Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 29, 1903, Image 5

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f.fW I vnt in *
Kutwred at the Postrofflce at Valentine. Cherry
county. Nebraska , as Second-class matter.
EZRA.P. SAVAGE , Governor.
C , F. STEKLK. Lieut. Governor.
GKO.V. . MARSH. Secretary of State.
CHAS. WKSTON , Auditor Tub , Accts.
WM. STKUKKH. Treasurer.
PKAMC N. I'KOUT , Atty. General.
GKOKOE FOWLKR , Com , Pub. Lands and Bldg ,
LEK UAKDHAN , Librarian.
ELMRR J. B-ORKKTT. Rep. 1st Dlst.
DAVID H. MKRCER , Rep. 2nd Dlst.
WM. L. STAKK , us. 4th Dist.
A. C.SHALLENHK1M1EK. FllS.Olh Dlst ,
WM. NKVILLE , Fus. 6thDlst ,
W. C. SHATTTCK , Treasurer.
C. S. REKCE , Clerk.
W. R.TOWNE , Judge.
L. N LAYPORT , Sheriff.
E. D. CLARKe. Attorney.
ETTA BROWX , Superintendent ,
LBROT LEACH , Surveyor.
W. E. HALET , 1st Dlst. .
ALKX BURK. 2nd Dist.
I L. LAUFKR , 3rd Dist.
Charles H. Fanlhaber
Breeder of
Reu'st'd Herelords.
Hyam , No. 74,538.
at head of herd.
i * Yoang bulls from 6 2
ft to 18 months old
for sale
R Blacksmith
Brown lee , :
Does general blacksmithingathani
times prices for cash.
Valentine , Nebr.
Good , Hard Rook for sale in any
City Deliveryman ,
Trunks , valises and packages hauled to and
from the depot and all parts of the City.
12. W
First-class Shop in Every .Respect
Eau de Quinine Hair Tonic , Golden Star Balr
Tonic , Herplclde and Coke's Dandruff Cure.
Try Pompeian Face Massage Cream
County Surveyor
Valentine or Woodlake
Rirge , Nebr.
Tubular wells and Eclipse wind
(8 (
.X . . bj
Attorney at Law bi
Valentine , N br. Sc
(1 (
Physician and Surgeon U
Office at Quigley & Chapman's
Drug Store , flights The Don-
oher residence , Cherry Street.
Edward S. Furay
Physician and Surgeon
Office Fraternal Hall or El as
liott's Drug Store.
F. M. WALCOTT $ ers
Valentine , Nebr. a
Practice * In District Court and U. 8. Land
Office. Real Kitate and Sancb Property
bought and wld. Bonded
John Nicholson ,
Will be in Valentine on the 20 , 21 , 22
and 23rd of each month. Keaerve
your work for b j . Office at pooo er
F. E.A91. V. R. K.
No. 27 Frt. Daily 2-33 P. M.
No. 25 " except Sunday 9.-40 . \ M
No. 3l'a8S n er fc > Aily 12:49A. M.
No. 28 Fn. Dally C:50A. M.
No. 2P " , except Sunday 6:00 P. M.
NO. 4Passenger Dalii 4-.47A.M.
K. of P. CHERRY LODGE NU/1G9 meets 1ft
aud 3rd Friday of each month at 8:30.
C. Al , UUNTKK , C. rf. GOULD.
C. C. K , of R. & . 8.
, * O51.0. O. F
Meets Thursday night each week ,
N. G. Sec'y.
A. 31. Jk'o. 10 * . Meets 2stTut3dayeach mouth
W. M. Sec'y.
A-O. U. W. \ O.7O.Meets 1st and 3rd Mun
day of each month.
M. W. Kecoraei.
ttECillEKOK IlOSOIt 1KO. HO.-Meets
2nd and 4th Monday each month.
C. of 11. Kecoruer.
31. W. A. Meets 1st and 3rd Wednesdays each
AI. V. MciiOLSON , W. E , HALEY.
V.(5. Clerk.
FKATKltftAL , UMOX JjO. 5O8-Meels
every f-alurt a , > uifeh
F , M. Sw'y.
K Kltt II 1IOK . Meets 2nd aud
4th Weduesdaya each mouth.
Oracle. Kec.
Son * aud Daushtfrt * of Protection
Lodgeo. . O. Meets 2nd and 4th Friday * each
Ties. Sec'y
lloynl Illtfhlnndern , Devon Camleo. .
1. Meets 2nd Friday eaca mouth.
1. P. Sec'y.
Bran , bulk 75 per cw t $14 0J ( ton
sborts bulk 85 pe.r cwt $16.UO lur.
Soreeninga 70c " * 13. JU
hup Feed . . . .1.05 | 20.iiu
Corn 95 $18.00"
Chop corn . . .1.00 - $19.lX )
Examination Third Saturday of each
month and Friday preceding.
Moses & Hoffacker.
