Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930, December 25, 1902, Image 1
Society THE VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. . THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA M. M.VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 25 , 1902. NUMBER 49 ? fitfr < ? fr 49 FOR HOLIDAY TRADE ? ' ? ? SPECIAL BARGAINS. 49 49 4 < < DRYGOODS DEFT 49 Ladiesf Furs Handkerchiefs 49 49 Wool Waists Belts 49 49 49 , Chateiaines Dress Goods 49 49 49 GROCERY DEFT 49 49 49 18 Ibs , Gran , Sugar $1,00 49 ' ' 2 Cans Best Tomatoes ,25 0 > > 49 49 49 6 Bars Best Laundry Soap ,25 * 49 A fine line of Spices , Extracts and etc , & & 49 at lowest prices 49 Red Front Mercantile Co , Cold Weather is Here , _ / Overcoats Overshoes Cloaks Jackets Sweaters L , And a pair of warm Mittens for winter. D. STI TAILOR . AND CLOTHIER. T. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES BHULL Sole Agents for JH * " * * r HERALD PUKE RYE WHISKEY Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars/ VALENTINE X NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , \ - f -DEALERS IN GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses Furniture Coffins , Caskets , and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered as a State Bant ; Charte red as a National Bank Jun 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 , The FIRST NATIONAL BANK Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) of CAPITAL PAID ZN A General Bunking Exchange and Collection Businuss C. H. CORNELL , President. J , T. MAY , ice-President. M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CORA L , WATTERS , Assistant Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKET J , W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND GAMF IN THEIR SEASON 1 First-class litre of Steaks , KoaetF Dry Salt Meats , Smoked HfOA.lrFft.Rt TALK OF THE TOWN Local Weather Record U. S. Department of Agriculture I Weather Bureau ) Valentine. Nebraska , week ending 6 a , m , . Dec emt er24,1902. Maximum temperature 40 degrees on the 18th Minimum temperature , 1 degree 011 the-22nd Mean temperature. 22.4 degress , which is 7.0 degrees below the normal. Total precipitation , .11) ) inch , which is 12 inch above the normal. N. M. CUNNINGHAM , Official in Charge , Max E. Viortel was down from Crookston last Friday. John Nicholson , the dentist , is here this week doing dental work. John Adamson was in from his ranch up the river Monday to get some supplies. I. C. Stotts came down from Cody Monday and stayed in town a couple of days. Wm. Steadman and "Wra.Vare were in our city a couple of days last week enjoying themselves with friends. Levi Sparks bought the Hans Ulrick dwelling on Catherine St. ast Friday and has since sold it to John Dambly. A part of .the famous re or.t south of town burued Monday night. A defective flue was thought to be the cause. Arthur Hies and "Wm. Epke amo down from Crookston last Saturday to transact businsss with our merchants and business men. Nels Rowley and wife wci'e do- ng businsss with our merchants ast week and took a load" of sup plies to his ranch near Kennedy. % Tom' Yearnshaw has been spend- ng the past two weeks in Valen- ine. He has a saloon a t Clear- water and is there a part of the time. Levi Sparks has sold the build- ng on the corner by the lumber j-ard to make room for his busi ness. The building will be moved out of town as soon as the weather s favorable. Allen Sparks spent the past week in the city with his family. His son Leonard returned from a military school in Michigan Fri day night to spend the holidays with his parents. John G. Stetter is home this week to visit with his daughter Miss Leta who is home from Lin- : oln to visit during the holidays. Miss Leta is not very well having gotten sick on the train coming home. Bert Jeffers returned from the University Medical School at Oma- ! ia Saturday morning and will spend the holidays at home and visiting friends. Bert will gradu ate in a couple of years and will be a full fledged M. D. Miss Wren Donoher , of Cody , risited with her sister Miss Cather ine in this city the first of the week. Their mother has gone to visit with her son Will , at Park City , Utah this winter. Miss Wren accompanied her as far as Omaha. Herbert Hendershot , son of Geo. Hendershot near McCann , died last Friday. The cause of the death is diphtheria. Herbert was four teen years old last summer and was a very large boy for his age. He was born in Cherry Co. with in a few miles of the place where his parents now live. Most of his life was passed in this county. Only a month ago Herbert was strong and well. He caught cold which settled in his lungs and de veloped into diphtheria and he died a veay painful death. His parents have the