Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, January 08, 1903, Image 7

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MRS. PINTCITASI : It is with thankfulness I write that Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has been of the greatest help to
me. My work keeps me standing on my feet all day and the hours are
long. Some months ago it didn't seem as though I could stand it. I
would get so dreadfully tired and my back ached so I wanted to scream
with the pain. When I got home at night I was so worn out I had to
right to bed , and I was terribly blue and downhearted. Iyas irregu-
tablc Compound and commenced to take it. It helped me right off.
After the iirst few doses menstruation started and was fuller than for
some time. It seemed to lift a load off me. My back stopped aching and
I felt brighter than I had for months. I took three bottles in all. Now
I never have an ache or pain , and I go out after work and have a-good
time. I am regular and strong and am thankful to you for the change.
"I recommend. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound when
ever I hear of a girl suffering , foi I know how haH itis to work when
you feel so sick. " Miss MAMIE KEHINS , 553 9th Ave. , Xew York City.
Women should not fail to prtrfit by the experiences of these
women ; just as surely as they were cured of the troubles enu
merated in their letters , just so certainly will JLydia E. Piukham's
Vegetable Compound cure others who suffer from womb trou
bles , iufiammation of the ovaries , kidney troubles , irregular and
painful menstruation , nervous excitability , and nervous prostra
tion ; remember that it is JLyrtia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound that is curing women , and don't allow any druggist to
eell you anything1 else in its place ,
v Bliss Amanda T. Pctterson , Box 131 , Atwater , Minn. , says :
"DEAR MRS. PJNKHAM. I hope that you
will publish this testimonial so that it may
reach others and let them know about your
wonderful medicine.
I "Before taking Lydia E. Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound I was troubled with
the worst kind of fainting spells. The blood
would rush to my head , was veiy nervous and
always felt tired , had dark circles around eyes.
"I have row taken several bottles of
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound and am entirely cured. I had taken
doctor's medicine for many years but it did
me no good.
" Please accept my thanks for this most
excellent medicine which is able to restore
health to suffering women. "
No other female medicine in the world has
received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. Ko
other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles.
Those women who refuse to accept anything1 else are re
warded a hundred thousand times , for they get what they want
a cure. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refuse all substitutes.
llTi FORFF5T if we cannot forthwith p-o'l < ipo letters and signaturesof
" . \ \ above tibtiiuomala , which will prove tbeir absolute fr.-nu.Tieiiess.
j\3 \ Lydia E. 1'iukhaui 31cdiciiio Co. , Ljlnn , Mats.
It Is placed into the n > snsf !
spreads over tho mciubranc
* nd is absorbed. Jlelu-f is im
mediate. Jt is not drying , does
not produce enrczing.
Druggists , 50 cts. or by malL
ELY BROS..K WRrrcnSt..J.Y.
Cosily Coronation.
The Czir ; of Russia's coronation
was the most cnstly on record. Over
$150.00,1)0 ) : ) wis spent by the govern
ment alone , nnd fuilv o 000,000 more
by the public authorities of various
"Russian towns.
.London Hotels.
During a busy tiniu the twenty
leading hotels in London accommo
date about IS 400 guests every night.
William Bonne , a miner , just re
turned from Uawson City , Klondike ,
and at present wintering with rela
tives at La Plata , Mo. , says he has
dug 225 feet deep in tLe ground of his
claim , but has never been able to
reach a point where the sruuucl was
not frozen hard.
Artificial EyTn < .lies.
Artificial eyelashes are artistically
applied by a Paiisian doctor. With
a 5ne needle , threaded with human
hair , he patiently SPWS long lashes to
the delicient eyelids , aud thuu they
are symmetiicaly clipped. Actresses
and professional beauties are his chief
Time works wonders with the
woman who desires to forget who
rapidly is its flight.
A Female > "ire
The little town of Massos , in Swe
den , has a female contingent , 350
strong , in its lire briade The wabr
supply cf the village conshts f-imply
or four great tubs , and it is the duty
of the women "lirernen" to k p
these full in cases of lire. They stanu
in two continuous lines frum the tubs
to the lake , some distance away , or e
line passing the fuil buckets and ti e
' other sending them back.
Spreading the Good News.
WImtcoin , Wash. , Jan. 5. Mrs. A. M.
