THE CHILDREN ENJOY Life out of doors and out.of the games which they play and the enjoy ment which they receive and the efforts which they make , comes the greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their fltC happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs on which it acts , should be such as physicians would sanction , because its component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians and parents , well-informed , approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy , because of its pleasant flavor , its gentle action and its beneficial effects , is-r- fS > . Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should 4 ' 'A.sVX'XV be used by fathers and mothers. Syrup of Fig-s is the only remedy which acts gently , pleasantly and naturally without griping , irritating , or nauseating and which cleanses the system effectually , without producing that constipated habit which results from the use of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations , and against which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them .A ' * k- grow to manhood and womanhood , strong , healthy and happy , do notgive < > : ยง kvr < fc them medicines , when medicines are not needed , and when nature needs assistance in the way of a laxative , give them only the simple , pleasant and gentle Syrup of Figs. Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices , but ' also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of jr < - : \ ; * g * the little ones , do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal \ as ' . ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be .f bought anywhere of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please to remember , the full name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYR.UP printed on the front of every pack- age. In order to get its S'VX'TS beneficial effects ways necessary the genuine only Medicine Never Healed a Wound Nature performs the healing process and medicine can only as sist her in doing her work in healing wounds and throwing off diseases. Nine-tenths of trie diseasesof man and beast have their origin in some form of germs and if allowed to run and mul'iply form complications. Tne reason that Liquid Koal prevents all germs dieases and euros them , unless ferm-n ar.ion and iniUmma- lion have too far developed , is that it contains every antiseptic and ge-micida known to science. All germ diseases such cis hog cholera , swine j hgue , corn stalk diseasestuhercolosis , blackleg and numerous others can prevented by giving Liquid Koal in drink ing water , i-eraiise they are germ diseases and no germ can live where Liq-iid Koal reaches it. Liquid Koal is unaffected Dy the gastric juices of the stomach , passes tnrough the i tesrinesand from there into the circulation , permeating the whole system and still retains all its germicial properties. Diluted with water , in the proportion of one to one hundred , it makes the bess lice killer known Price of Liquid Koal delivered at your station is as follows : ONE QUART CAN - Sl.OO TEN GAL. KEG , $2.SO PER GAL ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , . $2.25 GAL FIVE GALLONS , $2.75 PER GAL 50 GAL ONE BBL. , $2,00 GAL DECEMBER 24 , 1900. We. the undTsisftiei. stock raisers of Madison County. Nebraska , ra si ig from 100 to 200 huii I of h'vzsench ve .r huvf , nfter a fiir an > l 'inpjlniiil trial-if Liqunt Koal Tnaimfactured by th < * National Mediral Uonip.i iy. of Sheldon. Iowa , und York , Ne braska , icmnd it to e the Best , DISIII cPint , derm Destroyer nnd ippetizer tha has bn uui pleasure > o use. an-t we joi tly thinlc that m'an is stiindi i r m his own lii-hf who does not try it Wnen thfir aent calls we advUe any btoc raiser to buy and u e Liq H K < > al. Clias Lo Ue. Norfolk" , Nebr. Thomas P Wade , Rattle Crrck N-br. J K. Mclntosh , Kineriek Nebr. \Vm. Hawkins , Me dow Grove , .Neor. M. T IToman , Eraerick , Nebr. F. f. Honmn , NtWinan Grove , Nebr. DECEMBFR , 1902. \\Xtho nndersiqne ; 1 stock raisers andirm rs Rladly te-tifv to tlie merits of Liquid Koal manufactured hy the National MeiJl aCo , ofhe don. IOWM , and Yi.rk. Nebraska , W have nso'l this product \ , iih jniiifyiusf tnccess and advise atl to pive it a trinl. It should DC on t-very faim in Nbrana llnfus Feary , Bee , Neor Chrischall. . S'aplehnrst , N-br. J.II. Feary. B e. Nebr F. C. Meyer , Stnplelm st. Ne r. Geo MillBee , Nebr. Ge < > . Ring bbrg-T , Seanl. . N br. Wm. P.u hanpt , ctaplehurst , Nebr. J. RingebergorSr.Ge mantown , Nebr If your dealer does not keep it write us direct. A 32-page book on the Disease of Animals mailed free upon ap plication to the National Medical Company , York , ! Nebr. , and Sheldon , Iowa. National Cattle and Sheep Dip is the best and cheapest Dip for killing off Ticks and Lice