.IB- ' ' fALENTINE DEMftCRA' EUITOF "iff/ . , llDec.ember , I DO ! TERMS ; v < > . .bscriptlon- 00 per year In a < Jvanc ' : si ' ' nn not paid i'i advance. Simile rnple6c f iMsplay adver * lrm 1 inch single column IJ er Issue or $ C. < " -i year. f/ocal Notices , ibititarlcs. Lodjo Rpsolntlcn r - Urnp r i-Hiif und Socials for Kevenne c pt-r p Brands. 1 ir clief-4.W per Aar in JHIVHUC idrtltional spapo.3 no per inch peryearenpruT ; ' 'ivk < extra ; Sl.OO each. 'artiCB living oiitsMe Cherry rountv nnt pei ally known are requested to pay In advmi' ; ' ' nrr cent additional to above rates if over hs in arrears , 'ces of losses of atock free to brand advei > r jucl"e ; a person by hi . Tlie man with 'fringe he bottom of his trousers * - , and worn out shoes ma : or of your local news ' , tlie man with the nev lew shoes on may sim f his delinquent sub Sraska Register. charge in man ; papers that tin ey as governo he saloons an ( tributed lar i * * c committee" appear tha , \y "the tern i vote , an < all the sa The Tele > permi a stolei ref uta 8 citj * ; . . . ' ) rcw : mtec Gee amue. Waggo ; 1 CoryelL . ; - 1 tl - j-cturncd " ' * K'TS"-11 , Msss lebngs ebe and auj rphR next Goose Creek Item * . S. D. Cole lias bad a slight stroke of paralysis. T Miss Melinda I. Carson' lias moved , into her new house. The school house in district No. 93 has been newly furnished. John Chaloud has purchased a top buggy. Looks suspicious ! Wm. Lee and bride have re turned , from their'short wedding tour. tour.M. M. W. Viah is giving free treat ment in magnetic healing on Sat urdays. C. E. Colby , wh o has been in disposed for some time has gone to Oregon in search of health. t i Elza Vandergirft has started for Eugene , Oregon to look at the country with a view of locating. A large herd of cattle belonging to the Standard Cattle Co. were taken to their winter jiuarters on Goose Creek. The box social given on the 14th proved a success both socially and financially. The amount now on hand for the purchase of an organ is § 38.50. X. Y. Z. of Wood JLukc School \ Grammer Dept. . No. pupils enrolled. . 41. Average daily attendance. 33. Neither absent nor tardy. Edna Cunningham , Miller Wag ner , Kosa Harr , Roy Wagner , Ara Johnson , Lee Stilwell , Lily .McNamee , Harvey McNamee , uMattie Parks , Wilbur Parks , Blanche Rutt , Gracie Waggoner , Hazel Valentine , Vivian1 iToting. Lillian Hcdrick. TEacner. primary Dept. . " No. of pupils enrolled , 57 ; aver age daily attendance , . 47 ; those nther absent nor tardy are , Ecl- d , Joe and Charlie Kounoiisky , " e Devore , Ray , Ralph , ana ker , Freddie Harr , D wight . in McNameeClint Day , Va Richardson , Delia da ifoung , May , El- * rge Pearson , Callie \ and Arthur Wag ner , Russell Wel- t ' * ' 3ON , Teacher. 1EVOKED. wn tlie Law . iSOll. any years a Vashington ion to free t ' told this ' , " surrcu- ' of a Penn- mo- V'Q ns , 1 Ior an * - ? it b.cen Utncn-\ * " * ' - \ to"eitbeTJO jslsrtii--- otlier ve ever General and pcr- intend cnbrc of _ lnd\anapo - * " „ , In each pound package of Coffee from now until Christmas will be found a free game , amusingand instructive 5o different kinds. Get Lion Coffee and a Free Game at Your Grocers. BOHLE'S Restaurant and Bakery Short Order Meals and Lunches. ( ) YSTEBS Served in any Style' Fine Candies , Fruit. . Fresh. Roasted Peanuto Tobaccos .and Cigars OPEN DAY and NIGHT E , R Bohle , TO ABOLISH PASSES. Bnt It Isn't Likely TIu-.x FzXenuly Lawmakers Will Be Cut Off. According to the New York Commer cial , the railroads in tlie Trunk Line as sociation are to issue fewer compli mentary passes in future and to show less favor to politicians. Not only will they enforce the autipass 'pact more riskily than heretofore , but the presi dent's private Ijsts are to be restricted. The politicians , who have been alto gether too irenerous in the use of free transportation for themselves and friends , are to be curbed. On this sub ject the Commercial says : "It is not believed these