Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 25, 1902, Image 7

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To prove the healing
& cleansing power of
we will mail large trial treatment with
book of instructions absolutely free.
This is not a tiny sample , but a large
packa ; , enough to convince anyone
that it is the most successful prepara
tion known to medicine as a cleansing
vaginal douche and for the local treat
ment of woman's special Ills , curing
discharges and all inflamation , also
to cleanse the teeth , mouth , and cure
catarrh. Send to-day ; a postal will do.
Sold l y drucel l nr cnt postpaid by n , 50 cents
largo liox. HBtinfuctlon cuarunteed.
R.PAXTOMCO,216ColumbusAve. Boston Mass.
Put Up in Collapsible Tubes.
A Substitute for and Superior to Mnstnrd or any
othiT plnbtcr , and will not blister the most dclicuto
skin. The pain all.iying and curative of
tills nr ic'o lire wonderful. It will stop the tooth
ache utoncf , und rulievo heidache anil scmtica.
We rcc muni'iid it as 1 he best and safest external
counter-irritant kn wn , also as an external reme
dy for P.HIIS In the ch st and Btomnch and all
rheumatic , neuralgic and gouty complaints
A trial will prove wliat we claim for it , and It
trill l > e found to be Invaluable in thn household.
Many people say " It is the best of all your prepa
rations , "
Price 15 cents , at all druggists , or other dealers ,
or by sending this amount to us in postage stumps ,
we will sen J you u tubo by mail.
> "o artifl'should Ixs accepted l-y tbe public un
less tho siinc : carries onr label , as otherwise it IB
not genuine.
17 State St. , New York City.
In our mammoth kitchen we employ n Chef
who is an expert in making mince pies. He
has choree of making all of Lihby's Mince
Meat. Me uses the very choicest materials.
lie is told to make the
Ever sold and he docs. Get a package at
your grocer's enough for two lar e pies. You
will never use another kind a nm. Libby's
Atlasof the Worldith 32 new maps , size 8xn
inches , sent anvwhere ( or 10 cents in stamps.
Our booklet , "How TO MAKE GOOD THINGS
TO EAT , " mailed free.
has FRUE HOMES for mil-
lions. Upwards of lOO.WO Ameri
cans have bottled in Western Can
ada durincthopast5years. They
PHOSPEUOUS , and there is room
Btil ! for MILLIONS. Wonderful
yields of Wheat and other drains. The ho t GrnzinR
Lands on the Continent. Jlasniflcont climate , plenty
of water and fuel. Good chools , excellent churches ,
and eploud.d railway fucilities. A.I in the
Seed to the fo'Iowint ; for nn Alias and other litera
ture telling of tuo reat resources of the countryas
\rollasforcertiticatcs nirinc jou redur d raletc. . :
Superintendent 01 liutnii ; rfion , C'fiiwn , Canada , or
to W. V. Bennt l New York Life Bldg. , Omaha.
, Ageut for ' ' Goverriinent of Canada.
by Uir Trt.
The Slinh of Persia owns tbe b'g-
pest diamond , the Sultan of Turkey
the hiL' est ruby , ar d the Pope will
shortly possess the biggest touaz in
the world.
It l > c r l
The albntrnss varies from 12 pounds
co 28 pounds in wcipht. The
largest ever shot was 17k' feet DC
tween tbe tips of its outstretcbed
N. N. U. ISO. 751-52 , YORK NEB
Every workinggirl vrlio is not
ell is cordially invited to write
to Mrs. Pmkliam , L ynn , Mass. ,
for advice ; it is freely given , and
lias restored thousands to health.
fliss Paine's Experience ,
"I want to thank you for what you
have done for me , and recommend
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound to all girls whose work
keeps them standing on their feet in
the store. The doctor said I must
stop work ; he did not seem to realize
that a girl cannot afford to stop work
ing. My back ached , niy appetite was
poor , I could not sleep , and menstrua
tion was scanty and very painful. One
day when suffering I commenced to
take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound , and found that
it helped me. I continued its use , and
Boon found that my menstrual periods
were free from pain and natural ;
everyone is surprised at the change in
me , and I am well , and cannot be too
grateful for what you have done for
me. " Miss JAITET PAINE , 530 West
125th St. , New York City. $5000 forfeit
If ordinal of about letttr proving Genuineness can
not be produced.
