Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 19, 1903, Image 2
THE VALENTINE DEA10CRA1 I. it KICK. Tub i.lier. YALENTINE , - NEBRASKA. The hardest woman co please is the one who doesn't know what she wants. It takes a clever woman to make the story of her aches and pains interest ing. The man who doesn't think he has the smartest baby on earth has no baby. The matter of regulating the trusts would be simplified greatly if all the good trusts had strawberry marks. J. Plerpont Morgan is said to have been very proficient in mathematics as a schoolboy. And he has been figuring ever since. A woman at the head of the greatest gun factories in the world will make the former references to the timid and gentle sex a trifle uncalled for. To become really popular the School of Domestic Arts and Sciences should teach how to incorporate poison with candy so as to avoid the detection. A woman in the PostofHce Depart ment at Washington gave up her hus band rather than lose her job. Hus bands can be obtained without a civil service examination. Take one young man with several unnecessary , expensive habits , .and one young woman who is lazy , careless and wasteful , and we have a good rec ipe for either continuous poverty or speedy divorce. A Kansas Jury has established a precedent which may have a bad ef fect upon brutal husbands. A man who had been arrested for beating his wife was acquitted on the ground that the wife deserved the whipping. Carnegie denies the report that he is going to give his little daughter a $2,500,000 house. He says he doesn't want the child to get a notion that she has "great expectations. " Still , it will be a wonder if somebody doesn't tell her about it. It is estimated that the postal cards used in this country during the past year would fill 177 freight cars. It would not be surprising if ral of them got through without g read except by the persons to Aviioin they were addressed. Fate does not seem inclined to re spect the Salic law in Russia or in Italy. Instead of providing male heirs to the throne of the Czar and of the King , it has supplied Nicholas with four daughters and ne'er a son , and re cently it gave to Victor Emmanuel a second daughter , when he would have been delighted with an heir whom he might .have called the Prince of Rome. Stone , wood , glass , brick and cinders have been used for street pavements , and now they are experimenting with steel in New York. Two strips of steel a foot wide have been laid down in the middle of a street , for a distance of a mile , for the use of heavy trucks , and the advocates of this kind of sup plementary paving believe that it will be generally adopted for streets on which there is much traffic. They point to its successful use hi Spain , where a two-mile stretch of road from Va lencia to Grao is now kept in order for little more than one-fifteenth of the former expense. What the Spanish authorities believe to be the ashes of Christopher Colum bus were deposited in a special mau soleum in Seville last month. They are the ashes Vhich were removed from the cathedral in Santo Domingo and taken to Havana after the Spanish ceded the island In 1795. When Cuba ceased to be Spanish territory the ashes were carried to Spain. The people ple of Santo Domingo insist that the remains of Columbus still rest in their cathedral , and that when , in the eigh teenth century , the Spaniards removed the sarcophagus , they took the one which contained the body of the eldest son of the explorer. That their claim is well founded was conclusively ghown by F. A. Ober in an account of his investigations into the subject for the Columbian Exposition. Aside from the merits of the controversy , there is something tragic in the determination of the Spanish in their progressive re treat from their American empire to carry back with them what they be lieve to be the body of the man who opened that empire to them. If we are to sterilize the mouth ; pieces of telephones , every day , to kill the bacteria and prevent infection , and ore to scrub the door knobs every day for the same reason , why not be con sistent and go on scrubbing and scrub bing everything with which we come in contact ? If these bacteria innst be cleaned out once a day , why not once an hour , or once a mlnuto ? The pes tiferous things are apt to get hi any second. Of course , everybody knows that drinking water must be not only .boiled , but distilled. We have all often enough been warned that handshak ing is dangerous and kissing deadly. All of which warning we have all duly observed , of course. Now , after hav ing long and virtuously refrained from water as God made it and from the other enticements , it Is hard to be In formed by the bacteriologists that we still are in momentary danger from microbes unless we scrub , scrub , scrub. And when we get used to the scrub , bing and learn to look upon it as a matter of course instead of a hardship , may not the microbes steal anotltex march upon us through the scrub brush ? Maybe we shall have to ter- ilize the soap and then sterilize the sterilizer. Bacteriologists are insatia ble. They never know