Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 29, 1903, Image 6
L = 3SL2 5 > A Lessoo io Flirtation RS. BOVRIL was at home not to all the world , but to the se lect few who happened to in- , terest her In that particular year of j 'grace. There were no old friends | among them. Mrs. Bovrill had few old friends , and she did not encourage them. She used to say they were like old servants , and became impudent as { time went on. Besides , she liked a change , and the men well , it oulj * took an intelligent man three weeks to find her out. There were usually about four wom en in the room , and they were careful ly chosen for their ugliness and pa tient dispositions. Every one said she I hired them to irritate the men and in crease their longing to escape to her side. It was certainly an understood thing at Mrs. Bovril's that only one man was to sit by her at a time. She gave each one his turn , if he deserved it , and expected him to serve his seven years cheerfully in another corner of the room. That they were content to do this is a proof of the wonderful fas cination she exercised over her ad mirers. To-day , however , the young men rubbed their eyes and stared. What was ilrs. Bovril thinking of ? There was a young and beautiful woman lan guidly sipping tea on Mrs. Bovril's own particular sofa ; she must have got in by accident , or force , or guile. Their hostess would never have been so fool ish as to ask a possible rival. They were mistaken , however. She had been the subject of .a special invi tation. The fact was Mrs. Paunceforte Deane was there to learn. She had not long been married , and had lived "YOU KEALLY MUST HAVE EO1CE AD- M1REUS. " in the country all her life. Mrs. Bov ril had taken pity on her ignorance , and had asked her round to show her how things ought to be done. "My dear , " she had said some days previously , "you really must have some admirers. " "I have my husband , " Mrs. Deane had replied with provoking innocence. "Your husband ? Yes , of course. So have I. But if your husband is the only man who is going to admire you , you will soon lose your attractiveness in his eyes. Men like their wives to be run after. It gives them the pride of possession. They like to think that they have got what other men are longing for ? " "And what other men may take from them. Is it not rather dangerous , Mrs. Bovril ? " . "How seriously you take everything , child. There is no harm. " "Not in playing with fire ? " "Fire ? Fiddlesticks ! Come round on Tuesday. I have a few people in. You will like them , I expect. They are rather different to the ordinary people , and I don't want all of them for my self. " Mrs. Deane had laughed. But she was a girl , and liked something new , BO she came round. Mrs. Bovril was kind , gave her the second best man and the best seat , and told all the others how charming she was. "Fresh from the country , you know , Algy , " she murmured , 'where all the beautiful cows are , and buttercups and things. Isn't she lovely ? " Algy was fool enough to say "Yes. " so he was packed off before his time was up , and he made things so un pleasant all round the other side of the room that the people dropped off one by one , and soon Mrs. Bovril and Mrs. Deane were left alone. "Well , my dear , " said Mrs. Bovril , when Algy , who had staid to see all the others driven out , had gone , "how have you .been getting on ? " "I don't think my husband will have any cause to be jealous , " airs. Deane replied , leaning back In a more com fortable position than she had hitherto allowed herself. "Dear me , how unfortunate you are. You don't know how to treat them , you silly child. You should have watched me. A lot can be done in that way. I suppose you talked about books , and the theaters , and bicycles , and all those sort of things , " and Mrs. Bovril smiled contemptuously. "What else should I talk about to strangers ? " replied the pupil rather wearily , for , to say the truth , Mrs. Bovril's second best young man had not been interested in anything. Mrs. Bovril laughed. "You absurd creature. Do you think that sort of conversation interests them ? They ore only Interested in you and themselves. You must be more personal. Discuss the character of men and women. A lot can be done with that. You soon drift round to your own natures and dispositions , and on that topic you can become intimate in fifteen minutes. Then you should hint at domestic sor rows. There is nothing a young man likes so much in a married woman a : domestic sorrows. " "But I haven't any , " Mrs. Deane said , pulling a rose to pieces and dropping the