Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 29, 1903, Image 4

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Official New paper of Chcrr
County. ybrttkn
.Thursday , January 29 , 190
Subscription $1.00 per year in advance ; $1.
When not paid .11 advance , Single copies Gc.
Display advi-1 iainjc 1 inch single column 1
per issue or $ G M a year.
Ixrcal Notice , Obituaries , lxdge Resolutlo
and Socials for revenue 5c per line per Issue.
Brands , IK it rlip 84.00 per year in advan
additional space S3-00 per inch per year ; engrav
hlnckft extra ; $1.00 each.
I'urtiou living ouLside fhprry county not pi
toaally known are requested to pay in advan
10 per cent additional to above rates if ore
aionths in arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand adv <
The Valentine News , whichn
started last September by W. E
Weekcs , suspended with last issm
Saturday , January 24th , giving :
a reason that he had received tl
least support from those wl
promised the most and that son
contributed only advice. This ii
dicatcs that "an empty wage
makes the most noise , " and woul
suggest a lot of maxims for tl
benefit of humanity , some of whic
we will allow the reader to amuj
himself with by thinking of thos
wnicli come to his mind bcfittin
' ' - tothe subject. Mr. "VVeekes ha
been working on the VALENTIN
DEMOCRAT at good wages bi
thinking the opportunity right c
because his head had been swcllc
by a few who had jollied him u
to believe that the DEMOCIU
wouldn't run without him , 1 :
struck. Without saying anythin
further about our differences wit
him of which the people care bi
" little , we would simply add , thi
Mr. "Weekcs failed for lack of su ]
port and want of capital principa
ly. It may be that he was tc
outspoken in some things to 1 :
. considered conservative. "We hay
an abiding faith that the people <
this north west are willing to d
" the right thing ly a newspapc
that comes to them , telling tli
' news at a reasonable price an
without attempting to force thei
to say UI don't want your paper.
There may be persons here an
there who will wonder why a pj
per can't be run without mone
and will never imagine that the
ought to pay their share or win
they owe at least , but there ar
people who pay and keep tli
. wheels a going. There is a morz
. responsibility resting upon ever
' . 'one'who profits by what a new *
paper does for a town to give
reasonable support though it is nc
recognized any more than fakir
recognize the prior rights of Sho
people who advertise and brin
the people to town for them t
work or a man who rides fre
while others foot the bill. Ther
are people in this town who d
the most kicking about hoi
the town is run that hav
done the least to make it wha
it now is. There are people wh
never draw an honest breath tha
are"continually ; howling "sto ]
thief. " A man who is honest onl :
within the bounds of the law ma ;
be known as the sharpest o
shrewdest rascal even though hi
makes a great pretense. Ther <
are also duties of a newspaper tx
its patrons and to the town ii
which it is located that are not for
gotten in this connection and w <
realize that some who call.the loud
ost for something to be done sel
: dom contributes to the expense
yet they are first to complain anc
find .fault and encourage revoli
and revolution or ' 'will quit one
store in debt and trade for cash ai
another after perhaps having been
accommodated for years. .
. , . . .Oi-Wt isdmvti with..the . , . , . . .
. " " " ' * - t T - - -
grippe. .
" Dr. jLewia.and . family-made a
' trip toChadron , , returning Tues
: -B. Ilartigan returnedMonday
night fTonxHastings. He brought
a large and up-to-date assortment
pf music for the Valentine band.
The..electric lights have been pi
since last Thursday night , owic
wheel at' 'the <
x > a broken pow
Dr. Compton reports a 9 pour
boy born to Harry Hilsinger ar
ivifo yesterday morning. Moth <
ind child doing well.
Mrs. M. R. Harden writes bac
bhat her mother died Sunday nigh
She was telegraphed to come hon
is her daughter Frances is very i
with pneumonia.
H.V. . Caton and wife startc
this morning for their home :
Stearns , S. D. This leaves tl
Judge [ and Mrs. Towne 'withoi
my girl.
Anderson & Fischer have seve
il car loads each of Big Mu <
ly lump , Kemmerer and Roc
Springs nut-coal on hand. Ord (
it once and take your choice.
