Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 15, 1903, Image 4

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Official Newspaper o
County , Nebraska
Thnrsdny , January 15 , 1902
Subscription i.oo per year in advance ; $1.6
Wkeu not paid I" advance. Single copies 5c.
Display advert'-inc l inch single column 15
per Issue or $ G. < - iyear.
Local Notices.bituarles , Ixxige Resolution
aud Socials for Levenue 5c per line per issue.
Brands. l inches $4.00 per year in advanci
additional space S-3-00 per inch peryearenprave ; <
Works extra ; $1.00 each.
Parties living outside Cherry county not per
tonally known aie requested to pay in advanci
10 per cent additional to' above rates if over i
months iu arrears.
Notices of losses of stock free to brand advcr
The Chadron Journal came out
last week a six column quartc
which much improves tne appear
ance of the paper.
The Stuart Ledger has a habil
of knocking'but we don't think
many licks hit amiss though per
haps it is hard on those who per
sist in pilfering editorials and re
writing some oneselse work. The
Ledger is not given to hypocrisj
and cannot endure it in others ,
We admire that trait of charactei
that would not copy anothers writ
ing witout giving credit.
The Chadronian has been sole
by Phipps Bros , to A. M. ClarL
and E. S. Kicker who have taker
charge with the latter as editor ,
The paper is changed to a six col
umn quarto and named the Chad
ron Times and is ( much improvec
in appearance. The men nov ?
owning the paper will get out E
paper that will be better appro
ciated because of their long resi
dence and extensive acquaintance
ir the town and county.
We learn f r om the Holt Countj
Independent that a bond forgery
yellow with age ha i been discov
ered in that neck of the woods.
A Massachuetts bank found in its
'vault fohfvbohdsr of schnol districl
No. 5 for § 600 each , dated July 1 ,
1ST3 , bearing' interest ? at tonpei
centt and amounting now almost tc
ten thousand dollars. The school
officers whose names were affixec
to the spurious securities were fic
titious" person , ' There were alsc
fiye bonds of like character againsl
school districts in Sherman county.
The festive defrauders of thirtj
years ago were as smooth as somt
who ply the secret art nowadays.
Chadron Times.
lAlen ! Sparks is spending this
week at honie with his wife.
L C. Stotts , of Cody , spent a
couple of days in town this week ,
Frank and John Grooms were
in town from down the river yes
Mrs. C. F. Callen was in the
city from Sparks the first of the
Miss Wren Donoher , of the Cody
hotel * wag in the city the h'rst of
the week on business.
Tom Hudson and wife brought
their little girl in last week to see
the doctor about her throat *
J. W. Stctter and B. F , Carter
the stock solicitor of the F. E.
M. V. started Monday n.orning to
attend the Kansas City fctock cx-
J. A. Denny had the Ganows
arrested and they came to Valen
tine the first of the week but Den
ny failed to appear to prosecute
them and the case was dismissed.
The railroad company finished
putting up ice Monday and paid
off their men. About 200 cars of
ice were shipped out to different
points along the F. E.&M. V.
Notice that our advertisers offer
and sell them
you up-to-date goods
at prices that are lower than cata
logue houses , considering quality
and you cjon't have to take 'only
L. D. Barnes was down from
Cody yesterday. '
Miss Flora Hornback is wearing
a black eye as a result of falling
down on the ice-recently while
" Miss Nettie Brosius has returned
from Hay ward , Wis. and will stay
at home. A card from M. P. Bros
ius at Atglen Pa. says 'they are
having a good time and asks that
their paper be sent there.
Sparks , the colored man who
shot Clifford Waters ( colored ) Dec.
28 , 1902 had his prcliminery hear-
; ing Tuesday and the case was dis
missed. AVaters is well and able
to take care of himself again.
Sam Grooms and wife , who left
for Idaho and Oregon last fall , re
turned yesterday morning saying
they preferred Cherry Co. Sam
complains that the weather had
been bad there and that there was
no work to be had.
J. P. Gardiner returned this
morning from Perry , la. , where
he and his son had been with two
car loads of horses. Mr. Gardiner
enjoyed a pleasant visit there with
his brother and also with a brother
at Baxter , Iowa.