leaves into a teacup. "Of course not But it is so easy to suggest some. I believe Algy Dawson thinks that Mr. Bovril beats me. " "Did you tell him so ? " cried Mrs Deane in disgust. "No , you goose , but I always look extremely sad , and then brighten up when he comes and sits by me. I makes him think he is the one brigh spot in m3' dark and desolate life. O : course he likes to think that. " And Mrs. Bovril laughed till she spilt some tea over her new frock. "How insincere you people of the citj are , " said Mrs. Deane , with a demure look on her face. Then a mischievouf light flashed into her eyes and she cried , "What fun ! " "Yes , dear. You see what you have missed in the country ; but , as I say you can learn a lot from me. " "Do teach me , Mrs. Bovril , " the gir said eagerly. "I think I think I should be a good pupil. " "A great deal rests with yourself , of course , " replied Mrs. Bovril. Mrs Deane turned her head a little , just a little , towards the mirror , and smiled. "Just a few hints , though , " she plead ed. "They would be acceptable. You have had such experience. " "I can only repeat what I have said. Be personal. Personalities are the only proper topics of conversation between a man and a woman. You cannot be too personal. It Is better even to be rude than to talk about bicycles. " "Please go on , " cried Mrs. Deane , clasping her knees with her hands and leaning forward. "Well , you can talk about other men if you like. Not in terms of abuse- that is inartistic but as if they didn'i matter. It institutes pleasant mental comparisons in the man's mind. It is > nly verbal comparisons that are Ddious. " Mrs. Deane jumped up. "I must go , Mrs. Bovril. I could listen to you all lay. O , you are clever. But isn't it ill just just a little wrong ? " Mrs. Bovril rose too and kissed her. 'Silly child , do you think any of us ire deceived ? " "Might not those who did not snow " Mrs. Deane said demurely. 'Young , inexperienced people ; might : hey not be deceived , and and " "They soon learn , dear , " Mrs. Bovril sighed , and looked away. Mrs. Deane tvondered how she had learned , and if ; he lesson had been a pleasant one. "Good-by , Mrs. Bovril , and thank you so much. I have half a mind to try some day. " And she laughed round : he corner of the door and was gone. * * * * * * * A month afterwards Mrs. Paunce- : orte Deane found Mrs. BoVril alone in icr drawing room her "schoolroom , " Mrs. Deane always called it. After a few greetings Mrs. Bovril : ame to the point. "Has it been a success , dear ? " she : ried. Mrs. Deane nodded , and gave a smile suspiciously like one of triumph. "Sit down , dear , and tell me all about t. " Mrs. Bovril smiled encouragingly md began to pour out some tea. "Well , irst of all , who is he ? " Mrs. Deane blushed. "O , I don't think : ought to tell you that. He he is narried , and it might " "Well , well , it doesn't matter , " she eplied , sharply. "All men are the lame. You are young yet , and will ioon get over that feeling. I don't inderstand it myself , and you and 1 ire also married for that matter. " Mrs. Deane looked relieved. "I was tfraid you would be vexed , " she said , 'would think I had perhaps gone too ar. I am so glad you don't see any larm In it. " "Is he sufficiently fascinating ? " Mrs. Sovril asked. "That is the thing. Chat , in fact , is the only excuse. " "He is one of the most charming men have ever met , " replied Mrs. Deane vith fervor. Then she looked on the loor and spoke more slowly. "So trong , so self-reliant , and , poor man , o unhappy. " "In his wife , I suppose. Of course ! lon't you remember what I told you ? " 'here was a slight sneer on Mrs. Bov- il's face. "Yes , I remember , " she replied. "I tave profited by it. After what you old me no man could deceive me. But ie I am sure he is speaking the truth. ? here ! " and she drew herself up de- iantly. "Of course , dear , of course , " Mrs. Jovril said soothingly , and laughed be- lind her handkerchief. "His wife neglects him flirts with ther men , " Mrs. Deane went on in- : iguantly. "I know she does. " "Of course , dear. They all do. Didn't tell you so ? " "But it is different in this case. " "Why ? I don't suppose she means nything , any more than you or I do. " "He thinks she does , " Mrs. Deane ilurted out , "so it's just as bad for lira. " Mrs. BoTril laughed softly. "For ilm ? Whose fault is that ? But I ron't destroy your illusions. You are oung , and I suppose you want some xcuse. " "Not for tny conduct. I am merely aerely doing what you have taught ae. It is all in fun. " "But for him. _ jou want an excuse or his