Take no substitute , for it ia
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable
Compound that cures *
A Sonp CHS Country.
In spite of British rale India is
still virtually a soapless country.
Throughout the villages of Hindustan
soap is , indeed , regarded as a natural
curiosity , and it is rarely , if ever ,
kept in stock by the native shop-
A Problem Solved.
Cabbel , Kan. , Dec. 22. This part of
Kansas has solved the jrreat question ,
llovr can Kidney Troubles be cured ,
and as Rheumatism. Brisht's Disease ,
Diabetes and othor ailments resulting
from Diseased Kidnoys are common to
all parts of the couutry the news is of
great interest.
The cure is Dodd's Kidney Pills.
Hundreds of people will tell you this of
their own experience. Take J. B. Cun
ningham , for example. He had Kidney
Trouble of long standing. He sought
relief in vain. He had tried Doctors |
and Medicines of different kinds.
Finally he tried Dotl I's Kidney Pills
and he stopped right thoro. No one
who tries Dodd's Kidney Pills for Kd- :
upy Complaint ever needs to look : ; ny
further. Here is what Mr. Cunning
ham pays :
"Dodd's Kiduoy Pills are all right
for Kidney Trouble. I have USLM ! thorn
and know , for they have done me more
good than anything I ever uscJ. "
Oxalic Acid From Sawdust ,
Making oxalic acid out of sawdust
is the work of twelve British inanu-
factotios , six German , one French
and one Belgian. Yellow and white
pine dust is the best material.
Kliic : ti Cliincsi Wum < > n.
Eigbfc young Chinese women of tbe
highest circles in Kianusu have been
S2ut to Japan for a tl ree years' edu-
r.itimi. It is tbe first Known case of
the kind
Better keep on the safe side.
Don't se a. liniment you're not sure about.
If you have an Injury , an Ache a serious Cut or Bruise ,
Lumbago , Neuralgia or anythingthat is curable by a liniment ,
It cured aches and injuries of Man and Beast before many of you
\ vec bom. Itvas found to be reliable by your sires and
grandsires ; itvill be found so by you.
Experience cannofc be porchascd at
bargain sales.
Whatever ynn do , don't forget Mrs. Anslln's
The milliner should always feel in
good brim.
Whatever you do , don't forget Mrs. Austin's
An aching tooth may be little , but
It is nervy.
Whatever you do , don't forget Mrs. Austin's
Silence is golden. Large fortunes
have been made from stills. '
Whatever you do , don't forg-it Mrs. Austin's
Rome , men try 10 get out of a di
lemma by drinking both horns. .
Whatever you do , don't f irjret Mrb. Austin's
. Ilope mua oe elastic. Ifc springs
eternal in the human breast.
Whatever you do , don't forget .Mrs. Austin's
Few men acquire polish from the
grindstone of adversisty.
The commission appointed to reap-
. portion Oklahoma has a .nounced the
i I total population of the territory to
be 600,000.
The bulk of the cranberries of this
country come from tbe part of east
ern Massachusetts which lies near
Cape Cod.
Trade in Germany has never been
at such a low ebb , and the larger
towns are rilled with thousands of
persons out of work.
After his marriage the rector of
Kalkington , ioikatire , England ,
sent a pound of wedding cake to
every household in his parish.
When the New York postofllce was
built its annual receipts were $2 892- ,
637they are now $11.670..574 ; in a
year they will be $20,000,000.
A collection of about four hundred
and fifty different kinds of WOODS
found in North America is now being
arranged in the m iseum of the de
partment of forestry of the Univer
sity of Michigan.