Ed Searby and wife and sister-
in-law , of Crookston , were trans
acting business in our city yester
day , sir. Searby took advantage
oj : our clubbingrates and will
read the Commoner for another
year in connection with THE VAL
Keport of school district No. 46
for the month beginning Dec. 8th
1902 and ending Jan. 9 , 1903. No.
of days taught , 20 ; number of pu
pils enrolled , 5 ; daily attendance
5 ; No. of visitors , 4 ; neither tardy
nor absent Francis , Louis , Roy
and Ethel Hook and Alice John
son. MARY GREWE , Teacher.
The joint installation of offiers
of the M. W. A , and the Royal
Neighbors was enjoyed by 120 per
sons. An orchestra from the Post
consisting of five"pieces furnished
the muse and after the installation
* /
a banquet prepared Uythe 'Ladies' '
Aid Society was served in the
lodge 'dining' 'hall.'J Among those
from a distance were W. A. "Wil
son and wife , of Georgia , A. K.
Kuskie and wife--of 'Sparks , Mr.
YoungJ of Simeon , " Dave Dunn ,
from the north table , and Mrs.
Bruce Moore , of Cody.
Chas.-H ; Cornell'-'president of
the First National bank of this
place and the best known and most
popularman in this , part of the
"West , departed Wednesday morn
ing for Omaha where he will be
married today ( Thursday ) to Miss
Bertha Child , daughter of Dr. E.
P. Child of that city. After the
marriage the couple will spend a
month visiting relatives and friends
in Chicago and New York after
which time they will return to
Valentine to make their home and
will receive a warm and hearty
welcome from everybody. ,
Services at the M. E. Church
next Sunday as follows : Sunday-
school , 10 a. m. Morning services
11 a. m. Class meeting , 12 m.
Junior League 2:30 p. m. Ep-
worth League 6:30 : p. m. Even
ing service 7:30. : Prayer meeting
Thursday evening 7:30. : Morning
subject : "Let us Lay Aside the
"Weights. " Evening subject :
"We Shall Reap What We Sow. "
After a week of prayer meetings
at the homes of people in the town ,
we expect to begin a series of spec
ial meetings next Sunday , Jan. 18
and do cordially invite men and
women , both young and old , coun
try people * , travelling men and
women all alijie to attend our ser :
Pole Creek
Monthly feport of school dist
rict No , 19 Cherry Co. , for the-
month ending Jan. 2,1903 ; num
ber of days taught , 20 ; number of
pupils enrolled , 27 ; those being
icither absent nor tardy during
lie month were : Mary , Edward
md James Tide ; Edith Haslow ,
Foel'Waddill , ' Harry , Maud , Roy ,
fabert and Mabel Malone.
, Teacher ,
W. H. Hooper of North table
came in today and paid his sub
scription a year in advance. He
says cattleare doing fine.
Report ot'Woodlake school , for
montlvending Jan.-9 , 1903.
Grammar Dept.
No. * enrolled , 39 ; average daily
attednance , 33 ; neither-absent nor
tardy were :
Edna Cunninghato Harvey.McNamee
Mildred Day Frank Davis
llosa Harr " ' Guy Kennedy
Marion King" . Loyd King
Mattie 1'arks Wilbur Parks
Florence Rutt Chole Waggoner
Hazel Valentine Viv'an Young
Walter Wyinan Miller Wagner
Roy Wagner
Primary Dept.
No. enrolled , 60 ; average daily
attendance , 51 ; those neither ab
sent nor tardy were :
Edward Lounousky Aithur Wagner
Freddie Harr Pat Dew
Harry Hagen Don Parker
Veda i'oung Lillian King
Callie Powel ) Sitnuel Wagner
Harold Welker Russell Welker
Floyd Wyinan Eltner Pearson
Mrs. S. Johnson died at her
home in this village after a short
illness. She died Monday and was
buried Wednesday.
Dicy Elliott , Alvin Woodruff
and Lee Hans started from this
place a few days ago for Cripple
Creek , Colo.