where to stop. Hut their demands , if fully acceded to would leave us no time to make a liv ing. It would be scrub , scrub with us all the time. And while saving our selves from death from microbes , w < - would die of starvation. The farmer , instead of plowing , would put in all his time killing the microbes on hia plow handles ; the butcher , instead ol killing beef , would never cease to scour his knife and cleaver , and there would be nothing produced to eat. This sorj of thing may very easily be carried too far. The bacteriologists must learn to draw the line somewhere. We shall soon become as ridiculous as the old Salemites in the days of witchcraft. Since the first of 1902 nearly 30,000 emigrants have moved from the TJnit- ed States over-into Canada. The Ca nadian Minister of the Interior esti mates the land bought in Canada bj Americans at about 10,000,000 acres. This sounds big , and England is stirred up accordingly. The English Econom ic Review treats it as a grave question The Americanization of Canada at this rate is feared to be a matter of but a fevr years. All of which only Illus trates the English ignorance of Cana dian conditions. Ten million acres is a lot of land , but it does not seem , s much , compared with the 35,000,000 il Manitoba , the 50,000,000 farther wesl In Assiniboia , the 60,000,000 north of Assiniboia in Saskatchewan , and the 00,000,000 west of both Assiniboia and Saskatchewan , in Alberta. Here are 205,000,000 acres still open to settle ment. There is plenty of room in the great Canadian wheat lands for all comers. Of course , if the English and Scotch do not eater upon these lands , the ever-alert American Is bound to do so. The American land company nevi has an option upon 2,000,000 acres ia Ontario. The article in the English Economic Review lays stress upon the fact that American emigrants go into Canada thoroughly imbued with the Monroe doctrine and determined to be come the controlling political quantity. This , of course , is merely nightmare. As a matter of fact , few American farmers of the class that are- going to Canada know or care anything about the Monroe doctrine. They are going there to build homes , to develop the laud and to make money. None would be so amazed as themselves to learr that England is excited in the appre hension that they are political agt tators they who have more concern for their crops than for all the poll- tics in the world. It is not a political conquest of Canada by the Americans that England needs to fear. It is an industrial and commercial conquest. ALARM TO WAKEN THE DEAF. Of Course They Do Not Hear It , bu Slumber Takes Its Flight. An alarm clock for deaf mutes is the novel invention of Elza Cretzer , a dea mute In the employ of the Washoe smelting plant , who resides at 15 Birch street , says the Anaconda Standard , Ho\v to awake at a certain hour has long been a problem among these un fortunate people , and in Mr. Cretzer'i invention the solution has been found Of course , the ordinary alarm cloels has been useless. Mr. Cretzer , who li an ingenious fellow , is a water and flume tender at the Washoe smelter His work necessitates his rising at ar early hour in the morning , and as j has no means of awakening he has lost many days of work by being late. H accordingly set about inventing an ap paratus by which he could always b < on tune. The dropping of a pillow on thi sleeping person is the awakening agent and it is operated so that the pillow Ealls at the desired time. An ordinary alarm clock is placed in a cigar boa which fits it closely. It is then nailed Lo the. wall at the head of the bed. A string connects the clapper of the alarm ilock with an ordinary spring mouse trap fastened to the top of the cigui jox. By a system of small pulleys and ; crew eyes a pillow is fastened to the md of a string and pulled to the ceil- ng directly above the bed. An ingen. ous arrangement connects the othei jud of the string to the mouse trap rhe clock is set , and when the alarm joes off the string attached to the bel'i i\ tapper springs the mouse trap and re ' eases the pillow , which drops on thi . > ersons sleeping in the bed beneath ' 'When it does not hit me it hits mj J ! vife , " Mr. Cretzer wrote on a piece ol ° > aper , "and so I never miss a day anj nore. " Picture Gallery of Stone Age. A picture gallery that dates from tb tone age has been unearthed in a car frn near Eyzies , France. The pictures irhlch are all of prehistoric animala nrere not only cut in the rocks , as ii isually the case with such represents ions , but were painted in several col- rs , and gives some evidence of thi irtistie skill. There were eighty pic- ures , of which forty-nine represem isons of various kinds. The pigmenti ised , which are shades of red and 1 > rown , have been found , on analysis y Molssan , the eminent French chem- st , to be ochres mixed with minutt Hl " * ragments of transparent silica. ' If you yawn when out in companj t Indicates that you are really In sucl ' lemand In society that you haven't leen able to get to bed before mid tight in a week. It is the average woman's wall thai vhen she is