Pc-ru-na Is a Catarrlial Tonic Es
pecially Adapted to the De
clining Powers of Old Age.
The Oldest Man in America Attributes
His Long Lire and Good Health
to Pe-ru-na.
Mr. Isaac l.rock , of McLennun county ,
Texas , has attained the great age of Il4
yearfi. lie is : m ardent fniend of Pe-
runa ami sjwnks of it in the following
terms. Mr. Brook says :
"Afler a 'nun has lived in the world
as long as I have he ought to have
found out a great many things by ex-
, perieuce. 1 think I have done so.
"One of the things L have found out
to my entire satisfaction -
faction is the
"I RELY UPON proper remedy for
PE-RU-NA FCR ailments due di
rectly to the i f-
ALL CATARRMAL fects of the cii-
DISEASES. " mato.
"For 114 years I
have withstood the
changeable climate of the United States.
During my long life 1 have known a
great many remedies for coughs , colds ,
catarrh and diarrhoea. 1 had always
supposed these affections to be different
diseases. For the Inst ten or fifteen
years I have been reading Dr. Hartman's
bqoks mid hnva learned from them one
thing in particular : Thnt these affec
tions are the same and that they ore
properly called catarrh.
"As for Dr. Hartman's remedy , Pe-
runa , I have found it to bo the best , if
not the only , reliable remedy for these
affections. It has been my stand-by
for many years , and I attribute my
igoocf health and my extreme old age
to this remedy.
"It exactly meets all my require
ments. I have come to rely upon it al
most entirely for the many little things
for -which I need medicine. L believe it
tov be especially valuable to old people ,
although I have no doubt it is just as
good for the young. " Isaac Brock.
A New Man at 79.
Major Frank O'Mahoney , West Side ,
I > Hannibal , Mo. , writes :
"I am professionally a newspaper cor
respondent , now 79 years old. I have
tvstched the growing power of the Pe-
rnna plant from its incipiency in the lit
tle log cabin , through its gradations of
success up to its present establishment
in Columbus , Ohio , and T conclude that
merit brings its full reward.
"up to a few years ago I felt no need
to test its medicinal potency , but lately
when my system needed it , your I'eruna
relieved me of many catarrhnl troubles.
Some two years ago I weighed 210
pounds , but fell away down to 1GS
pounds , and besides loss of flesh I was
subject to stomach troubles , indigestion ,
loss of appetite , insomnia , night sweats ,
and a foreboding of getting my entire
system out of order. During some
months 1 gave Peruna a fair trial , and it
rejuvenated my whole system. I feel
thankful therefor , for although 79 years
old I feel like a young man. " Major
Frank O'Mahoney.
In old age the mucous membranes be
come thickened and partly lose their
This leads to partial loss of hearing ,
smell and taste , as well as digestive
Pcruna corrects all this by its specific
Since three men have hanged
- > = themselves in Gibbet lane , Halesow-
en , Worcestershire. England , it has
been decided to change the name of
the thoroughfare.
Senator Proctor , of Vermont , is
president of Ihe first manufacturing
corporation in Kew England to erect
a One building near the works forj
the educational and moral benefit of
the employes.
operation on all the mucous membranes
of the body.
One bottle will convince anyone. Once
used and Peruna becomes a lifelong
stand-by with old and young.
Mr. Samuel Saunders of Blythedale ,
Mo. , writes : "My disease was catarrh
of the urethra and bladder. I got a bottle
tle of Pe-ru-na and began taking it , and
in a few days I was relieved and could
sleep and rest all night. I think that
Pe-ru-ua is valuable I
a remedy. had
tried other very highly recommended
medicines , but they did me no good.
My physician told me that I could not
expect t9 be cured of my trouble , as I
was getting to be an old man (57 ( years ) .
