aistorlcal Society * - F THE DEMOCRAT THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER op CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME-xvn VALENTINE , NEBRASKA , JANUARY 1,49996-JSgTV NUMBER 50 ft * FOR HOLIDAY TRADE SPECIAL BARGAINS 4 ? 49 49 DRYGOODS DEPT 49 Ladies' Fufs Handkerchiefs iIr / 49 49. Wool Waists ' Belts Irr f 49 r 49 Chatelaines Dress Goods 49- GROCERY DEPT 49 49 49 18 Ibs , Gran , Sugar $100 * * 49 & 49 2 Cans Best Tomatoes ,25 49 f 49 49 , 6 Bars Best Laundry Soap ,25 V i A fine line of Spices , Extracts and etc * & at lowest prices | Red Front Mercantile Go , 11 Cold Weather is Here * Overcoats Overshoes Cloaks Jackets Sweaters And a pair of warm Mittens for winter , TAILOR STINARD . AND CLOTHIER. T. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES BHULL % * - Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , . -DEALERSIN- f. T GENERAL Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses j Furniture Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered as a State Bank Chartered as a National Bank . - June 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) CAPITAL PAID IN A General Banking Exchange and j CollectionBusiness C. H. CoKtEtL , President. , J , T.MAY , Vice-President. ' M. V , NICHOLSON , . WATTEBS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS ; EAT MARKET % J. W. STETTER , PROP : FRESH FRUIT AND CAMF IN THEIR SEASON First-class1 line of Steaks.RoaetB -Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Bteakfwt Bacon , " Ik W" ' 1 TALK OF THE TOWN ' I Local Veather Record U. 8 , Department of Agriculture > Weather Bureau f Valentine , Nebraska , week ending 6 a , m. , Dec- ' ember 31,1002 , , | Maximum temperature 30 deprces on the 27th. Minimum temperature , 7 degree on the . 25Ui. * * * " - Mean temperature. 15.7 degrees , which is 2.4 degrees below the normal. Total precipitation , .0 inch , which is 13 inch below the normal. N. AI. CUNNINGHAM , Official in Charge. C. P. Hamar was'in town the first of the week' fromdown the river. Fred Cumbow returned Monday from a visit over Christmas * with his parents at Johnstown. The Valentine sc.hool"was . dis missed for two weeks'and will bo- gin Monday'Jan. 5,1903. Miss Holcombone of the teachers in the Valentinoschools , went home to visit during the holidays. Louis Kleinschmidt , of York Nebr. , called to see us last week while in our city visiting friends. Mrs. Levi Sparks and daughter , Helen , went te Hot Springs , S. D. for a couple of .weeks visit last" Friday. Arkansaw Bob came in from his ranch last week and-helped J. W. Stetter to ship out three loads of cattle this week. Miss'Laura Petti John came up from the Fremont Normal last .Wednesday evening to visit home folks. She returned Sunday. Mrs. E. H. Bohle had the mis fortune to fall down in the cellar at-their restaurant Tuesday mornj j ing,11 severely bruising' her"side and hip. A "Stocking Social" will be * given at the Ward school house January 10 , 1903. Girls bring supper for two. All come , some thing new. A. B. McAleyy and his brother , from Iowa , came into town last Monday to get a load of supplies and house furnishing goods. They started home Tuesday. t Al Young and Lee Shepherd went to Cody Saturday night and attended church Sunday. Mr. Young says they listened to a good sermon by Rev. Bazel Hunt. 'Geo. 'Miller , a jolly , smiling , goodnatured young man working for R. FGillaspie was in .town the flrst of the week , George formerly lived on the north table. An old man by the name of Simpson is carrying his face in a sling as a result of a mix up with a colored gem'man who goes by the name of Spcnce. Simpson was accused of setting the fire at the dance hall owned by Spence that burned recently. Prof. Vincent F. Safranck , the band leader of .the 25th Infantry E located at Ft. Niobrara , made us 1 a pleasant visit Monday and made i arrangements for a concert which : \ the band will give at the M. E. f Church Friday evening , Jan. 9th. 2t 2i The land has 22 pieces and we can expect some excellent music. i The Woodmen will have a joint a i installation of officers in the near future and will take in the Simeon Lodge. fitep"E t on hand to witness the doings of ] the' best lodge in the world. There is none other just as good or just as strong an organization as the M. W. A. Not wishing to do an injustice to any one or any J9fi it is but justice to say "Sui ttiejHi Modern Woodmen have a memtet- ship af which each member , should feel proud. N It's a grand old lodge and has never yettaken a back ward fitep" * * * * * rrvw ft/tft iMiA/iArtfi ft n Art niffiari J | Some of the teachers are back to town spending tho