tone
Knapp expects to be sent to the pen
itentiary for life. He writes in a most
affectionate manner to the wife. Mrs.
Knapp said she did not know anything
. .
thing about the Hannah mentioned
in the letter as her husband had
never spoken to her of the woman.
"He spoke of having a wife at one
time , " she said , "but I did not ask
him any questions. It didn't bother
me. "
Mrs. Knapp abused her husband's
family and said they had objected to
the marriage.
" 'Jhey wrote to him , " she said ,
"and told him if he did not give me
up they never wanted to see him
again. ( TJiat was after we were mar- a
ried. Allie told them he had married -
ried me and intended to stick by me
through thick and thin. He loves
me and I love him. All I am afraid
of : is that they will kill him in the
electric ] chair. If they send him to
the penitentiary it won't be so bad.
because I can go and see him once in
while. "
When asked if she thought Knapp
was insane , the woman said he had
never acted as though anything was :
the matter with his mind. .
Hamilton , O. , Feb. 28. Alfred I
Knapp. the Indianapolis man arrest
ed < yesterday , who confessed to the :
murder of his third wife , today made
full confession of five murders.
Among them is that of Ida Gebhard ,
the West Indianapolis girl , who was
found murdered in a stable. , July 3. !
Knapp's confession , which was
sworn to before Mayor Bosch is as
follows :
"On January 2 , 1894 , I killed Em
ma Litttleman in a lumber yard in
Gest street , Cincinnati.
"On August 1 , 1894 , I killed May
Eckett in Walnut street , opposite the
Y. M. C. A. , in Cincinnati.
"On August 7 , 1894 , I killed my
wife , Jennie Connors Knapp , under
the canal bridge in Liberty street ,
Cincinnatij and threw her into the
Kills Wife on the Street.
Kasnas City. Mo. , Feb. 28. James
Orton , a cook , thirty-five years old ,
last night shot- and killed his wife , dy
Mollie Orton , twenty-one years old ,
front of the home of the woman's w
mother , Mrs. Mary Cronin , of this 21ra
city , and immediately thereafter shot raO
and killed himself. or ]
Several members of the Cronin fam
witnessed the shooting , which was
the result of a series of quarrels in
which Orton , his wife and her family
were involved.
Nebraska Notes.
Joseph Tower Smith of Fremanfc
| left ( an etsate worth 3150,000.
I The Methodists of Adams kare
dedicated a new church ,
S 7,750.
The Rev. R.M.Stephenson is absut
to resume active work as presidwtfc ef
Bellevue college.
Bev. Edwia Clutter has close * kis
meetings at Johnson , and is uovr conducting
ducting- one at Liberty .Bridge.
were compiled from observations
made of the Platte and the Loaji at
Columbus , the Elkhorn at Arlington ,
and the ISTiobrara at Valentine.
Scotts Bluff is to have an audltari-
um VTith a seating capacity of nearly
1.000. Arrangements have been prac- *
ticaliy completed and ground will fce
broken for it soon.
Charles Thorson committed suicide
by hanging himself to a bedpost.
The deceas d was a highly respect
ed Swede , who form arly lired in
Platte county , and who built a r > sid -
d nee and moved to ( Knoa about a
year ago. Mr. Thorson had not b.-n
known to touch liquor for about ten
years , but he returned from a trip to
Columbus intoxicated. His wife ,
fearing to stay with him , went to a
neighbor's house and spent the night ,
and on returning home in the morn
ing found him hanging to the bed- (
post. '
Present indications are that Jesse
Roate , a single man about 40 years of
age , who has been for many years
making his home with his sisterMre.
Steve Hartman , a short distance east
of Dawson , has fallen a victim to the
Nemaha. A few days ago Mr. Roate
came in from the field , where he had
been herding cattle , and started for
the IS'emaha river , close at hand , for
a pail of water. He did not return ,
immediately and has not been seen ,
since. Tracks in the snow indicate
that he followed the usual path to a
low footbridge which is about twelve1
inches above the water , and as the
tracks ceased at the middle of the
bridge it is supposed that the unfor
tunate man slipped when he attempt
ed to draw up the watjer. After he
had been gone about twenty minutes
a search was instituted and his cap
was found under the edge of the ice a }
few feet below the bridge , but the *
tin pail was missing and has notbeeru
located yet. In the center of the
stream , both above and below the
bridge , the current is so strong that
no ice formed , and the probabilities
are that if the man fell in his body :
did not come up until it had washed"
under the ice , and in this etenfc it
will likely not be located until She
spring thaw. A large crowd f Men
worked steadily for some time cutting
a channel in the ice and using polea
to search for the body without arafl ,
and yesterday the hunt was aban
doned. The accident occurred but
a short distance from where Mrs.
Harrison fell in and lost her life some
four years ago.
As a rule of life , one finds that the
bruth lies somewhere between first
impressions and final decisions.
J. C. Stevens , a draughtsman in
he office of the state board of irriga
tion , has compiled a table showing
the amount of water that is availa
ble for irrigation and not used. The
statistics run back to 1895. and give
mean annual average of 6,854,000 ,
acre feet which is sufficient to irri
gate 3,457,000 acres. These figures
Douglas makes and sefla
more men's Goodyear Welt ( Hand"
Sewed Process ) shoes than any other
manufacturer In the world.
$25,000 EEWAED
will ba paid to anyone who
an diapiove this statement.
Because . L. Douglas
h. . can ouy cheaper and
ilmxs his shoes at a
knvei .ost than other con-
erns liich enables him
to sell shoes for S3.50 and
S'5.)0 ( equal in every
tray tc those sold else-
R-herft for $4 and $5.00. '
Th Dousrlas secret process - - .
cess of tannin ? the bottom soles produces abso
lutely pure leather ; more flexible and will -wear <
onar than any other ta.nn.acre in the world.
Tbo sales have more than doubled the pastfonr
yea.- " * , which proves Its superiority. "Why not
givb w. Jj. Douglas shoes a trial and save money.
A'otice Incrmne1690 Sales : 82,2O3,88 , aX
in nti iiic m1502 Sales : & 5O24,34OOO.
A fjaln of-Sa.SSO .IO.TO In Poor Years.
Worth S6.OO Compared with Other Makes.
The best imported ani American leathers. Heyl' *
Patent Calf. Enamel. Box Calf , Calf. Vlci Kid. Coron *
fait , and National Kangaroo. Fast Color Eyelets.
Panfinn The genuine have "W. 3X DOTTGIi&B
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Shou by mail , 25c. extra , llltu. Catalog free.
Gapsicom Vaseline
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any
other plast r.unu will not i lister the most delicate
skin. The pain allaying and curative qualities oC
this article are wonderful. Jt will stop the tooth
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We recommend it as the best an safest external
counter-irritant kn wn , also as an external reme
for pains in the chest am st. mach aud all
rheumatic , neuralgic and gouty complaints.
A trial will prove what we claim for it , and it
will be found to be invaluable in the houshold. .
Jinny people say "It is the fc st of ail your prepa
rations. "
Price 15 cents , fit all druggists , or other dealers ,
by sending this amount to us in postage sumps
will send you a tube by rnail.
No article should be accepted by the public mi-
less the same carries our label , as otherwise tt U
not genuine.
17 State Strctt , New Ywk City.