Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 15, 1903, Image 2
THfc VALENTINE DEMOCRAT I. 31 1UCJJ , I'nb Iilicr. YALhNTINE , KEBRASKA. Yon nex r hear one ; Jrl say that an other is too young t marry. The .self-made man is often the only one who is satisfied with the job. If a man never changes h'is mind he is either very right or very stub born. The tramp never looks for a job , yet ho often steps into another man's shoes. Handwriting experts should get good pay considering what a roasting they have to take from the lawyers. The world is full of people who would be good Samaritans if they thought there would be dividends. Paris is taking TO educated cats. It will be a fine thing if the cat can be taught that back roofing is bad form. "Attenuated refinement" is Mr. Cleveland's very latest. As a diction ary searcher Mr. Cleveland has no equal. It is rumored that King Leopold is mentaMy unbalanced. His friends ap parently think there is no other ex cuse for him. A Kentucky woman recently secured divorces from two different men in one day. Let us hope that she now feels free and eoual. Wages ro up to meet the cost of liv ing , and the cost of living goes up to meet the new wages. It looks like a continuous performance. If the football players keep on mak ing improvements for their protection they will presently have themselves hauled out on the field in iron cages. Sir Walter Raleigh wrote two poems on the night before his execution. Peo ple who refuse to believe that he died game probablj' are unaware of this fact. Morocco should have sense enough to keep quiet. If she makes noise enough to attract the attention of the European powers one of them is likely to gobble her. The pretender to the throne of Mor occo has quit pretending. Having been caught by the Sultan's soldiers , it is likely that he will also in the near fu ture quit breathing. William C. Whitney announces thai he will never have anything more to So with business or politics. It appears therefore that there is one man who knows when he has enough , after all. Another woman has died from the effects of an alleged beauty prepara ; tion. Beauty may be only skin deep , Dut sometimes the remedy for homely Features strikes a trifle too far beneath the cuticle. T. "Pay" O'Connor has undertaken to give a list of the great men who have been unmade by their wives. This - Is a. much easier task than to name those who have been made by their helpmates. "Is it not strange , " demands Sister Goldman , "that the people of this country endure some things ? " It is , sister ; it is. Popular patience with people who talk infernal nonsense , for instance , is not only strange but dis ; creditable. Archbishop Ireland's Canadian an nexation talk may be placed in the same category as certain dramatic strictures made by clergymen who never go inside of a theater. The good ' archbishop should first spend some ! ime in the Dominion , where he would need a microphone to catch the expres sions of annexation sentiment. Marie CorellJ has been denouncing S wealth "wealth in excess , wealth in chunks , wealth in great awkward , un- It Itc " becoming dabs. " But what does Miss c Corelli herself do when her royalties o come in in awkward dabs and chunks ? h No author of the time has more rea f < son to complain of chunks of money h than Miss Corelli , but she seems able ir to put It away somewhere and write for more. a : c < General orders by General Chaffee ca a : call attention to the heroism of Miss Alice Keinmer , of the Army nurse ga gei < corps In the Philippines. While on ei leave of absence Miss Kimmer learned eift that a nurse was needed to care for tl two smallpox patients in Manila. Al tlVI though she bad never had the dis VIS , she her leave and ease gave up vol S unteered for the dangerous and loath s : some duty. For two whole months , in the hottest weather , she was shut up PIC C ( alone with her patients , doing both day ir i and night duty , and never having irC more than two hours' sleep at a time. In Both patients were nursed back tp si health. If soldiers receive medals for heroic deeds performed on the battle tlbi bi field , this nurse surely deserves as biai much for her conduct in the presence of an enemy more dreadful than any Filipino. ft A few days ago George Wilkins , an ftw old man , walked into the office of A. & w P. White , in Boston , pulled out a hap P < py-looking money bag and remarked that ho wanted to pay a bill to J. V. Hausen. Mr. Hansen has passed to th that vaic where it is pr-esumed col- tl lectors are barred. He's dead and almost forgotten. Even his estate is a closed affair. Then ; t developed that the debt was contrsx-ied thirty years ago. There was no record of it on the books , and , anyway , it was outlawed. The stranger intimated that there is no statute of limitation connected with conscience , and insisted on paying the principal. $ ' _ ' . " > ( ) . and $272.10 interest. Then he departed. Common honesty is a common ihiug. The world is full of men whose word is as good as their bond. But the Boston case is more than common honesty. It shows that srunc nit'ii keep their accounts and ilieir consciences side by side and are honest , no ! because of Hie world or the law , but because of themselves. If ? old man Diogenes could have lived how