holidays. Theodore Tillson was tranacting business in our city the first of the week. Charbonneau & .Taylor are hav ing all the work they can do at their shop near the M. E. Church. Last Friday Mr. Taylor got his head pretty badly cut while shoe ing a horse but only stopped long en'ough to get the , blood stopped and , went to work again. Report of school district No. 50. No. of pupils enrolled 17 ; average daily attendance 14. School clos ed-Dec. 25 , ' and will open again Jan. 5. This district is in a bad habit of tardiness. Parents should make it a special point to correct this error before any severe rules are passed regarding it. CLINTON COLLETT , Teacher. J. H. Searby was in town Mon day from Crookston and stated that they had sold most of the 50head of horses advertised the past few weeks in this paper. The roads were bad between here and Crook ston and Mr. Searby did not stop long in town. The snow is 12 to 20 inches deep on the roads in most places. Word comes tHat Mrs. George Seager died Sunday night of lung fever. Mr. Seager lives about 25 miles south and west of Cody and is well known and indentified with the business interests of Cody hav ing considerable property there as woll as a good ranch and a fine bunch of cattle where he lives. He had contemplated. moving to town. E. W , Webb & Co. have bought bhe old county jail and six lots and Monday of this week opened up a pop factory and bottling works. Mr. Webb is a father of the cigar maker Webb and comes here from Elgin this state. People in Valen tine and vicinity will be interested in .this new venture and will lend their usual encouragement to busi- DCSS enterprises. Services at the M. E. Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday- school , 10 a. m. Morning services 11 a. m. Class meeting , 12 m. Junior League 2:30 : p. m. Ep- wbrth League 6:30 : p. m. Even ing service 7:30. Prayer meeting' f hursday evening 7:30. : Morning subject : "True Religion of Life. " Evening subject : "The Spirit of this Age. " It gives us pleasure to announce that the full orchestra from the Post will play a concert at the M. E. Church on Friday evening , Jan uary 9th. This concert will'be played by the cpmplete orchestra 3f the 25th Infantry and will be a musical treat such as is only heard in ] the large cities. ' The orchestra _ will consist of 3 1st violins , 2 2nd violins , 2 violas , cello , 2 basses , flute , oboe , 2 clarionets , 2 bassoons , french horns , two cornets , trom bone and drums , making a perfect instrumentation capable of playing anything from ragtime to sym phony. Mr. Safranek , the band master has not yet decided on all the numbers for the program , but the selections will be such as will please , avoiding , both the vulgar B and the classical , but striking a medium . ' 6f standard and better class works that are both interest- and delightful. Some of our inent citizens have expressed ; elves as highly gratified with thf prospect of Such an entertain mdnfc , antf the tfell behaved boys of the Post will be patronized with such a turnout as only the citizen of Valentine are capable of. AFTER THE XMAS RUSH ! | 49 WE ARE BUSY GETTING INTO SHAPE 49 AGAIN AND WILL TALK 49 TO YOU NEXT WEEK 49 8 DAVENPORT > THACHER 49 49 49 D C CO D C 5 OTJK ANNUAL IN- D LI U if U VENTORY , JAN. , 5 we are going to clean up all our Winter Goods consisting of heavy Dressgoods Outings Quilts Blankets Clothing Underwear Shirts Leggins etc at greatly reduced prices , and all our stock of K Shoes goes at COST for Cash. This is not a sale of undesirable goods , but all up-to-clutc Merchandise in season Groceries at Bottom Figures YOURS FOB BUStt7ESS MAXE.VIERTBL COME AND SEE OUR * - * Xmas Handkerchiefs for children , . . , Xmas Mittens " , ' " ' . . . " ' / - ' i - / 7 AIlso our Fine Line of Xmas Candies- - W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise W. T. Bishop , LIVERY FEED i SALE STABLE , . _ „ * The Wilber Barn Your Patronage . Solicited. " * - : ' ' HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS _ _ _ . * Valentine Nebraska A.cconnt8 of Merchants , Ranchmen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities- * Valentine State Bank . ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Capital Faia Tip agOOO > ' . - * FRED WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTER , Vice Presiden CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier T. C. HORNBY W. S , JACKSO * 00 YOU WANT A WINDMILL ? ( ( a If good soyouiratit one. The place to get the best Windmill , also pumpsand Tank's * First door sonth of the Donoher House ' Hiliet casb p > ice paid for Hide * ana Pars. S.Mooy Valentine , Nebr. Do You Bead The Democrat P