Peruna is recommended by fifty members of Congress , by Governors , Consuls , Generals , Majors , Captains , Admirals , Eminent Physicians , Clergymen , many Hospitals and public institu = tions , and thousands upon thousands of those in the humbler walks of lite. i A Question of Ownership Seventy thousand acres of coal land worth all the way from $10 to $100 an acre , aggregating at the lowest figure 32,000,000 or $3,000,000 , says the Bal timore Herald , are involved in a ques tion of title which has been raised within the last few days in Parks- burg , W. "Va. The question is who owns the bed of the Onto river the United States. West "Virginia or the owners of the property abutting on the river ? The state of "West Vir ginia has jurisdiction in criminal cases over the surface of the Ohio river , but the United States owns the waterway , while the people along the river bank in many places claim the land clear across to the Ohio side. The question arose in connection with a sale of coal lands a few days ago , and unless the legislature enacts gome law upon the subject it will probably be carried to the Supreme Court of the United States. The state borders along the river for 225 miles , and the river has an average width of at least half a mile for this distance. Every acie is underlaid with coal , which can be mined by Bhafting , and the value of the land for that purpose will beworth fight ing for. B'Ogruphlc Record of Dnnbav. Lord Curzon grarted facilities lor a complete biograph record of the dur bar. Soon the entire world may see the famous display just as it was. Held Sfen8li p Record Ten Venra. The steamship Preisa crossed the Atlantic in 185G in 9 days 1 hour and 45 minutes , and held the record for a period of no less than ten years. Slain by Ills Invention. ' Albert Gnelle of Meudon , Prance , student of occult sciences , invented a sleep machine in the shape of a " "NT * diver's helmet. He was suffocated jp second time he tried it. Honor For Composer of "Pinafore , ' * * A bust of the late Sir Arthur Sulli van Is U be ecreted on the Thames , facing and nearly oppo- Embankment theater , the scene of 00 many of the composer's triumphs. BRAINS Agents wanted for "The New York . " the DollarAYear Dally. Easy to Ret . I pot * 8 myself in 15 mlnntes. Kcrp Boac Latest markets , fashions. Btorles. politic * . tc. JoMwh Howard. Jr. , the rno t famous newspaper Bsa to America writes exelmslvely for m in New York. { ( powftrd'B Column" alone is worth more than the en- * price of the paper. Only One Dollar per year for Metropolitan daily newspaper ! Address Walter rt. Kdltor aad Proprietor , New York Erenlnff News BrmdWay , New York. 1 Tf Interested fa MATRIMONY write Zimmerman & . O. Bex 6tl. Ix > s Angles , t'al. They'll help you. * C rt BOthixc to flad ont about it. Letter * Bocnxlly 'e1Baeatial. ' Tbcaetnds want to marry , its natural , ' lBUBddfrom the beginning. TO ACCOM MODA't'E those who are partial to the use of atomizers in .ap plying liquids into the nasal passages for catarrhal troubles , we prepare Cream Balm In liquid form , known as Ely's Liquid Cream Balm. Price , in cluding the spraying tube , is 75 cents. Druggists or by mail. The liquid em bodies the medicinal properties of the solid preparation. Ely Bros. , 5G War ren St , New York. Albert Lea , Minn. , March 21 , lf)01. Messrs. ELY BROS. : I suffered * from a severe cold in the head. I could not breathe through my nostrils and was about dead from want of sleep. I used your Cream Balm and woke up with a clear head. I would not take five dollars for my bottle of Cream Balm If I could not get another. S. E. LANSDALE. A brilliant and startling spectacle was witnessed short time ago in a Tyrolean valley near Tanneheim. A violent storm arose suddenly , and several globes of lightning rolled over the surface of the lake. Then a col umn of water arose thirty feet high from the middle of the lake , and from its top small flashes darted. The spectacle lasted about three min utes. sldrts are trimmed little or not at all. _ Sir. Rockefeller. The man who is worth a billion dollars , according to Senator Hoar , is assessed for $2,500,000 personal taxes in Jtfew York. Boston Herald. CASTOR IA For Infants and Children. Hie Kind You Have Always Bought Bears the Signature of GREGORY'S Bold under three warrants. ' , Hew uUlogoa free.1 J. J. H. GUEGOEI * SOS. ublebead , JUu. N. N. U. NO. S80-9 YORK , NEB Thr sher Created u Ktlr. A steam threshing machine from Richmond , Ind. , arrived at Coole Syria , the other day and created con- sidvable stir among the natives. It. was the first time that such a piece 01 1 machinery had been introduced into Syria , reports Consul