There are plenty of people who have
become depressed and discouraged , be
cause that dry , hacking cough hangs to
them continually. They have taken much
medicine , mostly of the advertised quack
sort , uothiiHf like Dr. August Koenig's
Hamburg Breast Tea , the discovery of
a then noted German physician GO years
ago. We do not say that this will cure a
case where the lungs are badly diseased ,
for it will not , and up to this date there
is nothing that will cure under these con
ditions ; but on the other hand , if the
lungs are not hard hit , the patient should
take Dr. August Koenig's Hamburg
Breast Tea , a cup full every night on
going to bed , have it hot , drink slowly ,
then every other night , rub the throat
and top portion of the lungs with St.
Jacobs Oil , cover with oil silk , let it re
main an hour , then remove. Eat good ,
plain , nourishing food , live in the open
air as much as possible. By all means
sleep as near out of doors as possible ,
that is. windows wide open , except in
very severe weather. Take a cold sponge
bath every morning ; then immediately
rub the body vigorously with a coarse
towel. Take Dr. August Koenig's Ham
burg Drops every other day according
to directions. One can buy the three
remedies for $1.'J5 of any reliable drug
gist. Begin the treatment at once. : : nd
t-ee how much better you will be almost
within a week's time. .
Spitsbergen Df-serted.
Snitzbergen belongs to no.couritry ,
and since the cessation of whaling , it
is deserted , even in summer. There
are deposits of coal and phosphates ,
but it docs not pay to work them.
The sorrows of life enables us to
appreciate the pleasures more
iit as Food.
It would cost a man $30 a day to
live on mushrooms. On the other
hand , 10 cents Would buy sufficient J
Hour to supply him with enough fond
to enable him to continue at hard
Coiisuelo's Fine
The park surrounding Blenheim
palace is 2,700 acres in extent , and
twelve miles round.
U tlrst einy' * : ut.e or Dr. Kline's GreH , Xerve He-
Ftoror S.-cIf" " ! iKK a.O ( > nalboUiB nil titail e
DR. E. H. KJ > INF. Ltd. , SiSlArci St. . Philadelphia I'a.
A MILLION GOOD FELLOWS have learned that "a OASOABET at night maizes you feel all
right in the morning-1" They have told other good fellows , until the sale of OASOABETS
Candy Cathartic is nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH. Nature punishes every excess , and
over-eating , over-drinking , under-sleeping result in stomach , liver , kidney and bowel troubles
that are liable to become very serious. It is very unwise to wait until digestion is stopped , the
bowels constipated , the tongue coated , the breath offensive , and the nerves tortured with a
racking sick headache. Take a C ASC ABET just before going to bed , and wake up in the morning-
feeling fine and dandy. All druggists , lOc , 25c , 5Oc. Never sold in bulk. The genuine tablet
stamped O O C. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co. . Chicago or New York.
The Bells of Slmmlon.
With deep affection and recollection
I often Uiink of those Shandon bells ,
Whose .sounds so wild would in the days
of childhood
Fliug round my cradle their ma ic
On this I ponder , where'er I wander ,
And thus grow fonder , sweet Cork , of
thce *
With thy bells of Shandon ,
That sound so grand on
The pleasant waters of the River Lee.
[ have heard bells chiming full many n
clime in ,
Tolling sublime in cathedral slirim * :
While at a glib rate brass tongues would
vibrate ,
But all their music spoke naught liko
thine ;
For memory dwelling on each proud
Of thy belfry kneeling its bold notog
free ,
Made the bells of Shaudon
Sound far more grand on
The pleasant waters of the River Leo.
I' have heard bells tolling "old Adrian'
mole" in ,
Their thunder rolling from the Vatican ,
A.nd cymbals glorious , swinging uproari
ous ,
In the gorgeous turrets of Notre Dame ;
But thy sounds were sweeter than thd
dome of Peter
Plings o'er the Tiber , pealing solemnly.