1 /
Erank Armstrong , a brother-ii
law of Rev. Ray , departed Tue ;
lay morning for his home in Ind
laving grown some worse .recen
ly he thought it best to retur
ionic , Mr. Armstrong has bee
Dut here for several months wit
Rev. Ray hoping to benefit h
lealth. Bronchial and ' throj
trouble has * kept him closely coi
ined on account of the cold weatl
A colored man broke into Stra
; on & Klein's money drawer ar
5tole § 260 last Friday night. B
; ook the first train - for the Eai
ivhick happened to be No. 28 an
ATent as far as "Woodlake where 1
.vas . noticed to have a lot of silvc
ivhich he was trying to change i ]
X ) paper money and aroused tl
suspicion of T. A , Yearnshaw wli
wired up to learn if he wasn
.vanted. . Sheriff' Lay port wei
lown on first train and got him.
Hiram J. Ingersoll , father (
Vlrs. A. Lewis died at the Lew
lome in this city Friday evening
fanuary 23 , after a' brief illnes :
Che deceased was born at Graf toi
3hio , in 1829 , started in life as
; ivil engineer , served in the 7t
Michigan cavalry as-lst lieutenani
lerving three years in the civ
var. At the close of the .war 1 :
vas sent across the plains in charg
) f a company fighting Indian !
ile came to Nebraska in 1882 an
ms resided in this part of the stal
iince that time. He was taken t
Uhadron for burial , the service
) eing conducted by the G. A. I
The Valentine section of th
Cherry County Teachers' Assoch
ion will meet in the High Scho (
'oom in Valentine , Feb. 18 , 190i
Ul those interested in educations
ork are cordially invited. Th
bllowing program will be giver
Mature Study , Chap. 17-20 ir
elusive. ( See questions in Jar
Nebraska Teacher. ) Conducts
by Miss Brown ,
Continued Story , Chapter V
Florence Nelson.
rpcal Solo , Edith-Pettycrew
'aper , "Geography'in'the Lowe
Grades , ' ' Clara Ayers
loll Call ,
[ ef. "Way-marks" pages 160-200
Georgia Grumblings.
John Kluclsikofsky is home vis
ing his parents for a few days.
The time of No. 27 has beei
hanged from 4 p. m. to 4 a. m.
We understand that "Wm. Dan
fsky is going to move to Wash
> { r. and Mrs. H. Buttinghausc
id Katie Danofsky , of Valentine ,
ere up here.
IV. A. Wilson and A. 0 , Cole-
ian are putting in a supply of ice
> r their summer use.
MAHHIED.Joseph Kudelka and
li JJer ia IOudsikofsky , both oi
eorgia on Jan 24 , JT903 , the , cere-
bnyl&ing performed'by W. A.
. . . : - - ,
Mary Cumbow spent Saturday
id Sunday at the home of W. A.
rilson. Mary is enjoying her
hool very much and has nineteen
irolled ,
At the Home of F. Rothleutner
nice surprise party was given o
his son Gussie. ? The evening wa
spent playing games and a goo
time was enjoyed.
Georgia school will be re-opene
Feb. 9th. YANKEE.
Brownlee Breezes.
Peter Roueche returned froi
Omaha last Friday.
R. S. Lee and wife spent Satui
day and Sunday in BroAynlee.
Mrs. Noble of Broken Bow 3
visiting relatives and friends hen
Rev. Allen who has been preacl
ing at this place for the past thrc
months leaves for the east.
Homer Tate was down .from th
Snake doing trading at Brownlee
He also took in the box supper.
The pupils of .the Brownie
school seem determined to i { mak - .
school a success this winter , Jas a
are interested and at work.
The quarterly meeting at the 1VJ
E. church was well attended. Ou
people , however , were disappoini
ed in not having thepresidin
elder on that occasion.
The box supper at the churc
last Friday evening for the benef
of Rev. Allen was a very pleasar
affair as well as a financial success
The boxes sold for $59.
Wm. Ferdon is making sul
stantial improvements in the wa ,
of sheds and a barn on his .ranc
west of town. C. M. Pederson i
doing the carpenter work.
Penbrook' Quills
John Owens caught.a live eoyot
Wm. Grooms went to Norde
Old porcupine has come to lif
cince more.
The Burdick boys are haulm ;
3orn to town. ' *
Nate Graddy came down iron
Cody Monday.
. . . . , :
Mr. Searby and family werp ou
to church Sunday.