Kavr > dal.N Its succcess was complete , ev u to th. bruising of straw. Fuitbormore , fcr the first time in the annuls of Ryris an oil motor flour mill has been start ed there. It came from Indianapol.a ! and is now grinding wheat at Leba non. A widow has nothing but word. ? of praise for her late husband , but it'- different with a sleepy wife. You have doubtless observed chat the average man puts in so much timr preaching he has but little time foi j practice. Many a man's financial embarrass- men i may be atiibuted to the fact that he spent a lui of money iii fry ing to get something.for nothing. Just in Time. Broadland , S. Dak. , Feb. 23. Beadle County has never been so worked .ip as during the last few weeks. Every one is talking of the wonderful case of G. W. Gray of Broadland. the par ticulars of which are best told In the following statement which Mr. Gray has just published : "I was dying. I had given up all hope. I was prostrate and as helpless as a little babe. 11ml been ailing vith Kidney Trouble for many years and ii finally turned to Bright's disease. Al medicine had failed and I was In de spair. "I ordered one box of Dodd's Kid ney Pills and this first box helped me- out of bed. I continued the treatment till now I am a strong , well man. I praise God for the day when I decided to use Dodd's Kidney Pills. " Everybody expected that Mr Gray would die and his remarkable recovery is regarded as little short of a miracle by all who know how very low he war Dodd's Kidney Pills are certainly a wonderful remedy. St Jacobs Oil Lumbago Sciatica TH r i ao amcH word M fail. Price , 25c. d 5Oc t V * OLD f I FAVORITES 1 , Seven Times One. There's no dew left on the daisies nnd clover , There's no rain left in heaven ; I've said my "seven times" over aud over Seven times one are seven. t am old so old I can write a letter ; My birthday lessons are done ; The lambs play always they know no better ; They are only one times one. 0 Moon ! in the night I have seen yon sailing , And shining so round and low. Sou are bright ! ah , bright ! but your light is failing ; You are nothing now but a bow. Sou Moon ! have you done something wrong in heaven , That God has hidden your face ? E hope , if you have , you will soon be forgiven , And shine again in your place. 0 velvet Bee ! you're a dusty fellow You've powdorpd your legs with jjoltl. 0 brave marsh Mary-buds , rich and yel low , Give me your money to hold ! 0 Columbine ! open your folded wrapper. Where two twin turtle-doves dwell ! 0 Cuckoo-pint ! tell me the purple clap per That hangs in your clear green bell ! And show me your nest , with the young ones in it I will nut steal them away ; 1 am old ! you may trust me , linnet , liunpt I am seven times one to-day. Jean Ingelow. Home. One sweetly solemn thought Comes to me o'er and o'er ; I'm nearer my home to-day Than I ever have been before : * Nearer my Father's house , Where the many mansions be ; Nearer the grent white throne. Nearer the crystal sea : Nearer the bound of life , Where we lay our burdens d < : Nearer leaving the cross , Nearer gaining the crown ! But lying darkly between , Winding down through the night. Is the silent , unknown stream , That leads us at length to the light/ Closer and closer my steps Come to the dread abysm ; Closer Death to my lips Presses the awful chrism. O , if my mortal feet Have almost gained the brink ; If it be I am nearer home Even to-day than I think ; Father , perfect my trust ; my spirit feel in death That her feet are firmly set On the rock of a living faith ! Phoebe Gary. TWO SECRETS. Heartbreaking Little Story of Two Devoted Old People. "How's business , Ehen ? " The old man was washing at tlic siuk after his day's work. "Fine , Marthy , flue ! " "Does the store look just the same , with the red geranium in the window ? Land , how I'd like to see it with the suu shining Lu ! How does it look , Ebeu ? " Ebeu did not answer for a moment ; when he did his voice shook a bit. "The store's never been the same since you left , Marthy. A faint little flush came into Mar- tha's withered cheek. Is a wife ever too old to be moved by her husband's flattery ? For years Eben and Martha had kept a tiny notion store ; then Martha fell sick and was taken to the hospital. That was months ago. She was out now , but she would never be strong never be partuer in their happy little trade again. "I can't get over a hankering for a sight of the store , " thought Martha one forenoon. "If I take it real careful I can get down there ; 'tisn't so fur. Eben'll scold , but he'll be tickled most ao death. " It took a long time for her to drag herself downtown , but at last she stood at the head of the