conduct. Is he so much in earn est ? " Mrs. Bovril began to be sorry for the man and a bit ashamed of herj own share In the matter. She recov-l ered , however. "You sweet , innocent thing , " she continued , "you will soon learn that nothing is ever done in earn est. " Mrs. Deanerose and smiled. "Per haps , " she said sweetly , "perhaps I may some day attain to your position , Mrs. Bovril. As yet I am too young. I am sorry for the harm I have done. " "You ridiculous child , you have done no harm. Must you be going ? Good- by , dear. He will get over It. I am rather proud of my pupil's success. Is he really so much In earnest. Poor fellow pooh ! It will do him good ! " Mrs. Deane moved towards the door. "I think , " she said quietly , "that Mr. Bovril is one of the best hearted , most " Mrs. Bovril rose and knocked down a plate. "Mrs. Paunceforte Deane ! " she said with some dignity. " 0. Mrs. Bovril , I am so sorry. " There was a sly twinkle in her eye all the same. "I thought you said there ; vas no harm. I didn't think you wou6 mind. Your pupils must practice , you know. It was only in fun ah , I see h all now. " "What do you see , " Mrs. Bovril said sharply. "That one can look at it from quite another point of view. " As a matter of fact , Bovril said that he had never even met Mrs. Paunce forte Deane , and I am not quite sure that the poor man was not speaking the truth. He ought , however , to be thankful to her. Mrs. Bovril does not give lessons In flirtation now. Chicago Tribune. "JUMPED" BY A MOOSE. Easy Enough for the Animal , but Hard for the City Man. . What it did was easy enough for the moose , but a little bit hard for the city man. The moose , perhaps driven down by the storm , seemed bound to get into the cedar thickets , like the white tailed deer , and it led us a merry chase , worming in and out among the snow-covered trees. Need less to say , we were soon thoroughly wetted with the snow , which fell from the trees on our necks and shoulders , but , of course , one does not mind a little thing like that , says a writer in Forest and Stream. The interest of the chase kept us warm. We could see that we were getting closer and closer to our game. Presently we could see that we were getting very close. At last we saw where we had gotten within 100 yards of it. There was the story. A deep pit , as though a great horse had lain there. "Jumped , " said Adam. "Sure , " said I. Then we sat down and thought it over for a while. We went on some more , and presently we came across two more moose tracks , a big one and a little one , probably a cow and a calf , as Adam thought We were then three miles from the camp , and it was not too late in the day , so we thought we would follow on and see what this bunch would do to us. They did pret ty much the same as the young bull had done. We followed these tracks through all kinds of country , saw where the animals had fed In among the willows and alders , and on the rouudwood , and finally p'uzzled out their trail until we knew that we were getting very close. This time we were near indeed to seeing our moose. We were perhaps not fifty yards away when we came to a couple more big holes in the snow , and some more reg ular holes beyond. Jumped again ! There was the story , plain enough. This time we might almost have heard the bushes rattle as we went out. As we stood there we heard a hoarse , harsh , curious kind of coughing bark. Adam laughed. "That old lady is just wondering what in the world it was that scared her , " said he. "She is frightened , but is not exactly sure what it is that frightened her. Just listen to her. " Once , twice and again that same coughing bark cane back to us. Then all was still , ard we were again all alone in the white wilderness. We concluded that we would go home after that. Cut Both Ways. "I want my hair cut , and no talk , " said a 16-stone man , with an I-own- the-eartb. air , as he walked into a Swindon barber's shop and sat down. "The " commenced.the man in ttr ipron. "No talk , I tell you ! " shouted the tieavy : nan. "Just a plain hair cut. [ 've read all the papers , and don't tvant any news. Start right away , JCW. " The man In the apron obeyed. When he had finished , the man who cnew everything rose from his chair md surveyed himself in the glass. "Great Scott ! " he exclaimed. "It's really true , then You barbers can't do Four work properly unless you talk. " "I don't know , " said the man in the ipron quietly. "You must ask the jarber. He'll be in presently. I'm the jlazier from next door. " London An swers. Getting Even with the Mussels. A man condemned to death recently n France was asked , according to cus- om , which he would prefer for his ast meal. He chose mussels , whichi : hough his favorite dish , he said , taused him a terrible indigestion. 