VALENTINE DEMOCRAT. THE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER OF CHERRY COUNTY , NEBRASKA VOLUME XVII VALENTINE , NEBRASKA. DECEMBER 18 , 1902. NTTMBER-iS 4 ? FOR HOLIDAY TRADE | SPECIAL BARGAINS DRYGOODS DEFT Ladies' Furs Handkerchiefs Wool Waists Belts Chatelaines Dress Goods I GROCERY DEFT 18 Ibs , Gran , Sugar $1,00 8 2 Cans Best Tomatoes ,25 6 a Bars Best Laundry Soap25 8Jj j A fine line of Spices , Extracts and etc , Jj at lowest prices $ Red Front Mercantile Co , Gold Weather is Here Overcoats Overshoes Cloaks Jackets * Sweaters of Mittens for winter , : : And a pair warm . .STINARD.TAILOR T. YEARNSHAW THE OWL SALOON JAMES B. HULL JL. 9 CP * 9 Sole Agents for HERALD PURE RYE WHISKER Ale and Porter , And FRED KRUG'S BEER Choicest Wines and Cigars , VALENTINE 2Z NEBRASKA Anderson & Fischer , -DEALERS IN- GENERAL HARDWARE Stoves and Cutlery Iron Beds , Springs and Mattresses Furniture Coffins , Caskets and a Full Line of Undertakers' Supplies. Chartered as a National Ban ! Chartered as a State Bank . , 1 , 1884. August 12. 1902 FIRST NATIONAL BAN ! Valentine , Nebraska. ( Successor to ) A General Banl CAPITAL PAID IN $ 25,000. f Collection ? .Busir an < C. H. .CORNELL , President. J. T. MAY , Vice-President. . CORA L. WATTERS , Assistant Cashie : ' M. V , NICHOLSON , Cashier. CITIZENS MEAT MARKE J. W. STETTER , PROP FRESH FRUIT AND CAN IN THEIR SEASON First-class line of Steaks , EOJ Dry Salt Meats , Smoked Breakfast Bacon 'wwvwwvwwi fyvwv TALK OF THE TOWN .AAAflJ % Local Weather Record U. S , Department of Agriculture Weather Bureau Valentine , Nebraska , week ending 8 a , n ember 17,1902 , Maximum temperature 38 degrees on tl Minimum temperature , 1 degree below ; the 16th. Mean temperature. 13.5 degreesvhicl decrees below the normal. Total precipitation , .GO inchrhichis . - above the normal. N. M. CUNNINGHAM , Official in Char Bring your job work to office. Neatness and prompl together with a good qualit , stock should claim a share of ; patronage. Considerable hay is b hauled to Valentine from ou : he hay flats. The hay is of j quality and a fair price is ranging from 85.00 to $8.00 : on. There's some more coal in t ind for every increased cold i Anderson & Fisher has coal to : ply the demand. Try a toi ihcir coal. It makes a hot fire hesc cold days. Geo. Bristol called at this o ast Saturday and left us .a coi f dollars on subsription whicl ures him of the reading of > aper for another year. Chrismas exerises are being ] > a-red by the ladies of the M Church. There will be an ashloned fire place where Si ) laus will come down and dig iute presents if plans manure. A four horse team was chartc londay night and hitched to a amily sleigh that would have 1 acob and his family. The yo oiks then drove around town ji ng the bells and rejoicing 1 rinter is here. A copy of the AVindoni ( Mil Reporter was received last w lit no mention was made 1 liss Martha Thompson was tl lit the item was possibly 01 joked. Miss Thompson was icrly employed in this office. AV. A. Denny , J. A. Gam nd a Mr. Ball , a surveyor iushville , were doing business ur city Monday and Tucsd Ir. Ball has been doing some icrt surveying in the south-u iart of Clierry Coimty recent ! ; How do you like our new t.v Vc put on this large face t , ar the benefit of many pee ; ho must read by lamplight rill find reading less tiresome or the many young people Ider ones who search these scr res. Reports of how your stock oing will be appreciated fi he different parts of the cour nd the Rosebud Rcservati four neighbors will like to.l : rom you as you would hear f i hem. Let's be sociable anb i little. Jpon the request of a number > eople we publish the Avcather > ort of our local "Weather Bur his week. It will X > c interest specially to those who live in < T parts of the state and who 1 , tock interests in Cherry Com Are invite subscribers to the U > CRAT to call for any items wl vill be of interest to their c mmities. "NVc.received . a copy of the na Cal. Irrigator sent by Chas Jook formerly employed in ) ffice. Charlie is making a sue 3f type setting and will alv ind employment. He was a f ; iul worker in this ofik-e ant sheerfully recommend him in way , that when he wants to c back there'll be work for him 3iit cutting down our prc " force. Lust week a building south the race track