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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 19, 1903)
aiatorioal Society TH VALENTINE CRAT. . 'VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , FEBRUARY 19 , 1903. tlvr NUMBER 5 We wisli to call your attention tote to our ] arge and complete line of " & 49 49 HARDWARE , STOVES , TINWARE , ! 4 ? Q FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING f We have a first class licensed ein- & balmer , so we are prepared to do j * all kinds of undertaking. You to Will also find a complete line of JJ 49 49 Bridles and | 4 ? Harness , Saddles , 49 49 49 49 Strap Work , | 49 We do all kinds of tin and sheet U 49 49 iorn work and satisfaction guar to 49 49 anteed. You will always find our tote tote 49 prices as low as tlie lowest A tote to 49 49 call will convince you. tote tote 49 tote 49 49 49 Red Front Mercantile Co , to to PER GENT son all Ladies' and Children's Jackets , Collaretts , Muffs and Fur Coats. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER < V HM H H I I COAL FRANK FISCHEB , COAL Kock Springs -DEALER is- Big Muddy GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Ranges Iron Beds , Springs Tinware and Enand Mattresses amel Ware Furniture Prussian Stock and Poultry Food Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. T. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES B- HULL I Cf O * Or Sole for IRw H * 2 $ S B Agents HERALD PUEE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE x NEBRASKA Chartered as ft Stnte Uant Chartered as a National Bank June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITA ! . PAID IN General Banking Exchange and Collection Business C. H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PfcOP" I FRESH FRUiT ND CAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , I Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon jF TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture t Weather Bureau J Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a. m. . Feb ruary 18. 1903 , Maxiiiiu.n tf'mjuratiire 31 decrees on the llrli. Minimum temperature , 18 degrees below zero on the 18lli. Mean temperatr.r 0.7 degreefl. which is 17 2 dejovHs blow the normal. Total piecipilatMti..01 inch , which is 20 incli below the normal. HARRY O GERE.V , ( Mcial in Charge , John Stettcr is spending several days in town this week. Arthur Keis spent a couple of days in the cjty the first of the week Mrs. Smith went to Fremont Sunday to look after business in. terests. Mrs. Harry Dunning1 , who has been sick for a week , is slowly im proving. John West and his sister re turned to "Woodlake after visiting * here for some time. Eev. Ray , who lias been on the sick list for the past ten days , is up and around again. Mrs. B. F. Hobson and daught er called at this office while in town Saturday and got a package of garden seeds. The'second quarterly meeting of the Methodist Episcopal Cnurch will be held at the M. E. church Sunday March 1st. County Surveyor Leach came up from Woodlake Tuesday to locate the corners of the J. TV" . Stetter lot , where a brick building is go ing up. Hans Ulrick returned Sunday morning from a trip down in the astern part of the state where he bad been looking up a location. He spent ten days in visiting Oma- lia , Lincoln , Plattsmouth and sev eral other cities and returned home seeming with the notion that Val entine is good enough for him. J. V. Hewer , of Sparks , called at our den while in town Tuesday and subscribed for the DEMOCRAT. He has not heretofore been taking4 a county paper and said since he was going to subscribe for one he wanted one that prints the county news. Mr. Hewer is an old resi dent of this county having lived here for about IS or 20 years and is making a good living. Services at the M. E. Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday school , 10 a. m. Morning services 11 a. m. Class meeting , 12 m. Junior League 2.30 p. m. Ep- worth League 6.30 p. m. Evening service 730. Prayer meeting Thursday evening , T:30. : Morning subject " 'One Star Different From Another Star in Glory. " Even ing subject , "The Contrary Winds of Life , " Arrangements have been made for a farmers' institute to be held here March 11. Dr. Peters , of Lincoln , ; Prof. Haeker and anoth er man not yet selected will be here , Farmers from all over the coun try will find this meeting to be of special interest , regarding1 stock and diseases , and those interested in stock raising and agriculture. Let every one tell his neighbor and come prepared to make this an interesting meeting , The boys at the Post are going to give a performance at the Post hall Friday night , Feb. 20. This should be patronized by all who can attend from our cityt