Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 05, 1903, Image 4

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Official Newgpaper of Cherr
County , Tfeltranha
Thursday , February ,5 190
Subscription * i.oo per year in advance ; 91.
When not paid in : idvance , Single copies Gc.
Display adver Ing 1 inch single column l
pelissue or $ G.OI > ; iyear.
I/ocal Notices. < bltuarles , Ixxlge Resolntloi .
and Socials ( or Revenue Gc per line per issue.
Brands , l inches S4.00 per year In advan
additional space$3-00per Inch peryearengravi
blocks extra ; 81.00 each. .
Parties living outside Cherry county not pe
tonally known are.requested to pay in advan
10 per cent additional to above rates if ovei
months in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adve
A. K. Kuskic , of Sparks , was i
our city the first of the week.
Mrs. E. McDonald was clow
from Crookston Tuesday on bus
John Iscis's was in from h
ranch the first of the week
vanccd another on subscriptioi
Gco. Bristol , from near Sparki
came in Monday to transact bus
ness with our merchants and bus
ness men.
Christian Hansen , the famoi
Violin Virtuoso , will give a rccitj
at the Methodist church Frida
evening , February 13th.
A. G. Shaw has put up a glas
case on either side of his art ga
Icry , which protects the display c
pictures from dust and handling
The Ked Front Mercantile Cc
has taken out the platform whic
was used for their office and place
the office on a level with the stor
W. E. Boddy & Co. have opcne
up a restaurant and chop hous
opposite the Red Front in th
building owned by I. H. Emer.y
They seem to be duing a nice busi
Merchants who don't advertis
are not entitled to your trade an ;
more than the fakir is entitled t
practice his shell games on the vis
itors who have been called to towi
by the advertisement of a circus
- Joe Bristol is selling milk at th
Fort and is doing a profitable busi
ness. Joe is a good worker and i
a man to be depended upon. W <
have found him fair and honorabl
in all his dealings.
We aro informed that the Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico has purchasec
a team that was sired by J.Y
Stetter's. Hackney stallion , at 5
cost of $5000 and uses it as hii
favorite , driving team in the street ;
of Mexico.
Wanted ; another drug store ii
Valentine ; one that will advertise
and help build up the town , Yoi
wouldn't know there was a drug
store within forty miles by looking
through the columns of this paper.
Perhaps some people who read
this paper , in a far off land think
that people don't get sick here 01
that if they do there is no balm in
Captain F. M. Dorrington , reg
ister of the land office at Alliance ,
died at his home after a brief ill
ness , Wednesday night of last
week. He had been a prominent
man for a number of years in the
republican party and was consid
ered an old war horse. Besides
being a prominent politician he
was a man among his townsmen
who numbered his friends almost
as his acquaintances. Such a
character will be missed and
mourned ,
James F. Shepherd had all of
liis seven boys at home Monday
for dinner , Seven young men ,
stout , healthy and robust a fami
ly that Mr. Shepherd justly feels
proud of. Mr. Shepherd is one of
the pioneers of the west , having
come to Nebraska in ' 74 , settling
then in Furnas county , but later '
moved 'to Sheridan county , where
he lived for nearly 17 years. He
has two daughters living in the
city , Mrs. Corbin and Mrs. Harry
D. W. Hilsinger spent a wcel
in the capital city as a witness ii
the Hancock-Anderson trial.
Emerson Powers went up t <
Lead , S. D. , Tuesday night , t <
work. He has a position at 83.0 (
per day , but Mr. Powers is a gooc
man and worthy a good place.
J. W. Stetter informs us that h <
will begin to build on his lot on tin
corner diagonal from Davenpor
& Thacher's and adjoining Franl
Fischer's hardware store as sooi
as the weather will permit. Th <
brick for the building has beei
ordered and work will begin a ;
soon as winter breaks away.
