HE IS "ONLY A"EOT. " LOUIS LEWARK IS A SIZABLE YOUTH , HOWEVER. He IB 17 Years Old nnd WeicliB 010 Pound * llis Strength Kqiiula That of beven Men Stronger than Jlifc. Father at2. . Quite the most remarkable feature it the recent meeting and exhibition of Jhe Surfraen's Mutual Benefit Associa tion , .held in Elizabeth City , N. J. , was the appearance of Lewis Lewark , the "strong boy" from Currituck county. Bix feet two inches tall , weighing G49 { K > unds and strong in proportion , Lew- ls _ attracted universal attention'aud rfed vritn the life-saving drills as an ittractlou. Young Lewark is being exhibited by his brother , St. Glair , or "Buggins , " IB he is locally known throughout tlie tastern coast towns of North Caro lina , and his fame has spread from Norfolk on the north to Albemarlo tound on the south. Good-natured , as nearly all large people are , Lewis looks troon the tour as a lot of fun. The latest thing in human giants wa& born in Currituck county , North Care- Dan , just 17 years ago. His parents fcre rather below the ordinary stature bis father weighing puly 130 pounds ind his mother less than 120. When he : ame into the world Lewis weighed Eighteen pounds. At the age of 5 this had increased until he weighed 250. When he was 12 years old he weigh ed 49(5 ( pounds and it was necessary for his parents to take him to Nor folk to find scales large enough to weigh him. At that time his photo graph was taken. In. appearance Lewis looks like any other healthy boy , except that he is extremely large. Feats of strength that would stagger half a dozen ordi nary men arc performed by Lewis with ease. As a young boy Lewis received I very little schooling- teacher in Ourrituck country being able to con ; trol him. He can read a little when the subject is in print and he can write i his name. When he was 12 years old his fath er made an effort to correct him. For a few moments Lewis stood his pun ishment Then he grasped his father by the trousers and lifted him high in the air. A quick throw and Lewark , senior , landed thirty feet awayIt was the last time that Lewis ever was cor rected by anything stronger than moral suasion. As young Lewark grew up he en tered heartily into the work of the sound and bay men. Here he excelled. Seines that three men had difficulty in handling Lewis took with one hand. IB the duck-shooting season "Buggins" and Lewis were shooting partners and vrlifle the strong boy was an excellent Bhot it was found more advisable to have him sail a boat about picking up tne dead ducks than to trust him in the small battery box where the shooter lay. lay.In In the shooting of ducks for mar ket tie heavy boxes are taken aboard battery boats and anchored in desir able positions. To launch one or to haul ft into the boat takes the united effort of three men. Lewis was able to do this with one hand. At l'ie surf men's exhibition at Eliza beth City Lewis astonished all by haul- lug up a surfboat from the water a task that usually requires the efforts of the entire crew of seven strong men. Again he hauled the breeches buoy ashore without trouble a task that re quires the service of three men. Despite his enormous bulk Lewis is as supple as an Indian and as quick as a cat. lie is an excellent shot , a handy sailor of small boats and a good all-around hunter. He eats in proportion to his size. Half a dozen canvassback ducks are as nothing to him and a dozen smaller ducks only make a fair meal. About two years ago It became nec essary for "Buggins" to build special 1 furniture for his big brother's use. A [ bedstead and chair of heavy oak three by four inches was made , but in less than six months the boy had grown so [ ; large that even these huge bits of fur niture crumbled under his weight Then "stuff" four by six inches was used and now even these things are quite unsafe. Kindly and true to his family , Lewis Is equally kind to his friends , says the New York Times. When the great Btorm of 1SOO struck the eastern coun ties of Carolina hardly a boat could live in the terrific seas that swept over Durritick beach. Alone Lewis put forth In his boat and rowed against the hur ricane that raged in order to save iso lated families that were threatened with extinction by the waters. In that memorable storm , thanks to the