Simeon , Nebr
on right or left
shoulder of bors-
M - " f
O on left jaw. II onleftslde. H on left thigh' Jo
S. N. Moses ChMl
i right shoulder t
O and hip. AtFr
SEQUAH (3267) FGu
Dark bown , Foaled Nov. 24th , ? j
1889. Sire "Nimrod" a066) ) , by JoW
(867) ) . Seqnah's dam 289 Lady- JJy J
"Comet" (151) ( ) , by "Eclipse" (191) ( ) Fr A
"St. Giles'(687) ) by "Wildiire" Fr Ge
bird F. S. Vol. 7 by Restless T. B. He
' G. dam Fn
Sequah's . by Larrywheat M
T. I
He will stand for season of- Ha Fr
1902 at Shennai'i's barn. He
. W. STETTEB. r1 Lu
Owner. K.G
Of Interest to Subscribers. Lee B.
Having discontinued clubbing with B.o
other publications The Republican , oW
a special offer , will be mailed to At
and new subscribers for $1.50 a AtP
year , cash in advance. The regular F'
subscription price remains the same F'M
$2.00 a year and delinquent subscrib LI
must pay up before they can take JF
advantage of this offer. Every resi
dent of Cherry county ought to have
county seat paper in their liome to
keep them informed in the affairs of
the county and county business. No
paper can or will do this "better than
The Republican , and this special in
ducement is made for a short time fo
interest you , Don't put it dff. b'lit
either call at the office or write to
day , inclosing a money order to The
Republican , Valentine , Nebraska , be
fore tbis offer is withdrawn ,
W. g. 3A8KS&J Pi ftfld Frop.
Valentine. Neb. Jan. 9,1903 ,
Board met as per adjolumeut with the follow
ing members present :
Alex Burr , chairman , W. E. Haley. And L.
The Commissioners ordered the tixes refundV.
ed on i he R&ne4 ! ntf setf < te ! 1-34-30 for the yi-ars
1866-87-88 nmountttiR tu gM.iG the same haying
peen erroneously assessd.
Board adjourned to Jan. 7 , 19oO ,
Jan ot 1903.
Board met as per adojurnment , members all
present. ,
The following officials bonds were approved ,
Edward D. Clark. Coauty attorney , F. T. Lee.
Constable Loup Precinct. Kemp Heath Justice
of the Peace. Doling Springs Piecinct.
r..H. Stoner Boiling Springs
F.W.King GodselCreeK
Jobn A. Adamson German
lraJohn on Lavaca
F. H. HlKgins Shlagle
Hugu ( foyer Meet.
George Bristol , Justice of the Pence. Sparks
Precinct J. K. West. Wood Lake
W. H.Kennedy Kennedy
J. A. Hilt , Road Overseer District No. 2.
D. G Fowler 3 ,
O.E.Riggle 4
Joseph Pavlik 5
W. F. McGee 1
Daniel Garner 8
Arthur Bowing 10
J. 1 ? . Sones 14
Gto. McNamee 15
Harris Johnson 17
Jacob Martin 21
John Bonnan 2-i
William Johnson 25
Kene Canet 28
S. B. Bice 28
J. D. Spall 30
W.Honey 31
Wm. Body 51
J. W. Combs Assessor Buffalo Lake Precinct ,
on Brooks Boiling Springs
John Haber Dewey LaWe"r
WDKecketts EU
T W Murphy Enlowi
John Davis Gt-orgi *
Geo-ge W Williams tiooseCreek
H A. Welsflog , Assessor Ge-mau Preemct ,
SM : Wnodwaid Irwm
jF M Stead man Kennedy
F T Loup
IrdJohnson lavaea
WM A Crane Merrinun
Mat ; Boltz Men/el
MOt M rrussell PleasantHill
Otto Scbfividersky Sharps Raich
Charles U Long oteen
Geoige Bristol sparks
Edward urmesher Schla el
Ji Mfilarkson Valentine
Joseph Krycik Wood Lake
JAHitt Kewanfe
Eugene Frye Mother Lake
TFKeliey MHimeebadiiza
commissioner i Burr turned over § 20 to W E
Hale > , amount received from J K Lt-e for old
Bridge maierinl.
W E Haley paid above amonntto County TreasY
unT. Alo $30 for old Jau fence , and rt-ceivrd
Treasurer * Miscellaneous n-cfipts So. 10 and 11
foi same.
The Commissioners made a contract xvith R
Robinson to ao Janitor work ut Court nouse for
Oneye' r at a suiarv oi S40 per month.
The proposition of E WBrd W We > b to pur1
chase old jnil building and lots for $150acceded
iitid < ouuty Cl > rk inntru tea t submit tu tbe
voters t f Cherry County at the next genet al
elecrion. A propoMtlnn to sell 1,2,3.14 15 and
IGBl-KJk. 5 McDonald addition to Vaientine
nwn as the Old J-il Prope' ty.
'Ihe repore of StalH Exa niner. account of J E
Thackery. ' mn v Treasurer. actepteU Amount
found due rherry Couuty , as shown i > v siid r--
port. 1061.14 which was pa d to Couuty Treass
urer W C Sbat.uck t.y J E Thackrey.
Ihe report of Stale Examiner , account of W
C sbattucv. County reasurer was accepted.
The Ko d Petition ol Geo Kell * r etal arceprS
ed , and road prayed for in p titlon ol L C Lilly
et al vacated.
Board adjour. ed to Jan. 8. 1903 ,
Janiw y , S. 1D03.
Board m t as per fcdjurnnieht with the fol
low iig me.nbera preseut ,
W K Haley. Chairman , L Laufer and J L
The loilowlng claims were allowed on the
General Fund.
