Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 12, 1903, Image 8
( THE VALENTINE DEMOORA I. M. RICE EDITH [ Mutual companies pay loaaec in f u discount I. M. RICE , Agent. JUST LIKE MOTHER. An EnrZ ? Morales ? Letter With a Important Announcement. * That domestic ambulance corps < which mot' T or wife or sister h charge , bei : : accustomed to all the a cideuts tliiu befall heedless men foil can sometimes deal with them at Ion range. Thus the New York Mall an Express tells how , at C o'clock in tl morning of the wedding day.a pos office messenger rang the bell at tt home of the bride to be and handed ot a special delivery letter. It was addressed to th < ? best mai who had come 'forty miles to second h : best friend in the ceremony , and wa : with several others , the guest of tL bride's parents. The best man wa still sound asleep , but he was prompt ! awakened on the supposition that tL letter must contain something of irapoi lance. It did. indeed. Rubbing his eyes i an effort to understand , he tore opf the envelope and was astonished t find a sheet of letter paper , with a larg needle of the sort men always choos when emergency compels them to sei thrust through it and a foot of blac thread doubled and trailing in a loos tangle down the page. The best man thought it was a jok < but he could not see it , and he wa about to become resentful when , upo turning the sheet , he found this hastil written note : Dear Brother Mother says there Is button off your dress coat. It Is in you waistcoat , right hand pocket. Sew It or Crawling out of bed. the best man 03 amiued his coat and laughed to see tha the situation had been accurately di scribed in the letter. "Just like motl : er , " he said. "She has probably lost ; whole night's sleep thinking about tha button. " Later in tho day four bridesmaid gleefully assistedin , making the repairs and this telegram went to mother : Button aeweii en. Don't worry. KEEPING A LOGBOOK. The Syiilem of Abhreviatlons Used 01 Merchant Veitiels. How many landsmen know how i logbook is written up ? It seems just a : complicated as don'.le entry-bookkcep Ing when one docs i.ot know , but aftt : a little careful attf. tion and study it'i as easy to keep a lccbook as to eat ho gingerbread. Thereis a list of letter arranged. ad they look like so mud Greek to thi1 uneducated. The letter b. for instance , stands fo ) blue sky. whether there be clear 01 hazy atmosphere. C means rloudy 01 detached , opening clouds ; d denote.- drizzling rain : a-sinali .1 , 'fog ; capital F thicL fog : g. gloomy , dark weather : li bail ; 1. lightning , and in. misty or h : : : so as to interfere with thy view. Tbe letter o represents overcast i whf.M the whole sly Is covered with oiu impenetrable cloud. Passing showm are noted by the lettvr p. and q indi cates the weather to be . - finally C'on tinuons rain is indicated by an r. sno by ai * : \i \ > 3 thunder by a t. 'Any ugly , threatening appearance in the weathei calls for the letter u. and visibility of distant objects , whether the sky be cloudy or not , is represented by the let ter v. A smallv is wet dew. A full point nr dot under any letter denote ? an exiraordinary degree. As an exam pie of how the letters are used taki q p i 1 t. This reads very bard squall.-- and showers of drizzle , accompanied by lightning , with very heavy thunder Numerals denote the force of the wind. A cipher Indicates calm. 1 light air. llgbtbreeze , o gentle breeze. 4 moder ate brece. : 5 fresh breeze , i strong breeze. 7 moderate gale , 8 fresh gale. 0 strong gale. 10 whole gale. 11 storm. 