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About Valentine Democrat. (Valentine, Neb.) 1900-1930 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 18, 1902)
J Fibroid Tumors Cured. A distressing case of Fibroid Tumor , \vhich baffled the skill of Boston doctors. Mrs. Hayes , of Boston , Mass. , in the following letter tells how she was y cured , after everything else failed , by Lydia E * Pinkham's Vegetable Compound * Mrs. Hayes' First Letter Appealing : to Mrs. Pinkham for Help : "DEAR ] Uns. Pi.vKiiAjr : I have been under Boston doctors' treat ment for a long time without any relief.rbiuy \ tell me I have a fibroid tumor. I cannot sit down without great pain , and the soreness extends up my spine. I have bearing-down pains both back and front. My ab domen is swollen , and I have had flowing spoils for three years. 2My ap petite is not good. I cannot walk or be on my feel for any length of time. "The symptoms of Fibroid Tumor given in your little book ac curately describe my case , so I write to you for advice. " ( Signed ) Mrs. E. F. HAYES , 25-J Dudley St. , ( Iloxbury ) Jjoston , Mass. Note the result of Mrs. Pinkham's advice al though she advised Mrs. Hayes , of Boston , to take her medicine which she knew would help her her letter contained a mass of additional instruc tions as to treatment , all of which helped to bring about the happy result. "DEATC Mus. PINKHAM : Sometime ago I wrote to you describ ing my symptoms and asked your advice. You replied , and I followed all your directions carefully , and to-day I am a well woman. "The use of Lydia 13. Pinlcham's "Vegetable Compound entirely expelled the tumor and strengthened my whole system. I can walk miles now. "Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is worth five dol lars a drop. I advise all women , who are adicted with tumors or female trouble of any land to give ifc a faithful trial. " ( Signed ) MRS. E. R HAYES , 252 Dudley St. , ( Roxbury ) Boston , Mass. Mountains of goldcould not purchase such testimony or take the place of the health and happiness which Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound brought to Mrs. Hayes. Such testimony should be accepted by all women as convincing evidence that Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound stands without a peer as a remedy for all the distressing ills of women ; all ovarian troubles ; tumors ; inflammations ; ulceration , falling and dis placements of the womb ; backache ; irregular , suppressed or painful menstruation. Surely the volume and character of the testimonial let ters we are daily printing in the newspapers can leave no room for doubt. Mrs. Hayes at her above address will gladly answer any letters which sick women may write for fuller information about her illness. Her gratitude to Mrs. Pinkham and Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is so genuine and heartfelt that she thinks no trouble is too great for her to take in return for her health and happiness. Truly is it said that it is Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com pound that is curing so many women , and no other medicine ; don't for get this when some druggist wants to sell you something else. FORFEIT M "pre cannot forthwith produce the original letters and signatures Of abora testimonials , which will proro their absolute genuineness 12. i'iukliara Slodlclne Co. , lornn , Maso. Death struggles are sad , but they are nulhing in comparisO'i ' with the struggles of some people to live. i.onjj The new long coats in silk are vol uminous. Hut they flt beautifully. Theare perfectly adjusted at the B'-TIII ! lers and fall loosely to conform wi h the figure. Some of them show wide plaitinys that are attached to eh. ; y > lvu and which in the back are released an inch or two below the vi'ke. Others tfive a smart } flare by means of seams. In some mcdels theie > s a senm in the center of the tirlc ; and t"is seam curves , giving a cape-like appearance. POSITIVELY CURES Rheumatism Neuralgia Backache Headache < * Feetache o All Bodily Aches AND 1 Avoid abbreviations in writing otherwise you