Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, February 05, 1903, Image 1
Society . _ T T . * 1 VALENTINE CRAT. VOLUME XVIII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. FEBRUARY ,5 1903. .NUMBER 3 5 wish to call your attention to our large and complete line of * s < Hardware , Stoves , Tinware , Furniture , and Undertaking. toto We have a First Class Li toto toto toto censed EmbaliBer , so we are toto prepared to do all kinds of toto * to Undertaking You will also find a complete line of ? * Harness. Saddles , Bridles and if ifft We do all kinds of Tin and ftto toto Sheet Iron work and satis toto toto to faction guaranteed , You toto toto to will always fine our prices toto toto toto as low as the lowest. A toto toto call will convince you. to Red Front Mercantile Co , toto to PER r ' CENT all Ladies' and Children's Jackets , Collaretts , Muffs and Fur Coats. TAILOR AND CLOTHIEK. COAL FRANZ FISCHER , COAL [ ! Rock Springs -DEALER IN- Big Muddy GFNFRAI HARDWARE X3L I \ L iftL * i fi/il lLf Y r\l tl Stoves and Ranges Iron BedsSprings Tinware and Enand Mattresses amel Ware Furniture Prussian Stock and Poultry Food Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. T- YEARNSHAW THE OWL JAMES B. HULL JL WW Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Chartered as a State Bant Chartered as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) lOcoals. of "Valezi.ti'ni © . CAPITAL PAID IN < * / A General Banking IP nOO Exchange and UV/\- . . Collection Business. C..H. CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. - CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Casliier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J. W. STETTER , PROP . FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON IFirst-cliiss ' line ofSteaks . . * , Boast * B Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon fww wwwwwwvwwwwwv vvvvvvwwwwwvwwwwwwwwwwwww * TALK OF THE TOWN * Local Weather Record U. S , Department of Agriculture ( . Weather Bureau ) Valentine. Nebraska , week ending C a. m. . Feb. ruary 4.1903. Maximum temperature 40 decrees on the 3Istr Mininnim Temperature , 1 decree 0:1 : the 4th. Mean temperatur1 20.1 degrees , which is l 9jj degrees blow the normal. Total precipitation , .19 inch , which is 05 inch abovejtbe normal. Is . M. CUNNINGHAM. Official in Charge , A. M. Morrissey returned Sat urday night from Lincoln. Protracted meetings closed at the M. E. church last Sunday night. Monday was ground hog day. Look out for six weeks more of winter. A baby boy arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Forrester Saturday night. Fred Vincent's father was in town Sunday and spent the day visiting with his boy. Chas. Harrison , representing the Carpenter Paper Co. , of Oma- : ia , was in town Saturday. Art. Sherman disposed of his stock of second-hand goods by auction Saturday afternoon. Harvey Shepherd and wife , of Wood Lake , are in town this week visiting Mr. Shepherd's father. Louis Kollctte , of Sparks , swelled the DEMOCRAT treasury by a couple of dollars last Saturday. is 'si John Simpson was appointed night watchman by the town board c at their meeting Monday night in S place of Gco. Corbin- a W. H. McCloud returned from ai Lincoln Monday morning , where he had been as a witness on the a L Hancock-Anderson . m - case. We print another poem this week , written by Mrs. Mollie Simmons , of the north table. \ Jay Fowler , of the north table , called at this office last Saturday and paid up his subscription. He ink n .Is leaving the country soon. elf Mrs. L. K. Funk , J. E. and Lcola Funk , of Battle Creek were in here visiting with Mrs. Funk's daughter , Mrs. L. M. Gunthorp. w The box social given by the Jun ior League Saturday evening was dt dtm a financial success , 'although the m program was badly crippled on ac count of two of the people being unable to come. Mrs. Stanley T. Kay leaves E Monday morning for Chadron , Nebr. , to visit relatives for about two weeks and will then go to Val entine , Kebr. , where she will re main for a months' visit. Allianc e fa Pioneer Grip. a ! John Stettcr of the firm of Stct- ter & Lamberson , proprietors of . the Palance saloon , returned this a ! week from Valentine and Cody where he has been for the past two e : months looking after his other sa tl loon interests at those places. In Alliance Pioneer Grip. Mrs. M. K. Harden returned it Monday night from Platte , S. IX. itm where she went in response to a i V , telegram stating that her mother ; , ; was not expected. to live. Her mother died within a week after ,1 ; her arrival there. One of Mrs. sc Harden's sisters accompanied her back to Valentine. , .c . Our old friend Andrew" Benson , tl of Arabia , dropped in Monday p while on business in town handed us threewhole dollars ai which puts his account way ahead , n His