Ac- comodations will be provided for visitors from town in the way of : reserved seats. Eigs will haul passengers at reasonable rates. Nothing should be planned to take place in the city that would de tract from the soldier boys enter tainment. Remember to-morrow afternoon ancl night , Friday , A farewell party for Charley Weekes was held at the home of Frances Harden Saturday evening. > Quite a number of young people were present and a good time was enjoyed. Cattle on the Reservation are said to be in poor shape and the recent cold weather will make a heavy loss if the cattle are not well protected. Reports have come to us that there wore a lot of cattle dying where there was no feed and the grazing lands covered with snow. R. M. Faddis called to make a change in his brand this week while in town. Mr. Faddis says his cattle are doing nicely as long as their hay is holding out but thinks it is about time for winter to break. In fact the loss of cattle in the Sand Hills where hay has been fed is very light. Christian Hansen gave a concert in the M. E. church last Friday night and entertained a largo num ber of people. He is a good mu sician and was well received. Our citizens should be more free with patronage to the best entertain ments and musical concerts. Xo child can grow up surrounded by such rare treats at intervals with out seeing a faint glimpse of what is in store for them if they but trive for their ideal. Lofty ideals arc promoted by best music , good literature , high class entertain ments and good associates for "Lives of great men all remind us , \Yg \ can make our lives , sublime. " Mr jfkj kjtas.j sCc. . f\ Educational BYAPRESHMAN The book-keeping class is now taking up double entry. Mrs. Geo. Hornby visited the grammar department' Monday fore noon. Ethel Sherman was absent from her school duties several days last week. Rachel and Henry Breuklander and Guy Gunderson have again entered school. . 5. "Tales from Norse Mythology" is being read to the high school'by LucilJa Stinard. Nettie Johnson has been absent all the week. She has changed her boarding place and is now stay ing at H. S. Savage's Xettie Kueeland , who is teach ing school near Woodlake , is spend ing the week in town with her par ents. Her school closed on acoitnt of measles. Agatha Shaughnessy took charge of the 9th grade Latin class Fri day morning. It is believed by the grade that she will make a pros perous instructor sometime in the future , How like the old times it looked to see Clinton Collett sitting in his old seat Tuesday. If James had only been there ! But that was not to be and we were glad indeed to sec Clinton. Mrs. J. T. Kief , mother of our schoolmate , Bernice , visited tlie high school one morning last week. The children would be more en couraged if more of the -patents would call at the school and take an interest in the work. | Harrison Davenport , Allen Gould and Bertha Harvey , of'the- 9th grade were absent Tuesday , " also , Orvilla Carey , Alice Hutch ison and Arthur Campbell were absent' Tuesday afternoon. Sick ness and various other reasons were cause of their absence. HATS > Best to Quality G * ALL THE tote tote to 1 LATEST STYLES g NEWEST SHAPES tote tote tote 49' tote 49 tote 49 tote 49 to Pay More ? | j This Includes the New Flexible Derby & > 49 to H Davenport & Thacher " " j * 49 GENERAL MERCHANTS to 49 to WTo clean up NTER GOODS we will sell for tlie next two weeks All Wool and Cotton Blankets , Outing Flannels , Underwear , Shirts , Duck Coats , ' Sweaters and Overshoes at COST. Remember tlie winter is not over and these goods are all new and' uptodate. . Groceries at Itottohi Figures. ' " MAX' . VIBRTBL " ' . . . ' & { ' " < V vi w Toilet Soaps that will not chap the face or'hands , liaav- mans Gherkins and bottled pickles , Pickled Pearl Onions Stuffecl Olives , Ketchup Chow Chow , Can ned Goods , Jellies , Preserves , Candied Pineapples - . . apples ? Potted Ham and Lunch goods. Everything to tempt the Appetite. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. If your CATTLE SUFFER from LIUJfi/IIGH / or MANGE /USE Sold by Qirigley & Chapman , ' _ Valentine , Keb'r ; ' Richards & Oomstock , Ellsworth , Kelir. - toe : HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS " m Valentine - - - Nebraska FitED Wul ITKMOUE. CiiAuiiEs SPAUKS , Cashier J. W STKTTEU , Vice Tiesidciit CLAIIA WATSOX , Assistant Casbler I ' 1 tercet paid on time' ' VALENTINE STATE BANK ; ! Capital , S25.000 v .AJL.JI ; TVTIN E 5 BTEBTJ ASK A. | snipins , si/ooo' / t persons seeking a place of safety for "their Ollice Hours- money , will profit by investigating the 0 A. M. to 1 P. M. - methods .employed in 6iir business. . L. GET AT THIS YOUR OFFICE * G t Satififv You in Oualitv Price Work nan hi'r