I feel very thankful for what Pe-ru-na
has done for me. "
In a later letter Mr. Saunders says :
I am still of the same mind with regard
to your Pe-ru-na medicine. " , (
Mrs. F. E. Little , Tolona , 111. , writes :
" ! _ can recommend Peruna as a good
medicine for
A TRAVELER chronic catnrrh of
the stomach and
AT SEVENTY-ONE bowels. I have
been troubled se
YEARS OF AGE verely with it forever
over a yc-ar , snd
a cough. JNow my cough is all gone ,
and all the distressing symptoms of ca
tarrh of the stomach and bowels have
disappeared. I will recommend it to all
as a rare remedy. I am so well I am con
templating a trip to Yellow Stone Park
this coming season. How is that for one
71 years old ? "
In a later letter she says : "I am only
In washing fine lace , starch should
never be used. If it is tu be stiffened
slightlya spounnful of sugar dissolved
in a cup of water will serve the pur
One of the village churches in
Malta was struck by lightnin re
cently , owing itMs believed locail to
the bells not being runs durinu the
storm as a prayer for safety from the
icine Never Healed a Wound
Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as
sist her in doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off
diseases. Nine-tenths of tue diseases of man and beast have their
origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run < ind multiply
form complications. Tae reason that Liquid Koal prevents all
germs dieases and cures them , unless ferraen ation and inflamma
tion have too far developed , is that it contains every antiseptic
and permicida knowiix to .science. All germ diseases such as hog
cholera , swine } hgue , corn stalk diseasestuberculosis , blackleg and
numerous others can prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink
ing water , because they are germ diseases and no germ can live
where Liqnid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected Dy the
gastric juices of the stomach , passes through the intestines and
from , the re into the circulation , nermeating the whole system and
still retains all its germiclal properties. Diluted with water , in
the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the best lice killer
Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is asfollows * :
ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , . $2.25 GAL
DECEMBER 24 , 1900.
We. the undTsitjneu stock raisers of Madison County , Nebra-ka. ra sing from
100 to 200 hen i of hoes each ye ir have , after a fair an < i impartial trial of Liquid Koal
manufactured by the National Medical Company , of Sheldon. Iowa , and York , Ne
braska , lound it to bo the Best Disinfectant , ucrm Destroyer and Appetizer tha has
1 > en our pleasure to use , and we joi itly think that man is standinn in his own
Muht who does not try it. When their agent calls we advise any stock raiser to
buy and u-o Liq ii < l Koal.
Chas Lol e , Norfolk , Nebr. Thomas P. Wade , Battle Creek. Nctor.
J K. Mclntosh , Kmeriok Nebr. Wm. Hawkins , Me-idow Grove , Nebr.
H. T. Horaao , Jlmeriot , Nebr. F. i * . Homan , Newman Grove , Nebr.
DECEMBER , 1902.
v WP , -anrtersiffned stoo.k raisers and f Armers gladly testify to the merits of
Liqnid Kea ! manufactured hy the National Medical Co. , of he don. Iowa , and
York. Nebraska , \Ve hare used this produo : with gratifying nuccess and advise aM
to give it a triaL It should oe on every fa-rm , in Nebraska
Rnfoa Feary , Bee , Near Chris Mohall , Staplehurst , Nebr.
J. H. Keary. Bee , Nebr. F. C. Meyer , Staplehurst , Ne > r ,
6eo. Mill * . Bee , Nebr. Geo. Rmg-berger , Se\sard. Nfbr.
Wra. Pmgbaapt , etaplehorst , Nebr. J.RIngebergerSr.Ge.manterwrjiN'rtr
If your dealer does not keep it write us direct.
A 32-paae book on the Diseases of Animals mailed free upon ap-
Ellcation to the National Medical Company , York , Nebr. , and
heldon , Iowa.
National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for
killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment of Alange , Texas Itch
and Scab in Sheep. It forms a perfect emulsion with water and is
harmless to the membranes of the eye.
If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information
sent free.
\ I * SL IY\ ' " urn * v-
Strong and Vigorous at the Age of
Rev. J. N. Parker , of Utica , N. Y. ,
writes :
"In June , 1901 , I lost my sense oi
heating entirely. My hearing had
" iMMOBHMMi MMiBCj been somewhat impaired for several
years , out not so muin uiieciea out that I could hold converse with my
friends ; but in June , 1901 , my sense of hearing left me so that I cuuld hear
no sound whatever. I was also troubled with severe rheumatic pains in
my limbs. I commenced taking Peruna , and now my hearing is restored as
good as it was prior to June , 1901. My rheumatic pains are all gone. I cannot
speak too highly of Peruna , and now when 88 years old can say it has in
vigorated my whole system. I cannot but think , dear Doctor , that you must
feel very thankful to the all loving father that you have been permitted
to live , and by your skill be such a blessing as you have been to suffering
humanitv. " Rev. J. N. Parker. A
too thankful to you for your kind advice
and for the good health that I am en
joying wholly from the use of your Pe-
runa. Have been out to the Yellow
Stone National Park ana many other
places of the West , and shall always
thank you for your generosity. " Mrs.