sick she has to craw ! ro Hd aad wait o herself. I Ancient and Modern Ideas on the Subject. Time and Disease the Effacing Agents of Beauty , What Has Science Done to Restore the Liiy and the Rose ? Socrates called beanty a short-lived tvranny , Plato a privilege of nature , TlieonTitus a delightful prejudice , TheophnisMis n , sil > ntchear , Carneades a solitary kingdom. Homer a glorious gift of naMire , Ovid a favor of the g-tds. Aristotle aillrmed that beauty was better than all the letters of recom mendation in Urn world , undyctixmc of these distinguished authorities luw left us even a , hint of how beauty is to be perpetuated , or the ravages of : igo and disease defied. Time soon blends the lily and the rose into the pallor of age , disease dots the fair face with cutaneous distluaf.'illuuri and crimsons the Roman nose with unsightly flushes , moth , if not rust , corrupts the jilory of eyes , teeth , and lips yet beautiful by defacing the complexion , and fills the sensitive soul with agony unspeakable. If such be the unhappy coiit > i ion of ono afflii-ted with sliizht skin blemishe. " , what must be thu feelings o ! those in whom torturing h' mors have for years run riot , covering the skin with scales and sores and charging tlm blood with poisonous elements to become a part of the system until death ? It is vain to attempt to por- iray such suffering. Death in many cases iniirht be considered a blessing. The blood and fluids seem to be im pregnated with a fiery element which , when discharged through the pores upon the surface of tan body , inflames and burns until , in his efforts for relief , the patient tears the skin witli bis nails , and not until the blood flows does sufficient relief come to cause him to desist. Thus do complexional defects merge into torturing disease , and piqued van ity give plice to real suffering. A little wart on the nose or cheek grows to the all-devouring lupus , a patch of tetter on the palm of the band or on the limbs suddenly envelops the body in its fiery embrace , a bruise on the leg expands into a gnawing ulcer , which reaches out its fangs , tothe sufferer's heart in every paroxvsm of pain , a small kernel in the neck multiplies into a dozen , which eat away the vita.ity , great pearl-like scales crow from little rash-like inflammations in such abun dance as to pass credulity ; and so on may we depict the sufferings to which poor human nature is subject , all of which involve great mental distress because of personal disfigurations. If there were not another external disease known , eczema alone would bo a sufficient infliction on mankind. It pervades all classes , and descends im partially through geuerations. While some are constantly enveloped in it , others have it confined to small patches iu the ears , on the scalp , on the breast , on the palms of the hands , on the limbs , etc. , but everj'where its distinctive feature is 2 , MiiaH watery blister , which discharges an acrid fluid , causing heat , inflammation , and intense itching , lling-worm , tetter , sculled head , dandruff belong to this scaly and itching order of diseases. Psoriasis , our modern leprosy , with its mother-of-pearl scale , situated on a reddened base , which bleeds upon the removal of the scale , is to be dreaded aud avoided , as of old. Im petigo , barber's itch , erysipelas , and a score of minor disorders make up in part the catalogue of external diseases of the skin. Thus far we have made no allusion to those afflictions which are manifestly impurities of the blood , viz. : swelling of the glands of the throat , ulcers on the neck and limbs , tumors , abscesses , and mercurirj poisons , with loss of hair , because the whole list can be comprehended in the one word scrofula. It is in the treatment of torturing , disfiguring humors and affections of the skin , sealp , and blood , with loss of hnir , that the Cuticura remedies have achieved their greatest success. Orig inal in composition , scientifically com pounded , absolutely pure , unchangeable in any climate , always ready , and agree able to the most delicate and sensitive , they present to young and olil the most successful curative of modern times. This will be couside ed strong language by those acquainted with the character and obstinacy of blood and skin humors but It is justified by innumerable suc cesses where all the remedies and meth ods in vogue have failed to cure , and , " in many cases , to relieve , even. The Cuiicura treatment is at once agreeable , speedy , economical , and comprehensive. Bathe the affected parts freely with hot water and Cuti cura soap , to cleanse the sur ace of crusts and scales , and soften the thickened cuticle. Dry , without hard rubbing , aud apply Cuticura Ointment AVill Accept the Peril Harold Godwin will rebuild the 'illiam ' Cullen Bryanb house at Ros- 'n on the lines of the \iriginal struc- ire , which was burned a few weeks 50 There will be no attempt to re- reduce the exact interior. Basket making employs half a lillion persons in Germany , where ie wages range from 18 shillings to pounds weekly for skilled workers. sicuiii Vaseline