State JournalSuppHfafi ? 10 00
E D tla ke , Deieudiny Futcher loo oo
H S avige , i ivery Co. . rom 2 00 (
S neece. Certificates of Election etc SO 95
II Knbmson. Janhor month of Nov. . 40 00
CSK.eceFe-s Criminal Case 4689
Polen , Bjillfffees 2800
Robert Hugh witness fees Green case 20 80
NathnH Keld SO s
George English- 24 CO
Verne Green.- . 8 30
William Baliard 1130
' ' ' ' " ' ' " ' ' ' " ' '
Alice Sllvay.i..i'.I' ! . . . . . . . . . 830
Susie Lumb 8 30
Wnlfie Prescoit 8 3 °
Milton B McDowell 880 j
Jennie Robinson 830
Alfred CS8 22 oO j
SusieGreen * ° °
Jessie Craven lo 20 j
Louise Henderson 830
oeorgc Hull , Nelson case H 00 ,
John Cronin M oo
JN Layport 0 Oo u
John . Bowers 8 ° u o'
s Rowley 1250 p
UGWelker 11 00
Larkin Hancock H 00
Chnrles Pediiicord 0 00
DAHancock 075 a
Jobn Holm 10 20 A
George Myers 1250 j
Charles Ma > field 920 J.
Mrs Harry Juuod 14 oO
LeBovLeacb 460
rinnias Dooson 1100 s
t Johnson 860 j
eorge Slwnk § Q * u
Anson JJewberry 10 so lt
Frank Frush * % > o
JphnJaquIuH. anBuiencase 10 Oj B
Earnest darris 1" 5" o
William ; Duubar 13 < > S
JohnWray 18 W L'
UP White I3-10
WW White l5o "
Jessie ; West lo § ° K 13 oO J
LMHaud ; 1220
Kotlileutner ' 2- °
Gustavo-.unders d. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 560 ( !
Jolmuavis : * * J vt -
LmWinsloxv H " 0 "
MraJane .McLauvliliu W 50 "c
Ihoma | * D Van Buren 1240 y G
Lon Mosier 000 i
Jobn Van Bnren 1050 G Y
A Wilson 820 J
P J Gardiner n Oo A
Lynnv Parker & > t >
Fred Kndulka , Fmcher case 13 9o "
Lewis 10 OD IT
William Decker 13 00 w
Gertrude Decker 1 00 y- .
Fredilck Fincher 12 7o G
Thomas Lindberg 13 W w c
Harvey Morgan 13 50 , ,
DlcK Bush , wnness Fincber case 13 oO \ ,
Frauk Kludofsky 12 bO M
H Harnes , witness fa Nostram >
case. . . . . 9 5 ° J
Edward Mudge H-W | i
F Barnes 820 \
Harry CluHers 1020 | V
Fred Elliott 8 3o \
Frank Hoff-nan 9
Homer Drew SO H
Joseph Lawrence 9 30 { *
Peter H'lffman 0"0 "
V Van .Noslran 820 R
Lulu Van tfostran 820
Eruest Osterman 8 10 °
Nfatt Boltz 030 AI
MauelHatteu 820 w
F Petteycrew , Juora fees S ° ° ii
GW Green ° Oo J
ACSilmon 805 f
EMJelfers ° ?
holbclaw Oa H
RAnderson . .0of
MSHolsclaw 0 < 5 J
- Wilson 005 C
Wesley Holsclaw 605
WHoward 18 oo J
AugustErickson 5.05 .1
D Spall 805 G
PaRouch Kegular. . . 2600 U
SAWlnslow 3000 =
FWBick 3C80 to
UG Me Bride JUOM fees . , . . . . . 2J 05
Fitzgerald S6 00 J
intone Trappel 2500 1
All"n Williams 2ioo \ > .
Young -3280 L
JCMcNare 2600 D
Aetna Brechbiil 1210 w
WMCarr SO 5o J
John Larseu 2950
JWDauiels 1880 01
Jacob Klein 19 50 C
DanBurues 0 50 FJ
Jacobs Grovefl 23 00 A
WACraue 2/00 b
EWBoyles " . / . D7 00 H
Wmoavauaugn 3 00
JWrltt 320 J
LLBivens 23 05 w
ATBrackett * . . . / . . . 24 GO w
John Simpson Tiksuiau . S3 05 J
EH Wilson SO 05
George Tracwall 10 06
UrlasBoyer 2403 A
AStfllle 2105 E
JKi'ee 205 L'
JLMcEldery Id 05 Bi
t $ tt 1.
JW Whlllaus . 405
T W Cramer Jurats fee.- . . . 11 20
Daniel ) Fowler . 11 00
Webster Wertz Jurors fee . 1085
1)R Lord . 1205
Henry Rutt . 12 CO
Robert McNnme . . u c :
uyrus . Hageu . . 12 6v
tV LCrj-sfer . - 126 *
MHZ , Gulick. 12 6.
Arthur Lurz it : n
C H BuUia 205
s Q Spam J U
JEflye 2 Oo
J A dooton 2 05
John Bomman 206
Wm Ciarkson 2 OL
Thomas Hudson 206
j H Bachelor 2 Oi ,
John Adamson 2tt
Grant Perkins 2 0.
