Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 26, 1903, Image 2
THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT EL TIJCE , Pub Isher. VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. Mr. Carnegie suffers from indiges tion. This is something he can't give away. It ip easy to prove that the gun Isn't loaded immediately after the ac cident. ' An artist made a fortune painting purple landscapes and lost It painting reil towns. Whenever a man , whose life Is In- rared for $400,000 , is accidentally shot there is always more or less talk about suicide. Spain was content to put in her bill against Venezuela. For reasons un necessary to state , she sent no war ships. The bear that walks like a man is now pointing at Rudyard Kipliiig and enjoying a smile at Emperor Willie's expense. There is a difference between get ting $10,000 a year because you are worth It and being worth $10,000 a year because you get it. J. Plerpont Morgan has made $42- DOO.OOO during the past year. He must Bind It rather disappointing that he was unable to make it an even $45,000,000. The Chicago city sealer has found a coal dealer who is dishonest enough to sell 2,200 pounds for a ton. He Bliould be prosecuted to the limit of the law. The clerks , male and female , In one of Chicago's department stores , are now designated by the management s "salespersons. " Slowly but surely the line is being obliterated. Mrs. Llllie Devereaux Blake says there are in this country 2,500,000 un married men who couldn't have wives if they wanted them. It is pretty bard , however , to set some bachelors to thinking. If after having looked at General Miles the old Empress Dowager of China continues to think she is the most dazzling thing on earth It will have to be conceded at once that she is simply crazy. Army officers complain that they cannot financially keep up with the lightning changes in uniforms. More attention seems to be devoted to fashIon - Ion plates than to seeing that there are enough competent men to use the coast-defense machinery. Judge Kavanagh , of Chicago , is right in saying that the loss of a boy's hand is worth more than $500 to him self and the mother he had supported before an accident rendered him unfit for work. It Is good to know that our courts stand between the unfortunate and an unjust private settlement in such cases. Emperor William declares that there Is no difference between him who plxes and presents a poisonous draft to another and him who robs his fellow man of his honorable name , and from the safe shelter of his editorial sanc tum , with the poisoned darts of his slanders kills him by the mental tor tures he Inflicts. There will be many a hearty amen to the sentiment. Reports from Lima , Peru , say that a storm that struck that Andean city recently spread a foot of snow on the streets and dropped the mercury to 8 degrees below zero. A few mete orological effects of this kind would work a radical change In the govern mental aspects of South America. If C tfre people down there would eat more 1t > > nowballs and less red pepper they 1t Shouldn't be so keen for the revolu- t ttenary game. a e The death-rate of the State of Mas 1 sachusetts has been falling steadily 1 tor ten years and In the last year was lower than ever before. General con ditions are changing for the better , and the mortality from consumption and some other Infectious diseases has decreased. The State Board of Health suggests that the gain Is in a meas ure due to immigration since most of the Immigrants ate sound-bodied per sons of a favorablfe age. Immigrants E do not always get credit for their vir tues , physical or otfcer ; but even if we deny them the possession of ten der qualities , we would1 be willing to admit that the are tough. The American people live and move have their being In an atmosphere of harmless shams , many of\ which & jtake form as titles and dignities. They are pure wind and mean nothing at alL There are Judges who know noth ing of law. There are doctors of laws , medicine , theology and phil ophy who never even passed through the primary school , to say nothing of accu- inulatlng university degrees. There are colonels galore , generals not a few ? and a captain here and there who does cot know the difference between a repeating rifle and an Australian's 0 boomerang and never smelt gunpow der except on the Fourth of July. Co The average man likes nothing bet ter than being with his family if he is given half a show. But even If { that be his best pleasure other duties * , foay still prevent him from giving at til his spar * time te it If he desires , th to find time to cultivate his mind and is a very busy man and it may be re marked right here that it is only the very busy people who do find time to cultivate their minds he finds It im possible satisfactorily to do so in the family sitting room. So the "man's ' , den" has evolved as a matter of need. That it has been carried into a fad and has taken on many phases that are ridiculous does not affect the fact that to many men it opens up a world of delights. New York is wildly enthusiastic over Dr. Lorenz , the Vienna physic'an , and philanthropist , who has been curing cripples and performing difficult yes , almost impossible surgical operations without the use of the knife. His ten der heart is responsible for his great deeds , It Is said. He has a horror of the use of the knife , of Inflicting pain , of the necessary savagery of