E. C. Shaffer , while making his
farewell visits in this neighborhood
was agreeably surprised last Fri
day evening at the home of W.
White by his * friends and former
pupils. A good time was exper
ienced and gameswere.played. At
a late hourrefreshments - were ,
served and the guests dispersed.
There were .eighteen present and
all enjoyed the evening.
Kilgore. ' ,
We are sorry to report the deatli
of Mrs 'S. Johnson. . . ' . j
Mr. Jones and wife of Valentine ,
were on business. ,
W. A. . Wilson .and wife word
out to F. T. Bracketts last week.
Mrs.Hatten and daughter , Mrs.
Ward , were storm bound in town
last Saturday.
The weather is commencing to
moderate and the ranchmen think
it is about time.
F. E. Joy reports that the snow
is. not so deep on Pine Ridge Ag.
as it is on Rosebud.
Paul Danofsky and wife , of New
port came up to attend the funeral
of Mrs. Johnson.
Georgia is still without a school
teacher and it looks as though it is
time for school to commence : '
1 Precinct.
Miss Nellie Jerinan and Harry
Heath were on the river Sunday.
Chas. Marson "moved into the
Sullivan place so as to be nearer
his hay.
School has closed in district ISo.
55 on account of the mumps among
the children.
Cattle are doing well ; but will
the hay hold out ? That is. the
burning question of the day.
The dance at Frank Joncslast
Friday night was well attended
ind everyone seemed to have a
ood time. Oyster supper was
served at midnight to which1every. .
3ne done justice. . *
' < ! .
News are kind of scarce , eyery-
jody is too busy toget married
ind the snow is toovdeep to goyis-
ting and we clpu'lT know what has
lappened in the1 o\vtsid6 world as
ve haven , [ t got.anyjiiail since New
fears and this is the llth day ,
ust thjnk'of that"you city" chaps
vho get your mail'every day.
Che world may have come to an
; nd and we still , plodding along
.nd don't know it. . . .
- "Wm. Jerman returned from
"ody and other points week-before
The greatest nation in the world is
the greatest consumer of coffee.
is the standard beverage of every
state and territory of the Union.
It's pure that's why.
Always in 1 1J > . alr-tlcht , _ aled packages ,
insuring freshness and uniform quality.
Did j-ou ever pause in } 'our happiest
Close your ears to all sounds of mirth
And wonder what all was transpiring
On the face of this big old earth ?
Did you ever look at the high , high
Studded with God's bright gems of
light ;
And long with an intense , painful
For just one .glimpse of that inner
eight ?
Dil you ever thinfc were your prayers
but granted
All things revealed inone grand
view ,
Of the terrible sights that would
meet your vision ;
Almost too terrible to te true ?
That here you would see a lone 01 e
dung ,
That , Oh ! so little help would save ;
And there you would hear the night
winds sighing
Through the flowers on an unmarked
That the sound of mirth , the roar of
laughter ,
The hurry and scurry of happy feet
Sweet strains of music , the echo after ,
Also , your wondering ears would
Ah ! so close to all the pleasure ,
\Yith blinds drawn down and dark
ened hall ;
You'd see hearts full of death's grim
' measure ,
-And hear the clods on a coffiin fall.
That .through it all you'd hear death's
- .rattle ,
Over it all see blinding tears ;
TJbe'clash of steel and the roar of bat *
Would never for a moment leave
* - * ; . .ybui ears.
All ! then we would not crave the
knowledge ,
We would not wish all things to
know ;
But--cry with hearts quaking with
horror ,
God knows 'tis best we do not know.
All our farmer readers should take
advantage of the unprecedented club
bing offer we this year make , which
includes with this paper The Home
stead , its Special Farmers' Institute
Editions'and The Poultry Farmer.
These three publications are the best
of'tfieir clnss and should be in every
farm home. ' To them we add , for lo
cal , county nnd general news , our own
paper , and make the price of the four
one year only 5JJ1.3S. Never be
fore was so much superior reading
matter offered for so small an amount
of'money. The three papers named ,
which we club with our own , aie well
known throughout the West , and
com.merid themselves to the reader's
atpentipn upon mere mention. The
Home stead is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the West.