The dance at John Grooms ? Ji
ivas well attended.
That North East breeze seems i
be blowing again. :
Jim Hughes has bought th
Robert Jones place. ;
John Grooms Jr. has been hold
ng down his homestead.
i - . .
Coyotes are numerous. - Jin
Hughes caught one too.
Mr. Kuskie seems to be inter
) sted in the coyote deals.
Mrs Graddy visited last wee !
, vith her daughter , Mrs. Cor ;
A mistake in our last writing
Che dance was at Dave Owens' in
itead of Dave Archers' .
Wm. Graddy has been hauling
sorn to Norden. PORCUPINE.
Down the River.
Mr. F. Ashburn went to Valen
ine the first of last week.
Wm. Brosius is husking corr
or F.-Nollette these days. . : ,
i ! : /
Fire wood is getting as scarce "as
ten's teeth in these parts.
A. W. Grooms is going to tun a
Lerd Of 'cattle this summer. '
Lou Brick has 19 tons of hay at
Ir. Polans for sale. § ! per ton.
Shorty Mumf ord spent one even-
ig of last week at L. Taylor's.
This country is getting equal to
ic Arctic regions in cold weather.
Martin Becker and family spent
Unday evening at A. W. Grobms5.
Alfred Taylor is going to school
i District 33 while : the snow lays ,
Quite a lot of cattle.have . the
ch this winter all over the coun-
BORN. : To Aaron 'G'ropms .and
ife January 22 , a'ten-pouhd baby
i irl. . ' . !
The Pleasant Valley school , was
Denccl January -with Miss Clara
row.e ' in charge * \ < '
do you suppose dip
into that bulk coffee
before you buy it ?
comes in sealed , air
tight packages ; no
chance for handling ,
or dirt or things to
get in.
Clean , Fresh end Fragrant
Grandpa Grooms returned horn
ast week after a few weeks' vis
vith relatives near Sparks.
John Grooms got his new floe
; moothed down very good. The
lad a nice dance and supper-
Shorty Mumford must be goin
; o live with Jacob Saurwine as I ,
s hauling his corn and hay to M ;
A. W. Grooms is raffling a teai
) f young mules three and fou
rears old next spring. EveryoE
ake a chance.
The storms we have been havin
ire terrors on the stock that hs
inthing but a fence post or a co
onwood tree for shelter.
T. J. Ashburn was out in th
: ountry a few clays a week ag
iclping his brother , James Asl
mrn , move a house on his home
itead along the Dakota line.
Dave George , of Sand Creek , i
joing to move to Valentin *
rle is calculating on running a liv
iry stable. YOUNGSTER.
See the Omaha painless dentis
his trip and have your dents
rork done by an experienced u ;
o date dentist at Omaha prices.
WANTED : Men to learn barbe
rade. Practical course given b
ree work , expert instructions , led
reat etc Tools presented , wage
laturdays , board provided. Cata
ijrue mailed free. MOLER BARBEI
JoLLEGE , Omaha , Nebr. 2-2t
All our farmer readers should tak
dvaritage of the unprecedented clufc
infj offer we this ypar make , wbic
ncl-udes with this paper The Home
tead , its Special Farmers' Institut
Mitions and The Poultry Farmei
'hese three publications are the bes
f their class and should be in ever
arm home. To them we add , for Ic
al , county and general news , our ow
aper , and make the price of the fou
ne year only $1.25. Never bt
ore was so much superior readin :
latter offered for so small an amoun
f money. The three papers named
rhich we club with our own , are wei
nown throughout the West , an
ommend themselves to the reader'
ttention Upon mere mention. Th
lorne stead Is the great agriculture
nd live stock paper of the West
'he Poultry Farmer is the most prac
leal poultry paper for the farmer
hile the Special-Farmers' Institut <
ditlons are the most practical publi
ations for the promotion of gooi
irmiou ever published Take ad
antage of this great offer , as it wil
old good for a short time only.
Samples of these papers naay be ex
mined by calling at this office ,
[ am going to run the * towr
erd this summer and solicit youi
atronage. All stock entrusted to
iy care will receive careful hand-
Off. 51 U. BOYEK.
F'oix * i ( 'imht to Eat.