barnacles can be absolutely and entirely removed , but it is thought they can be trimmed down so as not ro be so mu li of a drag and imposition on transportation de partments as well as less able to sup ply passes or free tickets to friends and others who have not the remotest right to ride over a railroad without paying fare. - "The ability thus to take advantage of the railroads has been a great boon to many politicians , to whom the privi lege has been invaluable in maintain ing a prestige among influential con stituents. " It is hoped , but not expected , that the railroads will be as good as their word and stop issuing passes to those "who have not the remotest right to ride without paying fareBut this brings up the important question of who are entitled to free rides. Surely all senators and congressmen and all state legislators and councilmen in large cities who vote lands , fran chises and other favors worth millions to the railroads are entitled to some recognition. They will not without some consideration vote to give the railroads what belongs to the people. How many congressmen , for instance , would this winter vote for Babcock's 'ill for a union station in Washington their passes were taken away from TO ? This station is to be built prac- Uy by the city of Washington and ted to the railroads. The doua- which will include the rights of > the station , is estimated to be ome ? uO,000,000 to the railroads. ; one act the railroads could rd to carry free for twenty ' - only the congressmen who but all of their near rela- ilroads arc too well mau- v such a horrible mistake , . asses to their legislative itil they possess cvery- . - " " ' -viiig above ground or hely control legislators ' funds and political 'roads "afford to stop s to politicians. It at they are near these goals to make 'And yet they are - > f Surgeons. son in godliness to - his hands after . . says the Chi- ks of course ' elbow , so ' * the cra- - . - . r nail. with ' 'Us is' rure . * ' ' < # & , THE SEWING MACHINE. UnsncccnsSnl Inventions * That Pre ceded Howe's Pnient In 1S1O. : The technical beginning of the sew ing machine Industry in th's country was Sept. 10 , 1840 , when Ei.ir ; Howe , Fr. , obtained a patent f < , ' - w ito the lirt-t iv. . 'y p . wchine. Only t. , . . u. . e jachines WPIV . . . t . i -.10 of these was t.c ; . . , . . 't oince in Vrashlu. I. . . . . ; . - , , . - ! . it was not unt'il after * . _ . ' , " _ . < - tory for 'the making'-of - " . _ . .r- rhlnos was built , to die ev t s agss of today has ; , ro\vn , - lalf contur. . While Howe's inout'- . ' . . . . . . . jeginning of a sncct-tr. . 1 , , . k- t ! \yas by no means tii > ; . ' t'r ff forts to stil.gtitv.te i. . , : -hr : . If. - ' sewing. As far back as 177 * Vlsop pnlcnfecl in r. ' ! frtl : . - , t . > Cor embroldcrhijr. " ' - * ! or enibroiclcring in id by .Tohn Dir.cn : i ' ; , . . : - later * . . . . ' ty-five ycu-s ; .in . : nained Ilcilmaapa. . . . ' . . . - . } . . ' . " : . .r ombroidprinc : inh' ; . The firRi n-'v' , ! /j'Mf / : J- " 1-rio- ehanical t-\i. . ; , u--'tn - . " .vrnf Thomas Saint , wlv ' f' s . : it hi England in 1700 fur ; ' v-b-h executed the o'J cr * It was not a snccc "I o * HIP feature's of the S. I - > : / ] > ar in the porfeK d in. ' ' " ' , * v Bartholcnr " hlint ' 'In ' France in ISM tl - ' : : - hino pnt to practice : ! 'bC ( . El ; I ? - of his machines wero in rs ? f' r scv.ig army clolh'us : in 1H1. v.hrn a r.iob de- 'troyod theia becnr.so convi-c.'d th"y svoulil drive scnmste.cros or.t of em ployment. Tlriinoiry.er I'ti.'lt now and .letter macho : , but all his work was igfiin destroyed by anry ju"tians In IS4S. John .7. Greenourn took out the first patent for a sewinmachine ff-uod in ' .he United Stales in 1S42. ft was in tended to r"\v leather , but v/rs of no prncilcr.l u-e. V 'alter llur.t of Nrw York 1'U'lt a sewing machine in 1334. but f'IpvT to protect it l-y a patent. After Hole's macliine r. ' : -c.n.rc'l Hunt declTed it pnil'odicd the ideas "of his ni'dpie ft 1834. but he was uiale ! : to csUi/.Ish bis claim. A small army of inventors appeared aftey Howe's patent had proved sue- and tho'r r1 ° " o p" tin.5r rv- rf tr.n- hiio. y li < ' i'"f < irt"ded s shn n ir the S.n pt't , "s for FPW- * nrr ! nachi"ps r'--'n " ' i - nrd ' - ' " - iv'th" V fact I1 < % < ! . - -y i the w The President's Gospel of Hope. Business Notices. Nutn'p.s inirtcr ih'.s lieaiilni ; 5 o 't > t > p r line fneli 1113'TtImi. Amoli * n-'iduiR mutter. 