O ! the bells of Shandon
Sound far more grand on
The pleasant waters of the River L * > r > .
There's a bell in Moscow , while on towei !
and kiosko
In St Sophia the Turkman gets ,
And loud in air calls men to prayer
From the tapering summits of tall min
Such empty phantom I freely grant
'em ,
But there's an anthem more dear to me :
'Tis the bells of Shandon ,
That sound more grand on
The pleasant waters of the River Lee.
Frimcis Mahony.
Twickenham Ferry.
'A-hoy ! and O-ho ! and it's who's for the
ferry ? "
( The briar's in bud and the sun's going
down. )
' 'And I'll row ye so quick and I'll row ye
so steady ,
And 'tis but a penny to Twickenham
Town. "
The ferryman's slim and the ferryman's
young ,
With just a soft tang in the turn of his
tongue ;
knd he's fresh as a pippin and brown ns
a berry ,
And 'tis but a penny to Twickenham
'A-hoy ! and O-ho and it's I'm for the
ferry , "
( The briar's in bud , and the sun's going
'down ) ,
"And it's late as it is and I haven't n
Oh ! how can I get me to Twickenham
Town ? "
Bhe'd a rose in her bonnet and oh ! she
! looked sweet
As the little pink fiower that grows in the
I wheat.
With her cheeks liko a rose and her lips
like a cherry
' 'It's sure but you're welcome to Twick
enham Town. "
"A-hoy ! and O-ho ! You're too late for
the forry , "
( The briar's in bud and the sun's going
down ) ,
And he's not rowing quick and he's not
rowing steady ;
It seems quite a journey to Twicken
ham Town.
"A-hoy ! and O-ho ! " you may call ns 3"ou
"will ;
The young moon is rising o'er Petersham
Hill :
\ml , with love like a rose in the stern ol
the wherry.
There's danger in crossing to Twickcn
ham Town.
Thpophile M
Booker T. Washington's daughter
who recently was reported to be doinj
well at Wellesley College , has now , ii
transpires , been forced to leave the in
stitution and go to Bradford Academy
It is said she failed in music. Whilt
Miss Washington was taken up anc
made much of by the Northern girls a
the college , her reception by girls froir
the South was , it is declared , of a na
ture to give the faculty some embar
Changes in Ships.
The rapidity of improvement in na
val matters nowadays is shown bj
the fact that the English ships Har-
fleur and Centurion , built just nine
years ago and much praised at the tirm
are now so obsolete that they an
to be reconstructed at a cost of $500 , .
000 each.
When a Woman has nerve , a mai
Isn't in H.
C : mmends Peruna to AH Catarrh Sufferers.
Con. Louis E. Johnson is the son of the late Kovonly Johnson , who wa
United States Senator from Maryland , also Attorney General under President
Johnson , and United States Minister to England , and who was regarded aa the
greatest constitutional lajvynr thnt ever lived.
In a recent letter from 3006 F street , N. W. , Mr. Johnson says :
" No one should longer suffer from catarrh when Peruna ac
cessible. To my knowledge it has caused relief to so many of my
friends and acquaintances , that it is humanity to commend its use to
all persons suffering with this distressing disorder of the human
system."Louis E. Johnson.
Catarrh i'oisons.
Catarrh is capable of changing all the
life-giving secretions of tho body into
scalding fluids , which destroy and in
flame every part they come in contact
\ \ ith. Applications to the places affect
ed by catarrh can do littlo good savo to
soothe or quiet disagreeable symptoms.
Hence it is that garglvs , sprays , atom
izers and inhalants only porvo as tem
porary relief. So long as the irritating
secretions of Catarrh continue to be
formed so long will the membranes con
tinue to be inflamed , no matter what
treatment is nsed.
There is but one remedy that hns the
desirable effect , and that remedy is
Peruna. This remedy strikes at once
to the roots of catarrh by restoring to
the capillary vessels their healthy elas
ticity. Peruna is not a temporary pal
liative , but a radical cure.