Ferguson , who came hero from Winni
peg , Manitoba , relates how that great
destroyer of Kidney Complaints ,
Dodd's Kidney Pills , first reached tho
extreme northwest corner of the Unit
ed States :
"I had used Dodd's Kidney Pills for
what the doctors pronounceJ Bright's
Disease in Winnipeg , " Mrs. Feriniso'i
pays , "and the disease disappeared en
tirely. That was about three ye.K's
ago and I enjoyed good health till
about two years later , when I removed
to Whateoin.
"Whether it was the change of cli
mate I can't tell , but my old trouble
returned in full force. My lens were
swelled to nearly twice their size. I
could not go up or down stairs for
about two months.
"My husband hunted Whatcom for
Dodd's Kidney Pills , but could get none
till a druggist sent away and got them
for him.
"I began to get well as soon as I be
gan taking them. " Others in Whatcom
have learned to know and appreciate
Dodd's Kivlney Pills.
l.urjj - Ships
The largest shin that has ever been
through the Suez Cuial is the Gross
er Kurfurst , of 13,000 tons.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for
Successfully used by Mother Gray , nurse
in the Children's Home , in New York.
Cure Feverishness , Bad Stomach , Teeth
ing Disorders , move and regulate the
Bowels and Destroy Wc.rms. Over . " ( ) .
000 testimonials. At all druggists.V
Sample mailed FREE. Address Allen
S. Olmstead , LeKoy , N. Y.
A huge shark was lately captured
by the marines of the British war
ship Urgent , at Port Royal , Jamaica.
Forty-nine yiting sharks , allaliveanrl
kicking , were found in the mother's
Indigestion , c-oiigi'Med livr. impur
blood , constipation , tin-he anwhat ailhct
thousands of people who du not know
v hat is the matter with them. Tln-y
drag along a miserableexistence : thi-y
apply to the local doctors occasional'v ' ,
and sometimes obtain a little temporary
relief , but tho old. tin-d , worn out , all-
gone , distressed feeling always conu-s
back again worse than ever , until in time
they become tired of living , wonder why
they were ever born , nnd why they are
alive unless to end. e constant suffering.
To such sufferers there is a In veil of
refuse in Dr. August Koenic's Hamburg
Drops , which was discovered more than
CO years ago , and which is a wonderful
medicine. One trial will convince the
most skeptical that any or all of these
difficulties may be removed , and a perfect
cure effected , by taking Dr. August Koe-
nig's Hamburg Drops. Get a bottle ut
once , before it is too late.
Birds never eat fireflies , and realh
seem to shun their vicinity.
Please remember .Mrs. Austin's Pancakes.
The man of steady habits Gnds
pleasure in the oddest sort of ways.
Please remember Mrs. Austin's Pancakes.
Some men cj'm't even become suc
cessful failures.
Please remember Mrs. Austin's PancnkeE.
King Christian of Denmark begin5-
his daily work ut 8 o'clock ever }
morning ,
Please remember Mrs. Austin's Pancnkes.
When it comes to matrimony fools
rush in wuerc' angels fear to wed
Please remember Mrs. Austin's Pancakes.
The tish story is generally weighed
and found wanting.
A gallon of air a minute is breathed
by the average grown person. /
Mrs. Wlnslow'u SOOTHiXG bYKUP for children
tcctliinp , suttcns the ( nuns , raliu-es inflamation
pain , cures wind cholu2ic bottle.
Rudyard Kipling lias arranged to
spend the winter in South Africa.
Please remember Mrs Austin's Pancakes.
C | TO Peiniuii"iitlCuitd. . rvontsornerrciisne s nei
II8C arrt d. v't usot Dr. KJiut-'s tir ac J erve Ht >
Ftor P--r1f""I KKK&si -ruilboUi0iitilitaii e.
UK. 11. H. KLINI' I tJ..WU A.Si. . . Philadelphia Pa.
I' '
Greatest in the World
fathers of families , business men , statesmen , mechanics ,
farmers , lawyers , ministers , doctors , bookkeepers , bankers , sailors , soldiers , traveling e esmen
railroaders , laboring men , men in every walk of life , in every line of activity , keep their bowels
regular with OASCABBTS Candy Cathartic. They tell other men about the wonderful merit
of this wonderful little tablet. They take CASCABETS home to their wives and families The
consequence is a , sale of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH , made by merit and appre :
ciation. A man who keeps his bowels regular with CASCABETS Ondy Cathartic , can keep
strong and healthy even without much exercise , for when the bowels are regular and the diges
tion strong the system is safe and the muscles , brain and nerves will have inexhaustible >
elasticity and life. All druggists , lOc , 25c , 5Oo. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet stamped
COO. Sample and booklet free. - Address Sterling Bemedy Co. , Chicago or New York. 553
Can.ulum Militiamen Appreciate the *
Value of Good Marksmanship.