- %
In making a report of the cap
ture of Geo. Hawkins the colorec
gentleman who stole a lot of silvei
dollars from Stratton & Kline' ;
dance hall last week we gave T. J
Yearnshow credit for sending the
telegram here from Woodlake ask
ing if the colored man was wanted
We have since learned that th <
party who sent the telegram wa :
C. R. Kincaid and to that gentle
man is due the thanks for the cap
ture of the thief. The soldiers o
the 25th Infantry , also want it un
derstood that Geo. Hawkins is ai
ex-soldier of the 10th Cavalry
stationed at Ft. Robinson. Nov
that corrections are made we'l
take one at your expense boys.
Arabia Streamings.
A. Benson was in Valentin <
Monday of this week.
Stephen Kreycik , of Niobran
City , this state , is visiting hi ;
brother , Jos. P.
Tom Jordan returned this wcel
where he has been at work for tin
past three months.
Heelan Bros , shipped in a cai
load of corn lastliweek from th (
eastern part of the state.
J. P. Heelan has been in OrnaliE
during the past three weeks , where
he went to receive medical treat
Several cases of measles are re
ported from Wood Lake , and alsc
from our vicinity. As yet none
have been seriously ill.
A baby boy was born to Mr.
and Mrs. Kennedy , who live in
Arabia. Mother and child are re
ported to be doing well.
Kennedy "New * .
Tom Elevens was seen going
west at a lively pace last Sunday.
Ed Richards is busy hauling hay
bhese days , but , O my , what a sigh.
Mr. Ganow and wife were visit
ing at Mr. Richards' last Sunday.
Ben Ganow and wife were visit
ing at Mr. and Mrs. Spain's last
S. Q. Spain is down on the
Snake getting out wood and posts
; his nice weather.
Lew Ganow and family , of Nor-
len , were visiting relatives and
'riends near Kennedy last week.
Mrs. Quisenberyt from Snake
river , was taking in the sights
iround Kennedy several days last
Hay is holding out pretty well
.round here considering the snow
ve have had , and stock of all kinds
re doing well.
Report of school district No. 50.
Ichool reopened January 5 after a
3n days' vacation. Number of
npils enrolled , 17 ; average daily
ttendance , 14.
Report of Dry Creek school for
lonth of January. Number en-
) lled , 26 ; Average attendance , 18 ;
lose not missing a day were ,
/'illie / Dunn , Willie Johnson , Liz *
e Johnson , Mary Johnson.
Report of District No. 12 for
onth beginning Jan , 6 and end-
g January 30 , Number of pit-
Is enrolled , 2rL Average daily
tendance , 14 , Those neither ab-
nt nor tardy during themonth
e Ina Spratt , Floyd Spratt and
jrn Hobson. ,
Teacher , '
A Villain Unmaskec
Arthur B Chelf the Principa
Actor in a Trngedy That
Blight * the Life of a
Young Iady.
Arthur B. Chelf employed in th
grocery house of T. L Acheson , ha
got himself into all kinds of trouble
Last Christmas Mr. Chelf and Mis
KateGoldrick departed from Allianc
and on the 27th day of Decembe
were married at Grand Island , Nt
braska , secretly. They separate' '
there , Mr. Chelf going to Illinois am
Mrs. Chelf returned to Alliance an
in a few daj-s went to Lakeside nea
which place she had a position a
school teacher. Mr. Chelf arrived i
Waupella , Ills , two days after th
marriage at Grand Island and founi
himself among old friends and ac
quaintances and welcomed in th
home of Mr Herald , a retired farmei
as his son-in-law to be and on the 31s
day of December he was united i
marriage to Miss Berzie Herald , ;
chaiming and accomplished younj
lady. They remained in Illinois visit
ing friends and relatives and on th
loth day of January arrived in Aili
auce. They received the congratuls
tions of Mr. Chelf's friends and hi
bride was royally welcomed The
began housekeeping and everythin ;
went smoothly until last Friday , whe
the happy scene was shifted and ;
tragedy enacted. Mrs. Chelf No.