caught fire and w burned to the ground. Jack Whipple , a big ranchm : from the reservation , was doii business with our merchants Mo day. Julius Kaurcr 'of Kilgoiv , w transacting buisness and vi.sitii friends in town the first of tl week. A. Ncwberry , of Cody , wa.c our streets the first of the wei transacting business and vi ifu friends. Cards are posted in conspicioi places giving the hour of servici it the M. E. Church and an invits : ron to attend. Miss LauraTillson. who is lead ng school at Wood lake , was i - own'attending the teacher's a ; iociation last'Saturday. A broken brakebeam * caused vreck about 8 miles north .of Hoi nosa , AVyo. No one was hurl Che passanger east was 11 hour ate in reaching Valentine. "What shall 1 buy for Christ tras ? ' ' is easily decided when yoi xamine the stocks of holiday good isplaycd by our advertisers in and make your selections The recent .snows have failei nd settled down without the usua rifting there being no wind. Cut le are in good condition and then > plenty of feed , unless the wintei > long and severe. Those who have not been attend ig the M. E. Church will find ai ivitution to do so in the announce lent of the subjects for next Sun ay. The young people will b < specially entertained next Sunday vcning in a sermon by Rev. Raj specially in their interests. f Now is the time to advertise tin rammoth stock of Christmas good ; , 'hich are being displayed by oui ntcrprising merchants. The DKM CHAT reaches ( more homes thai ny other paper in north-wes Tebraska and you can tell youi ostumers through its columns wha on have to offer. Mrs. Rice and Mrs DcAVyke re urned from here Monday to Kile.\ Jo. , Kansas , after enjoying a twc reeks visit with the editor am Irs. Thuckrey. The train or : hich they went was 11 hours late 0 they started at nearly o'clock . m. instead of 4:4:7 : a. m. Tin : cather was pretty cold while tlu\\ rere here and the ground has beer overed with snow during theii tay. Services at the M. E. Churcl ext Sunday as follows : Suntla.v ehool , 10 a.m. Morning service ? 1 a. m. Class meeting 12 a. m , unior League 20 : : p. m. Ep- rorth League 6:30 p. m. Even- ig service 7'X : ) p. m. Prayei iceting Thursday evening 7'JO. lorning subject : "Christ in So iety and in the Home. " Even ig subject : * 'Remember Th.\ Creator. " This will be a spccia ermon to young ladies and youn < . nen. nen.The The recent snow seems to have icen general in theDakotas , Mont . , Xcbr.Kan. . , Mo. , low ; .nd Minn. Xo wind to cause Irifts and the earth for a thousam nrles square is mantled in white "n the south people arc rejoicin hat fall wheat will be benefited 'n the north and west stpckmei vill wonder how much hay will b equired to feed until grazing wil jo good or how much hay the ; ivill fall short , while the youn ; folks everywhere will rejoice fo the sleighing which is better tha. bceo known or years. ALF PRICE all Toys , Games , Books and Children's Playthings : . : COME EARLY and get first choice : ' : : ftft ft ftft ft DAVENPORT d THACHER OUR ANNUAL IN- ( VENTORY , JAN. , 5 all Winter ( loocls consisting of heu\y I are going to clean up our > ressgoods Outings Quilts Blankets Slothing Underwear Sliirts Leggins etc greatly reduced price . and all our stock of IvIHlvKNDALL Shoes goe at COST for Cash. This is not u .sale of undesirable rooK. ( but all uitodute Merchandise in season Groceries at Rollout Figures YOUHS FOUEUSIM 'S [ AX E. VIERTEL , . z & * * ' * ? irOETCT - / \ \ ID UUK AND oLL Xmas Handkerchiefs for children Xmas Mittens Allso our Fine Line of Xmas Candies V. A. Pettycrew - > , General' Merchandise. W. T. Bishop , Y FE ND SALE STABLE , The Wilbur Bini Your Patronage Solicited. 67) ? HEADQUARTERS FOR WINES , LIQUORS AND CIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BRANDS Dentine Nebraska Dimts of Merchants , Jlanchraen and Individuals invited. Money to loan on first-class cattle paper and other securities. State Bank Valentine i . ( Successors to Cherry County Bank. ) Ciix > itul IPnUl Tip S - i . , ' - , - _ o WHITTEMORE , President J. W. STETTERVice Preslden 'CHARLES SPARKS , Cashier . HORNBY " W. S. JACKSON ivant The place to get the best Windmill , alsc p.un'ips aiid Tanks. -First door south of the JDonoher llouse cash price paid for Hides and Purs. MOON Valentine , Nebr. o You Read The