The lessons of the boor war have not
been lost upon Hie Canadian militia.
The superiority of the Dutch as rifle
shots gave them an immeasurable ad
vantage over the British invaders in
many occasions and cost the imperial
army the lives of thousands of brave
men. The Canadian government is
therefore encouraging the development
of markmauship to an extraordinary
degree. The result is surprising. Ev
ery village in Canada sports a rifle
range and every province is a school
for sharpshootes. It is not a fad , but
fcas seized upon the Canadians with a
firmness that promises to leave an in
delible stamp upon the people for a
generation. Of Canada's 0,000,000 of
people there are more than r > 00,000
capable of bearing arms. This vast
army is developing into a light ing ma
chine of colossal proportions.
The conflict on the South African
velt indicated with frightful force ju.-t
what a body of sharpshooters can do
when oppred to armies trained in the-
old school of Avar. Imagine an army
of f > 00,000 Canadians invading the
United States , every man of them ca
pable of doing execution that Cronje
and his boor warriors wrought along
the Aodder ] river , , at Colenso and the
other death traps of South Africa.
The annual competition on the Onta
rio rifle range was indulged in by men
from every part of Canada. They
shot for three days. The result forms
an interesting study for the Ameri
cans. More bulls' eye shots wore made
than any other , and the extraordinary
record was made of not a single shot
that would not have struck the vitals
of a man had he boon the target at
which they were shooting.
The Canaadians have not only copied
largely in this respect from the sturdy
warriors who so long defied old Eng
land's sons , but these marksmen are
copying the style of fighting they were
taught was so effective by the boers.
In truth , the fighting force of Canada
to-day , with the extraordinary profi
ciency with the rifle , is a formidable
thing , regardless of any support they
might receive from the mother coun
try. England , it is now claimed , can
draw sharpshooters enough from Can-
ada within a year to overwhelm any
ordinary European army.
They will be almost wholly men who.
when in the field , will conduct them
selves as the boers did. P.esides the
Lee-Metford service rifle , they are be
coming equally expert with the six
shooter that weapon that has proved
so deadly in the hands of expert marks
men of the cavalry forces of the
United States. It is no secret in Can
ada that the Northwest police , a force
of 2,000 expert horsemen , are the chiof
reliance for fast work with the pistol
in the event of an emergency call for
Picture of the Plcasurea of a Tropical
A southern woman who ha been
spending the summer in llritisli Hon
duras , not in the least because she
wants to , writes in the fullness of her
discontent a frank condition of af
fairs. A glance at her letter will rec-
onsilc us stay-at-homes to New Or
leans as a summer resort , says the
Xcw Orleans Times-Democrat. She
says : This place is , well , I dare
not write what I think , but you can
guess it is not cool and it is the very
reverse of the paradise of blisses. Pic
ture this :
Ten million sand flies.
Ten million mosquitoes.
No cooks.
No food.
No society.
No meet but fowls.
No potatoes.
Fever , all sorts.
No theater.
Require an umbrella in bed when it
Ten million starved dogs.
Ten million ill-used mules.
Ten thousand thunderstorms.
Ten million cockroaches.
No drainage.
Temperature 120 degrees in the
People brutes.
Stores dirty.
Ten million cats in back yard.
Seven colony cows.
Six birds do all the singing for the
No cattle.
No telephone.
One steamer a week.
One Irish liar just left my M-rvice.
and I won't re-engage her.
One billion fleas.
No railway.
No cars.
One boat that requires fourteen days
to go eighty miles.
One pig.
One mad dog , at preset outside my
No physicians.
No gas.
Ne electric light.
One pineapple and ten oranges which
my maid buys up.
One lunatic asylum ( more needed ) .
But , oh , churches , chapels , till you
ran't rest. Adventists , High Church ,
Low Church , Narrow Church , Broad
Church , and all sorts and conditions.
Won't you come next summer with
me ?
No matter how poor a man te , he
seems to think that he Is rich enough
o engage a hack to ride to the court
aouse when he gets his license.
After a man has been sick about sii
vecks , the doctors begin to give the
cind of treatment that will afford the
greatest rest to his family.
< " ' . K. Chnmbcrlin , M. D. , writrs front 14tb and P Sts. , Washington. D. C. :
"Many cases have come under my observation , where Peruna
has benefited and cured. Therefore , I cheerfully recommend it
for catarrh and a general tonic. " C. B. C11AMBERL1N , M. D.