having learned of her husband's di ;
plicity appeared upon the scene an
demanded recognition and consulte
the authorities. Mr. Chelf was intei
viewed and the matter evidently an :
icably settled as she refused to hav
a warrant sworn out for his arrest
That night he disappeared aud th
next night Mrs. Chelf No. 1 also du
appeared and it is thought that sh
joined Mr. Chelf. The news soon go
out and Mrs. Chelf No. 2 learned o
the affair , but would place no credenc
in the report and would not believe i
until a telegram received from Gram
Island in answer to an inquiry con
firmed the report. The blow was tei
rible , completely crushing her am
the hearts of all went out to her ii
her sufferings. Tuesday morning he
father arrived and has taken the cas' '
In hand and when he returns to Illi
nois the daughter will accompan ;
him. It is a sad case and the deed o
a. villainous scoundrel.
It is learned that Mrs. Chelf No. :
received a wedding present from he :
father , a check for $1500. Mr Chel
tried to persuade her to cash thi :
sheck to that he mi ht get hold b
the money i This she did not do , mucl
to Chelf's disappointment. The sin
jjular thing in the case is that th *
minorities , being aware of the cir
; umstaeceB , let the matter drnp , ever
tailing to notify Mrs. Chelf No. :
: hough they were cognizant of the
ivrong done her twelve hours previous
' . Mr
: o the bigamist's departure.
3helf was last seen in Denver Tuesday
jv a citizen of Alliance who was ir
; hat city that day *
Mr. Herald intends taking the mat
er up and has a warrant out for his
urest. Many interesting develop-
nents tnav be expected , Alliance
'ioneer Grip ,
Fhe Hancock An < ler mi Case.
The case of Dayid A. Hancock vs.
V. W. Anderson , growing out of the
ale of the Dewey Lake Ranch , in
001 , by Anderson to Hancock , was
ried in the Federal Court at Lincoln
icfore Judge hunger and a juryj last
reek. Thia suit was instituted in the
Hstrict court of this county by Han *
ock , last September , but Major
mderson through his attorneys ,
Jrome and Burnett , of Omaha , trans *
erred the case to the Federal court.
Hancock alleged that Major Ander-
3n , in July , 1901 , tootc him out and
liowed him over the ranch and told
im that in the year 1900 he had cut
ivo thousand five hundred tonsoi hay
nd that there was theo growing on
ne ranch two thousand five hundred
> three thousand tonsf of hay fian-
3ck bought the randh , cattle and
lachinery and Anderson agreed to
it and stack all the hay there was
icn growing on the premised and de-
ver the ranch , cattle and bay about
sptember 1st.
The ranch , cattle and everything
as turned over to Hancock about
jpt. 1st , but he says that he was a
: ry busy man. His family was living
Marshall , Mo. , and he had business
iere and was also in the live stock
isiness in Montana and Idaho and
tid but little attention to the ranch
ttil the last of the December follow
, when be was informed Dy his men
at there was not the hay which he
d been led to believe there was and
at there was not hay enough to
nter his cattle , and that all of thii
y which grew upon the ranch had
t been cut , but a larye quantity
d been permitted to stand upon the
3und and be killed by the frost ,
fhe trial of the suit lasted for eight
ys and was a hafd fought battle ,
lancock was represented by M F. j
rrington5 of O'Neill. . and A. M.
ffisdey of Valentine , and Anderson
B represented by Broine and Bur
The Strength
of the coffee you buy adds to its
value in the cup.
comes to you fresh and of full
strength , always in sealed , air-tight
packages. Bulk coffees lose their
strength , deteriorate in flavor , and
also gather dirt.
Uniformity , freihaess and full utrength
no insured to user * of Li on Coffee.
nett , of Omaha. After being ou
twenty-three hours the jury returne
a yerdict in favor of Hancock an
awarding him judgement for S27UO.O
and costs.