'Ine I All kinds of heavy hardware and , wagon wood stock at E. Breuklanders. 20-tf 50 hem i of horses for ale or ex change . Sear ! ) ) Bros Crook.ston , 37 rf ! finite. ] ) for-Salt * or Leant' ! ! 16 quarter sections , good range , ha\ u'itnr awl timber Will run 300 ht * - < l of stock For information addn't * . box tjo 154 , ( tordonVbr r I. M RICK , V ilMiMHH Nubt 42-tf this 4int ami - > " IIJi ,1 i'.Ji t- ll'-Cl -J.t - iH.ll > t \ , I " " " ' VALI1IM2 P > Ml CKAT mi ! h. ; _ Hiti XIM ( > ii , dill. > w i\i I make a u-uighi r t < - o ! one dollar | ) r \IHI- ( h { > lIiiV mt fli.d hem ) it with aears * - : > vcriition | in uil\m < lO'jether "uh \ h t \nu now ( -llh jot .i tu liec 16 , ' 02. Taken out rf my pasture two north of Valentine Nov 7 , 1902 , one ijarge t n mare five years juy old fouj white feet and face , branEIJil dnd on left shoulder. Also one con three white feet , Q&ia white spot in foreheaii branded QJconnected on left shoulder. Xl o lostnn UM.SP bud agi no abom MX wi eks ago one- tour year old buckskin gelding black man * ' ami tail bia.ided , ; jf connei-ti-d on left shoulder. A liberal reward paid for their lecovery. GEO ( IAMM Valentine Neb. TIME TABLE// / / r em t Northern Line at O'n.-ili , Sebr GODB ! Kast. Going West. Lca\'e * 10:10 a.m. " Arrives 9BO p. IB. Tassenger. dally exrept Sunday. ; onnecttons with Elkhorn trains eaat and west-bound from all poiats west of O'Neill. Shortest route to sloux City and beyond. Through connections fur Sioux Falls , Minne apolis. St. Paul and 11 points north and west. Buy local tickets to O'Nrlll FRED KO KRS , G. P. A. Sioux City. Iowa Report of School Dist. 49 , for month beginning Nov , 10 , 1902 , and ending Dec. 5 , 1902. No. of p upils enrolled 10. Average daily attendance 9. Those not absent during the month were ; Ada , Alice William and Lyle Steele , Luic and Roy Starr and Freddie Deni- son. Visitors : Mrs. A. Steele and Mrs. Jas. McDowell. ALTA STARR. Teacher. Report of School Dist. No. 95. for month beginning Oct. 27. 1902 and ending Nov. 21 , 1902. No. of pupils enrolled 6. Average daily attendance 6. No. of pupils nei ther absent nor tardy none. Between forty and fifty of thr' people of this community met au A Schlueter's ranch to enjoy a big Thanksgiving dinner. The younger people remained the en tire night and amused themselves by dancing and playing various games. A good time is reported by all. ALBERT YEAST- Teachcr. PHOTOS Talk about G-ood Photos There is none better than at the - OLD STANDBY. All sizes of Photos and at living prices. Come where the crowd gees : : .At the Art G-allery of A G , SHAW. M.GUNTHORP ' . . . Restaurant and Bakery. ; Bread. Canes , .Pies , Doughuuts & Cookies. , . , Fresh Every Day , vl rial ii'tetitiou given < > orders for leaked goods. O\stvrs served hi any Style. JEN DAY and NIGHT. NY.xt Door to Stetter's Saloon. IT Bowers & Parry. i Livery , Feed and Sale Stable , Careful Diivers , . . ll.i T. icUt Tiro First Stable East of Stetter's Saloon. THE DONOHER J. i WKBK. Proprietor. Is the l-est Kquipped/rno t 'omfortable , Largest and Ht8t Two Dollars a-Day FI.UST-UL\ > S MODKRN HOTEL In Northwestern Nebraska Hath , Hot and < 'old Water , Two Sample Rooms Ttarket PricI'aid for D ick and , VA.LEKTIN13 HEBRASKA If your CATTLE SUFFER from LICK , IICH or MANGE CHLOfiO NAPTHOLEUM Sold by Quigley & Chapman , ' Valentine , Nebr. Richards & Gomstock , EllBworth. Nebr GET AT PRINTING YOUR OFFICER imdOFFICER We Can Satisfy You in OuaHtv Price imd > f I i