Medical Kxaniirier U.S. Treasury. nt.isolf a well man after monthH of
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan. Mi dieal IS : sulTcrin ; , ' . Pellow-KtiflVrers , Penma will
nininor of U. S. Treasury L-iirui.i-iii. | : lire you. " Dr. Llewellyn Jordan.
, , f Cn- Ceo. C. Havener , M. D. , of Anacoslia ,
lunibiit ( 'ulh-iro D. < ' . , writes :
: ii ) ( ] who M-rvt-il The Peruna Medicine Co. . Columbus , O. :
Ilircc ycir. : < : it "
' lentJemcn "In practice I liavo
\ \ 'cvroint. \ . lias my '
had occasion to frequently prescribe'
following to
. \oiir valuable medicine , and hnvo found
" its u < - beneficialspecially in caws of
. \ ltounc to
-nc catarrh. " ( leor 'f ( ' . ITavrnpr. M. D.
' tudto y < m for If you do not recciv prompt : imi satis- ,
tlic lu-ncik dc- factory results from the use of Poruna.
rivod ironi your write at once to Dr. ilartman. giving a
wonderful rem full statement of your case , and he v/ill
edy. One short lie pfp.'iscd to give jou ! UH valuable ad
-f/r fvut' in o n r li h : i s vice gratis.
. Hart . President of
brought forth : i Address Dr. man.
Ur. L. Jordr-n. vast rliansre : ind The Ilartman Sanitarium , Columbus ,
I now consider Ohio.
actually penetrates to the pain
and cures where other lin
iments and salves either ab
solutely fail or fall far short of
complete success.
N wipap T Stmk Taxable.
The Court of Appeals has handed
down an opinion holding that the
shares of stork which George Jones ,
the editor and part owner of the 7NTew
York Times held , while living , in
the t j')5nt ) stock association uh'ch
published that paper , are taxable un- j
der the Inheritance Tax law as per- '
' property. The muit deciiks
airainsc the contention that tho
panv's teal estate slinud be deducted
fn.-mt he value of the shares
S'I-JIIH Tor jxtliinlHiin I'lrea.
Stearij has be ° n found very cflica-
cioiis in extinguishing Ores on ships
loaded with cotton When sich fir s
are extinguished with water , the
water often causes the principal darn-
age. Steam , while very cflicauioup ,
causes exceedingly little duruage. A
tire extinguishing boat in Galyesfon
Ilarlun has been Qtted for this ap
plication of stea'u. with a special
view to the protection of cotton load
ed ships.
E. L. BARRAGAR. Pres ED. C. BROWN. Treas D. B. PARKS. Sec'y&Mngr
CAPITAL , $250,000.00.
National Stock Food. A
Spices and Baling Powder. A
Flavoring Extracts. A
's a germ discase of the lar'e intestine and
"when confined to the intestine it can be
cured , but after it penetrates tbn lunus , liver and other organs ,
causing fermentation and inflamation. it cannot be cured. A
Liquid Koal is now used by the leading stock men over the
country for the cnre and prevention of cholera because it Is the A
only known gprmicidp that will pass through the stomach into A
the intestines and from there into the blood , permeating the
yy's it of all germs oi disease and still retain A
its germioidal properties. IL is a compound embracing every A
germicide antiseptic and disinfectant property found in coal ,
treated chemically with an alkaline base until evervobjectional A
feature is eliminated , being non-poisonous and harmlessto A
animal'economy. A
CORN STALK DISEASE is a germ disease caused by the
cattle eating the partly decomposed nubbin on the stalk. The A
yy symptoms are characterized by a high fever and bloacinpr. A
Liquid Koal given in the pure state and put in the drinking
water will cure and prevent this disease. A
Liquid Koal is also used in the treatment of Swine Plagne. Tu A
berculosis , Lump-Jaw , Pink Eye. Chicken Cholera , Bbts , Scabs in
Sheep , and all kinds of Parasites and Lice. A
Prices of Liquid Koal Delivered are as Follows1 A
ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , , S2.25 GAL A
32-Page book on diseases of animals mailed free on application.
If no local agent order direct from us.
w A
vy A
Liquid Koal is now endors ° d by the leading experimental sta
v tions as the greatest germ destroyer known.
Use Liquid Koal to destroy the parasites on the outside.
Use Liquid Koal to destroy the parasites on the inside.