little street -where the store was. All of a sudden she stopped. Ahead , on the pavement , stood Eben. A tray hung from his neck on which were arranged a few cards of collar studs , some papers of pins , and shoelaces. Two or three holders were in his shaking old hand , and as he stood he called his wares. Martha clutched at the wall of the building. She looked over the way at the little store. Its windows were fill ed with fruit , and an Italian name flut tered on the awning. Then Martha un-1 derstood. The store had gone to pay her expenses. She turned and hurried away as fast as her trembling limbs would take her. It will hurt him so to have me find out ! " she thought , and the tears trickled down her face. 'Tie's kept a secret from me , and I'll keep one from him , " she said to her self. "He sha'n't know that I know. " That night when Eben came in , chill ed and weary , Martha asked , cheerful- y , the .old. question : "How's business ? " "Better'n ever , Marthy ! " answered Qben. Youth's Companion. A loafer is never able to realize thai i busy man has anything to do. III EEKLY Sends the Following Grand Testimonial to the Merits of Cuticura Remedies in the Treatment of Humours of the Biood , Skin and Scalp. " I wish to give my testimony to the efficiency of the Cuticura Reme dies in. what seems to me two some what remarkable cases. I had a number of skin tumours small ones on my arms which had never given me serious trouble ; but about two years ago one came on my throat. At first it was only about as large as a pinhead , butas it was in a position where my collar , if not just right , would irritate it , it soon became very sensitive and began to grow rapidly. Last spring it was as large , if not larger , than a bean. A little unusual irritation of my collar started it to swelling , and in a day or two it was as large as half an orange. I was very much alarmed , and was at a loss to de termine whether it was a carbuncle or a malignant tumor. friends tried to persuade mete to consult'my physician ; but dread ing1 that he would insist on using the knife , I would not consent to go. Instead I got a small "bottle of Cuticura Resolvent and a box of Cu ticura Ointment. I took the former according to directions , and spread a thick layer of the Ointment on a linen cloth and placed it on the , swelling. On renewing it I would bathe my neck in very warm water and Cuticura Soap. In a few days the Cuticura Ointment had drawn the swelling to a head , when it broke. Every morning it was opened with a large sterilized needle , squeezed and bathed , and fresh Ointment put on. Pus and blood , and a yellow , cheesy , tumorous matter came out. In about three or four weeks' time this treatment completely eliminated boil and tumor. The soreness that had ex tended down into my chest was all gone , and my neck now seems to be perfectly well. "About five or six yeara ago my sister had a similar experience. She had two large lumps come under her right arm , the result of a sprain. They grew rapidly , and' our physi cian wanted to cut them out. I would not listen to it , and che tried the Cuticura Remedies ( as I did a. few months ago ) with magical effect. In six weeks' t'me the lumps had entirely disappc.rcdand have never returned. * 'l have great faith in the Cuticura Remedies , and I believe they might be as efficacious in Bunilar cases with other people , and thus save much suffering , and perhaps life. I have derived so much benefit from the use of them myself that I am was connnea to ner oca , and was unable to speak , when her daughter , at my suggestion , tried the effect of the Cuticura Ointment andCnticura Resolvent. Strange to say , she was very shortly relieved of the most distressing symptoms. The swelling seemed to be exteriorized , and she is now able to be around her house , and can talk as well as ever. " It seems to me that I have pretty good grounds for believing that Cuticura Remedies will prove suc cessful in the most distressing forms of blood and skin humours , and if you wish to use my testimonial as herein indicated , I am willing that you should do so , with the further privilege of revealing my name and address to such persons as may wish to substantiate the above state ments by personal letter to me.1 / Chicago , Nov. 12 , 1902. CUTICDRA REMEDIES are sold throughout the civilized world. PRICES : Cntlcnra Resolvent , EOc. pt bottle ( in the form of Chocolate Coated Pills , 25c. per vial of GO ) , Cntlcura Ointment , COc. per boi , and CnUcni * Soap 25c. per cafce. Send for the great work , " llnmoura of the Blood , Siln and Scalp , and How to Cur Them , " 84 Pages , 800 Diseases , witli Illustrations Testimonials , and Directions In all lanifnages , Including Japanese and Chinese. British Depot , 27-13 Charterhouse S < j. , London , E. C. French Depot , 6 Rue de 1 * Pabc. Pans. Anstrailian Depot , R. Towns < Jt Co. , Sydney. POTTCH DaCQ AHD CntMlCMi CoxroxATlOX. Sole Proprietors Boston. U. S. A. JTiffcy mutes , representatives o" various deaf and dumb societies , re cently held a conference in Chart iors. 