sympathy of all their friends and neighbors , | Bertha Barnes went to CodyJ Wednesday to spend Xmas. E. H. Wilson has bought a team and wagonand is now running a dray. Ralph Polland and Mss Susie Maybce both of Cody Kcbr. were married at the M. E. Parsonage at 10 o'clock Sunday morning by the Rev. Chas. W. Ray. The couple will make their home in Wis. We received a letter from Mr. Kludiskofsky of Kilgore stating that his wife returned last Saturday and we hope that the family circle wilt be complete and harmonious with peace and good will prevailing. S. L. Ellis came up from Simeon Monday and got a lo'xl of freight for his store. Mr. Ellis' mother lias returned from a two weeks vis it with him. A half brother was also visiting him a couple of weeks ago. ago.This This Christmas day we wish to all a merry Christmas. Tbc DEMO CRAT has prospered under adverse circumstances at times. Though we have succeeded we are willing ; hat our friends receive the credit ! or it and our good will extends to Iriends who have contributed to the paper. "Prince and One" registered at the Donoher last Thursday and caused a ripple of excitement as some expected to see a real Prince from across the briny deep but ater we learned that the "Prince and One" were touring the country n good clothes bumming their way and expecting each one they met with to contribute to their princely ivin. Services at the M. E. Church next Sunday as follows : Sunday , school , 10 a. m. Morning services LI a. m. Class meeting , 12 m. . Junior League 2:30 : p. m. Ep- worth League 6:30 : p. m. Even- ng service 7:30. : Prayer meeting Thursday evening 7:30. : Morning subject : "Kept for the Master's Use. " Evening subject : "Rec ord of Some Lives. " The young fellows left in charge of the club room , Messrs Allen and Murphy packed up last Saturday night and skipped out. They had not notified us of their departure nor had they paid their rent. We lave been too easy on some ob dc collored brcdrcn and trusted them further than their crdit with us now justifies. Hereafter it must be cash in advance or no go. They were however better than our pre vious renter who persisted in stay ing without paying rent. J. W. Clarkson and wife re turned Saturday morning from Spokane Falls , Wash , where they lave been during the past sum mer visiting with relatives. They njoyed a good time and are look ing well. Grandpa Clarkson Drought some fine apples as samp les from that western land and left a fine 20 ounce pippen with the editor of this paper. They were snowbound in crossing the mount ains , being stuck in one snowdrift for an hour an a half and reached here 27 hours late. M. P. Brosius and wife started Sunday morning for Hayward , Wis. in response to a telegram an nouncing that their daughter Net tie was ill. They were about- ready to go to Philadelphia Pa. where they intended to visit with Mr. Brosius' parents and other relatives during the winter and went the sooner on account of the illness of their daughter and will stay with her until her recovery after which they will visit the re mainder of the winter with rela tives in Pencil vania , 49 4 ? 2 * 49 4 49 49 $ AT HALF 49 49 49 49 PRICE 49 49 all Toys , Games , Books and 49 49 ' I * Children's 49 Playthings : : I * 49 49 2 * 49 49 COME EARLY 4 49 49 49 and get first choice : : : 49 I * 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 DAVENPORT THACHER 0 ] n r rn D L S OUR ANNUAL IN- ' U LIUIILIVENTORY , JAN. , 5 we arc going to clean up all our Winter Goods consisting of heavy Dressgoods Outings Quilts Blankets Clothing Underwear Shirts Leggins etc at greatly reduced prices , and all our stock of KIRKENDALL Shoes goes at COST for Cash. This is not a sale of undesirable goods , but all up-to-date Merchandise in season Groceries at Bottom Figures YOURS FOR BUSINESS MAXE. VIBBTBL SBSS COME AND SEE OUR Xmas Handkerchiefs for children Xmas Mittens Allso our Fine Line of Xmas Candies W. A. Pettycrew , General Merchandise. W. T. Bishop , LIVERY , FEED I SALE STABLE The Wilbor Barn Your Patronage Solicited. ace : HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Valentine - - Nebraska Accounts of Merchants , Eanchmen and Individuals invited. Money j * * * to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. t ' ; t Valentine State Bank ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) . CD Capital Inl l Tip DIRECTOBB - ; . . . . .a FRED WHITTEMORE , President . J. W. STZTXER ' , yjcje Presides CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier ' " T. C. HORNBY ' -Wr-S. JACKSG * The place to get the best Windmill , alsc pumps and Tanks. First door south of the Dorioher House Ilighrgt cash price pfiid lot Hides and Farit. S. MOON - - - ' ' * " ' Valentine , Nebr. Do You Bead The Democrat P