F. E. Little.
If you do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. Hartman , giving a
full statement of your case , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman , President of
The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus ,
Bathing the Baby.
Young mothers naturally feel anxious
about the baby's bath. It is best tc
begin at six weeks to put the little one
in the water , first folding a soft towel
in the bottom of the basin. TJse only
Ivory Soap , as many of the highly col
ored and perfumed soaps are very injuri
ous to the tender skin of an infant.
How These "Women Love Each Ofher.
Pearl Did you bear about the aw
ful fright George got on his wedding
day ?
Maude Yes , 1 was there ; I saw
her. Brooklyn Eagle.
Honor to Secre tary Tong.
Former Secretary of the Navy John
D. Lone , descended from Mary Chit-
ton , has been made a member of the
Mayflower descendants.
GREEN costs
25 cents f
per TON !
Greatest. Cheapest Food
on Earth for Sheep , Swine ,
Cattle , etc.
Win b worth $100 to yon to read what
Baiter's catalog says about rape.
Billion Dollar Grass
will poiltlrely maVo you rich ; 12 tons
of hay and lota of pasture per acre , BO
also Bromns , Peaoat , Spelti.Uicuonl
wheat for arid , hot noils , C3 bus. per
acre. 20th CenterOsts , 230 boj. per
acre and Teoslnte , Yield * 10O ton *
Green Fodder per acre.
Forthls Notice and 10c.
we nail big catalog and 10 Farm Seed
NovdUei , roU T worth $10 to get a gtart.
Suy your goods at
Wholesale Prices.
Our 1,000-paze catalogue will toe sent
cpon receipt of 15 cents. This amount
does not even pay the postage , but it is
sufficient to show us that you are acting
in good faith. Better send for it now.
Your neighbors trade with us why not
you also ?
The house that tells the truth.
Grain Growing. Mixed Farming.
more wheat is grown in Western
Canada in a few abort .months , it
because vegetation grows in pro-
] pcrtion to the snnliuht. There
fore 62p- > nndsperbuhlisasfail
i a standards GO ponnds in thoEaat ,
Area under crop In TVc tom Canada , 1002-
1,987,830 acres.
Yield. , 1903 117,022,754 bo.
Free IIomeKteads of 160 Acre * Plentiful , the onh
charge being 0 for entry. Abundance of water and
iei , cheap building material , good prase for pasture
no nay , nfertUe soil , n sufficient riiinfall and aclimat *
" " "B an assured and adequate season of growth ,
to tbs following for an Atlas and other Jitera-
, n aja for cert'ficote giving jou reduced
l2teD-Jent ° < no of passrtnci > r rates , etc. . etc. : The Super-
Immigration , Ottawa , Canada , or to
WJV. Bennett , 801 New York Life Bids. , Omaha ,
Neb , the authorized Canadian Government Agent.
EVKebraaka Lis
With Corn Meal.
A good old-fashioned dessert to serve
ifter a parsnip stew is a baked Indian
pudding. If made right , when taken
from the oven it will quiver and be
The old way that has never been im
proved upon was to bring a quart of
milk to boil in an iron pot , and then
to add to it about one and one-hall
cupfuls finely granulated meal , hold
ing the meal high in the left hand and
sprinkling slowly , stirring constantly
meanwhile with the right hand. When
this has thickened and cooled a little
two teaspoonfuls of ginger , three-quar
ters of a cup of molasses and ha f a
teaspoonftil of salt were stirred in
and the mixture was beaten smooth.
The pudding dish , which in old days
was of stoneware tall and flaring at
the top , was then thoroughly greased ,
the batter poured in and a quart of
cold milk turned in last. After this
addition but little stirring was done ,
and the batter should be about as thin
as a pancake batter. Bake four or five
hours in a slow , steady oven , remem
bering that the slower the oven the
more delicious the pudding. Servo
with cream or hard sauce.
To Fry
These are so often hard in-the yolk
while the white is uncooked that a
word as to the right way to fry eggs
may not be amiss , although many
housewives may be already instructed.