boy's hi1' exertions , not a life was lost in Cur rituck county. BUDDHA IS ALL-POWERFUL. Burmese Kecard Their Deity as the Only Universal Infleiice. . . In Burrnah you live with Gautama Buddha. In India he is a name , a inemory enshrined at Buddha Gya , an it Influence lost and corrupted in the great Vedic tide. Here he is present Rnd active ; his Gnger is on every lip , his glance in every eye ; the low sky Is full of him. The people have taken bis very impression. He fell here upon H simplicity and a sincerity that have maintained him almost as he was. brery male Burnmn is at one time or mother his disciple , and thousands of these remain to be his priests , the priests who give that peaceful amber feote to city crowds and make lonely P taffron splashes against the vivid land- icape as the train goes past a monas- h : in the evening. His image nat- ai urally abounds sheltered in shrlnea , the image of the teacher and one of the most revered of these sits in the Ara- kan pagoda at Mandalay. As an Item in a viceroy's program ( he Arakan pa- , goda makes no great figure , but its di mensions are great in the hearts of the people and its fame spread vry far. We knew before we arrived that the brass image In the Arakan pagoda , twelve feet in height , was brought by a conquering Burmese army over the hills from Akyab In the year 1784. That was explained in the lour book , which is compiled by the military .sec retary out of the bleached boues of Oriental empires. The military secre tary did not hint in the lour book that it was the piety of the Kinir rhat drew the image to Burmah ; ihat is the kind of statement this author always leaves to the local historian ; but so it is said in the inscription. We al.so learned that it was made in Guatama's life time , ( award the end ; that he looked upon it with favor and said : "Brother , I leave you to bear my features when I am gone. " Once only the figure spoke , and then the teacher laid si lence upon It until Arcema'lahya should come to reveal the new law. Areema- dahya is not yet come he is passing his present existence in the form of a hare but the Payah Gyee continues to obey. Scribner's Magazine , London Tit-Bits says that a country parson lately went to preach in an old , remote parish , one Sunday , when the aged sexton , in taking him to the place , insinuatingly said : "I hope your riv'rence won't mind preachin' from the chancel ; ye see , this is a quiet place , and I've got a duck sittin' on fourteen eggs in the pulpit" In refusing to grant a private inter view to a certain politician , who is always tryiug to give him advice and information on important matters of legislation.President Roosevelt is said to have remarked : "It is always most distressing to me to be obliged to talk to that man. I find myself constantly expecting him to revert to his arboreal ancestors , grow a tail , and swing gracefully from the chandelier without interrupting the conversation. " A Briton of the consequential species once descended en the British embassy at Washington demanding to see his country's representative. "He's not in , " replied Henry Labouchere , who was then an attache. "Then I'll wait , " said the Briton pompously , seating himself. At the end of half an hour came the query : "When er do you or expect Lord Lyons back ? " "Oh , in six months or so , " said the ever- obliging Labouchere ; "he left for Eu rope this morning. But you said you'd wait , you know , and I did not like to contradict you. " "Gentlemen , " recently said a German professor who was showing to hi * students the patients In the asylum "this man suffers from delirium tre- mens. He is a musician. It is wel ) known that blowing a brass instru ment affects the lungs and the throat In such a way as to create a great thirst , which has to be allayed by per sistent indulgence in strong drink. Hence , In course of time , the disease you have before you. " Turning to the patient , the professor asked : "What instrument do you blow ? " and the an swer was : "The violoncello. " When Maudo Adams was shifted from "The Little Minister" to "Romeo and Juliet , " a few years ago , some people thought the transfer rather abrupt , and a trifie daring. Miss Ad ams felt a little trepidation herself- . Not so Charles Frohmau , her manager. To