will get into the habiJ if breaking your word. Carpets can ho colored on the floor with PUTNAM FADELESS DYES. The politician absorbs a lot o ) liquids in order to make himself solid with the b"ys. Mrs. Austin's Ccrcnls hare the largest sale of any similar { roods. Try them and you will understand wliy. Employees may not be meddlesome yet they are always minding some boy else's business. Many of us micht be happy if we die not suffer from disorders of the liver. Thenve oujdit to use Dr. August Kue- ni 's Hamburg Drops , which cure the disorders and hrinjj the whole system t < 3 a healthy coiiditiou. It is easy to have the patience o ; Job wh n the boils are on sorni other fellow. No early breakfast is complete without Mrs. Austin's P urkheat cakes. luy ! it from your grocer to d.iy. It is a curious psychological fac < that a man can be in a dozen differ cut minds. Some men come into the worlc asking "why5 but no one is abl to answer * Eothcrharn , England , has a "Mnon rakers : Gang , " whose special object , it is alleged , is to create disturb ances. Dense clouds of smoke and shower of red-hot stones are now beii j thrown up by the Mexican volcan- Col i ma. There has been a decrease of 1. per cent in the population of the Isl- of Man since 1S91. At the last ceu sus it was 54,752. GET READY FOR BAD WEATHER. Cold weather is sure to ripen a crop of Old Aches and Pains. STANG , LINIMENT cures adies and injuries. It oujjht to be in easy reach in every home SIMPLE SHUTTER WORKER AND LOCH Every houspwife knows the n"-ult ol opening a window In punirner t ino K close the outhido blinds , as there ii almost .sure to be a swarm of rlifs ready to outer as soon as the way U made clear for thorn. Consequently the sun is sometime ? allowed to pour into the room , the occupant deem in jc i ! h'p.s obnoxious than the inject pests. To all such the shutter worker and lock here shown wiil especially recorn rnond itself , as it is entirely unneces sary to open the window sash or to gc outside of the room to adjust and lock the blinds in any desired position. Ii place of the plain hinije ordinarily used at Hie bottom of the blind a special Tine ? OF TinROD ADJUSTS THE hingefi , having a half cog-wheel casl on one end. is necessary , with a slol cut in the casing to allow free plnj of the wheel as the blind is openec and closed. A rod and pinion to worL in the cog wheel are mounted in tin window frame , the pinjon sliding later ally on the rod , but revolving with il when the rod is turned. A ncxtensiorj of the cog wheel in line with the em ) of the rod is perforated at intervals and by pushing the rod out , by a pros sure on the knob at the incr end , tht outer end is inserted in one of the per forations , which , of course , prevents rotation of the shutter until the rod ii pulled in. In operation the knob ii grasped in one hand and given a puli to withdraw it from the perforates disk , when the rod is turned by the hand in either direction to swing th < blind open or shut. John W. Apple gate , of Philadelphia , Pa. , is the Jn ven tor. It is said that brains will tell , bul sometimes the more brains u man ha the less he tells. The terminal wedge of Vesuvius ha fallen nearly fifteen meters on the sidt of Pompeii , an.I visitors are now lee up on tlio side of Mount Somma , whicl is not thought to be dangerous. Wasps have made a nest in an old grandfather's clock that stands in < kitchen at Raglan , Pa. The wasps entei and leave by means of a keyhole , anc never Interfere with the inhabitants o/ ihe house. Prof. AVright , chief editor of the gron- English Dialect Dictionary , publishec at Oxford , now says that he expecti to complete his work by the end 01 1905. The work began in 1S05 , am two parts a year have been published Captain Ilarland of the Britisl steamer Ilardanger reports having lur into a rain of bats on the trip fron New York to Baltimore. The ship wa : attacked by great numbers of the bats and it was Avith great diliiculty thai those on deck could protect t'hernselvej from their sharp , fin-like wings. It is stated that San Diego , southen California , is rapi ily becoming tin Buddhistic center for America. In out house in Los Angeles a shrine has beei erected to Buddha , and the owner , 5 woman of wealth , has brought a Budd hist priest from the Chicago world'i fair , and many people gather weekl ; there for worship. On the Mexican national narrow gauge railroad , from Corpus Christ through Laredo to the City of Mexico with its branches amounting to mon / than 1,200 miles of operated road , fo. more than twenty years no passenge has been killed. Yet this road climb ; more mountains and turns more curve , than any road in the United States. Her Cuo. "And what are the principal shots i ) billiards ? " aslfd the fair young dainsc of the wise young man. " "The kiss , the follow , the bank ant the draw. " he replied. "How lovely ! " she exclaimed. "It I almost like a courtship. First the lovo gets a ki s , th n he u/liows the girl al about and then - " "And then. " interrupts the man , wb aspires to pessimism , "and then the ; get married and he goes to the ban ! and draws , for that is his cue. nnles he wishes to be frozen. " 1 ( For the benefit of the unsusppctin ; 'reader we will state that "cue" an < ' "frozen" also are billiard terms. Ther iare still more that might be workei 'into the little jeu d' esprit , such a "sci-atch. " "break. " "drive. " "tip. " "to ble , " "run , " etc. . but lack of space pre vents carry inir the theme to the birto end. Baltimore American. Definition. Little Willie What's a philosopher pa ? Pa A philosopher , my son , is a per son who utters truths he doesn't be lieve and can't make other people be = lieve. n A woman may "go with" a man fo years without finding him out , but sh understands him thoroughly within : month after marriage. I Churcnnl Kiscuits. There is nothing better for those who ire subject to indigestion than clrir- : oal biscuits. They may be made as follows : Take half a pound of corn lour , one ounce and a quarter of the Dest powdered charcoal , two ounces of uigar , one egir , and a little milk. Boat the egg well with a tablespoonful of , mix all the dry ingredients to- terher , add the egg , and knead the whole into a stiff paste : roll it out ibout a quarter of an inch thick , cut ir nto biscuits about two inches in diarn jter , and bake on buttered paper in a 5low oven until quite crisp. When cool oack in a tin box and keep for use. In cases of heartburn or indigestion rake one biscuit after a meal. Apple Iinn pi in us. C'hop two tablespoonfuls of linn but- : er into a quart of Hour that has been sifted twice with a saltspoontul of > alt and a heaping teaspounful of bak- ng powder. Wet with enough 'Milk o make a soft dough and roll into a > heet a little less than a quarter of in inch thick. Cut the crust into squares and set in the middle of each square a peeled and cored apple , ihe renter of each apple filled with sugar , hotter and a pinch of cinnamon. Fold the four corners of each square firmly together , pinching them tightly. Tie up in cloths , leaving room for swelling , and boil for an hour. Or bake in a baking pan to a good brown. Eat witb u hard sauce. Minced Tenderloin , Creole Style. Cut six ounces of tenderloin of beef lengthwise , shape the slices into e - callops an inch and a half in diameter , by an eighth of an inch in thickness. Saute them in butter , when ready take the meat out and keep it warm be tween two dishes , a "ding beef stock , with part of its fat. some halved to matoes peeled , pressed and fried in butter , also some green peppers sliced fine and fried in butter. Season highly , arrange the minced meat in a border of rice boiled in salted water , tohich half an ounce of butter has been added , and serve. Oatmeal Ginger Biscuits. The ingredients necessary for mak ing these biscuits are six ounces of Hour , six ounces of medium Scotch oat meal , four ounces of butter , two tea- spoonfuls of ground ginger , one tea- spoonful of baking powder , two eggs. a quarter of a pound of golden syrup. Rub the butter into the Hour and oat meal , add the singer and baking pow der , then the syrup , and lastly the eggs well