pleasant countenance indicates a ] to us that Mr. Benson is doing well , < i on his ranch and that life is not a 10 drudgery with him. Good health , w , prosperity and bright prospects go ai together , I John VanBuren , of nearlulgorc , i came in last Friday and took the train Saturday morning for Chica go , where he intends to make his future home. The DEMOCRAT will follow to his new home to keep him posted on events in Cherry county. Judge Waleotl returned Satur day night from a visit with his mother in Pawnee county , Kan. He also attended the Hancock-And erson trial in the federal court at Lincoln. The Judge says he saw the Kansas-Nebraska basket ball played while he was away and pro nounces it a rough game. Services at the M. E. Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday school , 10 a. m. Morning services 11 a. m. Class meeting , 12 m. Junior League 2.30 p. m. Ep- worth League 0.30 p. m. Evening service T.'X ) . Prayer meeting Thursday evening , 7.30. Morning subject , "Some Positions arc never to be Surrendered. " Evening subject , "The Unused Talent. " You are cordially invited to attend these services. A. W. Peterson living about 12 miles south-east of town has been shipping in hay during the fall and winter. When the roads were ood he hauled it in and of late lias been taking it to Arabia , which is only OT miles from his place and ships up a car at a time of fine , jright baled hay for which he re ceives < 8T.T5 per ton. Mr. Peter son reads the DEMOCRAT each week md , keeps his conscience clear , ind isasatisficd with Cherry county is a place to live. Ho is making good living and saving some noney each year. "If Educational Department. jj .BYAPKESHMAN JS jf. Oliver "VValcott was absent Mon- lay morning. Mabel Helzcr attended a party the country Thursday night. Mabel Spratt and Xellie Xarbor vere absent Tuesday afternoon. Bertha Harvey was absent Tncs- lay on account of the illness of her nother. "The Letters of the Cat" is "bo ng read to the High School by Myrtle Jones. arly to bed and early to rise , flakes the High school student healthy and wise. Frances Harden is getting well ast and we hope she will soon be ble to attend school again. Rosa" llooton is attending school .gain this.week after having been .bsent a week on account of illness. Lizzie and Grace Hobson were excused early Friday evening so hat : they might get an early start ionic. In a letter from Edith Crabb bc- ore the holidays she said she nisscd the school notes in the JEMOCKAT but in one tliis week hc expressed great delight at once norc seeing through these columns hat the pupils of the Valentine schools arc" not slumbering. She said she reads the school notes the irst thing and that they rnakc her jhink of the days when she was a mpil here and recall to mind the students who , though far away , ire not forgotten. Your class- nates , Edith , arc mastering Latin md have delved into the mysteries F book-keeping and English. 3ur studies keep usVery busy but ve have time for a cheery hello md best wishes for our old class- Bate. & toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to toto to HATS toto toto toto toto to toto Best Quality toto toto to ALL THE toto toto to i LATEST STYLES i NEWEST SHAPES toto toto toto toto .50 toto toto toto to toto I ftO Why Pay More ? toto toto toto * ? This Includes the New Flexible Derby to Davenport & Thacher . * > ? GENERAL MERCHANTS to clean up our * * ' WINTER GOODS . we will sell for tlie next , two weeks All Wool and Cotton Blankets , Outing Flannels , Underwear , Shirts , Duck Coats , Sweaters and Overshoes at COST. Remember the winter-is not over and these goods are all new and nptodate. . Groceries at Iio.ttom Figures- MAX B. VIBRTEL CPiOOKSTON XECKASKA WE HAVE Toilet Soaps that will not rhap the face or hands , illaar mans Gherkins and bottled pickles , Pickled Pearl Onions 3tuiFed Olives , Ketchup Cluw Cho\v , Can ned Goods , Jellies , Preserves , ' Candied Pine- ' apples , Potted ilam and Lunch goods. Everything ; to tempt the Appetite. W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. If your CATTLE SUFFER from LTCJE , IICH or MANGE CHLOeO NAPTHOLEUM Sold by Quigley & Cliapinan , v . . . . valentine , Xebr. & Comstock , Ellsworth , Kebr. & : HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS ; OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , Jlanchmen and Individuals invitedMoney to loan ou first-class cattle paper and other securities. Valentine State Bank . _ ' . . ' . ' . . ; ' " ( Successors-to Cherry County Bank. ) * i - - h- - Tip $ * Si > , i " ' IUKKCT'OKS FRED WniTTEMORETresiflentj * - r STETTER , Vice Pre'sidc'nt . . . CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier - . - : T.C.HORNBY ' . W.5. JACKs'o GET AT THIS PRINTING YOUR OFFICE Can Satisfy You in Oualitv Price and Vork nan hio