pleased he woidd have been to meet Mr. Wilkins. James Douglas in a recent number of the Bookman deplores the decay which lie says is overtaking the Victorian novel and tries to explain it. lie sees no' successful man or woman fit to hold a torch or candle to Richardson , Sterne , Sir Walter Scott , Jane Austen , Dickens , Meredith and Hardy. He had hoped Mrs. Craigie would prove the light of the new daj * . Disappointed in her , ha sees no promise of further literary glory. "The drama and the great sort of poetry are dead. The novel is in a state of decay. " Mr. Douglas need not take the matter so seriously. Great men lived after Agamennon. and there will still be great poets , dramatists and nov elists. When Byron died it seemed as if the domain of poetry had come to an end , but Tennyson , Browning and a host of lesser , yet by no means un worthy , lights appeared on the horizon. When Clay and Webster died the politi cal world felt that the day of glory had departed , and that statesmanship was left onl } " to politicians. But many other stanch statesmen appeared endowed with practical activity ready to meet the new emergencies. It is never worth while to lament the past as containing all the abilities and possibilities. New occasions bring new duties and bring new men and women to the front. Mr. Douglas knows nothing of the new stars that may be just below the horizon , and he should remember that it takes time even for stars to attract the attention of a distracted public. It appears that the homeopathic physi cians of the Missouri Valley have been misunderstood in their attitude toward kissing. Their association did not offi cially abolish kissing. A few members individually declared that from a hy-i gienic viewpoint kissing must be re-j garded as a bad practice a dangerous ; practice ; all the rest of the members professionally nodded assent and there the matter stopped. That is as far as the crusades against kissing ever geti The custom is denounced profession ally the microbes that lurk in the lips tire pointed out and their deadly work Is pictured , but there it all ends. It ) must be assumed that everybody knows by this time that from the hygienic ' point of view kissing is utterly inde- Sensible. But we don't do our kissing I "roin a hygienic standpoint. There are oo many other and more seductive standpoints. Indeed , most any stand point will serve if both parties to the jsculatiug contact are willing. Nobody lenies that diseases are transmitted by dssing. Heart affections are due more o that perhaps than to any other cause , -f , as some Paris scientists pretend to relieve , love is due to a bacillus , certain- y there is deadly danger of its trans- nission in the kiss. But there is another hoory , also backed by scientific author * ty Admitted that microbes constantlj' : launt the lips , the claim is set up that n the kiss there is an electrical shock hat lays out these microbes deader nan snowflakes are under an August un. Fortunately this theory is suscept- ble to proof that Is satisfactory even to he unscientific mind. Lots of people i lave felt this shock. They may know'i I [ lothing about microbes and care noth- j ng about science , but they know a i hock when they feel it. Kissing will 'ontlnue among us at least until some onvention of doctors ofiicially and posi ively resolves that it shall cease. Man "Who Dared Not Smile. A naturalized citizen of the Unitec States , D. Asadourian , an Armenian , rho is in business in Cleveland , was acked up in Constantinople , Turkey , harged with conspiracy. Through the flices of some Turkish business men ie was released under ? 5,000 bonds , ef- ective during his stay of fifty days. Ho as just returned to his home. Concern- tig his experience , he said : "I went there on business. As soon s my presence became known the ofli- ers came for me. They questioned me , sking if I spoke the Armenian lan- uage. This I denied , because had I dmitted it I am sure that I would nev- r have returned to America. The Turks 3ar American Armenians. They think liat In America l\e people have an ad- anced knowledge of high explosives , rhich might be used to blow up tho ultan. They suspected me of being In ynipathy with the Armenians. After utting me in prison they had some men Dine into my cell and tell funny stories the Armenian language. They want- i me to betray my knowledge of it bj uighing. But I didn't laugh , for had 1 nailed I would not be here now to tell ie tale. The stories were very funny , ut I managed to keep a sober counten- nee in spite of my wish to laugh. " Thought Ho Was Too Young. Gladys How did Belle come to re use that millionaire ? Edith He swore he was only 5 ( rhen he was really over 70 , and she oor girl ! believed him. Judge. We would rather not have a present mn worry over the proper form 01 lanks. A Lurk't. As thiee Bavarian ullicars were ex- petimentinn recently with a halluon at a height of 6 000 feet they no ticed a tiny black speck which seemed to accompany them. They thought at fir t it was one of the cards whirl ] they carry for throwing out reports , ; rjl that the dropping of the balloon drew it along , but oj iuukiiiir at the barometer they found tl.e bulloon was rising and not dropping. Sud denly a loud chirpinn showed that it as a lark , which , flying at this ex-i traordinary height , had been fright ened by the balloon. Tho rarch or Scieiu c. Oolitie , liid. , .Jan. l--niut uolitio is right abreast of the times in the use of the most recent discoveries in iuc > Ji- cal science is shown by recent cas > s In which those drealed Kidney Com plaints that cause so many deaths have been completely cured by the new remedy , Dodd's Kidney Pills. Many people in this neighborhood tell of aches relieved and pains d paruHl because of the use of Dodd's Kiclnov Pills. One of these is W. A Terrv. the well known grocer. Here is his storv : "I suffered for four months with Ki'l- ney and Bladder Trouble and was so bad that I was almost confined to im bed. I could get no relief until I com menced using Dodd's Kidney Pills. "I could notice an improvement the second day I took the pills. I wonl 1 recommend Dodd's Kidney Pills to all sufferers from Kidney Complaints. " The New Wrist Bugs. The ever popular wrist-bag is still with us in all the desirable leather. Its latest si ape is rather longer and deeper than formerly , with the new straight top. Moire silk is one of the most favored linings for these hags , with oxiized silver tiimtnings. The world's population isincreas-j ing about 500,000,000 a century. So short is the wheat crop of Aus tralia lhat inquiry for American wheat is being mace. UNEXPECTED ! An unusual opportunity ? 25 cents only , bend QUICK t < > KUXO .t UOIIK , 61.ri Carondulut , New oilcans , La. The annual loss of fruit from in sects is put by the United States en tomologist at $300 000,000. Mrs Austin's Pancakes will help you to re- iju.ii ! tiiat lust tvppetilu. Atgroceis. The faculty of uolumbia university bus added ; i course in auconjobile rne- haoics to the curriculum. The moods of women deserve to be ranked among the unexplainable problems of ilfe. A man of contrary disposition won- ' ! 3ers why so many person disagree 1 with him. j ( When a woman is in the right she shows the most wilingness to be , unselfish. A man can never satisfactorily ex plain to his wife why he assumes [ : purely honorary arduous duties. The average yield of wheat in the Dnited States is fifteen bushels peri icre ; in England it is forty bushels io the acre. Forty millions of calendars are gratuitously distributed in the TJnit- jd States during tne first month oil jvery year. IN ITS ADVANCED and chronic form a cold in the head is known as I Snsal Catarrli and is the recognized | ( lource of other diseases. Having stood i he test of continued successful use , j ' Ely's Cream Balm is recognized as a j ' specific for meuihranal diseases in the lasal passages. It is not drying , does lot produce sneezing. Price 50 cents at iruggists or by mail. Ely Brothers , 56 SVarreu street. New York. Give up prejudice and try it. : Messrs ELY BROS. : I have been t ifflicted with catarrh for twenty years. . t made me so weak I thought I had con- lumption. I got one bottle of Ely's Cream Balin and in three days the discharge itopped. It is the best medicine I have ised for catarrh. FRANK E. KINDLESPIItE. Proberta , Cal. Stew tart apples and run them through the colander. To one pint uf this smooth apple sauce add four well beaten eggs , half a cupful of su gar , a teaspoonful of butter and a little lemon juice or other flavoring desired. Stir in a pint of rich milk and bake. A MotMigo to the Girl , A message to the girl who is con templating a wage earning career i i given by a writer in "The PLiiladel p'lia ' Ledger , : ) wno writes as follow o i the hitih value of mental training and mental systemati'/aliou : "The. mure a girl knows the more varied are her resourceand opporu- ninies. Knowledge is power. Xuow- ted e is capital where money is lack ing. It CUM niver be lost. A girl wuo has a bant toward art , music , literature or any particular piofessiuo and can afford the training , should specialize. So shuuld a young woman intend ing to be a typewriter , a book keeper , a dressmaker. If it is neces sary for a girl to make her own liv ing , she should not , under any cir cumstances , refuse to give to any kind of honest work the training of thorough study and apprenticeship. Ther eaie no bard and fust rules f ir success , but per-everrance is the pathway to ib. If you have an\ special bent follow it by all means ; folow it with all the eagerness that is in your suul. If you are working , your work is more or less your life. Do not give anyone the opportunity to say that you are 'frittering away' your life or your brains. Above all things do not waste your time or opportunities. A stagnant brain is aini"st worse than n i brain at all , just because it is a sad spectacle of an active , all powerful , God given thing that is being allowed by a shiftless body to ge into disuse through mere inaiilioi. No bra.ii. ever was worth anything unless it was used. It usually follows that no woman is worth anything who dies nut use her brain. Tlu jndc of a brain well us d and a hand will trainad is a possession worth work ing for. Make the most of your gl irious youth. While you have health and strength do something. Do it with every hit of energy tha1 : is in you. and then you can afford to laugh at those wno try to discourage your efforts. An effort that is impelled by the best in a woman , an effort with a b'aio