The'Poultry Farmer is the most prac
tical poultry paper for the farmer ,
while the Special Farmers' Institute
Editions are the most practical publi
cations for the promotion of good
farming ever published Take ad
vantage of this , great offer , as it will
tiold good for a short time only.
Samples of these papers may be ex-
imined by calling at this office ,
i .
* - t ±
r *
. ' . ' Card of Thanks.
Tp the many kind friends who
; o kindly assisted us during the illj j
iess : and death'of a beloved hus1 1
> and and father we extend our
icartfelt thanks.
I am figuring'on running the town
tercljthis summer and solicit your
mtronage. All stock entruste'd to
ny care will .receive careful hand
ing. ' " ' 51 U. BOYER.
* *
> ! Job Work :
Business Notices.
Notices under this heading 5 cents per line
each Insertion. Among reading matter , 10cents
per line each insertion.
All kinds of heavy hardware and
wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders.
50 head of horses for sale or ex
change. Searby Bros. Crookston ,
Nebr. 37 tf
Ranch for Sale or Lease ! !
16 quarter sections , good range , hay
water and timber. Will run 300 head
of stock. For information address , box
no. 154 , Gordon Nebr. or I. M. BICE ,
Valentine , Nebr. 42-tf
Taken out of my pasture two miles
north of Valentine Nov. 7 , 1902 , one
large bay maro five vearsZBKl old four
white feet and face , bran 881 ded on
left shoulder.
Also one light bay mareB yearling
colt three white feet ,
spot in forehead branded Qf connected
on left shoulder. Also loston Rose
bud agency about six weeks ago one
four year old buckskin gelding black
mane and tail , branded Of connected
on left shoulder. A liberal reward
paid for their recovery.
GEO. CAMJI , Valentine Neb.
W. T ! Bishop ,
The Wilber Barn
Your Patronage Solicited.
We do general blacksmitMng and Woodwork
Special attention given
to AVagon and Carriage
work , Branding Irons
and Horse Shoeing.
Great Northern Line
at O'neill , Nebr.
. Going West.
Going East.
Leaves 10:10 a.m.
Passenger , dally except Sanday.
' 'onnections with Elkhorn trains east and
west-bound from all points west of O'Ndll.
Shortest route to Sioux City and beyond.
Through connections for Sioux Falls , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and M points north and west.
Buy local tickets to O'Nelll.
FKKD Bouisns , G , P. A.
Sioux City , Iowa
Henry Knife , an Indian from
Rosebud lost a sorrel horse with
knife brand on left shoulder Oct.
2,1902. Anyone finding a stray
horse of above descripton please
or write him at Kosebud , S. D.
Having recently purchased the
Kangaroo Restaurant I will be
pleased to have a continuation of
its patronage. : : : : '
Meals , Short Order. JLnnches
and all first class and by
an Experienced Cook.
E. D. Gohota.
"Wagons and Buggies
made to order of first
class material and
guaranteed to wear.
\ -
Charbonneau & Taylor
, ,
. - * Itestaurant and Bakery ,
* i *
: Bread , Canes , Pies , Doughnuts & Cookies.
Fresh Every Day.
* Special attention given to orders for Baked goods.
Oysters served in any Style.
Next Door to S tetter's Saloon.
John Bowers.Edward Parry. ' Bowers , & Parry ,
Livery , Feed and Sale Stable ,
Good Rigs , Careful Drivers ,
Reasonable Prices.
The Walcott Bam. First Stable East of Stetter's Saloon.
J. C. WEBB , Proprietor.
Is the Best Equipped , most Comfortable , Largest
and Best Two-Dollars
- a-Day
In Northwestern Nebraska
Bath , Hot and Cold Water , Two Sample Rooms
Highest Market Price Paid for Ducks and Efcg * .
Sold by Quigley & Chapman ,
Valentine , Nebr.
Richards & Oomstock.
Ellsworth , tfebr.
We CM Sati f7 You in
C * * M * "