The reason why fried eggs are so rare
ly satisfactory is because the heat oi
the pan at bottom cooks them while
the top is still raw. They must al
ways be fried in fat enough to baste
them ; tilt the pan a little and with a
spoon pour the boiling fat orer each
egg in turn , till they have a white
surface like poached eggs. They should
not be in the pan over three minutes ,
and the basting begin as soon as they
* * slipped into it. The pan and f.il
of course must be very hot. In this
way the fat cooks the surface and
they are much easier to lift without
Abont Sponjzes.
It is often possible to buy a good
sponge at sales if the purchaser will
be content with one rather dark in col
or , as these , even if good in texture ,
will never fetch a high price. Always
avoid the light , glaringly yellow
sponges , which have been bleached by
sulphurous acid , and are thoroughly
rotten in consequence. If you would
prolong the life of a sponge and keep
it in a wholesome condition many
people would be surprised to learr
how rare this is always rinse it out
in a good supply of cold water aftei
using with soap. If the- sponge be
comes at all greasy or slimy , allow
it to soak in salt and water , and once
a month wash it in a weak solution
of Condy's fluid , which will thorough
ly disinfect and cleanse the sponge.
Old-Time Hatter-Scotch.
To three cups of brown sugar add
three-quarters of a cup of water , a
tablespoonful of butter , a scant salt-
spoonful of soda , and a tablespoonfu'
of vanilla extract. Let it boil till il
will harden when dropped from tin
spoon into a glass of water , then pom
in thin sheets into buttered baking-
pans. As it cools mark it off iu
squares with a knife dipped in watei
to keep it from sticking. Have readj
squares of buttered paper , and when
perfectly cold wrap the pieces of can
dy in them.
To Keep Lremon- Juice Ready for Use ,
Squeeze out the juice in the usua :
manner , strain free from pulp and
pips , add white powdered sugar ir
the proportion of one pound to a pin1
of the juice ; stir it until the sugar h
quite dissolved , then put it away in
very small bottles. Put a teaspoonfu !
of salad oil in the top and cork 5i
close. When wanted for use , take out
the cork carefully and take up the oii
with a bit of cotton-wool. To use for
lemonade , add one large tablespoo&fui
to a gill of water.
Hints for Housewives ,
Apples , like tomatoes , can be more
quickly and easily peeled by pourin ?
boiling water over them and allowing
them to stand in the water five min
Furniture brushes are an essential
article of a household outfit. A oft
clothes brush is the best for s.lk ui
plush furniture , as it does not fray the
fabric like a whisk broom.
If coffee is spilled on linen the stains
can be removed by soaking the j " 1
in clear cold water , to which a little
borax has been added , for tvrelvc
One-half of an egg will clear the cof
fee for a family of five or six as we1
as a whole egg. Beat the egg and a < 3o
an equal quantity of water. Mix this
with the amount of coffee required ff
one meal and pour the boiling watei
over it.
In these days when hardwood floor *
are in such general use broom ba s
form an important accessory of 9
housewife's closet. Heavy cantoo
flannel is most suitable for th m , o
any old flannel garments can D en.
ployed to make them , especially the
eiderdown variety. They -hould bt
sewed down on the sides , the top hem-
ned and a tape sewed equally on one
side. It should be long enough to go
i round the handle of the broom sev
eral times.
As babies are aucuaiuuiuil to ruclc-
ing. they are neb disturbed by the
rocking of a ship , and therefore never
become seasick.
It has been deGnitely decided by
the Kussian military authorities to
do away with the laoce In the Rus
sian army.
Girls in Papua , or New Guinea , an
island in the Pacilic , have little
chance to elope. Their dads force
them to sleep in a little house on the
topmost branches of a tall tree ; then
the ladder is removed , and the slum
ber of the parents is not disturbed
with fears of an elopement.
Professor Uaecker , in an address to
the Minnesota dairymen , tasted that
the two essential and vital points
in the dairy cow are a large middle
and light quarters. Having secured
the deep-bjdied spare cove , there is
no objection to the fancy points , pro-
ided they do not interfere with the
two mentioned.
Bad Baclcs.
fflffiT *
Bad backs are
found in every house
hold. A bad back is
a back that's lame ,
weak or aching. Most
backache pains t.omc
from kidney derange
ments and should be
promptly attended to.
