Mortal Soolity Vt f t VALENTINE DEMO THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA " ) I VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 15 il 51 51b \ b We are preparing for SSPRINGTRADEI ftSSPRINGTRADEI < ? . 9 ' ViJ ft * and in order to make room , f ' g will for a short time , juabe a & 49 49 49 49 reduction on all * & 49 w 1 WINTER GOODS OF per 25 cent g 49 49 49 49 49 Reid Front Mercantile Co/ | < 9 4 ? 20opEENRTOFF all Ladies' . and Children's Jackets , Collaretts , Muffs and Fur Coats. TAILOR AND CLOTHIER. 'FRANK FISCHER , . -DEA.LER IX- GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses Furniture Cof.fms. Caskets , a Full'"Line of Undertakers' Supplies. T. YEARNSHAW IE OWL SALOON * * JAMES B 'HULL Sole Agents fpr . H . , . . HERALD PUKE RYEnVHISKEY- Ale..and Porter , . FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , - NEBRASKA Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank June 1,1884. August 12. 1002 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ' - ' " " ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banlnng Exchange and , Collection Business J t V C. H. CORNELL , President. " * "J. T. ' MAY , Vice-Presi dent/ * I M. , Cashier. CORA L. WAITERS , Assistant Cashier. A VrNICHOLSON t-j _ J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ J _ _ _ J _ _ CITIZENS' T MARKET N J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEJR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , EoastB Dry Salt 'Meats , Smoked * ' " - " . Breakfast Bacon ' TALKOF THE TOWN Local Weather Record t U. S. Department of Agriculture i t Weather Bureau f Valentine. Nebraskaweek endinff C a , ra. , Jan uary 14. 1903. Maximum temperature 34 degrees on'the.lSth. Minimum temperature , 12 decrees telow on thol2ih. Mean temperature. 12.8 degrees , which is .2 decrees above the normal. Total precipitation , .04 , which is . 10inclbe- low the normal. K. M. CUNNINGHAM , Official in Charge , The senior class in Physics , ac companied by Prof. Watson , called at the Weather Bureau Tuesday afternoon and had the instru ments explained to them. The weather office at this place has as fine an instrumental equipment as any office in the country , except the Central Office Washington , D-C. If. M. Cunningham , the observ er in charge of theweather office of this place , has taken a furlough from March 7th until further not ice. He will visit his people in Indiana and take a short trip to Europe before he resumes his work in the Weather .Bureau. It is not yet known who his succes- " sor will be. The marriage of Miss-Bertha Child , daughter of Dr. and Mrs. E. P. Child , to Mr. Charles Cornell , president' the First National bank , Valentine , Nebr. , is announ ced to take place Thursday. Jan uary 15 , at St. John's church. The ceremony will be witnessed by only a few very intimate friends. World Herald. Ed L. Mathcs , one of the bright- est young men on the road , stop- " 'ped in Valentine several days thei f past week and' went from here. He begun as an office boy and worked in every branch of the wholesale business. At t present he is working for JohnG. Woodward , of Sioux City , selling Woodward's candies and is a suc cess. Mathcs makes a host of friends everywhere and is a hust- ; ° ler for business. . . jn ' ' - ' " si A. H. Metzgaf , of near Greg- j g ory , was in town Monday paying taxes and . made onr , office a visit \ on-business. Metzgar Broshave > r a fine lot'of cattle and are'convert-a iently located about 30 mites south of Mcrriman on as fine a ranch as , ° there is in the .county. They have- a telephone line connectingthem ! with Merrimari Where they can informed and to date keep up on a stock markets. , They expect . durf * f i > t- ing the coming * , .ycarjp , - - . connect , with.the C bar and with the other road south. , ; - * * * ' ' " "Mrs. Mollie Simmons has fav ored us with some selections of 9 ) poetry which we kxow our read" ers will the better appreciate when they know the author is living in our country dt present visiting at f the home of Henry Becker a few : miles north of town. Mrs. Sim mons called on us last Saturday while in town and we enjoyed a . ' nice visit. We . learned that-Mrs. . I11 " " * Simmons was f Kirksville , Mo , 1P formerly and that. she. hasbeen out here but a short time. We print one of the selections of poet ry this week. ? Mrs. Julia P. McCoy died in this city Sunday , Jan. 11 at the age of " 67 yrs. 1 mo. and 19 days. Mrs , * McCoy was born in Rocliestcr , N. ° Y. , Nov. 23,1836 and was 'married , s in August 1879 , to Chas. McCoy i ° who survives her. She had for D some time been a resident of this " ' county and had bern