him Shakspeare was simply a play- writer like Clyde Fitch , with the ad vantage that he did not harass the box- ofiice for royalties. When he went to rohearsal one day , he found signs of nervousness pervading the company. I "What's the matterV" he asked , in his explosive < way. It was Shakspeare , the players replied. Pretty serious affair , you know great name , great play , tra ditions of the stage , memories of mighty shades in tl'o minds of the crit ics , rhythm of blank verse to be ob served , and all that "Nonsense ! " ex claimed Frohman ; "who's Shakspeare ? He was just a man. He won't hurt you. I don't see any Shakspeare. .Tust imagine you're looking at a soldier home from the Cuban war , making love to a giggling school-girl on a bal- * cony. That's all I see , and'that's the ! ' l I'1 way I want it played. Dismiss all idea of costume. Be modern. " Don't Read at Breakftist. The appalling danger of reading the morning newspaper at the breakfast table is set forth by the London Lan cet as follows : "It is the custom of many households to have the morna ing's post , Including letters , newspa pers and clrcultrs , placed upon the : breakfast table. The plan Is conveni , ' ent but from a sanitary point of view Is appalling. It is undeniably a dirty practice. The sorter at the postofBce e : or the postman may not be as bacte- riologlcally clean as Is desirable. The dust of the road may adhere to anj exposed gum or the letters may be dropped , and the bacteriology of roa < J dust exhibits some well known pathe genie organisms. " Accounting for It. HIx I was surprised to hear that Sleek had been arrested for pickin * pockets. Dlx Yes , poor fellow. I He nsed t have fits of abstraction when a boy. and I suppose he neTer outgrew them. " I * axaxire It is pure. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest , as a laxative , with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. yr . .i'M * " " " , Vi't'fjfii ; . } ' * fl * T7."lill'e * * . * , ' * . ! * J 1777 * * ! C * " 'j < * " j" * * " ' V1 J ' * * * V. * - A new anesthetic preparation is known chemically as alkyioxypheny- IquaindiD. A close friend is one who declines to lend you money. A gallon of water wnighs about ten pounds. Mrs. Winslow'.s SOOTHING SYUttP for children t"Pthlncr , softens the gum * * , reduces inflamaUon allays pain , cures wind chollc. 23c bottle. The lirst woman teleuraph operator was Sarah C. Bygleyof DowelMass. . 1840. Nothint ? half ST fine ns Mrs. Austin's Fan- ca.xe Hour. Ask your grocer for it. The first scientific society was es tablished by Dr. Franklin. Don't fortet to hnve Mrs. Austin's Pancakes for breiikfast. Your grocer. Yarn from wood pulp is now an ar ticle of commerce in Germany. So trouble to set breakfsbt quick if yon have Mrs Austins 1'um ake flour. Laurler Going to Homo. Sir Wilfrid Laurier is shortly ex pected in Kome to discuss with the Italian government a commercial convention and further to arrive at 8 me understanding in regard to t alian emigrants to Canada. Record of the Past. The best guarantee of the future is the record of the past and over fifty thousand people have publicly testified that Doan's Kidney Pills have cured them , of numerous kidney ills , from common backache to dangerous dia betes , and all the attendant annoyances and sufferings from urinary disorders. , 'i hey have been cured to stay cured. Here is one case : Samuel J. Taylor , a retired carpen ter , residing at 312 South Third street. Gosheu , Ind. , says : "On the 2r th day of August , 1S07 , I made an affidavit before Jacob C. Mann , notary public , stating my experiencewith Doan's Kidney Pills. 1 had suffered for thirty years and was compelled at times t-o \valk by the aid of crutches , frequent ly passed gravel and suffered excru- tiafinely. I took every medicine on the market that I heard about and some gave me temporary rel.ef. I be gan taking Doan's Kidney Pills and tlie results I gave to the public in the statement above referred to. At this time , on the lth ! ) day of July IW2 , I make this further statement that dur ing the five years which have elapd have had no occasion to use either * Doau's Kidney Pills or any other med- \ icine for my kidneys. The cure of- t 3 fccted was a permanent one. " 1 , A FREE TRIAL of this great kidney