: ' . h ! 'it- : r.\\\\ \ \ \ tht ! a IUU ) should
, . . , , . . , , . , . '
, , , .v „ ] | : : ( f lt ; tlilCCS 110
> ! . Il ; ; > . ! ! JiiriM' ( iilV'Tcnt kindB of food
ai.v : one inwil. It should be served
: "u-jirj.v ; ss possible In Its simple
nliv Monfood is required on a
imp. ra\v. cold d\y than on a checr-
:1. : dry mi.
As : i rule , it Is.snfV to nssiimo that
hat \ vieravo' for is best for us ,
ourh in casys of illness this point
oul.'l not l > o strictly adhered to.
Men ruiuiro a trood cldal more food
: in v.MMn''ii : tiiosi1 who Work hard
Di'1 tluin tliofie Who lead a sedentary
e : who are , fri'OWing more'then
OSP who bave reached maturity.
'So Dnl.vy nitsli.-ibout's diamondsrcre
jli'ii. wro tlit-.v ? " irKjtliM'd the pntient
\ v.viijjCjIIKJII. ! . Piipjjir.ssinfr : i yawn. -
No. " tforri'ctt d ( li t-ntorpi' ing press
ent ; "tljey wei-e kidnaped. She had
sftrseHn her teeth-and they had to
e her too , " CincJnnatJ Commercial ,
Business Notices.
Notices under this beading 5 cents per line
jach insertion. Amon'reading matter , 10 cents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood atock at E. Breuklanders.
50 head of horses for sale or ex
change. Searby Bros. .Crookston ,
tfebr. 37 tf
Kan eh for Sale or Iease ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
svater and timber. Will run 300 head
jf stock. For information address , box
10.154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. RICE ,
Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf
Taken out cf my pasture two miles
north of Valentine Nov. 7 , 1902 , one
arge bay mare five yearsapn old four
A'bite feet and face , bran J5S1 ded on
left shoulder.
one light bay mareSi yearling
: olt three white feet ,
spot in forehead branded of connected
3n left shoulder. Also loston Rose-
aud agency about six weeks ago one
rour yoar old buckskin gelding black
mane and tail , branded Q connected
) n left shoulder. A liberal reward
aaid for their lecovery.
GEO. CA3I3I. 'Valentine Neb.
W. T. Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
We do general blacksmithing and Woodwork
Special attention given
to Wagon and Carriage
work , Branding Irons
and Horse Shoeing.
Great Kortkern Une
at O'neill , Nebr.
Going West.
Going East ,
. . Arrives 9M p. a.
Leaves 10:10 a. ra.
Passenger , daily except Sunday ,
'jonnections with Elkhorn ; trains eaet and
west-bound from an points west of O'Nnill.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections for Sioux Falta , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and all points north and west.
local tickets to O'Neill.
Buy - . FRED ROGERS , G. P. A.
Sioux City , Iowa
WANTED : One steady , good
all around farm hand. Wages
§ 20.00 pre month the year round.
JOSEPH LASGER , Nordcn , Nebs.
Dr. Withers , Omaha painless
dentist , will be in Valentine Feb
ruary ? 6-7.
Having recently purchased , the
Kangaroo Restaurant I wiJJ be
pleased to have a continuation of
its patronage. : : : : : :
Meals , Short Order. Lunches
and all first class and by
an Experienced Cook.
E. D. Cohota.
Wagons and Buggies
made to order of first
class material and
guaranteed to wear.
Charbonneau & Taylor
Restaurant and Bakery.
Bread , CaKes , Pies , Doughnuts & Cookies.
Fresh Every Day.
Special attention given'to orders for'Baked goods. :
Oysters servedjn any Style.
Next Door to Stetter's Saloon.
John Bowers Edward , Parry. Bowers & Parry ,
Liver y , Feed and Sale Stable.
Good Rigs , Careful Driyers ,
Reasonable Prices. *
The Walcott Barn. First Stable East of Stetter's Salooa.
J. C. WEBB , Proprietor.
Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest
and Best Two-Dollars a-Day
In Northwestern Nebraska
Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms
Highest Market Price Paid for Ducks and Egg * .
from LIOE , IICH or iivj if
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
v alentine ; Nebr. ,
Richards & Comstpck.
Ellsworth , Kebr. !
Ve Can Satisfy Y ia - Qualitr Pri