Reach the cause
of backache by re
lieving the kidneys
and curing their ills.
Doan's Kidney Pills
are for the kidneys
only and cure the
dangers of urinary
and bladder disor
ders , from common
inflammation to Dropsy , Diabetes ,
Bright's disease.
Case No. 40,321. Mr. W. H. Ham
mer , well-known builder , residing at
125 N. Hinde street , Washington C. 51. ,
Ohio , says : "I am glad to indorse a
remedy which possesses such inestima
ble value as Doan's Kidney Pills. They
cured me of inflammation of the blad
der which had caused me much annoy
ance and anxiety because of the fre
quency and severity of the attacks. I
have advised others to take Donn's
Kidney Pills and I know they will not
be disappointed in the results. "
A FREE TRIAL of this great kid
ney medicine which cured Mr. Hammer
will be mailed on application to any
part of the United States. Address
Foster-Milburn Co. , Buffalo. N. Y. For
sale by all druggists , price 50 cents per
Xast of Famous Crew.
William Hill of Honesdale , Pa. , is
fche last survivor of the new Commo
dore Stockton's frigate On ress.
which raised the first United States
Qag over California in 1S4G.
Have Had War Portfolios.
The three United States senators ,
nuw serving their terms , who have
been secrutaiies of war are Messrs.
Proctor of VeimoLt , Elkins of West
Virginia , and Alger of Michigan.
The Wonderful Yelds of Wheat At
tracting : Thousands.
Until the last five or six years but
little attention was given to that vast
area of grain-producing laud lying
north of the 40th parallel , and imme
diately adjoining the northern boun
daries of Minnesota and Dakota. .
The Canadians themselves were
aware of the wealth that lay there , but
being unable to fully occupy it. they
have asked the Americans to assist
them in converting the laud from sts
virgin state to one that will largely
supplement the grain producing .ireu
of the North American continent. And
the response has been most liberal.
During the year 1901 , upwards of
20,000 from the United States went
over to Canada , being induced to set
tle there by the reports that reached
them of the success of those who had
preceded them during the previous
years. This 20,000 was increased to
30,000 during the year 1902 , and it is
fully expected that there will be tally
50,000 during the present year. The
work of the immigration branch of the
Canadian government is not now being-
directed towards giving information t'.s
to the advantages of settlement in
Canada as it is to extending an invita
tion to the American to follow those
who have gone.
Those who have charge of the work
point with considerable pride to the
success of those who have been induc
ed to take advantage of the offer of
160 acres of land free in Canada , and
have no cause to hesitate in continu
ing the invitation. Many of those in
terested say there are no more free
homesteads to be had in Canada , but
the writer has most positive assurance
from the Canadian Government that
there are thousands of such home
steads to be had. and an one of the dis
tricts now being opened up fully as
good as the best , and it is probably the
The Canadian Government has es
tablished agencies at St. Paul , Minn. ,
Omaha , Neb. , Kansas City , Mo. , Chicago
cage , 111. , Indianapolis , Ind. , Milwau
kee , Wis. , Wausau , Wis. , Detroit. Sault
Ste. Marie and Marquette , Mich. , To
ledo , Ohio , Watertown , S. D. , Gram !
Forks , N. D. , and Great Falls , Mont. ,
and the suggestion Is made that by ad
dressing any of these , who are the au
thorized agents of the Government , it
will be to the advantage of the reader ,
who will be given the fullest and most
authentic information regarding the re
sults of mixed farming , dairying ,
ranching and grain raising , and also
supply information as to freight and
passenger rates , etc.
New GUJC tor Liuinc Buck.
Jlutledge , Minn. , Feb. 10. Mr. E. C.
Getdiell of this place relnteH a happy
experience which will be read with in
terest by aR those who have a similar
It appears that last winter Mr.
Getchell was seized with .1 lameness
and soreness in his back which grew
worse and \vorso till at last it became
very bad and mudu it vrry difficult for
him to get about at all.