Win Hook 2 Oi
Henry Becker 4 4
5 u S Claybaugh 405
Wm Meelan 4 u
t. B Rlckeits 4 U
J W McDaniel 5 *
JKLee . 4 6
C M Pederson 4 & . '
R Kissel 460
Jobn V , Lrnd 46v
Jesse West 46
Paul Kiunicott 58u
Fred Brayton 4 20
i' F Carr Jurorj fee 4 Ci
Klwood ileth 2 40
Q S Reece Co Clerk making Tax list 434 00
R Rottinson , Janitor work October 4U 00
Hammond bros. & Stephens Supplies C Oi.
C t , Reece County Clerk Rec bonus 0 2
Ed Valentine , Judge Electon and Re 2080
LDTice 400
WtiiHankins 4 00
ira Johnson Clerk 4 a
LOU spear 4 00
School Dis. 19 use ot house for election 2 00
U C tole Clerk election aud Re 11 *
James ! Moan , Clerk Election aud Re 4 a
Win Hook Judge Electiou and Re 4 ( K/
JS Newell f 4 0
Jaa Guilders " " " 40
uaniei Alder " " " 14 2.
Pat , Clark " " " 40 =
C ; V Holsulaw " 4 0
w K White Clerk " " 4 00
Henry . . Quibble Clerk Election and Re 4 0
Woodman Hall. Use ol Hall 2 O
Man L ley Wyman , Judge Election and Re 11 t >
BTiukham t 40 40 ,
Roy Leach , Clerk Election and Re 4o
BjJoliiisou " " " 400
W ttoney. Use of H use 2U
, ( Honey , Erecting booths and cleaning hall 2
J A W Johnson , Judge Electiou and tie S 5
D P White " " " "
rf 4 w
VI W Coieman , Judge Election 4 o
W ) A Wiisou , Clerk Election 4 o
, V
i. R f iuriiea 4 i
School Dist No. 82. Use of Housn Election 2 i-
Benjamin , F ilouson , Judge Election and lie V o
Howard j . Jaycox , Judge . Electiou 4 Ov
J F Riggle 4 ( \ ,
u W Hanu Clerk Election 4 Ot
A u Salmon 4u
school Disc No. 12. Use of House Election 20
.1L Ellis , Cltr ot Election and Re 10 ( X
i F S Lovejoy , lerk . .1 Election < 0
S % Mo&es , Judge Election 4
"c W Bennett. - 4
. v J Austin " 4 00
denool 1 . Dist No. 20 , Use of Housf , Electiou 2 O-
Juiui Auanibou. Juoge Election aud Itu 8 i
l' 1'or.iili. Judge Election 4-
George , O Weisll. g. Judge Election 44 0
L Pawer , Cler/t. 4 i
tl Poraib 40.
P itiege , Use of House.Election 2 00
A J snort , Judge and Itet Election 1560
Christ tiuist , Judje election 4
sain Waddili " 400
s M Woodward , clerk election 4
Sidney Irwm " " 400
Jack ionuely , use of house election 2 Ou
S H .d Satterlee , clerK election auu let y u
F auk Hotlmau , clerk election 4 0
Wes Dillon. Judge election
R K Kaiii8lord jadge election 4 Oo
Joseph Nutlet 4th.
Sciiuol Dist JN'o. 47 , use of house election 2U.
James Lansing , judge election and rej 6 &
Frank : fiiggiu. judge electiou 4 00
E Ornnsher " " 4 00
bred i i Buechle , clerk election Ob
John Ormesher
Sjnoul Dist No. 6 , use of house election
Ernest iiowdeu , clerk election aud ret
Jiinn Siieiuouru " "
Chas Lower , judge electiou
w m Allen " "
J A. Hitt " " 4 ( A-
School uist No. 4 , USB of house election 2 U
William Brown , judue and ret electiou 70
Wilium Heed , judge electiou 40C
P Van Nostran 40
James &earoy , clerk election 4fc
Win ' SUry Jr. 4 0
School Dmt i\o. 16 , lisa of house electiou 2 0
h P Hamar , jud u election and ret 102 ,
Charles HUUSOIJ , cier * . electiou 40 * .
C F Callen 40v
George Bristol , judge " 4 uu
H sears judge election 40.
Scuool Di&t AO 71 , use of bouse election VO
o Pttttijohu , judge election and ret 40i.
it Anderson " 4
A tiootou " " 4 0
Aj If Cline , clerk " 4 00 i
'ante ! cterk "
Hauey , 4 0 >
David ( Uttudersuot , clerk election and ret 11 ot ,
tjcnwideasky 4 IK
o'eo Heudersuot. judge 4 ( A
C Galloway 4 U
Juiius Rower " * ' 400
Scuool Dist No 43 , use of house election 20 '
u Fenden > J.iot , making balli-t box
Q , &pain. cierk eiectluu and rec 15 OU
U iVLcAlvey " 4 0. J
. A Gee , jud e " 4 0.-
( t Rtcnarus , " " 4 00
w 11 Wilkes.m ' 4 Ui-
Catherine ateadman , use of house election 2 Ov l
A Daiiiels , ciHrK election aud ret 11 Jo
S AleCleaU " 400
C , Reece , judge " 4 uo J
EitStilwe.l " " 4 Oi.
b Green " 4 Ob J
A tldiioock , use of house 'lection 2 Ou
E Crane , Judge election and ret 1550
Starr i ( f
A w la slow , judge ' 'lection 4 00
< 11 wmslovv , cierK 4 ou
Powers " " 4 00
School Didt No 49 , use of election 2 U.