modern surgery. And so , with his great hands , backed up by powerful muscles , he does things that have been deemed im possible straightens crook , d limbs and saves human beings for lives of usefulness. There is a good deal of jealousy in the medical profession. Your family doctor will admit that if you ask him. But when it comes to progress , to higher science , to curing a greater portion of the sick by adopt ing radical and daring methods , that a pioneer has shown to be good , jeal ousy is lost sight of. No class of men and women are more enthusiastic over the great accomplishments of this man from over the sea than the physicians. They cheered him in New York when he kneaded a boy's club-foot into shape. Some day it seems almost possible that there will be no cr.pplcs. Science will have taken from the chil dren their crutches , placed their feet on the ground and bade them walk. Humps will disappear , and pain more pain than words can measure and sid- : ness , too , will have all but disappeated. Perhaps Dr. Lorenz is blazing the way for this great stride in the God-giving science of healing. No aspect of the great industrial combinations of the day has been more anxiously considered than their probable influence on the development of individual capacity. How do they affect , the young man's chances of success ? Has he the same opportu nity now that he had twenty-five or fifty years ago ? Can he begin now as he did then , with nothing , and by his intelligence , fidelity and "push" create a place and caive out a fortune for himself ? Certs uly conditions have greatly changed , uut it is by no means certain that opportunities have les sened. A large company of men gath ered recently to do honor to an old friend and employer on his eightieth birthday. By his inventions and im provements in processes he had made a fortune and come to be called "the iron master. " He rose from the workj ing ranks under the old conditions. But the same papers which reported this birthday celebration had refer ences also to the head of the grea * shipping combination , the president of the "steel trust , ' , ' the head of the greatest street railway system in the world , and the largest contractor In the world. They represent , in part at least , the new conditions , yet every one of them has risen from the ranks. It is doubtful if the chances are less frequent ; it is not doubtful that the demand for qualities which command success has increased. Moreover , the rewards have grown larger , and the time 1 in which they may be won has shortened. Specialization , concentra tion 1 are the order of the day , and then 1C qualities most in demand are executive qualities. < It is an age of great un dertakings. The man who succeeds best 1 is he who can not only work efficiently himself , but who can show others how to work. The men who have 1 made their way to the top and 1I 1t accumulated fortunes by the time they are forty years old are no longer rare t but when they have reached a place of sufficient importance to warrant a biography , and the biography is writ ten , in almost every case it appears that two things are true of them'a They performed the little tasks of their early experience thoroughly and intel llgently , and they were always on the is lookout for bigger things to do. V Just a Girl. y. 0 Many a throne has had to fall For a girl , Just a girl ; jj1 Many a king has had to crawl For a girl , Just a girl. : When the hero goes to war . , He may battle for the right , : But 'tis likelier by far That he sallies forth to fight For a girl , Just a girl. p When the doctor turns to say : "It's a girl , Just a girl , " de Papa murmurs with disjnay : "What ! A girl , Just * girl ? " fu .h , but why the sadness there ? Why the bitterness displayed ? f Some day some strong man will swear That the great round world was made For that girl , Just that girl. iVhy did Adam take the bite ? For a girl , Just a girl. 7hy was Troy swept out of right ? For a girl , Just a girl m would heaven still be bright , And would any good man care achieve it , if he might Never claim forever there , Just a girl , 'Glorious girl ? ne Chicago Recprd-Herald. we It Is a pity that the , word "honor- V ble" is not mor e popular In society ban the word " Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It is pure. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. It is gentle. All are pure. It is . pleasant. All are delicately blended. It is efficacious. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. It is not expensive , - * - - - Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. It is good for children. Si = ! ' It is excellent for ladies. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. It is convenient for business men Manufactured by It is perfectly safe under all circumstances , I It is used by millions of families the world over. luFORtflA : * ' It stands highest , as a laxative , with physicians. \ , : If you use it you have the best laxative the world San Fr&ncisco , Cal. produces. Louisville. Ky. New York. N. Y. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING DBUOQ28T3. PROSPEKITY IN CANADA. The Farmer in "U extern Canada Achieve IVon lorful buccens. Uue of the first things that the man svho wishes to change liis residence en deavors to find out is where he can go and succeed. It need be a' matter of little doubt or indecision no\\ . Dur ing the past four or live years .the de velopment of Western Canada bns been so rapid , and the conditions of life there so widely known , that up wards of 100,000 Americans have taken up their homes there , and the experi ence of these people is that they are thoroughly satislied with their choice of home. The methods of farming there are similar to those adopted in the United States , but the operations are simpler , the * yield of grain greater , and the profits more satisfactory. Ranching j is carried on with lots of success. Mix ed farming is always profitable , while the results in grain-raising are as cer tain as splendid soil , excellent climate and lots of sunlight can give. The yields of but nothing is as sat isfactory as the experience of the farin- pr himself , and extracts are selected from one. A good Intelligent farmer named Mears j John Mears , to be exact left Cavalier County , North Dakota , two years ago , and followed the thousands who had already gone to Canada. He had twenty-five years' experience In Minnesota , in buying grain , including flax ; but in all his experience he never saw a district so well suited to the growth of flax as Western Canavla. The financial results of Mr. Mears' op erations in a single season are as fol lows : Wheat , 3,000 bushels 1 hard at 57c , $1,785.00 ; 2.G30 bushels 1 North ern at 54c , $1,457.20 ; oats , 1,750 bush els at 35c , $012.50 ; speltz , 154 bushels at 75c , $115.50 ; flax , 324 bushels at $2 , $62S. Total , $4,598.20. A return of more than $4,500 from a little over 250 acres , an average of $18 per acre , is surely testimony sufficiently strong to satisfy the most incredulous as to the money to be made out of the soil of the Canadian West. It is to facts like these arguments expressible and dem onstrable in dollars and cents that the steady northward movement of Ameri can farmers is due. Mr. Mears is set tled near Arcola , Assa. A number of Americans who have c'hosen Western Canada aS a home Lad the idea * that a man enjoyed less free dom in Canada , but they soon found their : mistake , and say the laws cf Canada are the most liberal in the world , and such as prevent the litiga tion which breeds so much bad feeling between people in the United States ind costs them so dear in lawyers' fees. fees.The The Government has established igencies at St. Paul , Minn. ; Omaha , Neb. ; Kansas City , Mo. ; Chicago , ill. ; Indianapolis , Ind. ; Milwaukee , Wis. ; SVausau , Wis. ; Detroit , Sault Ste. Marie and Marquette , Mich. ; Toledo , 3hio ; Watertown , S. D. ; Grand Forks , M. D. , an Great Falls , Mont , and the suggestion is made that by addressing my of these , who are the authorized igents of the Government , it will bee o the advantage of the reader , who vill be given the fullest and most au- hentic information regarding the re- iults of mixed farming , dairying , anching and grain-raising , and also supply information as to freight and assenger rates , etc. Cameos are being revived. * Smart modistes are doing a great eal of sun pleating. Cigarette boxes come in the mission urinture styles. In the big flat style is a pretty hat grass linen trimmed with cherries. Birthday "charms" for the dtffer- nt months are at the jewelers. Tbe Colesseum at Eome.bad accom- mdations for 87,000 spectators. When a man finds he has lost a rife's affection he searches for flaws her disposition. No muss or failures made with PUT NAM FADELESS DYES It takes but a small dergee of kind- ess to bring joy to the heart of a ornan. Mr * . Wlnslow'u SOOTHING 8YKUP for children pthing. coftens the pnms , reduces inflmmatJon tf pain , cores wind colUc. 25o bottle. Woman's love has its price , but it is not always properly rated. A wife fan always find an excuse for believing in her husband's greatness. A silver "diploma brx" is a gist trifle soon to be s'aosnable. Red satin hearts are conspicuous among the bon bon boxes. The man of rfticrn e often getS more credit for ability than he da s'-r VPS. TO WOMEN To [ ir-'VM the henllng A ciraiibiui ; power o' PAXTINE TOILET ANTISEPTIC we will mail large trial treatment with book of instructions aosolutely free. This is not a tiny sample , but a large package , enough to convince anyone that it is the most successful prepara tion known to medicine as a cleansing rag-inal douche and for the local treat ment of woman's special ills , curing discharges and all inflamation , alsc to cleanse the teeth , mouth , and cure catarrh. Send to-day ; a postal will do- old by drucelnU or nent po tpalil by a * . 6O oca * targe box. tati fiu'tlon guaranteed. I.PAXTONSO. . 216 Columbus Ave. Boston Mast Capsicum V Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any ather plaster , and will not blister tbe rioat delicate tkin. Tbe pain alloying aud curative qualltiei o' ibis ariiole are wonderful. It will stop the tooth iche at once , and relieve beudacbe ana sciatica. We recommend it as tbe best and safest external irTte-l rrttar.t "Knovn a'mas in eiter/i/iJ ram * ay for puiub In tbe chest and stomach and nU rb niD tl3 , nium' io inti g-/uty c/implalnti A tiUl vlll prove what we claim for It , and l will be found to be Invaluable in the houiehold Many people say "It Is tbe best of all your prep * r&tloni , " Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealer * IT by sending this amount to us In postage stamp * we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted bj the public OB wss the same carries our label , as otherwise It It tot