and the treatment of Minge , Texas Itch and Scab in Sheep. ID forms a perfect emulsion with water and is harmless to the membranes of the eye. I' your dealer does not keep it write us direct. Information sent free. NATIONAL MEDICAL COMPANY YORK , NEBRASKA. SHELDON , IOWA Jessie tin in o ? . The cottage in whicb Jessie James , the notorinus outlaw , was shot and killed by one of his gang , Bob Ford , ou April 2 , 1882 , has been purchased by the St. Linis exposition and will be exhibited at the exposition. Nine eyes and three mouths were posessed by a collie puppy born er- cently afc Henley , England. Ib lived four boars. Teacher Is there any connection between mrnd and mat > er ? Small Boy Sure. If a boy doesn't mind there'll soon be something the mat ter. Mamma Yon have drawn the horse very nicely , Charlie , but you have forgotten one thing. Where is his tail ? . Charlie Oh , that horse doesn't need any tail. There ain't no ( lies on him. IT TAKES THE ACHES out of muscles and joints. Heals old sores. Takes inflammation out of burns and bruises. Stops any pain that a perfect liniment can stop. MEXICAN MUSTANG LINIMENT for iniuries or aches of MAN or BEAST. Rut I'ltifjiieut ut. I'er r hurt ; . St. Petersburg is righting a i.t ; . pligue of tremendous proportions. Kor tthree successive days rats wan- deiingto the river have stopped early morning trains on the stibuib n Newski railway. The plice are i i tributing rat poison to all iiousehni- - ers fiee of charge , and soldiers armed with sticks watch the road to the river where rats procure their morn ing drink. Buy your goods at Wholesale Prices. Our 1,000-paire catalofnie vrijl be sent upon receipt of 15 cents. This amount does not even pay the postage , but it is sufficient to show us that you are acting in pood faith. Bottor send for it now. Your neighbors trade vrith us why not you also ? 2 CHICAGO The house th-it tells the truth. Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any other plaster , and will not blister the nostdellcat * ikin. The pain allaving ami curative qualities o' tbis article are wondVrful. It will stop the tooth iche at once , and relieve headache anil sciatica. We recommend it as the best and safest extern& ) Counter irritant known , also as an external rein * dy for pains in the chest and stomncb and tJJ rheumatic , neuralcic and pouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for it. and U will be found to be invaluable in the household Many people aay " It is the best of all your prep * rations , " Price 15 cents , at all drncpists , or other dealer * or by sending this amount to us in postage stamp * we will send you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted by the public an less the same carries our lubel , as otherwise It IB act genuine. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. 17 State St. . New York Cltv Riasal In all its stipes. Ely's Cream Balm cleanses , soothes and heals the diseased membrane. It cnrca catarrh and dm es away a cold in the head quickly. Cream Balm is placed Into the nostrils , spreadi over the membrane and is absorbed. Relief is i- mediate and a cure follows. It la not drying doei not produce sneezing. Large Size , 50 cents at Drug gists or by mail ; Trial Size , 10 cents ELY BROTHERS , CG Warren Street , New York. , for I6d It la a fact thatS.Uzer'a seeds are found In more gardens and on morefarms than - , any other In America. There la f reason for this. We own and op erate ovcrW.O acres for the produc tion of our choice seeds. In order to . Induce you to try thnuvre make _ the following unprecedented offer : For 1G Cents Postpaid 5 iorU wonderful onloot , 25 lorli elegant cabbage , 15 iorl nignlflcrntearrate. 25 peerlem lettuce tarltttM. 25 rare Inscloai r dl h , SOiplendld beet iorf , 75 ftartoutlj beinllful Bnwtr IM I , In all 210 Idnds poritlvely furnishing Imsiielsof cliarininjjJloweniaud lots andlotsof choice Teu-etables , toptth- > er with our preat catalogue telluieaU about 3Iacaroni Wheat , Illlllon liol- , lar Gnu * . Teoshite , Uromns , Speltz. etc. , all for only lUc. In stamps and - fliis nntlce. Outon Heed ot but COc. a pound. JOHN A. SAL2ER SEED CO. , La Crosso , Wis. N. N. U. NO. 578-7 YORK. NEB CITY PAVED WITH DIAMONDS. "Washins" the Streets of Kimhrrtey for Precious irtones. Before the consolidation of thest- mines into one vast concern there wen scores of small minors who had not the necessary capital to enable them to clc more than scratch at the surface of tin earth. Arrived at a certain depth , th ground fell in upon them , andvorkinj. . became an impossibility. Then if n-i that a powerful company , with minis , Ited capital , became a necessity. : ir < the De Beers Company absorbedtil these small concerns. Now. by scK-n tile means , itining is carried on u depths of over 2.000 feet from th earth's surface , and the diamonds ar sorted out by mechanical menus in systematic manner , which was bcfoi Impossible. Since De Beers tonic tb matter in hand they have applied the methods to the debris left behind : i worthless by the earlier workers. : ir > - in It they have found more diamou . then had previously been tak i ! 