'This time , however , " he added , grim- y , "they will not have the chance. " In a Vital Organ. Mrs. Rubba How's Mrs. Chatter this norning , doctor ? Doctor Suffering terribly. Mrs. Rubba What , with only a slight throat affection ? Doctor Yes , but she can't speak. Philadelphia Inquirer. \ Why "Women Snub Other Women. ; T ? T sometimes shocks a sensitive II man to hear women tell how coolly and rudely they have snubbed other women. A man dislikes to hurt the j feelings of another man , even though j he has just cause for hurting them. When he is obliged to resent an injury or deliver a rebuke lie does so usually with some reluctance. But the ordin ary woman appears to take an amount of pleasure in snubbing. Women have a gentle way of cutting other women whose acquaintance they desire no longer. Men will continue for years to nod to a man whom they do not like and who can be of no service to them ; but women carry no supernu merary or detrimental acquaintances. When they no longer have either regard or use for a woman they fail to see her at the next meeting. After one or two such experiences the other woman un derstands. Snubbing generally is a cruel and sill } " practice. There are persons whose conduct may make it necessary to drop them from one's acquaintances , but a great deal of snubbing is done out of sheer wantonness. The true lady , of course , never snubs another unless she has good reason. Most of the snubbing is done by snobs who deem themselves better than other people , and who , as they extend their acquaintance among fashionable people , drop their old friends as detrimental to their social progress. Women do most of the snubbing be cause the majority of them , not having to earn their own living , do not appre ciate the advantage of having a large acquaintance friendly disposed. A man knows that the most insignificant per son may some day have it in his power to do him a favor or a hurt. He knows that it is very bad policy to turn even the humblest friend Into a foe. But the women that have not made their own living have not learned this lesson. Women generally are not so friendly to one another as men are to men. When two men , hitherto strangers , arc introduced to each other , they shake hands and fall at once , if circumstances be favorable , into pleasant intercourse. Each Is willing to please and to be pleased. Each meets the other half way. But when two women meet each other for the first time both are likely to be slow In making overtures. They are distant and formal in manner. Each eyes the other sharply , takes her in from hat to boots , notes the details of her appearance , listens critically to her conversation , and decides by some Instinctive , inexplicable process that she likes her or does not like her. Men approach each other In an amicable , women in a hostile , state of mind. A man expects to find a friend. A woman expects to find a foe. The difference springs from the difference between a man's life in the world and a woman's life in the parlor. San Francisco Bul letin. * * * & \ \ K / % rf A certain amount of crying Is abso lutely necessary ; this Is the only way a baby can exercise his lungs ; under no circumstances should he be given "soothing syrup" to quiet him. A young mother will soon learn to dis tinguish the cry of pain ; it Is strong , sharp , but not continuous , often ac- companied by contractions of the fea- ' tures and drawing up of the legs. Before and after the baby is fed his mouth should be wiped out gently with a piece of soft linen or absorbent cotton dipped In boric acid solution. Too great care cannot be taken of rub ber nipples and bottles. Use gradu ated , cylindrical bottles and plain , black rubber nipples ; never use bot tles having long tube attachments. As soon as the baby has taken all he will from a bottle throw away any remain ing food and at once rinse the bottle and leave it full of cold water In which Is a pinch of borax. Ladies' Home Journal. Avoid First Quarrels. First quarrels are full of fascination for young lovers. The pleasing qualities found in the process of reconciliation are very enticing , but the pleasure is not enduring. Spats and petty differ- 2iices are all right so long as they are 3f the trivial sort , but they lose their luster when they become material. The onsequences run all the way from mo- uentary heartaches to the environs of : he divorce court. The disease