1hurricane. . This system of abbrevi ation Is generally adhered to on all merchant vessels. Quicksands have a horrible fascina tion for writers ; ind reader * of fiction , and the reality is every bit as bad as. fancy paints it. One of the most re markable quicksand accidents occurred years ago in New Zealand. Two pros pectors were wading across the mouth of a small stream running into the sea In the north island of New Zealand Both stepped into a quicksand. One who merely touched the edge of it got loose. The other sank rapidly and. in spite of his companion's efforts , was sucked under. When an attempt was made to recover the body , it was found that the sand was enormously rich in goid. I'roni .a single ton of it 300 worth of gold was washed. Pearson's. Ilia Audience. First Pianist Did you have much of on audiencf at your recital yesterday afternoon ? Second Pianist Splendid ! There- were tvo mm. three women and a boy. The ! > : > y. I aftrnvanl learned , was finployrjl almrt tTare ! { , and the two mi'ii raiiMin fs > r's.c'Iter ! , as it was rthsmr at tin * iim vlrutrhi * three wom en wennil Tight.Tbe'y came to hear me. I know , for' ! gave them the passes myself. Boston Transcript Took the Watch. It J told of the late Dr. Parker that when a very. very , very good young man tiimc to him asking whether he should accept for certain special serv ice ; > irold w-Mch , froni an-agnostic em- plover he replied : "Take it , mylad ; ' tirfaIt If lie hid : been n Christian , perhaps he would uot have offered It to v C F COOPER Postofflce address Oasis , Nssbr Braud registered 20S Cattle branded o ieft side same as cu Horses branded o left hip Also Htfi ' < nitiiled : Range Smith .and. west of Haokbe.rrv and Duck Lake. ALONZO HEATH Postofflce address Cody , Nebraski On left side. Hor-j ses left shoulder. Range north Cutcoinli UG. . Criger Merriman Neb. Brand recorded No. 1087. , Brand eas cut on si sam AIS. ieft hip Range 10 miles south - > f IMerri man oil the Nio hrara. John Gresh Merrlman , Neb. On both sides some on right sidi and hi- ; . Horses same with out bar , left thigh Range , Lake Creel and LittleVhil - River. D. Bray Rosebud S D Cattle branded o ; left thigh or hu same as cut Horse brain same on"the lei shoulder A T DAVIS Postofflce address Hyannls , Neb On right side horses on left shoulder also cattle ou right side Range 18 miles north of H > anni ! J. J. Peck. Cody , Nebr. On both sides. Horses DO 01 left thigh. Range Head Pa * - , Creek- . D Seth Gary. Merriman , Nebr. On both side and hip. Herd mark , dewlap. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Lake Oreek and Little Whites River. D' . A. Hancock Blackburn , Mo. o > Simeon , Nebrask Cattle branded o < left widf as on fiit ; niso lii on left sift \\llll .M ! > ! ! ' ! ! [ some caul ? ; aiso 01 on right side Hoi s. brand , rake and it on left shoulder o > hip Home ranch on Dewey Lake. Range on Niobrara River , east o fort Niobrara ; all In Cherry County. Nebraska A , Benson Address Arabia Nebraska. Range-North o Niobrara river. Sawyer Bros. I ostofflce address. Oasis. G. K. Sawyer ha- charge of these cat tle. Horses DS or left shoulder. Sonr > to PEW left sidi H r BtfArs same TSffl ift thigh. Range on Sinke riv 5O YEARS' EXPERIENCE TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS &c , Anrono sending a sUetch and description may 1 > ilclly ascertain our opinion free xvliatlicr an invention Is probnWy pntetitable. Communica tions strictly contidentlol. Handbook on Patents aunt f rep. . Olilest ncency for securing ; patents. Patents. taken tlironch JIunn ' & Co. receive 'tpecial notice , without chnrce , Intho Scienftf ie HnterlcaM , A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Lnrpcst clr- culation'of any scicntlUo jouumL Terms , $ &a " ; four months , $ L Sold byall newsdealers. Branch Office. G25 F SU Waahlneton. D. C Work / theDEMOCRAT DEMOCRAT , MILLS BKOS. MerrJman , Nebr. Cattle and hor ses branded OD left side or shoul der. der.Brand Brand register ed 1001. Range ismUei southwest of Merrlman on rhe nvpr H A BUCK Poslomce addre Hyannis * N < Branded on lelt si < Range eighteen mil north of Hvanni * Kan Neb Kuan's ivtae mark , slit Itiftear D N GOURLEY Postofflce address Rushville , Ne r OO on left sidi