S Lee , judge election and ret 1U Ou
R Le-i 4 Ou
Barney McMtl , Ju ige elertion 4 l
Victoi Marttii , uicrii eieuliuu 4 Ou
t'-liris Peteiaoii " 4 00
Frank I/ctfi udu of iionse election 2 ( K >
Uaniei Auamdou , clerK election and rec 17 Ou
K liusaell 4 Ou
D Kiiuu. judg election 4 OU :
w imii r " 4 00 j
R , WailinK'ford , judge election 4 U ,
LGiUe pie , usoot uoase election 2 OU
wiving , judge electiou and ret IS OU
J , Keller "
w Roan "
M Roan , cierk election
yW Williams "
w Keller , judge election and ret IU 00
E Cady 4 00
* ' "
E Vanity 4 OU
PJarvIs clerk 40o
li Trussell clerk election 4 00
school . Dlst No 35 , use of bouse ele tion 2 UU
B wten-y , clerk election aud ret 21 60 Z
Joe Scnneider , clerk election 4 00
Murphy , judge electiou 4 OU
Gauow " 400 Z
M Gillett " 400
Bartlett Rlcliards , use of house electioa 2 00 E
Hugh i Bj > er judge eleciiuu aud ret 20 50
Beu Andrews " * ' 4 00 u
Rjbt Boyar " " 400
F tsuorne clerk election 4 OU
Steward Dulton clerk election 4 00
Scuool Disc No 93 use of House election 20u
Thos Stansbie Judge electiou aud ret 30 OU
w Alt judge electiou 4 00
Gene Fry judne election 4 UU
G ( Cooiey cierk election 4 00
T Davis c'erk ' election 400
Joseph Bemisdarfer judge election and ret 15 50 ou
B Seai s judge electiou 4 00
Rc seter judge election 4 OU
F "i'oung clerK eiectiou 400
F Nelson clerk election 400
Schoo Diat No 68 use of house e'ection 200
James Burr Judge election aud rec SO 76
T Hdwley judge election 4 00
George Lackey judge election 4 00
Charles Hoyt clerK election 400
Sherman Wright clerk eleoton 400
Sand Hill Commercial Co , use of bouse
election 2 Oj
C Peuij 'hn , canvassingyotcs 20D
M Rice can vast ing votes 200
S Reece canvassing votes 200
G Mcbridu uidkmg election booths U 75
P wnite leea.Vau Sostran case IS 90
A. wiisou lees Van ftostrdu case 5 85
John Van Buren lees McLaughlui. Van
Bureu ease 375
Charles A Austin fees Bailiff 2800
B CickeiS feea Moleuk uip tiise 1845
Fremout Tribune supplies e uu
iex Lowry serving subpuen i 200
FGiliuiiu light lor court oousd Octer ID 03 by
f Dewej duivcriux baiious ( J 00
nea ' Front"Myicautik Co supplier f > r poor 31 'M
John K Harden wo k court nous.yruanod i 2J
w Audera.m lent lorcoun. bouse 10 oo
A I'jtrkei auppdes pour 3 ai
tt .Lee use ot house Mrs Oleson from
June 15 lUtf to Juu 15 lima & $ „ ' , & )
l.vr month 17 DO
Alex Bur commissioner fees and mileageu
EtU Brown aUry 4th quarter 19 2 2i4
htia Brown expeaso 4tu quarter 1903 11
baud Hills Couiuierclal Co nuppllea poor 12
F Youu ; jtirofi lees Hlnu owe l 10 At
M H Barnes Jurors fees 81ms case l 10
L E Shepherd Jurors fees Sims case l 10
frank Dart jurors fees Sims case I 10
F E Bradi'iiry jurom fes ulras case l 10
David SteHdnun supplies poor IB 15
" ins HecMiian supplies poor 1513
M J Hall fees "tuns inquest 1 10
_ i M Morgan fee * Sims inquest 1 10
ic Alfred Lewis fees alms inquest 14 00
it A Petljcrew mdse poor 11 35
Uf red Lewis medical service 1975
ft S Barker Supplies 5 50
< iva Razey nursing Mrs BIcCoy 83 00
I M Rice stationery 21 00
I M Rice pub delinquent tax list 400 90
( M Rice pub commissioners proceedings 41 00
Alfred Lewis medical service 141 40
uate Journal supplies 81 75
The following claims were allowed on the
Road Fund :
James Hudson road overseer 9 oo
M Richardson roaa overseer 28 00
llram MuNamee road overseer 1C 00
v Honey rood overseer 10 09
1 C Bowring road overseer 30 00
Samuel B Rfre road overseer 26 00
vin Maybbeeroud overseer 20 00
4. Moue road overseer 21 50
. ) G Fowler road overseer 30 00
J Martin road overseer and cash paid help 39 CO
John Duffy road overseer 19 oo
i K Crane road overseer 20 oo
v N" Bliss road overseer 30 00
\v N Bliss to hauling lumber G 00
Henry Augustun to road work $33.35 less
52 for old lumber 3135
darns Johnson road overseer 18 00
Jack Thompson road work one day
Claimed $3. Allowed 1 50
MB Hu kman road work one day 1 SO
John Lund road work Ji day 75
J R Lee road work 6 64
Christ Pederson road work 14 oo
The following claims were allowed oBridge
Fund :
a R Barnes work on Snake River bridge 12 50
it Mone work on Boiling Springs bridge 5 00
v E Cady work on Calf oreek bridge 8 00
ole & Nicklin bridge Material 17 30
ilex Burr locatiua bridges 45 00
.ulius Heckman bridge material l 60
. r. Davis bridge material 8 07
Board adjourned to Jan 9.1903.