Put Up in Collapsible Tubes * A Subititute for and Superior to Mustard or any her plaster , and will not blister the nest delicate : n. The pain allaying and curative qualities o ! Is Article are wonderful. It will stop the tooth- he at once , and relieve headache ana sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest extern * ! rr.te-irr.fac.t. ! Jinown. a'jnas ineiter/iAi raw * lit poluu In the cheat and stomach and U zminatj } , neuralgic And goaty complaint * . A. tiLil vlll prove what we claim for It , and it ill be focnd to be invaluable in the honiehold. any people say "It Is the best of all your prenv tions , " Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealer * , by sending this amount to us in postage stampi , * will send you a tube by mall. No article should be accepted by the public nm > is the same carries our label , as otherwise it 10 't genuine. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO , 17 SUte St. , New York City. N. U. NO. 579-8 YORK , NEB to allay itching , irritation , and inflam mation , and soothe and heal , and , lastly , take Cuticura Resolvent , to cool and cleanse the blood. This treatment af ford < ins ant relief , permits rest and sleep in the severest forms of eczema aud other itching , burning , and scaly humors , and points toaspeedyperma nent , and economical cure of torturing , disfiguring hnmors , eczemas , rashes , and inflammations , from infancy to ae , when all other remedies and the .best physicians fail. The remedies con stituting the Cuticura bystem will repay an individual scrutiny of their remark able properties. rmieur.i ; Soap contains in a modified form the medicinal properties of Cuti cura Ointment , tlie great skin cure and purest and sweetest of emollients , com bined with the most delicate aud re freshing of flower odors. It purifies and invigorates the pores of the skin , and imparts activity to the oil glands and tubes , thus furnishing an outlet for unwholesome matter , which if re tained would cause pimples , black heads , rashes , oily , mothy skin , and other complexional disfigurations , as well as scalp affections and irritations , falling hair , and baby rashes. I" ? gen tle and continuous action on llu i ural lubricators of the skin keeps tlie latter transparent , soft , flexible , and healthy. Hence its constant use , assisted by an occasional use of Cuticura Ointment , realizes the fairest complexion , the softest , whitest hands , and the most luxuriant , glossy hair within the do main of the most advanced scientific knowledge to supply. Cuticura Ointment is the most fuc- cessfnl external curative for torturing , disfiguring humors of the &km and scalp , including los of hair , in proof of which a single anointing \\ith it , preceded by a hot bath \\ith Cutiiura Soap , and followed in the severer cases by u full dose of Cuticnra Resolvent , is sufficient to afford immediate relief in the most distressing forms of itching , burning , and scaly humors , permit rest and sliep , and point to a speedy cure when all other rem < dies fail. It is e-pe- cially so in the treatment of infants and children , cleansing , soothing , and lu-aling the most distn ssing of infan tile humors , and preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skiu , scalp , und hair. hair.Cuticura Cuticura Ointment possesses , at the same time , the charm of satisfying the simple wants of the toilet of all ages , in carii g for the skin , scalp , hi4r , and hands far more effectually , agreeably , and economically than the most expensive of toilet emollients , while free from every ingredient of a doubtful or dangerous character. Its " One Nluht Treatment of the Hands , " ' or " Single Treatment of the Hair , " or use after athletics , cycling , golf , ten nis , riding , sparring , or any sport , each in connection with the use of Cnticura Soap , is sufficient evidence of this. Of all remedies for the purification of the blood and circulating fluids , none approaches in specific medical action Cuticura Resolvent. It neutralizes and resolves away ( hence its name ) scrofu lous , inherited , and other hnmors in the blood , which give rise to swellings of the glands , pains in the bones , and torturing , disfiguring emotions of the skin and scalp , with loss of hair. Cuticura Resolvent extends its puri fying influence by means of the pores to the surface of the skin , allaying irritation , inflammation , itching , and burning , and soothing and healing. Hence its success in the treatment of distressing humors of the skin , scalp , and blood"with loss of hair , which fail to be permanently cured by external remedies alone. The grandest testimonial that can be offered Cuticura remedies is their world-wide sale , due to the personal recommendations of those who have used them. It is difficult to realize the mighty growth of the business done under this name. From a small begin ning in the simplest form , against prej udice and opp jsition , against mouied hosts , countless rivals , and trade iu- diflerence , Cuticum remedies have be come the greatest curatives of their time , and , in fact , of all time , for no. where in the history of medicine is to be found another approaching them in popularity and sale. In every clime and with every people they have met with the same reception. The confines of the earth are the only limiis to their growth. They have conquered the world. To the test of popular judgment all things mundane must finally come. The civilized world has rendered its verdict in favor of Cuticura. ' Will Build Historic Structure. U be treasurer of the United States says there may be some peril in the inflow of gold but it will be hard to convince any single Individual that it can cotue his way in too large juantities. To Send Missionaries to Philippines. " ? Episcopal laymen , including J. EMerpont Morgan and Senator Hanna , WAM00F Made n black or jrdlw for all kinds of w t wp-k. On sale evuywhere. Look for ths 5in of th Piih.wd the name TOWER on the buttons. A J.rontR ca.tesTeii.H uu l * TOWIK CAXUIAM 8fc l < .TiI3 CTO.tAa. GREGORY'S For iO yeiri too g1 P % O itindird for nilv3 EB En tJ % 9 ility. Alwaji the best , few eatiJognr free. J. 11. Grccory JSt Son , Ifarblekead , "Apropos of the recent death of 'ihomaa Nast , the cartoonist , " said the Doctor , "I am reminded that I have at hsme Nast's double-page picture rep resenting the grief of the nation over the death of Lincoln. It was a mag nificent emblamatic picture , published without title or line of explanation. In the center was the coffin , marked 'Lincoln , ' and bonding over it the fig ure of'Columbia. To the right , in the upper corner , was the figure of a sol dier , with head bowed and. face half hidden , and in the left corner the fig ure of an army officer who had thrown himself down in utter despair. "I kept the picture because of that officer's figure. The dropping of the arms , the drooping head , and nerve less body , expressed so truly my own feeling when Iheard of Lincoln's death that It seemed to me Nast had put him self in the soldier's place , and I have the picture now , as well as the ones that came later , emblematic of the victory won by the army and navy and. the dawn of peace. It is a mistake to say that Nast waited until his later years to give his idea of Lee's surrender. He gave it at the time of the surren der. "In his double-page picture 'Blessed Are the Peacemakers , ' he drew on one side Christ's entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and on the other the surrender of Lee. In the latter Grant dominated the scene , and standing in the center of the picture seemed taller than Lee and the more stately figure. [ know that Nast clung tenaciously to this idea , even when talking to Con federate officers , and that in his large painting he followed , the lines marked out in the cartoon of April , 1865 , 'Blessed Are the Peacemakers. ' " "I have one of Nast's pictures , " said the Sergeant , "a little one published early in 1SG5 , when Lincoln was at City Point. The President is seated on a stump , with his long legs stretch ed out to their full length and supportIng - Ing a drum , on which the President is writing a note to Stanton , saying : 'All seems well with us. ' Under the pic ture was the line 'Prom Our Regular Correspondent. ' The picture was the more timely because at that time the War Department was publishing for the information of the people the Pres ident's brief notes from the front. The cartoon was very satisfying to the boys in the army , for just then things were indeed going very well with us. "Nast never made a war scene as any other artist would have made it , and he always wanted to be first with an idea. Several times he was fretted because the slow work on Harper's Weekly made it appear that some of his cartoons , prepared days before , were not unlike those appearing about the same time in the daily newspapers. In 1872 he prepared a cartoon in which Horace Greeley was represented as go ing down into a pit crowded with the Democratic issues he had opposed and leaders he had abused. On the day that the cartoon was published , D. R. Locke , published in the Toledo Blade a Nasby letter elaborating , the same idea. "Nasby took Greeley down among the ghosts of his old political affilia tions and described in his way the scene which Nast pictured. There were two greatly disturbed men that 3ay Nast , fearing that the public would jump to the conclusion that he had stolen his idea from Nasby and the latter fearing that Nast and the public would believe he had borrowed his idea from the cartoonist. A com parison of notes and dates , however , showed the two men had been workIng - Ing on the idea for two weeks , and that the suggestion came to each about the same time. But as Nasby was wont to remark , neither one of them : ould prove it to the satisfaction of the public. " j "I was present , " said the Colonel , 'at the meeting in 1879 , at which Genti jral Thomas L. Grittenden of our old : orps presented to Nast , in tin name ) f 3,500 array and naval officers , as n estimonial of their regard , a loving : up shaped like a canteen. At that neeting It was clear that not a few Confederates had a liking for Nast , ° me of Mosby's men saying