The Major has announced hisinten
tiou of appealing the case to th
United States Circuit Court of Ap
Not See of Auction
The following dn.scribed lands v/ill b
offered for auction at th Co Tmis ol
dee nexi. Wednesday Feb 11 , 1903.
sw se 36. 25 , 26 ; 40 acres , so nw e.s\
nnd SB 16. 30 26 ; 280 acres , sw ue uv
nw s } nw 16 31 26 : 160 acresvi ue 1
27 27 ; 80 acres , fine JsVtnv e&se 162
37 ; 320 arces mv 15 29 32 ; 16o acres
seue nenw i .Uw nwse 16 27 2tf ; aOO A
nwj4 nwne 36 28 28 ; i:00 : acres. \ \ ] ii
nw ue s i tie msw \ s\vt > e ; 16 30 2
440 acres , sj ne nw and ni.v 36 3u 2
320 acres , se ne 16 3128. 40 acres ; f
36. 29 , 29 , except ue aw , 280 acies ; u
aud uesw , uw he 11 , 26 , 3U ; 4uo acre !
nn nw , ue sw , > . ' , sw ami s 16 33 , 30
320 acres. All 12 , 28 , 31. 640 acre
Gov't lot 7. in 6 30 , 31 , 58. 51 acres
ne and uinw 16 , 30 , 31 ; 240 acres
All 36 , 31 , 31 , 640 ; sw sw 36 , 30 , 32. 4
acres , ue e nw , ue sw , nJV se 16. 31 , 32
360 acres AIM6. 33 , 32 640 acres : n
16 , 29 , 34 , 160 Hcres ; A.I . 36. 31 , 34. 64
aisres ; All 36 , 34. 34. 640 acre.26 :
2o,35. 320 acre ? , ; n. } ne se ne n nw 3d
29 , 35 , SOU acres. i.J nw fc36 , 33 , 35
80 Hcres ; nj nw , sw and s } se 16 , 25
36 , 240 acres ne aud u nw aud uj s
36 , 25 , 36. 320 acres : Goy't lot 4 in 7
28 , 37 , 38.18 acres ; nw ue. e uw. 86. 25
38 , 120 acres ; n uw 16. 32 , 38 , 80acres
All except n | ii\v 16 , 33 38 300 acres
4 neJ n w & he. 36 25 39 , 32U ; ne sw
lie s\v , i > e &e , uw he , t > e be 25 , 26. 40
160 acres ; svv ne , t nw , n t > w , u se
36. 2H , 40 ; 280 acres. u } aud swjswj , <
36 , 28 , 29 , 520 acres : un sw of 36 , 26
27 , and the se ne of 16 , 30 , 28 , aud sv
nw. nw nw of 86 , 27 , 29 , and ue nw36
28 , 28 200. HJBO. L ) I'OLLiLEIl.
Uotmui-ssiouei 1'ublic Lauds & Btdgs.
See the Omaha .painless dentisl
this trip and have your dental
work done by an experienced Up
fco date dentist at Omaha prices.
Ah our farmer readers should take
idvantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer we this year makej which
.ncludes with this paper The Home
stead , its Special Farmers' Institute
Editions and The Poultry Farmer.
Chese three publications are the best
) f their class and should be in every
'arm home. To them we add , for lo-
5al county and general news , our own
mper , and make the price of the four
me year only U51.QS5Never be-
: ore was so much superior reading
natter offered for so small an amount
if money. The three papers named ,
trhich we club with our own , ate well
mown throughout the West , and
; ommend themselves to the reader's
ittention upon mere mention. The
lome stead is the great agricultural
tnd live stock paper of the West
he Poultry Farmer Is the most prac-
ical poultry paper for the farmer ,
rhile the Special Farmers' Institute
Jditions are the most practical publi-
ations for the promotion of good
arming ever published Take ad-
antage of this great offer , as it will
old good for a short time only.
Samples of these papers may be ex-
mined by calling at this office ,
Keport of school district Xo. 3
? r month beginning January 5j
nd ending January 30th. Num-
er of pupils enrolled , 11 ; average
btendance , 8.