'France. The chairman called the assemblage to order by pretending to ring a bell , and speeches were made , in the deaf and dumb alphabet. It is the rule in Abyssinia that the wife is boss of the ranch. The house , with all its contents , belong to her , and if the husband offends her she turns him out until he is fully re pentant and makes amends. Salzer's SPELTZ RapertaSJJaft WBS EA n M FARM SEEDS FEVER FAIL ! 1,000(600 Customers Proudest record of any feedsman on earth , and yet we are reaching out for more. We- desire , by Jnly 1st , saoflOQ more and hence this unprecedented offer. SIO.OO for lOc. \ "We Trill mall upon receipt of I0c.ln stamps k onr great catalogue , worth 8100.00 to any > M vr de awaXe farmer or gardener together - . getherwith many fann seed samples , knv 8lnta , lieardleas Barley , Bronius , , Bape. etc. , etc. , pontively worta k & .OM to Kct a start with , Aching backs are eased. Ilip , back , and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sedi ment , high colored , excessive , pain in pass ing , dribbling , frequency , bed wetting. Boon's Kidney Pills dissolve and remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpita tion , sleeplessness , headache , nervousness. SALEM , IND. , Feb. 5,1903. "I received the trial package of Dean's Kidney Pills and I must confess they did me wonderful good. It seems strange to say that I had tried several kinds of kidney medicines without doing me any good. I had back ache , pain in my bladder and scalding urine , and the sample package sent me stopped it all in a few days , and with the package I am now using from our drug store I expect to be cured permanently. It is wonderful , but sure and certain the med icine does its work. I was in constant misery until I commenced the use of Boon's Kidney PittV' CHAB. It COOK , P. O. Box 90 , Salem , "Washington Co. , 111. constantly advising others to use them. Re cently I recommended them to an office boy for his father , who waa dis abled with salt rheum. The man's feet were swollen to an enormous size , and he had networked worked for six weeks. Two bottles of Cuticura Resolvent and two boxes of Cuticura Ointment worked a perfect cure. You never saw a more grateful maninyourliie. ' I am very much in terested in another case where I have recom mended Cuticura just now. My housemaid's nyother has a goitre which had reached a very dangerous point. The doctors told her that nothing could be done ; that she could live only two or three weeks , and that she would die of strangulation. She The adjutant , or marabout , a tall oird of India , of the stork species , will swallow a lare or a cat whole. It sirnds live feet high and the ex panse of wings is nearly fifteen feet. Cold drinks are bad for the diges tion ; therefore , the police of Berlin have issued an order forbidding hotel keepers and others to sell beverages below a certain temperature. The South American quadruped known as the ant-eater is without teeth. 3n olden times , when a Imight en tered a company of ladieshe removed his helmet , to indicate that he con sidered himself among friends , and that there was no need to protect himself. This practice has survived in the custom of raising the hat \vhen saluting a lady. Trustworthy statisticians declare that there are 250,000,000 Mohamme- : dans in the world. The Christian population is put at < M7 000,000 , bntl the increase of Islam is .nore rapid than that of tile combined Christian denominations. PROVE DOAN'S FREE HELP. Those who doubt , who think because other Kidney Remedies do them no good , who feel discouraged , they profit most by the Free Trial of Doan's Kidney Pills. The wondrous results stamp Da'n merit. SOUTII BAUTOJJVILLE. ILL. , Feb. 8 , 1903. "I received the ii111 package of Doan's Kidney's Pills &od have bought several boxes of my drug/rist. They have done me much good. I was hardly able to do any work until I began taking them ; now I can work all day and my "back does not get the least Trit tired. " Brno GHAT. ' FREE TO MAKL YOU A FRIEND. . , "Buffalo , U.T. . Please send me by mail , -without trial box Doan's Kidney Pflli Name Post-office- State. . ( Cat opt "conpon on dotted line * and mail to .yorter-ailbnrn Co. , Buffalo , Jt. Y. ) Medical Advice Free Strictly CoafkfenU T