be hind it , isImost alwjys a. successful sffort. If you find it not you ma > know the f lult lies deeper than yu guessed , probably in the earliest training of the b.rain that you are trying so bard to make successful- Begin , then , at the bott"m with yourself and train yourself all over again if necessary. The end is worth it. Use your yjuth and use your health and use your strenggh. You . will have something to be proud of. " "Topsy , " an elephant which had killed three men , was electrocuted at Coney Island in the presence of sev eral hundred spectators. Just before the execution , a carrot containing 200 grains of cyainde of potassium was fed the animal , but the poison didn't have a chance to work. Im- me iately afterwards a current of 12- , JOO volts was turned on through the copper plates on which the elephant jtoud. In ten minutes she was oead 'Tnpsy" was 35 years old and was he lirst "baby" elephant ever ex- jjhited in this country , having been Drought over by Adam Forepaugb , twenty-eight years ago. Ifaffllc tot' with j ' ' sort * . ve ( . Ttapson'sEyefo'atei Por Infants and hildren. The Kind You Have ways Bought j \fcgctable PreparaiionforAs- similating ilieFooiiandlteguia- ie Stomachs andBowels of Bears the Signature Promolcs Digeslion.Checrful- ncss anclflesl.Conlains neither Opitim.Morpliine nor Mineral. of OTIC. flunp&ut . Seed * dlx.Sauui * ttiellf SrMf- Clarift'nl Sugar Flavor Use Aperfec ! Remedy forConslipa- Tlon , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea Worms .Convulsions Jcvensh- ness anil Loss OF SLEEP. For Over Facsimile Signature oF XEW & &ffi&l YORK. < -&ts. Thirty Years EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. _ . , , _ , , . - , , . . . . , NEW YORK cmr. Even the hop-s of a toper's friends are apt to he dissipated. A worn in's opinions are as variable is the .vinds. M's.sliir Pancnko flour. A delicious breukut&t. Kt-udy in 11 j Hy. At grocer-- . Puf-no ( J.ibello has a fine Irirbnr ind La Guayni an open roadstead a costly bniakwater. Four new ni.d rich tin mines being developed in North Queensland , The oat crop and sugar crop of the United States have each iucresaed six fold in fifty years. For winter or summer. Mr . Austin's I'ancakt flour. Always pood. At grocers. The less money a man has the more valuable it seems. Hundreds of Grateful Letters Daily tell how the Free trial of Doan's Kidney Pilis brought relief to Invalid-Drifting People. OAKLA.XD , CAL. "I got your trial box of ) oan's Kiduey Pills and thank you very much or them. I think they are worth their weight n gold. I gave them to my son and they iclped him so much that I bought two boxes , rhey have done him more good than the doc- ors could do. They said he had Bright's Disease and could not get well. His urine vas preen and his back nearly killed him. sow he is nearly well. I have five other sons diotn I have advised to write you , as I vould like to convince them of the merits of Joan's Kidney PilK" Mrs. LEIGETT , 7G2East .7th Street , Oakland , Cal. NEW ORLEANS , LA. " I take pleasure in con gratulating you on 3'our Doan's Kidney Pills. received and used the sample and then pur- ihased a box of C. L. Cusack < fc Co. . Ltd. I mist say I have been cured of dizziness by hem , and have not had the slightest sign of his so-called vertigo since the u e of Doan's vidney PilK I uill recommend thorn to a jreat many other ? whom I know suffering from lizzincss and KMtioy complaint. It is true , iuce using the | > il ! > . everi one I meet remarks ibout how \ \ < > 111 look. Thanking you for your ree trial box" Ono. JUNXOVILLU , care of Jreston & Sta-iffor. Now Orleans , La. Aching backs arc cased. Hip , back , and loin pains overcome. Swelling of the limbs and dropsy signs vanish. They correct urine with brick dust sedi ment , high colored , pain in passing , drib bling , frequency , bed wetting. Doan's Kidney Pills remove calculi and gravel. Relieve heart palpitation , sleeplessness , headache , nervousness , dizziness. FREE : ASK AND YOU WILL FIND. Please send me by mail , without charge , trial box Dean's Kidney 1'ills. Name . - Post-office _ _ . . . . _ State iCnt out coupon on dotted line ? and moil to Fo = t r-Mill > r-T > fv > . . I' ! N "i" ) You and For Lameness , Sprains , Cuts , Burns , Bruises. Vow Horse Need a good Liniment at times one that penetrates and heals. You can always depend ttpon THE OLD RELIABLE MEXICA/N / IVSUSTA/NG / lon't hesitate get it at once. LIAIIMENT , Its component parts are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are It is . pure. agreeable and refreshing to the taste. It is gentle. f < ' t ' All are pure. It is pleasant. ' : * All are delicately blended. It is efficacious. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. It is not expensive. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the originality and simplicity of the combination. It is good for children. it It is excellent for ladies. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. ; i It is convenient for business men Manufactured by .V- if It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest , as a laxative , with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world San Fra-ncisco. Oil. . New YorkR Y' Louisville , Ky. FOR SALE BY ALL LEAVING DBUGO13T8. # ; yttV > 8tteOTa f'