Send for Dr. Uartni.-m's latest book ,
Kont free for a short time. Address The
IVrinia Drng Manufacturing Co. , Co-
lnminis. Ohio.
If yon do not derive prompt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna ,
write at once to Dr. IJartman , giving a
full statement of your ease , and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vise gratis.
Address Dr. Hartnian , President of
The llartiuau Sanitarium , Columbus , Q.
fti D t y g j giyaT jfCijjs
3a nIr Tn5SdscaiDajc5icaiD5I rcaIc-n'15
"H n
Jti- It is a black , oily liquid obtained by the dry distillation of
coal and embracing Biborate of sodinm. calcium.sodium , potassium
and extracts of resinous materials with xylol , quaiacol and creosol.
Xylol is a hydrocarbon taken by destructive distillation from
J1U2 the empyreumatic oleoresin of Pinus Palustris.
Creosol and quaiacol are two of the main constltitcnts of
Biborate of sodium is prepared by lixiviatinn of earth , which
is strongly impregnated with borax evaporating the solution and
crystallizing. Calcium , Sodium arid Potassium are elements ot
The question miht occur if these properties are found in
Coal , why not use coal ? The answer is First , coil d' > es not contain
all the constituents ; second , those in does cotuain are only yielded
at a temperature of over 320 degrees Fahrenheil.and ir , is plain that
if a hog's stomach generated this am Hint of heat tlie hog would
become roast pork seasoned with friel parasites of ho.r cholera.
Thousands of farmers are using this remedy with great suc rars
JJU- cess. Our limited * pace forbids us giving hundreds of testimonials
an ntR as we could , which will be furnished you on request.
f ! a ciu s o
JiU titrr-1 * * ' ' ' J " Egr
. m
is an article which you w511 hud daisy u e for. It'you nnoe adopt its
use you will find it to b" indispeiiMble , and as the price is so reas
onable no family should bo without it.
Liquid Koal will cure Corn Staik Disease , Hog Cholera , Swine
Plague , Black Leg , Lump Jaw , Scabs in Sheep , Pink Eye. Guar
anteed as a Lice Killer.
? | p ONE GALLON - - 3.OO 25 GAL. 1-2 BBL , . $2.25 GAL % $
p FIVE GALLONS , $2.75 PER GAL 5O GALONE BBL. , $2,00 GAL c1
11 ds
32-Page Book on Diseases of Animals Mailed Free on Ap- | I |
plication. If no Local Agent , Order Direct § 1
From Us. We Prepay Charges. riTHm
p Ea f Kaiuaitsinurn tsan : J ya gaiS JTgSS l-SHs S JS SS ? S = ' S
.rrinl5n ? ; : nrrriJ r o
The red headed man doesn't mind
jetting bald.
Mrs. VTinslow's SOOTHIXG SYRUP for children
* ethine , softens the pnm. . rudure * inflamawon.
illays pain , cures wind cholic 2oc bottle.
It is well to remember that sun-
ihine without shadow eventually
become monotonous.
Pub ic Ua h > In Tokio.
Tokio ought to be the cleanest town
n tbe world. It has SOO public baths
ised daily by 300,000 persons.
I'oloGoeHack to II. C. Days.
Polo is probably the oldest of ath-
etic sports. It has been traced to
100 B. C.
Heavy Cost of Armamenta.
The armies and navies of the nine
arjzest European rowers cost alto-
lether just over 1,000 millions yearly.
Good .L ft ITS in Ttvo Countries.
Neither in France nor in Austria
are pauper children permitted to en
ter the workhouse. They are board
ed with peasant families.
Sliiili Pays Keconl Price.
When the Shah of Persia visited
Drury Lane theater in 1873 he paid
the record price of 500 fo his box.
* DifJ you ever stop to consider how
many times you might have
a kindness and did nDt ?
Ely's Cream Balm
, CO Cta.
ply Balm into each nostril.
ELY BBOS M Wamn 8tN.Y.