to me that last's pictures of rebel guerrillas were he real boys , and they forgave him ° ils bitterness because of the fine e ipirit he put into men and horses. " "That reminds me , " said the Cap- ain , "of an unusual experience with erne of Mosby's men. I was in hos- ital in Washington July , ISGi , when C < ubal Early made his raid on the cap- tal and a little later I started to re- urn to my command in the Shenan- ioah valley. When we reached the r nd of the railroad from Harper's fer- y to Winchester we had to take am- iulances and horses to reach the front. was a little slow in leaving the car al nd as there was no room for me in la be ambulance myself and comrade , at : luch against our will , took horses and atSt ode off. "This saved us , because Mosby's St [ icn raided onr line that night and co very man in the ambulance was re- so orted killed. This led * o retaliation n Sheridan's part , who shot some of Eosby's men , and Mosby in turn shot > me of Sheridan's men held as prig- oners. Affev the war. I met the Cap tain who in one case carried out Mosby's orders to hang fifteen pris oners. He told me that on his way to- the scene of execution one of the pris oners appealed to him because of some- mystic tie , which he didn't explain , , and another , a 'mere boy. because he- was the only son of a widowed mother , , his father having been killed earlier in the war. "In the course of the march the Cap tain met other squads of Mosby's men with prisoners , and privately effected an exchange , letting his Masonic friend and the boy go forward to the ordinary fortunes of war and taking- the unoffending substitutes to certain death. My Confederate Captain al ways insisted that the ambulance was flred upon by Mosby's men because the driver would not halt when or dered to , and at the urging of those inside tried to escape. He didn't de fend the retaliatory measures , but thought his unauthorized exchange of prisoners right. " Chicago Inter- Ocean. Not That Kind of a Staff. "Did you ever hear , " asked one of "Black Jack's" men , "how General Lo gan once met his match right here in Chicago ? It was just before the cap ture of Savannah , and General Logan and three members of his staff went down to the railroad station to take the train for the East on his way to rejoin his command. "The General , walking a little ahead of his staff officers , started to enter a. car. but was stopped by an Iris.h at tendant. ' "You'll not be goln' in there , ' said the Irishman to the General. "STICK YEB STAFF OUT THE ' "And why not ? " said General Lo gan. " 'Because"that's ' that's a leddies' car aud no man'll be goin' in there widout a leddy. There's wan seat left in the nixt car there you kin have ef ye want it. ' " 'Yes , I see there's one seat vacant , but where will I put my staff ? " " 'Bother yere staff , ' answered the Irishman , 'go you aud take the seat and stick yere staff out of the windy. ' " Chicago Tribune. A Remarkable Incident. When the war broke out a young man named Roberts , living in Dodge- ville , Wis. , joined a company com manded by Captain Thomas Allen , which afterward Incorporated in the Second Wisconsin Volunteers , and was present at the battle of Bull Run. The intelligence came to young Rob erts' family that he was slain upon the mattlefield , and his body left to be buried by the victorious enemy. This news nearly killed his affectionate mother , and she and all the family went into mourning for the patriotic pouth. Four long months the family lamented the dead. What then could lepict their unspeakable astonishment when , six months after the battle , the roung man entered the door of his lome , hearty and well. Briefly told , his story was this : He had been left severely wounded vith many others on the battlefield. Uiter the fight was over and his riends retreated , a Confederate sol- lier , supposing Roberts dead , began o rifle his pockets. The Yankee re- rived , and objected to this where- ipon the man returned the article he lad taken and gave him a drink. Then ie had the wounded foe carried to a lospital , where he was cared for un- il completely restored to health , af- er which he was sent to Libby Prison. Ie had tried to get a letter to his aether , but without success. When , t length , he was exchanged he made is way to Dodgeville without delay , rhere for many a day he was looked n as one who had risen from the dead. There's the Hub. Wiseman Here's an account of an- iher hunter lost in the woods. Ev- ry hunter should carry a pocket com- ass. Dumley Why , how would that help Wiseman Help him to get out , of ourse. The needle of the compass al- rays points to the north - Dumley Ah ! but suppose he wanted y go to the east , south or Catholic Standard and Times. Incredible. Telegraph Editor Here's a dispatch bout a thief that broke into a house st night and ttole an acordion valued $100. Better head it "Strange tory ? " Night Editor No , head it "Two range Stories" first , that any ac- irdion was ever valued at $100 ; and , , icoud , that anybody on earth would er want to steal IL Chicago Trlb- ie. Tcrreuce , the dramatist , -pros & S * T .