A partner wanted in a good pay-
ig business. Must have $250 to
500. For particulars inquire at
ds office. 2t
IJicr * Hypocrisy.
But for the miners' union Brother
: ' ! of the coal trust would be free to
i.v only tli lowest possible Wages
uses which tin.1 miner would hgve to
c-opt or s ; ; rvp. The disinterestedness
r.rothiT n.ief in pleading for the "sa *
jtl r.'trht < , f the free mnn to sell his
her fret1 ! ; . * Ir , n free market" a niar-
t. that is. controlled absolutely by.
other P aer is Understood by every *
dy.-Xew York Ahjerican ,
All In flic
tVijrjr M'smy a woman discovers that
e his married the wrong man.
rv'ag Well. I've heard that marriage
mutinies makes another man of a fel-
? . Philadelphia Record ,
Great > Torthorn
atO'neill , Kcbr.
Going East. GODB ! West ,
leaves 10:10 a. m. Arrives 0BO : p. m.
Passenger , daily except Sunday.
'Jonnections with Elkhoni trains east and
west-bound from all points vrnstof O'Neill.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and H ! ! points north and wr > st.
Buy local ticktts to O'Nrlll
Sioux City , Iowa
50 head of horses for sale or ex
change. Rear by Bros. Crookston ,
Nebr. 37 tf
Dr. "Withers , Omaha painless
dentist , will be in Valentine Feb
ruary , 6-7.
"WANTED : One steady , good
all around farm hand. Wages
§ 20.00 pre month the year round.
JOSEPH LANGER , Norden , Nebs.
Henry Fowler's sale has been
postponed and will be held Thurs
day , February 12.
I am going to run the town
herd this summer and solicit your
patronage. All stock entrusted to
my care will receive careful hand
ling. 51 U. BOYER.
WANTED : Men to learn barber
trade. Practical course given by
free work , expert instructions , lect
ures , etc Tools presented , wages
Saturdays , board provided. Cata
logue mailed free. MOLER BARBER
COLLEGE , Omaha , Nebr. 2-2t
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents
per lino each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
Ranch for Sale or Lease ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
water and timber. Will run 300 head
of stock. For information address , box
no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf
Taken out cf my pasture two miles
north of Valentine Nov. 7 , 1902 , one
large bay mara five 3'earsJHMQ old four
white feet and face , bran ] ded. on
left shoulder.
Also one light bay mareiRBfl yearling
colt three white feet , BSM white
spot in forehead branded of connected
on left shoulder. Also loston Rose
bud agency about six weeks ago one
four year old buckskin gelding black
mane and tail , branded or connected
on left shoulder. A liberal reward
paid for their iccovery.
GEO r.Aani. Valentine Neb.
Having recently purchased , the
Kangaroo Kestaurant I wiU be
pleased to have a continuation of
its patronage. : : : : : :
ftlrals , Short Order. JLnnches
and all first class and by
an Experienced Cook *
E. D.
. . Cohota.
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wllber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
We do general blacksmithing and Woodwork-
special attention given
to "Wagon and Carriage
work , Branding Irons
and Horse Shoeing.
AVagons and Buggies
made to order of first
class material and
guaranteed to wear.
Charbonneau & Taylor
JRestaurant and Bakery.
Bread , Caxes , Pies , Doughnuts & Cookies.
Fresh Eyery Day ,
Special attention given to orders for Baked goods. Oysters served
in any Style. Short orders at all hours. Opposite Valentine Fostofflce
John Bowers Edward , Parry. Bowers & Parry ,
% Livery , Feed and Sale Stable *
Good Rigs , Careful Drivers ,
Reasonable Prices.
. .
The Walcott Barn. First Stable Eaat of Stetter's Saloon.
Cf You
The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pumps and Tanks.
First door south of the Donoher House
Highest cash price paid for Hides and Furs. -
3. MOON - Valentine , Nebr.
[ ) o You Read The Democrat ? Why