afflicted with'1 rheumatism and later with cancer. For the past 20 years was a momc ber of the Presbyterian church , t The funeral was held at the M. E. \ church at two o'clock p. m. Mon- ; day , Rev. Chas. Wayne Ray con ducting the services , and the body laid to rest - in Mount Hope cemei i - t [ Harold Zelian , the genial whole j j souled , good hearted young man , who formerly lived in.ourcty ! and during the past four years had hccn employed at the Boarding school on the reservation-as engineer , left here .Dec. 20 for the Yankton school at Greenwood , S. D. to ac cept a better position. We are an receipt of a letter from him saying that he likes the place very much" Greenwood' is located on the Miss- ! ouri * river ' and is a nice town , though som'e pf the buildingsper haps .are not as bright.and new in appearance as Valentine. He says there are three stores , a postofficc , ! a Presbyterian churcji and Episco pal chu rch. Mr. Zelian has charge of the pumping s.tation and the steam laundry. jJP - Educational Department. BYAPBESHMAN ft Margaret Q'Stillivan entered the grammar department after the holidays. * Inez Pettycrew and Maud Jef- fcrs visited the high school Thurs day afternoon. . Lizzie Hobson did not return to school duties after vacation until Wednesday on account of sickness. * / . The Sth grade-having become too large for Miss Holcomb to handle in one class has be.en .divided into Effie Carlson taught Miss Eob- nson's : room during her absence V > edcnsday .afternpon and Anna Ladely Miss MutchmoiVs. Friday "will be examination day through the different departments. Chis is the third examination and jloses the first semester of the year. Clara - Ayers , another member f the class of ' 02 , who is teaching icar Woodlake , returned to her school Monday morning. Her icliool closes the middle of June. The 9th grade had a final cxami- lation in physology last Thursday ind are now supposed to .know all liat can be learned in that branch f study. They take up book seeping instead. 'The 2nd grade , accompanied by Vliss Mutchmorc , their teacher , ' ind Prof. Watson , attended thfc 'uneral of their little clasmate , Walter Meltendortf. The little mes will miss AValtcr from their lass. " ' , Bertha Harvey showed what the' th grade is made of. She spent icr vacation clerking in. Geo. H. Etornby's hardware store. . There vere three or four others of the Tcshmen class who spent their ya- ation in some industrious manner. Julia Q.ucrry re-entered school ast week and took up the work h the Sth. grade. She was com pelled to quit school lastfall on iccount of ill health. Also Orvilla 2arey , another of our sick girls , ms returned and takes the 9th raue studies. Lucilla ' Stinard , andAgeth shaughnessy , of the llth grade , . ? loyd Pettycrew and Stella Spratt f the lOth-'ffra'de and Grace Hob- ion , Chas. Brown and Annie Halm f the 9th - grade'shave been dis- nissed * fromthe spelling ' class j iaving-had fire successive perfect Wessons. . . . . . I Alta Starr , of the class , of ; 02 , allcd at the high school Friday afc Lcrnooh. She stopped in town to nsit friends while on her . way from having spent hervacation with her parents in Atk inson to her school near Cody. She got a book from the library to tftf to i 1903 RESOLUTIONS & & 4 ? | ALLOW US 0 Jj to suggest that your reso- lution be to see our line before buying & * ? 2 * $ Belts , Combs , Pocket Books , Wrist and Chatelaine Bags , Handkerchiefs , < s Gloves , Collars or Furs , . ; t ? ? Ours are the Popular Priced Goods. % i 49 DAVENPORT d THACHER 49 clean up WINTER GOODS we will sell for the next two weeks All Wool and Cotton Blankets , Outing Flannels , Underwear , Shirts , Duck Coats , Sweaters and Overshoes at COST. Remember the winter is not over and these goods are all new and uptodate. . > Groceries at Bottom Figures. „ . MAX E. VIERTBL COME AND SEE OUR Xmas Handkerchiefs for children 1 - - ' * ' . . . " * . * Xmas Mittens * ; " f. . f , * * " ' Alfso our Fine Line of Xmas Candies ' . W. A. Pettyqrew , General Mercnan is | , . HAVEFILLED ' - ' . ; ; > . : ; ; . . -BQHLES-- . . ' . WITH A'FINE LjNE OF GANDIESr ' . " - ' ' . HEADQUARTERS'FOR ' - ' ' . : , , WINES , LIQUORS AND OIGARS * tOF THE CHOICEST BRANDS. . Valentine Accounts of Merchants , Ranchmen-and Individuals in.vited. .Moiiey to loan on firstclasscattlepaper and'"otlier eecurities. - " - . . > i * * " 5 Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Clferry County' l&ific : ) ' ' ' " " " ' " ' ' Up - g OQQ * ; - FRED WHITTEMORE , President ; Vice'Presiden ; CHARLES SPAR'KS , . ; _ . " : j -r" r. C. HORNBY , . . W. s. JACKSON UOMWANTA The pic * Highest-cash price paid ft