c medicine which cured Mr. Taylor will ] lie mailed on application to any part of the U. S. Address Foster-Milburn o Co. . Buffalo. N. Y. For sale by all | druggists , uOc per box. ] Hlosrnpliy of Isben. Rudolph Lothar's new biography of Isben is the first picture book about the famous poet. It contains o ? er a hundred portnits of him and his ieudsand pictures of his residences , ltl > - Koxes contiiaing supplies to aid B persons accidentally injured are to c ne established ail through Paris. ! c The apparatus resembles a lamp post letter box , and it contains a small nedicine chest , a folding stietcher ind a telephone for signaling the aearest ambulance station. Access o the box is gained by breaking a 'lass panel. Typhoid germs die after a few days' jxpnsure in sea water. BIEVER 2Sc. ALL DRUGGBST5 IN BULK nil towel troubles , appendicitis , bilious ness , bad breath , bad blood. Aviiid OR the stomach.bloated bowels , foul mouth , liead- aeho. indigestion , pimples , pains after eat- . liver trouble , sallow complexion and dizziness. When your bowels don't move regularly you are cettnis - iek. Constipation Mils more people thau all other diaeanes tnscether. It is a starter for the chronic ajl- incnts and Ion ; * years of suflerincr that come afterwards. .Vo matter what ails yon. start taking : C'ASC-A It J/i. ' to day. 1'or you will never Ret well and be well all the time until yon put your bowels rlRht. Take oar advice ; start with CASCARETS to-day , under an absolute euaraatee to core or money refunded. 4fa Laundries are unknown in China. This is strange when it is considered that nine out of eveiy ten Chinamen who come to the United States go into the lanndry business. Through out all of China the consumption of starch does not exceed ten pounds in a year. The new East & West uuba rail way , which is near completion is 300 miles long. RE YOU SfiTISFiED ? Are you entirely satisfied "with the jroods you buy tnd witli the prices that you pay ? Over 2.000.000 people are tradingwith us and getting their goods at wholesale prices. Our 1,000-pafre catalogue-will be sent on receipt of 15 cents. It tells the storj. Kj j- CHICAGO Th" house th.it tells the truth. CAXM > A. Ilic Siinohlnc. < irj 'n Mixed Fnnr.Inc. . Till : Is. < - ( ) > why morew eat jsurown . . ' ' f-1- eru Cannil i in n few short montns , it ; becnut-e vegetal mil crovis inpro- I rrtiou tothenuuii- . I . 62north liititmle , t ) eMin dues ilouble duty at its lonie ' 'ay. It is a weil-known fact that the nioro ii'irtaerly thehititude in which Rrain will come to pe fnctiou , the better it is. 'Iherofore. G poundper hti-h 1 is us tair n tandnrd ns 6y pound- the en t. Area iiinJer i-rop InVc tfrn C'BIIII < IU , 1S)2 ( 1,1 SCS , : ICPC . Yield , 1SM > 11 , ! aa.7r i Iiu. The conditions whic i render a cotintrj > < uitnl > lo for Mixed Forming nro : Abuudance of tratrr anil fuel. Cheap build UK niaturial. Good pra.- for pasture and Hay. AfertiluMiil. As > u Scient ndrfall pnd a climate Kivint ; an assure ! and ade < | tiata t-onsi n of growth. All these conditions are found in miiny parts of AVeiterii Cuiiuda. Send to the fo'lowinc for nn Atlas ond other literiuure.showing locution.pf land in West ern Oanadn. ami nl-o for certiScale giving you reduced freiicht and puss ncer rau--j , etc. . etc : TPE M'l-Elt- iSTKVDENr or IsiMionATinv. ( tNiwn. Canada , or to AV. V. Bonnett , 801 New York Life Bldg. , Omaha , lieb. , Agent for the Government ot Canada. Put Up in Collapsible Tubes. A Substitute for and Superior to Mustard or any othiT plaster , and will not blister the most delicate Bkin. The paina.liying : ami curative qualities ol this sir icle are wondurlul. It will stop the tooth ache at once , and relieve headache au.i sciatica. 