is a popular one , and contagion ominous , iut the cure is simple In the extreme ; hun the first quarrel as you would ? puru a falsehood , for in the first differ- mce the germ of discomfort lies smol- lerlng , awaiting only a gesture , or a ivord , to fan it to the dignity of a con- lagratlon. The Impressionist. To Licht a Dark Hall. A woman who has long found the mrrow hall of her house dark , and dif- icult to treat In any way that made he entrance to the residence attractive , tl transformed It , to its great Improve- ment , by letting in a mirror from the floor to the ceiling on one side. This is opposite the parlor door , and the light from that department , falling on the mirror , is reflected back into the hall , to its much better lighting , while the apparent size of the little place is great ly increased. The mirror is , of course , unframed , and is fitted in between cor nice and baseboard , and finished at the sides with a flat molding that seems a part of the woodwork. The value of this treatment is not realized until it is tried. Often a blank stretch of wall that seems a hopeless shutting in of space may offer the transforming oppor tunity. Care must be taken not to overdo the treatment in such a way as to create the effect of a hotel corridor or public hall ; but judiciously used un der the care of a good architect the plan is to be commended. Exchange. To make a pretty and comfortable petticoat cut the skirt about a quarter of a yard shorter than walking length. Make it the same length all around. Sew this on the machine. Sew on the hem a plaited silk ruffle , cut on the straight of the material , about six inches deep. On the edge of the plait ed ruffles sew a narrow bias ruifle about two inches deep. Do not set the ruflles on the skirt proper , as the skirt is easier to walk in , wears better and rustles more if the ruflles are set on the bottom. Small plaits are prettier than large ones. The ability to appear perfectly well dressed depends far more upon the tact and taste of the individual than upon the length of her purse. I have again and again seen women with more clothes than Flora MacFlImsy ever possessed who in nine cases out of ten were anything but perfectly well dressed. It is far more the know ing of what is appropriate and suitable for various occasions that makes a woman appear well dressed than the following perfunctorily of any Spartan rules of fashion. To dress well means the adapting of the needs of one's life to one's clothes. Please notice I use the word "needs" ' and not "wants , " as feminine wants are notoriously elastic. A sense of delicate discrimination Is necessary to women in this matter of appearing well dressed , and I care nothing for those women who turn up their noses at the triviality of the mind of the woman who loves to ap pear so. It is to my way of thinking a pleasant and a proper state of mind to be In. Mrs. Ralston in Ladies' Home Journal. Collar and Cuff Polish. An excellent "silver" polish that wiL ? ive a brilliant surface to collars , cuffs and shirt bosoms is made of one ounce each of isinglass and borax , one tea- spoonful of white glue and two tea- spoonfuls of white of egg. Cook well In two quarts of fine starch. Starch th articles In this and dry them. Before ironing them apply some of this mix- ture to the bosom and cuffs with a cloth until well dampened. Iron at once with i hot glossing iron. Health and Beauty. To whiten the finger nails and remove ill stains cut a lemon in half and rub : he finger tips well with it at night Wash off In warm water the next morn- For red hands use a little chloride of ime dropping a few grains into the vater used for washing the hands. Be : areful to remove all rings and brace ets first , for chloride of lime will tar- lish them. One of the most important things to itudy is the comfort of the feet. Wear veil-fitting shoes , neither tight nor oose , and , no matter what people tell rou , do not have flat heels. Let them ie of moderate height , though not nar- ow. Aromatic spirits of ammonia Is a . lousehold article indispensable in fam- lles where there are persons with weak , icarts or with tendencies to faint , be- ause it facilitates the heart's action . uore speedily than brandy or whisky , ml with less danger to some patients , n cases of heart failure or fainting a easpoonful in a half-glass of water can ie given. fl Six drops of olive oil used every third p Ight to massage the lower face and tiroat will long keep off the first throat jj nd chin wrinkles that all women read. Use the tips of the fingers , and a troke the oil In gently , yet firmly , leave It on over night , washing It off i the morning with hot water and rithout soap. If It Is found that every E lird night keeps the skin a bit too oily , ie interval may be a little lengthened GOOD It is said tliut when Joseph Cham berlain and Gen. DC Wet were intro- auced In London , the colonial secre tary addressed the Boer general us "Mr. De Wet. " "General , " corrected Do Wet. Mr. Chamberlain repeated " " De Wet remark Hie "Mr. , whereupon " nothing ! " And "General or ed , sternly : the colonial secretary had to follow the example of Lord Kitchener , and recognize the military status of De Wot before the ubiquitous one would .shake hands. A New Jersey clergyman in a small town recently electrilied his congrega tion by introducing into his sermon a dramatic account of Rudyard Kip ling's , death-bed scene. One of his r parishioners hurried up to remonstrate with him at the close of the service. "Kipling isn't dead ? " echoed the preacher , tranquilly ; "well , that's odd. I surely read about the thing some where. Well , never mind. It must have been some one else who died , but the point remains the same. " " " of Morgans- The "lion. Doc" Brown field , Ky. , who represents his district in the State Legislature , is one of Ken tucky's unique characters. To illus trate a point in a recent speech , he gave the following account of his courtship : "Take my advice and never give a woman anything she can't eat , and never make love to her out of an ink bottle. Why , when I courted my wife , I just grabbed hold of her and said : 'Sally , you are the sweetest thing on earth , and your beauty bailies the ' skill of man and subdues his ferocious nature , ' and I got her. " Ughetti's work , "With Physicians and Clients , " contains an anecdoto about Heine which is new to us. Re turning from a journey to the south of Fiance , Heine met a friend , a German violinist , in Lyons , who gave him a large sausage that had been made in Lyons , with the request to deliver it to a mutual acquaintance , a homeopathic physician in Paris. Heine promised to attend to the commission , and entrust ed the delicacy to the care of his wife , who was traveling with him. But as the post-chaise was very slow , and ho soon became very hungry , on the ad vice of his wife , both tasted c-C the sausage , which dwindled with every mile. Arriving at Paris , Heine did not dare to send the remainder to the phy sician , and yet he wished to keep his promise. So he cut off the thinness possible slice with his razor , wrapped it in a sheet of vellum paper , and en closed it in an envelope , with tlie fol lowing note : "Dear Doctor From vour scientific investigations , we learn that the millionth part of a certain substance brings about the greatest results. I beg. therefore , your kind acceptance of the accompanying mill ionth part of a Lyons sausage , which , aur friend gave me to deliver to you. [ f homeopathy is a truth , then this lit- : le piece will have the same effect on you as the whole sausage. Your Hem- ; ich Heine. " COMBINED CANE AND FISH-POLE. Many a man , and boy , too , who en joys the sport of fishing , dislikes to jarry along the street the fishpole ivhich indicates to all that he eithei aas been or is going fishing. Especial- y is this the case when the fishermar 'eturns empty-handed late In the day , tvhen explanations are in order as tc : he cause of the ill luck. But If a man saunters down the street swinging hit : ane and looking innocent and sober , ish or no fish , he will be asked m ) ESIGNED TO DECEIVE THE FISHER MA3TS FRIENDS. luestions about his ability to entice thi ish into his basket. And yet that sam < : ane may be a fishpole in disguise , aj vill be seen by a look at the acc'om > anyiug drawing. The cane is simpli L fishpole made up of several hollovi elescoping sections , and has a mount ng for the reel on one side and a pock it in the handle to contain the lines looks and float. The reel is positioned o as to bring the line around a pullej seated in the hollow handle , fron srhence it extends through the 'holloa ubing to the tip of the outer section Vhen the pole is contracted the hool 3 removed from the end of the lini nd replaced by a metallic tip of th < roper shape to fit in the perforafioi nd close the opening , being held u lace by drawing up the line and fas enlng It near the pulley In the handle a which the reel Is also stored. Thi iventor is John A. Ekelund , of Minae polls , Minn. Pray Over Water. Twenty thousand Jews visited thi irooklyn bridge recently , where , Tes iment in hand , they prayed over tby rater that their sins be forgiven.