beaten. This should make a stiff paste. Roll It out on a well-floured board rather thin , cut in strips two inches wide and four or five long , and bake till hard. Lemon Tarte. Peel and grate a good lemon , add two-thirds of a cup of white sugar , yolk of one egg , one cup of cold water , in which has been well mixed a dessert spoonful of cornstarch ; stir well to gether ; cook in a new tin or porcelain pan ; stir until it is a smooth jelly. This is good between layers of a cake. Pill the tart shells , ice with the white of one egg whipped to a froth with a spoonfnl of sutrar , and set them in hot oven one minnte. How to Boil a Ham. To give a ham an excellent flavor , soak it in vinegar and water for a few hours , then put it on the fire in cold water and when It boils add two heads of celery , two turnips , three onions , and a bunch of herbs. Let it simmer very gently until tender. If it is to be eaten cold , let the ham stay In the water until nearly cold , take it out , strip off the skin , and cover with bread raspings. Boiled Pnla-l Dressing. Take two table poonfuls of mustard , /one of sugar , one of salt and one of incited butter. Mix these with two tablespoonfuls of boiling water. Add one cup of cream or milk. Boll all to gether in a double kettle , like soft cus tard. Add one cup of vinegar gradu ally , the last thins. This is a useful dressing , and will keep in a cool place for weeks. It can be used for all kind > of saJad. Baked StnfFod Tomatoes. Cut out the stem end of firm , round tomatoes of even size , scoop out the seeds and fill with this mixture : Have a sufficient amount of bread crumbs , moisten with melted butter , a spoonful or so of goo 1 stock , as required , and about two tablespoonfuls of sherry wine. Season with salt and pepper. Range the tomatoes in a baking dish , and bake till the tops are slightly browned. Stewed Pears. Cut the pears lengthwise in halves and remove the cores. For a dozen of them when put into a saucepan have half a cup of sugar , half a cup of sher ry and as much water. Cover very closely and set in the oven for five 01 six hours , to cook very , very slowly. Add a bit more water occasionally , 1 } they threaten/to get dry. Oysters with Fine Herbs. Drain me Hum-sized oysters : drv them on a cloth and roll them in flour then saute them in very warm butter , ind dress them on a hot dish ; squeeze 3ver the juice of a lemon , and bestrew the top with chervil , parsley and hives , all finely and separately chop ped up. Li c bed dels have coiue back t fa vor lOvery man Knows that a crank is some other fellow. Zibeline is getting so hairy as al most lo pass for fur. An initial Is embroidered on the end of the smart watch fob. Leathet cases just big enough for the vest pocket contain a tiny mirroi and comb. A funny little military turban with a cockade at the side is known as the Russian. More novel than pretty are the lorgnette chains made of gun rnetal and baroque pearls. In papier macho bonbon boxes as a quaint old country woman peering over steel spectacles. Some f the low priced jewelry for the holidays is quite as dainty and pretty as the genuine. Small trunks of burnt leather are lined with satin and fitted with trays tor rny lady's jewels. Policemen should be successful speculators : so many servant girls let them in on Ihe ground floor. lioiind btouches and buckles are made of the new red royal copper with a fhMir de lis in brilliants. Don't snub a man because he looks grej-n. A watermelon has a similar look , but it is usually all right at heart. Because he found it utterly im possible f < > ple.'ise even body with his decisions a mayor of the little French tovri of St. Em Hand hanged himself with his scarf of otlice. Fifty Dollars to Sit Down. Carmel. In I. , Dec.Mr. . Joseph L Duffey relates an experience that has aroused considerable interest in this locality. It is best given in his own words : "When I was working in the fields. " says .Mr. Duffey. "I would be ready to quit , but 1 could not get to the hmis-e I was so weak. Itas worth fifty dollars to get to sit down. "I had no strength and a person