genuine. CfiESCBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. If Stata St. . New York City. WESTERN CANADA HAS FREE HOMES FOR MILLIONS ! Upwards of 100,000 American * have settled in Western Canadi daring the last 5 years. The } an contented , hajipj and prosperous and there is room still for mill ioni Wonderful yieldg of Wheat and other grains , llest Grazing Lnndi c& the Continent. Magnificent climate , plenty of water and fuel. Good schools. excellent churchea and splendid railway facilities. Free Homestead of 160 Acres , Free the only charge being $10 for entry. Bend to th fo lowing for an Atlas niid other liierature , as nell tu for certificate , giving you reduced ruiiwuj rates , etj Superintendent of Immig ation. Ottuwu. Can. , or ts W. V. Bennett , 801 New York Ufa Bldg. . Omnna Neb. , the authorized Canadian Government \uvul RUNNING FOR COVEH THE ORIGINAL OILED CLOW ( MAOEWtUCKAWraLOtV ) WILL COVER YOU Iffi WETTEST WEATBSl EVERYWHERE. TAKE HO SUBSTITUTE * . A J. TOWER COD05TONMA55U5JL TOWER CANADIAN caii w. TORONTO , CAR AVE MONEY Buy your goods at Wholesale Prices. Our 1,000-page catalogue Trill be sent upon receipt of 15 cents. This amount does not'even pay the postage , but it is sufficient te show us that you are acting1 In seed faith. Better send for it now. Your neighbors trade with us why not you also J 12 . CHICAGO Tbe bouse that tells tbe troth. afflicted with \ Thompson sfiyeWatff S0r9 9788. C96 Brillinnte is one of the newest and loveliest silks to bo had in exquisite colorings. An Indian head and a tomahawk makes up one of those pretty little German silver trays. 1 Leather bound check books with I \ individual designs come for the ' woman with a bank account. i | Some of the newest negligees are dainty little affairs reaching only to the waist. The man who is in love with klm- self imagines that all the world loves , a lover. The greatest trouble with the av erage reformer is that he begins work- too far away from home. Some men are so explicit in their , explanations that the force of it\ & , lost. If you are so fortunate as to own- , any fine old carbuncles have them set- in your umbrella handle. IciClierybus im Neuralgic s s * * EMERSON'S QUICKLY CURED BT PIl-SEiTZER NTS. SAIL HES. Medicine Never Healed a Wound Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as sist her in doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off diseases. Nine-tenths of t e diseasesof man and beast have their origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run dnd multiply form complications. Tae reason that Liquid Koal prevents all germs dieases and cures rhera , unless ferm n ation and inflamma tion have too far developed , is that it contains every antiseptic and ne-rnicida known to science. All germ diseases such as hop : cholera , swine } hgue , corn stalk diseasestubereolosis. blackleg and numerous others can prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink ing wat r , f-ecause they are germ diseases and no Kerm can live wh re LiqMid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected oy ttie gastric juices of .the stomach , passes through the i"tescinesand from there into the circulation , permeating the whole system and srill retains all its germiclal properties. Diluted with water , IB the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the best lice killer known Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follows : ONE QUART CAN - S1.OO TEN GAL. KEG , $2.SO PEB GAL ONE GALLON - - 3.0O 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , , $2.25 GAL FIVE GALLONS , $2.75 PER GAL 5O GAL ONE BBL. . $2,00 GAL OAL . , . DECEMBER 24 , 1900. ° rsineft stock raisers of Madison County , Nebraska , ra sing feoa 100 to 200 hr , 1 of hogs each ye ir hnve , after a fair and impartial trial of Liquid Kbal manufactured by thg National Medical Company , of Sheldon. Iowa , and York , Ne braska. tound It to he the Best Disinfiactnnt. Germ Destroyer and Appetizer tha has b en out pleasure > o use. and vre joi itiy thinfc that man is standing m his own Ik-ht who < ioea not try it. Wnen thsir agent calls we advise any stoct raiser to buy and u e Liq M Koal. Ctms Lo lire , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P. Wade , Battle Creek. Nefc ? J E. Mflntosh , Kmerick Nebr. Wm. Hawkins , Medow Grove , Nebr M. T. Homan , Emerick , Nebr. P. P. Homan , Newman Grove , Nebr. _ W . the undersigned stonk raisers an * larmera gladly testify to the merits of Liquid Koal manufactured hy the National Medical Co. , ofhe don. Iowa , and York , Nebra < kaV - have use-l this product with gratifying tmccess and advise all to give it a trial. It should oe on every larm in Nebraska Rufus Feary , Kee , Neor Chris , hchall , Staplehurst , Nebr. J. H. Feary. Be. . liebr. F. C. Meyer , Staplehurst. Neor , Geo. MilU , Bee , Nebr. eo. Rmg-berger , Scward. Nebr. Wm. Piughaupt , ataplehurst , Nebr. J. Biiigeberger , 8r. , Germantown , Nebr If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. A 32-page book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap plication to the National Medical Company , York , ! Nebr. . and Sheldon , Iowa. National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment of Mange , Texas Itch and Scab in Sheep. Ic forms a perfect emulsion with water and is harmless to the membranes of the eye. It your dealer does not keep it write us direct Information sent free. NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY YORK , NEBRASKA. SHLDOM , ICWA