01. On the strength of this. app.i.-a.I'J have been nia.le. and the ri lus .man 2d , for individuals to "wash" streets of Kiiubc-iley. for much of . il bris in questi n had been us d Ib i pairing and u-akiuji the r : uls. Th washing is j-o n * on now wkh mosi < tellent rcsuhs. which prov s that il city is liter. " ! a xl wi li i Iviinberiey , \ \ " . i. in die sp-ire thirty years - . v < ! t.s lr'out of a in i. mjr camp , i- - \ * s e nipriredv' i ather plac s ; i > ; s in the drs rt f South AfrkaJ nui rt ; a p af- where the C-M living is high , as it is elsewhrrf . \v. but where , ai a'l events. > . - ! ; > ! ' r t..rn Tor yo.Tr money in the \ . i1creature comfor is obtainable 'his is very rare i. : South Africa < } i. . It is iiu J ' * - to n te how th < "bloated ' ' ' in question sweat ? his ( mil ' - : < ; ? o often averred. ! At tlK > c.Mii ] ' . fi > 'nines work goes ei > for twenty's a dav in throe shifts. Whil ' , i > \ ho go below make anything frii'i : 'liJi ; ' < ? to 2 a dav. and the IMHb ' : j a'd " > shillings per cia/ . i : i -i I > tt d a certain tasic. and when th ! ! f Ion lie is free. Jn practice it is fo MI i that he can often tl > this in fi r three to five hours , so that out of Hi v nt.--four he has from nineteen t' > f : itone hours to him self. Kinib rley Corresp ndence Pall , lall Ua/tte. M.Xi. . Up Mil rial. "There's a good many queur ih'ugs in this wond , " said Miss Jowders , meditatively , lo her friend , AIU-S j Baiues , "buc ihu queerest of all is ' folks. Now d.d you ever take notice ' of that young man that spent ihe fore part of August here , a friend of the Samson family ? " "I did , " siud Miss Barnes , nodding violently. "Kind of foolish-appearing he was. " i "Yes , " said Miss .Towders , "but he ! knew how to eat ; he was the hearti est boaider I ever had. But it's his , trade that's so queer he's a Siory- [ writer , and he's always looking lor what he calls 'material. ' Ue seemed to think everything and everybody here was material , and I said to h m outright one day. 'You may get into trouble if yon take Bran bury folks and put 'em right in n book , faults , failings and all. ' | "But he laughed and said 'twould be all safe the way he did it , and th > n he explained his method. 'I fcike the old men's traits and give 'em to old ladies , ' he said , 'and if there's a naughty girl I turn her into a little boy , and any middle-aged folks I make into young outs. Then I lay the scene in Canada , where I've never been , ' he says , 'and set the time back fifty years , and there you are ! ' Now did you ever hear such talk as that in all your -lays ? But they tell me his books sel Just like hot cakes/ ' Tom Counselor Tom Nolan of the Nev York bar figures in many good stories , which have been collected in a volume , ' and from which the New York Sun reproduces a few : Ouce vtfhen he had failed to win a case for a poor woman , he became oratorical and lamented the lack of justice in the world. "Me poor client , " he said , "is little likely to get justice done her until judgment day. " "Well , Mr. Nolan , " said the court , "if I have opportunity , I'll plead for the poor woman myself on that day. " j "Your honor , " replied Nolan , "may have troubles of your own on that day. " Mr. Nolan was once retained by the defendant in a suit at law brought to recover payment of a gas bill , in which a witness for the plaintiff was asked : "On what evidence do you conclude that sixteen thousand seven hundred and forty feet of gas had been burned during the month by the defendant ? " "On the evidence of the gas-meter , " was the answer. At this the barrister impulsively ex claimed , "I wouldn't believe a gas- meter under oath ! " Against Qucensberry JTiuIes. "These new submarine boats are bar barous , " said the boxing master , "and ought to be prohibited by the rules of war. " "Why , " asked the young ensign about to take a lesson. "Because they are meant to strike below the belt" New York Tribune. Entirety an Impersonation. "He tells me his wife wants to ap pear as a character impersonator. " "Dies he think she would succeed ? " "Oh , yes. You see , he judges by her ability to impersonate an amiable and oving wife in public. " Philadelphia Bulletin. Life seems to be one protracted sleep to some people. CHARITY RELY OPJ PE-K5J-NA TO FIGHT SISTER BEATRIX. A letter ri' < - 'iitly received by Dr. Uartinun from Sister Beatrix , 410 W. 30th street.rv York , re.itls as follows : Dr. S. B. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio : Dear Sir : " / cannot say too much In praise of Peruna. Eight bottles of it cured me of catarrh of ths lungs of four years' standing , and I would not have been without it for anything. It helped several Sisters of coughs and colds , and I have yet to find one case of catarrh that it dues not cure. " SISTER BEATRIX. interesting Letters From Catholic Institutions. In c\ei'i country ot Hie civih/.cd world the Sisters ol Charity are known. .Not only do they nrinis- THE ter to the spiritual and SISTERS' intellectual needs of the charges committed to GOOD their care , but they also WORK .uinister to their bodily needs. With so many to taAe care of and to pro tect from climate and disease , these wise and prudent sisters have found Pe runa a iit-ver-failinc safeguard. Dr. Hartman receives many letters rp > in Catholic Sisters from all over the United States , A recommend recently received from n Catholic institution in F \ * T . ? t A T f 1 ro * > /Ic * * * O'OTV < * Dr. S. B. Hartman , Columbus , Ohio : Dear Sir : * ' The young girl who used Ifc is a uise woman who can smile at -ompliment and then furgtt it. There are about 12,000 lepers In the Philippine Islands. On A prill 1 , 1903 , Germany's new maet inspection law goes into effect , 'u'ressi ing the erection of many new buil lings fur use as inspection stations , etc. It is prnprserl tncut a railroad tun nel thioiifjli the mountain known as the Faucille. in the Jura Alps , and so shorten the journey between Pat is irid Swit'/erland Dy two and a half hours , ATTENTION" . Thebe-itronntrj oii , . , rlli istl)4 Great P.iloti-f Country of North Idnho. F < irde cilptivi > raatt r and write t potfiwoo < l t Vcutcli , Mo cow , lilxlio. the Peruna was suffering from laryn gitis , and loss of voice. The result of the treatment was most satisfactory. She found great relief and after farther use of the medicine we hope to be able to say she is entirely cured. " Sisters of Charity. This young girl was under the care of ) the Sisters of Charity ami used Peruna' for catarrh of the throat , with good re sults as the above letter testifies. If you do not derive prompt and satis factory results from the use of Peruna , write at once to Dr. llr.rtman , giving a full statement of your case , and he will be pleased to give yon his valuable ad vice gratis. Address Dr. Elartinan , President of The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , Ohio. ' Amateur photographers are willing to take anything except advice. Dyeing is as easy as washing when PUTNAM FADELESS DYES are. used. On the railroads in Canada , it ia necessary to keep over COO snow plows in opention every winter. The wives of Statues noblemen cut their hair so that it sticks straight up from their heads. The avoraire lenutli of it is ahout one and a half incurs. Nearly nil Flussian leather is tuined with birch baik. This gives it the peculiarly pleasant odor which is so admired , and at the same time pro tects it from insects. That Cry = = ack 1" The Httle missionary , Doan's Kidney Pills , " free trial , " carries ease , rest , comfort. Most people need kidney help ; they who choose Doan's get it help that lasts. DEEKFTELD , IND. " "When I sent for the trial box of Doan's Kidney Pills I had been afflicted for two months with pnin in my back so bad that I could not get from the house to the barn. It was called rheumatism. I could get no relief from the doctors. I began to improve on taking the sample and got two boxes at our druggist's , and , although G8 years of age , I am almost a new man. I was troubled a rnnd deal with my water had to get up tour and five times a night. That trouble is over with and once more I can rest the night through. My backache is all gone , at u I thank 3011 ever M > much for the wonderful medicine , Doan's Kidney Pills. " J NO. II. HUHER , President Ridge ville , Indiana , State Bank. BELDING , MICH. , Jan. 14 , 1003. "Ire- reived trial box of Doaa's Kidney Pills. They did me lots of good. I can now go to bed and lie on my right side the pain there is all gone , also the stomach distress and belching of gas is all stopped , with the tise of two boxes. " Mrs. E. S. BEEM , R. F. D. No. 2 , Reading , Mich. Aching backs arc eased. Hip , back , and loin pains overcome. Swelling of tba Jimbg and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust ecdl- ment , high coloredain in passing , drib- , bling , frequency , bed wetting. Doan'a Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation , sleeplessness , ] headache , ncrvouhti'-ss. dizziness. FREE. CREATED * QR SICK KIDNEYS. W//KrfiigK / J.fnis . , Please send me by mail , without trial bor Doan's Kidney Pills. Name Post-office . State ( Cat out coupon on dotted lines nrl mall to Fostcr-iliJaurn C < x , Butfalo , N. T. ) romo- Promptly cures all