Horses slumid- Hange-Cedar Lah Sandy Williams. Uerriman. Nebr. MosMy 01 , left ide. Some on ight side. Horses same on eft shoulder Range Lake reek , S , D. .1 A SAULTP Cattle on lef * lip. Horses on left houlder. Some stock et bearing my ormer brard as luiwn be'ow. ' Postofflce address Gregory i f On left side or hij horses fame on lei shoulder Range-Arkansa Va ley and Snake A'len & Sons Niobrara. Brand registered Jo 870 Horses branded n left hip Ilangp. Niobrara ver 12 miles past Valentine G.H. Seager 'ostotllce address Codv , Neoraska title branded as on it on left side , hip 1 shoulder ; horses ime aiige. Snake Creek J. B. Lord Neb Stock bran dec t ame as cut back o : right shoulder ami ou right hip Range on tin Niobrara F. W. Jcrsig Valentine. Vpbr brands as follows R Q left Hide , loin or hip leftthieh. /Xfsj Left or eith er side Also the following brands ileft side Range between the Gordon and Snake urh of the Niobrara river J \Vallingford Kennedy , Neb. Jattle branded ne as cut ; also ne branded | on lofthip. PS ROUSCHE Postofflce address Brownlee , Neb On left side or any part of animal. Ear mark right ear cut off ; horses branded same on left hip.Also has stock branded H on side or shoulder , or JKorWorO VL lor O or FZ. Also following , the first one being on side andhip Wm Rosebud 8 fc > Same , as out or with bar under S : rieht ear slit and dulapped Horses branded ! < Garner Brothers. Cody , Neb Anywhere ou ca tie. Horses on le shoulder. North F T. Hr. ckett Riege , Nebr. Brand Regi-rtcred < o 1490 Bnind right jr hip Horseh same on right shoulder Range , Ninbrnra fi miles < oiitli of Kilgorf F \I IVaei ! tt Valentine. Neb ln brand'1 on left hi ] < 5. W. Bennett Simeon Neb Stock branded with 7 on left hip also same as cut Range between Gordon and Snake creeks and ou the Viobrara river Frank T. Lee. Brownlee. Neb. Cattle on le side ; horses sam on left should e Range - Foil miles northeast c Browulee Char1 es Kichards. Merriman , Neb Robert Emery RoRebudS- ; Cattle brande < on both sides. Horses on lei thigh. Range on Cu Meat creek. D. M. Sears Kennedy , Nebr. Cattle branded , is on cut.left side Some on left hip. Horses same on left shoulder. Range Square Lake. WILLIAM WILSON Postoflice artdres ? < Kilgore Nebi Two half circles of left hip and leftside of neck Horses same on leftshouldei Some cattle brandec reaper hook on left hii H V OOWNING PostoHice. addreas Gregory , Neb Un leftsidealso C 0 L E on side Range Stevenson Lake W. E. Haley Valentine Neb Brand registered No 200 Range In Sharps Ranch and German precincts 6 miles south of Kilgore C. H Little. Merriman , Nebr. On either side Horses same on hip. Also Q > Range Lake Creek SD WILLIAM BEAMER Gordon , Nebr , Cattle branded same as cut OD left side. Horses branded on left shoulder. * T Range 6 mile > south of Irwin. JULIUS PETERSON 38tofflce address Gregory. Neb -inded a * on cut Range two miles irth of tt F. C. & M. O. Metzger. i Nebraska. Cattle branded on left side as cut. somehaVt. Horses s.itne/m left thigh Some cattle flirted Vp on "left si'e. Range SnaKe 35 miles so..tli of Merriman , Others igo 8 miles n.-rthweat of Merrimau , James Goodfellow. Cody. Nebr. Cattle brande on left side. Horses J3 c left jaw Range Betwec the Niobrara ar Lake. S. Rowley Kennedy , - Nebraska. Same a ? rut on left side and hip , and on' ' left shoulder of hor ses. AlsoBSai on left Hide kiand hip. # on right hip and F + on left side Q on left hip of horses. p on left jaw and loft shoulder of horses. lilQ on left hip of horses. R M Faddis& Co. Pnstofllce address Valentine or Kennedy. Cattle brand * same as cut. Rome brandt on left thigh. Some on. leftside or | hip. J P GARDINER Postofflce address Cody , Nebraska On leftside of cat tle ; horses O right armRange Range , north and south of Niobrara River,12-miles south west of Cody Frank Rothleutner Postofflce ; ifldre ; KilgoreNeb. Cattle branded ou side'as on cut s > an ; oil lint Some on le George Heyne Cody , Neb Brand registered No 1027 Horses branded on left shoulder Range north and south of Cutcomb I ake in Cherry Co Pat Peiper Klmeon Nebr G. W. McFarland Valentine , Nebr Ranee : four miles east of Fort Niobrara , north and eoiith'of Rprry bridge the G. E Wright. Valentino JSebr. Brand registered No. 374. Brand on right sldp - C. P. Jordan. Rosebud , SD Horsei andcattle same s-n cut ; also CJBE Jj on nghl hip. Range on Oak and Butte creeks. A liberal reward for information leading to detection of rustlers off Baringany of these brands. f Morey & Hewett ordon , Nebr. rand registered 92. On left hip ! cattle. Horses , me left should- ; also 94.D ft side. inge douth of sake 35 miles of Gordon. Eobert Quisenbery Postoffice address Simeon. Nebr. S ' "ft hip on \ " cattle. Horses same on right shoulder. Range on Snake River. Jos. Bristol Valentin , Nebr. Range on Nio brara river four miles east of Ft. Niobrara. Horses and cattle branded i > Ji connected on left hip or side a * shown in cut Albert Whipple & Sons Rosebud , " * . D. Cattle i-randed SOS on left. sie OSOonriuhtM'ie Some cattle also have nf ou neck Some with A on left shoulder and some branded . with two haas across hiud'qnar- Jters. . sea branded SOS on left hin. Some cattle nded AW bar connected on both aides and hjp of hones , WILLIAM FERDON. Postoflice address Brownlee , Nob Like cut on either left side or hlpralso | left side. Horses Jssmeaacut on left hip. S25Q.OO RE- , , , , " convii "oa of anyone unlawfully handling cattla In tliesa urands. Henry Flineaux SimeonXebr. Brand Registered No 816. Quarter Circle Club. C.Utle branded on left hip. Some without quarter circle Horses brand ed on left shoul der. PIKK3ROS Postoffice address Crookston , Neb Cattle branded JL'B on "either'hip" er right side. Horses PE on left shoulder. Range-On ebaduza 5 oaat of Crookstc J.F. Swain. Sparks , Nebr. Cattle branded on eft side as shown n cat. Range-South of Sparks on Nio- hrara river , FRANK MOGLB Po'stofflc address Cody. Nebraska On either-side cattle herdmark left ear 'clipped ' and riht ear splithorses ; u anded tme on left shoulder IRange on Nip ara land D. Stinard. Valentine , Nebr. Ktate Brand reg istered 15T 4. ( 'attle and horses nranded same a $ < "at on left hip. Range 2 miles ast of Ft. Nio- hrara. Nebraska Land andFeeding Co. Jartlett Richards Pres Will G Comstock , V. P. C Jamison Sec&Treaa Cattle branded on any part of animal ; also the following brands : horses branded the same Range between Gordon on the F.E. & M. V. , R-f R % and 3yanmson B&M.R. R. In Northwestern vebraska. Address , BABTLETT RIOHAKDS , Ellsworth. Nebraska. ' Motzger Bros. , Gregory Neb Cherry Co Branded on left side and thigh. , Karmark , SQUMTG TOP right ear Horses have same brand on left thigh. Range on Gor- < Jon and Snake Creeks , A. ttetcerrff of $ ' 5O will be paid to any nrson for information leading to the arrest and " . r VroJ any person or pr.on * * tal. . - W. BEAMER. ; . .Gordon , Nebr. Cattle branded on leftside a ic cut , o-inch box and 2inch circle Brand registered ' - " -87 eft shoui- inch circle .1-in soutb of J I , R08EBERIIY ' ' 'oatbfflceaddress "Pullniah'Neb ! rande < Um left hio ; orses same Her < jf- larknlouble dew-lap Range .fso.uth * , ast of Bnish Hill A J PLUMER Postofflce address li , JTyanni3. Neb ' right sideand'hip have stock branded riulit Side and hip Horse1 ? on rieht hip mge-Southwestern Cherry unty J. A. YARYAN r Pullman , K Cattle 'branded JT "H i - O" * * * JilAC Horses branded JY / on right shoulder Reasonable reward for any information leading to the re covery , , f cattlo strayed from my * . r/uige SWEENEY BROS stoffice address Pullman , Neb , : tle branded as on : hqrses branded ie as rattle except ersed s - block ige Rrever I Stephenson : es and South reward will be paid to any . tion leading to the arrest and convlptfon ? e KdQ orFersoM 8teaUa8 cattle with