Jan. 9 , Boaid met as per adjournment ; mem-
rr * all present.
The following claims were allowed on the
. . neral Fund :
u Lavport posting electiou notices a"d
delivering ballots 175 00
Dr A N Compum medical service 23 on
.v 1C Towne express CO
i M Ciarkson appraising road l 50
i Moon appraising road l 50
C Rouinsou appraising poad 150
J S Reece county clerK salary 4th quart
er and expense 172 20
. A Roberts nursing Shed Harlau 9 days 9 00
. ialph Crabb keeping pauper l oo
obu Johnson keeping pauper 4 50
v R Towne fees Bovee case u 75
Y R Towue fees Segar case K 75
1C Towne fees Green case 12 45
.lice Soloway witness lees Green case 8 10
Cate Peck witness fees Green case 8 10
tiltou McDowell witness lees Green case 8 10
tobert Pugh witness fees Green casu 8 10
Jomfort Starr witness fees Green case 8 10
ruliani Baliard witness fese &icen case 8 10
enry Keikly witness fees Green case 8 10
lOhnsou Bros 1 coffin etc for Lizzie Seadore 20 55
> ; tteeee de.ivering bollots 23 oo
H sears making balllt box Hparks prect. so
Q Elmore medical service 8 50
. l/jwia fees Moehleukamp case 8 00
: D Olark lees Moehlenkamp case 3 00
A Lewis inquest Rothschild 3 10
. > ! Rice jnroM lees mquesa Rothschild l lo
vm FraiiKe jurors fees inquestto.liscnild l lo
A' A Kimbeli jurors fees inquest K ithaciilld l 10
( Simpson jurors fees mqu ; st Rotnschud 1 10 J
W steeie Janus fees inquest Rothschild l 10
Hudson Jurors fees inquest Rothschild 1 10
v C Shattuck cash paid lor coal etc 197 46 J
.v c SlmttucK. cash paid John Dittmerfor
poor etc 65 96
v S Barker printing 217 oj
j A Hooten boarding Jurors. Claimed
510500 Allowed 7500
; i L Heath printing 1 00
ft A Pettycrew m < i&e poor 51 90
i w Yeast coal for county etc 107 04
Jlen Fisher defending George A Van
Buren 100 oo
ulen 6i Fisher claimed $30 00 for bill of
exceptions on former trial Van
Buren not allowed
I A Horn back boarding Shedrach 32 50
, eo Elliott supplies pauoor 8 85
F Oilman llgut Nov and Dec and lamps 41 00
. -t BouiDdou janitor Dec 40 00
itate Journal supplies 824 60
. . . y Lai port summonsing spl jury etc 7 83
do do IS 10
.do taking Moehlenkamp to
hospital 4" 50
u N Layport attending dlst court etc
ao fees VanNostran and Feucher
case G6 00
ij N Layport boarding Fenchcr etc 2j 25
do fees McLaughllu Van Buren
case 61 50
, N Layport fees Green , Bover , Seager
case 42 0 °
N Layport tees Green case 2. oo
do lees Jailor and b'ding prisoners 170 50
do fees summons to judges aud
clerks election 217 00
, N Layport fees guard duty etc 160 7a J
do boarding prisoners village of
Valentine 9 00
L N Layporc boarding prisoners village of
Yvleutiue 6 oo
LN Layuort fees Kothchi Ids case i 10 J S
i H Slrac on fees Rothchilds l 10
. , N Lavport lees jailor guard duty etc 119 00 C
doexpense hunting Schwaberow to ; oo
) r E S Furay medical service 4.j oo
C Elder nursing Cli fford waters 10 00
1'ne following claims were allowed on the Road
Amd : _
iiarvey uobs ! road overseer i < * -j
aim Botnman do 17 W
Joseph Stasch do § 3.00 labor
tox deducted - ' 00 D
F Swain road overseer 20 2-j A
wm Foster do 21 oo
C Thompson do - * oo
do team work on roud 18 00 w
The following claims were allowed on the
Bridge Fund : ,
American Bridge Co. material for bridge
north prong of Middle Loup River 176 10 C
American Bridge Co niatrl for bridge North u
Loup River 30G 65
John de Brown materiel 31 24 Z
M Kime bridge work 25 oo
D Kime moviug Pass bridge us So
Glen Long oulbimg bridg * Big creek 39 oo
whereupon Board adjourned to Jan , 10 1003
Jail 101903 Board inet as per adjournment. P
Members all present.