without strength is not much use. "But bless the Lord I took four boxes of Dodd's Kidney Pills and they gave me health , strength and appetite. "I mi-rht say I am cure' ' , but I 'vill keep on taking Dodd's Kidney Pills. Yes. I'll get them if it takes the last thing on the farm. * ' Dodd's Kidney Pills have effected quite a number of other cures here and it seems safe to say they are an effec tive and permanent cure for all dis eases arising from the Kidneys Statistics show that the longest Jived people have generally been those who made breakfast the prin cipal meal of the day. The height of a Maltese goat is about two feet six inches , its weight nearly 100 pounds , and the cost of a good milch animal is f om S50 to $125. There are now the Jewish M P.'s in the British house of commons It is 300 years ago since the Bod- liean library was opened at Oxford. Among the birds shot recently near Colchester , England , was a stormy petrel. Though nn special care is taken by the natives to preserve the strains the Maltese goat manages to keep up its reputaiion for looks and produc tiveness. Mrs.liihl . > SOOTH I MJ .sVKt'P for children retliintr. toltern the twins , rwlin'e * iiiMamatiou i ain.iuifwind colic , ioc foottlu lih.NhVOLKXTASMMMATIONSj Gl America Use Pe-ru na For Alll Ca'arrha ! Diseases. MRS. HKNKIKTTA A S. MARSH. Womaii'n HcMirvoIeiit Association of Chicago. Mrs. Henrietta A. S. MIIXI. | Pre.siilc-nt. Woman's I' MielciH A.sMHM.-ition. of 'J'J7 Jackson Park. Ti rru ' . \\'uutlawn ! * Chicago. 111. . SI\M " 1 sun"T ' l with li : grippe fur seven weeks am ! nothing Iielj.i ! tinuntil t' trifil Pi-nitm. I felt at oi : < v that I hail ; at li-t secured the right m ilicine ; iml Kept : : , ! improving. Within tlirt'i ; wei-Ks I \vas fully restored. " Henrietta A. S. Marsh. Jtidcpcndciit Order of Good Templar * , c T Washington. Mrs. T. W. Collins. Treasurer I. O. fl % T. . ICverett. Wash. , has used the great' cntnrriial tonir. Pentna , for : in aggra vated of d\spep.sii. Slie writes : "After hi\ii : i severe attack of la grippe , i : il .o suffered with dyspepsia. After taking Pruna 1 could eat my icij- iilir mealvith relish , my systemvas _ built up. my health returned , und I ! iive remained in excellent strength : md vigor now for o\or a vear. " Mrs. T. W. Col lins. If you do not derive prompt and satis * factory results from the use of Penma , . write at once to ! > r. H.irtman. giving a full statement of your , and lie \\ill he pleased ( o give you his valuable ad vice gratis. i Address Dr. Hartmnn , President of , The Hartman Sanitarium , Columbus , O. The man who is willing to help you is usually unable to help him self. On a diet of caoh beans , a littlo , and weeds , a lot , the average Maltese goat , provides four and : i half to live- pints of milk daily. The ( fomshal ! Sparrow club , Sur rey , England , has accounted for 25- 702 birds during the last six years Having iosb htr fortune a French countess has gone into business as'a dressmaker and milliner in Paris. Calue , Wiltshire , Ktiu'larid , has se- Iseted its new mayor at tne drintul cake and wire party held for the purpuse. CATARRH In all , t , .laces t Bhoul l \ rV Ely's Cream Balm s , sootlieHandheala trie ( iitcas''d membrane. It cures catarrh drives away a cold in the bead quickly. Cn-am Bnlrn IB placed into the * over tne membrane and is absorbed. Itellef is im mediate and a cire folloxva. It is not drying does not produce erit-ezin . Lar eSize , 50 cents at Drug gists or by m.'iil ; Trial Size , 10 cents by mail. ELY "BROTHERS. M "Warren St. , New York r -th , IN. N. U. NO. 750-51 , YORK NEB For Infants and Children. The Kind You Have Always Bough ? Agclable Preparationfor As similating Ung ihe Stomachs and Bowels of Bears the Promotes Digestion.Cheerfur- ness anclRest.Contains neiiher Opium.Morphine nor Mineral. t Ftawr. A perfect Remedy for Cons lipa- Hon , Sour StoinachDiarrhoca Worms .Convulsiuns .Fcvensh- ness and Loss OF SIJEEP. r Pac Simile Signature of Years XEWVOHK. irly EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. . . rwr rrNun COMMNY. new YORK cmr.