'VTe rec > rainend itnsihe best and safest external counter-irritant known , also as an external reme dy for pains In the chest and stomnch and ill rheumatic , neuralgic and gouty complaints A trial will prove what we claim for it. and It will be found to be invaluable in the household. Many people say "It la the best of all your prepa rations , " Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealers , or by sending this amount to us in postage stamps , we will senu you a tube by mail. No article should be accepted 1-y the publlo un less th. same carries our lubel , as otherwise it 1 * Dot genuine. CHESEBROUGH MANUFACTURING CO. 17 State St. , New York City. Fake off your hat to an OLD FRIEND. Sixty years of faithful service spent in successrully fighting the ailments of MAN ind BEAST justly entitles Mexican Mustang Liniment to A GRAND DIAMOND JUBILEE. It was the STANDARD LINIMENT two generations ago. It is the STAN- ) ARD LINIMENT of the present generation. It grows on one as an Old Friend ought to grow. TO CUKE : Five yearn ntro the firt box of CASl'AKKlrs ivas oolti. Now it is over six million boxes n. y ar , creator tlinn any similar medicine in tlie worhl. Tbis is absolute jiroof of crat vnr5t. . and our best testi monial. Wo luive fnith and sll OtbCAKKTS absolutely jr ar- aTite Hl to cure or money refunded. Go buy to-day , two 50c box es , jciv them a fair , honost trial , as per Minple directions , and If you are not satisfied , after usSntr one fiOe box , return the un used 50o box and the empty box to us by mail , or the druircist from whom you purchased It , and get your money back for both boxes. Take our advice no matter what alls you start today. Health-will quickly follow and you will bless the day you lir t started the nse of CASCA11ETS. Book free by mall. Addrcssl STJSIIMXGJ UE2IEDY CO. , KEW YOUK or CHICAGO One in four of hj&G * 000 emi grants wuc arrived JaMi year could not rend or wiiie. If yon nre conchinc. tnfcr Dr. Anggst Koenig's Hamburg Breast Tea. The fecundity of the oyster is won derful. A single female oyster in one season's spawning will oroduce , if jhe is-of average size about sixteen million eggs , while a large specimen will produce thirty or forty millions. Of three wires of the same thick ness , one made of gold will sustain 50 pounrls ; one of cupper , 302 pounds : one of iron. n4 Insurance uguiiat automobile ae- cirlents can now he had. I ) ftcovery of Va ue. Artificial woodwork will pro'jahly soon be made on a large scale , as a process has been discovered for form ing sawdust into a solid substance more durable than mahogany or eb ony and capable of quite as bnliant a polish. Orders for 11,000 gray flannel shirts have been givon to the Guards' Nee dlework society by the British war office. T6offlpson"sEyeWater H. N. U. NO. 752-1 , YORK NEB jiarnsxE ' "alia AT L f/A A I I KOAL I lt is a black , njy ] liquid obtained by the dry distillation of in ti coal and embracing1 13 i bo rate ni sodium , calcium , sodium , potassium E'a and extracts of resinous materials with xylol. quaiacol and creosol. fTB Xylol is a hydrocarbon tak * > n by dostructive distillation from = 7 the eiupyreumatic oleoresin of Pinus Palustris. * & Creosol and quaiacol are two of the main constituents of a'-u creasoie. Sin Binorate of sodium is prepared by lixiviation of earth , which 'Oft is strongly impregnated with borax evaporating the solution and sU ยง crystallizing. Calcium , Sodium and Potassium are elements or | jy nature Ejfe The question miht occur if these properties are found in -p Coal , why not use coal ? The answer is First , coal does not contain aid all the constituents ; second , those jr. does contain are only yielded jwf | at a temperar.ure of over 320 dejrr * > es Fahrenheit.and it is plain that ITb if a riot's stomach generated thisam-iunt of heat the hot ; would aiiJ become roast pork seasoned with fried parasites of hotr cholera. PR Thousands of farmers are usin ? this remedy with preat suenT cess. Our limited > pace forbids us nivinp hundreds of testimonials * ! $ as we could , which will be furnished you on request. [ j is an article which you will nnd daily use for. If you once adopt its use you will Gnd it , to be indispensible , and as the price is so reas onable no family should be without it. Liquid Koal will cure Corn Stalk Disease , Hog Cholera , Swine Plague , Black Leg. Lump Jaw , Scabs in Sheep. Pink Eye. Guar anteed as a Lice Killer. PRICES OF LIQUID KOAL ONE QUART CAN - $1.00 TEN GAL. KEG , $2.50 PER GAL ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , , $2.25 GAL FIVE GALLONS. $2.75 PER GAL 5O GAL ONE BBL. , $2,00 GAL 32-Page Book on Diseases of Animals Mailed Free on Ap plication. If no Local Agent , Order Direct From Us. We Prepay Charges. 131VS _ NATIONAL MEDICAL CO. , CAPITAL S25O.OOO.OO YORK , NEBRASKA. SHELDON , fOWA.