The following claims were allowed ou the gen- J
ral fund : R
S Reece recording 60 official bonds 43 00
Oherry County Telephone Co use of tele
phones from July l 1005 to Sep
tember 30th 1902 15 00 O
Cherry Co. Telephone Co. use of I'hone A
to Jan. 1st 1003 15 00
Catherine Loiifi nursing Glendeuning
family 123 G4 C
Milton B McDowell mCdlcalservice Gleu- w
deuuihg family 109 DO
Chas M TaIlagner l very for doctor visit- K
ing Gleudeiiuing family 43 CO
Mrs L L Trogdcu caring for Maoel Glt-n. J
denning 9 00
T Davis supplies Glendemng fami.y ol 23
Bd Collius supplies Gl udcuning , claimed
51.97. Allowed 31 M
T Davis supplies GlendennlnR. claimed K
§ 47 60. Allowed 8 10
V wiisou houee rent etc Gleudenuiu
Claimed § 23.00. Allowed 700
Green medicine Glendenning. claimed
61 45. Avowed 51 20 B
Claim of Arthur Bowrmg for 524.00 visiting
Gleudenoibgfbmily was rejected ou county at * N
torney's advice "no provision for 3uch charges. "
Claim of J M Bauna for refund personal tax | >
1901 rejected.
Personal tax of Dawson ana Ball Gillesple w
Precinct for year 1900 auiouutiutf to $14.67 was
ordered refunded the same having beeu erroue-
ly assessed. F
Personal tax ol Frances K Hewlett Irwln C
precinct for year 1901 amounting to $11.70 was
ordered refunded the same having bcteuerrouc-
ously asseaaed ,
Peraoual tax of F H Goodfellow. Eli precinct , M
for year 1001 BDIOUUUUK to 516.73'was ordered F
refunded the bamu having been erroneously
Personal tax of C J Anderson , Sharps Ranch D
precinct , for year 1001 amounting tu § 107.13 Has J
ordered reiuudod tho same having boeu errone .
ously assessed.
Part of A. w. Peterson's personal tax. wood P
Lake precluct , for vear 19J1 amounting to $3 64 G
was ordered refunded aatue Invmg Uucn errone -
ously assessed. C
whcreuuoa tbe Board adjourned to January
January 11,1903.
Board met as per adjournment , members all
head petition or C. 8. Reecte et al for exten-
aiou oi road No. 43 was appovud ,
Tut * claim of John Ikirmuu. damageslcauSed
txteueiou ol road.Ko.4S utuouutiug to 910 , J
was allowed.
TUH claim of A , E , Thacher for $100 on fcc
count of exltiusiuu of load No. 48 was tt-jt
The boaru adjourued lu January 12 , luoa.
. , January 12. iQw.
Board old 03 per odjouruiueut , meiuturs ull
Tbe cominiisionenj proceeded to tbe treasur
er's oince for tue puapose of making settlement
with the treasurer and spent the duy in that
busiuttts wbureupou tue Board adjourned slue P
die , w , K. HALEY
" -
t ! r
Commissioners' , office Valentine. Nebr.
_ . . . . ' . , January 13 , ! 5 < D.
The board mft in regular session nlth tho fol
lowing membrrj present : W. B. Haley.cnalr-
man ; L. I/inter and J. L. Roseberry.
Tho commissioners spent tho forenoon cliect-
ioc tbe accmmtfl of the Treasurer ,
In the afi tnoon the commissioners opened
bi . ] b for ftrnlshimj the count } with bookis
blanks and stattoneiy.
The contract for furnishing. tho foflowinff
stationary xjg awarded ! . M.ificu : .
Printed It-tier heads. $ : i.oo per M ; printed en
velopes , 6' ? 2.25 per M ; printed envelopes No.
10.$3.00 per M : blotttrs. white. 4x9 ! . * Wcp r
gross ; blotters 19x24 100 Ibs ft.50 for 4 dot ,
Balance of stationary and books was awarded
tnoRees Publishing Co.
The Republican was designated by the com
missioner * in publish delinquent tar list and
commissioners proceedings. Tax list to be pub-
lishedat legal lates. Commissioners proceed
ing * free.
Dr. A. K. Corapton was appointed county pby-
sicion by I commissioners at { 200 per annum.
Medicines to be furnished at prices { quoted la
his bid.
Board adjourned to Jan. 14,1003.
January 11,1103.
Board met as per adjournment , members all
Bond of W. S. Barker f * r county printing vas
Bond of I , M , Rice for furnishing supplies nas
On motion the following estimate of expenses
for the year 1903 was made :
Counly and precinct oraccrs $ Tooo oo
Bridges . MOO 00
Court and jury - noo oo
Jail and board "COO 09
County roads 1200 00
Supplies for poor 2000 w
Sinking fund tanu ou
Bounty on wild animals y t ) ou
Fuel and repairs ion ) on
Books blanks and stationary MX ) tfl
Adjunct district levy 4W W
Ibe commissioners allowed tho Treasurer an
assistant at a. salary of 9700 per annum to oe
paid out of the fees of his ofllce.
Application of Co , Clerk for a deputy at a sal
ary of § 7uo and a recording clerk at u salary of
$540 per annum to paid out of the teen of the of
fice was appoved by the commissioners.
The Treasurer was allowed.the excess foes of
his otllce noc to exceed $700 to be applied as pay
ment for clerk him lor the year lhr ,
R. R. Lee was appointed road overseer dist
rict No. 43.
ufllcial bond of J R Lee overseer district No.
43 was approved.