After a time he heard of a new rem
edy for backache which some of bis
friends and neighbors said had cured
them and he determined to try h. The
name of the remedy is Dodd's Kidney
Pills and Mr. Getchell has proven that
It Is a sure cure. He says :
"I used two boxes of Dodd's Kiilney
Pills according to directions and my
lame back was entirely cured and I am
all O. K. again. Dodd's Kidney Pills
are as good as represented. "
This remedy is very popular here
and has worked some remarkable cures
of Backache and Kidney Trouble.
Germany annually sends to this
country 130,000 canary biids , 5,000 to
France. 3,000 to England , and 2.000
to Russia.
It is announced here that Emperor
William of Germany will reach Borne
April 25 on a visit to the Italian
court. The czar of Russia will visit
the court May 11.
An American syndicate has pre
sented a proposal to build the Chile
section of the railroad across the
Andes at a cost of S7,000.000 , payable
in 5 per cent bonds.
Some physicians in France assert
that ballooning is a cure for con
sumption. The patient has to make
ascents at state intervals. Increasing
or decreasing the altitude in accor
dance with his condition.
Among the articles comprising a
bride's outfit ) in the Japanese island
of Oshima is a big tub of drinking
water. Water is very scarce in the
island , ; ind every prudenr- bride tries
to have a supply on hand.
The better class of Japanese take a
warm bath every day.
Mrs. Austin's Punrake Hour innke ? lovely
pane-ike ? , mtillins and gems. So good yon al
ways ask for more.
A French physiologist has discover
ed that nearly all criminals have
large cars.
No trou' Ic ( o prepare quick hreukfasts if you
hav > JIj > . Austin's famous J'ancake fionr.
Ready i. . a moment ,
Smokeless powder throws off a faint
haze which is clearly discernible
through violet glasses.
Mrs. Winslow's SOOTHING SYKUP tor children
teethinjr , soTum the jinnm , mluctM Jnflamation
allays pain , curts wind collie. 25c bottle.
The first issue of medals to British
troops was in 16-13 by Charles I.
Perfectly simple and simply perfect
is dyeing with PUTNAM FADELESS
Many School Children Arc Siclcly.
Mother Grny's Sweet Powders for
Children , used by Mother Griy. a nurse
in Children's Home , New York. Break up
Colds in 24 hours , cure Constipation ,
Feverish ness , Headache , Stomach Trou
bles , Teething Disorders , move and reg-
nlatc the bowels and Destroy Worms.
Sold by all druggists or by mail , _ 5c.
Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen S.
Ohnstcd , Le Roy , N. Y.
A Washington reporter , in describ
ing the declarations of one of the
White Hcuse rooms , pleasantly stated
that it was "a nightmare in yellow
and blue. " To get even with him
for this rude comment , an attendant
| TQ Permanently Cured. noniaorncrvcusr.e urier
11 1 O Iirs day's use of Dr. Kline'3 Ureac Kerra Ko-
stcrsn 8tifoJKEEei2.0lnubottesiidlr .
- - -nubottesiidlr : % .tl L
31. U. H. KLINF. Ltd 831 „ . - - S' . . Philadelphia Pa.
prepared for sufferers from nasal catarrh
who are used to an atomizer in spraying
the diseased membranes. All the healing
and soothing properties of Cream Balm
are retaim-d in the new preparation. It
does not dry up the secretions. Price , in
cluding spraying tube , 75 cts. At drug
gists' or Ely Bros. , 50 Warren : rtut : ,
Ne\v York , mail it.
more men's Goodyear Welt ( Hand *
Sawed Process ) shoes than any other
manufacturer in the world *
$25,000 SEWAED-
will be pMd to anyone who
can disprove tills statement.
Because W. L. Douglas
istho largest manufacturer
he can buy cheaper and
produce his shoes at a
lower cost than other concerns -
cerns , which enables him
to sell shoes for § 3.50 and
83.00 equ.il in every '
way to those sold else
where for Si and 5.00.
W. L. Douglas $3.50
andS3shoe are worn by thousands of men who
have been payingS4 and § 5not believing tLey
could get a fii't-class shoe for $3.50 or § ? I
He has convinced them that the style , fit ,
and wear of his 53.50 and $3.00 shoes is just
as gcot\ Give them a trial and save money.
Xotlre Increase OS99 Sales : Sa,2Oa,88 , ill
in BntinoslS02Sales : $ AO24. 4O. *
A gain of S3,820,4.10.79 In Four Yean.
Worth SG.OO Compared with Other Makes.
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