The commissioners made the foliouini : ap
Henry Murphy Justice of the peace Loup Prect
Ed S Weed assessor Barley precinct
C w Bennett . . Cleveland . .
Geo Russell . . GilUspIe
w T Bullls justice of the peace Table prect.
Claims ot Geov Kneeland and C V Vurney
for damagesconcelcd on account of change iu
Personal tax of James 3 Lawrle , Kli precinct-
for year lyoi amounting to ? < J.27 was ordered ro
fundrd. ihe same huvidg been erroneously as
r c Hornby's c : lm for refund on lots 1 and -
bile 12 original town of Valentine for year 1'JOl
tax , paid undo protest , was rejected. .No Juris
Tne following claims were allowed on tho gen
eral fund :
Ludwig Lumber Yard , storm sash etc M5 118
Mrs j va Razey , nuraing Mrs McCoy 12 14)
. . Bcrtli.t HeudncKS yj uo
T J Hornby supplies for county poqr It ' . ' 5
A Al Mornssey sulnry 4th quurtur 1902 ir,7 W
W Yeast supplies county M p
P F Simmons urayage on coal'J tC
Chas MXSOU nursing pauper l oo
A Homback boarding 45 00
Nebr Institution for feeble minded 5263
Claim of A J Short road overseer dlst No 1J
allowed amt 58.00 ; whereupon the board adjourn
ed to Jan. 15 1903.
J anuary 15 lXKJ !
Board met as per adjournment , meinbirjall
Commissioners declared secticli line between
SeJ 6 Tp 331C 37 and Sec 1 Tp 33 R 2J to be a pub
lie road. Commencing at tne half-section corn
er on the west Hue of aecG T331C 27 and half
section corner on east line of See 1T S3 K 28
running thence north to Tp line between Tp BU
and 31.
A K Kuskie was appointed road overseer dis
trict No. 52 , .
omcial bond of A K Kuskie oyereeer dibt. > o.
52 was approved.
Claim ot Arthur Bowering. Glendenlng case , re-
coiibidered and upon proper showing wikSalloTved
aint $24.00
Ciaim of Arthur Bowerhig , car fare and ex
pense amounting to $0 allowed. .
Commissioners speuttbe atternoon checking
the Treasurt-rs books and t'ontinued in tnat
workJuu. 10 1003 ; wheieupo'n ; the board atl-
jourued to Jan 17 1'JOJ' , ' '
January 17 UHW
Board met as per adjournment , members all
present. . . . , , . ,
ibe following amountsvere , deducted from
above accounts and applied on personal tax :
C Reede $ 'J Co
S Reece IU 51
M Ciarkson
SMoon - 1 50
Johu Bonnan y M
Joseph Stusch Jr 'J 'M
B Rice 7 Wi
F Swain la u
Uirum MuNamco 1 17
M Kicnardsou 13 U4
James Hudson , y oo
Jack Thompson t 50
Lee iteckmaii . . *
John Luna
It Lee 0
li Crane 2UOU
Wm Mi ; > bec
G Fowler
Moue y IM
jacoL. Martin U 83
Jobn Dutf y 7 27
N Bliss 2J MS
iienrj Auguston r
Harris Johnson 1027
Christ I'ederson 12 4 !
O Thotnpsou 25 41
wm ] Foster 13 bl
Julius HecKinau 1 HJ
T Davis U7
a Lumber Yard ou tax ol J. A Sparks
manager U737
David ueudershot 4 3G
lieu ueuderebot a *
U Galloway 4 DO
Julius Rower 4 W
C Pettijolm 4 00
Anderson -1 UO
Benjiman nobson ' 7 UU
itoward Jaycox on tax Jajcox 1 W
JFRiggle 1 M
w aahn . 4 00
C Salmon 4 00
Daniel Alder 11 20
Pat Clark 4 CO
V uolsclaw 4 UJ
1C * hite . . . . . 400
Henry quibble tax of Aruet and Qulbbld 4 00
C Cole 11 SO
win nook 4 W
b Newell I 76
Jas Chllders 4 W
Hugh Boyer SO 30
Ben Andrews * * ' "
Robert Boyer
F Osborna
Steward Durtun Irl
Manley wymiiu . 4 on
Robt McNajnew iOU
Roy Leach 1 41
J Johnson 2 53
wK Towne 321
Polen 1033
JAwJobnson , . 8 50
P white 40X1
GwColeraaa 4 00
A wilson 400
KF Barnes * ' * 400
10 00
S LovejoV 4 UO
WBenuett 400
NJ Austin 3 12
Jwyeust by request Cttltl
' '
AFl'ouns 110
H I3arue3' 1 10
Ji Bradbury 1 10
wAwllsou '
GO Parker 700'
P wniw IS 00yj
' yj
H Hears ,
.Satid Hills Commercial Co 12 9S
David titetdnuiu 18 15
F Simons 9 84
w Keller IGOfl
w-ECady 400
B Varuey Gl
AIBTruasell 4 ID
G Me Bride 531
Frank Hlggiu . 4 UO
Ormasuer : 400
Fred BuecTjle 01)
John Ormealier " Oi )
G Cuoley
ATDavui 4 UJ
LDTice 400
Iva Johusoa aw
Geo Lackey' ; . 3 S3
bdun ailU Com Co 2 uo
William Browu too
William Ueed
VauNostrau ueo